Russian girls prefer Chinese: rich men can easily get hooked. "Militant people": what do the Chinese think about the Russians


Russian nationality is the result of a mixture of northern and southern Slavs. Genetic analysis of modern Russians suggests that they are descended from Ukrainians, from whom Poles also descend. Despite their current small number, there were many scientists and writers among Russians in the past, such as Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, Alexander Pushkin, Vladimir Khodorkovsky (obviously, they confused Mayakovsky - R.P.), Sofia Kovalevskaya, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Dmitry Mendeleev , Alexander Popov, Nikolai Minkovsky, Sergey Pavlovich Colorado (obviously, an unsuccessful attempt to convey the name of Korolev in hieroglyphs - RP), Natalie Wood, Mila Jovovich, Andrey Tupolev, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

Russians know how to make rockets and were the first to learn how to fly into space. Russians hospitable, they always warmly and cordially welcome their guests and treat them to everything they have. The clothes and decorations of the Russian nationality have brighter national features. However, in the process of communicating with other nationalities and under the influence of the era, their clothes and jewelry tend to be diverse and modern.

Russians pay great attention to cultural education. And those of them who live in cities are mostly intellectuals, mainly teachers, doctors and technologists. In the villages, Russians are mainly engaged in arable farming, cattle breeding, gardening and agriculture.

Russians have many inventors, but their inventions are not used in Russia, and as a result, other peoples use them.

The Russians defeated the Germans and played a big role in defeating the Japanese, but they lost a lot of people, both in battles and in the territory occupied by the Germans, and if they had not fought, they would now be three times more than they are. However, their military potential is still high, and they can defeat Japan in two weeks, England in a week, and the FRG in a month, provided that these countries are not helped by America.

Russians do not like America, but they do not yet feel strong enough in themselves to cope with it. The main disadvantage of the Russian army should be considered a weak fleet - the Russians have only one aircraft carrier left, and the old Soviet ships are rusting in ports. The only strong point of the Russian fleet is submarines.

Disguised by the noise of the propellers of a merchant ship, submarines can approach the very shores of America and hit even the White House itself with a missile. There is evidence that the Russians have cruise missiles disguised as trade containers. With these missiles, they can fire at the United States directly from the side of a container ship. In addition, Russian ballistic missiles, despite their reduction, could burn almost all of America in the fire of a nuclear conflagration. Therefore, the Americans are still afraid of the Russians and are looking for ways to protect themselves from Russian missiles.

The Russians are still less afraid of us than of America, and consider our army to be technically backward. Most of all, they are worried about the peaceful penetration of the Chinese into Russian cities.

Russians are loyal to the national minorities of Russia than these peoples often abuse. So, for Russians in Moscow itself, all trade is under the control of representatives of other peoples. Developed in Russia and ethnic crime. The Russians cannot do anything about this, since there are representatives of these peoples in the police, and they cover for their fellow tribesmen. Even the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia belongs to one of the peoples who came to Ancient Russia along with the Mongol conquerors.

Observance of ceremonies and courtesy are one of the features of Russian nationality. Among Russians, a woman enjoys special respect, men always give her signs of attention and take care of women. For example, they give way to them and places in transport, open doors for them. Such a high attitude towards women is inherited from generation to generation.

The Russian nationality has its own language and even its own script, but most Russians living in the PRC prefer to use the richer Chinese language and the more universal Chinese script. The Russian language has no rules, and therefore it can be easily learned. Any phoneme in it can be accented, and the subject and predicate can be put in any place in the sentence, and still everything will be clear. However, the Russian language has a peculiarity - they add a special syllable to the words, by which it can be determined that we are talking about a woman and not a man. In addition, they endow things with masculine and feminine qualities. So, the Russian knife is a man, and the fork is a woman. Therefore, they hold a knife in their right hand, the name of which is translated as correct, and a fork in their left.

About 63% of Russians claim to be Orthodox. However, only 7% of the population go to church, and Russians are critical of their priests. They especially dislike the chief priest named Patriarch.

What do people in China really think about Russians? How the Chinese speak about Russia in an informal setting, when you can speak from the heart, without an admixture of politeness and tact. It is not difficult to find out. There is an efficient way. We need to invite the Chinese to name three associations that come to mind as soon as it comes to Russia. This is the surest way to see the true attitude towards something, according to psychologists.

That's what came out of it. Despite the fact that Chinese people from different walks of life and different ages took part in the experiment, many of the associations are similar.

Below are the most interesting and popular answers:

— New Russians, luxury, alcohol. The Russians are very fond of our technology. They are always interested in all sorts of new products. Some of them—you call them new Russians—are willing to pay more than an American or a Japanese. And then they spend a lot of money in a restaurant ordering vodka or champagne with caviar. (Tan Latong, consultant at a household appliance store)

— Russians? Perseverance, strength and understanding. A couple of Russians come to me to study. They learn very quickly and become excellent fighters. Not even all Chinese have such zeal as they do. (The Dzeo, master of oriental arts)

- Sugar, milk and sweets. They absolutely do not know how to drink tea, as they often spoil it with these products. (Yuan Qikzan, tea master)

— Literature, music. Of all the Russian writers, I really like Fet and Dostoyevsky. And in our class they really like to listen to Shostakovich and Prokofiev. Well, the flag, however, is Soviet. After all, the flags of the USSR and China were so similar. (Wai Wang, high school teacher)

— Sports, mountains and sea. I flew to the Sochi Olympics to support my team. I really liked the city. It is a pity that it was winter, although it is much warmer there than in China. You have a very unusual nature. I will definitely go there in the summer. (Pek Wai Jay, athlete)

- Beer, vodka. Russian fans are very fond of alcohol. But these are the most sincere fans of their team in the world. I really want to go to the football championship in Russia in three years. (Cao Penghu, football fan)

— Vodka, sincere conversations. They drink a lot. Because our man works much better than Russian. We had a team of builders from Khabarovsk who worked with us on the construction of a skyscraper. But if something is bothering you, then the Russians will sincerely listen and help in any way they can. I really remember their ditties. (Ban Hao, builder)

- Red Army, Kremlin, Gorbachev. I remember how we had common exercises in 1988 and the Secretary General came to visit us. I immediately recognized him. In our unit, they often watched the speeches of Soviet leaders on television. (Den Seoting, retired colonel)

- Space. Oil. Large and wooded country. Russia is very rich. We were told in geography lessons how big and strong she is. (Li Zheng, schoolgirl)

Theatre, cinema, music. Russian art has always inspired me to do something new. Their culture was able to take a lot from Europe, but remain special in its own way. (Pek Wang Zu, designer)

- Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Stalin. Russia has always been a very strong country and influenced the world. (Hong Wenbin, historian)

Based on these answers, a full-fledged image of Russia through the eyes of the Chinese turned out. They highlighted our strengths and weaknesses. First, by the way, more. It turns out that our neighbors highly value our history and respect our culture! And most importantly, these answers can be trusted.

“I can agree with such a formulation as a “fighting nation”, as long as the Chinese like it. I don’t think they put any negative meaning into this expression, but I myself would not call myself that way. ”

Before the start of the World Cup, it was reported that 60,000 Chinese fans would come to Russia in July and August to watch football matches. To make it easier to meet Chinese tourists, Russian Internet users have compiled a special instruction. Among the points is this: "The Chinese media are very fond of talking about the fact that Russians have bears at home, so do not be surprised if you are asked about this."

In addition to “domestic bears”, the Chinese network is full of other jokes about Russians: “it’s not blood that flows in the veins of Russians, but vodka”, “Russian girls fight like boxers”, “at a scientific conference of the USSR Academy of Sciences, one mathematician did not agree with Kolmogorov and he beat him…”

© RIA Novosti, Konstantin Rodikov

They have bears, they can drink vodka, fearless and aggressive, self-confident - these are the characteristic features of Russians who are popular among Chinese Internet users. We really like to call the Russians a "fighting people", but why do we use this expression only in relation to them? It seems as if there is no way to check this.

We found a few Russian students who study abroad in order to get the opinion of the Russian people themselves about this formulation. They said that only the Chinese call them a "fighting nation".

In China, this expression has already become a figurative name for Russians.

The expression "fighting nation" originates in the Japanese manga Dragon Ball: the plot features a naturally aggressive race of warriors called the Saiyans. The more wars they wage, the stronger and braver they become. They have an excellent appetite, and being on the verge of death, they begin to actively fight again, and their combat power increases dramatically. Because of their aggression, many Saiyans die in the war.

We will never be able to find out who first called the Russians a “fighting people,” but in Chinese Internet culture, “Russian people” and “fighting nation” have long become synonymous. We make fun of the Russians because this image is built through the news feeds - the Russians do business firmly, always act decisively. In addition to laughter, it makes people gasp in surprise.

Russians keep bears at home

The bear is a very ferocious animal, but photographs are circulating on the net in which Russians seem to take bears for ordinary pets, forcing them to do such things, after which the bears lose their authority and the image of a wild and dangerous beast.

© RIA Novosti, Igor Ageenko

On July 15 Beijing time, Russia beat Saudi Arabia 5-0 in the very first match of the World Cup. At the end of the match, a lot of football fans took to the streets to celebrate the victory. Among them was a fan who was driving a bear playing the trumpet.

Russian aviation makes the heart beat faster

American actor Leonardo DiCaprio has already mentioned on The Ellen DeGeneres Show about the scariest moment in his life - flying with Aeroflot. Leonardo said: “I was flying to Russia, and the engine of the plane exploded. In the porthole, I saw that it literally turned into a fireball. There are only Russians on board. It seemed that I had already died, because at the same time everyone was silent, and I was the only one tearing up - everyone just turned to me. The stewardess simply said that we seemed to be having a “little problem.” Finally, a Russian came up and asked what the problem was. She replied that we were just left without an engine. Then the Russian asked how many engines the plane had. two - left alone," the stewardess replied. After that, it took the crew 45 minutes to drain the oil and make an emergency landing. More than a hundred ambulances were waiting for us at the airport.”


How did the Russians become a "warlike people"?

Beiqing Net 06/27/2018

British investigation: why Russians don't smile

InoTWIT 09.06.2018

The intelligentsia in Russia ordered to live long

Medya Gunlugu 20.05.2018

Instead of vodka, Russian men swing and walrus


What does Russian smile mean

Nautilus 06/28/2018
After an excerpt from this interview was circulated online, people were amazed at the psychological resilience of the "fighting nation".

There is still a lot of evidence of the "coolness" of Russian aviation. Aeroflot is known for always arriving on time, no matter how bad the weather.

In October 2014, the air in Beijing was very polluted, and in the evening after sunset at the Beijing Capital International Airport, not a single plane could land, they all decided to land at other airports around Beijing. And only one Russian SU200 aircraft decided to cope with the Beijing smog. At night, he flew through Inner Mongolia, waiting for the wind to disperse the smog, and at 2:09 successfully landed at the capital's airport.

This happened more than once. On December 20, 2016, Beijing was again covered in smog. For 3 and a half hours, not a single plane landed at the Beijing airport because of him. Only an Aeroflot airliner landed.

The representative of the "fighting nation" - Putin

President Putin can be called a representative of the "fighting people", his style in business is firm and adamant.

Putin said that America does not have the right to dictate to Russia what to do: "In 2003, when US Secretary of State Powell, showing evidence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, took out a test tube with a substance of unknown origin - there was washing powder inside."

Putin, speaking of terrorists: “We will pursue terrorists everywhere. At the airport - at the airport. So, you’ll excuse me, we’ll catch them in the toilet - we’ll soak them in the toilet, in the end. ”

© RIA Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky

Above were stories about Russians as a "fighting people" that are popular on the net. How do Russians themselves relate to such a name? Three Russian students shared their views with us.
Russian students: "It seems that only the Chinese call us a warlike people."

1. Respondent: Natalia, PhD, first year of study

“I don’t quite understand why the Chinese call us a ‘fighting nation’.

I came from Moscow. I first visited China in 2006, and I heard the expression "fighting people" a few years ago. My Chinese friends may also sometimes use this expression in relation to me, but I do not quite understand why the Chinese call us "martial nation". Then it seemed because we are not afraid of the cold, and our planes fly very cool.

The network says that we raise bears at home - this also happens. For example, some people find bear cubs in the forest and then feed them at home. They also say that in winter we are not afraid of the cold - this is also probably true. They say that the Russians are very good at fighting - of course, there are people who are really good at this, it's just ordinary self-defense. As for alcohol, I think the Chinese drink a lot more than the Russians. They can drink without snacking until they are drunk.

I can agree with such wording as "fighting nation", as long as the Chinese like it. I do not think that they put any negative meaning into this expression, but I myself would not call myself that way. The examples that the Chinese give as proof of this expression are just our way of life, which has nothing to do with war.

2. Respondent: Vika, PhD, second year of study

“Bears do not walk the streets of Russia”

I've been studying in China for three years, and it seems that only the Chinese call us a "fighting nation" - other foreigners can't say that. When I first heard this, this opinion seemed curious to me. But to this day, I don't understand why they call us that.

We can't raise bears in the house. The famous Russian poet of the 19th century - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - wrote one story in which the nobles really kept a bear at home. But this was the nobility of the 19th century, modern Russian people cannot keep bears at home, I have never heard of such a thing. There are still photos on the Internet where a Russian “walks” a bear through the streets. When I was little, a beverage company made an advertisement showing bears walking the streets of Russia. After a while I made a friend from the UK, and it turned out that many Britons really believe that in Russia bears can just walk the streets.

There are rumors on the Internet about how powerful Aeroflot is - I also heard this. Last year, when the smog was especially strong, only the Russian company did not cancel the flight and landed, we also felt very cool. I was returning home on an Aeroflot plane because the ticket price was right. I myself am very afraid of shaking on the plane, but on the Aeroflot plane I felt safe.

A lot of foreigners believe that vodka for Russians is like boiling water for the Chinese. I think this is the biggest stereotype about Russians. When they hear that I am Russian, foreigners immediately say that I must be able to drink. But this is not true at all! Now young people in Russia, who, like me, are in their 20s, mostly do not drink vodka. Vodka is too strong. Sometimes I can drink red wine. My dad and grandfather rarely drink vodka either: they might have a couple of shots at a wedding or a birthday, but they don't drink it every day. In some remote rural areas of Russia, the economic situation is very bad. Young people do not work and drink every day - we have this, but I think that this problem is slowly being solved.

As for the people who say we eat raw meat, that's not true at all. I remember the first time I went to China: in my first year, I went to study with classmates in Shanghai for a month. One day we went to eat Hogo ( Hogo, hot pot or Chinese samovar are all possible names for a cooking method where food is boiled in a cauldron right at the dining table. per.), and after the waitress brought all the products, we did not know at all how it was all to be eaten. At the time, someone said, "You know Russians like to eat raw chicken and vegetables, what's the deal?" We can only eat raw vegetables in a salad, and we eat them especially often in the summer.

Also, not every person in Russia has a weapon, much less than, for example, in the United States. If you want to have weapons in Russia, then you need to pass a special exam, then prove that you do not have any mental illness, then you need to get a special license issued by certain government agencies, and only then you can go buy weapons. Most ordinary people do not have weapons at home.

A lot of people say that we are not afraid of the cold. In fact, Russian apartments have central heating, so short sleeves can be worn indoors. There are people who deliberately douse themselves with cold water in winter to harden themselves, but all these photos circulating on the Internet are still an exaggeration. Usually we just wash ourselves under a slightly cool shower. There are many more photos of Russian people swimming in the ice hole in winter. This is the religious tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church. After Christmas, we bathe in the hole on the day of the Baptism of Jesus Christ, thus imitating him.

© RIA Novosti, Pavel Lisitsyn Winter swimmers from the Polar Bear walrus club jogging before swimming in the hole

I believe that Russians can be called a "fighting nation". From a historical point of view, Russia has gone through many wars, and now the economic situation is unstable. “Our life is not sweet,” the Russians say, but we have no way out, we have to survive. Everyone maintains an optimistic mood.

3. Respondent: Aichin, PhD, second year

“Wrestling is part of our mentality”

I have been living in China for 5 years, first I got my master's degree, now I'm getting my PhD. I first saw the term "warrior people" in my news feed. My Chinese friends also ask me from time to time what I think about this expression and how I understand its meaning.

I have nothing against the name "fighting nation", there is no bad meaning in this expression. There are a lot of funny photos and videos about Russians on the Internet that do not show our way of life at all, just as they do not show the "combat" side of the Russian people. There is also a lot of the same funny information about China and other states on the Russian Internet, but it cannot reflect the real situation in the country. It's the same with the video about Russia.

It seems to me that Russians who drink vodka and are not afraid of the cold have nothing to do with war or combat. The meaning of the expression "fighting nation" should be deeper. It shows that Russian people are courageous and resolute from birth, and under any circumstances firmly go to the end. I believe that the Russian soldiers who defeated the Nazis in World War II are the best example of a “fighting people”.

In the 1990s, Russian society was in a state of chaos. My parents had very low salaries, and in order to feed the family, there was no other way out but to work several jobs. I was raised by my grandparents. Grandfather got up very early every day to stand in a very long line and get milk for me. Despite the fact that there was complete confusion in society, everyone tried to survive.

© RIA Novosti, Dmitriev

Now the manifestation of “war” for Russian youth is different from what it was before. My parents went through a lot, their fighting spirit was shaped by circumstances. Our generation is like that too. There is one saying in Russia: the generation of the 90s is not afraid of anything, because we were born in the most terrible time. I hope that the spirit of the "fighting nation" will continue, because I feel that this is a very important part of the Russian mentality.

But why do we like to call Russians a “fighting nation” so much?

Perhaps Russian students do not understand why we study their way of life with such pleasure and do not discuss the real embodiment of the “combatant” side of the Russian people.

In fact, we ourselves discuss the phrase "fighting nation" very often, and in most cases we don't care if it really represents Russia. Most people who are interested in learning about some funny events in Russia read such news to have fun. In addition, a significant part of the people like to call Russians "fighting people" because of the perception of Russians as straightforward, simple, and self-confident people.
Even though Russians don't think these stories circulating on the internet can show the real Russia, they still joke about these stereotypes.


Dan Soder 08/10/2016 In Russia, the series “How I Became Russian” was once filmed, telling about an American journalist who was sent to work in Russia. At first, the main character was very uncomfortable in Russia, but after he experienced a number of difficulties related to cultural differences between Russia and the United States, he finally fell in love with Russia. In this series, Russians sneer at their love of alcohol, bribery, selfishness and selflessness - "a sober person in Russia is afraid to drive a car." In appearance they are smug, rude and serious. Or maybe they just hide their kindness and optimism?

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

I came across an interesting review of Chinese stereotypes about Russians in the FB feed ...

Boris Tkachenko, a leading researcher at the Institute of History of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, came across the pamphlet “Piercing Russia with a Look”, published in a circulation of only 135 copies. It collected translations of excerpts from Chinese books and newspaper publications. Its author set out to understand the Russians.

According to the Chinese, the Russian people, due to the long period of life in slavery, have no traditions of democracy, but there is a desire for extreme individualism. Moreover, the Russians are so contradictory that, with their individualism, they are distinguished at the same time by slavish obedience. “Russians are forever oscillating between these two extremes. Having received freedom, they know no boundaries, they are ready to destroy everything.

The Russian people are incapable of anything without foreigners: “... Russia's achievements have always been associated with foreigners. As soon as the Russians themselves got down to business, everything quickly fell apart. The reason was their inability to self-control, self-management. Russia has always bowed to the West.”

Russians are patient people, they don't know how to protest, and if they do protest, it is soft and small. Life under Yeltsin is given as an example: “Under Yeltsin, the standard of living of ordinary people fell catastrophically, they were robbed and deceived as much as they could, but the people only murmured a little.

In 2002, about 80% of the population was below the poverty line. There are many dissatisfied, but there is no organized protest. The Russian people once again demonstrate amazing patience and tolerance towards the authorities. This is the main tradition that he inherited from his slave past.

Russian people were constantly at war, so they developed a tolerance for cruelty.

They also consider themselves superior to other nations: “Russians consider themselves superior to others. This was reflected in the theory of the superiority of the Slavic race. Russians look with contemptuous eyes not only on the backward East and South, but also on the more developed West. They always want to be first, to be leaders. The idea of ​​seniority has deeply penetrated the psychology of Russians. Russia's foreign policy is built on hegemonism: "... Even now, when it cannot even be considered a second-rate country, it is difficult for it to hide its hegemonic psychology."

Further we read: “No matter how hard the Russians try to Europeanize, however, they do not look like Europeans. In many ways, they are more similar to the Tatars. More precisely, according to formal features, this is a civilized society, but inside it is a purely Russian filling. Behind external decency, the true rough nature is easily visible. Russians are Slavs. "Slavs" in Latin meant "slaves".

Russian morality is reversed: “Russians tend to disregard traditional morality. Controversy has become a feature of the Russian nation: on the one hand, eastern humility and servility, on the other, promiscuity, unbridledness; on the one hand - fear of authority, on the other - contempt for traditions, rejection of the generally accepted principles of morality and morality. This leads to the fact that they take rudeness for valor, laxity and chaos - for democracy, servility - for virtue.

Russians do not know how to value their history, as if denying historical memory itself: “... Their attitude to history is also extremely radical. For example, they believe that everything old should be rejected, there is no need for any continuity. All traces of the past must be washed away, erased in one night. And not only in form, but also in essence. Perhaps the funniest thing is their desire to change the names of cities, streets and squares, to demolish monuments, as if there were no events worth remembering in their history.

Terrible bureaucracy flourishes in Russia, there are huge queues for officials. “It doesn't matter how many people will be waiting in line - 10 or 100 - employees will work in the same mode: slowly, being distracted by conversations and not forgetting to drink tea. Nothing will force them to change their regulations, no cataclysms.

Since the Russians did nothing but fight, they had no time to improve their native language: “... the well-known expression of the English poet Johnson“ Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel ”translated into Russian looks like this:“ Not everything was lost even for the most lost person, rejected by friends and society, if the feeling of the Motherland is preserved in his soul, in it is his last hope and salvation.

The Russians had no time to improve their language - they fought and fought more. Even cultured people with higher education can argue endlessly about the spelling of some simple word or sentence. And even many Russians would not be able to pass the exam for obtaining Russian citizenship.”

There is no love in Russia, but there is a cult of sex, which replaces love. The most attractive profession Russian schoolgirls, of course, consider prostitution; society encourages this. Newspapers openly print advertisements for hiring girls to provide sex services. Russian society does not understand at all what is good and what is bad.

As for politicians, they “not only are not afraid to tarnish their reputation on this ground, but, on the contrary, use sex as a tool to achieve their goals. Many of them, including members of parliament and governors, openly keep several mistresses, Zhirinovsky's party proposes to open brothels.

All this is a historical fact. Pushkin, the Chinese write, liked to show off his sexual abilities, while Catherine II didn’t even need to show off.

Russian people cannot stop drinking. “You can not eat, but you can not not drink - this is another striking feature of the Russian people. Russians will tolerate the absence of bread, but they will rebel in the absence of vodka. Vodka has become an important part of the culture of Russian society. Alcohol is something that Russians cannot and do not want to do without. If in other countries they say: “Who gets up early, he earns his bread”, then about Russians one can say this: “Who gets up early, he will have something to drink.” The Chinese remind that Yeltsin was an alcoholic.

The Russian people have no shame. “The most amazing thing is that they never experience shame, no matter what they do. On the contrary, they always find excuses for everything.” Deception flourishes at all levels in Russia.

Russians live in constant fear. Everything around them is an enemy. An atmosphere of general suspicion reigns in Russia. The role of the FSB is still great. “Almost all telephone conversations are tapped, and if desired, the secret services can always present compromising evidence against you.”

In another article, "Comparison of China and Russia", the Chinese conducted a direct comparative analysis of the two countries. If the wise China, according to the authors, following Japan and South Korea, adopted the Western model, then Russia moved along the path of Africa, at best - Latin America.

The following material, "Opening the Map of Russia", describes the character of the Russian people from the point of view of the Chinese.

According to analysts, the Russian nation is entirely thieves, cowards, robbers; the main features of their character are anger, greed and admiration for violence. The authors summarize: The “greatness” of the Russian nation is 30% theft and 70% banditry.”

All of the above does not pretend to controversy. It does not matter whether the Chinese think about us correctly or not. What matters is what they think.

The beauty and intelligence of Russian girls attract more and more Chinese suitors, and they are not embarrassed by either regional or language differences. Not only in the Far East, but also in other Russian regions in marriage agencies, the number of questionnaires submitted by the Chinese is growing every day.

However, many of them do not forget to put forward certain requirements for the appearance of the intended partners. And this is, in principle, normal. However, the "European standards" of some Chinese when choosing girls cannot but cause smiles among employees of marriage agencies.

Despite the fact that the tastes of the Chinese seem to be more and more similar to the preferences of Europeans, Americans and Russians, there are still significant differences between them.

Many Russian girls who like the Chinese cannot understand why they prefer the classic type: big nose and blond hair. Because it's so beat up!

Chinese men say that white skin is a sign of beauty, even if it looks a little painful. For them, white skin is a sign of well-being in the family. Most Russians like dark skin, but for the Chinese it is a sign of family decline.

In China, they believe that if a man does not have white skin, it means that he works all day under the sun. And dark-skinned women are considered lazy and dirty, not looking after themselves.

In Russia, the question is “where are you so tanned (a)?” considered a compliment. This means that a person has money to relax on the sea, soak up the sun. In China, such a phrase will only cause anger. For Chinese women, there is no worse enemy than sunlight.

In ancient China, fragile graceful girls were the ideal of beauty. Small legs, scarlet lips - that's what men liked. However, times are changing. In the 19th century, European culture came to China, and traditional aesthetic views were revised. And with the advent of Western films and television series, the Chinese have become even more reverent about beauty.

Today, the Chinese attitude to beauty is more and more similar to the Western one: plump lips, a high bridge of the nose, lush breasts, wide hips are in fashion. Chinese international brands prefer to hire foreign models or those Chinese women whose appearance is similar to Western ones. And those who feel inferior because of a round face and eyelids without wrinkles go to Korea and spend a lot of money on plastic surgery.

The Chinese are more and more eager to intermarry with the Europeans. For many wealthy people with a tight wallet, marrying a beautiful foreigner or simply having an affair with such a girl can be a rationale for huge cash spending.

Men have always sought power and to get a beautiful wife. However, when it comes to Russian men, they are a little unhappy. Russian beauties gradually increasingly prefer foreign husbands. Another unexpected piece of news is that caring, sincere Chinese are suddenly in high esteem among Russian women. International marriages have become very popular, especially among Russian citizens who want to get married and go abroad. This phenomenon originated in the mid-90s of the last century and only intensified at the end of the century. This is mainly manifested among young girls: women under the age of 30 make up 60% of such Russian women, their average age is 28 years. However, not only the Chinese dream of getting a Russian wife. The reason for such love for Russian beauties is that they have a high level of culture, they are beautiful, enduring hardships. At the end of the 20th century, the process of marriage between Russian girls and foreigners was gradually systematized, many Russian businessmen made a fortune organizing marriage agencies, which are mainly popular with women.

Why don't Russian girls want to marry their compatriots? They say that, like many Russian women, they have always dreamed of finding a life partner in their country. Unfortunately, many Russian men behave arrogantly, think only about their own problems, do not put women in anything. Many girls marry foreigners in the hope of a better future, they want to feel like women again, mistresses in the house, and not be with a man who depends on his wife for everything. In Russia, a non-drinking man is almost a gift from God. Of course, not all representatives of the stronger sex are so bad. Many experts believe that international marriages, especially with Russian women, lead to a loss of genetic potential, and this is as bad as the drain of qualified specialists. International marriages led to the most serious demographic crisis in the country since the Great Patriotic War.

According to statistics, this process has resulted in many negative consequences for Russian society, and it will only get worse in the future. For example, due to the "loss" of a large number of women, an imbalance in the sex ratio, a loss of genetic potential and a weakening of the vitality of the Russian nation may occur. In Russia, there is a popular song "Such as Putin", which sings about the fact that girls would like to find a man who looks like the Russian president. However, everyone cannot marry Putin, and there are few people like him in the country. What kind of men do Russian beauties like? One of the answers to this question surprised the Chinese: caring and sincere Chinese men. One of the pluses of Chinese husbands is their concern for the family. Of course, there are also different people in China, but the vast majority are ready to take full responsibility for their families. In married life, Russian wives can appreciate all the advantages of a Chinese husband. If he is engaged in trade, of course, they will spend much less time together, but the husband will be able to guarantee a normal life for his wife and children. If his salary is low, and his wife also needs to work, he will still help her in every possible way. In general, a caring Chinese husband is not a myth at all, but a very real phenomenon.

The second positive quality of Chinese husbands is that they don't drink. Therefore, more and more Russian girls are striving to connect their fate with them. The deputies of the Chita region confirm this: the number of marriages between local girls and workers who came from China to Chita to work is constantly increasing. The Chinese do not drink, are hardworking, take care of the family. All these positive qualities are so lacking in local men! In the late 80s of the last century, Russia and China were approximately on the same level, why is there such a big difference between them now? Tatyana, a Russian woman doing business in Beijing, says: “The Chinese are very hard-working! They have a specific purpose. At one plant, I saw that the workers, in order to send goods to Russia on time, did not sleep for two days in a row.

The third benefit: Chinese husbands are conscientious about marriage. The English newspaper The Times wrote that Chinese men have such remarkable qualities as hard work and a desire to move up the career ladder. Chinese Ma Ailin is married to a foreigner. He told reporters that the reverent attitude of Chinese men towards relationships and marriage cannot but captivate the heart of overseas maidens. The fourth advantage: Chinese men are sincere. If we ask the foreign women who married the Chinese themselves, we may find out what they value so much in these men.

Since Russia is a cold country, female fertility is relatively low. Add to this the dislike of Russians for Europeans and Americans. However, at the same time, they are jealous of their lives, so the idea of ​​having fewer children or not having children at all has become quite popular. In any city, in any small area, you can see single women. Some have children, some don't. But they all have one thing in common - the absence of a man.

The autumn wind scattered the foliage on the ground, in a small birch grove on the benches you can see only pigeons, or single women, no matter how young or old they are. They sit deep in thought, probably reminiscing, carefully replaying moments from the past in their heads. They are like paintings. It remains only to add the name: "Mother" or "Widow", and you can take them to the competition for a prize. However, do we know what is the secret meaning of this picture? Loneliness, sadness, memories, grief - all this overwhelms their souls and hearts.

Russian men are rather insensitive, they usually prefer women to make the first move. Only a beautiful girl can attract a man, earn his favor. Russian girls do not hold beauty: tall, eloquent, with big eyes. Their gaze can pierce through the heart of a man.
Russia has good social security, widows, for example, have a normal pension or a job. Enough money for bread, sausage, caviar, butter and vegetables. However, what is going on inside these women, only they themselves know.

Russian women smoke and drink a lot. At the same time, they are generous and open, do not hide their emotions, openly talk about their feelings. Young girls are romantic and windy, but after marriage they change because they are afraid of losing their loved one.

But in the end, let's still remember the Chinese men again. After all, they have many other advantages besides money!

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