Does the Japanese symbol of great luck work. Hieroglyph luck will attract fortune to you

150 rituals to attract money Romanova Olga Nikolaevna

Hieroglyph "Prosperity"

Hieroglyph "Prosperity"

This hieroglyph leads to fame and prosperity (Fig. 89). It activates the energy of development and increase of money.

The hieroglyph helps to attract money into your life, promotes professional success and all good undertakings.

The hieroglyph can be placed in any part of the house, but it cannot be left unattended for a long time.

Figure 89. Hieroglyph "Prosperity"

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Chinese character for good luck

Since ancient times, people have believed in the existence of certain natural forces that can influence the way of life and even change the fate of a person.

Modern people are beginning to forget that we are all part of a large organism, where the energy of nature and man form a single whole, being in constant motion. This principle underlies the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, according to which space is filled with flows of auspicious energy. Each person is able to manage these flows in order to attract more luck, happiness, wealth or harmony into their lives.

To do this, you need to use special symbols and talismans of Feng Shui, each of which is endowed with its own meaning and aimed at attracting different benefits. It often happens that a person works hard, trying to achieve his goals, but for some reason he does not succeed.

Louis Pasteur said that luck chooses only those who are ready for it.

This means that in order to achieve happiness and success, you need to rely not only on your own strength, but also use the help of natural energy. Feng Shui suggests using the hieroglyph luck for this purpose, which, if used correctly, can qualitatively change your life.

good luck symbols

Feng Shui got its name from two words: "wind" and "water". It is believed that the beneficial energy "qi" comes from these elements and has a tangible effect on a person. When used correctly, it can give a person happiness, wealth, good luck. The Chinese character for luck is considered one of the most powerful symbols in the art of feng shui.

It exists in several versions, but it is the hieroglyph "jí" (zi) that is the most effective symbol. The hieroglyph consists of two parts: upper and lower. The top character translates as "wise man" and the bottom one means "speech, word, mouth". Thus, we get the phrase "The word spoken by the wise man." The ancient philosophers of China personified living wisdom with their activities, they were revered, and they listened to their words. People believed that the teachings of Confucius, Lao Tzu would definitely lead them to good luck.

Japanese symbol for good luck

Japan has long been famous for its distinctive culture and writing. Japanese characters are sacred symbols that carry important meanings and influence a person's life. In Japanese culture, there is also a hieroglyph that means good luck. It is this fact that often makes one confuse Japanese with Chinese, but in fact they are completely different.

You should be very careful and distinguish between these symbols, because the cultures of different countries are endowed with their own worldview, which determines the correct use of symbols. The Chinese character for luck is an integral part of Feng Shui, where the location of the sign in your home is of key importance. By confusing the signs, you will not only not help yourself in any way, but can also harm you, because there are specific rules for using signs in the Feng Shui system, which you will learn about later.

To attract good luck in a romantic relationship, the teachings of Feng Shui suggest using a hieroglyph with the meaning of double luck. The sign of double luck, following the intricacies of feng shui, should be placed in the southwestern part of the house or even placed under the bed. If you really want to meet your love, you should definitely keep the sign in your room, under your pillow or in your purse. It will be great if you draw the hieroglyph yourself. So it will belong to and serve you personally. The image of the symbol consists of two identical parts that "stand" side by side, being a reflection of close relationships and happiness between two loving people.

Activate the desired zone

How to use hieroglyphs correctly so that they bring good luck, a lot of happiness and wealth into your life? In the Feng Shui system, there is a special scheme that contains the wisdom of the correct arrangement of objects to attract the flow of "chi" energy. This is the “Bagua grid”, with which you can schematically divide your house into sectors, and place a hieroglyph in one of them, depending on your personal goals. The grid consists of 9 parts-sectors, each of them displays the state of one of the important areas of life:

  • Fame (in the south) displays your reputation and life plans;
  • Wealth (in the southeast) is associated with external material goods;
  • Marriage and love (southwest) is associated with the relationship between spouses, with their sexual and spiritual life;
  • Family (in the east) reflects not only relations between spouses, but also relations with relatives;
  • Creativity (in the west);
  • Health (center) is in the middle of the diagram, being the main sector;
  • Wisdom (in the northeast) includes self-development, experience and intelligence;
  • Career (in the north) reflects the professional level, material well-being.

Follow the rules

Compliance with precise rules is the main key to the effectiveness of hieroglyphs. Failure to follow the rules will turn a serious ritual of accumulating natural energy into a child's game, and you will only waste your time.

The custom of the Chinese to hang the hieroglyph of wealth on their doors is shrouded in mystery. According to some legends, this tradition was introduced into use by Jiang Taigong, who was at the throne during the reign of the Zhou dynasty. Other sources of the annals of China refer to the story of Zhu Yongzhang: he became the founder. The first story is more epic because it affects the relationship between the Chinese gods: Jiang Taigong became a god, and called his wife the Goddess of Poverty, which she was very happy about. Then he ordered her to rule where there is no symbol of prosperity. With this belief, the tradition came not to let poverty into your house, hanging the hieroglyph of wealth on the door.

As you can see, the first story is implausible and more like a joke. The second tells about the completely natural behavior of the ruling person. Zhu Yongzhang once heard the crowd ridiculing a painting of a barefoot young girl living in Anhui Province. The emperor did not understand why these people were laughing, and thought that they were making fun of his wife: she was from the same province. In fact, they are simply not used to seeing a woman barefoot: it was customary to tightly bandage the feet of girls from early childhood, putting tight shoes on them. The leg was deformed and remained small - this was considered a sign of grace. The emperor ordered to hang the hieroglyph of wealth on the door of those who were not in the crowd, and executed the rest.

The Fu symbol is not just monetary happiness, success in career and family relationships, because the word "wealth" comes from the word "god" and indicates a favorable development not only in the monetary sphere, but also in other aspects of life. There are many symbols similar in meaning to the "Fu" symbol. For example: a symbol of prosperity and prosperity - "Lu"; a symbol of money and material wealth - "Tsai". If a person needs not only material security, but also the harmony of his inner world with the outside, then he must choose the hieroglyph "Wealth". The photo of this symbol is at the top of the page.

On New Year's Eve, the Chinese often hang or draw the character "Fu" upside down: there is another legend on this topic. Once upon a time, when the Qing Dynasty ruled, before the New Year, a slave was told to hang a symbol of wealth on the door. The hieroglyph was installed upside down due to the illiteracy of the servant - this made the rich owner very angry. Another servant - the chief steward - stood up for the unfortunate and said that he was not mistaken, because in China "wealth is turned upside down" means the same as "wealth has come." Thus the servant's life was saved.

In the ancient "Historical Records" ("Shang Shu"), there is a mention that the hieroglyph of wealth has five aspects that should be followed, like rules, strictly and responsibly. The first is longevity, that is, a reverent attitude towards one's health; the second is prosperity, which means taking care of the material sphere of life; the third is peace, because you need to be in harmony not only with yourself, but also with the people around you; fourth - dignity, because you need to be able to maintain respect for yourself; and the fifth - death without disease, in order to depart with a calm soul to another world. This way of life can rightfully be considered the life of a rich, happy and successful person.

Lesson 51

Feng Shui... the philosophy of success and prosperity, the doctrine of harmony and peace, the ancient Chinese science of attracting happiness and prosperity. How many sacred gifts are stored in it! The sages-creators of all Feng Shui postulates not only honored the laws of Genesis, but also took care of their safety. It is not surprising that so many different and effective ways have come down to us to improve our lives. One of them is the writing of hieroglyphs.

For a European person, a hieroglyph is an incomprehensible combination of dashes and squiggles. However, all these keys were not created just like that, but were a prototype of the surrounding world. Each sign is a specific symbol of water, man, mountains, trees, and so on. That is why the hieroglyphs have such power and are rightfully recognized as one of the most effective talismans for attracting good luck, love or happiness into your life!

Do you want to check their action for yourself? Let me offer you a choice of several excellent and time-tested talisman hieroglyphs:

Chinese character LOVE




Hieroglyph Love
A classic symbol for attracting love.
The hieroglyph Love has a very powerful force and is able to attract to you not just a soul mate, but also joy, happiness and peace in existing relationships.

All hieroglyphs of love are best hung in the southwest.
In addition, you can write a character and carry it with you (preferably closer to your heart)

Hieroglyph Eternal love
Talisman of eternal friendship, love and understanding. Works great for keeping the flame of passion in an already established relationship.

Hieroglyph 100 years of happiness in marriage
Will bring a fresh stream to your family! Revives feelings and adds firewood to a strong family hearth.

Chinese character HAPPINESS




Hieroglyph Happiness
An amazing hieroglyph that calls for the patronage of Heaven and the Gods. However, it bestows happiness selectively - exactly in the area in which you would like to succeed. On the other hand, it's very convenient.

Think about where you need to attract happiness and place the written hieroglyph in the desired area. For example, to the southeast (if you want to draw more wealth from the abundant ocean of the Universe)

Hieroglyph Double Happiness
A powerful talisman that grants wishes. But it is best to use it to attract happiness with someone in tandem, because its influence extends more strongly to two or more people.

It will help to conceive a child if you put it under the marital bed.
Will give success in business (and at work) if placed in the north.
Will attract like-minded people and friends (help) to you in the northwest.
You can even put it in your wallet so that it attracts more banknote friends to you.

Chinese character Luck

Chinese character Wealth

Of course, this is not the whole toolkit of hieroglyphs of well-being and prosperity. The Chinese language, you know, is rich and powerful, but you can look into the topic on our forum and pick up something else that is no less attractive.

I want to note that hieroglyphs written by hand work best! Of course, the specifics of writing in them are also their own (top - down, left - right), but even if you do not know all the science, do not neglect this opportunity! Put your desire or intention into each line, and then your talisman will quickly attract your plan to life!

The magical properties of Chinese and Japanese characters are known all over the world. Attracting material well-being, good luck, prosperity and wealth with the help of these symbols is their most common use. By following simple rules of use, you can unlock their ability and improve the money side of life - improve the flow of Qi energy.

How to use hieroglyphs correctly?

It is better to apply money hieroglyphs on natural materials, in places where money is stored, for example, on a wallet or safe (piggy bank). In a house, apartment or office, such storage places are best located in the southeastern part - there is the best accumulation of financial resources.

Characters that are not printed on a printer, but drawn with your own hand (or at least circle the “printout” with a marker or paint) work better. It is necessary to write a hieroglyph from top to bottom, from left to right, laying in it a mental positive message.

To start the law of energy movement, you can give any thing with a hieroglyph to another person. The main thing is to do it sincerely and from the heart - the material return will be very high.

What hieroglyphs bring wealth?

The most popular hieroglyph that increases the sources of income, that is, gives new opportunities for self-realization, is “money”. They also use the hieroglyph "wealth", which accumulates not only financial flows, but also leads to fame, success, prosperity, abundance, growth. The sign "abundance" has a similar effect, it also enhances the effect of other hieroglyphs. To realize a specific goal - a dream, it is better to use the hieroglyph "desire".

What hieroglyphs help in business?

For people of creative professions and businessmen, the sign "business success" is well suited. It helps to attract clients, good partners, successful deals and business. Also, this sign attracts thoughts full of new successful ideas, projects.

For start-up business projects, the hieroglyph “invitation of wealth” is well suited. It will help build a favorable financial flow and its acceptance by a person. The sign improves intuition, develops "flair", awakens the inner voice in material matters. It helps to define desires, goals and feelings.

Chinese and Japanese money hieroglyphs carry a powerful energy message. Each stroke was filled with special meaning for centuries, charged with harmony and exceptional power. Opening up new financial opportunities, thanks to the magic of hieroglyphs, is an opportunity to gain additional strength and energy. Share this article with your friends and acquaintances. This will help to start the movement of positive energy and will return to you, having increased many times!

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