Drawing the story of the little prince with a pencil. A wonderful post dedicated to the "little prince"


Drawing people of all is very interesting and entertaining, but in this article we will consider not ordinary people. It's about how to draw a prince! If you already have some skills in depicting the human figure, then today they will be very useful to us. All examples will be quite simple and perfect for beginner artists or children.

Prince with a red cloak

This master class will demonstrate how to draw a prince with his princess step by step. The drawing will be bright, so be sure to prepare sharpened colored pencils. If you already have them at hand, then we can get to work.

Let's start with the queen and depict her upper part, which includes drawing the head, arms and chest.

We are working on the bottom, she will be dressed in a fluffy skirt with bows.

We turn to the culprit of this article and begin to draw the prince. We will draw a small crown on the head, and the body itself will be small. The fingers are made in a simplified technique, so they will be sharp.

We detail the face, and also add a large cape and legs in boots.

Color the resulting drawing with colored pencils. We decided to choose bright and varied colors. You can do exactly the same or choose some other shades.

simple drawing

Let's move on to a simpler drawing technique and show how to draw a prince with a pencil. This time we will not color it, but if you do not like black and white drawings, then, of course, you can use colored felt-tip pens.

The head will be rectangular in shape with strongly rounded edges. The face drawing technique will be simple, we will draw the eyes in the form of ovals, and the mouth and nose in the form of rounded stripes. Don't forget the crown!

Go below and draw the torso. Closer to the bottom, hang the belt. We will make the hands in the form of ordinary circles, thus we will save novice artists and children in drawing the complex anatomy of the hands.

Boots will be worn on the legs, and a cloak will be drawn behind. On this, our drawing is ready. As mentioned earlier, you can use colored felt-tip pens and color it at any time!

It will not be superfluous to watch a video tutorial in which the artist draws this example.

prince in suit

This time we will learn how to draw a drawing of a prince in a suit. This will not be a typical outfit for him, however, the example looks very interesting. Also, he will hold the hand of his princess.

In the initial stages, we recommend using a pencil rather than a felt-tip pen because of one big advantage. When you draw a prince with a pencil, at any moment you can make some kind of mistake and then with the help of an eraser you simply erase it and redraw it. In the case of a felt-tip pen or pen, this will not be possible. At the first stage, we need to draw the contours of the legs, torso and arms.

We finalize the torso and go higher, work on the face. Immediately depict the lower part of the head, on which the chin is located, and then the contours of the hairstyle.

We detail the hair, face and do not forget about the small crown.

The next step will be the image of the queen. Since this article is not dedicated to her, we decided not to focus on the process of drawing her. To learn more about how to draw it, you can watch the video tutorial below.

The last step is the easiest. We take colored felt-tip pens and color the picture.

In order to create a complete picture in the background, you can depict their castle or island. This will perfectly complement the drawing and make it more interesting.

A little prince

Now let's figure out how to draw a little prince. If you understood the previous examples and they seemed simple to you, then you will surely cope with this. If you did not try to disassemble the previous drawing techniques, but immediately switched to this one, then this is also not a problem. Just follow the instructions given, try to draw exactly the same and as a result you will have a beautiful drawing of the little prince.

For work, we will definitely need a regular pencil and an eraser, since at the first step we must draw auxiliary lines. We depict the head and torso. Don't worry if they don't come out very even, this is just a sketch that we will outline with black marker in the future.

The previous stage is shown in red, and the current stage in blue. Here we must depict a scarf, hairstyles and other small details.

Now the most interesting, put aside the pencil and take a black felt-tip pen or pen. We circle all the lines, and then erase the excess with a pencil. As a result, we should get a black and white drawing.

We color our character, and in the background we will depict the sky and the desert. This completes the work on the drawing of the prince!

Writer, poet, children's storyteller and professional pilot. On his tiny plane, he went on a reconnaissance flight from the island of Corsica and did not return to the airfield. Only fifty-four years after the disappearance, a fisherman from Marseille fished out his bracelet from the sea. The words were engraved on it: Antoine, Consuelo (that was the name of Exupery's wife) and the address of the publishing house in which The Little Prince was published. A strange, prophetic tale about a crashed pilot and a boy from the star who met him.

Probably every child around the world knows not only this fairy tale, but also what the Little Prince looks like. All books published in a thousand different languages ​​have one artist. This is Antoine de Saint-Exupery. He illustrated his book himself and drew the Little Prince. These drawings have become an integral part of the fairy tale and must be included in any edition of the book.

"Vecherka" chose the most famous drawings of the writer.


These are the famous "drawings number one and number two", which were drawn by the hero of "The Little Prince". It was a kind of test, with the help of which the hero of the fairy tale was looking for the "ideal adult". “When I met an adult who seemed to me smarter and more intelligent than others, I showed him my drawing No. 1 - I saved it and always carried it with me,” writes Exupery. Adults invariably answered "it's a hat." Although in fact, as we all remember, the figure shows a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant.


This is what the little prince looks like. "Here is the best portrait of him that I was able to draw after. But in my drawing, of course, he is far from being as good as he really was." Despite the fact that the book has been translated into 180 languages ​​of the world, every child knows exactly the look of the Little Prince. All books were illustrated by one person - Exupery himself. Figures are an integral part of the book and are included in any edition.


This is the box in which the little prince's lamb sits. The little prince, who appeared in the desert in front of the crashed pilot, asked him to draw a lamb. But when the pilot offered several options, the strange guest began to pick and choose. One seemed to him too frail, the other too old. And then the pilot showed creativity. “Here I lost my patience - after all, it was necessary to disassemble the motor as soon as possible - and scrawled this:

And said to the child:

Here's a box for you. And your lamb sits in it.


This Fox, a friend of The Little Prince, caused a lot of controversy in the Russian edition. First, the publishers wondered why the Fox had such long bunny ears. Secondly, they wanted the Fox to be not a Fox, but a Fox. After all, the Fox is much more convenient and familiar to the Russian reader. However, the translator of "The Little Prince" Nora Gal insisted on the masculine gender. And she was right. In fact, the prototype of the Fox was not a simple Fox, but a handmade Fenech, who was brought up by Exupery. Fenech was a boy and indeed had very long ears.


The firm rule of the Little Prince is to get up in the morning and put your planet in order. "If you give free rein to the baobabs, troubles cannot be avoided," the hero of the fairy tale taught. "I knew one planet, a lazy person lived on it. He did not weed out three bushes in time ..."


The conversation with the drunkard is one of the most hilarious in the book.

What are you doing? asked the little prince.

I drink, - the drunkard answered gloomily.

To forget.

What to forget? asked the little prince. He felt sorry for the drunkard.

I want to forget that I'm ashamed, - the drunkard admitted and hung his head.

Why are you ashamed? asked the little prince. He really wanted to help the poor man.

Good to drink! - explained the drunkard.


Illustrations for the Little Prince are not the only paintings by Exupery. Not so long ago, the Hummingbird publishing house published a whole volume of the writer's drawings. The book "Drawings: Watercolor, Pastel, Pen, Pencil" contains, among other things, such works that have never been published anywhere.

Character looking away confused

Exupery sent this drawing to his friend Henri de Segon. The writer was upset that a friend did not write letters to him

“Most kind. I am sending you a beautiful drawing that you can sell for a very high price and scolding you,” he wrote on the back.


Sketch illustration for The Little Prince - in the interior.

How to draw the "Little Prince" Exupery?

Now I will tell you step by step.

How to draw an illustration for any work depends not only on the plot, but also on the goal. For example, maybe you want to show your unique and original vision or an idea to just please yourself and people.

Recently, I was commissioned to draw an illustration for the wonderful fairy tale by Exupery "The Little Prince". This task was greatly complicated by the fact that the book was originally illustrated by the author himself, and these drawings are already considered canonical. It’s kind of strange to deviate from the canon and make something of your own.

But the fact is that it was necessary to draw a BIG picture - A1 - a very serious size. And here there is a type of dependence - the larger the picture, the more details are required. It's not necessary, but, you know, large, concise images often look... bald, or worse, intimidating. In general, if Exupery's pictures look amazing in the format of an A5 book, then for a whole Whatman paper it will be a completely different calico. So such things - it was necessary to "reinvent the wheel" and at the same time - ANOTHER. What stories can you choose?

  • Little Prince and Rose
  • The prince visits different planets
  • The Little Prince and the Fox
  • The Little Prince and the Pilot
  • Conversation with a snake
  • The prince flies with a flock of migratory birds in space

All these options flashed through my head in a whirlwind, but it immediately became clear - we need a scene - the Little Prince and the Fox. Fine. I like foxes more than all the characters in this book, and I will be glad to draw him. And I had already painted and sharpened it to look like Castaneda.

But now it was required that the picture was not abstruse, but sweet. Fine. How do we start drawing?

Do you think fox? No, with the choice of direction. You can arrange the composition vertically, you can horizontally.

The vertical one is not bad, but there is excessive pathos and an unjustified impulse in it. And if the Prince's hand is not raised up, then the sky will be too empty. The second hand of the Prince had to be put on the fox's neck - again in vain - their relationship, according to the book, was not so close. Moreover, it is not clear how to dress the prince. Anyway, after all, I need to proceed from the fact that everyone is waiting for similarities with Exupery's drawings. Dressing up in rich outfits and a crown ... is possible, but absolutely not necessary. In general, the vertical option does not work. But it became clear already when the preliminary sketch was drawn. And I even continued to doubt and, to clear my conscience, I increased both versions of the sketch to size A1. By the way, the enlarged vertical version looked better.

But I still chose horizontal.

Little Prince drawing

So, the Little Prince sits on the grass, hugging his knees, and looks at the starry sky - his planet is visible there. A fox sits a little behind him and also looks - either at the planet, or at the Prince. It is clear that in this pair, the Prince is the leader, and the role of the fox is tamed, led. In order not to draw a raised hand, I decided to send a scarf to the Prince's planet - Exupery's scarf constantly blows in the air without wind and gravity. A couple - the Fox and the Little Prince in the center, along the edges - on the right - a rose bush, on the left - rocks. Roses with their seductions are behind the Prince - this is already a passed stage. Ahead - rocks - The Prince still has to face trials and will need strength of character. The rose on a distant planet is not clearly visible, it is very schematic and located on the side remote from the Earth - the uncertainty of relations, it is possible that reconciliation will not take place.

Writer, poet, children's storyteller and professional pilot. On his tiny plane, he went on a reconnaissance flight from the island of Corsica and did not return to the airfield. Only fifty-four years after the disappearance, a fisherman from Marseille fished out his bracelet from the sea. The words were engraved on it: Antoine, Consuelo (that was the name of Exupery's wife) and the address of the publishing house in which The Little Prince was published. A strange, prophetic tale about a crashed pilot and a boy from the star who met him.

Probably every child around the world knows not only this fairy tale, but also what the Little Prince looks like. All books published in a thousand different languages ​​have one artist. This is Antoine de Saint-Exupery. He illustrated his book himself and drew the Little Prince. These drawings have become an integral part of the fairy tale and must be included in any edition of the book.

"Vecherka" chose the most famous drawings of the writer.


These are the famous "drawings number one and number two", which were drawn by the hero of "The Little Prince". It was a kind of test, with the help of which the hero of the fairy tale was looking for the "ideal adult". “When I met an adult who seemed to me smarter and more intelligent than others, I showed him my drawing No. 1 - I saved it and always carried it with me,” writes Exupery. Adults invariably answered "it's a hat." Although in fact, as we all remember, the figure shows a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant.


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Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

This is what the little prince looks like. "Here is the best portrait of him that I was able to draw after. But in my drawing, of course, he is far from being as good as he really was." Despite the fact that the book has been translated into 180 languages ​​of the world, every child knows exactly the look of the Little Prince. All books were illustrated by one person - Exupery himself. Figures are an integral part of the book and are included in any edition.


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Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

This is the box in which the little prince's lamb sits. The little prince, who appeared in the desert in front of the crashed pilot, asked him to draw a lamb. But when the pilot offered several options, the strange guest began to pick and choose. One seemed to him too frail, the other too old. And then the pilot showed creativity. “Here I lost my patience - after all, it was necessary to disassemble the motor as soon as possible - and scrawled this:

And said to the child:

Here's a box for you. And your lamb sits in it.


Click on image to view view

Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

This Fox, a friend of The Little Prince, caused a lot of controversy in the Russian edition. First, the publishers wondered why the Fox had such long bunny ears. Secondly, they wanted the Fox to be not a Fox, but a Fox. After all, the Fox is much more convenient and familiar to the Russian reader. However, the translator of "The Little Prince" Nora Gal insisted on the masculine gender. And she was right. In fact, the prototype of the Fox was not a simple Fox, but a handmade Fenech, who was brought up by Exupery. Fenech was a boy and indeed had very long ears.


Click on image to view view

Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The firm rule of the Little Prince is to get up in the morning and put your planet in order. "If you give free rein to the baobabs, troubles cannot be avoided," the hero of the fairy tale taught. "I knew one planet, a lazy person lived on it. He did not weed out three bushes in time ..."


Click on image to view view

Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The conversation with the drunkard is one of the most hilarious in the book.

What are you doing? asked the little prince.

I drink, - the drunkard answered gloomily.

To forget.

What to forget? asked the little prince. He felt sorry for the drunkard.

I want to forget that I'm ashamed, - the drunkard admitted and hung his head.

Why are you ashamed? asked the little prince. He really wanted to help the poor man.

Good to drink! - explained the drunkard.


Illustrations for the Little Prince are not the only paintings by Exupery. Not so long ago, the Hummingbird publishing house published a whole volume of the writer's drawings. The book "Drawings: Watercolor, Pastel, Pen, Pencil" contains, among other things, such works that have never been published anywhere.

Character looking away confused

Click on image to view view

Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Exupery sent this drawing to his friend Henri de Segon. The writer was upset that a friend did not write letters to him

“Most kind. I am sending you a beautiful drawing that you can sell for a very high price and scolding you,” he wrote on the back.


Click on image to view view

Photo: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Mercy", a comic scene with two one-legged figures. To some, such humor may seem "black". But do not forget that Exupery was not a children's storyteller, but a harsh military man.

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