Causes of the Crimean War 1853 1856 without. Crimean War (briefly)

  • the aggravation of the "Eastern Question", i.e., the struggle of the leading countries for the division of the "Turkish heritage";
  • the growth of the national liberation movement in the Balkans, the acute internal crisis in Turkey and the conviction of Nicholas I of the inevitability of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire;
  • the miscalculations of the diplomacy of Nicholas 1, which manifested itself in the hope that Austria, in gratitude for its salvation in 1848-1849, would support Russia, it would be possible to agree with England on the division of Turkey; as well as disbelief in the possibility of an agreement between the eternal enemies - England and France, directed against Russia, "
  • the desire of England, France, Austria and Prussia to oust Russia from the East, the desire to prevent its penetration into the Balkans

The reason for the Crimean war of 1853-1856:

The dispute between the Orthodox and Catholic churches for the right to control Christian shrines in Palestine. Russia was behind the Orthodox Church, and France was behind the Catholic Church.

Stages of military operations of the Crimean War:

1. Russian-Turkish war (May - December 1853). After the Turkish sultan rejected the ultimatum on granting the Russian Tsar the right to patronize the Orthodox citizens of the Ottoman Empire, the Russian army occupied Moldavia, Wallachia and all the way to the Danube. The Caucasian Corps went on the offensive. The Black Sea squadron achieved great success, which in November 1853 under the command of Pavel Nakhimov destroyed the Turkish fleet in the battle of Sinop.

2. The beginning of the war between Russia and a coalition of European countries (spring - summer 1854). the threat of defeat looming over Turkey prompted European countries to take active anti-Russian actions, which led from a local war to a pan-European war.

March. England and France took the side of Turkey (Sardinian). Allied squadrons fired on Russian troops; fortification on the Alan Islands in the Baltic, on the Solovki, in the White Sea, on the Kola Peninsula, in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kerch. Austria, threatening Russia with war, moved troops to the borders of the Danubian principalities, which forced the Russian armies to leave Moldavia and Wallachia.

3. Defense of Sevastopol and the end of the war. In September 1854, the Anglo-French The army landed in the Crimea, which turned into the main "theater" of the war. This is the last stage of the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

The Russian army led by Menshikov was defeated on the river. Alma left Sevastopol defenseless. The defense of the sea fortress, after the flooding of the sailing fleet in the Sevastopol bay, was taken over by sailors led by Admirals Kornilov, Nakhimov Istomin (all died). In the first days of October 1854, the defense of the city began and was taken only on August 27, 1855.

In the Caucasus, successful actions in November 1855, the capture of the fortress of Kars. However, with the fall of Sevastopol, the outcome of the war was predetermined: March 1856. peace talks in Paris.

Terms of the Paris Peace Treaty (1856)

Russia was losing Southern Bessarabia with the mouth of the Danube, and Kars was returning to Turkey in exchange for Sevastopol.

  • Russia was deprived of the right to protect the Christians of the Ottoman Empire
  • The Black Sea was declared neutral and Russia lost the right to have a navy and fortifications there.
  • Established freedom of navigation on the Danube, which opened the Baltic Peninsula for Western powers

Causes of Russia's defeat in the Crimean War.

  • Economic and technical backwardness (weapons and transport support of the Russian armies)
  • The mediocrity of the Russian high ground command, which achieved ranks and titles through intrigue, flattery
  • Diplomatic miscalculations that led Russia to isolation in the war with the coalition of England, France, Turkey, with the hostile attitude of Austria, Prussia.
  • The apparent disparity of forces

Thus, the Crimean War of 1853-1856,

1) at the beginning of the reign of Nicholas 1, Russia managed to acquire a number of territories in the East and expand its spheres of influence

2) the suppression of the revolutionary movement in the West brought Russia the title of "gendarme of Europe", but did not meet its nat. interests

3) the defeat in the Crimean War revealed the backwardness of Russia; the rottenness of its autocratic-serf system. Revealed errors in foreign policy, the goals of which did not correspond to the capabilities of the country

4) this defeat became a decisive and direct factor in the preparation and implementation of the abolition of serfdom in Russia

5) the heroism and selflessness of Russian soldiers during the Crimean War remained in the memory of the people and influenced the development of the spiritual life of the country.

The reasons for the war were in the contradictions between the European powers in the Middle East, in the struggle of European states for influence on the weakening and gripped by the national liberation movement of the Ottoman Empire. Nicholas I said that the inheritance of Turkey can and should be divided. In the upcoming conflict, the Russian emperor counted on the neutrality of Great Britain, which he promised after the defeat of Turkey new territorial acquisitions of Crete and Egypt, as well as on the support of Austria, as a gratitude for Russia's participation in the suppression of the Hungarian revolution. However, Nicholas's calculations turned out to be wrong: England herself pushed Turkey to war, thus seeking to weaken Russia's position. Austria also did not want to strengthen Russia in the Balkans.

The reason for the war was a dispute between the Catholic and Orthodox clergy in Palestine about who would be the guardian of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and the temple in Bethlehem. At the same time, it was not about access to holy places, since all pilgrims used them on an equal footing. The dispute over the Holy Places cannot be called a far-fetched pretext for unleashing a war.


During the Crimean War, two stages are distinguished:

I stage of the war: November 1853 - April 1854 Turkey was Russia's enemy, and hostilities took place on the Danube and Caucasian fronts. In 1853, Russian troops entered the territory of Moldavia and Wallachia, and hostilities on land were sluggish. In the Caucasus, the Turks were defeated near Kars.

II stage of the war: April 1854 - February 1856 Concerned that Russia would completely defeat Turkey, England and France, in the person of Austria, delivered an ultimatum to Russia. They demanded that Russia refuse to patronize the Orthodox population of the Ottoman Empire. Nicholas I could not accept such conditions. Türkiye, France, England and Sardinia united against Russia.


The results of the war:

On February 13 (25), 1856, the Paris Congress began, and on March 18 (30) a peace treaty was signed.

Russia returned the city of Kars with a fortress to the Ottomans, receiving in exchange Sevastopol, Balaklava and other Crimean cities captured from it.

The Black Sea was declared neutral (that is, open to commercial and closed to military ships in peacetime), with the prohibition of Russia and the Ottoman Empire to have navies and arsenals there.

Navigation along the Danube was declared free, for which the Russian borders were moved away from the river and part of Russian Bessarabia with the mouth of the Danube was annexed to Moldavia.

Russia was deprived of the protectorate over Moldavia and Wallachia granted to it by the Kyuchuk-Kaynardzhysky peace of 1774 and the exclusive protection of Russia over the Christian subjects of the Ottoman Empire.

Russia pledged not to build fortifications on the Aland Islands.

During the war, the members of the anti-Russian coalition failed to achieve all their goals, but managed to prevent the strengthening of Russia in the Balkans and deprive it of the Black Sea Fleet.

The article briefly describes the Crimean War of 1853-1856, which influenced the further development of Russia and became the direct cause for the reforms of Alexander II. The war revealed a significant gap between Russia and Europe both in the military field and in all spheres of government.

  1. Causes of the Crimean War
  2. Course of the Crimean War
  3. Results of the Crimean War

Causes of the Crimean War

  • The reason for the Crimean War was the aggravation by the middle of the 19th century. eastern question. The Western powers showed an increased interest in the territories of the weakening Ottoman Empire in Europe, and plans were made for the possible division of these territories. Russia was interested in seizing control over the Black Sea straits, which was necessary economically. The strengthening of Russia would allow it to expand its influence in this region, which worried Western countries. They adhered to the policy of maintaining a weak Turkey as a source of constant danger to the Russian Empire. Turkey was promised the Crimea and the Caucasus as a reward for a successful war with Russia.
  • The central reason for the war was the struggle of the Russian and French clergy for the possession of holy places in Palestine. Nicholas I, in the form of an ultimatum, declared to the government of Turkey that he recognized the right of the Russian emperor to provide assistance to all Orthodox subjects of the Ottoman Empire (mainly the Balkan region). Hoping for the support and promises of Western powers, Türkiye rejected the ultimatum. It became clear that war could no longer be avoided.

Course of the Crimean War

  • In June 1853, Russia brings troops into the territory of Moldavia and Wallachia. The pretext is the protection of the Slavic population. In response to this, Türkiye declares war on Russia in the fall.
  • Until the end of the year, Russia's military operations are successful. It expands its sphere of influence on the Danube, wins victories in the Caucasus, the Russian squadron blocks the Turkish ports on the Black Sea.
  • Russian victories are worrisome in the West. The situation changes in 1854, when the fleet of England and France enters the Black Sea. Russia declares war on them. After that, European squadrons are sent to blockade Russian ports in the Baltic and the Far East. The blockades were demonstrative in nature, landing attempts ended in failure.
  • Russia's successes in Moldavia and Wallachia ended under pressure from Austria, which forced the withdrawal of the Russian army and itself occupied the Danubian principalities. There is a real threat of creating a pan-European coalition against Russia. Nicholas I was forced to concentrate the main forces on the western border.
  • Meanwhile, Crimea is becoming the main arena of the war. The allies block the Russian fleet in Sevastopol. Then there is a landing and the defeat of the Russian army on the river. Alma. In the autumn of 1854 the heroic defense of Sevastopol began.
  • The Russian army is still winning victories in Transcaucasia, but it is already becoming clear that the war is lost.
  • By the end of 1855, the besiegers of Sevastopol managed to capture the southern part of the city, which, however, did not lead to the surrender of the fortress. The huge number of casualties makes the allies abandon further assault attempts. The fighting actually stops.
  • In 1856, a peace treaty was signed in Paris, which is a black page in the history of Russian diplomacy. Russia was losing the Black Sea Fleet and all the bases on the Black Sea coast. Only Sevastopol remained in the hands of Russia in exchange for the Turkish fortress Kars captured in the Caucasus.

Results of the Crimean War

  • In addition to territorial concessions and losses to Russia, a serious moral blow was inflicted. Having shown its backwardness during the war, Russia was excluded from the ranks of the great powers for a long time, and was no longer perceived in Europe as a serious adversary.
  • Nevertheless, the war became a necessary lesson for Russia, exposing all its shortcomings. In society, there was an understanding of the need for significant changes. The reforms of Alexander II were a natural consequence of the defeat.

The spirit in the troops is beyond description. In the days of ancient Greece, there was not so much heroism. I have not been able to be in business a single time, but I thank God that I have seen these people and live in this glorious time.

Lev Tolstoy

The wars of the Russian and Ottoman empires were a common occurrence in the international politics of the 18th-19th centuries. In 1853, the Russian Empire of Nicholas 1 entered another war, which went down in history as the Crimean War of 1853-1856, and ended with the defeat of Russia. In addition, this war showed the strong resistance of the leading countries of Western Europe (France and Great Britain) to the strengthening of the role of Russia in Eastern Europe, in particular in the Balkans. The lost war also showed Russia itself problems in domestic politics, which led to many problems. Despite victories at the initial stage of 1853-1854, as well as the capture of the key Turkish fortress of Kars in 1855, Russia lost the most important battles on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. This article describes the causes, course, main results and historical significance in a short story about the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

Causes of the aggravation of the Eastern question

Under the eastern question, historians understand a number of controversial issues in Russian-Turkish relations, which at any moment could lead to conflict. The main problems of the Eastern question, which became the main one for the future war, are as follows:

  • The loss of the Crimea and the northern Black Sea region by the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 18th century constantly stimulated Turkey to start a war in the hope of regaining the territories. Thus began the wars of 1806-1812 and 1828-1829. However, as a result of them, Turkey lost Bessarabia and part of the territory in the Caucasus, which further strengthened the desire for revenge.
  • Belonging to the Bosphorus and Dardanelles. Russia demanded that these straits be opened for the Black Sea Fleet, while the Ottoman Empire (under pressure from the countries of Western Europe) ignored these demands of Russia.
  • The presence in the Balkans, as part of the Ottoman Empire, Slavic Christian peoples who fought for their independence. Russia supported them, thereby causing a wave of indignation among the Turks about Russia's interference in the internal affairs of another state.

An additional factor that intensified the conflict was the desire of the countries of Western Europe (Britain, France, and Austria) not to let Russia into the Balkans, as well as close its access to the straits. For the sake of this, the countries were ready to support Turkey in a potential war with Russia.

The reason for the war and its beginning

These troubled moments brewed throughout the late 1840s and early 1850s. In 1853, the Turkish Sultan transferred the Bethlehem Temple of Jerusalem (then the territory of the Ottoman Empire) to the control of the Catholic Church. This caused a wave of indignation of the highest Orthodox hierarchy. Nicholas 1 decided to take advantage of this, using the religious conflict as a pretext for attacking Turkey. Russia demanded that the temple be handed over to the Orthodox Church, and at the same time also open the straits for the Black Sea Fleet. Türkiye refused. In June 1853, Russian troops crossed the border of the Ottoman Empire and entered the territory of the Danubian principalities dependent on it.

Nicholas 1 hoped that France was too weak after the revolution of 1848, and that Britain could be appeased by transferring Cyprus and Egypt to it in the future. However, the plan did not work, European countries called the Ottoman Empire to action, promising her financial and military assistance. In October 1853, Türkiye declared war on Russia. Thus began, to put it briefly, the Crimean War of 1853-1856. In the history of Western Europe, this war is called Eastern.

The course of the war and the main stages

The Crimean War can be divided into 2 stages according to the number of participants in the events of those years. Here are the steps:

  1. October 1853 - April 1854. During these six months the war was between the Ottoman Empire and Russia (without the direct intervention of other states). There were three fronts: Crimean (Black Sea), Danube and Caucasian.
  2. April 1854 - February 1856. British and French troops enter the war, which expands the theater of operations, as well as a turning point in the course of the war. The allied troops were superior to the Russian ones from the technical side, which was the reason for the changes in the course of the war.

As for specific battles, the following key battles can be distinguished: for Sinop, for Odessa, for the Danube, for the Caucasus, for Sevastopol. There were other battles, but those listed above are the main ones. Let's consider them in more detail.

Battle of Sinop (November 1853)

The battle took place in the harbor of the city of Sinop in the Crimea. The Russian fleet under the command of Nakhimov completely defeated the Turkish fleet of Osman Pasha. This battle was perhaps the last major world battle on sailing ships. This victory significantly raised the morale of the Russian army and gave hope for an early victory in the war.

Map of the Sinopo naval battle November 18, 1853

Bombing of Odessa (April 1854)

In early April 1854, the Ottoman Empire launched a squadron of the Franco-British fleet through its straits, which swiftly headed for Russian port and shipbuilding cities: Odessa, Ochakov and Nikolaev.

On April 10, 1854, the bombardment of Odessa, the main southern port of the Russian Empire, began. After a rapid and intense bombardment, it was planned to land troops in the northern Black Sea region, which would force the withdrawal of troops from the Danubian principalities, as well as weaken the defense of the Crimea. However, the city withstood several days of shelling. Moreover, the defenders of Odessa were able to deliver accurate strikes against the Allied fleet. The plan of the Anglo-French troops failed. The allies were forced to retreat towards the Crimea and begin battles for the peninsula.

Fights on the Danube (1853-1856)

It was with the entry of Russian troops into this region that the Crimean War of 1853-1856 began. After the success in the Battle of Sinop, another success awaited Russia: the troops completely crossed to the right bank of the Danube, an attack was opened on Silistria and further on Bucharest. However, the entry into the war of England and France complicated the offensive of Russia. On June 9, 1854, the siege of Silistria was lifted and the Russian troops returned to the left bank of the Danube. By the way, on this front, Austria also entered the war against Russia, which was worried about the rapid advance of the Romanov Empire into Wallachia and Moldavia.

In July 1854, near the city of Varna (modern Bulgaria), a huge landing of the British and French armies landed (according to various sources, from 30 to 50 thousand). The troops were supposed to enter the territory of Bessarabia, ousting Russia from this region. However, a cholera epidemic broke out in the French army, and the British public demanded that the leadership of the army first strike at the Black Sea fleet in the Crimea.

Fights in the Caucasus (1853-1856)

An important battle took place in July 1854 near the village of Kyuruk-Dara (Western Armenia). The combined Turkish-British forces were defeated. At this stage, the Crimean War was still successful for Russia.

Another important battle in this region took place in June-November 1855. The Russian troops decided to attack the eastern part of the Ottoman Empire, the fortress of Karsu, so that the allies would send part of the troops to this region, thereby slightly weakening the siege of Sevastopol. Russia won the battle of Kars, but this happened after the news of the fall of Sevastopol, so this battle had little effect on the outcome of the war. Moreover, according to the results of the "peace" signed later, the fortress of Kars returned to the Ottoman Empire. However, as the peace talks showed, the capture of Kars still played a role. But more on that later.

Defense of Sevastopol (1854-1855)

The most heroic and tragic event of the Crimean War is, of course, the battle for Sevastopol. In September 1855, Franco-British troops captured the last point of the city's defense - Malakhov Kurgan. The city survived 11 months of siege, however, as a result, it was surrendered to the allied forces (among which the Sardinian kingdom appeared). This defeat became a key one and served as an impetus for the end of the war. From the end of 1855, intensified negotiations began, in which Russia had practically no strong arguments. It was clear that the war was lost.

Other battles in the Crimea (1854-1856)

In addition to the siege of Sevastopol on the territory of Crimea in 1854-1855, several more battles took place, which were aimed at "unblocking" Sevastopol:

  1. Battle of the Alma (September 1854).
  2. Battle of Balaklava (October 1854).
  3. Battle of Inkerman (November 1854).
  4. An attempt to liberate Evpatoria (February 1855).
  5. Battle on the Chernaya River (August 1855).

All these battles ended in unsuccessful attempts to lift the siege of Sevastopol.

"Distant" battles

The main fighting of the war took place near the Crimean peninsula, which gave the name to the war. There were also battles in the Caucasus, on the territory of modern Moldova, as well as in the Balkans. However, not many people know that battles between rivals also took place in remote regions of the Russian Empire. Here are some examples:

  1. Peter and Paul Defense. The battle that took place on the territory of the Kamchatka Peninsula between the combined Franco-British troops on the one hand and Russian on the other. The battle took place in August 1854. This battle was the result of the victory of Britain over China during the Opium Wars. As a result, Britain wanted to increase its influence in the east of Asia, ousting Russia from here. In total, the Allied troops made two assaults, both ended in failure for them. Russia withstood the Peter and Paul defense.
  2. Arctic Company. The operation of the British fleet to attempt to blockade or capture Arkhangelsk, carried out in 1854-1855. The main battles took place in the Barents Sea. The British also undertook the bombardment of the Solovetsky Fortress, as well as the robbery of Russian merchant ships in the White and Barents Seas.

Results and historical significance of the war

In February 1855, Nicholas 1 died. The task of the new emperor, Alexander 2, was to end the war, and with minimal damage to Russia. In February 1856, the Paris Congress began its work. Russia was represented by Alexei Orlov and Philip Brunnov. Since neither side saw the point in continuing the war, already on March 6, 1856, the Treaty of Paris was signed, as a result of which the Crimean War was completed.

The main terms of the Treaty of Paris 6 were as follows:

  1. Russia returned the Karsu fortress to Turkey in exchange for Sevastopol and other captured cities of the Crimean peninsula.
  2. Russia was forbidden to have a Black Sea fleet. The Black Sea was declared neutral.
  3. The Bosporus and Dardanelles were declared closed to the Russian Empire.
  4. Part of Russian Bessarabia was transferred to the Moldavian Principality, the Danube ceased to be a border river, so navigation was declared free.
  5. On the Allada Islands (an archipelago in the Baltic Sea), Russia was forbidden to build military and (or) defensive fortifications.

As for losses, the number of Russian citizens who died in the war is 47.5 thousand people. Britain lost 2.8 thousand, France - 10.2, the Ottoman Empire - more than 10 thousand. The Sardinian kingdom lost 12 thousand soldiers. Austrian casualties are unknown, possibly because Austria was not officially at war with Russia.

In general, the war showed the backwardness of Russia, compared with the states of Europe, especially in terms of the economy (the completion of the industrial revolution, the construction of railways, the use of steamships). After this defeat, the reforms of Alexander 2 began. In addition, a desire for revenge was brewing in Russia for a long time, which resulted in another war with Turkey in 1877-1878. But this is a completely different story, and the Crimean War of 1853-1856 was completed and Russia was defeated in it.

By the middle of the 19th century, the international situation in Europe remained extremely tense: Austria and Prussia continued to concentrate their troops on the border with Russia, England and France asserted their colonial power with blood and sword. In this situation, a war broke out between Russia and Turkey, which went down in history as the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

Causes of military conflict

By the 50s of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire had finally lost its power. The Russian state, on the contrary, after the suppression of revolutions in European countries, rose. Emperor Nicholas I decided to further strengthen the power of Russia. First of all, he wanted the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits of the Black Sea to become free for the Russian fleet. This led to hostilities between the Russian and Turkish empires. Besides, the main reasons were :

  • Turkey had the right to let the fleet of the allied powers through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles in case of hostilities.
  • Russia carried out open support for the Orthodox peoples under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish government has repeatedly expressed its indignation at Russia's interference in the internal politics of the Turkish state.
  • The Turkish government, led by Abdulmecid, was eager for revenge for the defeat in two wars with Russia in 1806-1812 and 1828-1829.

Nicholas I, preparing for the war with Turkey, counted on the non-intervention of the Western powers in the military conflict. However, the Russian emperor was cruelly mistaken - the Western countries, incited by Great Britain, openly came out on the side of Turkey. British policy has traditionally been to root out the slightest strengthening of any country with all its might.

Start of hostilities

The reason for the war was a dispute between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches over the right to possess the holy lands in Palestine. In addition, Russia demanded that the Black Sea straits be recognized as free for the Russian navy. The Turkish Sultan Abdulmecid, encouraged by the support of England, declared war on the Russian Empire.

If we talk briefly about the Crimean War, then it can be divided into two main steps:

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  • First stage lasted from October 16, 1853 to March 27, 1854. The first six months of hostilities on three fronts - the Black Sea, Danube and Caucasian, Russian troops invariably prevailed over the Ottoman Turks.
  • Second phase lasted from March 27, 1854 to February 1856. The number of participants in the Crimean War of 1853-1856 increased due to the entry into the war of England and France. There is a turning point in the war.

The course of the military company

By the autumn of 1853, events on the Danube front were proceeding sluggishly and indecisively for both sides.

  • The Russian grouping of forces was commanded only by Gorchakov, who thought only about the defense of the Danube bridgehead. The Turkish troops of Omer Pasha, after futile attempts to go on the offensive on the border of Wallachia, also switched to passive defense.
  • Events in the Caucasus developed much more rapidly: on October 16, 1854, a detachment consisting of 5 thousand Turks attacked the Russian border outpost between Batum and Poti. The Turkish commander Abdi Pasha hoped to crush the Russian troops in Transcaucasia and unite with the Chechen Imam Shamil. But the Russian General Bebutov upset the plans of the Turks, defeating them near the village of Bashkadyklar in November 1853.
  • But the loudest victory was obtained at sea by Admiral Nakhimov on November 30, 1853. The Russian squadron completely destroyed the Turkish fleet located in the Sinop Bay. The commander of the Turkish fleet, Osman Pasha, was captured by Russian sailors. It was the last battle in the history of the sailing fleet.

  • The crushing victories of the Russian army and navy were not to the liking of England and France. The governments of the English Queen Victoria and the French Emperor Napoleon III demanded that Russian troops be withdrawn from the mouth of the Danube. Nicholas I refused. In response, on March 27, 1854, England declared war on Russia. Due to the concentration of the Austrian armed forces and the ultimatum of the Austrian government, Nicholas I was forced to agree to the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Danubian principalities.

The following table presents the main events of the second period of the Crimean War, with dates and a summary of each of the events:

date Event Content
March 27, 1854 England declared war on Russia
  • The declaration of war was the result of Russia's disobedience to the requirements of the English Queen Victoria
April 22, 1854 Attempt of the Anglo-French fleet to besiege Odessa
  • The Anglo-French squadron subjected Odessa to a long bombardment of 360 guns. However, all attempts by the British and French to land troops failed.
Spring 1854 Attempts to penetrate the British and French on the coast of the Baltic and White Seas
  • The Anglo-French landing captured the Russian fortress of Bomarzund on the Aland Islands. The attacks of the English squadron on the Solovetsky Monastery and on the city of Kalu located on the coast of Murmansk were repulsed.
Summer 1854 The allies are preparing a landing in the Crimea
  • Commander of Russian troops in Crimea A.S. Menshikov was an extremely mediocre commander in chief. He did not in any way prevent the Anglo-French landing in Evpatoria, although he had about 36 thousand soldiers at hand.
September 20, 1854 Battle on the Alma River
  • Menshikov tried to stop the troops of the landed allies (66 thousand in total), but in the end he was defeated and retreated to Bakhchisarai, leaving Sevastopol completely defenseless.
October 5, 1854 The allies began shelling Sevastopol
  • After the withdrawal of Russian troops to Bakhchisaray, the allies could take Sevastopol immediately, but decided to storm the city later. Taking advantage of the indecisiveness of the British and French, the engineer Totleben began to fortify the city.
October 17, 1854 - September 5, 1855 Defense of Sevastopol
  • The defense of Sevastopol entered the history of Russia forever as one of its most heroic, symbolic and tragic pages. The remarkable commanders Istomin, Nakhimov and Kornilov fell on the bastions of Sevastopol.
October 25, 1854 Battle of Balaclava
  • Menshikov tried with all his might to pull the allied forces away from Sevastopol. Russian troops failed to achieve this goal and defeat the British camp near Balaklava. However, the allies, due to heavy losses, temporarily abandoned the assault on Sevastopol.
November 5, 1854 Inkerman battle
  • Menshikov made another attempt to lift or at least weaken the siege of Sevastopol. However, this attempt also ended in failure. The reason for the next loss of the Russian army was the complete inconsistency in team actions, as well as the presence of rifled rifles (fittings) in the British and French, which mowed down entire ranks of Russian soldiers on distant approaches.
August 16, 1855 Battle on the Black River
  • The largest battle of the Crimean War. Another attempt by the new commander-in-chief M.D. Gorchakov to lift the siege ended in disaster for the Russian army and the death of thousands of soldiers.
October 2, 1855 The fall of the Turkish fortress of Kars
  • If in the Crimea the Russian army was pursued by failures, then in the Caucasus, parts of the Russian troops successfully pressed the Turks. The most powerful Turkish fortress of Kars fell on October 2, 1855, but this event could no longer affect the further course of the war.

Quite a few peasants tried to avoid recruitment in order not to get into the army. This did not speak of their cowardice, just that many peasants sought to avoid recruitment due to their families who needed to be fed. During the years of the Crimean War of 1853-1856, on the contrary, there was a surge of patriotic sentiments among the population of Russia. Moreover, people of various classes were recorded in the militia.

End of the war and its aftermath

The new Russian sovereign Alexander II, who replaced the suddenly deceased Nicholas I on the throne, directly visited the theater of military operations. After that, he decided to do everything in his power to end the Crimean War. The end of the war was at the beginning of 1856.

In early 1856, a congress of European diplomats was convened in Paris to conclude peace. The most difficult condition put forward by the Western powers of Russia was a ban on the maintenance of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea.

Main terms of the Paris Treaty:

  • Russia pledged to return the Kars fortress to Turkey in exchange for Sevastopol;
  • Russia was forbidden to have a fleet on the Black Sea;
  • Russia lost part of the territories in the Danube Delta. Navigation on the Danube was declared free;
  • Russia was forbidden to have military fortifications on the Aland Islands.

Rice. 3. Congress of Paris 1856

The Russian Empire suffered a serious defeat. A powerful blow was dealt to the country's international prestige. The Crimean War exposed the rottenness of the existing system and the backwardness of industry from the leading world powers. The lack of rifled weapons in the Russian army, a modern fleet and a shortage of railways could not but affect military operations.

Nevertheless, such key moments of the Crimean War as the Battle of Sinop, the defense of Sevastopol, the capture of Kars or the defense of the fortress of Bomarzund, remained in history as a sacrificial and majestic feat of Russian soldiers and the Russian people.

The government of Nicholas I introduced the most severe censorship during the Crimean War. It was forbidden to touch on military topics, both in books and in periodicals. Publications that wrote in an enthusiastic manner about the course of hostilities were also not allowed into the press.

What have we learned?

Crimean War 1853-1856 discovered serious shortcomings in the foreign and domestic policy of the Russian Empire. About what this war was, why Russia was defeated, as well as about the significance of the Crimean War and its consequences, the article “Crimean War” tells.

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