The adoptive parents are shocked. Anton Shoka's brother committed suicide: latest news


Anton's family led an associative lifestyle: the parents constantly drank, got into fights, the child was left to himself. Mother brought different men to the house and often got into criminal troubles, for which she served time in prison more than once. The father of the participant of the show House 2 left the family early.

At the age of 14, a good friend, Yuri Spiridonov, advised him to adopt the boy into an American family, since both believed that it would be better for Anton. Ahead were plans to learn English, get an education, become a pilot, as he always dreamed of. On the way to America, A. Shoki cherished a lot of hopes, thought that he was incredibly lucky and fate finally smiled at him. After all, he is going to the country of his dreams and freedom!

But the realities of life turned out to be much tougher. For 4 years he lived in a foster family, which was not puzzled to teach the teenager his native language. There was a language barrier between them, they did not understand each other.

Later, Anton gave an interview in which he said that the American guardians humiliated and insulted him, constantly took him to camps for psychological adaptation, in which he was forced to sit on the laps of curators and sleep with them in the same bed, despite the fact that he was already young. Naturally, the teenager tried to escape, and the new parents did not hear him, believed that he was crazy and therefore forbade him to communicate with others.

New parents closed the guy under the alarm in the room, placed tracking sensors throughout the house, even in the toilet. Then it gets even worse - Anton was sent to a psychiatric hospital for several months, and then locked up in the basement for 7 days. They did not communicate with the young men, they fed from a bowl.

After, the American parents handed over the teenager to the police. He was accused of sexually abusing his children and then abandoned. After several years of being in orphanages and foster families in the United States, Anton returned to his homeland. Another story began in Russia, which reached Andrey Razin. He found A. Batrakova a job in a charitable foundation, and also signed him up as a participant in the television project Dom 2. The boy had a dream - to become a pilot and start a family with his soul mate. We hope that the life of the Cheboksary orphan will get better!

Every evening, from the TV screens of almost every Russian family, a perky melody sounds, talking about the start of a new release of the Dom-2 television project. Over the 11 and a half years of the existence of the reality show, thousands of young people and girls tried to build love (and along the way a house), but not everyone succeeded. Weddings, children, even divorces - what the audience has not seen over the years. But why has interest in the project not subsided so far? Obviously, the whole point is in the bright participants who manage not only to build relationships, but also to realize themselves creatively, not to mention intrigues and scandals. Let's recall the most original "domovtsy", who did not leave the audience indifferent and who are still being talked about.

Sun (Olga Nikolaeva), 32 years old

Was on the project from May 2004 to May 2008.

21-year-old Olga Nikolaeva was one of the first to enter the gates of Doma-2 and immediately announced: only the Sun can be called her. Charming Alexander Nelidov immediately liked the outrageous girl-boy, and the couple occupied one of the vip-houses. The sun immediately became an idol for many viewers, thanks not only to its fighting character, but also to its musical talent. The girl graced more than one concert of the project with her songs and playing the guitar, and also wrote the music and lyrics for the composition “15 Cool People”, which has been spinning on the screen saver for the show for 11 years now.

Soon, the curly romantic May Abrikosov came to the project, and the Sun created a couple with him. The novel was bright, but ended, after which both had several more relationships on the project. In 2008, the Sun won the Doma-2 competition thanks to the support of viewers and became the happy owner of a certificate for an apartment.

“The apartment I chose in a house under construction in Krasnogorsk, two kilometers from Moscow, cost 6 million rubles,” the Sun admitted. - The certificate was half the amount. The missing accumulated, working from morning to night. I moved here in 2010, as soon as the house was built and the workers installed the plumbing. And for another two years I had to equip everything the way I wanted.

Life at the Sun is not boring: every weekend the girl tours as a DJ and singer, organizes master classes in needlework, and in her free time she is engaged in spiritual practices - meditation and yoga. She even has her own teacher, who helps her to live harmoniously and happily every day.

May Abrikosov, 34 years old

May Abrikosov (aka Roman Tertishny) appeared on the project very brightly: he appeared on the frontal place in the form of a medieval knight with a sword in one hand and a falcon in the other. How could you not leave him - a mop of curly hair, huge blue eyes, refined manners. May seemed like a handsome prince come to life. The guy chose Olga Nikolaeva, the Sun, as his princess, and began to court her. After a while, the girl gave up, and the new couple moved into the house. The relationship of young people quickly grew from romantic to flammable: the couple quarreled every day, either because of May's infantilism, or because of the Sun's everyday unsuitability. In the end, the guys broke up, and Abrikosov found temporary solace in the arms of his girlfriend Alena Vodonaeva. But this relationship did not last long, and May left the project.

Former members of Dom-2 recall that the curly-haired Abrikosov eventually "starred": he scolded the show's administrators for the "wrong" foods in the refrigerator and refused to celebrate the New Year six days before the holiday. The dreams of May from Voronezh to become famous thanks to Dom-2 and to stay in Moscow did not come true. First, the guy tried himself as the host of a mystical TV program, starred in an episodic role of an unknown series.

After a series of failures, May settled in the house of his late grandmother in the village of Korotoyak, Voronezh region. Now the man lives alone, sometimes writes articles for the Dom-2 magazine, breeds chickens, and in the summer he collects squash on the collective farm for 500 rubles a day. Failures in work and love, the death of his grandmother and father affected May's psyche: he went headlong into religion and blames witchcraft for all his troubles.

Anastasia Dashko, 31 years old

The beauty queen from Salekhard confidently entered the "perimeter" of the project, declaring her sympathy for Roman Tretyakov. Later, Nastya fell in love with Stas Karimov, but the guys did not go beyond flirting. Six months later, the girl met her beloved in a clearing - he turned out to be a black Sam Seleznev from Krasnodar. The lovers stayed together for more than three years, giving the impression of one of the strongest couples of "House-2". Dashko periodically got into trouble, made scandals, attacked other participants with accusations - her ardent character made itself felt. One of Nastya's favorite "victims" was Olga Buzova, but in the end, the confrontation between two spectacular blondes grew into friendship.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Live"

In February 2008, Sam and Nastya won the audience voting in the competition with a weighty prize - an apartment in Moscow. True, it soon became clear that Dashko herself sent SMS from a free mobile from the sponsors of the project. An enterprising participant spent 160 thousand rubles on this business! Scandal, lie detector tests and, as a result, leaving the project. After leaving the gates of "House-2", Nastya went into business in Chelyabinsk, where she set up partners for a tidy sum. Dashko was sentenced to three years in prison, however, in March 2015, after serving only one and a half, Anastasia was released for good behavior. Recently, the girl married 30-year-old world kickboxing champion Konstantin Kuleshov. The couple lives in Zlatoust. “I am 31 years old, I have no children. Every age has its own priorities. Now I really want a baby!” - says Anastasia Dashko.

In August 2016, Dashko gave birth to her first child. The boy was named Klim.

Victoria Karaseva, 36 years old

The fatal beauty Tory queen appeared on the project and expressed her sympathy for the joker Andrei Chuev. But the guy ignored Karaseva's attention, and Vika began to wait for her prince. The girl earned a reputation as a wayward, straightforward and even tough participant due to her masculine character. By the way, Tori was engaged in "House-2" not only in finding a couple: not a single concert of the participants was complete without the songs of Victoria, an opera singer and actress by education. Soon, the Moldovan rapper Ruslan Proskurov appeared in the "perimeter". Tori and Russell created not only a creative duet, but also a bright couple, famous for violent scandals and fights, and after - tearful reconciliations. The guys stayed together for a couple of years and broke up after another skirmish.

// Photo: Frame of the program "We speak and show"

Vika was not alone for long: the “simpleton” Vyacheslav Dvoretkov, whom no one took seriously, began to seek her attention. And Victoria accepted and even married Slava. A visit to an Italian restaurant, where Karaseva pierced the esophagus with a piece of mussel, was a test of strength for feelings. Vyacheslav was with his wife day and night. Vika left the hospital with a weight of 30 kilograms and a disability. Vyacheslav gave his beloved an apartment for all the torment. After the amendment, Victoria became a co-founder of a bridal salon, became interested in fashion design, and did not stop playing music: she began to record an album in the pop-rock style. The girl managed to sue part of the money from the ill-fated restaurant for moral damage. As for the marriage with Dvoretkov, nothing is known for certain. In one of the TV programs, Vika and Vyacheslav announced that they no longer live together.

“People often ask me if I will return to the project,” writes Tori on the social network. “After 30, discussing who is with whom and how is not very worthy and interesting.”

Sam Seleznev, 36

A good-natured guy from Krasnodar came to the project to Oksana Aplekaeva, who dreamed of falling in love with Stas Karimov. But instead of a relationship with Oksana, Semik, as the members of Dom-2 called him, got friendship with Karimov. And then Anastasia Dashko drew attention to the smiling guy. The guys created a strong couple and lived together for about three years. In 2006, Sam was chosen as the winner of the Doma-2 Superman contest, in which he won a UAZ-Patriot car. Although everyone knew Sam as a kind and calm guy (which only he had to keep his composure in quarrels with Dashko), the provocateur Rustam Solntsev managed to get him out. Rustam called Sam and Nastya philistines, who just need to fill the refrigerator, for which he received from Seleznev in the face.

For fights at that time, they were kicked out of the project, which happened to Sam. However, they later returned it. Sam and Nastya left the "perimeter" together after the SMS voting scandal, but the couple broke up on the "mainland". Now Sam Seleznev lives in his native Krasnodar, he has his own beauty salon. At one time, the guy worked as a sports news host on a local TV channel. Recently he has taken up music and performs in clubs as a DJ.

Roman Tretyakov, 35 years old

Was on the project from May 2004 to August 2007.

A charming bald guy from Taganrog settled in the “perimeter” of Dom-2 from the very beginning of the project and proved himself to be a strong player. At first, Roman fell in love with the fatal beauty Elena Berkova. Now the girl is known for her erotic past and present, and then - back in 2004 - there was no known about spicy videos with Lena's participation. But soon everything was revealed, and Tretyakov's beloved left the project.

The guy was not sad for a long time and took up the blonde Olga Buzova. They created one of the strongest couples on the project: Roma defended Olya from the attacks of aggressive participants, the girl in return spoiled her beloved with surprises and romance. Popularity even allowed them to create their own youth TV show "Romance with Buzova", which did not last long. Who knows what this story would have led to if Roman had not been forced to leave Dom-2 in 2007, which he talks about in detail in one of his books. The paths of the lovers parted, and a year later Roma met the girl Sveta on the plane. After the wedding, the young had a son, Nikita, but it also did not grow together. Today, Roman is an enviable bachelor - a successful wedding host, screenwriter and journalism student at Moscow State University.

Stas and Oscar Karimov, 34

Stas was on the project from May 11, 2004 to June 9, 2005, Oscar - from May 11, 2004 to December 17, 2004.

The charismatic twin brothers from Belebey enjoyed great success with the girls of Doma-2: they are funny, they play the guitar, they dance breakdance. But the personal life of the guys on the project did not work out. Stas was unrequitedly in love with Olga Buzova, and Oscar was in love with Ksenia Borodina, the presenters of the project today. Olya just flirted with Stas, allowed herself to be looked after, and Ksyusha seemed to reciprocate Oscar. But according to the rules of the project, the presenters were not allowed to turn love with the participants, and Oscar left the clearing.

After leaving the project, Stasik and Osik, as the Domovtsy called them, did not leave for their hometown, but remained in the capital. Today, the brothers actively perform with DJ sets and successfully tour both together and individually. In addition, the Karimovs own a travel agency and a clothing store in Cheboksary. In Moscow, Oscar runs a real estate agency. In the personal life of the gay twins, too, everything is fine. Stas in 2012 married a girl with a little daughter, little Uma calls Karimov dad. Oscar is also getting married.

Rima Penjieva, 32 years old

Lush Kyivan Rome came to the project to Rustam Solntsev, but they did not work out. After the attention of the girl was attracted by Vyacheslav Dvoretskov, but he also preferred Victoria Karaseva to Rome. Penjieva did not lose heart and began to build love with Yevgeny Nikitin, but after a couple of months this relationship ended. Soon, the beauty began dating Demyan Levko and even moved into a separate apartment with him, but the miracle did not happen this time either. Despite love failures, Rima always remained a fighting "laughter" and a chic woman, as she liked to call herself. Thanks to the resilient nature of Rome, she earned the love of viewers and the title of "Person of the Year" in 2009.

Later, Pendzhieva fell in love with a new member of Doma-2, Gleb Strawberry, but he drew attention to another girl, and Rima was again left with nothing. The last boyfriend of a chic woman on the project was Daniil Digler, whom she met for some time outside the “perimeter”. Now Rima works as a plus-size model and maintains her Youtube channel, where she shares travel videos with subscribers.

Alessandro Materazzo, 35 years old

Was on the project in 2007, 2008 and 2009.

Italian macho Alessandro Materazzo for the first time burst into the project in a fur coat, with diamond earrings and ... sympathy for the Sun! She did not respond to courtship, and the young man decided to create a couple with Olga Buzova, who was free at that time. The ex-stripper Materazzo does not get tired of demonstrating his pumped up body at every opportunity. In August 2008, the guy leaves the project because of a lie (it turned out that the guy was not born in Italy, but in Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region), but in May 2009 he returns not as a member, but as a producer of the Istra Witches musical group. Later, Alessandro will produce Andrey Cherkasov.

The third time Materazzo (aka Alexander Kuryshko) came with his girlfriend Svetlana Davydova. The goal is to show how to build incredible love. However, bachelors Gleb Klubnichka and Gennady Jikia immediately drew attention to the girl Alex. Materazzo did not risk his happiness and took Svetlana away from the project as unexpectedly as he had brought her. On September 9, 2009, the couple played a wedding outside the perimeter, which was also attended by Sveta's four-year-old daughter from her first marriage. After that, the couple went to live in Miami. Recently, the couple were outraged by what they write about in the press.

Anton Potapovich, 38 years old

Alena Vodonaeva brought Anton Potapovich to the project. The girl just broke up with her former man - Stepan Menshchikov - and noticed the charming Anton at the casting. For several months, young people met, but Alena, with her stormy temperament, soon got bored with the calm disposition of Potapovich. Soon, a young girl Leyla appeared in the "perimeter", which Anton liked at first sight. They declared themselves a couple. But this union was not calm. The conservative Potapovich did not understand the whims of Lila and her flirting with the guys.

Attempts to re-educate the beloved were unsuccessful - the couple broke up several times. After Leila left, due to problems with his studies, Anton was left alone and became an enviable bachelor of the project - girls came to him every now and then. But the participant no longer entered into a romantic relationship, but made a strong friendship with Victoria Bonya. When Anton was kicked out at the vote, his girlfriend left for him, which was a shock for the Domovites. Today, Anton Potapovich is happily married to a girl 14 years younger than him, together they raise their two-year-old daughter Eva. The ex-participant of "House-2" works as an art director in the field of entertainment.

Maria Adoevtseva, 30 years old

Masha Kruglykhina appeared on the project with an unusual story: she saw her common-law husband Sergei Adoevtsev, who had recently run away from her, on the air of Dom-2. Sergei Palych refused to leave the "perimeter" with his beloved, and the girl had to stay too. It's strange, but the guy for a long time denied relations with Masha, but then, seeing her pressure, he gave up. By the way, not everyone remembers, but a couple of years before joining Palych, Masha already appeared on the project. The object of her attention then was May Abrikosov, who did not reciprocate her feelings. And five days later, Masha was already seen off to the cries of: “We are happy!” In a relationship with Sergei, Masha was a jealous owner, did not let the man go a single step.

At the same time, Alessandro Materazzo, Gleb Klubnichka and Nikita Kuznetsov looked after her. However, nothing could stop true love, and on July 7, 2010, the guys got married, and after a couple of weeks they left the project. Now the Adoevtsevs are still together, raising their two-year-old daughter Lisa. Serezha works as a photographer, and Masha sells clothes online. After a while, the couple divorced, and Maria found a new love.

Semyon Frolov, 35 years old

For the first time on the project, we saw Semyon in a hat with earflaps and with a button accordion in his hands - this is exactly how the guy showed up at the execution place. The talented Frolov was accepted into the team, and with the Sun he created a creative union. Semyon's love happened to the scandalous and impudent Elena Bushina. For half a year of being in the “perimeter”, the good-natured Sema, who played the button accordion and amused the honest people, liked the audience so much that he was almost unanimously chosen as the “master” of the project in the competition of the same name. In this, the musician even surpassed the "old man" Stepan Menshchikov, which made him an enemy. By the way, other members of "House-2" also disliked the newcomer, there were constant quarrels between them and Frolov. Elena at first supported her beloved, but at some time she stopped. But she began to press on the guy when they were alone. As a result, at the next male vote against Semyon, everyone took up arms, and the musician left after the first round. Bushina remained on the project.

After Doma-2, Frolov went to Goa with the money won in the competition, then plunged headlong into creativity. To date, in the creative piggy bank of Senya there are about a dozen clips, the popular hit “All women are like women, and mine is a goddess!”, Participation in a TV show, on the radio. The plans include opening a production center and helping budding artists.

Maria Politova, 28 years old

Was on the project from January to February 2006, then from June to September 2007, then from 4 to 24 June 2010.

The restless girl singing always and everywhere appeared on the threshold of "House-2" three times! Each attempt to return to the project for Maria was a kind of experiment, but the girl could not build a relationship with anyone and began to get bored. And although her stay on the project each time was not long, Masha was remembered for strange antics. Politova now and then fell into a "musical trance", the guys joked that Maria sings even in a dream. The extravagant participant was supported by Stepan Menshchikov, a lover of strange characters. But Andrei Alexandrov took up arms against the girl, running around the "perimeter" with a poster: "Masha Politova, get out of the project!" Masha, in response, only promised to “crush everyone here” and smiled modestly.

Who knows how long this madness would have continued, but Maria was unexpectedly kicked out at the vote. And on the fifth round! The girl left, worked in Moscow as a journalist, then as a model, graduated from makeup courses. At that time, she had problems with weight: Masha recovered by 28 kilograms, but quickly returned to shape.

UPDATE. Maria Politova was found dead on December 13, 2017. She is believed to have passed away a few days ago. The girl went missing on December 4th. This was announced by the common-law husband of the ex-participant of the TV show Artem Shanurov. According to him, she suffered from bipolar disorder and was depressed, so she took strong medications. A few days ago, Masha disappeared and took the medicine with her.

Maria Petrovskaya, 33 years old

A sexy watermelon saleswoman from Taganrog knew how to make friends with every member of Doma-2. The kind and naive nature of Masha did not match her image of a fatal curvy brunette. May Abrikosov courted the girl, but Petrovskaya did not reciprocate, preferring the more courageous Denis Kochetov. On one vote, Denis was kicked out of the project. For Masha, this was a blow, but after her beloved, she did not leave. The trusting beauty took at face value the courtship of each new member, but she could not find sincere feelings. But the guys began to perceive Petrovskaya as a "fallback".

After they kicked out Vladimir, another young man with whom Maria tried to build a relationship, the girl could not stand it and left herself. Petrovskaya after "House-2" avoids publicity. According to one version from fans of the project, Masha got a job as a dancer in a strip club in Moscow, according to another, as an assistant to the general director of one company. In 2009, a photo taken by a fan appeared on the networks: Masha works as a consultant in a communications salon. They also say that the girl met a worthy man in the capital and is happy as a housewife.

Anton Batrakov (Shocks) was adopted by an American family when he was 14 years old. A boy from Chuvashia, on his way to America, thought that fate had finally smiled at him. He went to the country of freedom with a dream of flying in the sky, of becoming a pilot, of a happy life in an American family, where, in addition to his father and mother, he would have half-brothers and sisters. But after a few months in the United States, he realized that his dreams were not destined to come true. Adoptive parents, whom he did not understand because he did not know the language, handed him over to the police with accusations of sexual harassment of their three children, and then completely abandoned him. After several years of wandering around orphanages and foster families in the United States, Anton nevertheless returned to Russia. And here another story began, also not like sugar, but the world, as it turned out, is not without good people ...

Now Anton is preparing to enter the Faculty of Law and heads a large charity project with the support of a well-known public figure and producer of the Laskovy May group Andrey Razin. The Return Charitable Center will allow Russian orphans with the same unsuccessful adoption as Anton's to return from abroad back to their homeland - to Russia.

Anton told SP-South about his life before adoption to America and after returning to Russia.

Chuvash-American Odyssey

Anton ended up in an orphanage at the age of three due to a situation typical for a Russian orphan: his parents were drinking and they were not up to the child. In addition, the mother, trying to arrange her personal life, changed men and constantly got into some kind of criminal situations, for which she ended up in a pre-trial detention center, and then in a colony, where she is still being held.

“I went to my mother in the colony when I returned from America,” says Anton. - Although I didn’t know her and didn’t love her, I never forgot that she was my mother. It's not her fault that things turned out this way. Life has arranged it that way. Now I know that life can beat and break anyone. Therefore, I went to her to say that I forgive her. It was probably important for the mother to hear these words from her son.

Anton says about his father that he does not remember him. He abandoned his family early. From relatives there is a brother from another father. With him, he was brought up in an orphanage in Chuvashia until he left for America. The brother, as well as the mother, is now in prison.

Anton agreed to adoption to America on the advice of his good friend, a director from Chuvash Yuri Spiridonov, who essentially replaced his father in that life period. Together they thought that it would be better for Anton. After all, he will have more chances to get an education, having learned to be a pilot, whom the orphan from Chuvashia so dreamed of becoming. True, Anton did not know English, but he hoped to quickly learn the language in an American school.

But in reality, everything turned out differently. The discord between Anton and his adoptive parents began after a couple of months. Anton did not understand his new guardians, and they did not trust the almost adult, as it seemed to them, difficult, Russian teenage orphanage. Anton was dragged to psychological adaptive camps, where he felt out of place. Firstly, he was the oldest among the adopted children in these camps (almost young men), and he was forced, as a small child, to sit on the laps of his guardians and sleep with them in the same bed. As Anton admitted, he just wanted to escape somewhere from this strange and unpleasant situation. And his new parents thought that the boy was wild and abnormal, and tried to protect him from contact with the outside world.

- My adoptive parents did not send me to a regular school, only at monasteries. They were afraid that I would find friends with whom I would spend time. But I still found a friend. He ran to him, and spent the night with him.

My parents began to close me in the room with an alarm. Sensors were placed on the window and on the door. Even at night I could not go to the toilet. But I broke the sensor on the window and ran away. True, the police quickly returned me. Parents after such an outburst were sent to a mental hospital. I stayed there for several months. The doctors found no abnormalities. And then my foster family took me to the director of the psychological camp. There I was locked in the basement for 7 days. They didn't speak to me. I sat alone closed in the room and they pushed the bowl under the door to me like a dog, - Anton tells about life in a foster family.

Through Google translator, Anton was able to explain himself to his "jailers". He said that he no longer wanted to live with the Shoki family, and they, in turn, sent him on a plane to Texas, as he was then told, forever. There Anton went to school and began to communicate with other children. It seemed that life began to improve, but after 3 months, without explaining the reasons, Anton was put on the plane again and returned back to Shoki. Having met the boy at the airport, the American father and mother handed over their adopted son to the police, where they put "bracelets" on Anton's hands and put him in a cell. Only 3 months later, when they began to take Anton to the courts, they explained to him that Shoki had accused him of sexual harassment of their children. From that time on, Anton came from a foster family under social care, who placed him in a camp for difficult children with criminal tendencies. And although the boy went through all the unthinkable examinations and was examined by both doctors and psychologists for bad inclinations and mental sanity and was recognized as normal, he continued to be kept in institutions for "special" children. Then there were three "professional" families, where the "dad" is paid a salary for the maintenance of the child, and many attempts to contact the Russian consul in order to return to Russia. But before this happened, several years passed. During this time, Anton's status in the United States changed from an adopted teenager to a "state".

- When I nevertheless managed to meet with the Russian consul, I was 16 years old. I begged to be taken to Russia. The problem was that in America I was under state guardianship until I came of age. And neither American nor Russian laws allowed me to return to Russia. It turned out that neither our nor the American legislation provides for the return of children in such cases with the preservation of the prescribed benefits, - Anton recalls all the torments that he had to endure before he could return to Russia. “I had to wait until I was 18 years old (until the age of majority under Russian law) so that the Russian consul could provide assistance. During this time I graduated from school with a bronze medal. He worked, bought a car and wanted to go to college to become a pilot. But because of my African-American guardian (third in line after the Shoki family), who treated me like trash, I couldn't do it. There was a time when I spent the night in the park and there was nothing to eat, because the guardian locked the house and could leave for a neighboring state with his son without even warning me. And then mass street riots of African Americans began in my city, and I was so scared that there was only one thought about how to survive at all. Then I wrote many letters to Putin, To Astakhov and the Russian embassy. And finally, they helped me. From Missouri I flew to Houston, and there I was met by myself Lavrov and from there I returned to Russia.

PR against the backdrop of an orphan

- Yuri Spiridonov met me at the Russian airport. Not Astakhov, as the media wrote, not government officials, only my friend. And in the two years that I have been in Russia, not a single official, including Astakhov, has helped me either. I couldn't even get a Russian passport. There was nowhere to live. As an orphan, I was denied housing in Russia. They say that here I am listed on papers as an adopted child of the American family of Shocks. It turned out that I lost the benefits that were due to an orphan there, and I did not receive them here. Foolishly, I threw away my American passport when I got off the plane in Russia, and then I had to restore it. It cost me a large amount for me - 200 dollars. And the most remarkable thing is that so much has been written and told about me, including Gordon on the “First”, and promoted at my expense, but no one helped after the light of the searchlights and cameras went out,” Anton exhaled in his hearts with bitterness in his voice and look.

I never liked PR. When I got off the plane and saw the journalists, I got scared. I didn't want to talk about my life in front of all these cameras. Went back to Cheboksary. Then I realized that I did wrong. I had to stay in Moscow in order to knock on some right doors. Our regions are suffering both financially and in terms of social assistance. For a long time I could not legalize documents on education in order to enter the “higher”. I wrote and called Astakhov, but I could not get through to him ...

He legalized the documents himself, paying 10 thousand rubles. It took, however, 2 years. Now the problem is to refresh knowledge. But I'm not a weak person, I decided to do it, so I'll do it. The knowledge of a lawyer is needed for my purpose, to help orphans like me. And if it works out, then become the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation,” Anton shared.

The world is not without good people

— I am very grateful to Andrey Razin. He noticed me when he came to Cheboksary with the concerts of "Tender May". In the hotel I watched the news and there was a story about me. He found me and invited me, along with the entire boarding school, to the concert "Tender May". And then he said that he was taking me to Moscow immediately after the end of the tour.

He gave me a residence permit, restored my Russian passport and helped me find a job, and now I have an apartment in Sochi thanks to him. And although there are still bare walls and no documents, I hope that everything will be fine. The apartment, by the way, is in the same building where it is planned to open the Return Charitable Center. There will also be apartments for other orphans, just like me, - Anton said about the fateful meeting and plans for the future.

Another good friend in Anton's life (among the few) - Andrey Isaev Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia party. Anton became friends with Isaev when he had the opportunity to work in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Although it was a short experience, it was useful. As Anton said, thanks to this work, a new goal was discovered in his life and the direction of his current activity appeared - the curator of the Return charity project.

- In Sochi, Andrei Razin and I are opening the official office of the Charity Center for the return of orphans from abroad back to Russia. In October we have to fly to America to open 10 offices of the Return Center there. The official head office is planned to open in Washington at the Russian Embassy. Children will be able to apply there directly,” Anton said about the project, adding that the first important steps towards its implementation have already been taken.

— We sent 2,000 letters to various large companies asking for help, and funds have already begun to flow into the budget of the charitable project. Thanks to them, it became possible to purchase 15 apartments for orphans. The site has already been created, and I am working on its development. Now I find Russian orphans abroad who need help and who want to return to Russia,” says Anton.

Small tragedies on the scale of a big country

In America, of course, there are good families where Russian orphans end up, but there are also terrible cases, much worse than Anton's.

- In March, I contacted my friend Christina Knopp. We are from the same orphanage in Chuvashia. She also wanted to return, but did not wait. A friend killed her. When I found out, I couldn't eat or sleep for a week. It's terrible that orphans abroad have nowhere to call, to ask for help in a difficult situation, - says Anton.

Christina, who died in the United States, was adopted by the Americans in 2009. The girl died on March 23. What happened to her there, no one told her relatives. Until now, they do not know the circumstances of her death, and they were informed about the death of Christina only after her funeral. Thus ended the life in a foreign land of a Russian orphan girl from the Chuvash province.

Do you think it will

America has taught me a lot. The brain began to work differently, - Anton admits. - My brain seemed to give out another 200% of energy when I began to learn English, and then think in it. And I also realized that as you think, it will be so. I always try and try to see the good in the bad. When you are positive, you get a lot.

Yes, I can go to America, but I decided to stay in Russia and change our country for the better. As they say, where he was born, he came in handy there. I am proud of my country no matter what. I see Russia as promising and I hope that others will understand this and then everything will work out ...

A look at Russian realities

“The main thing is to learn to see people and evaluate them not from the point of view of how much money a person has, but from the position of what he is, what he can do for himself and for others,” Anton shared his thoughts.

- Sometimes I ask myself the question, wouldn't it be better to stay in America? I wanted so badly to return to Russia and believed in my country, but in reality everything is different than on TV. I saw that Russia suffers greatly from corruption and this causes a lot of trouble. It is clear that Russia is changing for the better. Russia is a big country with great opportunities. Including financial ones, but people live poorly. Again, the reason is corruption. And now everyone is being told that there is a crisis in the country, but in reality there is no crisis - this is an artificially created situation. The money just isn't going in the right direction.

I had a case here in Sochi when I was walking along the embankment with a bottle of beer in my hand. The police stopped me and asked for my documents. I had an American passport with me. Seeing him, the policeman began to tell very emotionally how he wants to go to America, and how bad and hopeless it is in Russia. This is very revealing!

Simple people depend on officials, and they do who knows what instead of working in their place. From this, such is the attitude of Russians towards their country, and there is no faith in the future. This is the main difference between Russia and America. Now I understand why Russians are so eager to leave for the United States, despite the propaganda that everything is bad there. In fact, we have huge prospects and opportunities.

There is "above" someone and he sees everything...

- Meeting with Andrey is like help from above. Yes, there was a lot of bad things in my life, but now I understand that I had to go through all these negative moments in order to come to who I am now and what I have now. I never get tired of thanking God for everything that was in my life. I can’t say that I often go to church, but I believe in God or in the one who is above. When I feel bad, I just look at the sky and talk to HIM. I'm sure HE hears me. And you will always get what you need if you ask. Not a million dollars of course, but some real things. I know for myself, - says Anton. - And after they helped me get to Moscow and restore my passport, I believed 100%.

I lived in Chuvashia, worked everywhere and with whomever I could: as a photographer, a bartender, I sold jackets in order to save up for a passport. Money was very difficult. They also needed money for a ticket and a hotel. I asked for help so much and then they call me from Moscow, from the first channel, from the Gordon program, and offer to participate in a TV show: they pay for travel, a week's hotel stay and they also give a fee of 40 thousand. It was like a miracle!

"Dom-2" as a "panacea" for begging

- There was a story when I wanted to get to Dom-2, I even applied through my brothers Zaitsevs had every chance to pass the casting. But, firstly, I did not know what it was then. And secondly, I had nowhere to live and there was a problem with work due to the lack of registration and a Russian passport. An acquaintance suggested, they say, go to Dom-2. There is a roof, and they will feed, and they will give more money. Plus, you'll be on TV. They will find out about you and can help in a life situation. That's why I went there, but when I found out what it was, I myself refused. Although who knows what would have happened if he got there. Life is so unpredictable… — says Anton.

Russian orphans must stay in Russia!

- In my orphanage in Chuvashia, where I grew up, now there are three or four children left. It can be seen that children's homes in Russia are disappearing due to the policy of the state. This is cool! We can do without foreigners here. I am categorically against our children being taken abroad. Although such as Navalny are pushing a different policy towards our orphans. In this regard, I think that officials are simply making money on orphans. If you delve into this topic, you can understand what is at stake.

It is necessary to prohibit the export of our children abroad - this is our future, how can one be so wasteful! Think about it, in just 2 years (from 2012 to 2014) 60,000 children from Russia were given up for adoption abroad. Now multiply exponentially by imagining that these children will have children and then grandchildren and great-grandchildren. What could they do for their country - maybe there are geniuses among them?! In addition to the demographic issue, this is an impressive monetary circulation, not to mention other aspects, - Anton Batrakov-Shoki expressed his thoughts.

Today it became known that a tragedy occurred in the family of one of the ex-participants of the Dom-2 show. Stepbrother of Anton Shoka committed suicide. This was reported by Anton himself. Ildar, according to the latest data, was serving a 25-year term in prison. The reason for the suicide, most likely, was his imprisonment for such a long period. Psychologically, he did not cope with this sentence.

Anton Shoki does not disclose all the details about the death of his brother. The only thing he said was - “I think he got mental problems on this basis, and he killed himself. I am very sad and remember my brother only with warmth, we were really close.” According to Anton, the trial was dishonest and the sentence was extremely harsh, which led to mental problems in his older brother.

Ildar - brother of Anton Shoka committed suicide

By the way, this was not the first prison term of Ildar, not so long ago he was released on parole, the first conviction was for theft. Almost nothing is known about the second. What really happened, and why Anton Shoka's brother killed himself, one can only guess.

Anton Shoki shared on social networks memories of his brother, who committed suicide. They have different fathers, so they are maternal brothers to each other. Ildar was four years older than Anton. Their lives were quite difficult. They both grew up in an orphanage, Anton got there when he was three years old.

But as an older brother, Ildar always stood up for Anton and was his mentor. “I remember we went to the camp together, and I stole dinner for him. The brother did not approve of this act and scolded for it - Ildar wanted me to be honest, ”Anton shared his memories.

Reality show

The difficult life story of Shoka and his brother became known to the public after Anton came to the television project Dom-2. He told the audience and participants how he ended up in the USA and why he decided to return to his homeland.

Anton came to America after he was adopted by a family from the USA, but when the young man grew up, he decided to return to his homeland in Russia. The guy became known to the public after appearing as a participant in a scandalous television set.

Foster parent scandal

Foreign "parents" did not find a common language with Anton, his character is temperamental and he could often behave very quickly. The guardians accused the adopted son of sexual harassment of their children and even filed a complaint with the police.

This was not the end of his "adventures" in America. Anton was forcibly sent to a psychiatric hospital for examination, and then the walls of a special camp for difficult children with criminal inclinations were waiting for him.

While Shoki was in the US, he went through four foster families. Even at this time, Anton Shoka's older brother, who committed suicide, did not leave him. He helped Anton financially, sending 20-30 thousand a month.

When Anton Shoki turned 16, he decided to return to his homeland. All the red tape with the documents lasted about two years, and upon reaching the age of majority, he managed to carry out his plan.

Anton Shoki now

At the moment, according to some reports, Anton Shoki is in America, he decided to return there after he left the television project and his personal life went downhill. In the US, he got a job as an administrator in one of the local hotels.

At the moment, there is a heated debate about the return of Anton Shoka to Dom-2. Rumors spread after voting started in the TNT mobile application, in which viewers choose a participant who is given a second chance and returned to the project. About 44% voted for Anton.

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