Feast of the birth of the Virgin. Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary


On September 21, the Orthodox celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Orthodox Church understands this event itself as the beginning of the fulfillment of the salvation of the human race from death promised by God. She was born who miraculously gave the world a Son - the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So that you can beautifully congratulate your family and friends on this wonderful holiday, we have selected for you congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, sincere words in verse and prose, as well as congratulatory pictures.

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Congratulations on the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary to all Christians! May love, happiness, goodness and joy descend upon you. May the Virgin Mary help in all endeavors, and may the hearts be filled with pure faith.

Hundreds of candles burn in temples,
And go to kneel
There are millions of people before the saint.

Mother of God Virgin Mary,
Cover us from trouble, protect us.
You, who gave birth to a son for God,
Forgive us, your sinful children.

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin,
I want to ask for love
To make it come true that the soul really wants,
And my heart was beating in my chest.
May the Lord save from despondency
And saves you from anger
Turn to heaven in prayer
And the Lord will not pass by words.

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
I wish you happiness and endless strength,
Let sorrows and sorrows rush away forever,
And the house will not knock, neither bitterness nor trouble.
Hope lives in the soul, and faith will not pass,
And even in a dark heart, love always lives,
I want everything in the world to open to heaven,
And visited on a holiday, again an Orthodox church.

May the Mother of God by her holy power
Will fill souls and fill every home
Boundless happiness, pure light and peace,
Kindness, love, faith in God and warmth.

Happy Mother of God Day, I congratulate you,
Let only kind words sound
Let the joy in life not leave you -
With all my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas!

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
All sorrows and sorrows will go away.
May your soul be filled with happiness
And prayers will reach heaven.

May our heavenly intercessor,
It will help you in your undertakings.
Life will become like a fairy tale,
It's like heaven on earth.

Christmas today is unusual -
Feast of the Holy Mother of God!
May your luck be personal
Joy is not bypassed.

May all prayers be answered
Let love fill your heart suddenly!
Believe in miracles, believe in higher powers!
And in the warmth of holy magical hands!

I congratulate you today
Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin,
And I wish - let in life from now on
Happiness with joy is always found.

Let in your soul tender, vulnerable
Faith in a miracle lives to the end,
If you believe, with divine help
Miracles always happen!

Merry Christmas my dear
My dear friend!
On this holiday, be happy
And let there be friends.

Christmas means everything will work out!
The Mother of God will give help,
You pray - and the desire will come true,
Only the Lord will not betray you!

I wish you Merry Christmas
And on the feast of the Holy Mother of God,
My friend, let your house be filled
Good luck, joy and warmth!

Let kindness not leave
There will always be a smile on your lips
Good dream come true
Let happiness bloom before your eyes!

Every year on September 21, the Orthodox Church celebrates a great holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was established in honor of the miraculous birth of the Virgin Mary from elderly parents - the pious Anna and Joachim. The holiday was first mentioned in the 5th century.

There is little information about the Mother of God in the New Testament. The story of her life has been brought to us by a legend according to which the parents of the Virgin Mary came from the family of David. The Church calls them the holy Fathers of God, because according to the flesh they are the ancestors of Jesus.

Miraculously, the Divine Providence for the salvation of mankind manifested itself on Anna and Joachim: after 50 years of married life, the childless Anna conceived and gave birth to the Mother of God. Even before the birth of the girl, the Angel gave her the name Mary. She became the only and most holy Virgin Who was foretold to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah: “Behold, a Virgin in the womb will bear and bear a Son, and they will call His name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).

History of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

According to legend, the place where the Mother of God was born is in Jerusalem. However, in the Russian Orthodox Church, the version put forward by St. Dmitry of Rostov became widespread: that the Virgin Mary was born in Nazareth, where her parents lived.

Nazareth was a small town, unremarkable. The Jews even spoke of him somewhat contemptuously: "Can something good come from Nazareth?" The pious couple of Anna and Joachim lived in this city, who were chosen by the Lord to become the forefathers of the Savior of people. Anna came from a priestly family, and Joachim from the family of King David. Anna's niece, the righteous Elizabeth, became the cousin of the Virgin Mary and the mother of John the Baptist.

Joachim was a wealthy man, kept a large number of cattle. Despite their wealth, throughout their lives the righteous couple believed in God and were merciful to people. For this, they were loved and respected by their neighbors. The existence of spouses was overshadowed only by childlessness, which among the Jews was considered God's punishment. They constantly asked the Lord to give them a baby. But the older they got, the weaker was the hope.

Once Joachim, bringing a gift to God, heard a cruel reproach addressed to him from another Jew: “Why do you want to bring your gifts to the Lord before others? After all, you, being barren, are not worthy of this? Hearing this, Joachim was very upset. Out of great grief, he went into the wilderness for prayer and fasting.

Upon learning of this, Anna felt herself the culprit of their childlessness, and began to pray even more fervently that the Lord would hear her and send them a child. During one of her prayers, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her and said: “Your request has been heard by God. Soon you will conceive and give birth to a blessed Daughter who will be higher than all earthly daughters. Call her Mary." Upon hearing the joyful news, Anna promised to give the child to the service of the Lord.

Archangel Gabriel also appeared to Joachim. He also told the saint great news and ordered him to go to Jerusalem, where he would meet his wife at the Golden Gate. Joachim hastened to Jerusalem, taking with him gifts for God and the priests.

At the Golden Gate, Joachim met with Anna. They told each other about the miraculous appearance of the Angel of the Lord. They spent some more time in Jerusalem, and then returned home to Nazareth. Nine months later, Anna gave birth to a daughter, who was named Mary.

When the girl was one year old, her father arranged a feast, to which he called the elders, priests and all his acquaintances. During the celebration, he showed his Daughter to all those present and asked the clergy to bless her.

According to church traditions, the Virgin Mary was born at a time when religion was in decline and various prejudices gained great popularity. Every year the moral strength of the people was depleted. Believers understood that only some extraordinary event, God's intervention in earthly affairs, could save spirituality. The Son of God decided to take on the human image in order to come to earth and save mankind from sins. Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus because she led a very pious life. She devoted herself entirely to the service of the Lord. From childhood, the Virgin Mary diligently studied, studying the Holy Scriptures, therefore she was ideally suited to fulfill this important mission.

The Nativity of the Mother of God is celebrated as the day on which God's providence began to be carried out regarding the salvation of the human race from devilish inventions. The holiday is also associated with the day of childbirth. Women who dreamed of knowing the joy of motherhood invited guests to dinner and ordered a service in the church.

Icon "Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

The icon "Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos" helps everyone who turns to her with their requests. It protects from all evil, averts misfortune, helps to heal the human soul and guides on the true path. Also, childless people pray at the holy image, dreaming that the Lord would give them a child.

The Virgin Mary was born at a time when people reached such a limit of moral decline, in which their rebellion already seemed impossible. The greatest minds of that era often spoke openly about the fact that the Lord must descend into the world in order to prevent the destruction of mankind. The Son of God for the salvation of people wanted to take on human nature. He chose the Most Pure Virgin Mary as His Mother.

The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated by the Church as a day of universal joy. On this bright day, at the turn of the Old and New Testaments, the Virgin Mary was born, who became the Mother of the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. All over the earth, believing people worthily honor with praises and songs the One who dispelled the darkness of gracelessness in the world and delivered mankind from eternal death.

The Virgin Mary was born in the Galilean city of Nazareth. Her parents were the righteous Joachim and Anna, who kept all the commandments of the Lord and were known to those around them for their mercy and humility. They lived comfortably, in the possession of Joachim there were numerous flocks. The spouses spent one third of their income on themselves, the second was distributed to the poor, and the third was donated to the temple.

The couple was childless. In the Jewish people, childlessness was considered God's punishment for sins, so the holy and righteous Joachim and Anna had to endure unjust reproach from their compatriots. Having lived to old age, Joachim and Anna made a vow to the Lord that the child that He would send them would be dedicated to serving God in the temple.

On one of the holidays, Joachim offered his sacrifice to the Lord in the Jerusalem temple, but the high priest did not accept it, calling the elder unworthy, because of his childlessness. In deep grief, Saint Joachim went into the wilderness, where he remained in prayer and fasting for 40 days. Saint Anna, having learned about what happened in the Jerusalem temple, wept bitterly, but did not grumble at the Lord, but on the contrary began to pray even more fervently, invoking the mercy of God. The Lord fulfilled the request of the righteous spouses, and soon the Archangel Gabriel brought them the joyful news that they would have a Daughter, through whom salvation would be given to the whole world.

With her purity and virtue, the Blessed Virgin Mary surpassed all people and appeared as God's temple and "the Heavenly Door, introducing Christ into the Universe for the salvation of human souls."

At the age of three, the Blessed Virgin was brought into the temple. Many relatives and friends of Anna and Joachim gathered in Nazareth for the celebration of the dedication. After entering the city and seven days of purification by prayer and fasting, the righteous parents with the people accompanying them approached the temple, leading their daughter. High Priest Zechariah and other priests came out of the temple to meet them.

The porch leading to the temple consisted of 15 high steps. Parents put Maria on the first step and, to the great surprise of those around her, the girl climbed to the very top without outside help, where she was received by the high priest Zacharias. According to legend, he led her into the Holy of Holies, where, during her stay in the temple, Mary was allowed to freely enter for prayer.

After the introduction, the parents made a thanksgiving sacrifice and returned home, and Mary was left at the temple to be brought up with other virgins. Her life at the temple was distinguished by special holiness and purity. She got up at dawn and prayed three times a day, and the rest of the time she read the books of the Holy Scriptures and did needlework.

When Mary was about 9 years old, her righteous parents died: first her father, and then her mother.

Virginal purity, respected in Christianity, was not considered a virtue by the Jews. All the virgins brought up in the temple, upon reaching the age, had to enter into marriage. At the age of fourteen, the high priest announced to Mary that soon she would have to leave the temple and get married, to which the Blessed Virgin replied that she was dedicated to God and wanted to keep her virginity all her life. She made a vow of eternal virginity.

When Mary reached the age of majority, an elderly husband, Joseph the Betrothed, was found for her, who treated her vow with respect and understanding. In his house, Mary worked on making purple yarn for the temple curtain. During spinning, the Annunciation took place.

After the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph fled from King Herod to Egypt, and after his death returned to Nazareth. The Mother of God was present at Golgotha ​​during the crucifixion of Christ, and, according to Christian tradition, Christ after His resurrection appeared first of all to Her. After the Ascension of the Lord, Mary lived in the house of John the Theologian, and three days before her Assumption, an angel appeared to Her and announced that Her soul would be separated from the body, and then there would be a miraculous reunion and bodily ascension to heaven.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin: traditions, customs and signs

The birth of the Mother of God is associated with the time when the great and comforting promises of God about the salvation of the human race from the slavery of the devil began to be fulfilled. The birth of the Blessed Mary was the threshold of the appearance on earth of the Son of God, God in the flesh. All her life, and even after her Dormition, the Most Pure Mother of God intercedes before the Lord for the gift of eternal bliss to people.

In the people this holiday has received the following names:

  • Mistresses;
  • Small Most Pure;
  • Aspozhki;
  • Relax the day;
  • Second Osenins;
  • Second meeting of autumn;
  • Spasov (Aspasov) day;
  • apiary day;
  • Bow day;
  • Onion Tear Day.

In Rus', on this day, they celebrated the harvest festival, which was also called osporinki or autumn. They celebrated it for several days, or even a whole week, it all depended on how rich the harvest turned out to be. This holiday was considered the end of summer. It was customary to greet mother autumn with oatmeal bread: the oldest woman held the bread, and the rest sang songs and asked the Mother of God "to save the soul from maeta and overgrowth, and sanctify their life." Then the bread was broken into pieces and distributed piece by piece to those present. Each woman took her piece to the barn and fed the cattle bit by bit.

Even on this day, they went to the springs and prayed to the Blessed Virgin, because in the popular imagination Her birth was associated with crystal clear water. The water in the springs was first consecrated, and then collected and carried home to drink in a sip in the morning.

According to tradition, relatives came to visit the newlyweds on this day. The young family was supposed to show order in the yard and in the house, brag about the goods acquired from the day of marriage, as well as household utensils and new clothes. The main things on the table were beer and a ruddy loaf, symbolizing the sun and the forces of nature. The guests praised the young spouses and gave them instructions.

Notes of the day:

  1. What a day, such an autumn will be.
  2. If a cobweb lies on the plants, then in the coming days the weather will be warm.
  3. The red sky promises wind and rain.
  4. Frosty frost on the grass - to rain.
  5. Aspen leaves fall face down to the ground - by a cold winter.
  6. The more husks on the onion, the more severe the winter will be.
  7. Migratory birds fly low - to a cold snap.

Video: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


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Every year on September 21, believers celebrate an amazing holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Mother of God. According to legend, this is the birthday of the Mother of the Savior, which is why it is celebrated so widely. People visit the temple, pray to the Holy Mother of God, ask her for protection, help and blessings. We have prepared for you kind and warm congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Congratulations in verses on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the great feast of the Mother of God of birth
Compiled this charming congratulations!
A wonderful, heavenly sign -
Blooming suddenly, inadvertently, a flower!
The light will come, the goodness of the Lady herself,
Clouds are scattered in the sky...
And every believer will suddenly rise in his soul,
And the burden will become like a fluff, light!
Rejoice: joy has descended,
And there is no more evil in the world!

I congratulate you today
May Mary keep you from sorrows,
May the family be happy.

I wish you peace and joy
Mercy, warmth in the heart,
The Mother of God surrounds with joy
And will give you a lot of good.

Let the soul be filled with bright faith.
You - love, kindness and patience,
To remove all doubts.

So that beautiful happiness shines on you,
It would not be a bad time.
And healthy so that all loved ones are
The sun would warm!

All sorrows and sorrows will go away.
May your soul be filled with happiness
And prayers will reach heaven.
May our heavenly intercessor,
It will help you in your undertakings.
Life will become like a fairy tale,
It's like heaven has arrived on earth.

Merry Christmas to you
Congratulations, sincerely!
May the heavens be pure and gentle,
And let peace live in the soul forever.

May health never fail
Let love warm you with warmth.
I sincerely congratulate you!
Congratulations on a wonderful celebration!

I congratulate you today.
May there be health and strength
May the family be happy.

Let the Queen of Heaven keep
From troubles and despondency, from quarrels.
Let it be filled with light
Beautiful, worthy of your house.

I congratulate you today

And I wish - let in life from now on
Happiness with joy is always found.
Let in your soul tender, vulnerable
Faith in a miracle lives to the end,
If you believe, with divine help
Miracles always happen!

Nativity of the Virgin - with us,
This is such a wonderful holiday!
We congratulate you in simple words,
We wish you well with all our heart,

And we wish you good luck
So that success never goes away!
We congratulate you today with verses,
And in honor of the holiday, we will sit down at the table!

The sky lit up with radiance -
On this day, the Mother of God was born!
Happy holiday to everyone,
Peace, good health.
We live with her image
We carry faith in our hearts.
Take care of our souls
Save and save us!

May she be with you forever
Let sorrows and sorrows disappear
And love will reign in the soul.

May the Mother of God keep you
And always gives health
Let it cover with the warmth of grace,
Giving life without worries and hassles!

Filling my heart with joy,
The holiday is coming to you great.
Fulfilled all the prophecies
Enlightening hearts and faces.
Birth of the Mother of God -
The news is truly wonderful!
Let the blessing come
Happiness sent down to you!

May the Mother of God by her holy power
Will fill souls and fill every home
Boundless happiness, pure light and peace,
Kindness, love, faith in God and warmth.
Happy Mother of God Day, I congratulate you,
Let only kind words sound
Let the joy in life not leave you -
With all my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas!

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
May our hearts be filled with happiness
May grace come down to us from heaven,
Faith will save sinful souls.

To the Mother of God Virgin Mary
We turn our prayers
We ask that her kindness, strength
Saved us, saved and forgave us.

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Hundreds of candles burn in temples,
And go to kneel
There are millions of people before the saint.

Mother of God Virgin Mary,
Cover us from trouble, protect us.
You, who gave birth to a son for God,
Forgive us, your sinful children.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Let him revive faith in souls,
Holy Mother of God
May he bless us for good.

Holy Mother of God Christmas -
Reason for joy and rejoicing!
May a bright celebration come to you
Accept wishes now!
May from the Virgin Mary in your destiny
Happiness will surely come!
May this day be the best of days
And change everything overnight!

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin,
The holiday is bright, great and joyful,
In honor of the most worthy birthday girl,
The bell ringing is heard, blessed!

I congratulate you on this holiday,
May Faith live in your soul,
I wish you great happiness
May happiness always await you!

Mother of God today is Christmas!
Congratulations! Congratulations!
Let the magic overshadow you
Grace is all around.

Heaven with azure kindness
Keep warm all the time.
Let peace live in the soul,
The burden will not be heavy.

Christmas today is unusual -
Feast of the Holy Mother of God!
May your luck be personal
Joy is not bypassed.
May all prayers be answered
Let love fill your heart suddenly!
Believe in miracles, believe in higher powers!
And in the warmth of holy magical hands!

Let goodness bloom in the soul
Only happiness fills the heart
And fun will look out the window!

This holiday inspires
Only joy and peace and love.
Let the doubts go away
And luck comes again!

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
I wish you from the bottom of my heart -
May dreams and wishes come true
Life will be filled with happiness to the brim.

May the Lord surround you with faith
A good angel will protect from troubles,
And you feel with every minute -
A bright spirit flies over the earth.

Wishes on the feast of the Virgin Mary are always special. They are filled with warmth, kindness, harmony, tenderness and awe. On our site only the most beautiful congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Mother of God .

Congratulations on the Nativity of the Virgin in prose

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on this wonderful holy holiday! I wish you peace of mind, family harmony, strong love and good intentions! May the Blessed Virgin Mary protect you and your loved ones!

On September 21, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated. I wish that on this holiday your heart is filled with joy, and your soul with peace. I wish you family well-being, happiness and success in all our affairs.

Today is a bright holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you lightness and a holiday in your soul, family happiness, love and trust, right life decisions, honesty, good nature and mercy.

I congratulate you on the great Orthodox holiday. Let the greatness and purity of this holiday give you joy and happiness, and let faith only become sincere and stronger. I wish that in life there is always a place for big and small miracles.

Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary! I wish that prayers to God be heard, that a miracle happens every day, that the Lord extends a helping hand in a moment of hardship, and an angel stands behind your shoulder in moments of joy.

Congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary! For every orthodox Christian, this is a bright, joyful and great holiday. I wish you that on this bright holiday your heart overflows with happiness and faith.

Congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I wish you a bright and kind path through life, on which you will meet only good people, I wish you pure and good thoughts of the soul, with which you will make your life happier and more joyful. May every day bring grace and peace, may the Most Holy Theotokos protect from hardship and trouble.

In the small town of Nazareth, there lived a family that could not have children. They spent their free time in prayer. They asked the Lord to give them the opportunity to experience the joy of fatherhood and motherhood. One day, Joachim, as always, brought the gifts of offering to the church, but they refused him and did not take anything, explaining that he was childless. Infertility in Israel was considered the greatest misfortune. From grief, incurable mental pain, he went to the desert. Meanwhile, Anna found out about what had happened, went into her garden, sat down under a laurel tree and wept. On a tree, she saw a nest in which there were chicks. “Even birds have children, and we don’t have such consolation in old age,” thought Anna. Suddenly, an angel appeared to her, who said that she would have a daughter. Her name will be Mary, and it is she who will bring salvation to people.

At the same time, an angel appeared to Joachim and told the same thing. Joyful Joachim went to the Golden Gate, where he met the praying Anna. Nine months later (September 21, according to the new style), they had a daughter, whom they named Mary.

Let the soul be filled with bright faith.
You - love, kindness and patience,
To remove all doubts.

So that beautiful happiness shines on you,
It would not be a bad time.
And healthy so that all loved ones are
The sun would warm!

Merry Christmas
I congratulate you today.
May there be health and strength
May the family be happy.

Let the Queen of Heaven keep
From troubles and despondency, from quarrels.
Let it be filled with light
Beautiful, worthy of your house.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on this wonderful holy holiday! I wish you peace of mind, family harmony, strong love and good intentions! May the Blessed Virgin Mary protect you and your loved ones!

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin,
I congratulate you on the holiday
May Mary always keep you
Let it save you in adversity more than once.

Let him hide from pain and sorrow
Maternal, cozy warmth,
May it fill you with love and joy
Your soul, heart and home.

May she be with you forever
Let sorrows and sorrows disappear
And love will reign in the soul.

May the Mother of God keep you
And always gives health
Let it cover with the warmth of grace,
Giving life without worries and hassles!

Merry Christmas
I congratulate you with all my heart!
Let her take care of you
So that troubles pass by!

Only peace, health, good luck
I wish you at this hour
And great prosperity in addition,
And happy, shining eyes!

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Hundreds of candles burn in temples,
And go to kneel
There are millions of people before the saint.

Mother of God Virgin Mary,
Cover us from trouble, protect us.
You, who gave birth to a son for God,
Forgive us, your sinful children.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Let him revive faith in souls,
Holy Mother of God
May he bless us for good.

Let goodness bloom in the soul
Only happiness fills the heart
And fun will look out the window!

This holiday inspires
Only joy and peace and love.
Let the doubts go away
And luck comes again!

Merry Christmas
I heartily congratulate you.
Let the soul be filled with joy
In this joyful, festive hour.

I wish warm, sincere prayers
For family, for myself and friends.
Grace from heaven, like a spark,
Illuminate so that life becomes fuller.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin -
The holiday is bright, great and joyful.
In honor of the most worthy birthday girl
The bell ringing is heard, blessed!

I congratulate you on this holiday.
Let faith live in your soul.
I wish you great happiness.
May you always be lucky in everything!

Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
And what do you sincerely ask with your heart,
Everything will be fulfilled at this hour.

I wish you peace in your heart,
Good and bright thoughts always.
And health, so as not to worry,
Trouble sidestepped.

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