Drawing in the middle group for the summer. Outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic: Drawing "Merry Summer"


Week 1.

1. Observation of the soil. Teach children to observe the soil and describe its condition in different time days.

2. Observation of a birch. To teach children to distinguish trees by leaves, twigs, take care of them, monitor their changes depending on the time of year.

3. Watching a bumblebee. Teach kids to find features insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Observation of the magpie. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Target walk to the garden. Inspect the garden, note the changes.

2 weeks

1. Observation of the sky. To teach children to distinguish the clarity of the sky and follow the movements of the clouds; Describe what you see using as many words and expressions as possible.

2. Observation of dandelions and violets. Show the mass flowering of dandelions, how they stand out in the middle of a green meadow; explain that dandelion is a medicinal plant; determine which flowers will soon begin to bloom (violets have gained buds)

3. Watching a butterfly. Teach children to find the hallmarks of insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Watching the cuckoo. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Surveillance

3 week

1. Observation of the increase in the day. Teach children to observe the movement of the sun.

2. Observation for observation of nasturtium. Remember what we planted in the flower beds? What appeared from the earth? What are these flowers?

3. Watching a dragonfly. Teach children to find the hallmarks of insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Watching the lark. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Observation of a sunflower. Introduce children to a garden plant - a sunflower; cultivate aesthetic feelings.

4 week

1. Watching the rain. To teach children to distinguish between heavy rain or weak, to observe its consequences.

2. Observation of daisies. Consider daisies in the flower garden; learn to carefully cut flowers; read poems and guess riddles.

3. Surveillance ladybug. Teach children to find the hallmarks of insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Observation of the wagtail. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Observation of earthworms. Introduce children to earthworms, their appearance; find out what benefits they bring; learn to draw conclusions and make comparisons; cultivate respect for wildlife.

senior group

Educator: Churikova.S.I

Abstract of the drawing lesson: "Merry summer"


  • Create conditions for reflecting summer impressions in the drawing.
  • Learn to draw simple scenes, conveying the movement of a person.
  • Involve children in a collective conversation, in a game and speech interaction with peers. Lead to writing texts.

Preliminary work.Conversation about summer classes and entertainment, viewing family photos summer holiday, conducting the game "Guess what I'm doing" in the previous lesson on the development of speech.

Materials, tools, equipment.White sheets of paper of the same size for compiling a general album of drawings "Merry Summer"; paints, brushes, colored pencils and felt-tip pens (optional); simple pencils, erasers. The teacher has the basis for the future album "Merry Summer".

Conversation "What do you remember about summer"

Purpose: to accumulate the accumulated ideas of children about summer.

Content: The teacher remembers with the children about happy summer who vacationed where. Let's remember and name these months (children's answers) -I have collected all your wonderful photos about the summer in an album, and now we will play with you, I will open the album on any page, and you will guess from the photo who it is, where and how he spent the summer - Anya, she bathes in the sea, she is tanned and very cheerful. And this is Grisha - he swims on a yacht. ……

speech game

Who walked on the berries summer forest loved, kept

Who, tell me, was responsible for the order this summer?

Which of you, tell me aloud, guarded the green flies?

Who diligently, as best he could, watered his garden?

Which of you, so good, went sunbathing in galoshes?

Who does not go gloomy in the summer, loves sports and physical education?

Which of you, waking up early, washed in the summer from the tap?

Which of you, when he washed himself, shaved with his father's razor?

Who rested on the sea, who swam, sunbathed?

Which of you, when swimming in the snow, then rolled?

Who hastily dressed in swimsuits and flippers to visit?

Who likes to joke with me both in summer and winter?

caregiver says to the children: - Let's draw with you how we rested in the summer, what we did, what we played. Everyone draws their own picture of themselves. And then from these pictures we will all together make an album "Merry Summer".

The teacher shows the children how to schematically depict a person using counting sticks, pencils, paper strips. Draws human figures.

The teacher shows the children the future cover of the album and offers to agree on how the sheets will be placed in the album (horizontally or vertically). Shows how the album will look like if everyone does it their own way, without agreeing.

Children choose the material for drawing as they wish - colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints. The teacher quietly asks which of the children chose which plot for their drawing. Helps to make a choice. Once again he shows some movements so that the children try to convey the changes in the position of the arms and legs: he raises his arms up, spreads them apart, bends one arm at the elbow. Invites children to turn to their comrades with a request to show the intended movement. Children draw. The teacher at this time draws up a cover (writes the name “Merry Summer”, children can color in the letters) and the children who draw well, who quickly coped with their task, offer to help - draw the sun, flowers, butterflies, etc. The drawings made with dry materials are folded by the children in the album cover. Drawings made with paints are put there after drying.

Purpose: to create in children joyful mood, delight and surprise from the variety of colors, colors of summer.

Learn to feel the nature of flowers and create your own image of summer. Improve compositional skills: the ability to create a composition on a specific topic (landscape), highlight the main thing, establish connections, place an image on a sheet of paper. Cultivate accuracy, good relations.

Material: paints, brushes, cups of water, napkins, sheets of paper, an envelope with silhouettes of trees, plants in different seasons, a large sheet of paper; music by P. Tchaikovsky "July".

The course of the drawing lesson "Colors of summer"

Children, today in our Kindergarten the mail has arrived. Look how big and beautiful it is. And it came from the far North from the penguins. Do you want to know what is written there?

- (I open the letter, read): “Good afternoon, dear children! Penguins are writing to you from the far North. We know that you are very beautiful and smart children. You know a lot, like to read, draw, dance, sing, play. And we decided to ask you for help. The fact is that we study in our northern art school and our artistic director gave us a task draw summer landscape . But the problem is that we live in a country where there is always snow and we have never seen summer, what it is, what color it is. help us please depict a summer landscape.

Goodbye. I'm waiting for a letter from you."

Let's help the penguins, guys?

We need to remember what colors we will depict summer with. The game "Compose a landscape" will help us with this. Here I have painted trees, plants at different times of the year. Let's pick those that correspond to the summer season. (Children select an image and lay out a summer landscape).

Well done, how well we portrayed the summer landscape. But this is only one landscape, and there are many penguins, and each of them wants to get summer. Sit down in your seats (music sounds), close your eyes, remember the summer, how you rested. Think about what colors convey a warm, sunny summer. Draw what you like best in summer, let it be your summer as you see it. (Children draw to the music)

Children, let's look at your creative work. Who wants to talk about their summer?

All of you did a good job, each of you managed to convey your vision of summer, and I think that the penguins will be very pleased with our drawings and will be able to complete the task of their artistic director.

Week 1.

1. Observation of the soil. Teach children to observe the soil and describe its condition at different times of the day.

2. Observation of a birch. To teach children to distinguish trees by leaves, twigs, take care of them, monitor their changes depending on the time of year.

3. Watching a bumblebee. Teach children to find the hallmarks of insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Observation of the magpie. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Target walk to the garden. Inspect the garden, note the changes.

2 weeks

1. Observation of the sky. To teach children to distinguish the clarity of the sky and follow the movements of the clouds; Describe what you see using as many words and expressions as possible.

2. Observation of dandelions and violets. Show the mass flowering of dandelions, how they stand out in the middle of a green meadow; explain that dandelion is a medicinal plant; determine which flowers will soon begin to bloom (violets have gained buds)

3. Watching a butterfly. Teach children to find the hallmarks of insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Watching the cuckoo. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Surveillance

3 week

1. Observation of the increase in the day. Teach children to observe the movement of the sun.

2. Observation for observation of nasturtium. Remember what we planted in the flower beds? What appeared from the earth? What are these flowers?

3. Watching a dragonfly. Teach children to find the hallmarks of insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Watching the lark. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Observation of a sunflower. Introduce children to a garden plant - a sunflower; cultivate aesthetic feelings.

4 week

1. Watching the rain. To teach children to distinguish between heavy rain or weak, to observe its consequences.

2. Observation of daisies. Consider daisies in the flower garden; learn to carefully cut flowers; read poems and guess riddles.

3. Watching a ladybug. Teach children to find the hallmarks of insects; correctly hold them in their hands and are not afraid; talk about the benefits they bring.

4. Observation of the wagtail. To teach children to watch how birds fly, where nests are built, to recognize the voice of birds and enjoy their singing.

5. Observation of earthworms. Introduce children to earthworms, their appearance; find out what benefits they bring; learn to draw conclusions and make comparisons; cultivate respect for wildlife.

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