Deciphering the horoscope according to the natal chart. Algorithm for working with a natal chart


I have several articles on this topic. They can be read in this order:

Today we can take a closer look at some of the principles of deciphering the natal chart.

There are only 9 planets. It will not be difficult for you to remember them if you link them in an associative series. In particular, the Sun is associated with Sunday, the Moon is associated with Monday, and so on. In English it is even easier, because there the name of the days is associated with the planets. Sunday - Sunday (san - sun), Monday - munday (moon - moon).

Sunday - Sun

Monday - Moon

Tuesday - Mars, Ketu

Wednesday - Mercury

Thursday - Jupiter

Friday - Venus

Saturday - Saturn, Rahu

So you quickly memorize them. Now question Next: Planets 7 + two ascending nodes (Rahu and Ketu) and houses in natal chart 12. How to distribute the board between the planets by houses? 12 by 7 is not divisible. So, figuratively speaking, 12 apartments need to be distributed among 7 owners.

We came to a simple solution. The sun was assigned one house, the moon was also assigned one house, and the remaining 5 planets ruled two houses each. This is how this section was resolved.

Now we divide the card into two halves, upper and lower. Two groups are formed. One group (upper) belongs to moon, the other group (lower) belongs to Sun.

This is approximately the distribution of them by house and by responsibilities.


The planets have happy and unhappy position:

Each of them can be in a happy disposition, in an unhappy one, be gloomy or cheerful. Also, the planets can be in a joyful, high spirits, or vice versa, be in sorrow and sadness. I heard such a comparison of signs in natal chart- it's like rooms painted in different colors. Different coloring of rooms can cause us one mood or another.

In deciphering the natal chart, 5 categories are distinguished

1. Planet in exaltation (delighted)

2. Planet in own sign (planet at home)

3. Planet in moolatricone (planet acting at work)

4. Planet in a neutral sign

5. Planet in a hostile sign

6. Planet in fall

Here's another analogy:

An analogy can help to understand the subtle difference between svakshetra (one's own home), exaltation, and mulatrikona.

Planet's own home- (eg Pisces for Jupiter) - is like your own home. Everyone feels most natural and comfortable at home.
planet in moolatricone(eg Sagittarius for Jupiter) - like your own office. A person there performs formal work and his duties. Any person is strong and significant, performing his duties in his office. The exaltation of a planet (eg Jupiter in Cancer) is like a fun party or a picnic. The person is excited and always in high spirits when celebrating something. So the planet in exaltation is like an excited person at the moment of the greatest rise and fun.
signs planet fall(eg Capricorn for Jupiter) seems to be a very unpleasant reception. A weakened planet is like an unfortunate person being held in a place he hates.
Jupiter is a sattvic and dharmic teacher. Jupiter, the ethereal planet of perception, intelligence, and wisdom, is most comfortable in the sattvic sign of Pisces, the 12th house of the natural zodiac. This is his home. However, he must also uphold dharma (law, religion). Upholding the dharma is his duty. Whether he likes it or not, he has to do it. And fiery Sagittarius, the 9th house of the natural zodiac, his mulatrikon. Jupiter in Sagittarius is similar to the "raja purohita" (high priest of the king). He must sometimes make a firm decision to uphold the dharma (as in cases of death sentences, according to the same dharma). In Pisces, he looks like a peaceful brahmin conducting puja (worship) in his home. In watery Cancer, the 4th house of the natural zodiac, Jupiter is exalted, more of a thinker and scientist (water, 4th house).
In tamasic and earthly Capricorn, the 10th house of the natural zodiac, Jupiter hates the tamasic and manifestly determined karma (action, 10th material house) being performed. It's against his nature. A well-defined tamasic karma being performed can be a cleansing (joyful) with the tamasic planets Mars and Saturn, but Jupiter is unhappy in this position. So, Jupiter is weakened in Makara (Capricorn).

Take Mercury as another example.. This is an intellectual planet and a significator of communication. Intelligent communication for him is the most comfortable activity. So his home is intellectual Gemini, the 3rd house (connection) of the natural zodiac. Nevertheless, intellectual discussions and disputes are the formal work assigned to him. Virgo is the 6th house (spore) of the natural zodiac and it is the mulatrikona of Mercury!
Since sattvic and ethereal Jupiter is not at all enthusiastic about the duty to defend the dharma fiercely and fieryly (punishing the demon king Bali as a Vamana-avatar, for example), he does it out of a sense of duty. But Mercury loves his official job! He loves to engage in intellectual discussions. Thus, Virgo (6th house of the natural zodiac) is not only his mulatrikona (office, duty, karma), but also the sign of exaltation (the highest moment of pleasure at a picnic). Yet, the "intellectual connection" (Gemini) is the most comfortable for him (home, swakshetra).
The last example is Ketu. He is most comfortable with mysterious activities which are shown by the 8th house. So, he has the 8th house of the natural zodiac, that is, Scorpio. His official duty, however, is to give upasana (meditation) and moksha (liberation), which are shown by the 12th house. So, his mulatrikona is in the 12th house of the natural zodiac, i.e. Pisces.

(From the book Integral Method of Vedic Astrology)

The mood changes from good to bad in the following sequence:

Exaltation - Mulatrikona - Own home - Friend's home - Neutral home - Enemy's home - Fall

I won't load you with tables here. If you're interested in the details, it's here...

Planet position Assigned properties

Exaltation Gives courage, valor, high position

Mulatrikona Gives a variety of benefits. wealth, position,


Friend's house Generally favourable, usually giving energy,

friendly behavior

Neutral House Hostility, sickness. It's always true

but the native will try hard to succeed

House of the enemy Open hostility confirmed

Fall Generally unfavorable, but this rule is not always


These are some more principles of interpretation natal chart.

When compiling a horoscope, one cannot do without a natal chart. How to decipher it and find out your future?

Compilation and interpretation of the natal chart

The natal chart is the basis of any individual horoscope. It is her decoding that helps to know yourself, to find out what events await you during your life, what dangers lie in wait around the next turn and, accordingly, how these dangers can be avoided.

Drawing up a natal chart is not such an easy task, and if you are not well versed in astrology, then you can safely use special astrological programs. Those who are interested in getting to the bottom of everything themselves can try to master the independent reading of the natal chart.

Houses in the natal chart: transcript

Houses determine the main events in life. They, like the planets and other indicators, are in a certain sign of the zodiac, which, in fact, determines the development of events.

1st House - individual (character, enterprise, individualism).

II-nd House - acquisitions (money, property, luck).

III-rd House - exchange (communication, relatives).

IV-th House - home (home, family, inheritance).

V-th House - creation (children, love, pleasure).

VIth House - the present (everyday life, work, health).

VII-th House - union (harmony, communication, relationships).

VIII House - detachment (passion, inheritance).

IXth House - ideal (optimism, travel, escape from life).

X-th House - independence (public life, social position).

XIth House - aspiration (plans, hopes, friendship).

XIIth House - achievement (willpower, mystery).

Planets in the natal chart: decoding

Planets in the natal chart show:

How do you live, create, express yourself (Sun);

How do you feel, what do you expect from love (Moon);

What do you think, in what direction and at what speed (Mercury);

As you desire: material needs, sexual desires, happiness (Venus);

How do you act: will, independence, activity, initiative (Mars);

How do you plan your affairs and prioritize (Jupiter);

How do you achieve your goals (Saturn);

How do you accept something new and release the old (Uranus);

How you relax and also how you anticipate (Neptune);

How do you give anything away, and also how do you feel about losses (Pluto).

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart: decoding

In the natal chart, zodiac signs play the role of characteristics. And houses, and planets, and aspects, and other indicators appear to us through the prism of one or another sign of the zodiac. Hence the phrases: Sun in Leo, X-th House in Gemini or Saturn in Libra. It is the signs of the zodiac that “give” astrological indicators their features, which, accordingly, is reflected both in your character and in the events taking place in life.

Aspects, on the other hand, are the individual relationship between the planets in the horoscope - the nodes, squares and trines that form the ascending and descending planets. It is the aspects that show the nuances that make you a unique person. Aspects are arcs of a certain size connecting two elements of a horoscope. They are plotted along the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun across the sky during the year) and are measured in degrees. In the natal chart, aspects are indicated by straight lines of various colors.

Aspects can be harmonious and tense, that is, the planets (the qualities they endow and the events they provoke) can correspond to each other, complement each other or interfere, create an imbalance in life and in the psychological sphere.

The aspects in the individual horoscope determine the events that await you at a particular stage of life, and your reaction to these events, and character traits, habits that you can acquire.

"Strange icons" in the natal chart: transcript

It is assumed that you know what the symbols of the signs of the zodiac and planets look like. But the unfamiliar, strange icons located after listing the ten symbols of the planets, we will now consider.

rahu dharma denoted as an inverted Greek letter "Omega" and speaks of your destiny.

Rahu Karma is designated as "Omega" - Ω - in a direct position and is "responsible" for obstacles, fears and suffering.

Black Moon(Lilith) in the natal chart looks like the icon of the month (the waning moon) shaded in black and held on a cross. This is the apogee of the ordinary Moon, the point of the lunar orbit farthest from the Earth. Lilith is "responsible" for mistakes, for everything dark that is in our soul, she shows what must be avoided in order to live life with dignity.

White moon(Selena) in the natal chart looks like the icon of the month (the growing Moon), white, that is, not shaded. This Moon is also, as it were, kept on the cross. Selena is also not an independent planet, but simply the point of the lunar orbit closest to the Earth. Selena is "responsible" for your luck, for the opportunities that will be provided to you throughout your life, she tells you what you should not miss in order for life to turn out well.

Midheaven denoted as a circle with the letter "K" on it, and is responsible for your potential in the field of career and social status.

Sky Depth denoted by the Latin letter "H" and shows which house and which family you need for complete comfort.

Ascendant denoted as "Asc". This is your personality - the impression you yourself (and your actions) make on others.

Descendant designated as "Mc" and "responsible" for your relationships with other people. This icon tells you with which partner you are able to create a harmonious and productive marriage or business union.

The small letter "R" next to the planets and other designations indicates that this object was in a backward, retrograde position at the time of your birth. And this must also be taken into account.

By the way, you can build and interpret a cosmogram (natal chart) not only to draw up an individual horoscope, but also to calculate what events await you or humanity in general on a particular day. To do this, simply use the date you are interested in when compiling a natal chart, and not the date of your birthday.

To study and interpret the natal chart, it is very important to have a method and follow it scrupulously. When you look at all the elements and information on hand, you have the right to ask yourself the question: in what direction to move further in your research and how to draw conclusions?

We offer an original method that will serve as a guiding thread in the interpretation of the natal chart. In order to understand and convey the meaning of what is written in the zodiac of the natal chart, it is first necessary to draw up a plan, and then master the principles that it contains. But it is necessary to consider them as something living and interconnected. For example, it is not enough to understand that a person can be a victim of this or that shortcoming, if you observe his natal chart. We must understand the following:

  • Why does a person have this or that disadvantage?
  • Why does this, and not any other, defect appear in his chart?
  • What are its causes and origins?
  • What does it serve for, how is it used to structure such a personality?
  • What can a person do to get rid of this deficiency?

At first, this may seem difficult, especially if you approach the study of the natal chart from the point of view of prediction, that is, you are driven by curiosity, a desire to know your future or your loved ones. You must accept the fact that in astrology nothing can be predicted for a person if we do not know and understand what he is. Predictions are nothing more than perspectives and predictions for people living in the same context and sharing common concerns. But each of them will live the events in his own way or perceive the circumstances that he will be hinted at.

Let's take into account that we can make some forecast for a certain person, given that it will be probabilistic, and not fatal. Therefore, it is very important to approach the study of the natal chart from the point of view of self-knowledge. It is necessary to see where and what events, circumstances and situations in our life are the result of our behavior, choice of actions. To do this, begin to study all the elements listed in the natal chart that interest you, revealing one by one. Do it analytically first, before you learn how to synthesize.

Build a natal chart

This method is based primarily on the analysis of the natal chart. First you need to write down one by one all the elements listed in the natal chart of the person you are interested in, combining them into categories.

In order to show this method in practice, we turn to the natal chart, which we used as an example of calculation and compilation.

Mark the heavenly bodies in the signs. This first step may seem useless, since you already wrote down the heavenly bodies in signs in your notebook as you calculated. In the meantime, we recommend opening a new page and restoring this list, not forgetting to mark the retrograde celestial bodies with the letter R.

Mark the heavenly bodies in the Houses. Do the same with the heavenly bodies in the Houses. Then make the list again.

Mark the Houses in the signs. Each House of the natal chart is located in one or more signs of the zodiac. Make a new list. If the House exceeds two or three signs, write that down as well.

Note the aspects that shape the heavenly bodies

In the previous sheet, we recommended drawing aspects based on the ascendant, so as not to forget about it. To compile the interpretation, it is necessary to note the aspects based on the aspects of the Sun and following the chronological order of the heavenly bodies: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. If you have already noted an aspect once, then do not write it down a second time.

For example, if the trine Venus - Mars is already fixed, then you do not mark it when you write down the aspects of Mars.

Note the positions of fictitious points in signs, houses and their aspects. Rather, we did not teach you to draw aspects between fictitious points and celestial bodies in order to avoid overloading the zodiac of the natal chart and sowing confusion in your mind.

But you must take them into account in your research - they will be very useful in clarifying the interpretation of a person's natal chart. So make a list of them.

Note the positions of the heavenly bodies and the fictitious points in the decans. Write down in which decan each of the 10 celestial bodies and 3 fictitious points of the studied natal chart is located. For the axis of the lunar nodes, it is necessary to take into account the position of the North Node as well as the South Node. In our example, the North Node is in the third decan of Cancer and the South Node is in the third decan of Capricorn.

Mark the rulers of each of the 12 Houses.

In the cusp of each of the Houses in the sign, determine one or more rulers of this sign, as well as the rulers of the discussed House of the natal chart. They will also be useful in interpreting a person's birth chart.

Thus, you have a complete list of elements recorded in the natal chart, which must be interpreted.

Video - We read the natal chart

The most important thing is to remember about interpretations. The whole map must be considered as a whole. The natal chart is replete with sometimes contradictory pieces of information about a person. If you are interested in how to decipher the natal chart yourself, then remember that each of its fragments should be considered as part of a single whole.

This means that you cannot take one piece of a chart (for example, Mercury in Sagittarius) and decide that it determines the whole character of a person and his destiny. If you do, you will surely be wrong. Of course, you will be tempted to dwell on one or the other planetary meaning. This is a big mistake. For example, let's say that two people have Mercury in Sagittarius (denoting talkativeness). You may be tempted to assume that both people are outspoken and talkative. But, let's say, the first one has and the second one has the Sun in Sagittarius. Although they both have the first person (Sun in Capricorn) will have a much calmer communication style than the second person

Holistic reading of the map

As mentioned above, if you are interested in how to decipher a natal chart, then you must remember that you need to consider it as a whole. Yes, by all means consider all the individual interpretations of each planet in its sign and house. But then you have to weave it all together into a single picture, referring to the Rising sign in the natal chart.

It is as if each of us is a mosaic of small individual images. In the natal chart, each individual planet in a sign and house is like one tiny individual image, one tiny piece of the whole mosaic. Now two different completed tilings, if you look close enough, may contain tiny pieces that are the same, yet they are parts of two completely different completed tilings (this point is illustrated by the example of Mercury in Sagittarius above). Although the mosaics contain similar pieces, the final products are not like anything else. If it is important for you to know how to correctly decipher the natal chart, then remember the old proverb: "Do not judge a book by its cover."

Thus, the astrologer's job is to take all the fragments of the personality in the natal chart and synthesize them into a single whole. A surprisingly accurate portrait of a man appears.

Deciphering the planets in signs

Look at your natal chart and note which sign and house each planet has. Also pay attention to the sign of the Ascendant (Rising sign), in which the ruler of the Ascendant is located.

Now, if you are wondering how to decipher the natal chart, you can look at the interpretation of each of your planets and ascending sign. When you feel the underlying energy of each planet and the objective qualities of each sign, you can incorporate your own subjective understanding of its meaning into the deciphering of the chart.

The sign of the zodiac will show how the planet manifests itself. In the past, astrologers compared the signs to stained glass windows through which the planet is expressed. See if this analogy helps: imagine a sentence with a verb and an adverb. The planet is the "verb" and the sign of the zodiac is the "adverb". For example, the Moon (feel, cherish, react) in the sign of Capricorn (restraint, coldness) denotes a person who comforts others in a cold and reserved way or has difficulty expressing emotions. If you know how to compose and decipher a natal chart, then it should be obvious to you that this is not the best place for the Moon.

Definition of the astrological house

Another point to remember is that the planet in the sign will be centered on the house. This means that the activity signified by the planet will take place in the arena of your life signified by the house in which that planet manifests. Don't forget that each house represents a sphere of life - that is, work, home, friendship, etc. If you are interested in understanding how to decipher the natal chart, then remember that the Planet is "what", the zodiac sign is "how", and "home" is "where".

Why is the astrological house so important?

Imagine that a person has in the 7th house, which can manifest as a conservative approach (Capricorn) to love relationships (7th House). But let's say this same person has Venus in Sagittarius in the 11th house. This person will be friendly and sympathetic (Sagittarius) in life situations and social groups (11th house), but at the same time carefree and aloof (though reliable) in love relationships (Saturn in Capricorn in the 7th house).

Astrology is a powerful tool for understanding those seemingly conflicting tendencies that we all have. The birth chart tells it all. If you strive to understand how to decipher the natal chart, then over time you will be able to decipher all the conflicting details displayed on it.

planet ruling the house

Another influence on each house (in every aspect of life) is the ruling planet of the House. The ruling planet of each house in your natal chart is the one that rules the doorstep sign. For example, if you have Capricorn in the 7th house, then Saturn is the Ruler of your 7th house because Saturn rules Capricorn. As a result, Saturn will have influence in your 7th house no matter which house Saturn is actually in. The sign on each cusp of the house shows its attitude to its issues, while the planets in the house show the real circumstances. For example, Capricorn in the 7th house indicates caution in forming partnerships. On the other hand, Saturn in the 7th house can indicate actual problems that arise in partnerships and marriages. If you want to know how to decipher a natal chart with an example, then understanding these subtle differences will help you a lot.

Aspects of the planets

Don't forget aspects. If you try to make an interpretation without taking into account aspects, you will not understand how to decipher the natal chart. Interpretations for each planet, as well as sign and house, must be changed depending on the nature of the aspects. Aspects can soften things and bring lightness, as well as bring them into conflict with other planetary locations. Aspects stimulate the planets.

Difficulties in deciphering aspects

Each planet has both easy and difficult (or positive and negative) manifestations. For example, the energy of the Sun can be expressed both through generosity and creativity, and through proud arrogance, as well as an excessive desire to be special. Aspects of other planets tell if the energies will be expressed easily and positively (if they get trines and sextiles) or with strife and conflict (if they get squares or oppositions). Again, the interpretation of the natal chart without taking into account the aspects is incorrect or at least incomplete.

The most important aspects

Look immediately for alliances with any of the four corners (this means alliances with the Ascendant). When a planet connects to one of the corners, that planet's influence can be the strongest influence on the chart. The person will identify very strongly with the traits of this planet.

Also note the alliances made by the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) with the inner ones (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars). These unions will radically change the interpretation of the inner planet, adding to it unique qualities. A conjunction with Uranus adds rebelliousness and innovation, a conjunction with Neptune adds confusion or sadness, as well as inspiration and a magical halo, and a union with Pluto adds strength to a person, but can turn into terrible and frightening events for his life. You should keep this in mind if you are interested in how to decipher the natal chart yourself using an example.

For example, a Leo-Sun person who has Pluto in the chart making the Sun aspect very "Plutonian" in spirit. This person would be one of the most silent and secretive Lions that are only known to astrology.

Jupiter and Saturn are between personal and higher planets. Jupiter determines our outlook on life, our worldview. It shows through what we desire social realization, i.e. our way out of the personal "I". Jupiter is our desire to expand our personality through education, travel, spiritual growth, religion, ideology, belief in something. Saturn brings us down from heaven to earth into reality, and is opposite in meaning to Jupiter. Jupiter is expansion and Saturn is contraction and limitation. Saturn in the horoscope shows our way of protection and self-preservation, what kind of reliability we need in life - spiritual and emotional reliability (water), material (earth), individual (fire) or social and intellectual (air), depending on what element it is in. Saturn is our fears. A person is afraid of something and wants to build a reliable structure in some area.

It is necessary to understand what features the zodiac signs give to the planets. Whether the planet is in its own sign of the zodiac or not. For example, for the Moon, the water element is more suitable, except for Scorpio. In the fiery element, the Moon will manifest itself inadequately, it will be too excited, tense. In the air element, the Moon will also be good, but for example, the zodiac signs Aquarius and Gemini will emphasize personal freedom. The earth element inclines the Moon to evaluate itself in accordance with the work done, especially Virgo and Capricorn, and in Taurus the Moon feels stability and peace. Of course, you still need to look at the aspects of the moon. If there are many tense aspects, then such a person will be restless, or irritable, or conflicting, etc., depending on which planet aspects the Moon. Similarly, we analyze other personal planets.

We consider the Sun, the Moon and the ruler of the Ascendant, then all the personal planets. Turning to the description in the signs of the zodiac and the houses of Jupiter, Saturn and the Higher planets, we interpret them without deviating from the basis of a person's personality (personal planets). In this article you can read a more detailed description of how to consider the planets in the signs of the zodiac - , and this section describes the planets in the signs -

For the Higher planets in the horoscope, the house is most important, and not the sign of the zodiac. The sign of the zodiac in which Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are located are the features of generations. The sign of the zodiac for the Higher planet will be important if it is the ruler of the corner houses. If the Highest planet controls the 1st house, then its influence will manifest itself only with age. For example, Asc in Aquarius. In youth, Saturn will act as a ruler, and determine the behavior of the native, and with age, the influence of Uranus will appear. It may also be characteristic of the ruler of the MS.


It is necessary to determine which element is expressed, and in which deficiency. Water and Fire are the most powerful elements, Earth and Air are more inert, stable elements. Fire and Air are masculine, compatible elements. Earth and Water are feminine, compatible elements.

The excess of fire in the map will make a person active, active, with tense aspects conflict, in extreme cases aggressive. The person is more likely to be confident and optimistic. With a negative option, selfishness and ambition are possible (especially Leo, Aries) and great variability and impulsiveness in ideas and desires (Sagittarius, Aries).

lack of fire will make a person more calm, patient, in a negative version, insecure, passive. The person may be afraid to express themselves.

water excess will give greater emotionality, sensitivity, empathy, in the negative version, hysteria, energy vampirism. It is very difficult for such a person to control and restrain his emotions.

Lack of water the positive effect is that a person does not get too emotionally involved in situations and, as a result, worries less and gets out of stress faster. But such a person may not listen to his intuition and does not have empathy.

The excess of the earth characteristic of materialistically minded people (especially Taurus and Capricorn). Such people stand firmly on their feet, can make long-term efforts to achieve their goals, they do not hover in the clouds. On the other hand, they can be insensitive people and inveterate conservatives who are only interested in a career and material savings.

Lack of land leads to impracticality, but it can be expressed in different ways. In some cases, impracticality will lie in the fact that a person is completely unable to make savings, does not value things, although the material side of life may even be of great interest to this person (expressed by 2 or 8 houses). In another option, a person will be an ascetic - he will be of little interest in everything material, he can live in very simple conditions and will be satisfied. There is also a third option of impracticality - a person leaves everything for a rainy day, i.e. he exhibited materialism. He acquires things and does not use them, as a result, all things become unusable from time to time and it turns out that the money was wasted and things were not useful, this is also a kind of asceticism. The third option may appear if fixed signs are expressed, Cancer, and there is no earth element.

Excessive air will make a person sociable, and also endow with great love for freedom and changeability not only in mood, but also in feelings. Especially if the signs are Gemini and Aquarius. But this feature for the person himself is a plus - a person does not get hung up on experiences, although in the eyes of others such a person may seem irresponsible, windy or emotionally cold. If the sign of Libra is expressed in the card, then such a person will be non-conflict, set to compromise, and with a negative option, he can be a hypocrite.

Lack of air can make a person too subjective. Although for the person himself, this, as a rule, is not a problem. In the negative version, such a person will not be able to fully communicate; it will be difficult for others to convey their ideas to him, because he mostly hears only himself.

With a lack of any element, it is necessary to assess which element is most pronounced, and draw appropriate conclusions from this.

Zodiac crosses.

cardinal cross Libra, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn - the most primary manifestation of the elements. The cardinal cross is characterized by action at the level for which the element is responsible. Relationships, communication - air, emotions, deepening into oneself - water, activity, self-expression - fire, material achievements - earth. Here, among the signs, there is no common line of behavior.

Fixed cross Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus are the slowest to change. With the expression of this cross, people are not inclined to change, which also applies to feelings (except for Aquarius). Such people can long and hard achieve their goals. These are stubborn and persistent people.

Mutable Cross- Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini. People of this cross can adapt to circumstances and adapt to others. With a negative option, people with a pronounced mutable cross rarely change anything at all, but they have plenty of plans. They want to do both this and that, but in the end there can be only one plan. With a positive option, such people can have many seemingly incompatible activities and will be very talented in many ways. It must be remembered that the mutable cross is the weakest manifestation of the elements.


Expressed The upper hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all of the planets are above the horizon - 7th to 12th houses. Such people are mainly aimed at external realization in life. They can be famous people, politicians, scientists, actors, travelers, etc. If at the same time the signs of the zodiac Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces are also expressed, then such a person will have a late realization. All important events are likely in the second half of life, it will be more eventful than the first.

Expressed The lower hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all of the planets are below the horizon - from 1st to 6th houses. Such a person in life is most family-oriented, making money, children, communicating with relatives, etc. Such people have less ambition and often lack the desire for power. If at the same time the zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo are expressed, then all the most important events will occur in youth, i.e. the first half of life will be more eventful.

Expressed Eastern hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all planets are located near the ascendant - 1,2,3,10,11,12 houses. A person relies more on himself, achieves everything in life on his own, often does not listen to advice, but acts as he considers right.

Expressed Western hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all planets are located near the descendant - 4,5,6,7,8,9, at home. Such a person is focused on other people. He needs the support and approval of others. And other people have a certain influence on this person throughout life.

Houses of the horoscope

You need to understand what each house is responsible for. Next, consider how the planets act when they fall into different houses - the event sphere.

1 house- features of character, appearance, personal qualities of a person. The ruler of any house, falling into the 1st house, will be a significant indication that this sphere goes directly to a person, which means that it is important for him.

2 house- talents, than a person can earn a living. material sphere.

3rd house is our immediate environment. Neighbors, acquaintances, brothers, sisters, distant relatives. Travel and travel. Transport. All kinds of information. Primary education, various courses. If the 3rd house is expressed in a chart, a person is surrounded by a lot of people, most likely, such a native will be sociable.

4 house home, family, parents. The beginning and end of a person's life, i.e. childhood and old age. Real estate, land, homeland of man. The 4th house is the house of the Moon and it is responsible for our deep habits, at home we cannot constantly play some roles and restrain ourselves, at home we behave naturally. There is no clear rule in astrology, father or mother go through the 4th house. I believe that the more authoritative parent is the 10th house. If the function of the mother is performed by the father - he takes care of the child, and the mother provides for the family and builds a career, then the father will correspond to the 4th house, and the mother to the 10th. And if the family is traditional patriarchal, then the mother is the 4th house, the father is the 10th house.

5th house- love, flirting, children, hobbies, sports, creativity, games, social masks, theater. This house, in my opinion, is responsible for the gifts that are given to us from above. Talents in creativity, children, the fruits of our creativity (a kind of our “children” too) and love - all this we can receive as a reward.

6th house- work, daily duties, illness, general mental attitude, cramped circumstances, service to others. Our health directly depends on the mental attitude, on whether a person is an optimist or a pessimist. Experiences, congestion with daily activities and work can lead to illness. When the 6th house is very pronounced in the chart, such people mainly live for the sake of others, they have little or no personal ambitions. Especially if both the ruler of the card and the Sun are in this house, and if most of the planets are under the horizon.

7th house- all types of partnerships. Our business and marriage partners. Our enemies, opponents. Planets in the 7th house describe the types of partners who are attracted to us and whom we would like to see next to us.

8 house Crises, dangerous situations, death, sex, the occult. "Other people's money" - loans, credits, taxes, money of a partner in marriage or business, inheritance, general money in business, in politics.

9 house religion, ideology, philosophy. Travel, abroad. Education. Churches. The 9th house is responsible for our worldview, what we believe in. If the 9th house is expressed in a chart, a person can expand his horizons, either through travel or through knowledge.

10 house- career and all the highest achievements in life. Planets, as rulers of houses, falling into the 10th house are very important. Those areas for which these planets are responsible will be significant in a person’s life, in these areas a person will have ambitions and a great desire to be realized. For example, Venus is responsible for the 4th house and 11th, is in 10th - a person really wants to have a comfortable and beautiful home, and social realization is also important.

11 house- social status, friends, like-minded groups, patrons. Freedom, plans and dreams. With a pronounced 11th house, a person’s life is likely to pass in plain sight, surrounded by a large number of people. Such people often have many friends and acquaintances. Probably stubbornness in ideas and unwillingness to fetter their freedom.

12 house- solitude, charity, secrets, secrets, secure institutions. With a pronounced 12th house in a person’s life, there are many closed areas, even close people do not know everything about him. It can be difficult for such a person to express his feelings, especially if the Moon or Venus falls in the 12th house. Or it is difficult to fully understand yourself if the Sun is in the 12th house. But on the other hand, he will be comfortable being alone with himself, he will always be able to occupy himself with something. And from time to time a person needs peace and solitude in order to restore his strength. He may get tired of communication or when he often has to be in sight. If the North Node is in the 12th house, then a person is destined to be alone for some time in his life. It doesn't have to be a prison or a hospital. Perhaps a person will live in a sparsely populated city or village. Or just a person will be uncommunicative and closed by nature, but this does not mean that a person experiences discomfort at the same time. After all, all self-restraints occur at the will of the person himself, and not under duress. Perhaps others will not understand his way of life, and they may think of him as an unhappy person. Of course, with the defeat of the 12th house, there may be forced isolation, but there will be illnesses even with the affected 6th house, and the prison can be due to many other factors that are not even related to the 12th house. To indicate imprisonment you need to look at the psychology of man in the first place. In the charts of the prisoners who committed the murder, one often finds the afflicted Sun by Pluto, Mars, plus tense aspects of Mercury and Pluto, Mars and Pluto, i.e. aspects of cruelty. Theft and fraud - struck by Mercury, especially by Mars - I take whatever I want, expressed by Lilith (in conjunction with the Sun, Mercury, on the cusp of the 4th house). Mercury has traditionally been responsible for thieves. In prisoners, the ruler of the 4th house is often found in 12 or 6, expressed by 11 and 3 houses. And if you found these indications in your chart or a chart of relatives, then for final conclusions - whether a person can end up in prison - check the stars in conjunction with personal planets and with planets that control angular houses, especially MC and Asc. If there are many negative stars such as Algol, Etamine, Sinistra, Bellatrix, Aldebaran, Fegda, Mizar, etc. and plus other indications, then jail might be a possibility. Also, to clarify, you need to look at the degrees of the planets, it is better to use the Teboic calendar for this.

After we figured out what the houses of the horoscope are responsible for, let's move on to the event part.

The ruler of Asc and MS, look at what house they are in - inherent in their nature or not, in the corner or not (whether a person is able to achieve a lot in life). in which houses they are - these are the main areas in life.

In the event plan, according to the position in the houses, personal planets can be analyzed as follows:
Where the sun and the lion are important areas in a person's life.
Where the moon and zodiac sign are Gemini- many changes, instability of the situation. Where is the moon- there a person is resting, subconsciously pulls him there.
Where is Mercury- the intellect of a person is directed to this sphere, what his mind is occupied with.
Where is Venus- It's nice to be there.
Where Mars is- struggle, quarrels, conflicts, especially if struck. In what area is a person ready to invest his energy.
Where is Jupiter- empowerment, the desire for self-realization through this area.
Where is Saturn- difficulties, delays, restrictions, protection and reliability are needed in this area, with good aspects with age, success.
The sun for a woman is a father, a husband. For a man, a father. The moon for a woman - what kind of mother, wife she is, for a man - characterizes his mother, wife.

3. Aspects of planets

The more tense aspects, the more contradictory the personality will be and the more energy will need to be invested in achieving goals. But the impulse to action will be stronger. With very harmonious cards, it often happens that a person does not want to invest energy for self-realization, such a person may be lazy, and he does not want to develop his talents. It is good when there are both harmonious and tense aspects in the birth chart.

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