To reveal the meaning of the epigraph, take care of honor from a young age. Why did Pushkin take the epigraph take care of honor from a young age


"The Captain's Daughter" is both a historical novel (about a peasant revolt led by Pugachev), and a family chronicle of the Grinevs, and a biography of Pyotr Grinev, and a novel of education (the history of the formation of the character of a noble "undergrowth"), and a novel-parable (the fate of the heroes - confirmation of the moral thesis, which became the epigraph to the novel: "Take care of honor from a young age"). Grinev is a witness and participant in historical events. The formation of the personality of a young nobleman is a continuous chain of tests of his honor and human decency. Having left home, he now and then finds himself in situations of moral choice. At first, they are no different from those that happen in the life of every person (losing a hundred rubles to Zurin, meeting with a counselor during a snowstorm, a love conflict). The hero is absolutely not ready for life and must rely only on a moral sense. His life experience was limited to the instruction of a stern father, received before leaving.

The moral potential of the hero was revealed during the rebellion. Already on the day of the capture of the Belogorsk fortress, he several times had to choose between honor and dishonor, and in fact between life and death.

But the most important moral test was ahead. In Orenburg, having received a letter from Masha, Grinev had to make a decisive choice: the soldier's duty demanded to obey the general's decision, to remain in the besieged city - the duty of honor required him to respond to Masha's desperate call: “you are my only patron; intercede for me poor.” Grinev the man defeated Grinev the soldier, who swore allegiance to the empress, he decided to leave Orenburg, and then took advantage of Pugachev's help.

Grinev understands honor as human dignity, the unity of conscience and a person's inner conviction that he is right. We see the same “human dimension” of honor and duty in his father, who, having learned about the alleged betrayal of his son, speaks of an ancestor who died because he “revered honor as a shrine to his conscience.”

So, in the novel, honor has become a measure of the humanity and decency of all the characters. And, of course, this epigraph is connected not only with Pyotr Grinev, but in one way or another with all the heroes of the novel. For example, Ivan Kuzmich Mironov refuses to recognize the impostor as his sovereign and prefers to die, fulfilling the duty of the commandant of the fortress to the end. For him, death is better than betrayal of his duty. Ivan Ignatievich, a garrison lieutenant who refused to swear allegiance to Pugachev, also dies heroically. The embodiment of loyalty and honor is Masha Mironova. The difference in attitudes towards honor and duty separated Grinev and Shvabrin on opposite sides of the barrier. The openness and sincerity of the hero led to a meeting with Pugachev - a man in his own way honest and pure. In any story, you can discover qualities of character that were previously unknown. Everyone has a chance, even in the most difficult trials, to find a way out without sullying their honor.

1. The genre of the work.
2. History of creation.
3. The idea and the main plot.
4. The fate of the heroes and the meaning of the epigraph.
5. The value of the work for the modern reader.

"The Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin is an original and controversial work. This is a historical story, conceived back in 1833, and a family chronicle of the Grinev family, and an exciting love story of two young hearts. The work can also be attributed to the genre of the novel-parable, since the fate of the main characters is a direct confirmation of the folk wisdom that is included in the epigraph. It is also a novel-upbringing or a novel-formation of characters, one of the first in Russian literature, which psychologically accurately and quite reasonably describes the change in the character of the main character under the pressure of life circumstances.

The story "The Captain's Daughter" is not for nothing called a historical chronicle. It presents not just historically significant persons, but the action itself has a documentary basis - orders, extracts, letters, which Pushkin searched the archives with such care.

The events described take place over several years - from 1772 to 1775. The story is being told on behalf of Peter Grinev, a hereditary nobleman, sincerely devoted to Empress Catherine II and his homeland, convinced of the need for autocracy. Grinev's memories (and the story is a memoir or memoir of the protagonist) are connected with one of the most terrible events in Russian history - the uprising of E. I. Pugachev. This is a bright and complex historical figure - in the center of the novel, all the main storylines strive for him, almost all the heroes of the work interact with him, only few of them manage to escape alive after meeting him.

Grinev is not only a witness, but also a participant in what is happening around him. The formation of the character, to be honest, quite persistent and straightforward, a young nobleman is associated with a constant test of his honor and conscience. After leaving home, the young gentleman constantly finds himself in situations of difficult moral choice, absolutely correct, despite the miserable life experience. It consisted only in the phrase said to his son at parting and taken out by the author in the epigraph: "take care of honor from an early age."

The entire moral potential of the hero is finally revealed during the popular revolt. In just one day spent in the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev has to choose between life and death several times. The young, inexperienced nobleman, however, never betrays in the name of saving his own life, unlike some heroes who are not as spiritually pure as he is. But, seeing the "Russian rebellion", "senseless and merciless", Grinev seriously thought about the fate of the Russian nobility. Peter comes to the conclusion that in many respects his fate depends on his attitude towards the "black people", the ability to accept this people, if not as an equal, then not devoid of originality and human dignity. From the point of view of the protagonist, only peaceful and humane coexistence of estates is capable of saving, saving Russia from the crisis. And this is the first impetus to undermine the ideal image of the monarchy and autocracy.

Grinev's dream is also symbolic, in which "a terrible man, glancing merrily, invites him under his blessing." The most important, decisive and fateful moral test overtakes the hero already in Orenburg. Having received a letter from Masha, Peter must make a choice between duty and honor - to save his beloved from the besieged city, where she was in the hands of the scoundrel Shvabrin, or to remain in Orenburg and fulfill the duty of a soldier, knowing that an innocent girl is being tortured, and no one can come to her. help. Masha's desperate appeal: “You are my only patron; intercede for me poor ”became decisive. Grinev the man defeated Grinev the soldier who swore allegiance to the empress. He decided to leave Orenburg, and then took advantage of Pugachev's help.

The fate of the characters is largely tragic, but the ending of the novel - the happy reunion of Masha and Peter - is bright and joyful. Pugachev, as is known from the history course, was caught and executed. Of great importance in the denouement of the novel is the image of Catherine II, who came to the aid of the lovers, descended to the “traitor” and took pity on the “orphan”. Only thanks to her and the reckless courage of Masha, who came to the Empress in the name of saving her love, this story has a happy ending.

The concept of honor for Grinev is above all. He perceives honor as human dignity, the unity of conscience and inner conviction that he is right. The father of the protagonist, and the captain of the fortress, the father of beloved Peter, had a similar understanding of honor.

“Take care of honor from a young age, and a dress again” - this is what a folk proverb says. What did the author want to say, who brought folk wisdom into the title of his story? The fact that once you have stained your conscience, you will no longer wash off. That one should listen to the voice of the heart, but rely on one's own wisdom a cold mind. The fact that each person is able to choose between honor and duty and either keep or tarnish honor forever is the best "outfit" for anyone.

So did Grinev follow his father's advice? Has he tarnished his name or not? Of course not, because the accusations of betrayal turned out to be imaginary. Acquaintance with Pugachev was supported by a completely ordinary human desire to warm his neighbor, who shares the road with you and helps you in bad weather. Yes, and Grinev could not make another choice, knowing that the unfortunate, innocent victim was in the hands of a traitor, and there was no salvation, no one would help her.

Honor in the novel is a measure of the humanity and decency of the characters, their morality and spiritual purity. The difference in attitudes towards honor and duty separated Grinev and Shvabrin on opposite sides of the barrier. The openness and sincerity of the hero led to a meeting with Pugachev - an honest and pure man in his own way. In any story, you can discover qualities of character that were previously unknown. Vile and low deeds make any person a complete scoundrel. Everyone has a chance, even in the most difficult trials, to find a way out without sullying their honor.

But the most important moral test was ahead. In Orenburg, having received a letter from Masha, Grinev had to make a decisive choice: a soldier's duty demanded to obey the general's decision, to remain in a besieged city - a duty of honor required him to respond to Masha's desperate call: “you are my only patron; intercede for me poor.” Grinev the man defeated Grinev the soldier, who swore allegiance to the empress, he decided to leave Orenburg, and then took advantage of Pugachev's help.
Honor Grinev understands as human dignity, the unity of conscience and the inner conviction of a person in his rightness. We see the same “human dimension” of honor and duty in his father, who, having learned about the alleged betrayal of his son, speaks of an ancestor who died because he “revered honor as a shrine to his conscience.”
The moral potential of the hero was revealed during the rebellion. Already on the day of the capture of the Belogorsk fortress, he several times had to choose between honor and dishonor, and in fact between life and death.
Literature - Grade 9A. S. Pushkin. "Captain's daughter". The fate of the heroes and the meaning of the epigraph "Take care of honor from a young age."
Honor has become in the novel a measure of the humanity and decency of all the characters. The attitude to honor and duty divorced Grinev and Shvabrin. Grinev's sincerity, openness and honesty attracted Pugachev to him (“My sincerity struck Pugachev”). In historical trials, hidden volitional qualities appear in a person (Masha Mironova). Meanness and baseness make him a complete scoundrel (Shvabrin). History gives a chance to be saved even in difficult trials to those who are honest, humane and merciful.
“The Captain’s Daughter” is both a historical novel (about a peasant revolt led by Pugachev), and a family chronicle of the Grinevs, and a biography novel of Pyotr Grinev, and a novel of education (the history of the formation of the character of a noble “undergrowth”), and a novel-parable (the fate of the heroes - confirmation of the moral thesis, which became the epigraph to the novel: “Take care of honor from a young age”). Grinev is a witness and participant in historical events. The formation of the personality of a young nobleman is a continuous chain of tests of his honor and human decency. Having left home, he now and then finds himself in situations of moral choice. At first, they are no different from those that happen in the life of every person (losing a hundred rubles to Zurin, meeting with a counselor during a snowstorm, a love conflict). He is absolutely unprepared for life and must rely only on a moral sense. The instruction of a stern father, received before his departure, limited his life experience.

Essay on literature on the topic: A. S. Pushkin. "Captain's daughter". The fate of the heroes and the meaning of the epigraph “Take care of honor from a young age”

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A. S. Pushkin. "Captain's daughter". The fate of the heroes and the meaning of the epigraph “Take care of honor from a young age”

1. The genre of the work.
2. History of creation.
3. The idea and the main plot.
4. The fate of the heroes and the meaning of the epigraph.
5. The value of the work for the modern reader.

"The Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin is an original and controversial work. This is a historical story, conceived back in 1833, and a family chronicle of the Grinev family, and an exciting love story of two young hearts. The work can also be attributed to the genre of the novel-parable, since the fate of the main characters is a direct confirmation of the folk wisdom that is included in the epigraph. It is also a novel-upbringing or a novel-formation of characters, one of the first in Russian literature, which psychologically accurately and quite reasonably describes the change in the character of the main character under the pressure of life circumstances.

The story "The Captain's Daughter" is not for nothing called a historical chronicle. It presents not just historically significant persons, but the action itself has a documentary basis - orders, extracts, letters, which Pushkin searched the archives with such care.

The events described take place over several years - from 1772 to 1775. The story is being told on behalf of Peter Grinev, a hereditary nobleman, sincerely devoted to Empress Catherine II and his homeland, convinced of the need for autocracy. Grinev's memories (and the story is a memoir or memoir of the protagonist) are connected with one of the most terrible events in Russian history - the uprising of E. I. Pugachev. This is a bright and complex historical figure - in the center of the novel, all the main storylines strive for him, almost all the heroes of the work interact with him, only few of them manage to escape alive after meeting him.

Grinev is not only a witness, but also a participant in what is happening around him. The formation of the character, to be honest, quite persistent and straightforward, a young nobleman is associated with a constant test of his honor and conscience. After leaving home, the young gentleman constantly finds himself in situations of difficult moral choice, absolutely correct, despite the miserable life experience. It consisted only in the phrase said to his son at parting and taken out by the author in the epigraph: "take care of honor from an early age."

The entire moral potential of the hero is finally revealed during the popular revolt. In just one day spent in the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev has to choose between life and death several times. The young, inexperienced nobleman, however, never betrays in the name of saving his own life, unlike some heroes who are not as spiritually pure as he is. But, seeing the "Russian rebellion", "senseless and merciless", Grinev seriously thought about the fate of the Russian nobility. Peter comes to the conclusion that in many respects his fate depends on his attitude towards the "black people", the ability to accept this people, if not as an equal, then not devoid of originality and human dignity. From the point of view of the protagonist, only peaceful and humane coexistence of estates is capable of saving, saving Russia from the crisis. And this is the first impetus to undermine the ideal image of the monarchy and autocracy.

Grinev's dream is also symbolic, in which "a terrible man, glancing merrily, invites him under his blessing." The most important, decisive and fateful moral test overtakes the hero already in Orenburg. Having received a letter from Masha, Peter must make a choice between duty and honor - to save his beloved from the besieged city, where she was in the hands of the scoundrel Shvabrin, or to remain in Orenburg and fulfill the duty of a soldier, knowing that an innocent girl is being tortured, and no one can come to her. help. Masha's desperate appeal: “You are my only patron; intercede for me poor ”became decisive. Grinev the man defeated Grinev the soldier who swore allegiance to the empress. He decided to leave Orenburg, and then took advantage of Pugachev's help.

The fate of the characters is largely tragic, but the ending of the novel - the happy reunion of Masha and Peter - is bright and joyful. Pugachev, as is known from the history course, was caught and executed. Of great importance in the denouement of the novel is the image of Catherine II, who came to the aid of the lovers, descended to the “traitor” and took pity on the “orphan”. Only thanks to her and the reckless courage of Masha, who came to the Empress in the name of saving her love, this story has a happy ending.

The concept of honor for Grinev is above all. He perceives honor as human dignity, the unity of conscience and inner conviction that he is right. The father of the protagonist, and the captain of the fortress, the father of beloved Peter, had a similar understanding of honor.

“Take care of honor from a young age, and a dress again” - this is what a folk proverb says. What did the author want to say, who brought folk wisdom into the title of his story? The fact that once you have stained your conscience, you will no longer wash off. That one should listen to the voice of the heart, but rely on one's own wisdom a cold mind. The fact that each person is able to choose between honor and duty and either keep or tarnish honor forever is the best "outfit" for anyone.

So did Grinev follow his father's advice? Has he tarnished his name or not? Of course not, because the accusations of betrayal turned out to be imaginary. Acquaintance with Pugachev was supported by a completely ordinary human desire to warm his neighbor, who shares the road with you and helps you in bad weather. Yes, and Grinev could not make another choice, knowing that the unfortunate, innocent victim was in the hands of a traitor, and there was no salvation, no one would help her.

Honor in the novel is a measure of the humanity and decency of the characters, their morality and spiritual purity. The difference in attitudes towards honor and duty separated Grinev and Shvabrin on opposite sides of the barrier. The openness and sincerity of the hero led to a meeting with Pugachev - an honest and pure man in his own way. In any story, you can discover qualities of character that were previously unknown. Vile and low deeds make any person a complete scoundrel. Everyone has a chance, even in the most difficult trials, to find a way out without sullying their honor.

Issues of honor and morality and the meaning of the epigraph "Take care of honor from a young age"

In his novel, Pushkin puts at the forefront the issues of honor and morality, which at that time were among the most important and most difficult.

Honor occupies the first place among moral symbols. One can go through many troubles and hardships, but, probably, not a single people on earth will come to terms with the decay of morality. The loss of honor is the fall of moral principles, which is always followed by punishment. The concept of honor is brought up in a person from childhood. The heroes of Pushkin's novel have a different understanding of honor.

The protagonist of the story, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, is brought up from childhood in an atmosphere of high worldly morality. Grinev, as it were, combined the kind, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage - qualities that are inherent in his father. Andrei Petrovich Grinev has a negative attitude towards easy, but dishonorable ways to make a career at court. That is why he did not want to send his son Petrusha to serve in St. Petersburg, in the guards: “What can he learn while serving in St. Petersburg? let him sniff gunpowder, let there be a soldier, not a shamaton. In parting words to his son, Grinev especially emphasizes the need for honor: "Serve faithfully to whom you swear, obey your superiors; do not chase after their affection; do not ask for service; do not dissuade yourself from service and remember the proverb: take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." This parting word from his father remains with Grinev for life and helps Petrusha not to stray from the right path. From childhood, Grinev has been greatly influenced by his faithful servant, but at the same time, his friend, Savelich. Savelich considers it his duty to serve Petrusha and be devoted to him from beginning to end. His devotion to his masters is far from being a slave. In childhood, Petrusha Savelich not only teaches him to write and judge the merits of a greyhound dog, but he also gives Grinev important advice that helped Petrush Grinev in the future. With such words, for example, the old servant of his ward Pyotr Grinev, who got drunk for the first time and behaved unsightly, brings up: "It seems that neither father nor grandfather were drunkards; there is nothing to say about mother ... ". So, Grinev’s father and his faithful servant Savelich, brought up in Peter from childhood a nobleman who did not consider it possible for himself to change his oath and go over to the side of enemies, for his own good. situation, Savelich tried to persuade him to evade the calculation. But nobility prevailed. It would seem such a trifle, but it is with such trifles that everything begins. A man of honor is always kind and disinterested in dealing with others. Pyotr Grinev, despite Savelich's dissatisfaction, thanked the tramp for his service by giving him a hare sheepskin coat. This act saved both of their lives in the future. This episode, as it were, says that fate itself preserves a person who lives by honor.

Honor for the Grinevs is human dignity, an alloy of conscience and a person’s inner conviction that he is right.

The leader of the peasant uprising, Pugachev, also has his own idea of ​​honor. He can brutally deal with those who refuse to swear allegiance to him, he is cruel and ruthless. However, he responds to mercy with mercy. Grinev gives the leader a hare sheepskin coat out of mercy, not counting on a reward.

In response, Pugachev graciously spares his life and arranges his fate. The award significantly exceeds the service rendered by Grinev. But Pugachev lives by the rule - "Execute so execute, pardon so pardon." He, like an eagle from a Kalmyk fairy tale, is ready to live not for long, but brightly. His honor is peculiar, but he does not change his idea of ​​human dignity.

The concept of honor and duty for the Mironovs does not go beyond the charter, but you can always rely on such people. They are right in a way. Mironov is characterized by a sense of loyalty to duty, word, oath. He is not capable of treason and betrayal for the sake of his own well-being - he will accept death, but he will not change, he will not back down from the performance of his service. His courage, fidelity to duty and oath, his moral value and deep humanity are features of a true Russian character. Vasilisa Yegorovna was of the same opinion as her husband. She saw her life task in always being close to her husband. Until the last moment of her husband's life, she remained with him and died, because after his death she was no longer afraid of anything and could call Pugachev "a fugitive convict." Masha Mironova also saw women's honor in devotion to a loved one. She maintains this devotion both when Shvabrin torments her, and when Petrusha falls into disfavor. Loyalty, kindness, sincerity, inner purity - these are the main features inherent in women in Pushkin's novel and made them real heroines.

There is only one hero in the novel who does not have any idea of ​​​​honor - Shvabrin. Moreover, he is dishonest in everything - both in private life and in public affairs. Pushkin believes that a man who can offend a woman cannot be a real nobleman and officer.

He violates the laws of honor, human dignity, even when he slanders Masha in front of Grinev; and then, when during a duel he wounds a defenseless opponent; and then, when he swears allegiance to Pugachev, of course, not believing in his royal origin; and then, when he forces Masha to become his wife; and then, when he betrays Pugachev the truth about her origin; and, finally, when Grinev is slandered in prison. This person cannot have any traits that justify him, make him understandable. Violation of the laws of honor for Pushkin was a terrible sin.

Shvabrin is the exact opposite of Grinev. He is a selfish and ungrateful person. For the sake of his personal goals, Shvabrin is ready to commit any dishonorable act. It shows up in everything. Even during a duel, he did not hesitate to take advantage of a dishonorable situation to strike. The duel almost ended with the death of Grinev due to the meanness of Shvabrin, if not for Savelich. When Savelyich found out about Grinev's duel with Shvabrin, he rushed to the place of the duel with the intention of protecting his master. "God sees, I ran to shield you with my chest from the sword of Alexei Ivanovich." However, Grinev not only did not thank the old man, but also accused him of denouncing his parents. Although, having recovered, Grinev found out that it was Shvabrin who had once been his best friend, wrote a denunciation of him to Grinev, the father. above Shvabrin.

The baseness of the soul, envy and meanness turn this person into a tyrant, scoundrel and traitor. Life pays him his due, a well-deserved punishment for all his vile, dishonorable deeds: he, like Pugachev, is arrested, accused of treason and sentenced to death.

What is the meaning of the title epigraph of the novel "Take care of honor from a young age"? Namely, that a person must remain a person in any circumstances, no matter what, remain faithful to his moral principles and principles, defend them, and act fairly towards other people. Only a truthful, kind-hearted, disinterested, sympathetic and courageous person has the right to bear this proud title. Humanity is the manifestation of all the best qualities both in relation to oneself and in relation to other people. For the male heroes in this novel (Andrey and Peter Grinev, Captain Mironov), the concept of honor is also associated with military duty, loyalty and protection of their native land, their state, and service to the empress. For women (Vasilisa Yegorovna, Masha Mironova) - with loyalty to a loved one, sincerity of feelings and inner moral purity.

It was these qualities in the heroes that turned out to be stronger than their opposite evil, deceit, meanness, so good could win. The main characters were able to arrange and defend their own happiness. This served as a reward for their courage, the ability to endure all the difficult trials of fate, to overcome dangers and their own character.

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