Million dollar beauty project. Beauty in a million: the story of four amazing transformations


Dear readers! We have already revealed one of the secrets of the fifth season of the “Beauty for a Million” project - the new participant will be a man, and a fairly famous one at that. But this is just the beginning! We searched for a very long time, consulted with you, and finally found a worthy couple, Alexandra Pryanikova, who, together with the showman, will present the anniversary season of the project. We hope you will support her, because this woman with her energy and unbridled thirst for life can become an example for everyone. Meet Angelica!

Hooray! I'm in the project! Believe me, my emotions are more than sincere, because I couldn’t even think that I would be chosen as a participant in the fifth season.

The participant filled out the questionnaire with the thoughts “What if?” When they offered to send additional photos, I sent them with the feeling “It definitely can’t get any worse.” But when I was invited to the office for the first time, then, excuse me, a slight tremor began. It seemed that I was about to become another victim of scammers who would deceive me into buying expensive cosmetics and would also issue a loan for this business. And I just borrowed from the bank to renovate my apartment and install a ballet barre...

But stopping in the face of difficulties is not in our rules, is it? We only live once, so it was worth a try too. That’s how I came to the project with scant confidence in a miracle!

On my own behalf, I’ll add that I didn’t come to the project, but rather burst into it, as the girl curators said about me. Indeed, walking is absolutely not my thing. I'm always running somewhere, doing something, in general, I don't sit still. If someone prefers to spend their vacation at the dacha, then, rest assured, in a month I will have time to fly abroad to a resort, take some courses, and even conclude a couple of deals with partners, like an entrepreneur.

What else can I tell you about myself? You probably guessed from the photo that I am a “lady of Balzac’s age.” But this is only external. Alas, over the years our body ceases to be controlled by the mind, and no matter how you set yourself up, the body stubbornly continues to “bend” under the pressure of nature. In fact, in terms of literary age, I am rather the “Pushkin’s Tatyana”, and sometimes even the young “Turgenev’s Asya”. Especially when my friends and I, out of the blue on a Friday evening, get together and fly to some youth club for a party.

What did you think?! Yes, despite my age, I continue to lead an active lifestyle and do not agree one bit with the idea that 50-year-olds should sit at home, raise their grandchildren and spoil their family with Sunday pies. Brrr... even just thinking about it makes me feel bad :)

I have two children. They are already adults, at the stage when they have to choose their own path in life. And here, I believe that I must step aside: the moment has come when I can devote more time to myself and, finally, begin to implement those plans that I once could not bring to life. And believe me, I have them, and they are very ambitious!

By the way, if for someone participation in the “Beauty for a Million” project is a chance to radically change their life, to start it from scratch, then in my situation everything is different. My goal is not to correct the “minuses into pluses,” but to turn the “pluses into very bold and big pluses,” that is, to become better. I don’t even think so much about the project as about what I will do after it. In order for my ideas to come true, I need to “polish” my appearance and “align” it with the age at which I feel. And this is no more than 35 years!

You won’t even guess with what motivation I came to the project :) This is neither more nor less - to become famous! When I was young, I tried to enter a theater university, but it didn’t work out. But I never gave up on my dream. When I found out that I was accepted into the project, I began to prepare for my future, and even started a major renovation of the apartment to install a ballet barre. Now I will study on my own and invite like-minded people to join me. After all, in a regular dance class or fitness studio they look at me like I’m crazy. But people over 50 don’t want to sign up for clubs.

I am sure that the specialists of the “Beauty for a Million” project will do an excellent job in my case too. Don’t forget that I still have to become an actress and attend TV shows! :) I can already imagine taking photos for my portfolio and putting together a resume to send to all castings. I soberly assess my chances, so even if they give me some kind of episodic role, it will mean that my dream has come true.

But somehow I got too ahead of myself, because first I need to transform myself. Kleo, go ahead, I'm already looking forward to improvements!

We are talking about the wonderful transformation of Natalia Kondratyeva, a participant in the third season of “Beauty in a Million” from “Cleo”.

Surely many of you have read or heard more than once how life can change in an instant. A poor man, as if by magic, wins the lottery and becomes the owner of a huge fortune. A patient who has undergone a lot of operations, after another intervention, finally gets rid of his illness... Our story is somewhat similar to the cases described, with one exception - the heroine purposefully wanted to change her life, and an experienced team of specialists from various fields helped her fulfill her cherished dream .

We are pleased to present the participant of the third season of “Beauty in a Million” from “Cleo” - Natalia. This fragile 35-year-old woman is raising her teenage son alone and heads the legal department in a reputable Moscow company. But, despite this, she still has not experienced what every representative of the fair sex dreams of. To correct this injustice, Natalia went to the project.

Behind me are 6 long months of intensive work on myself, two plastic surgeries, a series of cosmetic procedures and meeting a lot of interesting people.

We invite you to observe how it was and see how an ordinary girl, despite life’s circumstances, blossoms literally before our eyes and is filled with happiness!

Psychologist Yulia Sviyash played a huge role in Natalia’s fate. She accompanied the heroine at every stage of transformation and helped her realize what she needed to strive for.

Let's find out what Julia thinks about her ward:

“When Natalia and I met at the first session, it was hard to believe that she was 35 years old and had an adult 15-year-old son. The fragile image of a “student girl” was also difficult to reconcile with the serious position she occupied. But in fact, this success turned out to be Natalia’s main problem. She is quite attractive in appearance, men like her, but because of her success in her career, she tries to downplay her role in the relationship and makes herself appear weaker than she really is. This style of communication with representatives of the opposite sex should be corrected, this is what we have set as our goal. Plastic surgeries and accompanying manipulations that Natalia wants to carry out will only increase her confidence in her own abilities.”

The rhythm of the subsequent transformation was literally set in a bachata lesson, which Natalia attended at the Evgeniy Papunaishvili Dance School.

The right mood has been created, the heroine is on a positive wave, which means it’s time to move on to the most serious thing - on the chest.

Maxim Leonidovich Nesterenko helped solve this problem. Based on his experience and following his professional instincts, he selected the most natural teardrop-shaped implants for Natalia. Considering the heroine’s weight and height, they fit into her silhouette almost perfectly. But the most important thing is that the new breasts look absolutely natural.

Here is how Maxim Leonidovich himself comments on the results of mammoplasty:

“Natalia’s case turned out to be quite common and even classic, so the operation did not take much time - after 40 minutes the work was completed. For installation, we used modern safe Natrelle implants with a volume of 280 ml, which have an anatomical shape. To avoid excessive tissue scarring and ensure a high-quality aesthetic result, the installation of prostheses took place along the lower edge of the areola.”

In terms of transformation, there was one more plastic surgery. To make the wait useful, the organizers sent Natalia to the dentist. After all, no happy woman can do without a beautiful Hollywood smile! This is exactly what the doctors at Dental Luxury Clinic did. They gradually cleaned the heroine’s teeth using the Air-flow method and lightened the enamel by several tones using the ZOOM-3 technique.

Finally, we all saw on Natalia’s face the sincere and radiant smile she was missing!

But it’s too early to relax, since Natalia has approached the next stage of transformation - rhinoplasty. An experienced plastic surgeon, well-known in the world of show business, Gayk Pavlovich Babayan, took on the task of changing the shape of the nose. In addition to correcting the shape of the nose, he also corrected the position of the nasal septum, which was necessary for medical reasons.

As soon as the compression bandage and plaster were removed, Natalia immediately appreciated the result - her nasal breathing evened out, now nothing prevented her from taking a deep breath!

The most difficult operations are over, Natalia is getting closer to her ideal. Now we have to put in the finishing touches and start transforming our heroine’s face.

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A simple Muscovite repeated the story of Cinderella. An experienced team of specialists acted as magicians - thanks to their efforts, 35-year-old Natalya was transformed beyond recognition. The “Million Dollar Beauty” project from “Cleo” helped her make her dream come true.

Natalya heads the legal department in a reputable metropolitan company and is raising her teenage son alone. In order to experience real female happiness, which all representatives of the fair sex, without exception, dream of, she decided to radically decide her life. Here's how it happened:

To transform herself, Natalya worked hard on herself for six months. Of course, not without the help of professionals. So, all this time she was accompanied by psychologist Yulia Sviyash. “The fragile image of a “student girl” was also difficult to reconcile with the serious position she occupies. But in fact, this success turned out to be Natalia’s main problem. She is quite attractive in appearance, men like her, but because of her success in her career, she tries to downplay her role in the relationship and makes herself look weaker than she really is,” the expert said about her first acquaintance with her ward.

As you know, all problems are in the head. To get in the mood for a positive wave, Natalya attended a bachata lesson, a popular Latin American dance.

The next stage is the most serious - plastic surgery on the chest. Doctors selected teardrop-shaped implants that were as natural in shape as possible for Natalia. The operation lasted only 40 minutes. After mammoplasty, the new breasts began to look absolutely natural.

It is known that the main weapon of a beautiful woman is a radiant smile. Therefore, the next “stop” on the path to a charming appearance was the dental office. Natalya had her teeth cleaned and her enamel was lightened several shades. Upon completion of the procedures, some Hollywood stars would envy the heroine’s smile!

A correctly shaped nose is also an important point. An experienced rhinoplasty specialist corrected the shape of Natalya’s nose and corrected the position of the nasal septum, which was necessary for medical reasons. After the operation, the girl began to breathe deeply in every sense.

Then an experienced doctor got down to business. Millimeter by millimeter, she brought the skin damaged by smoking back to life. A series of cosmetic procedures gave a stunning result - wrinkles and circles under the eyes disappeared, the face became young and fresh.

“Million Dollar Beauty” is a unique project “Cleo”, in which every woman can take part. Among the huge number of contenders, it is indeed very difficult to choose; each future heroine has her own destiny, her own experiences. Therefore, it is really difficult for the project team.

But, guided by objective factors, we were able to finally determine who will participate in the new season of the “Million Dollar Beauty” beauty project. We are glad to introduce our charming heroine Natalya!

Greetings to all! My name is Natalya Goncharova. Yes, yes, almost like Pushkin, but only with a different fate. I am 42 years old, I was born in Moscow. She graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, but never went to work in her specialty. She managed to be married twice, but these unions did not bring children. I spent a lot of time implementing projects in various industries and immersed myself in building a career. At some point, looking back, I realized with horror that I had completely forgotten about myself and my own life. But most of it is already behind me, time is passing, my biological clock is mercilessly running forward, and my body is unable to resist it.

A few years ago, she very zealously defended the position of only natural attractiveness, completely rejecting both anti-aging procedures and plastic surgery. I did not particularly accept the radical change in appearance. All this was alien to me, and I remember very well how, in a circle of friends and acquaintances, we discussed the plastic surgery of this or that socialite. But “never say never!”

Over the past year I’ve thought a lot about the fact that it’s still interesting to try. There has been some kind of rethinking. My interest is also fueled by the fact that I am dating a man who is much younger than me. Therefore, when I found out about the “Cleo” project, almost without hesitation I filled out the form and pressed the treasured “send” button.

From that moment on, the most exciting thing began - the waiting. I tried not to think about losing, I kept only one thought in my head that I would definitely be chosen, out of hundreds of willing women they would call me!

Thoughts, thoughts... And suddenly it turns out that they are really material. I don’t remember what day it was, and it doesn’t matter! The main thing is that I finally received the cherished offer to participate in the “Million Dollar Beauty” project. This was my chance, and I didn’t dare miss it. Once again I was convinced that miracles do happen in this life. And here I am in the project!

My acquaintance with the “Cleo” team took place precisely in the first days of September. The communication left an indelible impression: I literally felt an unprecedented wave of positivity, determination and sincere love for the work of the employees of this unique project.

I am sure that with the help of the Cleo team I will be able to radically change my life, as they say, start with a clean slate. Such professionals inspire confidence and healthy optimism. I am happy to put myself in their hands and I know that right now, at this second, the trajectory of my destiny is changing for the better!

    How old do you think Natalya looks?

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