Romantic games for couples in love. In Love \ Game for a couple in love


The older we get, the more seriousness and formality appears in us. We are trying to control everything, to lead everything, we have no time for fun. And then we transfer all this into our personal lives: we build serious, strong, stable relationships, which in the end are more like business ones. They lose their original carelessness, joy and lightness.

But there is a way out of every situation. Organize a romantic and playful evening for two, spice it up with cute pranks and spicy entertainment. Release your inner child, drop all worries, allow yourself to flirt, flirt with each other and just feel.

For such an evening, a variety of games for lovers are perfect. There is no competition for the championship, there are no losers. There are only seething emotions, feelings and closeness of two people.

"Find Your Love"

At the beginning of the evening (or maybe even the whole game day), we return to the past, when we were alone and were looking for our soul mate. We are looking for her again, but in a more limited space (room, apartment, garden of a country house, forest lawn, etc.).

The one who will search is blindfolded. And the second participant picks up two glasses of champagne, looks for a “secluded” place and stays there throughout the game. You can find it by the clink of glasses. When the "seeker" with his eyes closed raises his hand up, the one who is hiding should clink glasses. But you can only do this three times. The goal is to find a partner and share a sparkling drink with him.

Variations: To give sounds, you can use a bell or just say "I love you." If the search space is too small or you can navigate it very well with your eyes closed, then limit the number of sounds given or expand the area, outlining the boundaries of permitted movement. In the latter case, be careful "on the corners" so as not to overshadow the evening with an accidentally stuffed bump.

"Will of Fate"

At first, relationships develop by themselves, no one is completely sure of anything, so everything takes its course.

"Mystery Cubes"

For this game, you will need pre-purchased or made dice. On each side of one of the cubes, parts of the body are written: for example, lips, neck, arm, forehead, etc. And on the other, actions are indicated: kiss, stroke, pinch, bite, etc. Everyone in turn rolls the dice and gets a combination to perform - kiss the forehead, pinch the hand, and the like.

Variations: Dice can be replaced by cards, dividing them into two groups - body parts and actions. This option allows you to increase the number of possible final combinations.

"Sharp Kiss"

This game will allow you not only to rely on chance, but to try to direct it in a certain direction. Basically, it's a game of darts. But on the field, instead of points, we place the same cards with body parts. Wherever you go, kiss there.

Variations: Instead of inscriptions with the names of body parts, place an outline of a human figure on the wall and kiss your partner at the point on the body that corresponds to the hit of the dart. For a surprise effect, throw a dart while blindfolded.

"At my will"

When you get to know a person better, you begin to understand what suits you in him, and what you would like to “correct”. With mutual trust and openness, everything is simple: we decided, discussed, and resolved the issue. Like in games of desire.


We place cards with previously prepared desires in a circle and rotate the “arrow”, which can be any spinning improvised tool, including a bottle of champagne. We lay out the cards in two different circles - separately with the desires of one partner and the other, or we mix everything together. It’s even more interesting, because it may turn out that you will have to fulfill your own written desire.

Variations: The right to “turn the drum” must be earned. How - choose at your discretion. For example, it may be given to someone who has won some other game. Luck will smile on the lucky one with the most points. But one should be careful with the selection of the qualifying test, so as not to turn the evening into a gaming club. Give preference to simple Tetris, games from the series "three in a row" or for two players, use the old familiar fun: sea battle, tic-tac-toe, card "fool".

"Closer to the Body"

Every well-established and proven relationship sooner or later passes from the knowledge of the inner world to the comprehension of the physical. We move on.

"38 parrots"

Probably everyone remembers the Soviet cartoon, how the boa constrictor was measured. Taking measurements is a great way to get to know your body. Parrots, of course, are not required. But you can use everything that your imagination is enough for - a matchbox, sweets, rose petals, kisses. What will we measure? Of course, the volume of the chest, waist, hips. If desired, the "route" is changed.


Also a well-known game, but with slightly modified rules. As usual, one person hides some object, for example, a gift for the second half. The task of the seeker is to find a surprise, using the hints of the hider. In our case, they will not be verbal, but emotional. For example, when “cold” - the one who hid the object does not express anything, “warmer” - begins to stroke the partner, “hot” - kisses. Everyone chooses their manifestations of "warmth", and the second participant must correctly solve them.

Variations: If the thing is not too voluminous, then it can be hidden on the body, for example, in clothes. Searching by touch will turn into a very exciting tactile entertainment.

"Alone in the World"

When feelings are mutual, bring happiness and pleasure, they absorb a person headlong. Only the two of you and your love remain in the world.

Perhaps at the end of the evening you want to take a walk, visit a restaurant or go to the movies. But this does not mean at all that the romantic games end there.

"Sweet Word/Sweet Action"

Before going outside, each of the partners thinks of a certain word. Then, throughout the evening, if the partner pronounces the word you have in mind, then you instantly kiss him. It doesn't matter where you are or how many people are around you. Nuance: if you want more kisses, try to guess what word your partner has thought of and repeat it as often as possible.

And when you go to watch a movie, think of some action of the characters together (eat, dance, laugh). And when these actions are performed in the film, kiss each other.

How to bring novelty into the intimate life of partners? For some couples, adult role-playing is a great way to refresh their senses. We invite you to try several scenarios to your taste and discuss some rules.

Spy games

Instead of the hackneyed roles of maid and host or medical examination, try turning into your favorite detective heroes for one night with your boyfriend. As kids, we were all addicted to stories about super-secret spies like James Bond, so offer your favorite adult role-playing game on this topic!


For him - a raincoat and dark glasses, a toy gun, for you - a seductive dress, stilettos, a wig.

How to beat

It's good to have a game like this after the party where both of you can act a little mysterious, if, of course, you are not shy to puzzle those present. Arrange with your loved one in advance that, when he sees you home, he arranges a little shadowing for you.

"Having overtaken" you at the door of the apartment, he must " lean against the wall" and " expose ". Play out a simple interrogation (no bias!) and surrender to the mercy of your secret agent.

Van Gogh is resting

Didn't notice the artist's talent in your boyfriend? Unleash his creative potential and play along as a sexy model. He will need paints, and you will be the canvas.


For him - the favorite clothes of artists (golf and tight trousers - all black, a neckerchief), a set of gouache paints, a soft wide brush, a palette. For you - "Eve's costume" and a sheet, which is not a pity to sacrifice for the sake of temptation.

How to beat

A role-playing game for adults does not have to be something vulgar. Set your eyes on the sublime! Arrange a meeting between the creator and his muse. Let your boyfriend mix paints, apply them to your body and do not forget to seduce you at the same time - an innocent creature who trusted the taste and talent of the great maestro.

When the "masterpiece" is finished, let him admire your erotic body art and make love to you. If he is not afraid to get dirty, then he may not even wash the paint off you.

witch's potion

This adult role play scenario is a great way to please your partner when they want to be a passive participant. You are a sorceress, and he is a traveler who came across your abode. Remember fairy tales and add a sexual motive to them.


For him - hiking clothes, a sack and a hat, for you - a witch's vestment (a long dress in ethnic style), loose hair or a long wig, bottles of potions.

How to beat

Meet the uninvited "guest", like a stranger, promise him a "bathhouse", dinner and an overnight stay. Let your boyfriend obey the mysterious mistress " witch's hut". Treat your "guest" with a drink, in which defiantly pour " love potion".

Do not forget to describe in detail to your boyfriend how he is overcome by uncontrollable desire. And then - have a great time on the bed of the loving "witch".

How to start playing role-playing games

If you are the initiator, make sure your partner is interested in the behavior. What if for him this is absolutely not an acceptable option and a gross violation of his ideas about sex? Before you arrange a surprise, make sure that you do not shock the man, otherwise he will not only not play along with you, but will also think about the fate of the future relationship with you.

Did you receive a positive response? Great, but that's not all. A delightful role-playing game requires a flight of fancy and strength for sexual arousal. If one of you had a hard day, for example, at work, or a partner is oppressed by unresolved problems, a good game will not work.

Look for the right time when:

  • you can turn off phones and doorbells;
  • there are several guaranteed free hours;
  • mood and well-being correspond to the idea;
  • there is no need to rush anywhere, there are no urgent matters.

Only in this case everything will be successful. Also agree with your partner that you can’t interrupt the game and suddenly return to your real personalities and names. Imagine that the performance has begun, and to leave the stage for a minute means to spoil everything.

How to understand that you need these games?

The suggested ideas certainly capture the imagination, but does your couple really need them?

There are several reasons to play sex games:

  • you have been in a relationship for a long time, and your emotions need a shake-up;
  • you know little and want to start an intimate relationship with a spectacular move;
  • you want to surprise your partner;
  • sex has become boring, tired of changing positions, you want something completely different;
  • you really like to pretend and dream to play a role - in the bedroom.

Come up with your own rules of the game

Changed sexual behavior, in the language of psychologists, creates a new pattern between you and your partner. Naturally, new rules are also needed, otherwise you risk being in an awkward, ridiculous position and ruining the game.

What needs to be discussed? First of all, measures of admissibility. As with submission games, bondage games, and sex toys, role-playing should fit within the framework of your idea of ​​how your partner treats you. Can he really be rude by "arresting" you in your own bedroom? How far can his fantasy go when he imagines you as a complete stranger?

If you can, give the script partner the right to be completely different. Imagine how insulting it will be if the manners and treatment of one of you humiliate, hurt the living? Suddenly it seems to you that with " domineering sultana» Is your lover more polite and empathetic than usual with you? The rule should be iron: do not transfer emotions from the game to real life.

Never arrange a "debriefing" with claims: " Ah, is that how you feel about me?". Otherwise, there may not be a next time, and trust in you will disappear like smoke.

Variety is always needed in everything. And also to everyone and everywhere. People have a feeling of satiety and satiety. We get tired of the monotony and routine. Therefore, we are in the eternal search for happiness, but we follow the usual path, afraid to turn towards the unknown.

To be honest with ourselves, each of us has a pretty familiar rhythm of life. It's getting harder and harder for us to give up what we've been doing consistently for years. Everything new begins to scare us, and the “comfort zone” becomes our home. But there are still people who are trying to experiment. They change jobs, partners, friends, cities or countries. Some people dabble in gambling, because it gives a sense of risk and tons of adrenaline. And some people don't give up. They fight for their right to diversity and originality.

Role-playing games are a great opportunity to inject fresh air into your relationship. Many couples have a moment when they want to “start up” and “play enough” with their favorite partner enough. You can even give a role-playing game as a Christmas or birthday present. Or you can spontaneously start playing strangers in a restaurant and continue it at home in your bed, but not with your beloved, but with a random girl at the next table. Fantasies are given to us so that we use them, and not bury them in our heads.

Let's announce the "TOP 10" role-playing games:

10. Woman - COP / Violator

Punishment. Handcuffs. Trembling. Sexuality. Dominance. Availability. This is what immediately comes to mind when participating in this game. Sometimes men need a woman to "be on top", and this role-playing game will help the girl to reveal herself in all her glory.

9. Stripper / Visitor

Many men dream of watching a striptease performed by their chosen one. And it would be great if the heroine had at least a little skill in this original dance. A man admires, and a woman enjoys his admiration. Mutually beneficial union.

8. Stranger / Stranger

Sometimes you need to look at your partner from the outside. It is simply necessary for a new wave of pleasure in your bed. Acting, light flirting and "first" hot sex. What could be better?

7. Maid / Master of the house

A short openwork dress with a small apron in front works wonders. A desire instantly awakens in a man, then the next step is to seduce the “inaccessible” maid. But everything is in the hands of the powerful of this world.

6. Plumber / Hostess

This is not just a fantasy - this is a way to drive your man into the kitchen to a broken faucet. And a man in action is a sexy man. Did part of the man's work - received a gift in the form of pleasure. Honest barter.

5. Secretary / Boss

The woman "secretary" closes the top five male fantasies. A sex object on a desktop is a delight to the eyes, and doing all of its bidding is a delight to the soul. No special costumes, just fewer buttons and higher heels. Stockings are the last mandatory accessory in this game.

4. Stewardess / Passenger

Everyone knows that sex in the toilet on board an airliner is a process doomed to failure in advance, but sexy flight attendants always attract the male part of the population. You can easily buy such a suit and please your beloved after his next business trip. Let him “satiate” with his desires next to you at home.

3. Teacher / Student

It's a bit of a weird fantasy, but it's still there. Some men love women, so to speak, "more experienced", for them the image of a "teacher" is the best option for complete enjoyment. What won't you do for your loved one?

2. Schoolgirl / Experienced man

Well, the second place is taken by the fantasies of men who love “younger” women. Permissiveness, experience and strength are the choice of "experienced" men. A schoolgirl is an unplowed field for experiments with such an interesting person.

1. Nurse / Patient

At the top of the parade is the choice of the bulk of the male population "nurse". The hands of a caring nurse beckon a weakened patient. He needs procedures involving affection, tenderness and novelty. Nurse is the number one choice

All your fantasies are your personal world, in which there is no place for public taboos and prohibitions. No one can veto your wants and needs. The main thing is to honestly admit what each of you dreams of. These are just the TOP 10 of the usual role-playing games. You can create your own worlds with Gladiators, Tarzans, Amazons, Little Red Riding Hoods, Firefighters or Driving Instructors. The bottom line is your satisfaction and personal happiness. And in this case, the main thing is to find YOUR partner and not be afraid to start the game.

Marina Poznyakova

Many couples in love after some time realize that a wall has arisen between them. One sits near the TV, and the other near the computer. But before, the time spent together was important for both. To diversify the relationship a little, there is one simple game. To implement it, you must first make a special "box of desires". Each of the lovers needs to put a few pieces of paper in it. On each piece of paper, a task for the evening should be written, which must be completed together. You can open the box every day, take one wish from it and be sure to put new ones in. Here is a list of exemplary cases for two that can be written on pieces of paper:

1. Make ice cream together.

2. Write love letters to each other and read them in a year.

3. If a guy likes any game, let him teach it to his favorite.

4. Using a special program, remake each other's photos and post them on a social network for a week.

5. Play strip cards, sea battle or any other interesting game.

6. Argue about who is better at kissing or making love. Be sure to provide solid evidence.

7. Write a hymn to shared love.

8. Film the New Year's address of the second half to the people of Russia.

9. Create a collage of photos and meaningful things.

10. Make each other make up.

11. Arrange a bath with rose petals and foam.

12. Watch an old Soviet film.

13. Build a castle of pillows, bedspreads and chairs, just like in childhood, and spend the whole evening in it.

14. Talk to each other for at least one day, like the heroes of an 18th century romance novel.

15. Rearrange the furniture in the apartment.

16. Draw a complete diagram of the apartment and mark with flags those places where “it” has already been, how much territory is left unmarked?

17. Arrange a competition for the most delicious dish.

18. Make each other three cherished wishes that must be fulfilled.

19. Tell a secret.

20. Recall the beginning of a relationship, the first kiss, acquaintance, romantic details.

21. Give each other a little DIY surprise.

22. Learn dance from video lessons.

23. Buy a bottle of wine and sit together in the kitchen watching funny videos.

24. Come up with an interesting and funny story together.

26. Dance each other an intimate dance.

27. Tell about one important childhood memory.

29. Have a picnic, even in the kitchen. With blanket, basket and thermos.

30. Solve together a crossword, crossword or sudoku.

31. Draw each other funny faces.

32. Draw your soulmate as a caricature.

33. Dress up in crazy costumes from improvised materials.

34. Arrange a photo shoot, like in a real studio.

35. Pass a compatibility test together, or any other.

36. Sing each other's favorite songs at karaoke.

37. Slow dance together.

38. Watch a soap making workshop.

39. Celebrate the New Year with a Christmas tree, balls and Russian salad. It doesn't matter that it's still two months away!

40. Lie on the couch and dream together.

41. View old photos from the wedding or the first day of dating.

42. Turn on meditation and indulge in bliss together.

43. Turn off the lights and light candles, and spend the whole evening listening to music and talking like that.

44. Order pizza and feed each other.

45. Draw a plan for a future house or apartment.

46. ​​Make a video that will display a day in the life.

47. Watch a romantic movie like Pretty Woman or Titanic.

48. Take ridiculous photos with funny faces.

49. Pillow fight.

50. And in this place there should be an item that will be invented by the couple themselves.

So the list is complete. Let new items be added every day, and it will always be interesting for lovers to spend time together, regardless of age, number of children or even grandchildren!

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After a while, the thirst for quantity is replaced by the need for quality and sophistication. To try again? Attic? Elevator? Parking? And, perhaps, not to change the places of love games, but the roles played in them?

Sexual role-playing games are not an achievement of our time, but have been practiced since ancient times. This, of course, suggests that their active use will help improve your personal life. And this applies not only to summer with its hormonal storm.

Let's see what can be achieved by sometimes including role-playing games in your sex diet, but first we will figure out what kind of games they are.

There are several basic scenarios with countless variations:

1. A man seduces a girl, usually modest, and, in some cases, innocent. The scenario can be absolutely anything: a cynical macho and a trembling virgin, an older friend enlightening a modest young girlfriend, incest between, let's be modest, distant, distant relatives, a counselor and a pioneer, an old maid and a young impudent plumber.

You can be snobs and aesthetes and play the handsome prince and the sleeping princess. Instead of crystal, in which the princess slept, a bath will do, this will add modernity to the old fairy tale. In addition, you will have something to tell your friends.

2. A girl ruthlessly seduces a man. This option is surprisingly suitable for men who are tired of the initiative in sex and life and for women who crave this initiative. Now let him be a virgin, to whom the neighbor from above went for salt. Or a high school student alone with a young teacher. Or young subordinates of a bitchy business woman.

Or a celibate person, if that nut is tough for you. Just do not forget that the image of a seducer requires courage and lack of shyness. Forget the principles: "do not give a kiss without love" and "Before the wedding, neither - nor." Your slogan should be: "in the struggle, all means are good!"

3. Sexual services for money, payment with the body for some sin, for example, traveling without a ticket, breaking the rules, petty theft in a supermarket. His role requires ruthlessness and cynicism, and yours - timidity, shamefaced blush and humility. However, you can play the exact opposite and, entering the image of a liberated bitch, severely seduce an incorruptible officer.

Games in call girls and boys are very suitable for those who are clearly capable of more in bed than they allow themselves, but are embarrassed by their temperament or frankness. So what can't you do for money? So what if this is the job?

4. Forced sex. The most extreme, but very beloved by women, variant of the game is rape. With this scenario, everything is clear, you and your partner only need to determine the boundaries of the possible for yourself, so that in the process you suddenly feel like a victim, and not a full participant in what is happening.

5. Random passion. This game has many variations: strangers, five minutes after the exchange of names, ripping off each other's T-shirts in the first entrance, vacationers, exhausted by the sun. Or, if your conscience permits, lovers who slipped away from work in secret from their spouses?

If you decide to approach the role-playing game in detail, after choosing the role and scenario, you need to think over the surroundings and details - where and when it will take place, what you will say, how to behave, what you will wear. Try not to overdo it with preparation - the fuse may pass.

Not all men love role-playing games the way women do. Therefore, at the stage of acquaintance with the innovation, the most important thing is to captivate a man and not scare him away. Over-careful preparation and a scenario painted up to screams of passion will bore him. But a change in your behavior that will bring a sense of novelty will undoubtedly inspire your playmate like nothing else.

The main thing is not a pleated skirt, red stockings or the scent of sandalwood, but your desire to reincarnate in a different image, character and, thereby, awaken strong emotions in the two of you: in him - from possessing a new woman with new sexual habits for him, in you - from the courage of the game and the opportunity to do something unusual for you, but so desired. And also from owning a handsome stranger, serving your boss, being blindfolded, or whatever else you come up with?

When do you go from amateur to pro? role-playing games, it's time to start gourmet, aesthetic and complicate the action, since
playing out entire stories according to all the rules - with a prelude, an increase in tension and a climax.

The easiest option is to secretly rent a hotel room and invite him there with the help of a mysterious SMS promising an important business meeting or an unforgettable gift. The most important thing in such surprises is to continue to play the role for the first few minutes, while the partner will be surprised and try to disrupt the performance with his questions: “What are you doing? For what?" etc.

It would be strange to think that games affect only sex life. Not at all. Sexual role play can affect your entire life and even your personality.

With their help, you and your half can embody that image and those fantasies that you have only dreamed about in secret from each other. And, having pulled these images and fantasies out of your own mind, you can be surprised and ask yourself: why do I like this particular role? Such behavior?

Perhaps you like some character traits of the woman you play, but which, as it seems to you, you yourself do not possess? Or do you play the way you would always dream of behaving, then for what reasons do you not allow yourself to do this?

Games are a kind of mirror of your soul, your hidden desires and a great opportunity for self-knowledge. For example, you are meek and all-forgiving, all the time choosing an image - a woman - a vamp, fatal and ruthless ...

Perhaps you lack self-confidence in life?

Or does your meekness prevent you from being yourself? Free and strong? Or is it quite the opposite? A cynic in life, who has chosen power and strength as the only correct option for surviving in this crazy world to show weakness, do you play concubines, tender and submissive with pleasure and pleasure? Then, perhaps, your only correct option for survival is not quite yours?

Of course, it’s scary to change yourself so immediately and rush into the pool, but ... you can practice several times on a safe site - in a role-playing game.

With the help of games, you can also become a sex therapist for your man. You just have to be attentive to it.

He says that he is tired of spinning and wants to become a log in the forest? So immobilize him and deprive him of any opportunity to be active, and show the wildness and imperiousness of the predator yourself.

Tired of your boss's chair and the need to maintain an appropriate image all the time? Be a high schooler, escape from the last call and do something deliciously obscene in the secluded wilderness of the park.

Says he's tired and wants a change of scenery? Turn the house into a five-star hotel room for a while, and be a maid yourself.

Worried that he is not your first? Arrange for him an evening of seducing you - a virgin, and be delighted with how he does it.

And with the help of games you can put up. What, even a very angry man, can resist if the door is opened in the evening not by a guilty bully, but by a humble odalisque, the youngest wife of a large harem with the words: “The Lord chose me today as his beloved wife! How happy I am! Let me relax you!"

You can be your own therapist and play and make up for what is missing in real life. Running around in white school socks, handcuffing your husband, who was insolent yesterday at dinner, and punishing him, forcing you to endlessly give you oral sex, and also take a ticket to St. Petersburg and seduce your “random fellow traveler”.

Or take two tickets side by side in the reserved seat, and in front of the public to play scenes of conquest and seduction. By the way, the presence of spectators gives the sensations additional sharpness.

Another advantage of such a pastime is that in such games you can try petting, which you usually do not dare. Of course, would a call girl refuse to please her client, even if in ordinary life what he offers seems unworthy of a free and modern woman? However, after the game, this very way of gratification may seem to you not so unworthy. Most likely, even enjoyable.

Sexual role play can improve your relationship with your partner. You can discuss with your husband new interesting scenarios, and at the same time think why he is attracted to certain images? What does he like? What does he lack?

In matters of sex, men are especially vulnerable, but they are also interested in dialogue, so successful, confidential conversations and shared fantasies can reveal a lot about each other and bring you even closer. You both need only
tenderness and lack of harsh criticism in response to proposals that were not liked.

And if suddenly someday you feel that for you the constant reversal of roles has become the only way to feel aroused or agree to contact, and something is wrong in your relationship? Perhaps what you need is not games, but work on yourself and your personal relationships.

However, relationships can be treated in all sorts of ways, and role-playing games are one of them.

"The whole world is a theatre," as Shakespeare said!

How to ruin the game:

1. Be squeezed and pinch your partner. 2. Negatively, sharply respond to his proposals. 3. Laugh at your partner in the process. 4. Criticize yourself or your partner in anything. 5. Give more importance to details and surroundings than to the process. 6. Behave the same in every role.

How to play well:

1. Do not endow the played image with your features and sexual habits, but think, fantasize about what and how such a woman would do. 2. Stop being serious and adult, burdened with complexes and principles. Play! 3. Don't be afraid to overdo it.

4. Add 1-2 details for ease of reincarnation.

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