Drawing with crumpled paper winter in kindergarten. Master Class


The fox cubs have been drawing enthusiastically all day today. Tell me, have you ever heard of drawings on crumpled paper? It turns out that it is very simple and incredibly interesting! And all you need for this is paints and thin paper... Read more in our master class.

Usually we draw with paints on a smooth, even sheet of drawing paper. This is ideal. But the fact that it should be smooth, even, that's for sure. But no! On crumpled paper, you can draw the same. Moreover, an unusual effect is obtained. There is an imitation of cracks. As if the picture was drawn several centuries ago and the paint on it is cracked. Working in this technique with my pupils is what we call “old paintings”. How does it work? This will be discussed in this master class.

To draw on crumpled paper you will need:

Thin sheet (such as xerox paper)
- watercolor paints
- soft brush (number to your taste, which one you prefer to draw)
- a jar of water, graphite pencil (simple)
- eraser

How to draw crumpled paper

For work, we need thin paper, because. we will need to crush it. And this is difficult to do with a dense Whatman sheet. When crushed, whatman paper can crack and tear. And we don't need it. Xerox paper is ideal for this job. And the writing pad is too thin. But, as an option, you can conduct an experiment with a child: try to work in this technique on different types of paper (writing, xerox, drawing paper, watercolor, cardboard). And make a conclusion which paper is best suited for this technique. Thus, the child will also get acquainted with various types of paper.

On a sheet of paper with a simple pencil, we draw a drawing. The drawing should consist of large details. Small in this technique will be very difficult to perform in color.

We crumple the sheet. We crumple, not fold. But be careful not to break it.

We smooth the sheet on the table with our palms.

Let's start painting with paints. Watercolor is suitable, because it requires a lot of water, unlike, for example, gouache. A lot of water is required for this work.

Gradually, detail by detail, we paint the picture. On the brush you need to take a lot of water and a lot of paint. Their excess will drain into the folds. And after drying, the folds will become brighter compared to other places. This is how cracks are created. We painted this work all over with paints, i.e. left no white space. There is another option.

The initial stages: pencil drawing, crumpling are performed in the same way. But in color we draw a little differently. We take a lot of paint on the brush, and less water. When painting on the brush, do not press hard, paint superficially. Thus, white unpainted areas will remain.

You can choose any subjects for such drawings.

After the works have dried, it is desirable to frame them. To do this, we cut strips of thick paper 2-3 cm wide. And paste them along the edge of the work.

We suggest you try it with a butterfly. Enjoy your joint creativity with children!

The method of drawing with crumpled paper is considered quite new and modern. With its help, absolutely any child will be able to feel like a real artist, because this technique allows you to improve the quality of all work performed, and therefore raise self-esteem.

Technique of drawing with crumpled paper on a sheet in kindergarten

Drawing with crumpled paper in kindergarten is a new, interesting, unusual activity that can maximize the child's creative abilities. It is also great for developing fine motor skills. These are wonderful exercises for children's fingers. Drawing with crumpled paper also contributes to the development of imagination in kids.

Landscape with crumpled paper in dow

What is it, the advantages of the method

It is believed that drawing with crumpled paper is a new, modern method, but in part it is not. This technique already existed several centuries ago, but was later forgotten, perhaps to be reborn again in the 21st century. This technique is used not only by small children, but also by experienced artists who draw in retro style.

The method has many advantages:

  • a paper ball necessary for work can be made even by a pupil of the younger group. But children are so fond of doing everything on their own, they enjoy the process of crumpling paper;
  • the child can independently prepare colored water for drawing. The older pupils of the preschool educational institution are fully coping with this task, the kids need the help of a teacher;
  • prints are blurry, sometimes even unexpected, which contributes to the development of fantasy and imagination;
  • the ability to make smooth transitions from one color to another to get a more interesting picture.

Pieces of crumpled paper

Note! Thanks to drawing with crumpled paper, the drawing becomes unusual, texture appears in it. This type of drawing helps children to better remember and distinguish colors, create their own original images.

Why draw with crumpled paper

Children love this method very much, because it does not require any clear boundaries, lines, and you can draw as you like, and what you like. After getting acquainted with this type of drawing in the kindergarten, children continue to use it at home with pleasure.

This technique perfectly helps children develop their creative abilities, it opens up scope for imagination, pushes them to new experiments. All kids love to try something new, to check how it will be if “do it this way”, and “if it’s different”. Their whole life consists of experiments, and this is one of them.

Pictures made in this technique can become a real masterpiece and decorate the interior of any children's room. After all, in the beginning, no one knows what exactly will happen.

What tools and materials will be required for work

To draw with crumpled paper you will need:

  • sketchbook;
  • gouache or watercolor (the latter is preferable because it dissolves better in water and creates softer color transitions);
  • small vessels for drawing. They need as many colors as you plan to use. Suitable and disposable tableware, and even toy sets;
  • soft paper or napkins.

Important! Do not use newspaper for drawing, as printing ink can leave unwanted marks on the drawing when wet.

Since the set of tools needed to complete the process is quite small, not only kindergarteners, but also primary school students, as well as all those who want to use something new and unusual in their creative process can use the technique.

Stages of work

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take several sheets of paper and crumple them into lumps.
  2. On slightly damp paper, mark the main color (this will be the background).
  3. Dip crumpled paper into vessels with paint of the desired color and briefly press them to the sheet.
  4. Continue working until the image is the way it was originally intended.
  5. With the help of paints and a brush, you can define clearer contours or complete the drawing.

Work examples

Such activities will be interesting not only for kids, but also for adults. Therefore, preschool teachers can conduct a joint lesson for children with their parents - drawing with crumpled paper.

Note! In such lessons, you should not offer to complete complex paintings, something simple is enough, which everyone can definitely handle.


Everything is quite elementary:

  1. First of all, you need to crumple the paper until you get medium-sized lumps.
  2. With a brush or pencil / felt-tip pen, draw the stems of the future flower.
  3. Complete the drawing with thin twigs and leaves.
  4. Dip the lumps into a vessel with the selected color.
  5. Form the petals and the core of the flower by pressing the lumps to a sheet of paper.

Bouquet of flowers


And here, too, everything is simple:

  1. Prepare paper. A4 format is best for children 5-6 years old.
  2. Prepare purple, blue, white, yellow, green and black paints. It is better if it is gouache.
  3. Prepare a flat hard brush for drawing the background.
  4. Prepare a thin brush for decorating small details of the picture.
  5. Prepare a palette, water and soft crumpled paper.
  6. Paint the background with the brush, using more water to get a blurry effect and avoid harsh transitions.
  7. Draw a vase.
  8. With a thin brush, draw black branches on which the inflorescences will be located.
  9. Blot the lumps of soft paper with purple paint and form lilac flowers.
  10. Add some white (again using crumpled paper).
  11. If desired, supplement the drawing with additional details, for example, green leaves. This can be done with both crumpled paper and a thin brush.

Lilac bouquet


This is the simplest drawing that even the youngest pupils, who only this year came to kindergarten for the first time, can handle.

  1. Draw a background with a wide brush - blue sky and green grass. You can add white clouds.
  2. With a brush, draw green stems of plants.
  3. Prepare wrinkled paper and yellow and/or white paints.
  4. Dip paper into paint.
  5. Attach to the drawn stems. Fluffy dandelions are ready.



For children aged five years and older, drawing a landscape using crumpled paper will be an easy and interesting activity. Thanks to this technique, children will be able to depict spring, autumn, and summer. But the most simple and beautiful will be the winter landscape.

  1. With a wide hard brush, paint the sky, making a gradual transition from the darkest tones to light, white shades.
  2. Draw snow on top of the first layer. Here, the opposite is true - the lightest will be the lower part of the picture.
  3. Dip the crumpled pieces of paper in white paint and form clouds with them.
  4. Draw a horizon line with a brush.
  5. With a thin brush, draw the outlines of the Christmas trees.
  6. Using crumpled paper, carefully create snowy silhouettes of fir trees. This is the most painstaking process, it must be approached very carefully.
  7. For drawing small Christmas trees, use small lumps, for large ones - large ones.

Winter landscape

Abstract on drawing with crumpled paper in the preparatory group of the kindergarten

Title: Snowdrop.

Purpose: development of fine motor skills in children of the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution.

  • to promote the formation in children of the ability to classify painting by genre;
  • to acquaint pupils with the new technique of drawing with crumpled paper;
  • promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers in the process of paper crumpling;
  • teach children to draw a snowdrop, based on the proposed template;
  • cultivate respect and love for nature.


Required material: reproductions of landscapes by famous masters, illustrations for the fairy tale "Twelve Months", examples of children's work (presentation slides), a step-by-step snowdrop drawing scheme, brushes, watercolors, sketchbooks.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Hello guys! Today we will take a trip to an amazing place. Can you guess where? I give you a hint:

This place is so wonderful!

Everything is very interesting there.

There are pictures in a row,

They are told to look at them.

What is the name of the place?

We have one answer! This is ... (exhibition of paintings, museum, gallery).

Q: Do you want to visit a real art gallery? (Yes!) Then let's first remember how to behave there (quietly, do not touch the exhibited paintings). Let's go to a real gallery (the presentation turns on, the children carefully examine the paintings).

Note! All the paintings presented are landscapes, with the exception of one. It has a portrait on it.

V .: So, here we are with you and found ourselves in an art gallery. Today I will take you on a tour of it. Just look how many pictures there are! Where did they come from in this exhibition hall, what do you think? (Children express their guesses).

Q: Look closely at the pictures. What unites them? (they depict nature)

V: Right! And what is the name of such paintings in one word? What genre do they belong to? (scenery)

V: That's right! Are there any extras among these pictures? (Yes) How is it different from the rest? (it shows a person).

Q: What genre does this picture belong to? (Portrait)

V: Well done!

A new image appears on the screen - a fragment from a famous cartoon.

Cartoon frame

V .: Guys, what do you think, what fairy tale is this picture from? ("Twelve months").

W.: Yes! You are right again. Let's remember what this story is about. (Children, with the help of a teacher, recall the plot of the work, the teacher draws attention to the flowers, for which the evil stepmother sent her stepdaughter).

Q: What do you think could happen next when the girl returned home? Did she like snowdrops? (Yes!) She liked them so much that as soon as her stepmother fell asleep, she took some paint, a white sheet, a few pieces of paper and began to draw these beautiful flowers. Since she had no brushes, she painted with crumpled pieces of old paper. And today we will try to draw snowdrops in the same way! And as soon as the drawings are dry, we will arrange a real art gallery in the classroom, exhibiting your work.

Next, the teacher distributes the materials necessary for drawing, a step-by-step drawing template appears on the slide, the teacher comments in detail on each part, and the children do the work under his strict guidance.

Note! Before work, finger gymnastics is performed.

The teacher offers to take a pencil in the palms and roll it out with both hands. Then touch the pencil alternately with each finger, pressing either weaker or stronger.

Stages of work:

  1. Draw a blue background with a brush. The teacher reminds that to get a blue tint, you need to mix blue and white.
  2. Draw thin stems and leaves of future snowdrops.
  3. Crumple up pieces of paper.
  4. Dip them in white paint.
  5. Draw white snowdrop flowers.
  6. If desired, falling snowflakes can be depicted with smaller lumps of paper (in a fairy tale, it happened in winter).

Q: Thank you all for your hard work! Now we will put the finished drawings in the office and admire them.

The lesson is over.

Important! In older groups, the drawings gradually become more complicated. The teacher offers to draw other images using this technique. The most common are animal drawings: cows, bears, etc.

Work example

Drawing with crumpled paper helps to develop fine motor skills, a child's imagination, starting from a younger kindergarten age. Such work will not leave indifferent any kid. Thanks to this technique, children can develop an interest in painting in general and develop themselves in this direction.

Modern art opens up new, sometimes most unexpected. Some creative technologies are becoming a thing of the past, and the rare skills of ancient peoples are disappearing, as are their carriers. One of these is drawing with crumpled paper - a painting method that was revived several centuries later, when everyone - both professional artists and drawing lovers returned to the craft and retro style. In this article, you will learn more about this technique and be able to repeat this method of drawing on your own experience!

Unique features of technology

Drawing with crumpled paper is an unusual way to add texture to your drawing. You will most likely find paintings made in this technique in contemporary art galleries. Drawing with crumpled paper gives a huge scope for imagination, creates a unique chiaroscuro, the drawing becomes voluminous and seems to come to life on the canvas. Lax lines, randomness of bends - all this gives the picture an interesting look, attracts the attention of viewers. In the case when the picture is outside the museum, of course, you can touch it. It is the ability to feel the picture with tactile receptors that is the leading advantage of the technique of drawing with crumpled paper. In order for the picture to turn out to be airy and voluminous, you must follow the rules listed below. Not all drawing techniques can boast such a large number of advantages, so this technique deserves your attention.

Materials for creativity

Paper is the most important element of this drawing style. Choose paper based on its weight and structure, depending on what result you want to achieve in the end. Its different types allow you to create a different texture of the picture. Whatman and any other type of paper can serve as your canvas. Use disposable utensils (flat plates) to mix colors. In order to create a picture in this technique, you do not need to choose any specific paints, and you practically do not need brushes, so you don’t have to worry about choosing brushes either. Watercolor, pastel or gouache - the choice is yours! In order for the picture to turn out to be as voluminous as possible, the paint will need to be heavily diluted with water, artists advise using warm water. There is no single formula for the "correct" drawing with crumpled paper, on the contrary, each artist has the right to draw as he sees fit. Having a little understanding of the general steps of this method, you can easily master drawing with crumpled paper and will be able to supplement this technology with your inventions with each new drawing.

Who is this technique suitable for?

Professionals often turn to this technique, the relevance of the method of "drawing with crumpled paper" cannot be underestimated in the world of modern painting. However, self-taught amateurs can successfully develop their skills in this painting technique. It's never too late to start drawing! Moreover, for the youngest artists, this method is a great opportunity to develop fine motor skills and learn something new, instill a love of art. Thanks to such an interesting and even funny way of drawing, the baby will be able to learn to better distinguish and remember colors, create vivid images with the help of parents. So, for example, young children are very often helped in creating a picture as follows: they draw a thick outline of a bright color and invite the baby to carefully fill it in using crumpled paper.

Crumpled paper drawing: master class

  • Prepare disposable tableware. It is best if the number of plates is equal to the number of colors that you plan to use when creating a picture. A small amount of warm water is collected in these plates and a little selected paint is added. With this ratio, the tones are gentle, airy. If you need to add contrast or brightness, you can use more paint or less water.
  • Prepare medium-sized pieces of paper that will become your "brush". Roll or crumple the paper to the desired size (it is best to fit the paper in the palm of your hand, otherwise there is a risk that it may be accidentally dropped). The number of "brushes" - lumps of paper should also be equal to the number of colors that you use when writing a picture.
  • Dip the lumps in water and wait a couple of seconds until they are saturated with color, and then apply to paper in any way (spotting, wide strokes).

  • It is highly not recommended to use newsprint (even glossy) to create a picture, it can break into small pieces, stick to the canvas and leave dirty print marks.
  • Try to give your paper balls a different shape, squeeze them differently each time so that the drawing has an unusual and varied structure.
  • Prepare all the necessary tools in advance, the paint tends to dry quickly

Why draw with crumpled paper?

Landscape, still life and even portrait - all these genres of painting can be done in different techniques. Crumpled paper drawing techniques open up a huge scope for imagination, allow you to experiment and learn something new day after day. As mentioned above, this type of drawing is useful not only for experienced artists, but also for very young artists who are just starting their creative journey. It is this drawing technique that can be an excellent start for developing a baby's talent. A picture made in this style is filled with an indescribable atmosphere of lightness and airiness and can decorate any interior.

Lessons of non-traditional drawing techniques: crumpled paper, polyethylene.

Drawing in non-traditional ways is a simple and fun drawing technique. This is a great opportunity to teach your child to use well-known objects as art materials.
Ease of execution, allow little hands to fantasize freely, instilling confidence in the child in their abilities.

Drawing technique with crumpled paper and a plastic bag in kindergarten, school: master class

Drawing techniqueplastic bag

1 option

  • Dilute the paint in a small saucer
  • A piece of polyethylene is well crushed
  • Dip in paint
  • Making an imprint on a sheet
  • Next, paint the necessary details with a brush.

Option 2

We create an unusual, spectacular background using plastic wrap and watercolors:

  • Very boldly paint over a sheet of paper with watercolor. If you mix different colors of the same tone, you get a more structured background.
Apply watercolor thickly
  • We put polyethylene in the paint diluted with water, make folds with our hands

Compressing the film
  • We leave the film on the sheet for 10 minutes. Do not immediately remove it - the watercolor will spread and the effect will be lost
  • You can use this method not only for the background. Look original: exotic flower greens, crystals, veins on plant leaves

Unusual background with polyethylene

Drawing techniquecrumpled paper

As in any creative work, there are no established requirements and restrictions in this method.
Next, we will consider the main step-by-step steps. Over time, understanding of the essence of the method will come, then rebuild it in any direction.
For example, the diverse thickness of the paper material allows you to make sharp or smooth, thin or thick strokes. In your work, you can use watercolor, gouache, ink, acrylic. And someone may want to prepare a natural dye from the squeezed juice of fruits and berries. After all, the quality of the paint has a strong influence on the finished drawing.

Choose your preferred method

Getting Started:

  1. We start by preparing the paint. We choose the necessary tones for the future drawing
  2. Pour a small amount of water into each individual saucer
  3. Add some watercolor with a brush. The color level is adjusted using the density, but gouache is left liquid.
  4. We tear any paper to shreds
  5. We roll them into lumps of a convenient size.
  6. We select an individual piece of paper for each palette, prepare a little extra, just in case
  7. Dip the lumps in a saucer with diluted paint
  8. We wait a little while the excess water leaves
  9. We put stamps on a blank sheet of paper, forming a conceived pattern
  10. With the help of sliding movements we make strokes and stripes
  11. We create textures by blotting lumps on paper
  12. Everything is simple and easy

How to draw flowers with crumpled paper?

  • First, crumple up the paper. This is a very entertaining process for children, in addition, it develops fine motor skills of hands.

Preparatory stage
  • Then draw flower branches
  • We throw thicker branches
  • Add thin branches and leaves

We form the stem of the flower
  • Dip paper balls in the color of the selected flower
  • We form petals, leaving traces on paper
  • flower ready

An unconventional way to draw flowers

How to draw a lilac with crumpled paper?

We prepare for work:

  1. Paper - A4 format
  2. Gouache - purple, white, yellow, blue, black, green
  3. Brush - flat for sketching the background
  4. Brush - thin for drawing details
  5. Palette
  6. Crumpled soft paper

Let's start the creative process:

  • First we draw a yellow background with horizontal stripes
  • Add blue lines, blur the borders of the connection
  • Draw a vase

Sketches of a vase on the main background
  • We put flower branches in a vase

Twigs in a pot
  • We take crumpled paper and dip it in purple paint diluted on the palette
  • We form lilac flowers with spots in the picture
  • Then highlight them with white
  • Using a thin brush, we make blotches with white gouache in some places.
  • We look through the whole picture, if necessary, add a little more white.

The bouquet is almost ready
  • We revive the bush with green leaves
  • We draw white bends on the green, as shown in the figure.
  • A simple but beautiful bouquet is ready

Lilac with crumpled paper

Video: Crumpled paper drawing: lilac

How to draw a dandelion with crumpled paper?

There is nothing easier than drawing an air flower in this way - no.

  • Make the background with a wide brush: the sky is blue, the grass is green
  • We paint with a brush bright green branches of dandelions
  • Crumple up pieces of paper
  • Dip in yellow or white paint
  • Apply to branches
  • Getting cute flowers

spring primrose
  • In the same way, we make delicate yellow flowers on the green, background grass.

Easy way to draw dandelions

How to draw a landscape with crumpled paper?

It is very easy to draw a winter forest with crumpled paper.

  • We begin to draw the sky with dark tones, gradually moving to lighter, almost white
  • We pass to the image of snow. The principle of the approach is directly opposite: the top is light, the bottom is dark

landscape background
  • Pieces of paper carefully crumpled
  • Dip in white watercolor
  • Forming clouds by pressing paper against the sky
  • The higher the clouds, the closer they are to us in the picture.
  • We make small clouds with small pieces of paper, large ones with voluminous
  • Draw a dark horizon line with a brush
  • With a narrow brush, we apply strokes of Christmas trees throughout the pattern
  • We don’t draw the details, they won’t be visible under the snow anyway
  • We draw the nearest figures larger, as we move away - we reduce
  • We wrap Christmas trees in snow using crumpled paper and white paint
  • We do everything carefully, without rushing
  • Adjusting paper size for large and small trees

Depicting snowy fir trees
  • We get such a beautiful winter forest

snowy fir trees

How to draw spring with crumpled paper?

We are preparing:

  • multicolored paints
  • Saucers with water
  • Tassels
  • paper

Let's get to work:

  • We divide the sheet into three wide horizontal stripes of blue, yellow and green tones, using a wide brush.

  • We make prints of different densities so that the sky is varied. We get openwork clouds.
  • The main color in spring is green. We depict the spring landscape in its prime. The grass is rapidly turning green. We stamp it with lumps of paper soaked in green. With the same color we outline the shape of the tree.
  • Add a warm breeze by tilting the print towards the wind.

  • Spring dresses up nature in colorful clothes. We depict the first spring flowers: yellow dandelions, red poppies, blue bells.

lovely roses

  • Thinking
  • Observations
  • Aesthetic perception
  • Helps develop skills of control and self-control.

    This is not only an interesting and entertaining activity, but also very useful.

    Video: Drawing with crumpled paper

    Among the various drawing techniques, one stands out, rather unusual - drawing with crumpled paper. This technique attracts attention with its simplicity and uniqueness. And it is also accessible to small children, although it deserves special attention and experienced artists.

    Benefits of drawing with paper

    This way of drawing is very simple, because the smallest child can crumple the paper into a ball. In addition, kids really like this activity, so why not turn it into a useful game.

    Any paints are suitable for this type of creativity, but gouache or watercolor is better, of course. They must be diluted with water, which the kids will also do with pleasure.

    The most important advantage of this method is that drawing with crumpled paper contributes to the development and manifestation of children's imagination. After all, each stroke-stroke of paper will be unusual, unlike the next one. And in each of them the child will see completely different things.


    In order to create a small masterpiece, you do not need a lot of material and effort. The simplest and most accessible materials are enough to get started.

    Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a sheet of paper where a drawing will be created, paints and containers in which they can be diluted with water. It is also worth preparing several napkins, from which it is necessary to create arbitrary lumps. If the drawing is combined, that is, combine the usual drawing technique and drawing with crumpled paper, you should prepare a brush.

    After all the preparations, it is worth considering the details of the future drawing and trying to reproduce them. The most important thing in this kind of creativity is fantasy. It depends on her how the final result of the work will look like.

    It is necessary to try to ensure that the wads of paper are of different sizes and degrees of compression. Then the imprints that will remain will turn into a wide variety of shapes. It is safe to say that this is the easiest technique. Drawing with crumpled paper will turn an ordinary thing into an exciting activity.

    How to create a painting?

    To start creating, you need to prepare paints. To do this, they are bred in specially prepared containers with a small amount of water. It is worth remembering that the more water, the lighter the tone of the selected color, and vice versa.

    The second step is the preparation of "lumps" of paper. It is advisable to make them in advance from a paper napkin or other. It is not advisable to take newspaper sheets - prints of black printing ink may remain on the drawing.

    When everything is ready, you can safely start drawing with crumpled paper. A master class for a child can be shown by an adult so that the principle of creating a drawing becomes clear. But since this is one of the simple and affordable types of creativity, learning is fun and exciting.

    Undoubtedly, in order to get a full-fledged drawing, it is necessary to draw some lines or backgrounds with a brush - be it the sky, grass, or animal body parts.

    Crumpled paper makes excellent clouds, the sun, the torso of various animals. The list is endless, the main thing is fantasy, yours and your child's.

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