Abstract: The attitude of youth and students to youth subcultures, including informal ones. My attitude to the subcultures of the object, subject and purpose of the study



The democratization of our society has opened up many opportunities for expressing one's views and aspirations. Therefore, today, literally at every step, we can meet representatives of various subcultures, and people of an informal appearance today are found not only on the streets of megacities, but also in small towns and even villages. As for me, I am not an ardent admirer of any youth movement and I believe that to express your own worldview, it is enough just to have a desire and it is not at all necessary to radically change your appearance. On the other hand, I believe that any youth subculture has the right to exist, and each of us can become a full-fledged representative of any youth movement.

As far as I know, a subculture is any trend whose characteristic features differ from traditional ideas in the generally accepted culture. Most often, there are few representatives of the subculture in relation to representatives of traditional trends in art, literature and other types of cultural activities of modern man. Currently, there are subcultures that are formed on the basis of demographic, national, geographical, professional and other interests that are most common in our society.

Currently, a special niche is occupied by various subcultures of modern youth. Today, there are many reasons that contribute to the emergence of young people who stand out from the crowd in their appearance, and sometimes in their behavior. It is generally accepted that the main reason is the desire of a person to stand out and show his individuality. I think that this is not entirely true. If there is a small group of people who just want to be different from the gray crowd, then all their followers are just copying them. And the fact that Tonys join any movement or representatives of a subculture is just a fear of being unrecognized among their peers. Personally, I think that people who are not distinguished by courage and who are not able to stand out individually are prone to such imitation.

Another reason for the emergence of youth subcultures is, of course, a move away from boring everyday reality into a more interesting ... and eventful life. However, even here I cannot understand those who become participants in informal movements. I believe that each of us can decorate our life and saturate it with interesting events in thousands of other ways, and for this it is not necessary to dress in defiant clothes, do shocking hairstyles and behave differently than everyone else.

Some modern researchers of social phenomena believe that in our country at all times there was a certain core, from which one or another subculture arose. Others believe that the emergence of informal youth movements is caused by the economic and social instability of our society over the past decade. In addition, quite often among the reasons for the spread of subcultures is the loss of moral and cultural values ​​that are necessary for the normal existence of modern society and normal relationships between its representatives.

I believe that all these reasons are only half true. And the main impetus for the emergence of a huge number of youth informal movements was the anarchy of the early 90s and free access to the West, which was closed to our compatriots for more than half a century. Fortunately, many subcultures disappeared as quickly as they appeared. And those that survived - metalheads, goths, emo, ravers, football fans, bikers and some others, have proved their right to exist. I am sure that all of them have lost their pro-Western signs and today they are proof of the democratization of our society and its loyalty to informal movements.

The image of a representative of any subculture is not only his clothes, but also a demonstration by his appearance of the values ​​​​and beliefs that the movement promotes. And today, each of the currently existing youth subcultures has every chance of eventually developing into a full-fledged culture. An example of this is some of the advanced ideas that have found understanding and support in our society, as well as great interest in actions and other events that are regularly held by representatives of various youth subcultures.




discipline: sociology

on the topic: "Attitude of youth and students to youth subcultures, including informal ones"




The report consists of 30 pages, 2 parts, 23 tables, 3 figures, 4 references, 2 appendices.

The main concepts used in the study:


    Youth subculture,

    The youth,



Research problem: there is a need for information about how young people and students of the city of Berdsk relate to youth subcultures, including informal ones.

Object of research: youth subcultures.

Empirical object of research: youth and students of the city of Berdsk.

Subject of study: the attitude of young people and students of the city of Berdsk to youth subcultures, including informal ones.

The purpose of the work is to assess the attitude of young people and students of the city of Berdsk to youth subcultures, including informal ones.

In the process of work, a questionnaire survey was conducted among young people and students of the city of Berdsk, through a specially designed questionnaire.

Introduction 4

1. PROGRAM OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON THE TOPIC: "The attitude of youth and students to youth subcultures, including informal ones." 5

1.1. Methodological section of the program. 5

1.1.1 Description of the problem situation, problem statement, 5

object, subject and purpose of the study. 5

1.1.2 The degree of knowledge of the problem "Youth and Leisure". 5

1.1.3. The initial theoretical scheme of the object under study. 9

1.1.5. Definition of private tasks. 10

1.1.6 Formulation of hypotheses. eleven

1.2. The procedural section of the program. 12

1.2.1. Characteristics of the empirical object of study and justification of the type and method of sampling. 12


2.1. Description and interpretation of primary data. 12





The relevance of this topic “Attitude of youth and students to youth subcultures, including informal ones” is due, first of all, to a large number of different areas of youth subcultures and trends, both in Russia and abroad.

The topic has been widely studied by such sociologists as M. Break, V.D. Ermakov, Yu.N. Davydov, I.B. Rodnyanskaya, I.P. Bashkatov and others. Articles by M. I. Rozhkov, M. A. Kovalchuk, A. M. Khodyrev and many others are devoted to the topic under study.

The material for sociological research is the results of a questionnaire survey of students and youth in the city of Berdsk. Questionnaire on the topic "The attitude of young people and students to youth subcultures, including informal ones" is presented in the appendix.

1. PROGRAM OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON THE TOPIC: "The attitude of youth and students to youth subcultures, including informal ones."

1.1. Methodological section of the program.

1.1.1 Description of the problem situation, formulation of the problem,

object, subject and purpose of the study.

The problem is that there is a need for information about how young people and students of the city of Berdsk relate to youth subcultures, including informal ones.

Object of research: youth subcultures.

Subject of study: the attitude of young people and students of the city of Berdsk to youth subcultures, including informal ones.

The purpose of the study is to assess the attitude of young people and students of the city of Berdsk to youth subcultures, including informal ones.

1.1.2 The degree of knowledge of the problem "Youth and Leisure".

The youth subculture is born and exists in connection with the specific needs of young people. It is based on a special way of relating to the world with its own system of spiritual values.

Youth subculture is a special way of life, it is nothing but a form of self-expression of the young.

Currently, there are many different youth associations, their number is constantly growing, new directions and trends of youth subcultures are emerging. However, the attitude of society towards such associations is not unambiguous and is largely formed on the basis of the orientation of interests and hobbies of certain currents.

The study of youth subcultures has long been an important direction in the sociology of youth.

The English sociologist M. Break noted that subcultures as “systems of meanings, ways of expression or life styles” developed by social groups that were in a subordinate position, “in response to the dominant systems of meanings: subcultures reflect the attempts of such groups to resolve the structural contradictions that have arisen in a broader social context." 1

M. I. Rozhkov, M. A. Kovalchuk, A. M. Khodyrev in the article “Features of the subculture of informal youth associations” distinguish three characteristics of the youth subculture. Its main characteristic feature is its isolation, detachment, often demonstrative, outrageous, from the cultural values ​​of older generations, national traditions. Another characteristic feature is the predominance of consumption over creativity. And the third characteristic feature can be called avant-garde, striving for the future, often extreme. 2

According to VD Ermakov 3 , the majority of members of informal associations, in contrast to their peers who are not members of such associations, are socially mature. They are less prone to youthful infantilism, independently determine the truth of social values, are more flexible in their behavior in conflict situations, and have a strong-willed character.

However, other sociologists take a different view. Yu.N. Davydov and I.B. Rodnyanskaya consider youth subcultures as a manifestation of infantilism and unwillingness of young people to enter "adult life". 4

Researchers classify youth associations and groups in different ways. For example, I.P. Bashkatov 5 distinguishes four types of informal associations: socially neutral (naughty) communication groups; pre-criminal or asocial imitation groups; unstable criminal or antisocial groups; persistent criminal or criminal groups.

On a social and legal basis, there are:

1) pro-social, or socially active, with a positive orientation of activity. For example: groups of ecological protection, protection of monuments, environment.

2) socially passive, whose activities are neutral in relation to social processes. For example: music and sports fans.

3) asocial - hippies, punks, criminal gangs, drug addicts, etc.

According to the orientation of interests, the sociologist M. Topalov classifies youth associations and groups as follows:

Passion for modern youth music;

Striving for law enforcement activities;

Actively involved in certain sports;

Parasports - various fans;

Philosophical and mystical;


Professor S. A. Sergeev offers the following typology of youth subcultures:

Romantic-escapist subcultures (hippies, Indianists, Tolkienists, with well-known reservations - bikers).

Hedonistic-entertaining (majors, ravers, rappers, etc.),

Criminal ("gopniks", "lubers")

Anarcho-nihilistic (punks, extremist subcultures of the "left" and "right" wing), which can also be called radically destructive.

Professor Z. V. Sikevich gives a slightly different description of the informal amateur youth movement, taking into account the fact that involvement in a particular group may be associated with:

1) with a way of spending time - music and sports fans, metalheads, amateurs and even Nazis;

2) with a social position - eco-cultural;

3) with a way of life - "systemists" and their numerous offshoots;

4) with alternative art - not officially recognized painters, sculptors, musicians, actors, writers and others. 6

Until the beginning of the 80s. youth culture was in the "underground" and therefore could not become the subject of research by official science. Only with the advent of a series of publicistic speeches that excited public opinion with the criminal nature of youth groups (for example, rockers), the study of this issue became possible and even caused a real boom, which ended as unexpectedly and quickly as it began.

There are three directions of such research. One of them is the study of the attitude of young people to informal associations and subculture phenomena. Within the framework of this direction, projects were carried out under the leadership of V. Livanov, V. Levicheva and F. Sherega.

Another direction was based on participant observation and developed within the framework of “perestroika journalism”. At the same time, the first professional studies using interviews appeared. The author of one of them is N. V. Kofirin from Leningrad (Leningrad University). In the autumn of 1989, he studied the informal youth groups of the city directly in the places of their "hangouts".

The third direction was the study of the actual criminal youth groups, and they were carried out not by sociologists, but by specialists in the field of law. The works of I. Sundiev (Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), G. Zabryansky (Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice) and publicist V. Eremin received the greatest recognition in sociological circles.

In the general surge of interest in youth groups in those years, the most serious work looks like a theoretical study by Belarusian sociologists I. Andreeva and L. Novikova, who attempted to apply cultural theories for the empirical study of youth subcultures in a large city. 7

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The democratization of our society has opened up many opportunities for expressing one's views and aspirations. Therefore, today, literally at every step, we can meet representatives of various subcultures, and people of an informal appearance today are found not only on the streets of megacities, but also in small towns and even villages. As for me, I am not an ardent admirer of any youth movement and I believe that to express your own worldview, it is enough just to have a desire and it is not at all necessary to radically change your appearance. On the other hand, I believe that any youth subculture has the right to exist, and each of us can become a full-fledged representative of any youth movement.

As far as I know, a subculture is any trend whose characteristic features differ from traditional ideas in the generally accepted culture. Most often, there are few representatives of the subculture in relation to representatives of traditional trends in art, literature and other types of cultural activities of modern man. Currently, there are subcultures that are formed on the basis of demographic, national, geographical, professional and other interests that are most common in our society.

Currently, a special niche is occupied by various subcultures of modern youth. Today, there are many reasons that contribute to the emergence of young people who stand out from the crowd in their appearance, and sometimes in their behavior. It is generally accepted that the main reason is the desire of a person to stand out and show his individuality. I think that this is not entirely true. If there is a small group of people who just want to be different from the gray crowd, then all their followers are just copying them. And the fact that Tony adjoin any movement or representatives of a subculture is just a fear of being unrecognized among their peers. Personally, I think that people who are not distinguished by courage and who are not able to stand out individually are prone to such imitation.

Another reason for the emergence of youth subcultures is, of course, the departure from boring everyday reality to a more interesting and eventful life. However, even here I cannot understand those who become participants in informal movements. I believe that each of us can decorate our life and saturate it with interesting events in thousands of other ways, and for this it is not necessary to dress in defiant clothes, do shocking hairstyles and behave differently than everyone else.

Some modern researchers of social phenomena believe that in our country at all times there was a certain core, from which one or another subculture arose. Others believe that the emergence of informal youth movements is caused by the economic and social instability of our society over the past decade. In addition, quite often among the reasons for the spread of subcultures is the loss of moral and cultural values ​​that are necessary for the normal existence of modern society and normal relationships between its representatives.

I believe that all these reasons are only half true. And the main impetus for the emergence of a huge number of youth informal movements was the anarchy of the early 90s and free access to the West, which was closed to our compatriots for more than half a century. Fortunately, many subcultures disappeared as quickly as they appeared. And those that survived - metalheads, goths, emo, ravers, football fans, bikers and some others, have proved their right to exist. I am sure that all of them have lost their pro-Western signs and today they are proof of the democratization of our society and its loyalty to informal movements.

The image of a representative of any subculture is not only his clothes, but also a demonstration by his appearance of the values ​​​​and beliefs that the movement promotes. And today, each of the currently existing youth subcultures has every chance of eventually developing into a full-fledged culture. An example of this is some of the advanced ideas that have found understanding and support in our society, as well as great interest in actions and other events that are regularly held by representatives of various youth subcultures.

What is a subculture? Is it true that subculture as a phenomenon is the prerogative of the young? How do adults treat youth subcultures? This is the commentary of the week by Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin on the Soyuz TV channel.

Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin on youth subcultures

In modern society, there are constant disputes about how to relate to youth subcultures. Often this word itself - “subculture” - refers exclusively to.

In fact, there are different subcultures. There is a subculture of lovers of author's songs, the so-called sixties - people who today are seventy, or even eighty years old. There is a subculture of readers of classical literature. There is a subculture of people who go to the conservatory or the opera.

The youth subculture is nothing fundamentally new as a phenomenon. Yes, young people sometimes loudly declare their “subculture”, because for them this is an important stage in their personal development. They do many things for the first time in their lives. For the first time they dress in a certain kind of pretentious, shocking, original clothes, for the first time they organize cultural or social events in one or another new format, for the first time they sing this or that pension, for the first time they create or read this or that literary work.

They have come and gone throughout human history. And there was practically no such society in which culture would be unified, in which it would not be divided into any particular manifestations, or into any ways of life, which today are usually called subcultures.

However, it is also obvious that many youth subcultures are specially invented, perceived and cultivated in order to be different from people of older generations and to be different from those who, in the opinion of some young people, live wrong and whose lifestyle and attitudes need to be challenged and change. Often it is for this purpose that the same elaborate clothes are put on, unusual songs are sung, hair is painted in unusual colors, and so on and so forth.

Some people, including some representatives of the older generation, believe that all this should be treated with respect, even with reverence and maximum approval. At least not to do anything that would irritate representatives of subcultures and make them think that older people or people of the older generation do not understand, due to their stupidity and backwardness, the meaning of the existence of certain subcultures. Is such prior approval always necessary?

For any generation, for any society, dissatisfaction of the elders with respect to the younger ones and talk about the fact that young people are immoral, do not have depth of knowledge and life experience, dress too strangely, behave too strangely are typical. This is what older and older people have said in all times and in all societies.

But in fact, it is not worth it, from my point of view, for adults and society as a whole to try to curry favor with youth subcultures. At one time, a well-known Orthodox theologian and public figure, participating in the events of Western Christian communities, noticed that in these communities there is (as in Western society as a whole) a cowardly cult of youth. This is fawning over the youth, an attempt to show them that the older generation is ready to unconditionally, without condemnation, accept the cultural clichés that exist among young people.

I remember how, at one of the events of the World Council of Churches, the general secretary of this organization, already quite an elderly man who turned sixty years old, danced a youth dance on the stage, repeating the movements of young people. He did it clumsily, and his behavior showed that he wanted to be their those young people who danced this dance much better than him, because they probably did it every week, if not every day.

This phenomenon is rather strange. I think that the young people themselves reacted to this with indulgence, and perhaps even with distrust. Any attempt to please through external forms causes distrust, because people can say: maybe they are deceiving us, maybe they are not sincere with us, maybe this desire to please hides certain complexes. It is not good for an elderly person to try to keep up with any fashion, to put on youth clothes only in order to prove not so much to others as to themselves: I am fashionable, I am advanced, I keep up with progress and fashionable phenomena in social life or in lifestyle.

In fact, when discussions arise about whether the Church should speak in the language of subcultures, the main answer to this discussion, in my opinion, should be as follows. It's not as important as you say, it's important What are you saying. If a preacher, teacher, missionary, speaks the truth of God, does not hesitate to openly declare such Christianity as it really is, that is, to speak about the Gospel, about its eternal truth, burning the hearts of people and burning the decay of sin, then he will be heard, even if his language is the language of the most boring temple sermon and the most banal academic lecture.

Not how we say, but what we say, should be the main concern of a modern pastor, a modern Christian who communicates with young people in one environment or another, including among youth subcultures.

It is no secret that there are various spiritual, moral and cultural influences in this area. It is very difficult to say "all subcultures are good" and "all subcultures are bad". I don't think it makes sense to draw a hasty distinction between them. It's silly to say that "emo" is always good, "" is always bad, because the former dress in pink clothes, and the latter run through cemeteries and use symbolism that many may consider satanic symbolism.

Different subcultures have different influences. Suffice it to recall the anime subculture, where there is undoubtedly a lot of good, but there is also a lot of bad and dangerous. In a number of subcultures there is an attempt to romanticize and justify suicide, and even calls for suicide. In other subcultures, there is an intoxication with despondency, despair, a sense of purposelessness and meaninglessness of life, which is also dangerous for a person. This, if it does not lead a teenager to suicide immediately, then gradually destroys his spiritual world, his will, his life.

There are subcultures that promote drug use or, at least, justify the attitude to drugs as something easy that does not interfere with life in any way, but, on the contrary, improves it, gives a person supposedly real joy and supposedly real creative inspiration. There is a subculture of alcoholism, there is a subculture of homosexuality, there is a subculture of depravity, and this must always be remembered.

It is not so important, perhaps, what kind of appearance the followers of this or that subculture have, if this appearance is clearly not associated with anti-Christian symbols, is clearly not associated with Satanism. But at the same time, one must remember that in many subcultures there is propaganda of sin and justification of sin, the romanticization of sin. And we need to boldly talk about this, not be afraid to be unfashionable or not advanced, if sin is promoted through this or that subculture, if people are destroyed spiritually, and sometimes physically, thanks to contacts with some cultural or countercultural phenomena. This is an occasion for expressing pastoral concern, an occasion for warning.

At the same time, we don't have to run from representatives of subcultures. Late one evening I was walking through the center of a large city together with the ruling bishop of that city. We were dressed in cassocks, he had a panagia on his chest, I had a cross. And we ended up in a place where there were a lot of young people dressed as typical representatives of a number of subcultures. Some of them were, shall we say, not quite sober. But it turned out that a significant part of these people are believers. Some went to the bishop for a blessing, some said that they participate in divine services, studied at Sunday school. These are our people, these are people who are baptized in the vast majority of the Orthodox Church. These are people who are pursuing the truth of God. And, perhaps, it is no coincidence that they express their protest against the philistine world, seeking the highest truth.

It is necessary to address these people with a bold, non-ingratiating, pastoral, missionary evangelical word that does not mimic the youth environment. These people need to be spoken to without requiring them to change their appearance or learn to say the prayer “Our Father” without a prayer book. You need to talk to every person. Yes, there are hardened hearts that shut themselves off from God's Truth. But such people are a minority in our society, especially among young people.

One bishop recently very well said that the time of arrival is passing, the time of the exit of the clergy and laity from churches to meet people begins. The deceased also called for this. And His Holiness Patriarch Kirill constantly speaks about this. To go to different people with all their peculiarities and complexities, to answer the search for truth, the search for God, which drives many of them. This is our duty. Not only as pastors, but also as Orthodox Christians, called to preach the Word of God, to testify of Christ in word and deed before all the people we meet on our life path.

Eagle Vitaly. School №1, Akbulak, Orenburg region, Russia
Essay in English with translation (topic in English)

My relation to subcultures

My relation to subculture is different. Subculture is a good thing on the one hand, because the young people can go to some groups and they can communicate with the friends. These young people are similar in interests and hobbies. All of them have common topics for dialogues. As a rule, they are the musical fans. It shows their unity to think in the same way.

Unfortunely, subculture influences on the man not from the best part, because the majority of the members have some negative features. Usage of drugs, usage of alcohol, their behavior, which is out of the law in most cases, are some of them. They are Hippies, Punks, Goths, Bikers. Mods and Emoes are other, the better ones.

It seems to me, subculture was formed for the purpose the man would express his individuality, but it is not the only way to make it. Sport, for example, is extensible concept. I want to advise all people not to enter into such groups. They should say "No!"

I want to say: "Subculture is style of life for some people, but it`s bad style, because many young people kill themselves in most cases. So my relation to subculture is negative".

My attitude to subcultures is extraordinary. On the one hand, subculture is a good activity: young people can gather in groups and communicate with friends. These young people have similar interests and hobbies. They all have common topics of conversation. As a rule, they are music fans. It unites their thinking in one direction.

Unfortunately, the subculture does not affect a person in the best way, because most of the members of the subculture have some negative traits. Drug use, alcohol use, their behavior, which in most cases is outside the law, are some of them. These are Hippies, Punks, Goths, Bikers. Mods and Emo are different, better.

It seems to me that the subculture was formed for the purpose of expressing one's individuality, but this is not the only way of self-expression. For example, sport is a broad concept. I want to advise all people not to join such groups. They should say "No!" I want to say: "Subculture is a lifestyle for some people, but it's a very bad style, because many young people commit suicide in most cases. My attitude towards subculture is negative for the most part."

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