Theme: Valentin Berestov “Family photography”, “Cloak.


Subject: Reading
Lesson topic: Artistic image. V. Berestov "Cloak", Van Gogh "Boots"
Lesson Objectives:
-to teach children not only to look closely at the reality around them, but to reconstruct people's life looking at the items they own;
- observe life through the prism of empathy;
- to lead students to the realization that the most great value in life is the value of relationships, the value of communication;
-continue to work on the formation of the children's skills and abilities of conscious and expressive reading;
- to cultivate a love for art, painting, literature. Equipment: textbook " Literary reading»Grade 3 (part 1 Churakova N.A., textbook "Russian language" (part 2); reading notebooks; presentation for the lesson.
Stages of the lesson Teacher activity Student activity UUD
1. Org. the moment the bell rang,
the lesson starts.
Quiet in the classroom, quiet in the school.
Everything is in place, everything is ready.
Well, smile.
-Sit down.
- Personal:
goal setting.
2. Actualization of knowledge Slide No. 1 “Among the arts that decorate and improve our life, one of the most ancient and expressive is the art of the book ... It expresses one of the most valuable aspirations of mankind. Uniting Beauty and Knowledge. N. Roerich.
-How do you understand the words of the great artist?
What quotes about the book do you know?
Slide #2 Students express their opinion. 3.Staging learning task In books, writers, poets not only describe life, peer into reality, but also convey their feelings, describe artistic images.
Seemingly simple objects that surround us can tell a lot.
The most attentive have already seen the topic of the lesson.
-Read it.
- State the purpose of the lesson.
- What are we going to work on?
-What works will we study? Regulatory: goal-setting, questioning
4 Building a way out of a difficult situation.
5. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in oral speech. 1. - What is a raincoat?
What is his purpose?
Reading a poem by a teacher.
-What pictures did you see?
2. Vocabulary work.
What words didn't you understand?
(Working with the dictionary "Russian language" part 2)
Slide number 3 Slide show: crossbow, spear, musket.
3. Preparation for expressive reading.
4. Reading a poem by students.
1. Conversation.
How many parts would you break this poem into? Why?
Read the words of Misha Ivanov.
-Do you agree with Misha? - Read the part about the heroic outfit.
And let the neighbor on the desk read the other part, which tells about dad's raincoat.
-Which cloak is better?
2. Reading the words of Bones. (p.49)
-Did you like Kostino's observation?
What 2 parts would you divide part 2 into?
Regulatory: planning, forecasting.
Communicative: cooperation in the search for information.
Regulatory: control.
6. Independent work 1. Write in 2 columns the words that reveal the image of the cloak in parts 1 and 2 Slide No. 4
2. Why is the cloak a heroic outfit?
What does the poet compare the cloak to?
What technique does the poet use?
-Who takes care of daddy's raincoat? Read out.
-What will the cloak be transformed into?
Why is this cloak fabulously transformed?
Is this poem only about the cloak, or about something else?
-About what? (about the friendship of the son and father, about their desire to be together)
-What words tell us that memories of communication with the father are dear to the hero?

What do you take away from this poem?
-What can a thing tell about?
3. Hike to the "Museum House" Slide No. 5
-Not only writers, but also artists reveal in their works - paintings the image of a thing, its significance, individuality, the ability to characterize its owner.
Slide number 6
-Who owns the paintings "Sunflowers", "Room in Arles"?
We met these pictures in 2nd grade.
In which picture do objects tell about a person?
We see the interior of the artist's room.
What can tell the things in the room?
Today we will get acquainted with 1 more painting by Van Gogh “Boots”. Slide number 7.
What can ordinary shoes tell about? - asked Mikhail Potapovich.
-Of course about his master, - answered Misha.
Express your opinion.
(Questions p. 50)
-Imagine what these boots can tell. Work in pairs.
1 part 2 part
raincoat - raincoat
heroic crumpled.
outfit, like a banner, faded
noisy and winged...
Students answer questions.
The repetition of the words "but", "nice", rustled, "carefully" kept)
"Room in Arles"
(The owner of the shoes is a man, obviously an old man, he is poor, he has been wearing shoes for a very long time. The shoes are torn, out of shape, the laces are frayed.
Boots have seen a lot in life, the work of a peasant in the field, (they can remember their youth, how they were first put on on holidays,
how they saw the field for the first time, how they first enjoyed the smell of grass, and then they began to get tired from work, wear out, how they now stand alone in the corner) Personal: self-determination.
7.Reflection -What was the theme of our lesson?
-What do you remember, what did you take for yourself? Communicative6
the ability to express one's thoughts.
meaning formation.

Attached files

L. Zankov's program.

Subject: Valentin Berestov« family photo», "Cloak".

Purpose: to introduce students to these poems;

on the basis of these works to bring up a sensitive, affectionate, caring

attitude towards the closest people - one's family, to cultivate a sense of

family cohesion, teach children to love their family;

develop memory, speech, logical thinking.

Equipment: portrait of Valentin Berestov, children's drawings, "mood dictionary",

children's poems about the family, family photos.


Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and out...

Now imagine that a wonderful Golden Star. This is your star, it belongs to you and makes sure that you are happy. Imagine that you are illuminated from head to toe with the light of this star, the light of love and joy... Imagine also that this light permeates everything through and through. your body... Now successively place your hand first on your heart, then on your throat and then on your forehead. Feel how the golden light shines especially clearly in these places. Imagine that you, like your star, also emit rays of clear light in all directions. warm light and that this light goes to all the guys in this room... Think of everyone in this room and send some of your light to everyone...

Now send some of your light to people who are not in this room: your family, friends, as well as relatives and acquaintances living in other cities...


What was it about? What did we talk about in our first lesson?

That's right, 2008 was declared the Year of the Family and our lesson today will be closely
intertwined with this topic. The most important thing, the most necessary thing in the life of every person is
a family. And if mutual understanding, trust and warmth reign in the family, then this is real
happiness. Read the writing on the board:


2008 - Year of the family(students reading this entry)

Listen to the poems of our young poets (2-3 people read poems of their own


Guys, what is distinguishing feature poetry from prose?
(rhyme and rhythm)

What is a rhyme?

Even some important feature poetry?

(Another important feature of poetry is that poets in verse depict the most hidden: a person’s feelings. His relationship to other people, nature, events. The reader perceives the mood expressed in verse: if the poet is happy, then we are happy if he sad, then we are sad.)


2-3 people read Valentin Berestov's poems "BROTHERS"

What is it based on comic effect of this poem?

Do you like relationships that bind lyrical hero with Mother?

How many of you have such a relationship with your mother at home? (2-3 students).


This is how grandma spins. Sweeping movements with fingers from above -

down and bottom up.

Mom bakes a cake. The left palm is stretched forward in a "boat"; right

palm "boat" covers the left.

So the sister calls the chickens. Movements that imitate the feeding of chickens.

I got on the linden in the morning. Imitation of the movement of climbing a rope.

Grandfather is chopping firewood like this. Wave your joined hands in front of you.

I carry them deep into the yard. Content movements.

So the father is a planer - a plow.

I can do everything, my friend. Hands spread out to the sides.


Today in the lesson we will continue reading the poems of Valentin Berestov. These are the poems "Family Photo" and "Cloak".


When reading the poem "Family Photo" there will be a word


Explain the meaning of this word.

9. Reading by the teacher of V. Berestov's poem "Family Photo".


What is the theme of this poem?

What is a theme?

(The topic is what the text is talking about. This is the main content of the text. The topic is often reflected in the title.)

Does our title of the poem fit the TOPIC?


a) - Take pencils and place logical pauses




What determines the tone of a poem? (FROM THE LENGTH OF THE LINE). What do you know about it?








This is how we inflate the balloon Children hold their hands at the level of the lips with a “lock”, then,

imitating a large ball, lift them up.

lift slowly up

semicircular hands.
And we fly up to the cloud. Children slowly squat and lower their hands through

sides down. The ball burst - we exhale, We straighten our muscles. Breathe easily ... evenly ... deeply ... Children straighten up, arms down, head

keep straight.


16. - What is the theme of this poem? Is the theme of a poem always
matches its name?

17. Reading a poem (1 lesson).

What good things have you learned? The opinions of 2-3 students are heard.

19. D. Z. pp. 83-84 learn to read expressively, group A to solve a crossword puzzle.

birch bark

  • Extractive substances of birch bark: isolation, composition, properties, application
  • Birch bark letters and paintings - documents from our past
  • Life, customs, economic, family relations, education of ancient Novgorodians based on the analysis of birch bark letters
  • Birch tale. Additional educational program

A family

  • State care for the family is the most important task of social policy
  • Forms and methods of work of the class teacher with the student's family
See full lists:

Purpose: using the example of V. Berestov's poem “Cloak”, V. Van Gogh's painting “Boots”, to bring children to the realization that it is possible to reconstruct people's lives by looking at objects.

Lesson objectives:

  • create conditions for children to realize the importance of closely peering into the surrounding reality, reconstructing people's lives, looking at their objects;
  • to promote the formation of children's skills and abilities of conscious and expressive reading;
  • to promote the development of observation activity in students.


  • portraits of V. Berestov, V. Van Gogh;
  • audio recordings of sounds, tape recorder;
  • plates with drawings of conventional signs;
  • plates with drawings of types of weapons (crossbow, musket, spear);
  • supporting plates with the inscriptions of the full names of the authors, the topics of the lesson;
  • posters-drawings of the heroes of the UMK PNSh (Anishit Yokopovna and Mikhail Potapovich).

Predicted lesson results:

1. Students should realize that observation, careful and attentive attitude to the world around us can reveal its secret.

2. Students will be able to show their creativity, fantasy, imagination.

3. Students should use the acquired knowledge to make value judgments about the read work.

5. Students should understand that the painting by W. Van Gogh “Boots” is not just a still life, but a rather voluminous story about the life of their owner.

During the classes

I. Organizing time(1 minute):

I'm glad to see each of you!
And let the coolness of autumn breathe through the windows,
We will be comfortable here, because our class
Each other loves, feels and hears.

II. Knowledge update (3 minutes):

We continue with you to learn to observe what is difficult to see with your eyes. Our lesson in literary reading, I propose to start with the fact that we fantasize a little. Close your eyes, listen carefully and imagine your grandmother's house in the village. You have always been so attracted to climb into the attic, where grandmother keeps old things. And now you, overcoming step by step of the old creaky stairs, find yourself in his kingdom ...

(The recording of various sounds is turned on: creaking, grinding, crackling, noise, squeaking, etc.)

Try to tell what you saw in the attic? How could he surprise you? Why? (Listen to the fantasies of the guys)

Do you like to fantasize?

Have you guessed why we started our lesson like this?

III. Theme of the lesson, goal setting (2 minutes):

Read the topic again.

Mikhail Potapovich invites us to get acquainted with the poem “Cloak” by Valentin Berestov within the framework of the topic (A portrait of the poet and a supporting plate are opened).

Where does Anishit Yokopovna suggest we go today? (Children by conventional sign define: in “ Museum House” at the end of the tutorial)

She invites us to get acquainted with the painting by V. Van Gogh “Boots” (The artist's self-portrait and reference plate are opened).

Guess what it will be: portrait, landscape or still life? Justify your answer.

What do these two works have in common at first glance: the poem “Cloak” and the painting “Boots”? (Works about things belonging to a person)

To consider what at first glance is difficult to see with our eyes, what do we need? (Read the text carefully, listen to each other’s words, imagine a little, share your thoughts…)

What are we going to do in the lesson? (Children “read” the symbols from the board: work in a group, in pairs, work with explanatory dictionary, trip to the “Museum House”)

What piece would you like to see first? (Children choose. The teacher, orienting himself, continues the lesson either with an analysis of the poem or with an analysis of the picture)

IV. Learning new material: (36 minutes)

1. Work with a poem by V. Berestov (20 minutes)

1) Motivation (1 minute)

Why do you think the poet Berestov created a poem about a raincoat?

Which classmate would you like to read first? (Children call students)

2) Reading a poem by 3 students in stanzas. Textbook, page 48 (1 minute)

3) Checking the perception of the poem (1 minute)

Who liked the poem?

I also liked the poem, as did our heroes, Misha, Masha and Kostya. Misha says that there are 2 parts and two completely different raincoats.

Do you agree with Misha?

What raincoats in question? (One is from a book, a musketeer's cloak, the other is from life, daddy)

Did you find the boundary of the parts?

4) Independent reading. Pair work (3 minutes)

Mikhail Potapovich and I invite you to work in pairs. (Children read the task from the textbook on the symbol: work in pairs.)

Agree among yourselves who reads about the heroic cloak, and who about dad's. (Children read to each other in an undertone in turn their part)

Fizminutka. Gymnastics for the eyes: relieving tension, eye fatigue (1 minute)

5) Analysis of the poem. Selective reading. Vocabulary work. Work on the expressiveness of reading (13 minutes)

And now let's read aloud about the heroic cloak.

What items complement the image of the raincoat? (Types of weapons: crossbow, spear, musket)

Check the meaning of these words in the dictionary. In which? (Conventional sign: work with an explanatory dictionary)

Choose the meaning of which word each of you will look for. (Ask how they decided)

(Children take turns reading the meaning of the word, the teacher hangs out plates of weapon drawings)

Is the coat beautiful? What words show that the boy likes him?

Re-read so as to convey delight.

And now reread the other part - about dad's raincoat.

Is he new? Is it so beautiful? ( Selective reading. Clarification of the meaning of the word "faded" in the explanatory dictionary.)

What is the best coat for a boy?

Find the lines and those words that confirm that dad's raincoat is better? (Read lines with the word “but”)

Kostya noticed that the second part is also divided into 2 parts. Have you guessed what it's about? (Dad's raincoat at home and dad's raincoat in nature)

Why is a faded and wrinkled cloak able to transform so fabulously? (The hero really likes being with his father)

Maybe this poem is not only about the cloak? (Yes, also about the friendship of father and son)

Reread the part where the cloak is a witness of the friendship between dad and son, that they want to be together. Try to read it in such a way that everyone understands that a wrinkled and faded raincoat is much better. Highlight the words you need.

(Reading aloud to 2-3 students, assessment)

6) Generalization (1 minute)

Why did the poet write a poem about the cloak? (The hero appreciates friendship with his father very much)

The cloak told us about the friendship between father and son.

Fizminutka. Motor gymnastics: relieving muscle tension (1 minute)

2. Work with the painting (14 minutes)

1) Motivation (1 minute)

And now Anishit Yokopovna invites us to go to the “Museum House”, to get acquainted with the painting by the artist Vincent van Gogh.

Do you know this artist?

What pictures of him do you already know? (“Sunflowers”, “Room at Arles”, “Church at Auvers”)

In which of them do objects tell about a person? (“Room in Arles”)

2) Silent examination of the picture (1 minute)

And now silently consider another of his works - the painting “Boots”. Take a look at the still life.

3) Group work (7 minutes)

What can ordinary shoes tell about? Let's fantasize. I suggest you work in groups. Everyone to express their opinion. Agree who in the group will read the questions from the textbook on page 50: the symbol “express your opinion”.

Decide who will speak from the group.

4) Free statements of children on questions about the picture. (Checking group work) (5 minutes)

Children say that the owner of the shoes is a man, a middle-aged man, that he is poor, that he has been wearing shoes for a very long time. Shoes torn, out of shape, frayed laces. Boots have seen a lot in their lifetime, and maybe they have very monotonous impressions: all the work in the field and in the field. And once these shoes were new, and their owner, still a young man, wore shoes only on holidays, they creaked, shone, enjoyed the smell of flowers and herbs. Gradually, they have served their time and now stand in the corner next to the trash can ...

Whose opinion do you like the most?

What helped us to see in the picture what is at first glance difficult to see with our eyes? (imagination)

V. Generalization of the studied. Reflection (1 minute)

Our lesson has come to an end. Who has justified the hopes for today's lesson?

What helped us achieve the solution of the set task: to see what is difficult to see with the eyes?

Poets and artists look at the most ordinary things in a special way. The world is beautiful. Look, listen, read, and he will never cease to amaze you.

VI. Homework (2 minutes)

Which homework related to the topic of the lesson, would you like to receive?

Options (written on the board):

  • memorize the poem, pp. 48-49;
  • read the poem expressively, pp. 48-49;
  • make your own drawing for the poem;
  • create creative message(possibly in verse) about some very ordinary thing.

Children choose their own task according to their strength.

Tutorial pages: 79-84.

Goals: to see in poetic texts the expression of true feelings, childhood experiences and impressions of the poet; compare the fate of the lyrical hero with the fate of Vanka and Petka.

Equipment : recording songsM. Ryabinin "Parental home", N. Dobronravova "Hope"; "map of thoughts"; "islands of childhood" (sheets of paper for the task).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

M. Ryabinin's song "Parent's House" sounds.

II. Introduction to the topic.

What thoughts did the song awaken in you? Share.

What will be discussed in our lesson? Why is it important?

Home, family - this is the most important thing for a person, the most necessary thing in life. If mutual understanding, trust, warmth, comfort reign in the house, then this is real happiness. What is happiness for you? (Children's statements, drawing up a "mind map".)

Analyze the "map of thoughts" and draw a conclusion about the bitter fate of Petka and Vanka Zhukov. (In fact, they did not have a childhood, since from an early age they were forced to earn their living and practically (except for Petka's departure to the country) did not have the opportunity to indulge in children's amusements, play and communicate with their peers. They were only considered free people, but in reality they were completely dependent on the owner, who could offend and inflict physical violence with impunity.)

III. Checking homework.

Is the lyrical hero of V. Berestov happy? What makes a person happy? (Friends, communication.)

Read by heart the poems about friendship by V. Berestov that you learned at home.

What did they teach you? What made you think about?

IV. Announcement of the topic and setting the objectives of the lesson.

Do you think this is enough for happiness?

Explain the meaning of the proverb: "No better friend than my own mother."

Let's get acquainted with the other side of the children's happiness of the lyrical hero V. Berestov.

You were right when you said that Petka and Vanka Zhukov had no childhood. I will allow myself to object to you a little, saying that each of them, both Vanka and Petka, has his own island of childhood, on which there is everything that is most valuable than childhood is rich. Yes, don't be surprised!

You have "islands of childhood" on your desks - Petkin's "cottage" and life in the village of Vanka Zhukov. Try, studying the happy childhood of the lyrical hero Berestov, to find grains of happiness for the "islands" of Petka and Vanka.

V. Learning new material.

1. "Brothers". Work on a poem.

We live easy and simple

Because with its warmth

Our grandmothers, fathers and mothers

Warm up our sweet home.

They say that a house without children is dead. It's good to hear children's laughter in the house.

In what cases do they say "the house is shaking"?

Read the poem "Brothers" on your own. Pay attention to punctuation marks at the end of sentences. What does it mean?

What makes a poem comical? (The behavior of the brothers, their fight, but they do not give offense to each other.)

What do partial line repetitions mean? (Description of the way of life of the brothers.)

Where are the accents in last words lines?

What artistic means does the author use to make it funny? (The poem is made funny by a partial repetition of the lines: “The house is shaking” - “The yard is shaking”; “ Brother is coming on my brother!" - “Brother stands up for his brother!”)

Where are the stresses in the last words of the lines and what do they give to the poem? (In the first stanza - on the last syllable; the second, third, fourth - on the penultimate one. This suggests that female endings predominate in the first stanza; in the second - all male endings.)

What intonation do masculine endings give? (Energy, clarity and assertiveness.)

Expressive reading of the poem "Brothers".

Which one of you has a brother? Do you know the situation in which the lyrical hero found himself? What causes it?

Read carefully into the poem, maybe you will find something for the "islands" of Petka or Vanka. (Children work independently, write out to Petka's "island" - communication with peers.)

2. Lapta. Work on a poem.

Guess the riddle:

The word is a call and a spell

In this word - the existing soul.

This is the spark of the first consciousness,

Baby's first smile.

This word will never deceive.

There is a life being hidden in it,

It is the source of everything. He has no end.

Get up! .. And you pronounce it ...


This wonderful poem was written by R. Gamzatov. Mommy, mommy. How much warmth this magic word conceals! Mother's love keeps us warm.

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Mom is the first friend

Not only children love mothers,

Love all around.

If anything happens

If suddenly trouble

Mommy comes to the rescue

Will always help out.

Mom a lot of strength, health

Give to all of us.

So, really, there is no

Better than our mothers.

The literary hero V. Berestova also considers his mother the best. Listen to a poem about her and think about why the poem has such a title.

Primary reading of the poem by the teacher.

What is a lapta? What does she have to do with the mother of the lyrical hero? (Children's answers.)

Independent reading of the poem.

What can be entered on the "island of happiness"? (Games with peers, mother's care.)

Content conversation.

What surprised the lyrical hero? (Mom's dexterity.)

Prove that the mother of the lyrical hero in her soul retained the mischief and dexterity of the child. Confirm with the words of the text. (“They threw them, but they didn’t hit”, “And they were waiting for both at home for dinner.”)

Do you like the relationship that connects the lyrical hero with his mother? (The lyrical hero is proud of his mother, although at first he had a feeling of bewilderment. Mom came to call home, but remained, carried away by the game, which she probably loved very much as a child.)

Physical education minute

3. "Cloak". Work on a poem.

Each of you probably has things at home that witnessed some important events in the history of the family. These things are carefully kept by your parents as family heirlooms.

Ask your parents at home what relics do you have in your family?

Reading the poem "Cloak" by the teacher.

What did you notice? (Children may suggest different variants answer: it consists of three parts, the cloak is not just a thing, but an “exhibit” of the family museum, warm memories are associated with it.)

Read the first part. What is it about? (Introduces us into the world of romance and heroic deeds, cloaks were worn by musketeers.)

Is the cloak mentioned in the first part similar to dad's cloak? (No, this cloak does not exist, it is only an image.)

Read the second part. How is this cloak different from "heroic" cloaks? (The buttons on the cloak prevent it from fluttering freely around the body.)

Read the third part. How was the image of the cape rehabilitated? (Dad's raincoat is valuable, but not by exploits, but by the fact that dad went fishing with the lyrical hero in it, sheltered from wind and rain, turned into a self-assembly tablecloth.)

Determine the mood of each part.

Think about what the image of a cloak is for a lyrical hero? (This is the hero's reflection on his father and life in general.)

Conclusion: the faded cloak with buttons, which hangs corny on a carnation, at first does not look at all like the hero's cloak, but as soon as home life changes to the natural world, the faded cloak acquires fabulous features.

Surely you have already understood what can be written down on the “islands of happiness”. (Independent work.)

4. "Family photo." Work on a poem.

It's time to "see" the family of the lyrical hero V. Berestov. How can I do that? (Children's guesses.)

A photo from a family album is the best memory of important events in family life.

Read the poem "Family Photo".

Were you able to see the scene of photographing the family of the lyrical hero? How did Berestov succeed? (The author has described all the smallest details- and family members, and the circumstances in which the photo was taken.)

What are the relations in the family of the lyrical hero? From what is it visible? (Relations in the family are very good, the lyrical hero is comfortable in the family. He remembers in detail how loved ones behaved.)

5. Generalization.

Look at the "mind map" "Happy Childhood" that we made at the beginning of the lesson. Determine what can be considered the main components of childhood for the lyrical hero V. Berestov. (A happy childhood is an opportunity to play and communicate with peers. A happy childhood is a close relationship with parents who understand you, who communicate with you, play together, take you to their adult entertainment, for example, fishing.)

We spin the "drum of time". When is a happy childhood possible? (When there is no war, there are parents, friends, children are well fed, dressed, have the opportunity to study, play with peers, etc.)

At the beginning of the lesson, we said: the best thing that Vanka Zhukov and Petka had was memories.

6. Checking independent work.

What "grains" happy childhood Have you been to Petka? (The opportunity to dissolve in the world of nature, to feel its beauty, strength, aromas; the opportunity to communicate with a peer - high school student Mitya; children's games; a sense of freedom - the feeling that the whole world belongs to him.)

What did you write on Vanka Zhukov's "childhood island"? (Communication with nature: Vanka very keenly perceives beauty rural landscape(white roofs of houses, wisps of smoke, trees silvered with hoarfrost; the Milky Way sparkling with festive splendor), understands the characters well grandfather dogs Vyuna and Kashtanka. This is the experience of going to the forest with my grandfather for a Christmas tree, and the experience of a holiday in the master's house, when they give gifts, treat them with candy and gilded nuts.)

The song of N. Dobronravov "Hope" sounds.

What does this song have to do with the fate of Vanka and Petka? (They hoped for the best, it helped them survive in difficult conditions.)

Call them lights of hope. (The fishing rod is a guarantee that the dacha in Petka's life can be repeated, that it will not remain forever just a memory. Vanka is counting on the grandfather to beg for him a golden nut from the young lady and hide it in his chest until the grandson arrives.)

And what is the spark of hope for the lyrical hero V. Berestov and for you personally? (A happy childhood is the hope for a happy future.)

VI. Summary of the lesson.

What poems by V. Berestov did you especially like?

Homework: find collections of poems by V. Berestov, memorize the poem you like.

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