Draw a robot with a pencil. Simply, beautifully and with pleasure we draw a cool robot


    Not only boys love to draw robots - I also once really liked to draw robots. My favorite now is Bender from Futurama, but since he has already been depicted, I will post a step-by-step drawing lesson for another robot - Optimus Prime.

    First, let's draw a robot figure using conditional lines and shapes.

    Gradually we begin to outline these figures, turning them into a powerful, large robot.

    The robot is ready. You can paint in colors close to the original, or you can at your discretion.

    You can draw a robot like this: first a sketch, then the details of the robot drawing (metal torso, head, arms and legs), you can additionally draw antennas, buttons and other technical details.

    Also, step-by-step video instructions for drawing a robot will help you make the image correctly.

    With the help of geometric shapes, we designate the basis of the robot's body. We draw the torso and head. We draw the limbs in the form of lines so far. Then gradually begin to detail the head and torso. We add the necessary details. Draw the arms and legs. At the end, carefully remove unnecessary lines.

    In the series Draw a Robot in the animated series Drawings Themes will show not only the step-by-step drawing of a robot (somewhere from 2.30 minutes and at the very end), but also tell you what it can be useful for. Such cartoons are very helpful for parents and children to create their own creativity.

    Yes, there are a lot of robots today! Both Valli and the robot - a nanny from Smeshariki, ordinary robots, and even robots in 3D ...

    I would like to offer several such videos - materials found on YouTube master - classes on drawing such iron men.

    Everyone has a different drawing technique, so you can’t get by with geometric shapes alone! You will also need to play with color with the help of hatching, and with volume with the help of shadows.

    Option 1 -

    Option 2 -

    Option 3 -

    In that, to draw a robot, there is nothing complicated, because this drawing is completely dependent on your imagination, it can have any shape head and body, arms and legs, it can even have two heads and ten arms, and instead of legs it can have caterpillars, like a tank.

    For example, you can use the following diagram:

    I suggest you try to portray a robot - a transformer. Here is a diagram that shows step by step how to draw such a robot. Most likely, the work will be difficult, but exciting, and you will need patience and a positive attitude - a few workouts, and your work will not be in vain. So, let's start drawing. Draw with a pencil in the same order as shown in the diagram. At first, let it be only outlines, outlines, we will draw in detail later. The scheme is shown in six steps. When the drawing is completed, it will be possible to shade it with the same pencil, or make it in the desired color. Good luck with your drawing!!!

    We will proceed from the fact that the robot is humanoid. And cute.

    Let's draw the skeleton first.

    We begin to build up the body.

    Adding details.

    Our robot is not in the void.

    Let's work on the lines and details. At the same time, we note the glare.

    We start shading.

    I suggest you draw such a robot:

    Drawing it is not difficult at all, you just need a little patience and perseverance.

    So, first sketch out the robot, determine where it will have the body, head, arms and legs.

    I suggest using these pictures to help you in your work:

Hi all! We have prepared for you a new lesson in which we will consider the phased drawing of a robot.

In fact, the robot that we will draw today is very simple - it can even be drawn at all. We specifically decided to pick up a simple lesson to relax after, because it was really difficult and voluminous.

In general, our today's robot is inspired by nostalgic images from films and books of the seventies and eighties of the last century, when the life of the inhabitants of the two thousandths was presented as a set of futuristic stereotypes, among which there were necessarily cars flying through the air, games with complete immersion in "virtual reality" by dressing special glasses and, of course, robots with light bulb eyes and an antenna on their heads. As you can see, none of this (well, almost nothing) has become a part of our everyday life, but here draw a robot from the fantasies of the people of that era, we can easily. Let's do that!

Step 1

First, let's draw a stickman - a man made of sticks and circles. Today's stickman is probably the easiest of all that we drew on our website. We denote the legs with two very straight sticks, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, and in place of the head we draw a contour that looks like a bucket.

Step 2

Let's draw a stickman, more precisely, the upper part of his torso and arms. Let's mark the head with a vertical line of facial symmetry and a horizontal line of the eyes and draw an antenna on the crown. Let's draw the contour of the torso (note that it ends NOT with the belt line from the previous step, and a little earlier).

Then we will give shape to the arms, on the shoulders and elbows we denote the joints with two or three lines. Two-fingered hands will look more like claws than human hands. Draw a few stripes on them and move on to the next step.

Step 3

Now let's draw the lower part of the torso and legs. This step is so simple that you can digress a little and look at a rather sociable robot, for some reason similar to a vacuum cleaner.

Draw the belt and groin of the robot in the form of a triangle, connect it to the torso with a pair of lines that will indicate the waist (it should be narrower relative to the upper and lower parts of the torso). On the legs, mark the knees and feet and proceed to the next step.

Step 4

Let's draw the robot's face - it should be a little crazy, but cute. First, draw the light bulb eyes (mark them as circles), then with an inverted "C" mark the lower jaw and draw the teeth. Do not forget also about the antennas in place of the ears, yet our robot is the pinnacle of technology.

Step 5

Let's continue to detail the robot, draw a chest plate on its body. Now it has become quite similar to , and so that it differs from it at least in some way, let's draw a rectangular panel with four buttons under the plate. We finish the stage by drawing a couple of horizontal lines on the waist of our robot.

Step 6

The last step remains - erase the extra auxiliary lines from the legs and draw them a little. At the end, you should end up with something like this:

Watch another video - the top 10 weirdest and (or?) technologically advanced robots. Among them there are really funny specimens, such as the Einstein robot or the Lego robot bartender.

Well, we traditionally wish health and creative success to our readers - all the best, visit our website more often, we are constantly drawing new lessons just for you! See you!

It is believed that only boys love robots, while girls like dolls and Barbies more. But after the cartoon Wally, try to say that the robot is a man's toy! Turns out they are for girls too. In our article we will tell you how to draw a robot, what you need for this.

Inquisitive first lesson - where did the word "robot" come from. In the distant, distant 1920, the Czech writer Capek Karel took and came up with this word for his character from the play. And so the name for mechanical machines from science fiction went. Now every year not only cinematography, but also real engineering technologies create new powerful intelligent mechanisms.

Draw a transformer robot

Step by step we will learn how to draw the favorite toy of the boys - a transformer robot:

Imagine, in the East in some countries there are running camels. And the owners arrange camel races. But the rider for a running animal should be light. And the evil owners of the show began to put a child up to 4 years old to drive a camel. And so that the baby weighed very little, he was simply not fed for several days. Now this is prohibited in the developed countries of the UAE and Qatar. Who do you think they put on a camel? Special remote-controlled robot jockeys.

Terminator - draw a cool defender

For the older generation, this is a warrior from a cult movie. And his phrase "Astalavista, baby" became winged. How to pass by without portraying such a character? Maybe the younger ones will catch up to the lesson. Moreover, a more detailed step-by-step story will show that this is a very simple task.

For the curious: Did you know that Honda's ASIMO robot is considered the smartest. He is so similar to a person in movement, the ability to recognize faces, the reaction of the response to his name, as well as the behavioral factor. He changes behavior according to circumstances. But, even more surprising is that a humanoid machine can play football!

We teach a child to draw the most simplified robot

The diagram below will teach you how to draw a robot quickly, using a lightweight template, using only geometric shapes.

How to draw Lego Ninjago cartoon characters

The boys love this show. They remember all the heroes by name, ask for toys with their image. You can learn how to draw such robotic men with your child. A couple of warm friendly evenings will bring joy.

An interesting fact - A mechanical machine, very similar to a person, is liked by people more than an ordinary mechanism. But when the robot begins to be completely humanized and endowed with some character traits, the reverse reaction comes into force - fear. It's a conflict between reality and fantasy. This effect is called the "evil valley". This term is often found among animators. They use the mean-valley technique for positive and negative cyborgs.

Many kids love to play with robots. They are the main characters of fairy tales, films and cartoons and it is not surprising that at a certain age your baby will begin to draw them and invent stories about them. Parents should support children's passion for drawing and help them master difficult drawings so that the child develops artistic vision and creative thinking.

There is a very simple scheme, thanks to which you can easily draw it with your own hands in stages with a pencil. First you will need to draw a vertical line on paper, this will be the axis from which you will build.

In the square that is reserved for the legs, you will need to draw them in the form of two vertical rectangles. Divide the legs into three sections so they look more like legs.

Arm yourself with an elastic band and erase those lines that you do not need, round off the edges of the head and body drawn in pencil. To make it very beautiful, in addition to doing the work in stages, you will need to give volume to the legs, for beginner children of 10 years old, this will be quite simple.

Be sure to draw his neck leading to the head, as well as the doors on the body. It is they who will show that, if necessary, a mechanical man can be opened and repaired.

To make the contours of the picture realistic, you will need to gradually draw his ears, antennae, cheerful eyes and a smile on his head with a pencil. Also, do not forget about the hands, they can be flexible from different parts, and they can end with three movable fingers.

How to draw robot Wally

Many children love cartoons and it is not surprising that someday this invention will become the hero of a picture drawn by children of 10 years old. It is best to start drawing with an uneven square. Near the square on each side you need to draw caterpillars, which will look a bit like triangles with rounded corners. Such drawing in stages with a pencil is quite possible for children of 9 years old.

On top of the cube that formed the body, you need to draw a head. Since his head is quite complex, it should be done in pencil in stages, focusing on drawing the details very well. The head will need to be given details, draw rivets, the drawn eyes will become more expressive if you give them an iridescent structure.

Good afternoon, today we are drawing transformers again, or rather, we are drawing Shockwave from the cartoon “Transformers”. To begin with, we will tell a little what kind of transformer it is. Shockwave is one of the most dangerous Decepticons. In terms of strength and firepower, he is able to compare even with Megatron. The astromagnesium cannon on his right hand is a powerful and dangerous weapon. The most noticeable feature of the appearance of the transformer ...

Good afternoon, today we are drawing Hiro Hamada and Baymax - characters from the cartoon "City of Heroes", which was released in cinemas in the winter of 2014. The main characters of this full-length cartoon, cheerful and cheerful Hiro Hamada and his faithful friend robot Baymax immediately became loved all over the world. Still, which of the boys and girls would not like to have such ...

Good afternoon. Today we will present a lesson on how to draw transformers. And our hero will be Transformer Soundwave, a popular character in the American film and animated series "Transformers". Soundwave is a brave transformer that transforms into a cassette recorder, he is an experienced warrior who participated with other transformers in all battles. Soundwave acts as an excellent scout, extracting valuable information about enemy plans and warns in time…

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