Rudolf Nureyev, Yuri Bogatyrev and other hidden gays from the world of Soviet stars. Yuri Bogatyrev - biography, information, personal life Actor Yuri Bogatyrev biography, personal life


This attitude was preserved in the Moscow Art Theater. Although in Efros's "Tartuffe" he played wonderfully and funny. His Cleante was amazingly boring and blurted out all his long-winded monologues with machine-gun speed.

Bogatyrev played the heroic role of Furmanov in the play "Mutiny" at the Moscow Art Theater, and he was introduced into the finished performance, where only the main character was missing. He was convincing, creating the image of an infallible red commander, no less convincing than in the role of the scoundrel Romashov in the television series "Two Captains".

In 1988, Bogatyrev starred in the musical comedy Don Cesar de Bazan.

Bogatyrev had a fantastic ability for internal and external reincarnations. It organically combined the paradoxical sharpness of creative thinking, the richness of expressive means and the simplicity of performing skills. The actor was subject to comedy and drama, farce and tragedy. Without exaggeration, we can say that Bogatyrev was loved by the whole country. Once Yuri Bogatyrev was visiting his friends at a dacha near Odessa. Once he decided to help the owners fix the fence. As soon as he began to nail the board, Fanya Naumovna, a neighbor, leaned out from behind the fence and gently, because she respected Bogatyryov very much, said to him:

- Yurochka, stop knocking, you bastard! My baby is sleeping!

Bogatyrev liked this expression. And in Moscow, when he had to calm down his neighbors at night, he leaned out into the corridor and was ashamed:

- Stop screaming, you bastards! I'm sleeping!

With all the fame of Bogatyrev, his life was unsettled for a long time. Having a residence permit near Moscow, Bogatyrev wandered around the apartments of friends, touchingly trying to compensate for the inconvenience of his presence by buying buns and endlessly washing dishes. Later, while working at Sovremennik, he moved to a theater hostel. In which he lived until receiving the title of "Honored Artist", after which he was allocated a one-room apartment. Yuri Bogatyrev drew his paintings in the common kitchen. Lunches were cooked on the stove, and he was located here with brushes and paints. He could draw, talk to neighbors at the same time, tell jokes.

Portraits, caricatures of colleagues only benefited from such ease: the artists stood in line for Bogatyrev to draw them. The artist generously gave away his works - they remained in the collections of famous film and theater actors.

“In no way do I pretend to be professional, and my drawings can serve, perhaps, only as a touch to the artist’s portrait,” Yuri Bogatyrev himself wrote, clearly downplaying his talents.

Before entering the Shchukin School of Art and Industry, he designed several performances. Among them were Five Evenings, Nose, Pyshka. But then only a few friends in his small apartment saw portraits, cartoons and compositions on the themes of literary and dramatic works. He had almost no conditions, but he always painted when he was not busy in the theater or on the set. All of his characters - be it the real Leonid Filatov, Olga from the "Three Sisters" or Pushkin's Herman - have the same sad eyes. They have something from the author and his unique look. The verticality of the silhouettes is the eternal aspiration to the ideal of Bogatyrev himself. The extraordinary brightness of colors - the colorful world of theatrical scenes. Yuri Bogatyrev remained primarily an actor in the films - he tried on the masks of his heroes with love and tenderness. “I feel sorry for them all!” he said. He had a very attentive and kind heart. And Bogatyrev himself was a very generous, kind and talented person.

Later, the exhibition of the artist Yuri Bogatyrev traveled all over Russia, and collected five books of reviews.

Alexander Adabashyan spoke about Bogatyrev: “I think painting for Yura was a continuation of his profession. He painted friends, old ladies on the street, Chekhov's characters. He liked to walk along the Arbat lanes and shocked me with his knowledge of these places. After all, Yura had a residence permit in Krasnogorsk for a long time, he was not supposed to live in a hostel. Therefore, he lived with a classmate Kostya Raikin, and then moved in with me. Yura was a man of children's reactions: he was easily offended, easily reconciled. But the directors could mold any image from the heroic appearance. At the request of Nikita Mikhalkov for the role of Yegor Shilov, the actor had to lose weight. Bogatyrev ate cabbage cutlets for a long time. And for the role of Stasik in "Kindred" they made a fat man out of him: Bogatyrev played with an egg-shaped sticker on his head, with a lining tummy and gave the impression of being rotten. By the way, the famous dance scene with Nonna Mordyukova, which looked like a continuous flight of fantasy of the actors, was staged with a choreographer and rehearsed for a whole month. All these roles made Bogatyrev famous, but did not at all bring him closer to unraveling his essence.

On my own behalf, I can add that my first impression when I visited the apartment of Elizaveta Alekseevna Dal was several extremely interesting drawings that hung in the lobby of the apartment of her husband, actor Oleg Dal. Oleg Dal himself was depicted on them, but in different acting images.

The paintings amazed with their pictorial palette, the artistic combination of the real Oleg and his invented image. Naturally, one of the first questions to Lisa:

Yura Bogatyrev ...

Although later the relationship between Dahl and Bogatyrev did not work out. Elizaveta Dal said: “During the filming of Vacation in September, Bogatyrev was a frequent visitor to Oleg Dal’s family. He loved to sit, listen to music, talk, eat - Yura lived as a bachelor, and we had an established life,” recalls Elizaveta Dal. - My mother loved to feed, and Yura gladly devoured tobacco chickens. Then, in 1979, he was in good shape - powerful, big. Very funny, easy to talk to. Although he was ironic, he could be sarcastic. All together we went to listen to Arsenal, Lesha Kozlov. Cooling occurred when Oleg saw Bogatyrev in a humorous program on TV. On the screen, weeping, he read "I loved you" by Pushkin. Then the camera lowered, and it turned out that Bogatyrev was cutting onions. Oleg did not like this - he had a sacred attitude towards Pushkin's poetry.

I remember much later I asked why Bogatyrev had no children? Lisa thought for a moment. Then she said that Yuri Georgievich preferred to live with women somewhat older than him. We didn't go into details.

In his personal life, Yuri never found his true love. He preferred to be friends with women. One of his girlfriends, Zinaida Popova, met the actor in 1977. She said: “Then Yura was thin, did not drink at all and was interested in absolutely everything. He had the appearance of a real Russian. He emphasized it - he wore blouses, Ukrainian shirts. Didn't like ties. Prefer calm colors. For twelve years, I have accumulated a huge amount of Yuri's gifts. Yura was friends with Iya Savina. They went on the same stage at the Moscow Art Theater and were even born on the same day. For him it was a sacred date. On Savvina's birthday, he always went alone. Yura and I celebrated the New Year together. I remember he came to me after the performance with flowers and champagne, I set the table. We were both night birds. I used to talk on the phone with a friend until three in the morning, then Yura calls, and the conversation continues until five in the morning. Such was the way of life. He liked to sit, listen to music, talk, eat.”

It was the gourmet Iya Savvina who discouraged Bogatyrev from vegetarianism. On the set of the film "Open Book" Bogatyrev had to gnaw a bone with pieces of meat. He asked to replace it with an apple. Savvina was indignant: I will show you an apple! after all, you can immediately see - you eat meat or an apple! Yura gave up.

He had wonderful partners on the screen and in the theater, whom he was constantly fond of - Elena Solovey, Olga Yakovleva, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Svetlana Kryuchkova ... He wanted to marry each of them. In dreams. But these were platonic feelings - bright and pure.

Elena Solovey recalled him: “Yurochka has always been a big child for me, so he remained in my memory. Affectionate, unprotected, infinitely touching, kind. I always called him Yurochka. He, like a child, was easily offended by nonsense. And like a child, he quickly forgave the offense, he never remembered it. He was a man delayed in childhood. It seems to me that he did not have external and internal protection. And he always dreamed of the impossible.”

Bogatyrev met Svetlana Kryuchkova in 1977 on the set of Declaration of Love. In the frame, they had to eat a huge leg of lamb. And drink it with moonshine. In fact, water diluted with milk was poured into glasses. Bogatyrev at that time adhered to a vegetarian diet. And he pathetically asked: “What are you, Sveta, eating? Who are you eating? And he argued that it was immoral.

But one day Yuri Bogatyrev still got married. Everything happened unexpectedly. Bogatyryov's dormitory neighbor, former actress of the Taganka Theater Nadezhda Seraya got into a difficult life situation. After a scandalous divorce from her husband, director Mikhail Ali Hussein, according to the then laws, she had to be evicted not only from the hostel, but from Moscow in general. Friends began to think how to help the unfortunate woman with a little daughter. At this moment, Nadezhda met Bogatyrev. Gradually, their relationship grew into love. They played the wedding without undue noise, one might even say secretly. Nadezhda Seraya recalled: “Only neighbors and my parents knew about our marriage. At that time, we could not devote Varya and Yurina's mother to our relationship. Tatyana Vasilievna then underwent a serious operation. And I thought: does she need such a daughter-in-law - with a child in her arms? Moreover, Yura wanted to reveal everything to her, but I insisted that there was no need to tell anything. We didn't move in together because of Varya too - it would be impossible for the three of us to live in a tiny room. Everyone put it off "for later" - when he earns money for an apartment. We were waiting for the girl to grow up and we would prepare her mentally. Let's get mom ready. That's it ... Therefore, Yura and I did not run a common household, we had such friendship-love.

But life apart soon bore fruit. Yuri began to move away from Nadezhda, and their relationship gradually faded away. Yuri Bogatyrev never told his mother, Tatyana Vasilievna, about his wife. And after his death, Nadezhda did not dare to disturb the old woman. When she saw the stamp in her passport, Nadezhda said that their marriage was fictitious. So she remained in the opinion of others as a fictitious wife.

In his one-room apartment on Gilyarovskogo Street in Moscow, Bogatyrev did not live long. The life of the remarkable actor Yuri Bogatyrev was tragically cut short on February 2, 1989.

In recent years, the translator and editor Klarissa Stolyarova occupied a special place in his life. She recalled: “They called me at night, I arrived on Gilyarovsky Street, when the ambulance doctors were still there, and in disarray - because they were mistaken ... I was in shock:“ What is happening? Why didn't they call me earlier?" They explained to me that "friends" decided that it was better to call an ambulance. What could I do to help? Now we can only speculate. First of all, I would immediately call his doctor Ekaterina Dmitrievna Stolbova and consult with her. I could give some advice to the doctors - after all, apart from me, no one knew what drugs Yura was taking. By a terrible coincidence, he suffered because the tranquilizers (the injection of doctors) were superimposed on the tonic drugs that he drank in the evening. Plus, of course, alcohol ... I knew that he dreamed of Oblomov, but played Stolz. In those terrible days, my daughter, a costume designer, sewed a maroon “Oblomov” dressing gown, and then it was quickly “aged” in the workshops of the theater. And we put him in Yura's coffin - we covered his legs with an Oblomov robe, as a symbol of his unfulfilled dream, unfinished life.

In 1989, Yuri Bogatyrev prepared his first personal exhibition in his life. It was supposed to open in Moscow on February 6. But on this day, his funeral took place.After the death of the artist, his cousin Tatyana Tomnitskaya organized a tour of paintings around the country in order to raise money for the manufacture of a monument to Yuri Bogatyrev.

Elena Solovey said: “There are kindred spirits on this earth, and it seems to me that Yurochka and I were like that. Maybe because they are the same age and were born under the same zodiac sign. Perhaps because our first big roles are associated with the name of the same director whom we loved and to whom we owe a lot. And most likely because in the wonderful world called "cinema", we often lived a life together - in "Slave of Love", "Unfinished Play ...", "Open Book", "Daughter". I always think of him fondly. Yurochka was a mentally fragile person, impressionable, unprotected. The kindest soul - always helped everyone, took care of everyone. Although, probably, he himself needed help and care more than others. In a rough and prosaic life, he was weak and childishly helpless. His passion, strength belonged to art - there he was resolute and courageous.I love all his roles, so unlike himself. Yura died early, impossible early, I miss his calls and our meetings in my Leningrad house, where he was always expected and loved. I keep two things given to me by Yura - my portrait, painted by him, and his photograph in the role of Andrei Stolz from the film "A Few Days in the Life of II Oblomov". He is so funny there - an adult child in a gymnasium cap. Yurochka.

Yuri Bogatyrev is buried on the Writers' Alley of the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

After the death of Yuri Bogatyrev, Yuri Filatov filmed a program about him from the cycle "To Remember".

This program caused so many audience responses that Leonid Filatov continued the story about Bogatyrev in the continuation of the program, which he called "Untold" ...

The text of the article Pictures of "Stolz" came to the homeland of Oblomov" A. Idrisova

Text of the article "Light and shadows of the life and death of Yuri Bogatyrev" by S. Palchikovsky


1970 Quiet day at the end of the war

1974 One's own among strangers, a stranger among one's own

1974 Tanya

1975 Slave of Love

1975 There, beyond the horizon

1976 Two captains

1976 Unfinished piece for mechanical piano

1977 Declaration of love

1978 Twelfth Night

1979 A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov

1979 Vacation in September

1979 Last hunt

1980 Deep relatives

1980 My dad is an idealist

1981 Two lines in small print

1981 And I'm with you again...

1981 Relatives

1982 Time for reflection

1982 Out of the blue

1983 Somewhere in the provincial garden

1983 Quarantine

1983 Unique

1984 Angry Boy

1984 Dead Souls

1984 Someone else's wife and husband under the bed

1987 Daughter

1987 Somersault over the head

1987 Black eyes

1987 First meeting, last meeting

1988 Bird flight

1988 Presumption of innocence

1989 Don Cesar de Bazan


1970 Quiet day at the end of the war
1974 One's own among strangers, a stranger among one's own
1974 Tanya
1975 Slave of Love
1975 There, beyond the horizon
1976 Two captains
1976 Martin Eden
1976 Unfinished piece for mechanical piano
1977 Declaration of love
1978 Twelfth Night
1979 A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov
1979 Vacation in September
1979 Last hunt
1980 Deep relatives
1980 My dad is an idealist
1981 Two lines in small print
1981 And I'm with you again...
1981 Relatives
1982 Time for reflection
1982 Out of the blue
1983 Somewhere in the provincial garden ("Something from provincial life")
1983 Quarantine
1983 Unique
1984 Angry Boy
1984 Dead Souls
1984 Someone else's wife and husband under the bed
1987 Daughter
1987 Somersault over the head
1987 Black eyes
1987 First meeting, last meeting
1988 Bird Flight
1988 Presumption of innocence
1989 Don Cesar de Bazan

03/02/1947, Riga - 02/02/1989, Moscow

People's Artist of Russia (1988)


Yuri Bogatyrev was born in Riga, in the family of a military sailor. Then the Bogatyrev family moved to Leningrad, and a little later to Moscow. Since childhood, Yura has been teased as a “girlie”, and this is no coincidence. The boy was not boyishly graceful and gentle. Yes, and the blond boy was friends exclusively with the neighboring girls. Together they played with dolls - in an impromptu "puppet theater" in the courtyard of the house on Levoberezhnaya. The little director himself made dolls from mother's old dressing gowns, sewed a curtain, assigned roles, staged and played.

Studying in high school, Yura became seriously interested in drawing. After the eighth grade, he entered the art and industrial school named after M. I. Kalinin. School students went to the forests near Moscow to sketch. It was there that Yura met the guys from the Globus puppet theater studio of Vladimir Stein. Communication with them aroused in the young man a passion for the stage, and in 1966 he applied to the theater school named after B.V. Shchukin


After graduating from the Shchukin School in 1971, Yuri Bogatyrev was admitted to the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, where he worked until 1977.

Vitaly Vulf recalls: “I remember Yura, when he came to Sovremennik, it was 1971. Then came Fokin and Raikin. In Sovremennik he was received very well. It was clear to everyone that a talented boy had come. Very nervous, very kind, very open. I have always been amazed at the degree of his openness. His teacher Katin-Yartsev once called me and said that he was most worried about Bogatyrev, because he was so unlike the others, so defenseless before the world.

Yura was very warm, pleasant, he was loved in the theater. He always had some sad eyes. At the same time, Yura had a striking irony in relation to everything - a very rare acting quality. He knew he couldn't take everything seriously. ... He was a very harmonious person, but he lived very inharmoniously.


Yuri Bogatyrev made his film debut in 1970 in a short film Nikita Mikhalkov"A calm day at the end of the war." And fame came to the actor four years later, when Bogatyrev starred in the famous "western" by Nikita Mikhalkov "A friend among strangers, a stranger among his own." The film takes place in the 1920s in a small provincial town in southern Russia. Bogatyrev played one of the main roles - the Red Army soldier Yegor Shilov, who is suspected of betrayal. Having escaped from his comrades, he alone must return the gold stolen by the bandits in order to prove his innocence.

By the way, Yuri Bogatyrev performed his best dramatic roles in the films of Nikita Mikhalkov. This is Serge Voinitsev in the film "An Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano" (based on Chekhov's Stories, 1976), Stolz in the drama "A Few Days in the Life of I. I. Oblomov" (based on the work of Goncharov, 1979), Stasik in the family drama "Kin » (1981).

By the beginning of the 80s, Yuri Bogatyrev was already a recognized master of Russian cinema. In addition to the films already mentioned, it is worth noting the work of the actor in the television series by E. Karelov "Two Captains" (1976), based on the novel of the same name by Veniamin Kaverin. Bogatyrev superbly played the role of the scoundrel Romashov, obsessed with passion for the daughter of Captain Tatarinov Katya (Elena Prudnikova).

The most significant in the work of the actor was the role of Filippok in the film "Declaration of Love", which was released in 1978. This epic canvas covers the life of the country for almost half a century: the deserted, as if dying, Moscow of 1919 appears on the screen, and collectivization in the countryside, and the construction sites of the 1930s, and the tragic vicissitudes of the war, and the bright day of victory. And through the whole film there is a love drama of a journalist named Philip, who, on duty, comes into contact with epoch-making events, and in the meantime, burning with passion for his Zinochka - an exemplary mistress, always busy around the house, but always ready - for a change - to cheat on her husband.

The original portrait painter, talented prose writer Bogatyrev had the ability for internal and external reincarnations. It organically combined the paradoxical sharpness of creative thinking, the richness of expressive means and the simplicity of performing skills. The actor was subject to comedy and drama, farce and tragedy.

One of the last works of Yuri Bogatyrev is the costume film "Don Cesar de Bazan", in which a magnificent ensemble of actors also starred -Mikhail Boyarsky, Anna Samokhina, Igor Dmitriev, Mikhail Svetin.

Tragedy of life

Without exaggeration, we can say that Bogatyrev was loved by the whole country. Then, in the 80s, it was hard to imagine that the life of a famous person could be difficult and tragic.

Nelli Ignatieva recalls: “It's sad, but he had enough envious people. To him less successful colleagues were insanely jealous. They envied the fact that he had so many roles, and the fact that he was one of the richest actors of that time - after all, Yura starred a lot and had money, they envied that they could not repay his debts. They envied him outwardly iron health. They even envied the fact that he was lonely, and they were connected by wives and children who constantly demanded something. And Yura, as it were, owes nothing to anyone.

Since 1976, Yuri Bogatyrev worked at the Moscow Art Theater. What he encountered there - envy, intrigue, meanness and hypocrisy - horrified him. He even sometimes sobbed: “I can’t, I can’t stand it!”.

Among the Moscow Art Theater, drunkenness was considered the norm. It got to the point that it was believed that it was impossible not to drink: "Whoever does not drink will sell." Yuri could not drink in such quantities, but ... Taking advantage of the fact that Yuri could not refuse, drunken actors came to his apartment at night. Bogatyrev had to pay for taxis and vodka from his own money, which he himself did not have enough to live on.

Personal life

His personal life was no better. Yuri never found his true love. He was constantly fond of partners on the screen and theater - passionately, passionately. Elena Solovey , Olga Yakovleva, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Svetlana Kryuchkova… He wanted to marry each of them. In dreams. But these were platonic feelings - bright and pure.

Declaration of love 1977

...Melodrama 1977 Performance: "Lenfilm", USSR Director: Ilya Averbakh The film is based on the prose of E. GabrilovichActors: Yuri Goncharov, Yuri Bogatyrev, Eva Shikulska, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Nikolai Ferapontov, Nikita Sergeev, Kirill Lavrov, Ivan Bortnik, Elena Sanko, Denis Kucher, Dasha Mikhailova, Bruno Freindlich, Angelina Stepanova, Anatoly Kovalenko Script: Pavel Finn Cameraman: Dmitry Dolinin Artist: Vladimir Svetozarov Filippok, as friends called the hero of the picture, was endowed by nature with the most unromantic appearance. He wore glasses, his face was round, naive, almost stupid. Kindness and light emanated from him, and he was extremely unsuitable for practical life, but decent, modest, honest. He wrote, and not because he dreamed of fame and fortune, but because he probably could not help but write. Filippka was lucky, he met a woman and fell in love with her, the one and only, for life - Zinochka, the widow of the commissioner, raising her son Vaska. Zinochka took Filippka to her, hoping to "make a man out of him." Whatever she did to help his career. Filippok became a journalist, but the film is not about that. A picture about a great, rare love, without which there would be no book and no need for a film.

// Photo: Sherstennikov / RIA Novosti

Today marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of People's Artist of the RSFSR Yuri Bogatyrev. The man died on February 2, 1989 in Moscow. That fateful night, Bogatyrev had a heart attack. The ambulance team that arrived at the scene injected the actor with clonidine, which turned out to be incompatible with the antidepressants to which the man was addicted. As a result, the celebrity's heart instantly stopped.


28 years after the death of a movie and theater star, his friends continue to share memories of a loved one. So, Stanislav Sadalsky spoke about one of Yuri Bogatyrev's hobbies. The artist said that his friend loved to draw and was a talented, but not recognized artist. By the way, the first exhibition of works by Yuri Bogatyrev opened on February 6, 1989 at the Yermolova House-Museum. He did not live to see this long-awaited event for just a few days.

“Yura was a connoisseur of painting, a true connoisseur. Now they say that he is a genius, a real underestimated artist, his exhibitions are organized, albums are published. And then ... He painted my portrait in a few minutes ... And I almost lost it ... ”Sadalsky shared on his blog.

// Photo: LJ Stanislav Sadalsky

Bogatyrev's friends believed that the passion for painting was a continuation of his acting career. Yuri Bogatyrev himself agreed with the opinion of close people and readily admitted that he did not compete with famous artists. The man could not even think that over time, art critics would begin to appreciate his work. “I draw people with whom I studied, worked, met, as well as compositions on the themes of my favorite literary and dramatic works. In no way do I dare to pretend to be professional, and my drawings can serve, perhaps, only as touches to the artist's portrait. Looking at the faces of people or reflecting on the pages of literary works with the help of paper and paints, I seem to “continue” the acting profession, ”said the man.

“He seemed to have the ability to “pull out” some inner property of a person that was inaccessible to the views of others,” Irina Gamula, chief curator of the Bakhrushin State Theater Museum, said on the air of the Kultura TV channel.

// Photo: frame of the program "Revealing the secrets of the stars"

At the same time, Bogatyrev was distinguished by some kind of everyday disorder. Relatives of the actor told that he did not burden himself with housework. The artist preferred to devote all his free time to art.

“He was always busy not with everyday life and either painted, or read or talked. He went out in some kind of half-torn dressing gown, and there was a feeling that this was Ostrovsky's character. He made scrambled eggs in such a way that it looked like a picture, ”said director Iosif Raichelgauz.

Interestingly, Yuri Bogatyrev preferred to live in a theater hostel for a long time. It was there that he returned after secular parties and ceremonial receptions. The artist moved from there only in 1981, when he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Then the actor was presented with a one-room apartment on Gilyarovsky Street.


Nikita Mikhalkov became the director who discovered Yuri Bogatyrev for cinema. The young actor played a German in his diploma film A Quiet Day at the End of the War, which was released in 1970. “Yura Bogatyrev is a wonderful, amazing, great Russian artist. It remains only to regret that he did not do much and left too early, ”Mikhalkov said in a story on the Kultura TV channel.

In the future, cooperation with Nikita Sergeevich continued. In 1974, Soviet viewers saw the film "At Home Among Strangers, A Stranger Among Our Own", in which Yuri Bogatyrev played the iconic role of Chekist Yegor Shilov. For millions of cinema fans, this courageous and "hot" character became a real superhero, not inferior to the modern "X-Men": he confidently sat in the saddle and easily performed various tricks.

// Photo: frame of the film "At home among strangers, a stranger among our own"


According to the recollections of Bogatyrev's friends, the famous artist had nothing to do with Shilov, who made him famous.

“At first he was like a child. He had fluff, his stubble was "increased". By nature, he was soft, quivering, cordial, pulsating like a feather in the wind. You blow, and it takes off into the air, ”actor Sergei Shakurov told reporters.

// Photo: frame of the film "Declaration of Love" (1977)

The artist's friends also told reporters that he seemed to have a premonition of his death. But then the environment of the movie and theater star did not take his words seriously. In the program "Revealing the secrets of the stars," Bogatyrev's relatives told about what tormented him.

“I came to him, got up. I found the number of the apartment, I call, no one answers. I see the door is not locked. I see that he is sitting on the carpet in the middle of the room, drunk, all in tears. He says: “I will die soon,” shared a friend of the star Yevgeny Steblov.

// Photo: frame of the film “Yuri Bogatyrev. Stolen Life"

The words of the actor are confirmed by the director and classmate of Yuri Bogatyrev Konstantin Raikin. “He always said he would die early. I thought that he was "interesting" and spoke for the sake of a red word. It was typical for Yura to make such “sticky things,” the movie and theater star shared.

Friends knew about the vulnerability of Yuri Bogatyrev, who suffered all his life from the fact that he was not like everyone else. The environment of the man tried to support him in difficult times and remembered that the artist demanded very careful treatment of himself. “He needed compliments, applause, admiration. Then he modestly lowered his eyes and said: “You are exaggerating,” said a colleague of the actor Viktor Merezhko.

“Not enough, just not enough. Drawings, roles, rehearsals, friends, communication. They praise you a little, they admire you a little, they watch you a little, ”Iosif Reichelgauz, a friend of Yuri Bogatyrev, shared, in turn.

// Photo: Frame from the film "Twelfth Night" (1978)

Some relatives of Bogatyrev considered him a big child. This point of view was held, for example, by lawyer Andrei Popov, who spoke with the actor in the last four years of his life. According to a celebrity friend, Yuri Bogatyrev was very calm and tried not to get involved in scandals, as it went against his nature. “I didn’t hear that he ever fought with anyone at all, there were no such episodes in my memory. He knew how to compromise, negotiate and was an absolutely conflict-free person,” said the elderly man.

According to Andrei Mikhailovich, his friend worked on each role for a very long time. Bogatyrev seemed to get used to all his characters. The man calls the work of the famous actor "titanic". His words are confirmed by Nikita Mikhalkov. “He grasped everything in the wind,” says the director. By the way, for the sake of one of the roles, a convinced vegetarian tried meat, and since then he forgot about the diet.


It is worth noting that the movie and theater star was lucky to work with many of the most beautiful actresses of her time, including Anastasia Vertinskaya, Elena Soloveya and Svetlana Kryuchkova. Yuri Bogatyrev's feelings for his partners were platonic: he could not offer them anything more than friendship. The artist likened women to goddesses. At the same time, natural delicacy and sensitivity did not allow him to open up completely.

Only over the years Bogatyrev realized that he was not like everyone else. This realization literally put pressure on a man who preferred to “treat” problems with alcohol.

“Yura made this “discovery” in himself very late, grew into it somehow very painfully ... He suffered a lot about this ... He drank, did all sorts of stupid things while drunk, from which he later suffered madly and was ashamed. This added to him, as it were, an additional complex of guilt. Today's stars even flaunt it. Now, after all, even people of normal orientation are happy to pretend to be homosexuals - it's fashionable, practical - after all, they are friendly with each other ... ”- director Alexander Adabashyan said in an interview.

// Photo: Frame from the film "Dead Souls" (1984)


In recent years, Yuri Bogatyrev stopped fighting overweight and suffered from hypertension. The artist often called friends and complained about life. Some of them believed that the man was brought to work in the theater, which turned out to be too difficult for a sensitive artist. “He was very wounded,” said Alexander Kalyagin.

Some believed that Bogatyrev seemed to be tired of himself. Every day he played other people's passions, and after entering the stage he suffered from his own. The actor everywhere seemed to be ridiculed and condemned by strangers. Relatives of the artist say that he could be humiliated even with the “wrong” look or turn of the head.

“He called me and said: “Svetotulya, I am sitting here alone. Old, fat, useless." And it was not bravado and coquetry. He felt that way, ”said actress Svetlana Kryuchkova.

// Photo: Frame from the film "Don Cesar de Bazan" (1989)

Among the obsessive nightmares of Bogatyrev was a dream that the audience ridiculed him. The actor had days when he despised himself. The artist suffered because he was not like the people around him.

“Natasha Gundareva said that he could drink and come to her in tears. He said: “Everyone despise me, I can’t do anything with myself.” She said: “You yourself invented everything, you didn’t do anything bad to anyone.” Everything in him grew gradually. Over time, his inner harmony disappeared. He was in constant conflict with himself, and it seemed to him that he was not liked, treated with prejudice or negatively. He himself built a wall around himself and imagined that it was built from the outside, ”Alexander Adabashyan shared.

For the preparation of the article, materials from the "Interlocutor" and "Nezavisimaya Gazeta".

Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1978)
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1981)
People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988)

His father Georgy Bogatyrev was a naval officer. In 1953, as one of the best officers, he was transferred to Moscow at the disposal of the IMF headquarters.

As a child, five-year-old Yuri suffered from sleepwalking. He got up in his sleep and walked around the apartment, dressed up in a silk robe with black ostriches on a blue background. Sometimes the picture was completed by my mother's hat with a feather, a veil and flies. Then he carefully removed everything and, as if nothing had happened, went to bed further.

After all, how neatly he hung the robe in place! - the mother of Yuri Bogatyreva Tatyana Vasilievna was amazed. - The poker stood next to the dressing gown and did not fall! In such cases, we never woke him up and only ... Then we just ask: “Do you remember?” - "No". Over time, Yuri's sleepwalking went away by itself.

Yuri from childhood was not boyishly graceful and gentle. In an impromptu "puppet theater" in the courtyard of a house on Levoberezhnaya, the little director himself made puppets from his mother's old dressing gowns, sewed a curtain, assigned roles, staged and played.

While still in high school, Yuri was seriously interested in drawing. In his youth, this occupation even helped him earn a living, since Yuri did not like to ask his parents for money. He worked part-time at archaeological excavations, sketching for scientists found "treasures" - the remains of women's jewelry, coins and shards from pottery.

From one such expedition, he brought home a real human skull. His sister Rita, who was studying to be a dentist, gasped at first, and then used this "study guide" to prepare for exams at the institute. At the same time, Yuriy made his first independent purchases with the money he earned on his own. One of his first purchases was a brown nylon raincoat. But Bogatyrev did not connect his future with archeology. He was more interested in art. So, for example, when guests came to the Bogatyrevs' house, he was always asked to read poetry and sing. He never refused - he perceived it as another rehearsal. After the eighth grade, Yuri entered the Kalinin Art and Industrial School. And since the students of this school went to the forests near Moscow to study sketches, during one of these trips, Yuri met the guys from Vladimir Stein's Globus puppet theater-studio.

Philologist-translator Alexander Nesterov met Bogatyrev in the early 1960s, when Yuri was working on an archaeological expedition in the Moscow region. Nesterov said: “Yura was under the sensitive and strict guidance of a wonderful teacher who, in a very short period of time, managed to teach a capable guy to read poetry, prose, move correctly on stage, overcome constraint ... Vladimir Mikhailovich Stein revealed to him that he could be an artist that he can do something - if not just to have a good time on stage, but also to rehearse. Because Yura had failures. After all, in the same performance based on Mayakovsky's poems, he sometimes ... ran away in the wrong direction. We stand behind the screen and wait for him to say the required words and carefully go backstage so that we can begin our action. And he doesn't go there at all. And he doesn’t worry at all - on the contrary, all this causes bouts of fun in him. But he didn't have any major failures. In general, our Globus team was very bright, although small - about fifteen people. Someone left, entering the institute, someone brought new ones ... But the peculiarity of our puppet theater was that we were all connected by close good friendship. We talked quite a lot. Although the times for this were not the most successful. Opportunities for meetings were very limited. Few of us lived in a separate apartment, mostly in a communal apartment. We often met with girls - with Greta Asnis, Nina Turchak, Tanya Maidel, her classmate Nelya Yakubova. They arranged evenings in clubbing: two bottles of wine for ten people, vinaigrette. Nelya always brought something tasty - for example, cookies made with her own hands according to a Tatar recipe. And this whole party is in an apartment with neighbors: you need to be quiet enough so as not to cause their displeasure. And I wanted to dance and sing. After all, discos simply did not exist then. If dances were held at the Palace of Pioneers, then the teams that practiced there had to allocate healthy combatants to guard the entrance - because people were eager to dance like crazy. And Yura also often stood in a cordon. He, like everyone else, will be on duty, and then he will go dancing himself ... Then he was an open, cheerful person. And quite groovy. It then became more secretive. Possibly environmental influence. And when we talked - this was not at all. Although on the other hand ... There are people who tell everyone about their love. And there are those who believe that it should not be done. He was one of the last. Probably, he had hobbies, but he did not frankly with us, did not confide his personal problems to anyone. And in my memory I only have a very pleasant side of communication with him - purely friendly and creative ... Although, maybe the whole point was that after all we were still schoolchildren, and he was a student. And he looked different. He followed the fashion - got himself a suit, wore a shirt with a tie. I found out where a good hairdresser was, and was always neatly cut. The main thing is that even then it was clear that this was not an empty person. His erudition, a certain level of culture were immediately visible. But he never sought to show his superiority in anything.

Work at the Globe aroused Yuri's interest in the stage, and in 1966, after graduating from the art and industrial school, he applied to the Shchukin Theater School, which he successfully completed in 1971. The course was strong, taught by Katin-Yartsev. Natalya Gundareva and Konstantin Raikin also studied there. After graduating from college, Yuri Bogatyrev was admitted to the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, where he worked until 1977.

Bogatyrev did not receive serious roles for a long time. But over time, he began to play a lot, and his best roles were Duke Orsino in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and Mark in Viktor Rozov's play Eternally Alive. Vitaly Wolf recalled: “Then Fokin and Raikin came. In Sovremennik he was received very well. It was clear to everyone that a talented boy had come. Very nervous, very kind, very open. I have always been amazed at the degree of his openness. His teacher Katin-Yartsev once called me and said that he was most worried about Bogatyrev, because he was so different from others, so defenseless before the world. Yura was very warm, pleasant, he was loved in the theater. He always had some sad eyes. At the same time, Yura had a striking irony in relation to everything - a very rare acting quality. He knew he couldn't take everything seriously. ... He was a very harmonious person, but he lived very inharmoniously.

Bogatyryov made his film debut in 1970 in Nikita Mikhalkov's thesis work A Quiet Day at the End of the War.

Then he met Alexander Adabashyan. Later, Adabashyan spoke about Bogatyryov: “I think painting for Yura was a continuation of his profession. He painted friends, old ladies on the street, Chekhov's characters. He liked to walk along the Arbat lanes and shocked me with his knowledge of these places. After all, Yura had a residence permit in Krasnogorsk for a long time, he was not supposed to live in a hostel. Therefore, he lived with a classmate Kostya Raikin, and then moved in with me. Yura was a man of children's reactions: he was easily offended, easily reconciled. We met Yura at the thesis of Nikita Mikhalkov. Unwittingly, they talked a lot, and then it turned out that Yura was fond of painting. We went to exhibitions together, at one time Yura even lived at my house. From the complex "habitants" he thought to himself that he loves to wash dishes. When guests came to his parents, he begged his mother: “Don't touch anything! I will come and clean everything!” He never returned home empty-handed: either he brought high-calorie buns, or a bag of dryers. I was very touching in the hostel. Yura did not immediately get along with people. At first he was a ruff, he was afraid that he would not be perceived, and he pretended that he didn’t really need it. But as soon as a person treated him kindly, he immediately "fell in love." When, while working at Sovremennik, he “fell in love” with Galina Borisovna Volchek, he washed her car every morning. The whole theater thought it was a toady. But Yura could also “fall in love” with the usher, it didn’t matter, and then it would also come to washing the floors and courting. Yura had a lot of children in him, and when he assumed seriousness, it still broke through. Once he invited me to a performance, I could not go backstage to him and called the next day. Yura grunted dryly: “Yes, I found out. What do you want? Speak faster, I don't have time!" - "You played amazing, wonderful!" - "Seriously? You know, I wanted to do this piece like this... What are you doing now? Come, let's talk." Yura immediately forgot everything, not trying to justify his coldness at the beginning of the conversation. How could you be offended by that?"

Working at Sovremennik, Bogatyryov often washed Galina Volchek's car in the morning. “There was no sycophancy in this,” said Alexander Adabashyan, “but there was love, slavish and sincere.”

Real fame came to the actor after the famous film by Nikita Mikhalkov "At home among strangers, a stranger among friends", which was released in 1974, in which Bogatyryov played one of the main roles - the Red Army soldier Yegor Shilov.

Filming took place in Chechnya, in mountain and foothill villages and villages. The locals, who knew a lot about horses and jigitovka, more than once admired how the actor rode. In the saddle, he carried himself as if he had been riding all his life, and he handled the horse like an experienced rider. Although, in fact, Yuri began to learn how to ride a horse only on the eve of filming. He also had to learn to fight. When, according to the script, it was necessary to hit Alexander Kaidanovsky, who played captain Lemke, in the face, it was a huge problem for Bogatyrev for Yuri. He never fought in his life. Mikhalkov was horrified to see how ineptly Bogatyrev folded his fist: Shilov had to deftly beat Captain Lemke on the ears.

The first successful role could also be the last. Shilov had to jump into the river from a height of nineteen meters. Mikhalkov said: “By the way, we did not know the depth of the river - we measured it with a stone, and it turned out very deep. And then they were horrified - because we did not calculate that the stone was carried away by the current. It turns out that the depth there was only a meter and a half ... It was a disaster to jump from such a height. If there was a problem…” And surprisingly coolly states: “Yura was remarkably naive. He was convinced that since friends ask him to do this, they are responsible for him, and he must do it, because everything will be fine.

Later, Nikita Mikhalkov often invited Bogatyrev to his films. In 1976, Yuri played Serge Voinitsev in the film Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano, in 1979 he played the role of Stolz in the film A Few Days in the Life of I.I. year.

Nikita Mikhalkov recalled Bogatyryov: “For the first time I saw Yura in the play of the Shchukin school“ Teenager ”. It was the time when diploma works were shown, and then many theater-goers went specially “to see Bogatyrev” in the role of Versilov. There was an unusual interweaving in Yura: on the one hand, powerful, head and shoulders above everyone else, and on the other hand, so trusting, touchingly vulnerable. One day, already a famous artist, he calls me and says: “You can imagine, Nikitushka, I am standing in line at the store, and no one will recognize me! After all, the film “Two Captains” is now on the screen! I was already spinning, spinning, showing myself to everyone, and so I stood the whole line unrecognized. An amazing combination of internal and external data gave Yura the opportunity to be a unique multifaceted artist. There are wonderful artists, but they are condemned by their texture to play the same thing. Yura could also play in a western - a strong, powerful superman, which he, by the way, was not (I remember at the rehearsal of the film "Among Strangers..." I noticed that he folds his fist somehow like a woman). And he could just as convincingly be the clumsy Voinitsev or the practical Stolz. Yura invented a lot for his heroes. For a long time we could not find the external drawing of the role of Voinitsev, and one day Yura said: “What if he has flat feet?” And then, tucking his fingers in his boots, he walked across the room. It was very funny, and most importantly - accurate. Oddly enough, the gait immediately made the character alive. With his corpulence, Yura seemed unusually light, there was a feeling that he was very athletic, although he had never played sports. And this feeling was confirmed during the filming of the film "At Home Among Strangers ...", when Yura, having mounted a horse for the first time, after two lessons rode a wild stallion along the mountain roads of Chechnya on a par with me (and I grew up at a stud farm, from 9 years on a horse). The lack of experience completely robbed him of his sense of fear. Nothing could stop him from jumping off a high cliff into a river without an understudy. When Yura found himself in the water, he and Kostya Raikin were dragged along with the current, we did not have time to look back as they disappeared around the bend. They caught them only after two and a half kilometers, it was impossible to get out of such a stormy river. Few people know that the role of the general in The Barber of Siberia was written for Yura. When I read the script to him, he laughed, clapped his “upper legs” (as we called his hands), dreamed of playing it ... Recently, Yura complained that he had to play a lot in the theater, and even rehearsals, tours, and he was bad feels. But, unfortunately, few people took these complaints seriously. Looking at this huge man, one could not even imagine that he could get sick! Yura is a man of Renaissance talent: a very musical, capable painter, he could be a singer, conductor, illustrator. But he became a great Russian artist with all the ensuing conveniences and inconveniences. Those around him treated him like a child - gently, with a smile, sometimes with condescension, which, perhaps, is wrong. I regret that he did not hear enough kind words, which he undoubtedly deserved. But this is already our eternal Russian disease - to love later.

In 1977, Oleg Efremov invited Yuri Bogatyrev to the Moscow Art Theater. And for some time the actor played in two theaters. But the inner atmosphere in the theater was sometimes terrifying. He even sometimes sobbed: “I can’t, I can’t stand it!”. At the Moscow Art Theater, Bogatyryov first felt pain in his heart and high blood pressure - signs of illness. In the eyes of those around him, the huge handsome Bogatyryov always corresponded to his last name. But at the Moscow Art Theater, following many of his actors, he began to allow himself to drink, drowning out the pain that was growing in his soul with alcohol. According to critic Anatoly Smelyansky: “... no matter what Yura performed, there was always a feeling that too much was left in excess. He could supply light to the whole city, and he was offered to illuminate the closet. But despite health problems, the rhythm of work at the Moscow Art Theater did not decrease. Bogatyrev was taken by car to the theater for performances, brought from the theater.

Nelli Ignatieva recalled: “It's sad, but he had enough envious people. He was insanely envied by his less successful colleagues. They envied the fact that he had so many roles, and the fact that he was one of the richest actors of that time - after all, Yura starred a lot and had money, they envied that they could not repay his debts. They envied him outwardly iron health. They even envied the fact that he was lonely, and they were connected by wives and children who constantly demanded something. And Yura, as it were, owes nothing to anyone.

Bogatyryov was considered a good actor in Sovremennik, but they were not considered a great actor. This attitude was preserved in the Moscow Art Theater. Although in Efros's "Tartuffe" he played wonderfully and funny. His Cleante was amazingly boring and blurted out all his long-winded monologues with machine-gun speed.

Bogatyrev played the heroic role of Furmanov in the play "Mutiny" at the Moscow Art Theater, and he was introduced into the finished performance, where only the main character was missing. He was convincing, creating the image of an infallible red commander, no less convincing than in the role of the scoundrel Romashov in the television series "Two Captains".

In 1988, Bogatyrev starred in the musical comedy Don Cesar de Bazan.

Bogatyrev had a fantastic ability for internal and external reincarnations. It organically combined the paradoxical sharpness of creative thinking, the richness of expressive means and the simplicity of performing skills. The actor was subject to comedy and drama, farce and tragedy. Without exaggeration, we can say that Bogatyrev was loved by the whole country. Once Yuri Bogatyrev was visiting his friends at a dacha near Odessa. Once he decided to help the owners fix the fence. As soon as he began to nail the board, Fanya Naumovna, a neighbor, leaned out from behind the fence and gently, because she respected Bogatyryov very much, said to him:

Yurochka, stop knocking, you bastard! My baby is sleeping!

Bogatyrev liked this expression. And in Moscow, when he had to calm down his neighbors at night, he leaned out into the corridor and was ashamed:

Stop screaming you bastards! I'm sleeping!

With all the fame of Bogatyryov, his life was unsettled for a long time. Having a residence permit near Moscow, Bogatyrev wandered around the apartments of friends, touchingly trying to compensate for the inconvenience of his presence by buying buns and endlessly washing dishes. Later, while working at Sovremennik, he moved to a theater hostel. In which he lived until receiving the title of "Honored Artist", after which he was allocated a one-room apartment. Yuri Bogatyryov drew his paintings in the common kitchen. Lunches were cooked on the stove, and he was located here with brushes and paints. He could draw, talk to neighbors at the same time, tell jokes.

Portraits, caricatures of colleagues only benefited from such ease: the artists stood in line for Bogatyryov to draw them. The artist generously gave away his works - they remained in the collections of famous film and theater actors.

“In no way do I pretend to be professional, and my drawings can, perhaps, serve only as a touch to the artist’s portrait,” Yuri Bogatyrev himself wrote, clearly downplaying his talents.

Before entering the Shchukin School of Art and Industry, he designed several performances. Among them were Five Evenings, Nose, Pyshka. But then only a few friends in his small apartment saw portraits, cartoons and compositions on the themes of literary and dramatic works. He had almost no conditions, but he always painted when he was not busy in the theater or on the set. All of his characters - be it the real Leonid Filatov, Olga from the "Three Sisters" or Pushkin's Herman - have the same sad eyes. They have something from the author and his unique look. The verticality of the silhouettes is the eternal aspiration to the ideal of Bogatyryov himself. The extraordinary brightness of colors - the colorful world of theatrical scenes. Yuri Bogatyrev remained primarily an actor in the films - he tried on the masks of his heroes with love and tenderness. “I feel sorry for them all!” he said. He had a very attentive and kind heart. And Bogatyryov himself was a very generous, kind and talented person.

Later, the exhibition of the artist Yuri Bogatyrev traveled all over Russia and collected five books of reviews.

Alexander Adabashyan spoke about Bogatyryov: “I think painting for Yura was a continuation of his profession. He painted friends, old ladies on the street, Chekhov's characters. He liked to walk along the Arbat lanes and shocked me with his knowledge of these places. After all, Yura had a residence permit in Krasnogorsk for a long time, he was not supposed to live in a hostel. Therefore, he lived with a classmate Kostya Raikin, and then moved in with me. Yura was a man of children's reactions: he was easily offended, easily reconciled. But the directors could mold any image from the heroic appearance. At the request of Nikita Mikhalkov for the role of Yegor Shilov, the actor had to lose weight. Bogatyrev ate cabbage cutlets for a long time. And for the role of Stasik in "Kindred" they made a fat man out of him: Bogatyryov played with an egg-shaped sticker on his head, with a lining tummy and gave the impression of being rotten. By the way, the famous dance scene with Nonna Mordyukova, which looked like a continuous flight of fantasy of the actors, was staged with a choreographer and rehearsed for a whole month. All these roles made Bogatyryov famous, but did not bring him closer to unraveling his essence at all.

On my own behalf, I can add that my first impression at the time of visiting the apartment of Elizaveta Alekseevna Dal was several extremely interesting drawings that hung in the lobby of the apartment of her husband, actor Oleg Dal. Oleg Dal himself was depicted on them, but in different acting images.

The paintings struck with their pictorial palette, the artistic combination of the real Oleg and his invented image. Naturally, one of the first questions to Lisa:

Yura Bogatyrev ...

Although later the relationship between Dahl and Bogatyrev did not work out. Elizaveta Dal said: “During the filming of Vacation in September, Bogatyrev was a frequent guest in the family of Oleg Dal. He loved to sit, listen to music, talk, eat - after all, Yura lived as a bachelor, and we had an established life, - recalls Elizaveta Dahl. - My mother loved to feed, and Yura gladly devoured tobacco chickens. Then, in 1979, he was in good shape - powerful, big. Very funny, easy to talk to. Although he was ironic, he could be sarcastic. All together we went to listen to Arsenal, Lesha Kozlov. Cooling occurred when Oleg saw Bogatyrev in a humorous program on TV. On the screen, weeping, he read "I loved you" by Pushkin. Then the camera lowered, and it turned out that Bogatyrev was cutting onions. Oleg did not like this - he had a sacred attitude towards Pushkin's poetry.

I remember much later I asked why Bogatyryov had no children? Lisa thought for a moment. Then she said that Yuri Georgievich preferred to live with women somewhat older than him. We didn't go into details.

In his personal life, Yuri never found his true love. He preferred to be friends with women. One of his girlfriends, Zinaida Popova, met the actor in 1977. She said: “Then Yura was thin, did not drink at all and was interested in absolutely everything. He had the appearance of a real Russian. He emphasized it - he wore blouses, Ukrainian shirts. Didn't like ties. Prefer calm colors. For twelve years, I have accumulated a huge amount of Yuri's gifts. Yura was friends with Iya Savina. They went on the same stage at the Moscow Art Theater and were even born on the same day. For him it was a sacred date. On Savvina's birthday, he always went alone. Yura and I celebrated the New Year together. I remember he came to me after the performance with flowers and champagne, I set the table. We were both night birds. I used to talk on the phone with a friend until three in the morning, then Yura calls, and the conversation continues until five in the morning. Such was the way of life. He liked to sit, listen to music, talk, eat.”

It was the gourmet Iya Savvina who discouraged Bogatyrev from vegetarianism. On the set of the film "Open Book" Bogatyrev had to gnaw a bone with pieces of meat. He asked to replace it with an apple. Savvina was indignant: I will show you an apple! because you can immediately see - you eat meat or an apple! Yura gave up.

He had wonderful partners on the screen and in the theater, whom he was constantly fond of - Elena Solovey, Olga Yakovleva, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Svetlana Kryuchkova ... He wanted to marry each of them. In dreams. But these were platonic feelings - bright and pure.

Elena Solovey recalled him: “Yurochka has always been a big child for me, so he remained in my memory. Affectionate, unprotected, infinitely touching, kind. I always called him Yurochka. He, like a child, was easily offended by nonsense. And like a child, he quickly forgave the offense, he never remembered it. He was a man delayed in childhood. It seems to me that he did not have external and internal protection. And he always dreamed of the impossible.”

Bogatyryov met Svetlana Kryuchkova in 1977 on the set of Declaration of Love. In the frame, they had to eat a huge leg of lamb. And drink it with moonshine. In fact, water diluted with milk was poured into glasses. Bogatyrev at that time adhered to a vegetarian diet. And he pathetically asked: “What are you, Sveta, eating? Who are you eating? And he argued that it was immoral.

But one day Yuri Bogatyrev got married. Everything happened unexpectedly. Bogatyryov's neighbor in the hostel, the former actress of the Taganka Theater Nadezhda Seraya got into a difficult life situation. After a scandalous divorce from her husband, director Mikhail Ali Hussein, according to the then laws, she had to be evicted not only from the hostel, but from Moscow in general. Friends began to think how to help the unfortunate woman with a little daughter. At this moment, Nadezhda met Bogatyrev. Gradually, their relationship grew into love. They played the wedding without undue noise, one might even say secretly. Nadezhda Seraya recalled: “Only neighbors and my parents knew about our marriage. At that time, we could not devote Varya and Yurina's mother to our relationship. Tatyana Vasilievna then underwent a serious operation. And I thought: does she need such a daughter-in-law - with a child in her arms? Moreover, Yura wanted to reveal everything to her, but I insisted that there was no need to tell anything. We didn't move in together because of Varya too - it would be impossible for the three of us to live in a tiny room. Everyone put it off "for later" - when he earns money for an apartment. We were waiting for the girl to grow up and we would prepare her mentally. Let's get mom ready. That's it ... Therefore, Yura and I did not run a common household, we had such friendship-love.

But life apart soon bore fruit. Yuri began to move away from Nadezhda, and their relationship gradually faded away. Yuri Bogatyryov never told his mother, Tatyana Vasilievna, about his wife. And after his death, Nadezhda did not dare to disturb the old woman. When she saw the stamp in her passport, Nadezhda said that their marriage was fictitious. So she remained in the opinion of others as a fictitious wife.

In his one-room apartment on Gilyarovsky Street in Moscow, Bogatyrev did not live long. The life of the wonderful actor Yuri Bogatyrev was tragically cut short on February 2, 1989.

In recent years, the translator and editor Klarissa Stolyarova occupied a special place in his life. She recalled: “They called me at night, I arrived on Gilyarovsky Street, when the ambulance doctors were still there, and in disarray - because they were mistaken ... I was in shock: “What is happening? Why didn't they call me earlier?" They explained to me that "friends" decided that it was better to call an ambulance. What could I do to help? Now we can only speculate. First of all, I would immediately call his doctor Ekaterina Dmitrievna Stolbova and consult with her. I could give some advice to the doctors - after all, apart from me, no one knew what drugs Yura was taking. By a terrible coincidence, he suffered because the tranquilizers (the injection of doctors) were superimposed on the tonic drugs that he drank in the evening. Plus, of course, alcohol ... I knew that he dreamed of Oblomov, but played Stolz. In those terrible days, my daughter, a costume designer, sewed a maroon “Oblomov” dressing gown, and then it was quickly “aged” in the workshops of the theater. And we put him in Yura's coffin - we covered his legs with an Oblomov robe, as a symbol of his unfulfilled dream, unfinished life.

In 1989, Yuri Bogatyrev prepared his first personal exhibition. It was supposed to open in Moscow on February 6. But on this day, his funeral took place. After the death of the artist, his cousin Tatyana Tomnitskaya organized a tour of paintings around the country in order to raise money for the manufacture of a monument to Yuri Bogatyrev.

Elena Solovey said: “There are kindred spirits on this earth, and it seems to me that Yurochka and I were like that. Maybe because they are the same age and were born under the same zodiac sign. Perhaps because our first big roles are associated with the name of the same director whom we loved and to whom we owe a lot. And most likely because in the wonderful world called “cinema”, we often lived a life together - in “Slave of Love”, “Unfinished Play ...”, “Open Book”, “Daughter”. I always think of him fondly. Yurochka was a mentally fragile person, impressionable, unprotected. The kindest soul - always helped everyone, took care of everyone. Although, probably, he himself needed help and care more than others. In a rough and prosaic life, he was weak and childishly helpless. His passion, strength belonged to art - there he was resolute and courageous. I love all his roles, so unlike himself. Yura died early, impossible early, I miss his calls and our meetings in my Leningrad house, where he was always expected and loved. I keep two things that Yura gave me - my portrait, painted by him, and his photograph in the role of Andrei Stolz from the film "A Few Days in the Life of I.I. Oblomov." He is so funny there - an adult child in a gymnasium cap. Yurochka.

Yuri Bogatyrev was buried on the Writers' Alley of the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Leonid Filatov prepared a program about Yuri Bogatyrev in 2 parts from the series “To Remember”.

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Text prepared by Andrey Goncharov

Used materials:

Site materials
Site materials
Site materials
Site materials
Site materials
Site materials
Text of the article "An unfinished play for Yuri Bogatyrev" by O. Nikitina
Text of the article "Paintings of "Stolz" came to Oblomov's homeland" by A. Idrisova
Text of the article "Light and shadows of the life and death of Yuri Bogatyrev" by S. Palchikovsky


1970 Quiet day at the end of the war
1974 One's own among strangers, a stranger among one's own
1974 Tanya
1975 Slave of Love
1975 There, beyond the horizon
1976 Two captains
1976 Martin Eden
1976 Unfinished piece for mechanical piano
1977 Declaration of love
1977 Open book
1978 Twelfth Night
1979 A few days from the life of I.I. Oblomov
1979 Vacation in September
1979 Last hunt
1980 Deep relatives
1980 My dad is an idealist
1981 Two lines in small print
1981 And I'm with you again...
1981 Relatives
1982 Time for reflection
1982 Out of the blue
1983 Somewhere in the provincial garden
1983 Quarantine
1983 Unique
1984 Angry Boy
1984 Dead Souls
1984 Someone else's wife and husband under the bed
1987 Daughter
1987 Somersault over the head
1987 Black eyes
1987 First meeting, last meeting
1988 Bird Flight
1988 Presumption of innocence
1989 Don Cesar de Bazan

There are many wonderful actors who are doomed to play one role all their lives. Yuri Bogatyrev was not one of them. He created completely different, dissimilar images on the screen. Actors with such a multifaceted talent in world cinema are few.

But a rare talent did not bring him happiness. He forever remained "a stranger among his own" and experienced it very hard. The actor worked hard, not sparing himself, and, like many of his colleagues, he relieved stress with alcohol. Yuri Bogatyrev died before reaching the age of 42.


Yuri Bogatyrev was a born actor. As a child, he dreamed of a stage and, of course, participated in school amateur performances. But in addition to acting, there was another passion in his life - painting. The future actor, the son of a military man, indulged in drawing every free minute. After graduating from school, he entered the art and industrial school. But he studied for only a couple of years, and then applied to the theater.

He did not stop drawing, even becoming an actor. Yuri Bogatyrev did not know how to relax. Tired of performances and filming, he took a brush in his hands and entered a kind of detached state, in which he could stay for several days. The actor did not collect his paintings - he generously gave away to friends.

Bogatyrev painted portraits of friends, literary heroes whom he played on stage or dreamed of playing.

In early 1989, Yuri Bogatyrev was preparing for an exhibition of his own paintings. He called friends, shared his joy. The exhibition was to take place on February 3rd. But this did not happen. Fans of the talent of Yuri Bogatyrev were able to see the actor's paintings only after his death.


At the Shchukin school with Yuri Bogatyrev, Konstantin Raikin, Natalya Gundareva, Natalya Varley studied on the same course. But even against the background of these talented students, he favorably differed from the first days of study.


After graduating from high school, Bogatyrev was admitted to Sovremennik. Despite his successes at the Shchukin School, he had to wait a very long time for the main roles in the theater. The first years he appeared on stage for only a few minutes in the form of a butler or a waiter.

Yuri Bogatyrev was a kind and open person. He developed an excellent relationship with the chief director of Sovremennik, Galina Volchek. He admired her talent, tried in every possible way to please her. People who knew Bogatyrev badly saw in this only self-interest, a desire to get a good role with the help of flattery and helpfulness.

But there was no calculation here. Bogatyrev was ready for anything for the sake of the person he likes.

Over time, he began to receive significant roles, although not the main ones. One of the most striking is the role of Lopakhin in the play "The Cherry Orchard". Bogatyrev worked for Sovremennik for six years, then left for the Moscow Art Theater.

Film debut

In 1970, the film "A Quiet Day at the End of the War" was released. It was the graduation work of the young director Nikita Mikhalkov, who shot Yuri Bogatyrev in his subsequent films.

star role

Four years later, he invited the actor to play the main role in the film "Own among strangers, a stranger among his own."

In order to match the image of Shilov, Bogatyrev lost almost 20 kg. For him it was a real feat. The actor loved feasts, delicious food, food restrictions for him were a real torment.

For the role in this film, Bogatyrev not only lost weight, but also performed a number of other feats. So, in just two days he learned to ride. The director at the beginning of filming, having learned that he had not previously dealt with horses, was frightened. The actor had to drive on bumpy mountain roads. Imagine his surprise when he saw Yuri Bogatyrev on horseback. He behaved as if he had been born in the saddle.

This role was not easy for him. On the set, it turned out that the actor does not even know how to properly hold his fist during a fight. In his entire life, Yuri Bogatyrev has never hit a person.

He, a thin and vulnerable person, oddly enough, managed to perfectly get used to the image of the hard Shilov. He continued to surprise directors and colleagues with his extraordinary ability to transform.

Other films with Yuri Bogatyrev

In "Two Captains" he played a notorious scoundrel. In the film based on "Oblomov" - the pragmatic Stolz. In 1981, he played a small but memorable role in "Kindred" - this time he appeared on the screen in the form of an irritable man, depressed by family problems.

By the beginning of the eighties, Bogatyrev became one of the most sought-after Soviet actors. Mikhalkov called him his talisman. The actor's track record includes roles in such films as "Slave of Love", "Nose", "Declaration of Love", "Dead Souls", "Black Eyes". The last picture with the participation of Yuri Bogatyrev is "Don Cesar de Bazan".


Before getting a tiny room in a communal apartment, Bogatyrev wandered around other people's apartments for many years. He often visited his friend Konstantin Raikin and even over time began to be considered almost a member of the famous family.

And then fame came to him and envious people appeared. Bogatyrev was involved in many performances. He starred a lot, and therefore, he earned well.

The actor earned really well at that time, but the money instantly scattered. He, like the hero of Menshov's Oscar-winning film, was a good guy with whom everyone wanted to have a drink. Drink at his expense.

There were always a lot of people in his house. Among the guests of Bogatyrev were not only friends and people related to the theater or cinema. Quite random acquaintances often came here, who used his reliability, kindness. They came to him in the middle of the night, woke him up. Bogatyrev paid them a taxi, and then treated them with strong drinks until the morning.

Uninvited guests were not interested that the actor had a difficult shooting or rehearsal in the theater the next day. He was a shirt-guy for everyone, but not all of his so-called friends knew how to appreciate kindness.

Women in the life of Bogatyrev

It so happened that, being surrounded by colleagues, friends or casual acquaintances, he was very lonely. Bogatyrev often fell in love, but love for women was, as a rule, platonic. He admired the actresses with whom he played on the same stage. For some time he was seriously carried away by the singer Elena Kamburova. But he didn't want to get married.

Once the actor said: "I don't have enough time and energy for my family." However, once Yuri Bogatyrev got married.

Nadezhda Serova

That was the name of the actress, whom few people remember today. For several years she lived with Yuri Bogatyrev in the same communal apartment. Hope was a single mother. One day I found myself in an almost hopeless situation. Serova lost her Moscow residence permit, for which, according to the laws of that time, she could be evicted from the capital. Bogatyrev and offered her a hand and a heart. However, it was a fictitious marriage. The actor took this step in order to help Nadezhda.

They never filed a divorce. After the death of the actor, Serova was officially considered his widow.

Many facts from the biography and personal life of Yuri Bogatyrev are known from the words of his colleagues. However, in the memories of people who knew the actor, there are a lot of contradictions. The fictitious wife of Bogatyrev claimed that she was connected with him not only by friendship. According to the memoirs of one of the actor's acquaintances, Yuri Georgievich never had affairs with women.

The secret life of Yuri Bogatyrev

The actor, as already mentioned, drowned out personal experiences with alcohol. But what was it that tormented him so much? In an interview, Alexander Adabashyan, a close friend of Bogatyrev, said that he suffered from his dissimilarity to others. The actor and screenwriter meant non-traditional sexual orientation. Yuri Bogatyrev allegedly realized that he was not interested in women, already being a mature man.

Adabashyan's words gave rise to many rumors about the famous actor. Representatives of the yellow press gladly began to add "fried" facts to the biography of Yuri Bogatyrev. The actor fell into the category of "hidden gays of the Soviet period." At the same time, it should be said that there is no evidence of Yuri Bogatyrev's unconventional orientation. Nothing is known about his men. These are just speculations.

Today's stars put their personal lives on public display. Then it was different. Even if Bogatyrev lived in our time, he would hardly talk about his addictions in an interview. He was a very private person, despite having many friends.

The Soviet Criminal Code had an article for sodomy. Representatives of non-traditional orientation had a very difficult life, and only the most courageous spoke out loud about their addictions. Bogatyrev was not one of those who challenged society.

However, there is another interesting fact from the biography of Yuri Bogatyrev. He did not expand on personal experiences, but it is known that in recent years he had a relationship with a woman named Klarissa Stolyarova. She treated him with motherly care. Monitored his health, reassured him after failures in the theater. How close their relationship was is unknown.


Yuri Bogatyrev had a hard time enduring all sorts of failures in the professional field. So, it was a heavy blow for him when Oleg Efremov deprived him of the main role in the play, for which he had been preparing for several months.

Salvation Bogatyrev sought in alcohol. But alcohol not only did not help, but, on the contrary, drove into an even deeper depression. In a drunken stupor, the actor uttered words that he later regretted. And again, unbearable blues, from which only wine saves. For a while...

He often spoke of death, and he uttered these terrible words calmly and even casually. While still a student, he told his friend Konstantin Raikin: "I know that I will die early."

He anticipated his departure and even prepared for it. He gave one of his friends a picture, which he called so - dying. This craving for self-destruction was unstoppable. The actor was addicted to antidepressants, used them in combination with alcohol.

Yuri Bogatyrev's heart stopped on February 2, 1989. Only a month remained until the 42nd birthday.

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