Hello student. The meaning and social role of culture




annotation scientific article on the sciences of education, author of scientific work - Udovichenko Elena Valentinovna, Gorban Irina Gennadievna, Zaikin Mikhail Viktorovich

One of the main accents of normal and healthy human life is movement. Movement in its various manifestations is the basis of any activity in which a person self-develops, self-realizes and manifests itself. The sociality of activity in the broadest sense of this thesis lies in the fact that a person, as an element of the structure of society, expresses himself and is mediated only in activities that, at various stages of socialization, are characterized by the interaction of a person with other subjects of society, starting with small groups (family), collectives (class, team , production team) and ending with society as a whole. Some time ago, it was believed that in the context of the restructuring of the socio-economic mechanism of our country, the emergence and development of the labor market, the transition to the information society, there was a greater need for specialists with a high level of intellectual creative activity, for deepening the integration of science, production and education. The modernization of the professional training system for specialized personnel involved providing the country's economy with specialists capable of working in the information society, ready to master and develop the latest technologies without harming the environment and humans. However, the analysis of the experience of the development of education in most industrialized countries made it possible to identify a number of the most significant trends in the development of vocational education precisely from the point of view of educating the personal physical culture of the individual and its inclusion in the social context of the corporate model of behavior in production, such as: trends in professional studies of the physical qualities of a specialist, formation culture of individual and group health, socio-cultural orientation of professionally applied physical culture, ecology of health of a specialist and ecological and valeological approaches to the organization of activities in production. The possibilities of physical culture can be effectively used to improve the mental and psychophysiological qualities of students, which are necessary for the formation of professional competencies: stress resistance, neuropsychic stability, personal and situational anxiety. The physical culture of the future specialist, as well as the culture of his health, integrating the ecological, valeological unity, physical improvement and the ability to resist production risk factors, are a new emerging pattern of substantiating the importance of the social role of physical culture, the future professional's perception of his image in the production space and collective existence in the conditions of professional activity.

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One of the main accents of normal and healthy activity of the person is driving. Driving in its various manifestations is the basis for any activity in which the person makes personal growth, self-actualizes and shown. The activity sociality in a wide comprehension of this thesis is that the person as a building block of society self-expresses and mediated only in activity which at various stages of socialization is characterized by interaction of the person with other subjects of society, starting with small groups (family), collectives (a class, team, work collective) and finishing society in general. Still some time ago it was considered that in the conditions of a reorganization of the social and economic mechanism of our country, emergence and development of labor market, transition to informational society the need for experts with a high level of intellectual creative activity, in deepening of integration of science, production and education began to be felt more. Modernization of system of vocational training of specialized shots assumed providing national economy with the experts capable to work in the conditions of informational community, ready to master and develop the latest technologists without prejudice to a surrounding medium and the person. However, the analysis of experience of development of education of the majority of the countries developed industrially allowed to reveal a number of the most significant trends in development of professional education from the point of view of education of personal physical culture of the person and her inclusiveness in a social context of corporate behavior model on production, such as: tendencies the professiograficheskikh of researches of physical qualities of the expert, formation of culture of individual and group health, a sociocultural orientation of professional and applied physical culture, ecology of health of the expert and ekologo-valeological approaches to the organization of activities on production. Physical culture can be effectively used to improve mental and psycho-physiological qualities of students which are necessary in the formation of professional competences: stress resistance, psychological stability, personal and situational anxiety. Physical culture of future expert, and also the culture of his health integrating in themselves ecological, valeological unity, physical perfecting and ability to opposition to factors of production risks are the new formed pattern of justification of a significance of a social role of physical culture, perception by future professional of the image in production space and collective existence in the conditions of exercise of professional activity.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "Social significance of students' physical culture"

UDK 378.01-052:316.61:796

Udovichenko E.V.1, Gorban I.G.1, Zaikin M.V.2

1Orenburg State University 2Orenburg State Agrarian University E-mail: [email protected]

social significance of physical culture of students

One of the main accents of normal and healthy human life is movement. Movement in its various manifestations is the basis of any activity in which a person self-develops, self-realizes and manifests itself. The sociality of activity in the broadest sense of this thesis lies in the fact that a person, as an element of the structure of society, expresses himself and is mediated only in activities that, at various stages of socialization, are characterized by the interaction of a person with other subjects of society, starting with small groups (family), collectives (class, team , production team) and ending with society as a whole.

Some time ago, it was believed that in the context of the restructuring of the socio-economic mechanism of our country, the emergence and development of the labor market, the transition to the information society, there was a greater need for specialists with a high level of intellectual creative activity, for deepening the integration of science, production and education. The modernization of the professional training system for specialized personnel involved providing the country's economy with specialists capable of working in the information society, ready to master and develop the latest technologies without harming the environment and humans. However, the analysis of the experience of the development of education in most industrialized countries made it possible to identify a number of the most significant trends in the development of vocational education precisely from the point of view of educating the personal physical culture of the individual and its inclusion in the social context of the corporate model of behavior in production, such as: trends in professional studies of the physical qualities of a specialist, formation culture of individual and group health, socio-cultural orientation of professionally applied physical culture, ecology of health of a specialist and ecological and valeological approaches to the organization of activities in production.

The possibilities of physical culture can be effectively used to improve the mental and psychophysiological qualities of students, which are necessary for the formation of professional competencies: stress resistance, neuropsychic stability, personal and situational anxiety.

The physical culture of the future specialist, as well as the culture of his health, integrating the ecological, valeological unity, physical improvement and the ability to resist production risk factors, are a new emerging pattern of substantiating the importance of the social role of physical culture, the future professional's perception of his image in the production space and collective existence in the conditions of professional activity.

Key words: social aspects of physical culture, integrativity of physical culture, physical culture of a professional, corporate culture of the production team, social possibilities of physical culture.

Any interaction in society is justified by the motor activity of a person, the requirements for which are constantly increasing. Society needs more and more healthy, hardy, hardworking citizens. It is known that this problem is solved in the context of the individual's physical culture.

One of the first aspects of the sociality of the physical culture of a person at various stages of socialization is the socio-cultural aspect. This manifestation of sociality is inextricably linked with the general concept of culture, which is seen as a variety of activities of subjects in the "man-society" system, including the results of this activity.

sti, and also means and methods of their achievement. The sociality of physical culture is manifested through a person from the point of view of a carrier, consumer and creator, who functions and improves in society. In addition, the sociality of physical culture is manifested in its integrative component:

From the standpoint of the conceptual process of cultural development, which is associated with a field of activity that implies the physical improvement of a person;

From the standpoint of the concept, which is based on spiritual production, based on a system of abilities, opportunities, social relations, etc.;

From the standpoint of the concept, which focuses on the conscious organization of relations and management in the system "man - man" and "man - society", based on methodological approaches to the education of the physical culture of the individual himself through the impact on the motivational sphere.

The integrative component of physical culture in the aspect of its sociality can be considered both in relation to the general cultural process of society, and from the point of view of approaches (pedagogical, sociological, psychological, biomedical, etc.) that substantiate various aspects of human physical culture.

Physical culture accompanies a person throughout his life and is relevant at any age stage, solving specific tasks characteristic of a certain age. There is no need to prove how important the physical culture of the individual is for life in modern society, and how serious the approach should be to observing and ensuring continuity in the upbringing of the physical culture of the individual.

Growing up and developing in society, a person is called upon to create good both for himself and his loved ones, and for society as a whole. Therefore, in this context, the concept of "physical culture of a professional" acquires even more important social significance, which is formed in the process of preparing for the implementation of future professional activities in production.

This aspect of sociality focuses on the tasks of the process of physical education of modern student youth.

The historical analysis of the production requirements for the physical fitness of specialists shows that the loss of biosocial approaches in the formation of industrial relations and the social environment that determines the self-awareness of a person has led to a decrease in the level of health and an insufficient level of physical fitness for professional activities in the workplace.

At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries in the education system of higher education, the relevance of problems characterizing the issues of

ratio of general and special education. On the one hand, narrow specialization and special knowledge ensured high-quality professional activity, and on the other hand, the rapidly developing scientific and technical sphere, the multi-structural nature of the economy and the tough labor market began to dictate completely new requirements for university graduates, which were characterized by a high level of physical fitness, professionally important physical qualities determined by psychophysiological processes. That is, the society began to demand healthy, efficient and competent professionals from the standpoint of professiographic features of the profession.

Nevertheless, analyzing the educational and methodological documentation, we noted that out of the 1800 hours of the curriculum allocated to the general humanitarian and socio-economic training of students of a technical university of that time, for example, only 408 were allocated to the discipline "Physical Education". hours. This accounted for only 5% of the entire range of disciplines studied, while some other humanitarian subjects accounted for 16%, special - from 15% to 27%.

The share of general professional disciplines accounted for 19% to 26%. Most (22% -32%) were general mathematical and natural science disciplines.

Currently, the requirements for the physical capabilities of future specialists continue to grow. A person faced the problem that the business community began to make the same demands on him as on the environment, that is, to use its resources for greater productivity. This process occurs with the presentation of strict requirements for the level of health, professional and general cultural competencies, but, as a rule, is not characterized by the manifestation of concern for a person, the safety of his work, the creation of conditions for the development and self-realization of the individual in the process of production activity. The employer stopped thinking about the value of the person himself: at the moment, momentarily, his quickly accessible creative and activity potential is needed; there is no protection of the biosocial nature of man, which

udovichenko E.V. and etc.

Social significance of physical culture of students

cannot be torn by harsh methods, the severity and irregularity of labor”; a person began to be written off as obsolete equipment, while his accumulated experience could play a huge role for society.

The accelerated expansion of the already accelerating scientific and technological progress, a large-scale leap in the plane of information strategies updated the concept of "risk". Special studies have shown that the full use of specialized knowledge and skills, professional mobility, are possible only with good health, high performance of specialists, which can be acquired by them in the process of regular and specially organized physical education and sports and maintained with a healthy lifestyle and reflected in new educational programs.

Thus, the social significance of the physical culture of future professionals in modern society has marked some essential changes related to the fact that under the physical culture of a professional as an integral component of his spiritual culture they began to understand the integrated interaction and indirect influence on each other of such areas as ecological and valeological conscious competence. , physical culture, the level of health, working capacity and the formation of professionally important qualities, realized in the course of mastering general cultural and professional competencies, optimally manifested in professional activities in the context of the synthesis of scientific knowledge about the world and their conscious use in professional activities, having an effective applied value due to synergy of technological, environmental, anthropological, social factors, as well as factors of a healthy lifestyle.

The social aspect of the discipline "Physical Education" at the university is also reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard. So, in the Federal State Educational Standards of a number of different areas of a technical and humanitarian nature, there are corresponding general cultural competencies. For example, in such specialties as "Construction", "Energy and resource saving"

processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology”, “Physical processes of mining or oil and gas production”, “Mining”, “Land management and cadastres”, “Service”, “Economics”, “Electric power and electrical engineering”, “Automation of technological processes and industries” and other future specialists should “possess the means of independent, methodically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities”

By acquiring a profession, a modern student continues his socialization in the conditions of production, where the result of his activity as a professional will directly depend on the level of his physical development and preparedness. In connection with this, this aspect of the sociality of physical culture will ensure competitiveness in the domestic and international labor markets.

However, when carrying out professional activities in a production environment, another aspect of the sociality of physical culture is revealed, which is undoubtedly important for modern university students. This aspect of sociality is associated with the corporate culture of the individual, who realizes his potential within the production team in the "man - society - production" system. Physical culture has a huge potential for educating modern students - future representatives of the professional sphere - character traits and personal qualities that are of great social importance. The ability to work in a team, to feel a partner, to predict the degree of efficiency and effectiveness of the manifestation of physical qualities in working conditions, to make a responsible decision within a given time limit - all these and many other qualities that characterize interaction in a team are perfectly formed in the process of physical culture, sports and physical culture and recreational activities.

In addition, the possibilities of physical culture can be effectively used to improve mental and

psychophysiological qualities of students, which are necessary in the formation of professional competencies. Such qualities include stress resistance, neuropsychic stability, personal and situational anxiety, in the improvement of which the means of physical culture and sports are recognized as the most effective.

Summing up the results of the article, we consider it necessary to note that the physical culture of the future specialist, as well as the culture of his health, integrating ecological, valeological unity, physical improvement and the ability to resist factors

production risks are a new emerging pattern of substantiating the importance of the social role of physical culture, the future professional's perception of his image in the production space and collective existence in the conditions of professional activity.

Thus, the social significance and social functions of physical culture should become not just an important aspect of student youth socialization, but should be considered from the standpoint of the regulator of modern education as a social institution.


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Udovichenko Elena Valentinovna, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Orenburg State University 460018, Orenburg, Pobedy Ave., 13, e-mail: [email protected] Gorban Irina Gennadievna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education, Orenburg State University 460018, Orenburg, Pobedy Ave., 13, e-mail: [email protected] Zaikin Mikhail Viktorovich, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Economics, Orenburg State Agrarian University, 460014, Orenburg, st. Chelyuskintsev, 18, e-mail: [email protected]


Relevance of the problem

Currently, the sociocultural situation is characterized by a number of negative processes that have emerged in the sphere of spiritual life - the loss of spiritual and moral guidelines, alienation from culture and art of children, youth and adults, a significant reduction in the financial security of cultural institutions, including the activities of modern cultural and leisure centers.

The transition to market relations makes it necessary to constantly improve the cultural and spiritual level of the younger generation.

The main task of the club, as a social institution, is to develop social activity and creative potential of the individual, organize various forms of leisure and recreation, create conditions for full self-realization in the field of leisure.

One of the urgent problems of the activities of cultural and leisure institutions on the way to solving this problem is the organization of youth leisure. Unfortunately, due to the socio-economic difficulties of society, the large number of unemployed, the lack of a proper number of cultural institutions and insufficient attention to the organization of youth leisure by local authorities and cultural and leisure institutions, there is a development outside the institutional forms of youth leisure. Leisure time is one of the important means of shaping the personality of a young person. It directly affects his production and labor sphere of activity, because in the conditions of free time, recreational and regenerative processes take place most favorably, relieving intense physical and mental stress. The use of free time by young people is a kind of indicator of their culture, the range of spiritual needs and interests of a specific personality of a young person or social group.

Being a part of free time, leisure attracts young people with its unregulated and voluntary choice of its various forms, democracy, emotional coloring, the ability to combine physical and intellectual activity, creative and contemplative, production and play. For a significant part of young people, social institutions of leisure are the leading areas of social and cultural integration and personal self-realization. However, all these advantages of the leisure sphere of activity have not yet become a property, a familiar attribute of the lifestyle of young people.

The degree of development of the problem

Interest in the problems of youth is permanent and stable in Russian philosophy, sociology, psychology, and pedagogy.

The socio-philosophical problems of youth as an important social group of society are reflected in the studies of S.N. Ikonnikova, I.M. Ilyinsky, I.S. Kopa, V.T. Lisovsky and others. A significant contribution to the study of youth leisure was made by G.A. Prudensky, B.A. Trushin, V.D. Petrushev, V.N. Pimenova, A.A. Gordon, E.V. Sokolov, I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada. Works on self-development and self-realization of the personality in the field of leisure (A.I. Belyaeva, A.S. Kargin, T.I. Baklanova), on the psychology of personality (G.M. Andreeva, A.V. Petrovsky) are close to the problem we are studying. and etc.).

Yu.A. Streltsov, A.D. Zharkov, V.M. Chizhikov, V.A. Kovsharov, T.G. Kiseleva, Yu.D. Krasilnikov.

The object of the study is youth leisure.

The subject of the research is the socialization of the individual in the cultural and leisure sphere.

The purpose of the course work is to study the importance of socio-cultural creativity as a means of socialization of the individual and to reveal the features of its functioning in various areas of life.

Research objectives:

1. Determine the essence and functions of youth leisure.

2. Prove the effectiveness of organized leisure as one of the components of the socialization process.

3. Analyze the activities of cultural and leisure centers for the organization of youth leisure.

Practical significance: the conducted research can be used by teachers-organizers in educational institutions, as well as specialists of cultural and leisure institutions as guidelines for organizing youth leisure.

Research methods:

Theoretical analysis of special literature;

Studying the experience of activities of cultural and leisure institutions in organizing youth leisure;

Work structure- is determined by the goals and objectives of the study and consists of an introduction, two sections, a conclusion, a list of references.

1 Social and pedagogical conditions for organizing leisure activities

youth in cultural and leisure centers

1.1 The concept of leisure

Leisure is an activity in free time outside the sphere of social and domestic labor, thanks to which the individual restores his ability to work and develops in himself mainly those skills and abilities that cannot be improved in the field of labor activity. Since leisure is an activity, this means that it is not an empty pastime, not just idleness, and at the same time not according to the principle: “I do what I want”. This is an activity carried out in line with certain interests and goals that a person sets for himself. Assimilation of cultural values, knowledge of new things, amateur labor, creativity, physical education and sports, tourism, travel - this is what and many other things he can do in his free time. All these activities will indicate the achieved level of culture of youth leisure.

From the ability to direct one's activity during leisure hours to achieve generally significant goals, the implementation of one's life program, the development and improvement of one's essential forces, the social well-being of a young person, his satisfaction with his free time largely depends.

The specific features of youth include the predominance of exploratory, creative and experimental activity in it. Young people are more inclined to play activities that capture the psyche as a whole, giving a constant influx of emotions. New sensations, and with difficulty adapts to monotonous, specialized activities. Gaming activity is universal, it attracts people of almost all ages and social status. Interest in gaming activities among young people is quite pronounced. The range of these interests is wide and varied: participation in television and newspaper quizzes, competitions; computer games; sports competitions. The phenomenon of the game gives rise to a huge, incredibly fast-growing world in which young people plunge recklessly. In today's challenging socio-economic environment, the world of play has a major impact on young people. This world provides young people with an interruption of everyday life. As they lose their focus on work and other values, young people go into the game, move into the space of virtual worlds. Numerous observations of the practice of preparing and holding youth cultural and leisure events indicate that their success largely depends on the inclusion of play blocks in their structures that stimulate young people's desire for competition, improvisation and ingenuity.

Other features of youth leisure include the originality of its environment. The parental environment, as a rule, is not a priority center for spending leisure time for young people. The vast majority of young people prefer to spend their free time outside the home, in the company of their peers. When it comes to solving serious life problems, young people willingly accept the advice and instructions of their parents, but in the area of ​​specific leisure interests, that is, when choosing forms of behavior, friends, books, clothes, they behave independently. This feature of youth age was accurately noticed and described by I.V. Bestuzhev - Lada: “... for young people to “sit in company” is a burning need, one of the faculties of a life school, one of the forms of self-affirmation! .. Despite the importance and strength of the socialization of a young person in an educational and production team, with all the need for meaningful leisure , for all the scale of the growth of the "free time industry" - tourism, sports, librarianship and club business - with all this, young people stubbornly "get lost" in the company of their peers. This means that communication in a youth company is a form of leisure that a young person needs organically. The craving for communication with peers is explained by the great need of young people for emotional contacts. It can be viewed as:

A necessary condition for the life of man and society;

The source of the creative transformation of the individual into a personality;

Form of transfer of knowledge and social experience;

The starting point of self-consciousness of the individual;

Regulator of people's behavior in society;

Independent type of activity;

A notable feature of the leisure activities of young people has become a pronounced desire for psychological comfort in communication, the desire to acquire certain skills in communicating with people of various socio-psychological backgrounds. Communication of young people in the conditions of leisure activities satisfies, first of all, the following needs:

In emotional contact, empathy;

In information;

In joining forces for joint action.

The need for empathy is satisfied, as a rule, in small, primary groups (family, group of friends, youth informal association). The need for information forms the second type of youth communication. Communication in the information group is organized, as a rule, around "erudite", persons who have certain information that others do not have and which is of value to these others. Communication for the sake of joint coordinated actions of young people arises not only in the production and economic, but also in the leisure sphere of activity. The whole variety of forms of communication among young people in the context of leisure activities can be classified according to the following main features:

By time (short-term, periodic, systematic);

By nature (passive, active);

According to the direction of contacts (direct and indirect).

It should be emphasized that the characteristics of youth leisure in terms of the culture of its organization and conduct cover many aspects of this phenomenon, both personal and social. The culture of leisure is, first of all, the internal culture of a person, which assumes that he has certain personal qualities that allow him to spend his free time meaningfully and usefully. The mindset, character, organization, needs and interests, skills, tastes, life goals, desires - all this makes up the personal, individually subjective aspect of the youth leisure culture. There is a direct relationship between the spiritual wealth of a person and the content of his leisure. But the feedback is also true. Cultural can only be content-rich and, therefore, effective in its impact on the personality of leisure.

Finally, the culture of the development and functioning of relevant institutions and enterprises: clubs, palaces of culture, cultural and leisure centers, folk art centers, cinemas, stadiums, libraries, etc. At the same time, the creative activity of employees of these institutions is of particular importance. Much depends on them, on their ability to offer interesting forms of recreation, entertainment, services and captivate people. At the same time, the culture of spending free time is the result of the efforts of the individual himself, his desire to turn leisure into a means of acquiring not only new experiences, but also knowledge, skills, and abilities.

The highest meaning of true leisure is to bring the precious loved one closer and to separate or abolish the empty, unnecessary. Here, leisure for a young person turns into a way of life, in filling free time with a variety of content-rich conclusions of activity. The main features of the cultural leisure of young people are a high level of cultural and technical equipment, the use of modern leisure technologies and forms, methods, an aesthetically rich space and a high artistic level of the leisure process.

Each person develops an individual style of leisure and recreation, attachment to certain activities, each has his own principle of organizing free time - creative or uncreative. Of course, everyone rests in their own way, based on their own capabilities and conditions. However, there are a number of general requirements that leisure must meet in order to be complete. These requirements stem from the social role that leisure is called upon to play.

In today's socio-cultural situation, youth leisure appears as a socially recognized need. Society is vitally interested in the effective use of people's free time - in general, social and environmental development and spiritual renewal of our entire life. Today, leisure is becoming an ever wider area of ​​cultural leisure, where the self-realization of the creative and spiritual potential of young people and society as a whole takes place.

Youth leisure implies a free choice of leisure activities by a person. It is a necessary and integral part of a person's lifestyle. Therefore, leisure is always considered as the realization of the interests of the individual associated with recreation, self-development, self-realization, communication, health improvement, etc. This is the social role of leisure.

The leisure organization system is determined by the interests and needs of young people in their free time. Needs in the field of leisure have a certain sequence of manifestation. The satisfaction of one need usually gives rise to a new one. This allows you to change the type of activity and enrich leisure. In the sphere of leisure, there should be a transition from simple forms of activity, but more and more complex, from passive rest to active rest, from satisfying deeper social and cultural aspirations, from physical forms of recreation to spiritual pleasures, from passive assimilation of cultural values ​​to creativity, etc. .P.

When the social position of a person changes, the level of his culture, then changes immediately occur in the structure of leisure. Leisure is enriched as free time increases and cultural level grows. If a young person does not set himself the task of self-improvement, if his free time is not filled with anything, then there is a degradation of leisure, an impoverishment of its structure.

The structure of leisure consists of several levels, which are distinguished from each other by their psychological and cultural significance, emotional weight, and degree of spiritual activity.

The simplest kind of leisure is rest. It is designed to restore the forces expended during work and is divided into active and passive. Passive rest is characterized by a state of rest, which relieves fatigue and restores strength. What you are doing does not matter, as long as you can be distracted, freed from tension, get emotional release. Habitual simple activities at home induce a mood of peace. It can be reading newspapers, a board game, casual conversation, an exchange of opinions, a walk. Recreation of this kind does not set far-reaching goals; it is passive, individual. contains only the beginnings of positive leisure.

And, nevertheless, such rest is an integral element of human life. It serves as a preparatory degree for more complex and creative activities.

Active recreation, on the contrary, reproduces the strength of a person in excess of the initial level. It gives work to the muscles and mental functions that have not been used in labor. A person enjoys movement, a quick change of emotional influences, communication with friends. Active rest, unlike passive, requires a certain minimum of fresh strength, strong-willed efforts and preparation. It includes physical education, sports, physical and mental exercises, tourism, games, watching movies, visiting exhibitions, theaters, museums, listening to music, reading, friendly communication.

Sociologists, psychologists, and economists have established a direct relationship between work and leisure. In cultural and leisure activities, a number of studies have also been carried out in this area. The most accurate and fruitful are the studies of Yu.A. Streltsov, who believes “that any type of free activity carries both the function of restoring strength and the function of developing knowledge and abilities of a person. However, one of these functions is predominant, dominant: as an activity, it tends to develop a person or mainly restore his strength, of course, recreation and entertainment are closely intertwined with each other, but there are also differences.

Traditionally, “entertainment” refers to such types of activities in free time that provide an opportunity to have fun, distract from worries, give pleasure, i.e. entertainment always requires activity, unlike recreation, as discussed above, which can be passive or semi-passive. We will also clarify that in the process of rest, a person restores his physiological state, and entertainment is necessary to relieve psychological stress, overload, and overwork. Therefore, entertainment requires a special emotional load.

Active recreation is associated with the activation of spiritual interests that encourage a young person to actively search in the field of culture. These searches stimulate the cognitive activity of the individual, which consists in the systematic reading of serious literature, visiting museums and exhibitions. If entertainment serves mainly as an emotional release, then knowledge contributes to the expansion of cultural horizons, the education of feelings, and the manifestation of intellectual activity. This type of leisure is purposeful, systematic, it is the mastery of the world of cultural values, which pushes the boundaries of the spiritual world of a young person.

Cognitive activity brings direct satisfaction and has an independent value for a person. Here, the most serious way of spending free time is gaining momentum, designed directly not for consumption, but for the creation of cultural values ​​- creativity. The need for creativity is deeply characteristic of every person, and especially the young. Creativity brings the highest satisfaction and at the same time is a means of spiritual perfection. The element of creativity is contained in many forms of leisure, and the opportunity to create is open to everyone without exception.

After all, everyone is capable of creativity. Any activity can be creative if it captivates, absorbs the best mental strength and abilities of a person. Creativity includes arts and crafts, artistic and technical types of leisure creativity. The first includes needlework, sawing, burning, chasing, breeding home flowers, and culinary creativity. The artistic form of creativity includes literary activities, folklore, painting, composing music, songs, participation in amateur art activities (stage creativity). Technical creativity involves invention, design, innovation.

Of course, leisure creativity, which is predominantly amateur, does not always reach the highest, professional level, nevertheless, acting as a reliable means of revealing the talent of each person, it has a great social effect.

It should be said that not only creative and cognitive activity can act as a pedagogical process. As well as organizing recreation. After all, organizing a collective holiday means including each person in a common activity, combining his personal interests with the interests of other people. And the effectiveness of this process will largely depend on the participation of young people themselves in it, their ability to relax.

Since rest allows you to determine the place and role of an individual in the social system (social group, team, society as a whole) in accordance with his individual qualities and characteristics. All this makes recreation a socio-pedagogical activity. It is important that each person does what he loves and performs those social functions that best suit his interests and capabilities. Also, in addition to the need for vigorous activity, a person has a need for a living contemplation of the world and his inner life, for poetic and philosophical reflection.

This level of leisure is called contemplative. It corresponds to communication between like-minded people.

In our time, the needs and interests of young people are constantly changing and growing, and the structure of leisure is also becoming more complex. Leisure time is unevenly distributed among different groups of the population. Therefore, it is necessary to develop differentiated forms of organizing leisure activities for various groups of the population. This organization should include various activities.

The magazine "Sotsis" conducted a study on the preferences of urban youth on the example of the city of Zelenograd. The data are presented in table 1.

Table 1 - Young people's leisure preferences

Leisure activities


1 2 3
At home Reading books, magazines 54,0

Watching TV shows, videos;

listening to radio broadcasts, audio cassettes

Folk crafts (knitting, sewing, weaving, embroidery) 10,5

Artistic crafts (drawing, modeling, phytodesign,

, painting on various materials, etc.
Composition (poetry, prose) 9,7
Computer (games) 39,7
Computer (programming, debugging) 19,4
Sports, healthy lifestyle 44,2
pet care 28,2
Chat with friends 73,6
Other 2,8
Difficult to answer 1,2
Outside home Interest clubs (cynologists, lovers of bard songs, environmentalists, fans of running, football) 9,1
Sport sections 27,4
Visiting the skating rink, swimming pool, sports grounds on your own 33,1
Foreign language courses 19,6
Sections and circles of technical creativity 1,2
Sections and circles of folk crafts 0,8
Teaching music, dancing, drawing, etc. 14,7
Electives at educational institutions 6,5
Visiting the library, reading rooms 14,5
Cinema visits 30,0
Theater visits 32,3
Discos 57,3
Visiting cafe bars 40,9
Dacha, household plot 24,2
Mass holidays, festivities 37,1
professional association 3,6
Political associations 2,4
Communication with peers in free clubs 46,4
Other 2,6
Difficult to answer 2

The survey data shows that the bulk of today's youth prefer passive entertainment more often than active. Only a small part of the respondents devotes their free time to education, knowledge and self-development.

Life suggests that the leisure of young people has always been interesting and attractive, depending on how it met the tasks of comprehensive education, how much the organization of free time for boys and girls combined the most popular forms of activities: sports, technical and artistic creativity, reading and cinema, entertainment and game. Where they do this, they first of all seek to overcome the consumer attitude to leisure inherent in the part of young people who believe that someone from outside, but not themselves, should provide them with a meaningful free time.

Today, in view of the rise of the spiritual needs of the young, the growth of their level of education, culture, the most characteristic feature of youth leisure is the increase in the share of spiritual forms and ways of spending free time in it, combining entertainment, saturation with information, the possibility of creativity and learning new things. Interest clubs, amateur associations, family clubs, circles of artistic and technical creativity, discos, youth cafe-clubs have become such "synthetic" forms of leisure organization.

The most serious way of spending free time, designed directly not for consumption, but for the creation of cultural values, is gaining momentum - creativity. The element of creativity is contained in many forms of youth leisure, and opportunities to create are open to everyone without exception. But if we mean the actual creative forms of leisure, then their essence lies in the fact that a person devotes his free time to creating something new.

So, leisure makes it possible for a modern young person to develop many aspects of his personality, even his own talent. To do this, it is necessary that he approach leisure from the standpoint of his life task, his vocation - to develop his own abilities comprehensively, to consciously shape himself.

1. Active forms of leisure activities.

In order for leisure to fulfill its role in the system of socialization, it must have two aspects: satisfy the emotional needs and contribute to the intellectual search of young people.

Dominance in leisure of emotions and submission to joys, entertainments of both the intellect and the will is dictated by the main purpose of "leisure" activities to give a person a physiological, psychological rest, discharge, disconnect from work and everyday problems. Active recreation allows a variety of switching from mandatory to optional, from serious to fun, from mental to physical, from knowledge to entertainment from passive to active. And, on the contrary, it is necessary to rely on “switching schemes” typical for cultural and leisure institutions and methods of emotional and other relaxation, this has a psychophysiological value for different people.

When creating various leisure programs for young people, alternating activities in their free time, one must observe time, energy and other limits, considering a certain set of switching from one activity to another. Violation of the measure in any kind of activity (concerts, games, holidays, etc.) turns it into a tiring, and therefore objectionable to rest. Therefore: a lot of good is also bad, because not always the brighter the better, there are also limits here, when the event becomes tiresome and even begins to annoy.

Modern cultural and leisure institutions have another important specific side in the use of the emotional sphere of a person - creating harmony of external conditions with internal, deep emotions of people. So that the general emotional reaction to light, sound, design harmonizes with deep moral and aesthetic feelings, raises them.

There should not be such facts in a cultural institution when the comfort and aesthetic expressiveness of the design of the premises is in conflict with the lack of content of events and the obsolescence of their forms. Against the backdrop of poorly organized events, even good design only exacerbates the feeling of lack of content. And the negative aspects of the design only reinforce the shortcomings of the content. Thus, it is necessary to strive for the formation of a holistic cultural and leisure environment that affects the nature and content of leisure programs and causes people to need to actively participate in them.

In pedagogical terms, the activity of a cultural and leisure institution is not so much to provide each individual with the most varied amount of activities, but to develop as diversely and deeply as possible through the business that a person likes to do at leisure various aspects of his personality: intellect, morality, aesthetic feelings, all the work of modern cultural and leisure centers should be based on a certain perspective on such a system of events that would satisfy not only the needs for relaxation or new information, but also develop the abilities of the individual. Consequently, leisure acts as a factor in the formation and development of the personality of its assimilation of cultural and spiritual values.

This process is called socialization, and a cultural and leisure institution is an institution of socialization.

A peculiar form of socialization of a person is his activity according to interests in the leisure sphere. In the socialist aspect, activity according to interests (hobby) is a constant voluntary, emotionally saturated activity, the purpose of which is the development and self-development of the personality of a young person. The social purpose of a hobby is that here a person sometimes achieves a higher skill than in a professional activity. Hobby activities, reaching the level of socially significant initiatives, contribute to the creation of new socio-cultural values.

At present, two main types of this activity have developed in the field of youth leisure - socially organized amateurism (interest clubs, amateur associations, initiative clubs, etc.) and unorganized leisure communities, individual leisure hobbies.

The process of socialization and cultural development of the personality of members of amateur associations, clubs of interest, unlike traditional amateur art groups, is carried out not in rigid role-playing, unambiguously delineated boundaries, but in the process of actually developing leisure situations. Amateur associations have a higher degree of self-organization and self-governance than traditional leisure amateur groups (choir, theatrical, choreographic, etc.).

Voluntary choice of activities, emotionally saturated relationships, moving boundaries between cultural-cognitive, cultural-creative and recreational elements significantly accelerate and facilitate the process of an individual's adaptation to amateur types of leisure activities. They contain the possibility of self-expression and self-affirmation of a person's life position, the active manifestation of his creative potential. As characteristic features of amateur associations, one can name a common interest in any type of group free activity; social orientation of activities, associations; confluence of personal and microsociety interests; commonality of motives for joint activities of participants, determined by socially significant goals.

The definition of indicators and the classification of amateur activities are of no small importance for improving the structure and content of leisure. Being the most perfect type of leisure collective, amateur associations more fully reflect the amateur nature of leisure activities as an opportunity for young people to be widely introduced to various forms of leisure.

The social significance of cultural and leisure activities lies in its influence on the development of the creative inclinations and abilities of a young person and the level of his satisfaction with a cultural and leisure institution.

Today we all must realize that culture has entered a qualitatively new stage of development. A new situation arises in the interaction of culture and the social sphere. Culture acts as a dynamic force shaping the life of society, exerting an enormous decisive influence on the development of social relations. And in this sense, cultural institutions should act as an important means of increasing the organic nature of socio-cultural development.

At present, the activity of a cultural and leisure institution should, first of all, solve social problems in the region, offering new models of lifestyle. The sphere of leisure today is becoming a concentration of such social problems that society cannot solve in other spheres of life (drug addiction, alcoholism, crime, prostitution, etc.). Of course, this does not mean that leisure activities are fully capable of fulfilling this social order, but the club sphere is obliged to offer alternative, socially significant leisure programs. The activities of leisure institutions should be aimed at creating the most favorable, optimal conditions for recreation, for the development of the spiritual and creative abilities of a young person.

Cultural institutions give the joint socio-cultural activities of young people a qualitative certainty, significance, both for an individual and for groups of people, for society as a whole. At the same time, the development of social activity and creativity, the formation of cultural demands and needs, the organization of various forms of leisure and recreation, the creation of conditions for spiritual development and the most complete realization of a young person in the field of leisure. This is precisely the purpose of the institution of culture, as a socio-cultural institution. The main function of which is to organize the unification of people for joint activities to meet the cultural needs of a person and solve specific socio-cultural problems.


The study of the activities of cultural and leisure centers for the organization of youth leisure confirms that they are currently going through a rather difficult period, which is characterized by the following negative processes: insufficient funding, a decline in public interest in the activities of leisure institutions; as a consequence, their low attendance, many forms of leisure activities are simply outdated, etc. Significant socio-cultural and socio-pedagogical resources in the formation of civic, personal qualities of young people are laid in the leisure sphere, which is the dominant element of youth culture. The social and pedagogical value of leisure activities largely depends on the ability of a young person's personality to self-regulate this activity. In our work, we conducted a study with the aim of improving the leisure of young people in cultural and leisure centers. And the following tasks were set:

Determine the essence and functions of leisure.

When solving this problem, special literature was studied and analyzed, which made it possible to consider the structure of leisure and reveal its main functions. Leisure is an activity in free time outside the sphere of social and domestic labor, thanks to which the individual restores his ability to work and develops in himself mainly those skills and abilities that cannot be improved in the field of labor activity. This activity is carried out in line with certain interests and goals that a person sets for himself.

Assimilation of cultural values, knowledge of new things, creativity, physical education and sports, travel - this is what and many other things a person can do in his free time. All these activities will indicate the achieved level of culture of individual leisure. Thus, leisure is a part of the social time of an individual, group, or society as a whole, which is used to preserve, restore the development of a person’s physical and spiritual health, and his intellectual improvement. The culture of youth leisure is characterized by such activities that are preferred in their free time.

From the ability to direct your activities during leisure hours to achieve generally significant goals, the implementation of your life program, the development and improvement of your essential forces, the social well-being of a young person, his satisfaction with free time largely depends.

The next problem considered was the effectiveness of organized leisure as one of the components of the socialization process.

The sphere of youth leisure has its own characteristics. The leisure of young people differs significantly from the leisure of other age groups due to their specific spiritual and physical needs and their inherent social and psychological characteristics. These features include increased emotional, physical mobility, dynamic mood swings, visual and intellectual susceptibility. Young people are attracted to everything new, unknown. The specific features of youth include the predominance of search activity in it. Thus, the task of cultural and leisure centers is the maximum implementation of developing leisure programs for young people, which are based on the principle of simple organization, mass character, inclusion of unused youth groups. Improving the organization of cultural forms of youth leisure will provide it with the opportunity for informal communication, creative self-realization, spiritual development, and will contribute to the educational impact on large groups of young people.

An analysis of the work of Professor Salakhutdinov R. G. showed that in our country there are many different ways of organizing youth leisure. Cultural centers here act as a place of concentration of the socio-cultural activities of the individual in the field of leisure, where a person acquires the skills of self-realization, self-affirmation in creativity, and the experience of leisure behavior. At present, new, non-traditional forms of entertainment, education, communication and creativity of young people are included in the practice, the foundations for the further development of this field of activity have been laid.

The main directions of the sphere of socio-cultural creativity

“Socio-cultural creativity (SCT)” is a conscious, purposeful, active activity of a person or a group of people, aimed at cognition, self-improvement and transformation of the surrounding reality, the creation of original, original spiritual and material values, useful and necessary for a person in his daily life. life and education of the next generation.

SCT is aimed at self-education, mastering the socio-cultural experience of previous generations, at the formation of a cultural environment, as well as at improving and creating new forms of social relations.

SCT is manifested in the amateur and creative initiative of the individual.

Professor Salakhutdinov R. G. in his book “Socio-cultural creativity as an effective means of forming a cultural environment” classifies socio-cultural creativity in the following areas:

1. Socio-political amateur creativity:

Legal and political orientation;

Historical, cultural and ecological orientation;

international friendship;

Art history, art-critical orientation;

Anti-war movement;

Consumer Protection Movement;

Lobbying organizations and groups;

Fans of sports, popular creative teams and performers;

Religious and extremist orientation and others.

Serve as a channel for expressing the interests of the masses;

Act as a school of political education;

They determine the preservation of state authorities in the sphere of control of society;

The protection of cultural monuments and the environment have an impact on political power.

2. Industrial and technical amateur creativity:

Design - construction of technical objects with the implementation of their projects;

Modeling - reproduction of technical objects based on samples in a reduced form (or enlarged);

Study of the device, principles of operation and methods of controlling technical objects;

Invention - technical creativity in production, aimed at developing new principles for the creation and application of technology;

Rationalization - technical creativity aimed at improving the used equipment, technology;

Amateurism - technical creativity, not directly related to the production and professional activities of a person;

Mass-technical creativity is the creative activity of the masses that takes place in their free time.

To acquaint with the achievements of the NTP;

Development of human creative abilities;

Education of a culture of work - the need for knowledge, creativity and creative work;

Labor education - a careful attitude to the results of one's own work and the work of other people;

Raising a sense of pride, patriotism for the achievements of domestic science, technology and production.

3. Amateur artistic creativity:

Amateur activities organized on the basis of folklore and ethnographic culture of the past;

Amateur art activities focused on professional art;

Mass amateur performances (musical, dance, theatrical, visual and others);

Folk arts and crafts;

Original amateur performance that has no analogues either in professional art or in folklore.

Public organization of socio-cultural activities of the masses of interest in leisure time;

Realization of aesthetic needs and artistic abilities of people;

Organizational and pedagogical - education of the moral and aesthetic culture of the younger generation;

Revival, preservation and development of national-cultural traditions and folk art.

4. Natural science amateur creativity:

Local history, natural history;

Tourist and excursion activity of pathfinders;

Gardeners, flower growers, collection of medicinal herbs;

Study of living fauna;

Aquarists, fishermen, pigeon breeders;

Lovers of astronomy, physics, mathematics, geography, etc.

environmental education;

Landscaping, gardening of the district, city;

Formation of skills and abilities of rational nature management;

Raising love and patriotism for one's land.

5. Sports, physical culture and recreation amateur art:

Tourism, mountaineering;

Athletics (running, volleyball, basketball, football, hockey, etc.);

Gymnastics, figure skating, table tennis, badminton and others;

Weightlifting (barbell, weights, dumbbells, etc.);

Chess and checkers, backgammon;

Yogis, Ivanovo health clubs, walruses;

Fencing, shooting, swimming, water skiing.

Physical culture and health education, popularization of sports;

Education of physical culture;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Preparation and participation in competitions, competitions, sports olympiads.

6. Extraordinary forms of amateur creativity:

Holidays: families, courtyards, streets, cities, KVNs, brainrings and others;

Competitions “Talented family”, “Dad, mom and I are a sports family”;

Beauty contests “Miss Tatarstan”, fashion models;

Collecting and collecting activities (philophonists, philatelists, numismatists and others);

Days of national cultures, decades, exhibitions-fairs.

Popularization of cultural values ​​and subjects of cultural activity;

Involving people in social and cultural practices;

The transformation of passive consumers of culture into active consumers; active - in distributors; distributors into creators;

Formation of a culture of life.

Thus, several results are achieved, which Salakhutdinov R. G. called subject and educational:

1. Subject - these are cultural values, which include achievements in the field of artistic creativity, sports, etc.; cultural environment, i.e. culture of life, work, production.

2. nutritious - this is the culture of the individual, i.e. moral, aesthetic, physical culture, ecological, economic, legal, communication culture.

Both of these results complement each other, making the process of socialization more effective.


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Culture is a complex system with many levels of development. On the one hand, we see that these are the values ​​accumulated by people, on the other hand, human activity, which is based on the experience of generations. Thus, it becomes obvious that society and culture are inextricably linked, because one concept is impossible without the presence of the other.

In modern culture, it has several interpretations:

  1. Achievements of mankind in different spheres of life.
  2. A way of organizing social relations.
  3. Degree and its introduction to discoveries in various fields of knowledge.

The fact is that there is such a thing as the spiritual culture of society, which exists in parallel with the material. It is characterized as a set of achievements that exist in the collective and people. It is realized through such forms as myth, religion, art, philosophy and science. Note that spiritual culture cannot exist in isolation, because we can find its signs in all spheres of a person's life.

The fact is that society and culture are two planes of consideration of human life. When we decide between these two concepts, we answer a few more questions in parallel. So, first, what underlies the mode of human activity? The answer sounds like this: a certain image of society, which was historically formed under the influence of many factors. As for the second question, its essence is this: where and to what extent is culture manifested? Here we see many of its branches and types: economic, organizational, legal, religious, moral, and many others.

Note that culture and are closely intertwined, because a person interprets his creativity in different ways, and its implementation is possible only through the use of existing cultural forms. The fact is that each of them has a specific system, semantic and symbolic, in which the structure of human existence is expressed in a certain way.

When it comes to a social subject, we are talking about its general potential, which was accumulated as a result of a long period of life and development. Any culture has its own specific characteristics that distinguish it from all others.

Society and culture are two dynamic systems, the development of which is determined by world events and regular changes in the life of society. Thus, society is understood as the creation of a model for the unity of people, as well as the use of certain methods for this. This is the literal plane of existence of subjects. Culture is a spiritual plan, based on how they interact and what they obey, based on the experience of previous generations.

If we consider it in various spheres of human life, we need to talk about its individual plans and types. So, first of all, it is worth analyzing its moral form, which developed after the myth went into the past and a person had to learn to control himself and act consciously, and not unconsciously, because his actions were programmed from above.

The moral side is a set of rules that combines the strength of a person, the development of his abilities and the acquisition of certain opportunities. Morality has two levels: the lowest (a person is guided by the observance of the rules by imitating and copying the behavior of others), the middle one (realization confirmed by public opinion) and the highest one (the level of self-control, in which all actions are evaluated from the point of view of conscience).

Society and culture have long been intertwined into a single system, so now we need to study these two concepts together.

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