Independent reading and Tokmakov's fairy tale about happiness.


Lydia Charskaya

Fairy Gift

A lot of joys, a lot of happiness, the gentle and wise king Silverbeard sowed around him. All the subjects of his kingdom lived well and freely. He helped the poor, the unfortunate a lot, fed the hungry, gave shelter to the homeless, in a word, helped everyone who needed his help. And the kingdom of Silverbeard was the happiest kingdom in the whole world. So people called it the Happy Kingdom. No screams or groans were heard here, no tears and sadness were visible, and there was nothing to say about wars. The wise, kind and gentle King Silverbeard lived in peace and harmony with all his neighbors. For this, he was loved by his own and foreign subjects, both near and far neighbors, and foreign kings, kings, dukes, barons. The king was especially loved by his own subjects. He was already very caring and kind, and was so concerned about their well-being, as soon as loving father can take care of their children.

But no one on earth has complete happiness. The beloved king of Silverbeard did not have complete happiness either.

The king was lonely, he had no family, no beloved wife, no loving children ...

Many years ago, his only daughter died. The king took the death of his beloved close to his heart, but he thought that in caring for the welfare of his subjects, he would forget about his grief. However, it was not there. Every year the king felt more and more his loneliness, and every year he thought more and more often, to whom to leave the kingdom after his death.

And finally, the king decided to choose one of the daughters of his subjects, who would replace the deceased princess for him, would become adopted daughter him, the king, to whom, after his death, he could leave both the royal throne and his wealth.

The subjects rejoiced at this decision of the king, foreseeing that his choice would fall on a girl worthy of high honor.

Scattered in different sides heralds, heralds, messengers, trumpeted throughout the country that the king-father wants to choose a daughter for himself, who should become the queen, and eventually the queen - the mistress of the entire state.

On the appointed day, young girls from all over the state gathered at the royal palace, all the beauties for selection, one more charming than the other, and all the daughters of noble nobles.

The old king looks at the beauties and thinks: “Whom to choose? Whom to prefer? All of them are beautiful, all noble. If you take one as your daughter, the other will be offended. What can you do here?

The good heart of the king was afraid even here, lest he offend anyone or offend. With such thoughts, King Silverbeard retired to his bedchamber and sees - standing in the corner of his royal bedchamber white woman, all as if woven from the sun's rays. Her face, body, clothes shine marvelously. Whole sheaves of light come out of the eyes.

The king retreated in amazement at the sight of the radiant vision. He threw up his hands.

Who are you, unseen creature? - asks - he is a radiant guest.

I Kind fairy, the sorceress Rada, - she answers, I found out that you, the king, decided to look for a daughter to replace the deceased princess. And so I came to tell you that I want to give you a present. You deserve it king good heart and concern for his subjects.

Gift? asked the king in surprise. - What are you, fairy, going to give me?

I will give you such a daughter that you will be the happiest father in the world, I will choose for you such a daughter that you will immediately love her the way you loved your deceased favorite, and your adopted daughter will replace your completely lost princess.

Oh fairy! exclaimed the king. “Tell me, which of the girls who came to the palace is the one you destined for my daughter?”

Which one? Here, king, listen carefully: among the girls who will come to the palace tomorrow, there will be one on whose shoulder, as soon as she crosses the threshold of your palace, she will sit white dove. That one, my king, you make your daughter.

Just look, make no mistake.

The fairy Rada said and disappeared from the bedchamber of the king.

All night King Silverbeard could not sleep. He kept thinking about the girl whom the fairy had promised him as a gift as a daughter. The next morning he got up hastily, dressed and went out into the royal hall, where the assembled girls were already waiting for him.

The king walked through the hall once, walked twice, looks at the girls, his long beard strokes and says nothing. Suddenly, the king sees through the window of the hall that the gates of the castle have flung open and a cart has driven into the royal court. Coals were piled on the cart, and the cart was being driven by a girl of about sixteen, thin, tired, swarthy, ugly, well, in a word, completely, completely ugly. And on the girl’s shoulder sits a dove white as snow, sits and coos in a human voice:

Here is your daughter, king. Take her and know that she is better than all these beauties that have gathered in your palace.

The king got angry and, despite all his kindness, reproached the fairy:

Well, you laughed at me, Rada, what an ugly girl you chose for me as a daughter!

And the fairy, or rather the white dove, spoke to him again in reply:

Wait, wait, king. Will you see it again!

Nothing to do! The king ordered his servants to quietly take the ugly woman to the palace, ordered her to dress up better and wait with noble beautiful girls in the front hall.

And he himself went out into the garden, not daring to immediately call such an unprepossessing girl his daughter. He went out into the garden and saw: two children were sitting by the fence; they are wearing shabby dresses, old shoes, and their faces are shining, joyful, as if on a great holiday.

What are you excited about, kids? the king turned to them.

The children had never seen the king up close and therefore did not recognize him.

We are waiting for the little collier, good sir, they answered. - She takes to sell coal to the royal kitchen and always returns with with full hands all the sweets that the king's cook gives her. And she gives us every last piece, good Mary.

Is she, so poor, giving you everything? the king asked.

All! She says that it is a hundred times more pleasant to give than to receive herself, - the children answered in one voice.

Who are you waiting for, my dear? the king turned to her, very surprised that the woman did not rise even at his approach from her place.

I'm waiting for the collier Maria, - she answered. - She should soon leave the palace, where she took the coal for sale. Now she will return, and we will go together to buy bread and meat. She's been working for me ever since I went blind.

So are you blind? - the king was amazed, looking at the woman with compassion.

Yes, kind person, I went blind about three years ago and since then I have been using the services of my Mary, who works for ten, to feed me.

This is your daughter, right? the king inquired keenly.

Oh no, good man, Maria is a stranger to me. She is an orphan and came to work for me, having learned that her own children had abandoned me, not wanting to feed their blind mother in her old age ...

But why, if you are so in need, why did you not turn to the king? Silverbeard asked the woman again. - After all, the king, it is heard, is very willing to help all the poor.

Ah, good sir, I would have turned to the king, but Mary does not allow me to do this, ”the blind woman answered. - Mary says that it is a shame to ask when there is still strength to work, and that our king has many poor people who are twice as unfortunate and poorer than us. That's my Maria! concluded the blind woman with noticeable pride.

Silverbeard's heart was filled with a joyful feeling: he understood what a good coal-burner the children and this blind woman had told him about.

At the same moment a slight rustle made him turn around. It was some old man who, not recognizing the king, asked if he had seen the little collier? The king could not help asking the old man why he was so interested in the collier.

There once lived a widow, and she had two daughters. The eldest is the spitting image of a mother: the same face, the same character. You look at your daughter, but it seems that you see a mother in front of you. Both, and eldest daughter, and mother, were so rude, arrogant, arrogant, angry that all people, both familiar and unfamiliar, tried to stay away from them.

And the youngest daughter was all in the late father - kind, affable, meek, and besides, she was also a beauty, of which there are few.

Usually people like those who look like them. That's why mother loved madly eldest daughter and could not stand the youngest. She made her work from morning till night, and fed her in the kitchen.

Among other things, the youngest daughter had to go twice a day to the source, which was at least two hours away, and bring from there a large pitcher of water full to the brim.

Once, when the girl was taking water, some poor woman came up to her and asked for a drink.

“Drink to your health, auntie,” said the kind girl.

Quickly rinsing her pitcher, she scooped up water in the deepest and clean place and gave it to the woman, holding the jar so that it was more convenient to drink.

The woman drank a few sips of water and said to the girl:

“You are so good, so kind and affable that I want to give you something to remember. (The fact is that it was a fairy who purposely took the form of a simple village woman in order to see if this girl was as sweet and courteous as they say about her.) This is what I will give you: from now on, every word that you say will fall from your lips either as a flower or precious stone. Goodbye!

When the girl came home, her mother scolded her for lingering at the spring.

"I'm sorry, mother," she said. a poor girl. “I am really late today.

But as soon as she uttered these words, several roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell from her lips.

— Look! said the mother, her eyes wide with surprise. - It seems to me that instead of words, she drops diamonds and pearls ... What happened to you, daughter? (For the first time in her life, she called her younger daughter also.)

The girl simply, without hiding or boasting, told her mother about everything that had happened to her at the source. And flowers and diamonds just kept falling from her lips.

“Well, if that’s the case,” said the mother, “I must also send my eldest daughter to the spring… Come on, Fanchon, look what comes out of your sister’s lips as soon as she speaks!” Don't you want to receive the same amazing gift? And after all, for this you just need to go to the source and, when the poor woman asks you for water, politely give her a drink.

- Well, here's more! I want to drag myself into such a distance! - answered the slut.

- I want you to go! her mother yelled at her. - And this very minute, without talking!

The girl reluctantly obeyed and went, without ceasing to grumble. Just in case, she took with her a silver jug, the most beautiful one they had in the house.

As soon as she reached the source, a smartly dressed lady came out of the forest to meet her and asked for a sip of water. (It was the same fairy, only this time she took on the form of a princess to test whether the elder sister is as rude and evil as they say about her.)

“You don’t think I dragged myself here to give you a drink?” said the girl boldly. - Well, of course, only for this! I purposely grabbed a silver jug ​​to bring water to your grace! .. But anyway, I don’t care. Drink if you like...

“However, you are not very kind,” the fairy said calmly. - Well, what a service, such is the reward. From now on, every word that escapes your lips will turn into a snake or a toad. Farewell!

As soon as the girl returned home, her mother rushed to meet her:

- Is that you, daughter? Well, how?

“That’s it, mother!” the daughter growled in response, and at the same moment two vipers and two toads plopped down on the threshold.

- Oh my god! cried the mother. — Yes, what is it? Where?.. Ah, I know! It's your sister's fault. Well, she will pay me! .. - And she rushed to youngest daughter with fists.

The poor thing, in fear, rushed to run and took refuge in a nearby forest.

There she was met by a young prince, the son of the king of this country.

Returning from the hunt, he found in the thicket beautiful girl and, marveling at her beauty, he asked what she was doing all alone in the forest and why she was crying so bitterly.

“Ah, sir,” answered the beauty, “mother drove me out of the house! ..

The royal son noticed that with every word the girl drops a flower, pearl or diamond from her mouth. He was amazed and asked to explain what kind of miracle it was. And then the girl told him her whole story.

The king's son fell in love with her. In addition, he reasoned that the gift that the fairy gave to the beauty was worth more than any dowry that another bride could bring him. He took the girl to the palace, to his father, and married her.

Well, the older sister every day became more and more disgusting and unbearable. In the end, even her own mother could not stand it and drove her out of the house. The unfortunate woman could not find shelter anywhere and with anyone and died, rejected by everyone.

"Fairy Gifts" summary fairy tales you can remember in this article. This is a tale of reward good girl and punishment of the evil.

"Fairy Gifts" summary

The old widow had two daughters; her eldest daughter, who was obnoxious and proud, looked and acted like a mother, and was therefore her favorite child. In addition, she, like her mother, was unbearably mischievous and arrogant.

Her youngest daughter was sweet, gentle, affable and beautiful, which reminded her of her late father. Jealous and spiteful, the widow and her beloved daughter abused and mistreated the youngest girl. She made her work without rest and twice a day go to the forest for water. The source was very far from home and had to collect a large jug of water.

Once, drawing water from a well, a poorly dressed woman approached the girl and asked for a drink. The girl gave her a jug, and when the woman drank, she supported the vessel with her hand so that it would be more convenient for her to drink. The woman praised the girl for her kindness. As it turned out, it was a fairy who so tested the girl's kindness. The fairy decided to give the girl a magical gift: from now on, after each word spoken, a flower or gem will fall out of the girl's mouth. After that, the fairy disappeared, and the girl, having collected water in a jug, went home.

At home, her mother scolded her for a long stay in the forest. The girl lowered her head and apologized, and two roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell out of her mouth. The widow was delighted with what she saw, and the kind daughter told what happened to her in the forest. The widow wanted her beloved eldest daughter to also have such a gift. But her beloved daughter did not want this, she was capricious, but the widow forcibly sent her to the well.

The eldest daughter went to the stream, but the fairy appeared like a beautiful princess and asked the girl to drink it from the well. The eldest daughter rudely answered the fairy and insulted her. After listening to the answer, the fairy decided to endow this girl with her virtues accordingly: “from now on, at every word, a snake crawls out of your mouth or a toad jumps out.” And after saying that, the fairy immediately disappeared, and the girl went home.

When the eldest daughter returned home, she told everything to her mother, and two snakes and two toads fell out of her mouth. Seeing such an opportunity, the mother was horrified and, concluding that all this was a trick of her youngest daughter. The widow, in a rage, kicked her youngest daughter out of the house. In the forest she met the king's son, who fell in love with her and married her.

But her sister stayed at home and became more and more vicious and hated by everyone around her, so that even her own mother kicked her out of the house. And she died alone and miserable in the forest.

Fairy Gifts is a fairy tale by Charles Perrault that every person is rewarded according to his merits. In some translations, this tale is also called the Sorceress. The plot of the tale is built on the kindness and beauty of the youngest daughter and on the malice of the eldest daughter. They both meet a fairy without knowing it, and she rewards them with gifts. Youngest daughter drops jewels and rose petals with every word, and the eldest drops frogs and snakes.

fairy gifts

Charles Perrault

Fairy tales for children to read online with pictures

There once lived a widow, and she had two daughters. The eldest is the spitting image of a mother: the same face, the same character. You look at your daughter, but it seems that you see a mother in front of you. Both, the eldest daughter and mother, were so rude, arrogant, arrogant, angry that all people, both acquaintances and strangers, tried to stay away from them.

And the youngest daughter was all in the late father - kind, friendly, meek, and besides, she was also a beauty, which are few.

Usually people like those who look like them. That is why the mother loved her eldest daughter madly and could not stand the younger one. She made her work from morning to night, and fed her in the kitchen.

Among other things, the youngest daughter had to go twice a day to the source, which was at least two hours away, and bring from there a large pitcher of water full to the brim.

Once, when the girl was taking water, some poor woman came up to her and asked for a drink.

Drink to your health, aunt, - said the kind girl.

After rinsing her jug ​​hastily, she scooped up water in the deepest and cleanest place and gave it to the woman, holding the jug so that it was more convenient to drink.

The woman drank a few sips of water and said to the girl:

You are so good, so kind and friendly that I want to give you something to remember. (The fact is that it was a fairy who purposely took on the appearance of a simple village woman in order to see if this girl was as sweet and courteous as they say about her.) This is what I will give you: from now on, every word that you say , will fall from your lips either as a flower or a precious stone. Goodbye!

When the girl came home, her mother began to scold her for lingering at the source.

Forgive me, mother, - said the poor girl. - I'm really late.

But as soon as she uttered these words, several roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell from her lips.

Look! - said the mother, eyes wide with surprise. - It seems to me that instead of words, she drops diamonds and pearls ... What happened to you, daughter? (For the first time in her life, she called her younger daughter also.)

The girl simply, without hiding or boasting, told her mother about everything that had happened to her at the source. And flowers and diamonds were falling from her lips at the same time.

Well, if so, - said the mother, - I must send the eldest daughter to the source ... Come on, Fanchon, look what is pouring from your sister's lips, as soon as she speaks! Don't you want to receive the same amazing gift? And after all, for this you just need to go to the source and, when the poor woman asks you for water, politely give her a drink.

Well, here's more! I want to drag myself into such a distance! - answered the slut.

And I want you to go! her mother yelled at her. - And this very minute, without talking!

The girl reluctantly obeyed and went, without ceasing to grumble. Just in case, she took with her a silver jug, the most beautiful one they had in the house.

As soon as she reached the source, a smartly dressed lady came out of the forest to meet her and asked for a sip of water. (It was the same fairy, only this time she took on the form of a princess to test whether the elder sister is as rude and evil as they say about her.)

Don't you think that I dragged myself here to give you a drink? - said the girl defiantly. - Well, of course, only for this! I purposely grabbed a silver jug ​​to bring water to your grace! .. But anyway, I don’t care. Drink if you like...

However, you are not very kind, - the fairy said calmly. - Well, what is the service, such is the reward. From now on, every word that comes out of your mouth will turn into a snake or a toad. Farewell!

As soon as the girl returned home, her mother rushed to meet her:

Is that you, daughter? Well, how?

And so, mother! - my daughter growled in response, and at the same moment two vipers and two toads plopped down on the threshold.

Oh my god! cried the mother. - Yes, what is it? Where?.. Ah, I know! It's your sister's fault. Well, she will pay me! .. - And she rushed at her youngest daughter with her fists.

The poor thing, in fear, rushed to run and took refuge in a nearby forest.

There she was met by a young prince, the son of the king of this country.

Returning from a hunt, he found a beautiful girl in the thicket and, marveling at her beauty, asked what she was doing all alone in the forest and why she was crying so bitterly.

Ah, sir, - answered the beauty, - mother drove me out of the house! ..

The royal son noticed that with every word the girl drops a flower, pearl or diamond from her mouth. He was amazed and asked to explain what kind of miracle it was. And then the girl told him her whole story.

The king's son fell in love with her. In addition, he reasoned that the gift that the fairy gave to the beauty was worth more than any dowry that another bride could bring him. He took the girl to the palace, to his father, and married her.

There once lived a widow, and she had two daughters. The eldest is the spitting image of a mother: the same face, the same character. You look at your daughter, but it seems that you see a mother in front of you. Both, the eldest daughter and mother, were so rude, arrogant, arrogant, angry that all people, both acquaintances and strangers, tried to stay away from them.

And the youngest daughter was all in the late father - kind, friendly, meek, and besides, she was also a beauty, which are few.

Usually people like those who look like them. That is why the mother loved her eldest daughter madly and could not stand the younger one. She made her work from morning till night, and fed her in the kitchen.

Among other things, the youngest daughter had to go twice a day to the source, which was at least two hours away, and bring from there a large pitcher of water full to the brim.

Once, when the girl was taking water, some poor woman came up to her and asked for a drink.

“Drink to your health, auntie,” said the kind girl.

After rinsing her jug ​​hastily, she scooped up water in the deepest and cleanest place and gave it to the woman, holding the jug so that it was more convenient to drink.

The woman drank a few sips of water and said to the girl:

“You are so good, so kind and affable that I want to give you something to remember. (The fact is that it was a fairy who purposely took the form of a simple village woman in order to see if this girl was as sweet and courteous as they say about her.) This is what I will give you: from now on, every word that you say , will fall from your lips either as a flower or a precious stone. Goodbye!

When the girl came home, her mother scolded her for lingering at the spring.

"I'm sorry, mother," said the poor girl. - I'm really late.

But as soon as she uttered these words, several roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell from her lips.

- Look! said the mother, her eyes wide with surprise. - It seems to me that instead of words, she drops diamonds and pearls ... What happened to you, daughter? (For the first time in her life, she called her younger daughter also.)

The girl simply, without hiding or boasting, told her mother about everything that had happened to her at the source. And flowers and diamonds just kept falling from her lips.

“Well, if so,” said the mother, “I must send my eldest daughter to the spring too ... Come on, Fanchon, look what falls from your sister’s lips as soon as she speaks!” Don't you want to receive the same amazing gift? And after all, for this you just need to go to the source and, when the poor woman asks you for water, politely give her a drink.

- Well, here's more! I want to drag myself into such a distance! - answered the slut.

- I want you to go! her mother yelled at her. - And this very minute, without talking!

The girl reluctantly obeyed and went, without ceasing to grumble. Just in case, she took with her a silver jug, the most beautiful one they had in the house.

As soon as she reached the source, a smartly dressed lady came out of the forest to meet her and asked for a sip of water. (It was the same fairy, only this time she took on the form of a princess to test whether the elder sister is as rude and evil as they say about her.)

“You don’t think I dragged myself here to give you a drink?” the girl said boldly. - Well, of course, only for this! I purposely grabbed a silver jug ​​to bring water to your grace! .. But anyway, I don’t care. Drink if you like...

“However, you are not very kind,” the fairy said calmly. - Well, what a service, such is the reward. From now on, every word that escapes your lips will turn into a snake or a toad. Farewell!

As soon as the girl returned home, her mother rushed to meet her:

- Is that you, daughter? Well, how?

- And so, mother! - my daughter grunted in response, and at the same moment two vipers and two toads plopped down on the threshold.

- Oh my god! the mother screamed. – Yes, what is it? Where?.. Ah, I know! It's your sister's fault. Well, she will pay me! .. - And she rushed at her youngest daughter with her fists.

The poor thing, in fear, rushed to run and took refuge in a nearby forest.

There she was met by a young prince, the son of the king of this country.

Returning from a hunt, he found a beautiful girl in the thicket and, marveling at her beauty, asked what she was doing all alone in the forest and why she was crying so bitterly.

“Ah, sir,” answered the beauty, “mother drove me out of the house! ..

The royal son noticed that with every word the girl drops a flower, pearl or diamond from her mouth. He was amazed and asked to explain what kind of miracle it was. And then the girl told him her whole story.

The king's son fell in love with her. In addition, he reasoned that the gift that the fairy gave to the beauty was worth more than any dowry that another bride could bring him. He took the girl to the palace, to his father, and married her.

Well, the older sister every day became more and more disgusting and unbearable. In the end, even her own mother could not stand it and drove her out of the house. The unfortunate woman could not find shelter anywhere and with anyone and died, rejected by everyone.

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