Good news: singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child. Singer Jasmine: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Singer Jasmine biography personal life nationality


Earlier this week, singer Jasmine became a mother for the third time. The star and her husband Ilan Shor had a son. The boy was born in one of the capital's clinics. The child was named Miron in honor of his paternal grandfather. Jasmine was showered with congratulations by friends, acquaintances and subscribers of her microblog. The star thanked for the kind words and showed the first photo of the newborn.

“Thank you, my dears, for your sincere congratulations, touching wishes and incredibly kind words! I reciprocate all of you! Everything is fine with my sons, we are slowly mastering this new and interesting world, ”Jasmine wrote on her Instagram.

In the picture you can see how the star mommy holds the cute little heels of her newborn son in her hands. Fans of the pop singer wish health to the baby and happiness to the family.

“Family warmth, well-being, good health and universal happiness!”, “Health to you, and more delicious milk for the baby”, “Congratulations on the birth of your son! May happiness and good luck be his faithful companions in life! ”, - such pleasant comments were left by the fans of the star on her page.

During pregnancy, Jasmine hid the sex of the child from the general public. She wanted it to be a pleasant surprise, particularly for her husband.

After the birth of the heir, Jasmine immediately shared the good news with the media.

“So something happened that I had been waiting for a long nine months! Today a wonderful baby named Miron was born! Such a joy to hold him in your arms and admire this small, but such great happiness! There are so many discoveries ahead of us, so many new and interesting things! Thanks to everyone who supported me all this time! Everything is fine, wonderful and wonderful!” – said Jasmine “StarHit”.

The star's pregnancy was a little more difficult than the previous two. The singer faced severe toxicosis in the early stages. Jasmine suffered from weakness, she had a headache, and she also really wanted to eat sauerkraut and cucumbers.

Recall that Jasmine and her husband are raising a four-year-old daughter Margarita and nineteen-year-old son Mikhail, born to the singer in her first marriage. The older children of the star happily accepted the addition to the family. The singer's daughter, even during her mother's pregnancy, demanded that the baby be born as soon as possible.

Jasmine is a talented singer, actress and presenter, known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. From the article you will learn a little more about the biography of the artist - her husband, children, look at interesting photos. Beautiful and bright, her work has been at the top of various charts for many years, and her personal life is seething with passions.


Sara Lvovna Manakhimova - Jasmine - was born in the city of Derbent in Dagestan. The girl's childhood passed in an atmosphere of creativity. Dad was a dance teacher, mom was a conductor. The family had two children, Jasmine has an older brother.

Sara Manakhimova (Jasmine) with her mother

Jasmine's parents were closely associated with art, but as a child she did not think about the career of an artist. The girl was inclined towards the humanities, studied foreign languages ​​and dreamed of becoming a translator. However, in his native Derbent, there was no university that would train specialists of the required profile, and the parents flatly refused to send their daughter to another city. As a result, Jasmine received a red diploma from a medical college, which she entered at the insistence of her relatives.

Jasmine as a child

Interesting! For the first time, the girl "tried" the big stage during her student days, she participated in KVN, where medical students opposed students from a music university.


Despite the fact that Jasmine mastered the medical profession, it was at the school that she began to pay more attention to music, performed at various student concerts and in the local KVN team. Her performances never left anyone indifferent, so the girl quickly became recognizable in her hometown.

Singer Jasmine on stage

At one of these performances, the future Russian pop star was noticed by the well-known businessman V. Semenduev. Dagestan by nationality, he radically changed not only the biography, but also the personal life of the singer Jasmine. Without hesitation, the young man offered the girl a joint job, and later a hand and a heart.

Singer Jasmine and Vyacheslav Semeduev

Interesting! Jasmine's career began to develop actively with the financial support of Semenduev, the girl was able to afford individual lessons with a vocal teacher from the Gnessin School.

Jasmine's mentor in creative terms was vocal teacher N. Andrianova. Despite good vocal abilities, the future artist did not treat singing as something serious, and did not make any plans in this direction. However, after several years of vocal lessons, I realized that I could safely try myself in the professional field.

In the late 90s, Jasmine's first video appeared, filmed for the song "It happens." The singer's debut disc sold almost 100 thousand copies, then the girl considered it a real success, but she soon realized that this was only the beginning of her stellar journey.

Jasmine's first video for the song "It happens"

At the start of the 2000s, a young and talented girl begins her modeling career. Her unusual appearance and charm struck the French couturier, who offered Jasmine to become the face of his brand in the Russian Federation. But the girl was not a model for long, as she realized that this business did not suit her at all.

Two years after the release of the first album, the second collection saw the light, the circulation of which was more than 270 thousand. Each next disc beat the sales records of the previous one. The stunning success opened the doors of all music venues in front of Jasmine on the territory of not only the Russian Federation, but also other countries of near and far abroad.

Interesting! During her career, Jasmine has released nine collections, five dozen songs and more than four dozen clips. The most successful project was the album "Yes!", which sold 650,000 copies.

Sales of Jasmine's subsequent records were more modest. Critics spoke ambiguously about the new compositions, although they noted the singer's incredibly gentle voice and touching manner of performance.

2014 was marked by a major concert - Jasmine performed with a new show program "The Other Self". The performance took place in the Kremlin Palace and was shown on Channel One. Eminent colleagues of the singer were invited to the show, Kobzon, Kirkorov, Baskov and others were seen in the auditorium.

Concert "The Other Me"

The girl is engaged not only in concert activities, but also tries herself in other roles. Jasmine can be seen in musical productions as an actress, for example, she played in "The Three Musketeers", "Beauty Requires ...", etc. The artist also tried herself as a TV presenter - she hosted an entertainment program, and also took part in the show "Two Stars" paired with Yu. Galtsev.

Jasmine and Yuri Galtsev on the show "Two Stars"

Over the past three years, Jasmine has released only two new songs and a collection of the best songs. But fans of the artist's work hope that in the near future she will delight them with new hits.

Do you like Jasmine's songs?

  • Personal life

    Singer Jasmine does not hide her biography and personal life from the press and fans, she regularly updates her Instagram with new photos.

    Photo from Instagram

    The girl was married twice. Her first husband was businessman Vyacheslav Semenduev, who fell in love with an oriental beauty at first sight, seeing her on a video from her brother's wedding. In 1997, the couple had a son.

    However, the marriage did not last long, ten years later the couple divorced. Jasmine calls the reason for the breakup frequent beatings by her husband. The girl even ended up in the hospital with traces of beating. The husband denies everything, accusing his wife of treason.

    Jasmine with her first husband

    After the divorce, the son stayed with his mother, and she described all the trials that Jasmine had to endure in her autobiographical book “Hostage”.

    In a difficult time for the artist, her good friend Ilan Shor, a businessman from Moldova, the heir to his father's billion-dollar capital, was always nearby. Jasmine met a man at a charity event, where she participated as a singer. Ilan radically changed the biography of the girl, becoming her second husband. The couple has children; in this marriage, Jasmine had a daughter, Margarita.

    Jasmine with her second husband, son and daughter

    In 2016, information appeared in the media that Jasmine had recovered greatly, and journalists accused the woman that she had stopped taking care of herself. But as it turned out later, Jasmine was pregnant. She had another son.

    Jasmine with her husband and children from her second marriage

    Interesting! After giving birth, the singer quickly got into shape, losing 16 kg with the help of a special diet and regular exercise.

    Jasmine before and after weight loss

    • The singer's grandmother was known throughout Derbent for her culinary skills: the woman made traditional Dagestan pastries and cooked jam. All recipes are now kept by Jasmine, who is also a very good cook.
    • From the very beginning of the third pregnancy, the girl was sure that she would have a boy, an ultrasound confirmed this fact. However, she decided to play her husband, and, despite the fact that Ilan dreamed of an heir, she told him that there would be a girl. Jasmine told the truth only three months later, after which she laughed for a long time with her husband.

    Jasmine's third pregnancy

    • The couple calls each other every half an hour. Therefore, when Jasmine and her children decided to surprise her husband and fly to Chisinau from Moscow for Father's Day, the most difficult task was to convince Ilan that she was at home.
    • The singer is allergic to shellfish and jellyfish, so she swims in open water with caution. Jasmine also begins to sneeze from the smell of lilies.
    • The girl is afraid of animals. As a child, she was chased by a large dog, and since then, the feeling of anxiety at the sight of animals has not left her.
    • When the future artist was six years old, her father cut her hair bald. What goals the man pursued is still unknown.
    • The second husband is nine years younger than his chosen one, but this does not interfere with a happy family life. Their union recently received the BEST Couple of the Year Award.

    Anatoly Glazunov (Blockade). We continue the collection about discrimination against Russians on television.

    Singer and TV presenter Jasmine is also a Jew.

    Jasmine was born in 1977 in Derbent (Dagestan ASSR, RSFSR, USSR). Who is by nationality?

    From Wikipedia: Jasmine - nee Sara Lvovna Manakhimova, in the first marriage of Semenduev, in the second - Shor. That is, by nationality, a Jew.
    Sarah was born into a Mountain Jewish family. Father - choreographer, Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan Lev Yakovlevich Manakhimov .. Mother - Margarita Semyonovna Manakhimova - was a conductor. The singer's grandmother, 80-year-old Sarah Natanovna, lives in Derbent. Sarah also has a great-grandmother (96 years old), who lives in Israel.

    The singer often goes on tour to the USA, Israel, Spain, Canada, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Germany, Ukraine and other countries. In January-February 2005, Jasmine gave a series of concerts in the cities of Russia with the program "Yes!".

    For two years she was the host of the Wider Circle program on the TVC channel. Since May 2011, Jasmine began to appear frequently in programs on the Russian Music Box channel. First, she appeared on the air as the host of the month in the TOP-10 program, and then began to host the Junior Box program.

    Posted on Aug. 9th, 2014 at 11:04 am | |

    The lot of the singer Jasmine had a lot of trials. They were connected both with personal life and creativity. But it is necessary to note the amazing strength of the spirit of this woman. It was thanks to this that she was able to cope with all the troubles and not lose faith in the best.

    The girl was born in Dagestan in a creative family. But, despite this, she was in no hurry to connect her life with creativity. On the advice of her mother, after graduating from school, she entered a medical school and graduated with honors.

    Jasmine began to develop her singing talent much later. And even at this time, she considered singing her hobby. Everything changed after the first album was released, which won the sympathy of the listeners. The circulation was small - just over 100 thousand copies, but it seemed to Jasmine that there was nothing to dream of greater success.

    Her subsequent albums were even more successful. The singer began to give solo concerts in the largest concert halls in the country. Her work was also known abroad. Alla Pugacheva herself became interested in her work.

    During the rise of creativity, Jasmine was happily married and raised a beautiful son. However, as it turned out later, all this was just a beautiful fairy tale.

    Marry a prince

    The first husband of the singer was Vyacheslav Semenduev. At the time of meeting the girl, he was the owner of a construction business in Sochi and several expensive restaurants in Moscow. The acquaintance of a businessman with his future wife was very unusual. He saw the singer on an amateur video of a family holiday and fell in love with her.

    The man spent several months to find the girl he liked and get to know her. It took some more time to get her location. But Vyacheslav is not the kind of man who is used to retreating from difficulties, and in the end he made an offer of marriage to Jasmine.

    They decided to celebrate the wedding in accordance with Eastern traditions. But the celebration was overshadowed by the sad events that occurred in both families. Jasmine's mother did not wait for her daughter's wedding, and Vyacheslav's father and brother died. Therefore, it was decided to hold the ceremony and celebration quietly. Comedians performed at the wedding, but everything went without musical accompaniment.

    Interesting Notes:

    After some time, the newlyweds had a small party in one of the restaurants in Moscow, where they invited close friends and colleagues.

    Family life

    Despite the fact that the couple honored Eastern traditions, Vyacheslav was not going to make a housewife out of Jasmine. He understood that development as a singer was important for a girl, and did not interfere with this. In addition, the businessman provided all kinds of assistance and supported his wife financially.

    After the wedding, Jasmine and Vyacheslav had a son, Mikhail. But this did not become an obstacle to the development of the singer's career. She continued to record new songs and perform with tours in various cities and countries. Everything was destroyed by the scandal that occurred in 2006.

    The press got photos where Jasmine was with a broken bridge of her nose and numerous bruises on her face. At first, the singer did not comment on this, but later said that Vyacheslav Semenduev inflicted these beatings on her.

    It also turned out that it was not the first time in 10 years of family life that he raised his hand to her. This scandal was followed by a divorce and lengthy litigation for custody of their son Mikhail.

    Love when you don't expect it at all

    After a divorce from Semenduev, Jasmine began a black streak in life. She tried to heal her spiritual wounds and achieve the right to raise her only son. During this period, she needed support more than ever. And she got it.

    During this difficult period next to Jasmine was a young businessman Ilan Shor. He was 7 years younger than the singer, but in intelligence and prudence he was not inferior to older men. He tried to help not only with advice, but also with actions.

    Shor is not used to relying on chance. He realized this at an early age, when he helped his father run their family business. Ilan's father opened one of the first duty-free chains in Moldova and developed the business further. At the age of 15, the guy began to delve into the activities of his father's company, and in 2005 he became the CEO.

    Business under the leadership of Ilan Shor developed very successfully. In addition, the young businessman participated in the public and political life of the country and received many awards from the hands of the President of the State.

    Therefore, when the guy offered to help Jasmine in solving her problems, she gladly accepted his help. Later it turned out that Ilan fell in love with this oriental beauty and decided to marry her. He had to seek the location of Jasmine for a long time, but he succeeded and in 2011 they became husband and wife.

    In sorrow and in joy

    After a magnificent wedding, which took place in Moldova, the newlyweds began to equip their family life. Very soon, the couple found out that they were expecting replenishment in the family. In 2012, their daughter was born. The girl was named Margarita. Jasmine hoped that now she would find family happiness and a beloved man.

    But like a bolt from the blue, there was an accusation against Jasmine's husband in financial fraud. He was accused of transferring a huge amount through offshore banks. Shor cooperated with the investigation in every possible way to prove his innocence. And he succeeded. After a month of proceedings, the charges against the businessman were dropped.

    Life began to improve again. And, as a consequence of this, fans found out that Jasmine is pregnant again. The singer chose not to advertise this news for a long time. Evil tongues even reproached her for not taking care of herself and gaining excess weight. But in 2016, everything became known. Jasmine and Ilan had a son, who was named Miron.

    In the same year, a new test awaited the family. A new charge of financial fraud was brought against the husband of the singer Jasmine. At first he acted as a witness in this case, but was later detained and charged.

    For more than a year, the best lawyers have been trying to prove Shore's innocence, and Jasmine is doing everything possible to support her beloved in a difficult situation.

    It is in such situations that the phrase “to be together in sorrow and in joy” becomes relevant, this is how feelings are tested for strength. And Jasmine and Ilan have proved more than once that their love will endure everything.

    Sara Lvovna Manakhimova (real name) was born on October 12, 1977 in Derbent. Now she is a famous singer, designer, TV presenter and fashion model.

    The biography of the singer Jasmine has practically no secrets from fans, and even a lot was said about her personal life in television programs. And fresh photos of the star can be found on social networks on her official pages.

    Childhood and youth

    Sarah's father was a choreographer, and her mother was a conductor. We can say that the girl from the first days of her life was surrounded by music and creative people. Parents are Mountain Jews and tried to raise their children in severity. She unquestioningly obeyed her father and older brother.

    Mom for Sarah was the ideal of a woman, and from childhood she tried to be like her. The character of Margarita Semyonovna combined strictness in raising children, and at the same time all-consuming love and kindness.

    Father Lev Yakovlevich also loved children very much. Especially for them, he organized a circle in the House of Pioneers. Sarah was often called "fairy tale", "picture".

    Brother Anatoly attended art school as a child. He entered the jewelry college, which he graduated with high marks.

    And the grandmother of the future artist was known throughout the city for her culinary skills, namely: pastries and jam. It is these dishes that are a feature of the Dagestan cuisine. All grandmother's recipes are now kept by Sarah Lvovna - she bakes bakery products perfectly and makes jam.

    Sarah knew all the nooks and crannies of creative life, namely: endless rehearsals, constant touring, irregular work schedules. Therefore, she was not initially going to link her fate with the stage, although even in her school years she enjoyed performing at concerts, she sang and danced well.

    When the time came to decide on a profession, she firmly decided to become a translator and for this she took up the study of English. Parents did not argue, but there was no special university in the city. And there was no question of sending a young girl to Moscow.

    Her mother insisted that Sarah apply to medical school, which she later graduated with honors. Surprisingly, it was this that prompted the girl to change plans, which later influenced the biography and personal life of the future singer Jasmine. Various events, competitions, KVNs were often held in the educational institution, and there she was destined to be on her native stage again. In one of the competitions, she won first place for the best musical performance.

    Personal life

    Singer Jasmine does not try to hide her personal life from prying eyes, she often posts family photos and videos on Instagram. The biography says that she married twice.

    The first husband was Vyacheslav Semenduev, who fell in love when he saw the girl on the video from the wedding of his brother. He financially helped Sarah reach heights in her pop career. In 1997, they had a son, who was named Michael.

    Exactly 10 years later, their seemingly strong union, sensational news appeared that the singer was in the hospital with signs of a beating. In numerous interviews, the singer said that she was a victim of domestic violence: her husband forced her to sign some documents, the purpose of which he did not say anything. In response, Semenduev accused the now ex-wife of treason, which once again confirmed the status of a domestic tyrant.

    The divorce process was difficult for both parties. During it, the singer managed to defend the right to raise Maxim. The full story is written in the autobiography Hostage.

    In that difficult period, a good friend Ilan Shor, a Moldavian businessman with Israeli roots, the heir to the multi-million dollar capital of Miron Shor, became a support and support for the singer.

    Shor proposed to the singer and in 2011 they officially got married. The chosen one is 9 years younger than her, but age is not a hindrance to personal happiness. Soon Jasmine gave birth to his daughter Margarita.

    In May 2015, Ilan Shor was arrested on suspicion of fraudulent activities and embezzlement of a large amount of money in dollars from 3 Moldovan banks. The investigation began 2-3 months earlier, and only at the beginning of May the Moldovan businessman was arrested.

    The Moldovan businessman himself denies all the accusations against him, assuring that the hole in the bank accounts was formed long before the appearance of private investors. This trial received a powerful return, thousands of depositors took to the demonstration in the capital of Moldova. But there was a long silence in the matter.

    It seems like the personal life of the singer Jasmine improved, and loud sensations began to bypass her family. There is a lull in the biography, and social networks are replenished with happy family photos. On June 14, 2015, her husband was elected mayor (mayor) of the city of Orhei.

    In 2016, the news about Jasmine's pregnancy appeared. Fans and the press decided that the singer just got better, because she didn’t even immediately tell her husband about her interesting situation. Most began to criticize the appearance of the star, accusing her of not wanting to follow her appearance and nutrition.

    April 25 of the same year Sarah, whom she and her husband decided to name Miron. After, despite the harsh attacks of critics who claimed that it was difficult for her to follow the figure, she was able to regain her former shape in a fairly short period of time. And now she looks much better than before pregnancy. This is confirmed by personal photos on social networks, as well as numerous photo shoots.

    But maternal happiness was not long, due to legal problems. The case did go to court, and Shor spent 30 days in a pre-trial detention center until an official decision was made to transfer the businessman to house arrest. This does not mean that the case is closed, but it made it possible for Jasmine and her husband to be together for some time. Later, the circumstances in the case changed dramatically, and Ilan already acted as a witness.

    But it cannot be said that the moment has come when Jasmine's life was filled with joy and happiness. Now the trial is up to her personally. It became known that the owner of the construction company intends to demand as much as 62 million rubles from it. Where the information came from and how true it is is still unknown.

    What does Jasmine look like now?

    Due to problems with the law, for more than a year, the biography, or rather the personal life of the singer Jasmine, is going through hard times. She and her husband have to live in two countries, besides, the woman tries to combine work and raising children. According to her, in many Instagram posts with photos, this rhythm of life is becoming more and more difficult.

    The other day, the star told the press that she no longer intends to endure separation from the dearest person, and therefore in a month she is going to go to his homeland with her children. She wants to spend the New Year holidays, as well as a few more weeks with her family, after which she will return to Russia again. In her story, she noted the productivity of 2017 for herself personally.

    It meant that this year she was able to record many new musical compositions and shoot videos. Even her youngest son, who is only 1.5 years old, began to take his first steps. Recently, she went out with him for the first time, visiting the birthday of Philip Kirkorov's daughter, Alla Victoria.

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