Parents' speech at the last call. Graduation Speech to Teachers


Dear friends!

Dear graduates and your parents, and, of course, teachers!

Each school release leaves very special memories of itself. Therefore, on the eve of graduation, let me, first of all, congratulate those who did their best not only to give their students the necessary knowledge in the subjects of the curriculum, but also to help them navigate the stream of rapidly changing reality, to teach not only to know, but to reason, to think think, make fair decisions and be responsible for them.

Of course, we are talking about the director of the school, the teaching staff and especially the class teachers! I am sure that today you are experiencing mixed feelings of joy, perhaps pride, but also a little sadness. After all, over the years spent within the walls of your own educational institution, passing on experience and knowledge to your students, not only have you become real mentors for them, but they have inevitably left a mark in your heart.

Thank you for your kindness and professionalism! With all my heart I wish you to see in the future the success of those who, after graduation, will go on an independent voyage. After all, there is no greater reward for a teacher than the triumph of a student!

Graduation is also a very important date and a kind of milestone for parents. Congratulations on your children's matriculation and the beginning of adulthood, which from now on they will build more independently. I am sure that you will always help them by lending a shoulder, by which, first of all, I mean timely advice and the most important happiness in a person's life - the possibility of free choice and unlimited pursuit of your dream!

I address these words to you, the main heroes of the occasion, dear graduates!

Be worthy of your teachers and parents, be even better than them if you succeed. Try, look for yourself, concentrate on the main thing, reject the secondary, have ambition and ambition, be flexible, but never break down and always stand your ground if it is really valuable for you.

Remember, now only you are responsible for shaping your tomorrow. And out of your millions of “tomorrows”, not only your own life will be formed, but also the life of our city, our country, and, perhaps, even the whole world.

I congratulate you on the day of farewell to the school! And I invite you to take the first step on the road you choose. Let it be the choice that you can be proud of. And of course, great luck to you, dear friends.

Happy holiday!


Moscow City Duma Pavel Poselenov

Director's speech at the graduation party of 9th grade students in 2016

Dear our most wonderful graduates!

How many beautiful words there are in our great and mighty Russian language to express the feelings that we experience on this festive and exciting day. Of course, I am happy for each of you, I am glad that you adequately passed the state final certification, and today I want to name the best answers of our graduates, which are included in the GIA protocol:

You are graduating from school in a year filled with fateful events for our country, when Russia in various fields of activity declared itself to be the winner in the world.

So your destiny is to be the best. I am convinced that your talented generation will change this world, make it kinder, the palette of colors and colors will be brighter. We believe in you, we want to be proud of you, you are our hope, our future! Let maturity of thinking, broad outlook, respect for people, humanity and justice become your calling card in life.

Take care of the warmth of your father's house and remember: there are houses in the world where people come without an invitation in moments of joy and sadness. The doors of our Bolshevyazemskaya gymnasium are always open for you.

Let me, as a parting word, tell you 8 short rules of life that will undoubtedly help you become successful in your profession and just in life.

Have a good journey, happiness, fulfillment of your dreams!

Our gymnasium is strong in traditions, many of which were born thanks to the ideas of our graduates.But among them, I would like to single out another tradition that was born quite recently - this is holding the Assembly and conferring the title "Pride of the Gymnasium" to those students who brought the most awards to the general treasury of achievements of the gymnasium.

Let me name the most purposeful, hardworking and erudite graduates of the basic school: This academic year, the title of "Pride of the Gymnasium-2016" is awarded to students:

    Kononko Elizabeth, 9 b

    Kravets Anna, 9th century

Kononenko Elizaveta graduates from the basic school with a certificate of a special type, and in the certificate of Anna Kravets there are only five.

Today we are also announcing the names of the most athletic, brave, courageous and hardy students of the gymnasium, who brought many certificates, diplomas and cups to the general treasury of sports awards of the gymnasium.

Nomination "The most athletic student of the year 2016"

Winners of the school competition "The most athletic class of the year" and

awarding medals of the gymnasium in the nomination "The most athletic student of 2010" are invited to:

    Antonov Vladimir, 9a

    Koshelev Dmitry, 9 b

Dear children, I congratulate all the awardees and thank you for your readiness to support the prestige of the gymnasium, I wish you new creative and sporting victories and achievements.

To all of you, dear children, I wish you to carry the title of a graduate of the Bolshoi Vyazemskaya Gymnasium with honor, I sincerely hope that each of you will become a good person, about whom people will speak only kind and grateful words, a worthy citizen of your country of Russia, I believe that you will keep warm memories of our gymnasium and cherish the warmth of the parental hearth.

Close your eyes, imagine comfort

Imagine a place where they will always understand

Where there is no evil and no sorrow,

Where you are always missed

You say there is no such place

No, there is a parental heart!

Take care of your parents, guys, appreciate the family and parental care and boundless love for you, because no matter what peaks you reach, how old you are, for your parents you will always remain children!

Presentation of certificates to class teachers

Dear colleagues!

Nanuli Alexandrovna, Irina Yurievna, Nadezhda Vasilievna!

All these years you have been close to your students, sharing the joy of victories and the bitterness of sorrows. Your activity can be compared with the experienced work of breeders. How many wonderful qualities you instilled in your pupils, how painstakingly you guarded the sprouts of talent and abilities of each of them.

Thank you for everything:

For experience, soul, inspiration!

For thoughts of high triumph

For their earthly incarnation!


My words of gratitude to the parents, for whom you guys have always been and remain the smartest, most talented, most beautiful and most beloved! They, like true amateur flower growers, raised you all these years and today presented the fruits of their labor. We teachers thank you for charming girls and noble boys. We expressed our gratitude in letters of thanks.

But there are special families in the hall today, with whom we have traveled this path from the very beginning to the prom. From grade 1, the teaching staff acquired like-minded people in their person, ready to support any of our undertakings and proposals, always come to the rescue, be there in difficult times, were activists of the parent committee of the class and the school:

Congratulations to all parents, I wish your families well-being and happiness. Let our children receive a decent education, a favorite profession, be in demand in society and be appreciated according to their merits. Let your son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter become a man with a capital letter!


I sincerely congratulate the entire team on this significant event. From graduation to graduation, you donate not only your experience, knowledge, but also human wisdom. Special words of gratitude to my deputies: selfless workers who are always ready to defend the interests of children. Teachers are people with a special light of the soul, the joy of inspiration, creative searches, filled with love for the world, for children! They can safely be called professionals.

I wish all colleagues health and creative longevity! May your personal and professional happiness be complete! Let others appreciate you for the burden of responsibility that you carry on your fragile shoulders.

Many foreign universities have a tradition of inviting famous people to the presentation of diplomas, who should admonish and inspire graduates. And very often famous people tell graduates about their failures - perhaps because it is failures that yesterday's students are most afraid of. JK Rowling, Steve Jobs and Steven Spielberg explain why you shouldn't be afraid.

For those who are preparing for the main school exam

JK Rowling, writer

This year, 51-year-old JK Rowling is in the top 25 most influential authors in Hollywood according to The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Twenty years ago, before Bloomsbury published the first Harry Potter book in 1997, she was an obscure single mother living on welfare and irregular earnings.

“Seven years after my graduation, by any measure, I suffered the most terrible failure. My marriage broke up, I was left alone with a child, without work and money. I'm not going to convince you that failure is great. That period of my life was the blackest streak, and I could not imagine that it would turn out to be a fairy tale with a happy ending, as they now write in the newspapers. But failure set me free - my main fear had already come true, while I was alive, I had a beloved daughter, an old typewriter and many ideas. If I had been successful in something else, I might never have worked up the courage to do what I truly love.

It's impossible to avoid failure unless you live so carefully that it's hard to call life at all. True, in this case you fail by definition.”

Steven Spielberg, film director

One of the most successful directors in history did not receive a higher education diploma until 2002, when he was already 55 years old. In his youth, he twice tried to enter the California film school, but he was not accepted, calling him "talentless". Then he entered a technical college, which he soon dropped out to take a "dream job" at Universal Studios. Five years later, the thriller "Jaws" was released, which made Spielberg famous.

“I left college because I knew exactly what I wanted, and so did some of you. Maybe you're sitting right now trying to figure out how to tell your parents that you really want to be a doctor, not a comedy writer. I told my parents that if the cinema didn't work out, I would go back to university. But everything turned out great.

For the first 25 years of our lives, we are taught to listen to the voices of others. Parents and teachers fill our heads with wise things and information, and then their places are taken by bosses who tell us how the world really works. And even when we think: “I look at the world in a completely different way,” it’s still easier to just agree and nod.

The films I made up until the 1980s were mostly far from reality. I was like in a bubble because I lacked education, my worldview was limited to what I could think of in my head, and not to life experience. And then I shot "Purple Flowers of the Fields." This story was filled with deep pain and deep truth, such as when Step Avery says, "Everything in the world wants to be loved." While making this film, I realized that cinema can be a mission. I hope that each of you will experience this feeling.”

Steve Jobs, entrepreneur

In 1976, 20-year-old Steve Jobs founded Apple in his parents' garage with Steve Wozniak. In 10 years, the company has grown into a $2 billion company with more than 6,000 employees. Among them was marketer John Scully, who led Apple at the invitation of Jobs. Over time, their views on the future diverged, the board of directors supported Scully, and Steve Jobs had to leave Apple.

“At 30, I was furiously fired from the company I founded. Everything I had dedicated my adult life to was gone, I felt empty. I didn't realize then that being fired from Apple was the best thing that could have happened to me. The heavy burden of success was replaced by ease - I again became a beginner. With this feeling began one of the most creative periods in my life. Over the next five years, I founded NeXT and Pixar and fell in love with a beautiful woman who became my wife. I'm sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. The medicine tasted terrible, but the patient seemed to need it.

I am convinced that I did not give up and continued to move forward only because I loved my job. If you haven't found what you love yet, keep looking."

Jim Carrey, actor

Jim Carrey first appeared on stage with a comedy number at the age of 15 - his debut was a failure. The film Once Bitten (1985), in which the 23-year-old Kerry, after many unsuccessful castings, received his first major film role, was also coolly received by the public. And only at the age of 31, fame came to him after the low-budget film Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, the script for which, like the image of Ventura, Jim came up with himself. For the film, Carrey was nominated for the "Golden Raspberry", an award for the worst acting work, but among the audience the film was a great success, and Ace Ventura became one of the most famous comedy characters. Carrey's next films - "The Mask", "Dumb and Dumber", "The Truman Show" - became classics of cinema.

“So many people choose the path of fear, calling it 'practicality'. My father wanted to be a comedian and he had every chance. But he did not believe that this was possible, and preferred to have a quiet "warm" place, becoming an accountant. When I was 12 years old, he was fired, and our family had a hard time. On his example, I realized that you can fail in an unloved business - so why not try your luck at what you really want. It may seem impossible or ridiculous, and we don't even try to ask the Universe for it. I tell you, I'm living proof that you can ask for anything you want."

Oprah Winfrey, TV presenter

Oprah Winfrey was educated because of her talent: winning the eloquence competition gave her the opportunity to enter the university. In interviews, she repeatedly talked about her dysfunctional childhood and running away from home. Yet she became the first black female reporter in her city, and then the first black female billionaire in history. The Oprah Winfrey Show is rightly called one of the greatest TV shows of all time.

“I have done over 35,000 interviews in my career. Every time the camera turned off, the guest of the program turned to me and asked: “Did everything go well?”. I heard it from President Bush and from President Obama. I heard it from heroes and housewives.

It doesn't matter how high you reach. At some point, you will definitely stumble, because the bar is constantly being raised. If you constantly strive higher and higher, then, as the myth of Icarus predicts, at some point you will begin to fall down. And when that happens, I want you to know and remember that failure doesn't exist. Failure is the way life tries to convince you to change direction.

I have often had to say these words to myself. When you fall to the very bottom, it is normal to feel bad for a while. Give yourself this time to mourn what you think you have lost. And then realize that you actually hold the key, because mistakes teach you and make you more of who you are."

Whoopi Goldberg, actress

Caryn Elaine Johnson, an ugly girl from a poor family, had to drop out of school due to dyslexia: she had problems with writing and reading. But dyslexia did not interfere with Helen Rubenstein's children's theater, and her unusual appearance and strange behavior, which made it difficult for Karin to communicate with her peers, fell just in place. In addition, the theater was free. There, Karin received her first acting lessons, and later took the pseudonym Whoopi Goldberg and became a great actress who was the laureate of the most prestigious American ones and was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

“I was lucky - I had a really unusual mother. She told me: “It's okay that you are strange. But are you ready for the fact that not everyone will be ready to accept you, not everyone will see and feel the same as you? Someone won't like you. Can you be yourself?"

When I was little, I dreamed of the world of cinema, television, fashion. I couldn't read because I was dyslexic and didn't start studying until I was 15, but I knew what I wanted. You have to be able to stand up for what you believe in. Don't just be afraid to be wrong or wrong. If you feel in your heart that you are moving in the wrong direction, you can stop at any moment and say: “You know what? I changed my mind"".

Ellen DeGeneres, comedian and TV presenter

Ellen DeGeneres' speech, which she gave at Tulane University in New Orleans in 2009, is not exactly ordinary. At the graduation ceremony, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton delivered the official speech, and Ellen decided to speak spontaneously to the students. New Orleans was the actress's hometown, and her graduation year consisted of students who began their studies just two days before the terrible hurricane Katrina, which in 2005 caused terrible destruction to the city.

“When I finished school, I was completely lost. I didn't have any ambitions and didn't know what I wanted. I did everything: peeled oysters, worked as a bartender, as a waitress, painted houses, sold vacuum cleaners. All I wanted was to just settle into some kind of job so I could earn enough money to pay the rent. I lived in an apartment in the basement, where I had neither heat nor air, only a mattress on the floor and fleas. I thought I knew who I was, but I had no idea.

One day I sat down and started writing, I had an imaginary conversation with God. I looked at him and said to myself: “Why have I never tried stand-up? I'm going to do it on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson." He was king at the time and I was going to be the first woman in the history of the show to be on the air with him. And so it happened.

Follow your dreams, stay true to yourself. Never follow someone unless you are lost in the woods. And even if you are lost, but you see the path, you must follow it by all means. Don't take other people's advice. And my only advice is this: be true to yourself, and everything will be fine.

On May 22, the last bells of 2015 sounded in the schools of the rural settlement Uspenskoye.

The children were congratulated and parting speeches were made by the directors of schools, teachers and class teachers.

Congratulated the graduates and the Head of the rural settlement Uspenskoe Vladimir GORYAEV. " The last bell is a symbol of graduation, it is a cheerful and sad holiday at the same time. Behind the lessons, tests and homework. For those students who are finishing the 11th grade this year, the last bell closes the student's time, and ahead is the long road of adulthood, and what it will be - it's up to you! I am sure that, despite all the difficulties and problems that have been during these years of study at school, no matter what, you will remember these years with warmth and love.I wish you to always be people with pure thoughts, noble deeds and a happy fate! Of course, good luck in the exams, have a good summer mood and have a great rest!"- said Vladimir Vladimirovich.

This day is special for those guys who complete their studies. The graduates had their last school line today. Elegant dresses, bows and ribbons of graduates are a holiday that will forever remain in the memory of graduates, parents and teachers.

Of course, there were some surprises. The younger generation prepared colorful numbers for graduates. They danced, recited poetry and sang songs.

In response, 11-graders said a lot of good words about teachers and directors. They also pleased the audience of today's holiday with small performances and a traditional waltz.

So the solemn lines are coming to an end, our graduates passed the last circle of honor in the school yard. We wish them further success in their adult life and that everything they have planned will work out!

This is the second parent graduation speech I wrote and posted here on my website.

Written for a specific dad of a school graduate. That is, everything is grown-up - the father speaks)))

He liked it - I managed to guess the thoughts and clothe them in the right words.

Whether the graduates liked it - I don’t know, I didn’t tell, I lost contact. But I myself like it, because these are my thoughts too. Did you like it - tell us about it, please, in the comments.

If you don’t find a dad to speak with, you can easily convert the text to your mom.

Now directly

Parent speech at graduation.

I was told that mothers almost always give parting words at graduation. If so, then today is an exception - an exclusive especially for you, dad speaks.

Therefore, I will speak like a man - directly, honestly, openly.

Remember how you were 2 years ago? Class A and class B - and between them is either a competition, or a battle, or enmity.

Look at yourself today - you are active, athletic, and most importantly - friendly. And that's why it's great! You have learned to be a team, you have learned to support each other, respect, trust and understand. Remember this, because there will be no such team in your life. Others will, but this one won't.

All parents at all times want their children to live better than their parents. To be more successful, successful and happier. And it always seems to us that we know how it will be better for you - where to study, whom to work with, whom to love. Sometimes it is - we know, and we are right - for the simple reason that life has forced us to become wiser.

But now I will say a seditious thing, for which many of the parents will want to shower me with slippers. Fortunately, they don't wear slippers to prom, so I'll say - DO NOT listen to us, do it your way. More precisely, not like that - listen, but do as your soul and heart tell you. Well, if your decision coincides with our advice. But if not, mothers will cry and agree, because we understand that this is your life, and you have the right to your decisions and your mistakes.

Be sure to learn a lesson from mistakes only - otherwise you will step on the same rake again, and this is already stupid. And you will fill a bump in the same place, and you will lose self-respect.

For young people, the expression “you need to try everything in life” sometimes pops up to the top of fashion. So, my dear, try it! Try to be the best at what you do, try to set ambitious goals and achieve them, try to improve the world and yourself. Or at least just try not to eat at night)) But it’s better not to try, but act right away!

And if you have already read something similar somewhere on VKontakte, then I’ll tell you this - your parents also sometimes read something there))) But this doesn’t make a smart idea dumber, so re-read, write down, memorize ... and implement in life.

And if you want to criticize someone, always start with yourself. And firmly decide for yourself once and for all that you personally are responsible for your life - only you and no one else. No parents, no teachers, no circumstances - just you. When we take responsibility for ourselves, we become a person. As soon as we start blaming someone else for our failures, we become squishy.

You are individuals, always remember this. You passed the 11-year-long exam with dignity, and today we can say - you are all great! True, both parents and teachers passed this lengthy exam together with you. Now we can already reveal this open secret to you - parents were also sometimes afraid to go to school. Who knows what they will say about you at the parent meeting, will you have to blush or be proud? Or donate money for repairs?

Of course, these are all jokes close to the truth. It's just that we're trying to make jokes to hold back the tears, otherwise everyone will start crying, and we'll make another flood here.

But without any jokes, in all seriousness, we say thanks to your class teacher and all the teachers who managed to withstand both you and us - and it is not known who it was more difficult with.

You are so smart, independent, active.

As parents, we were different.

And a low bow to the teachers for having taught you, and they endured us. And even if they pretend that they are finally happy to take a break from all of us, then in a week they will be bored and sad. So, guys, do not forget the school and your teachers - no matter how many students they have, your attention will never be superfluous. Because attention, like love, does not happen much. Try it and see for yourself.

School is over, now you will scatter in all directions. But wherever you go to study or work, in fact, this is not the main thing in life. Important, but not the most important. And the main thing is that you find yourself, do what you like in life - and it doesn’t matter what others think about it.

Communicate with interesting people, travel - at least within the region, broaden your horizons, read smart books, learn new things, develop yourself, do something good every day.

Only in this way can you be happy and make someone else happy. And oh, how many!

Be free people, just do not confuse freedom with anarchy, and decent behavior with pride. Do not be ashamed to approach classmates and teachers and ask for forgiveness - today is the best chance to make peace and forgive each other everything.

Leave beautifully, leaving only a good memory of yourself. Because it is not bad that is remembered, the last is remembered. Therefore, let your last day at school be bright, sincere, both cheerful and sad at the same time. Tears are not scary, spiritual callousness is much worse. Be afraid of this and don't let it happen.

Treasure your reputation and be grateful to everyone who has helped you in life.

In a word - remain reliable friends and decent people.

And we will quietly be proud of you!

Your parents.


Here is my parent's graduation speech. The main values ​​in the life of a normal person always remain unchanged, only priorities change slightly from time to time.

With the wish that all our speeches

children were heard, and not just listened to,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Dear Parents!

In the comments, dad asked to include in the speech of the parent the fact that he also graduated from this school at one time. I am fulfilling the request, because I know similar situations with the continuity of generations in one school. Write in the comments if it was useful to someone else. And in any case - write, it's important to me, and it's useful for my site. So,

Supplement to the speech of the parent at graduation.

After the words about the low bow to the teachers for having endured us (parents), say something like the following:

“And not only these 11 years. For example, I myself graduated from this school 26 years ago. And I remember many teachers. I hope they remember me too... Although it would be better if they forgot about some of my school “achievements”.

Judging by the fact that my daughter, when she came home from school, didn’t say anything terrible about me, and didn’t even slyly squint in my direction, I think that’s true - they forgot. Or they delicately pretended not to remember, and for this special thanks to the teachers - from me and from all the other parents who also studied at this school.

But today, fortunately, it's still not about us, but about you, our naughty and beloved children. Therefore, know that if the teachers pretend that they are finally happy to take a break from all of us ... "

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