Scenario of the family holiday "My land is my home." Scenario "homeland day"


Class hour:

"My small Motherland!"

Developed by:


Koryukina L.N.


Target: Show the importance of the motherland in the life of every person.
Educational: to summarize the concepts: Motherland, small motherland
Developing: to develop speech, horizons, memory, attention in children.
Educational: education of interest and desire to learn more about the native land, their small homeland.

Drawings (photographs) of students.

Slideshow: "Village Polva"

Musical arrangement

Course progress.


For Russia, our city is a particle,
And for us it is the parental home.
And we're glad we can be proud

Small Motherland where we live”.


Teacher: Dear Guys! You were born in a country called Russia. You are Russians! Russia is a huge country. It spread freely from the snows and ices of the Far North to the Black and Azov Seas in the south. There are high mountains in Russia, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small streams, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, swamps and fields. We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its talented people.

Teacher: But each of us has our own small Motherland - the corner where you were born, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located. For some, a small Motherland is a hometown. For someone - a rural street or a cozy courtyard with a swing.

In a word, everyone has their own small Motherland!

The student reads the poem "Small Motherland"

Small Motherland -
An island of earth.
Currant under the window
The cherries have blossomed.
curly apple tree,
And under it is a bench -
Affectionate little
My motherland!

II. My home street.
Teacher: Guys, name the streets where you live and the streets of our village Polva

Student presentation.

Teacher: I think I will not be mistaken if I say that many of you have your favorite green meadow near the house or by the river. Here you play with friends, admire the first spring flowers, watch the leisurely flight of an important bumblebee or a motley butterfly.

When you become adults, the memory will surely return you to serene days, to the sunny meadow of your childhood.

The student reads the poem Glade of childhood.

Glade of childhood! How far are you...

Only in my memory you remained:

With a winding overgrown river,

With a weeping willow that bent over her.

With a high silky spikelet

With the innocent look of a white daisy,

With a cozy house-tower of a snail.

We all have a glade of childhood.

On it, carefree crumbs frolic,

Joy hovers over her, laughter flows.

It has bright sources of our life!


Why do you think childhood is called “the morning of life”?

Right! Because Morning is the beginning of the day, and childhood is the beginning of life. The child has his whole life ahead of him! With its discoveries and joys, difficulties and worries. Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time of life. Maybe that's why they call it "golden" ?!

student reads a poem "Golden Childhood"

Why do we call

Our childhood golden?

Because we are playing

We have fun and play pranks.

Because it surrounds

We care about the family,

Because they love

Us relatives and friends!


1. Why is childhood called the “golden time of life”?

2. Tell us about the most interesting and memorable events of your childhood.

3. What poems, songs, stories about childhood do you know?

Exercise: "Let's save everything beautiful on the planet"

Children tell what they would save on our planet Earth.

Fresh air

Transparent rivers

Blooming meadows

eared meadows

ancient forests

Birds and animals

Springs and lakes

Today we have a very important meeting with you, dear guys! We will have to discuss and accept with you"Real Citizen Rules" which will not

Annoy people;

Offend the house and the village;

Jump and jump in the apartment;

Open the door with your foot

Play with buttons in the elevator;

And draw on the walls;

Throw rubbish on the street;

Follow traffic rules.

Creative task: "What are you proud of?"

What are you proud of in your village? Tell me where would you

Would you like to go on vacation? Why?

The contest "Kindred" is held.
It is proposed to name as many words as possible with the root "genus".
(Options: give birth, parents, relative, relatives, relatives, pedigree, people, nationality, spring, native, etc.) (slide 4)
PARENTS are the father and mother to whom children are born.
RELATIVE - a relative, a member of the genus.
RELATIVES - relatives.
PEDIGREE - a list of generations of the same genus. People are proud of their pedigree, study it
MOTHERLAND is both the Fatherland, the country, and the place of birth of a person.
PEOPLE - a nation, the inhabitants of a country.
Teacher: Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, sea. My family, my home, a small homeland begins with this.
A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work, service to the Fatherland. Your own mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games, nature - such simple, warm, human values ​​become the basis of true love for the Motherland. They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.
So, our key word is MOTHERLAND. Proverbs say how carefully the Russian people have always treated their Motherland.

(Game make up a proverb)
Motherland - mother, serve the motherland.
To live, know how to stand up for her.
A man without a homeland will come in handy there.
Where someone will be born, that a nightingale without a song.

The concept of "Motherland" is broad and capacious. The vast expanses of Russia immediately arise in my thoughts with the breadth of its fields, rivers and lakes, forests and arable lands. And among all this diversity there is land, there is a point, there is the sweetest place for the heart and soul: this is your small homeland.
- But there is a place in our country where we were born and grow up - this is our native land, this is our small Motherland. I wrote this word twice. What is their difference?

When is the word "Motherland" capitalized?

When is the word homeland capitalized?

Why is this place dear to you, besides the fact that you were born there and your relatives live with you?

Do you know famous countrymen?
- What can you tell about the history of your region?

Questionnaire "Do I know my small Motherland?"
Instructions: Choose one or more answers.
1. Do you know the life history of your relatives (full name, occupation, place of residence)?
a) I know everything about my parents
b) I know everything about my parents and grandparents
c) I know about my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents
d) Difficult to answer
e) I have partial knowledge
2. Are you a native of your village (3 or more generations of your family lived in this village)?
a) yes
b) No
c) Difficult to answer
3. Do you know famous countrymen?
a) I don't know
b) I know (specify) _______________________________________________
4. Do you know the history of your village, region (region)?
a) Features of speech
b) Holiday traditions
c) Features of the local costume
d) Legends, fairy tales, traditions
e) Other

Based on the results of the survey, we can conclude that the guys in our class are well aware of their small homeland.


Guys, what do you think the English writer Jack London meant when he claimed that the true meaning of a personlive, but not exist. What is the difference between "living" and "existing"?

I listen to the answers of the students, I summarize:

To exist” is to spend time aimlessly, carelessly, not thinking about the future, not remembering the past, not caring about anyone or anything.

To live” means to be useful, to have goals in life, to achieve them, to take care of your neighbor.

No wonder they say: "Where I was born, there I came in handy." This is about a person's attachment to the place where he was born, where he grew up, where he made friends; about attachment to one's work, to people with their customs and traditions. Each of you has your own path in life, your own path, but let love live in the heart of each of you for your native land, native land, for your native city and the street on which you lived, LOVE FOR THE SMALL MOTHERLAND.

And now we offer to listen to poems written for the anniversary of our village.

Students read poetry


Our class has come to an end.
Russia, motherland, small motherland. Such painfully native words.
Life scatters people in many corners of the Earth.
But wherever we are, your native land will always be for us that bright light that will call us to our native land with its bright light.
Any self-respecting person, any citizen of Russia should know the history of his country and his kind.

The student reads the poem:

About the motherland - I say quietly:
After all, there is no need to shout about great love.
She is my joy and reward,
I will say about her - I will make a prayer:
“Be forever in prosperity and glory,
Give strength to you, Almighty, to keep the world,
Give us strength to live without philosophizing craftily
And before you do not drop yourself!”.

Reflection : guys, please, express your thoughts aloud about

conducted class. Hours: I remember...

I wanted…

surprised me...

I felt)…

I will remember…

I thank...

Age of children 5 - 7 years

To the music, the children enter the hall. (Music.)

Hello. (According to Komi.) Life begins from childhood, from the place where you were born, where you grew up, where every bush is dear to you, where every corner is familiar to you. And you were born on the beautiful Komi land, in the distant Komi region.

1. What can be native

Fatherland, region, where do you live?

And at home why, holy,

Where life is meaningful.

2. Where snow is special in winter,

And the summer rain is dearer to the soul.

No wonder we call everything dear

We are our small homeland.

Today we invited you

for a holiday to us for a reason

We all live in Komi-krai

Here is our Motherland and our destiny.

And today we will talk with you about our native land,

About the region in which we live.

What do we call home?

The land where we grow up

And birch trees, along which,

Hand in hand, let's go.

What do we call home?

The sun is in the blue sky.

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

What do we call home?

The land where we live.

Only in native lands it happens like this:

The sun is the brightest

The sky is the bluest

Water is the purest

Stars are the most radiant.

Birches are the thinnest

Songs are the most sonorous!

Komi song (at the discretion of the music director).

Presenter: The northern peoples have their own songs and dances, which are not similar to Russian folk dances (slide) Komi folk dances are quite original and vague in their direction. They consist of extraordinary beauty of movements, enchanting music and words. National costumes, which are related to what is happening, give a special charm to this action, because, as a rule, the life of the people, their customs, and system are reflected in dances.

The Komi people have many interesting games. Let's play the Sparrow game now. (Puff.)

Leading: Try, guys, to solve riddles.

  1. In the Komi region we live, where the winters are severe,

We are not afraid of the cold, we will put on ... (Pima.)

  1. He looks like a hut, only taller,

If it rains, it doesn't matter, the roof won't get wet.

He stands behind the hillock, the door floors and walls

Made not with an ax, but from deer skins. (Chum.)

  1. Like a royal crown

He wears his horns.

Eats lichen, green moss,

Likes snow meadows. (Deer.)

  1. Where the blizzard is angry in the tundra,

Where is the end of the big earth

Almost a fox lives there,

It's called...

  1. Blue - green flickering light,

In the northern sky - a natural effect. (Northern lights.)

  1. On a starless night before the plague

Who will help you get there?

Who will find the way in the wind,

If there is no road in the tundra? (Deer.)

  1. The forest is not a forest, a cloud is not a cloud - sometimes it roams the tundra, sometimes it circles in one place. (Deer herd.)
  1. Not letters, but written in a line. Without language, but the hunter will be told everything. (Footprints.)
  1. The deer runs away from them - but they do not lag behind. (Sled.)

10. A colored curtain closes the night sky, and in the tundra it becomes lighter. (Polar Lights.)

Presenter: The game "I'm going to the North and I'm taking with me ..." I propose to pack things for a trip to the north. Take one picture at a time and explain why these items are needed in the North, with the words "in order to." For example, “I will take to the North…

A suitcase for storing things;

A fur coat in order not to freeze;

Mittens in order not to freeze;

A lantern to light the way on a polar night;

Skis for getting around in the snow

Glasses with dark lenses so that the snow does not blind your eyes

A backpack for storing groceries, etc.

Host: Komi region is a rich region.

Everyone knows this.

And about our Komi region

There are many songs.

The guys from the group "Kerpi" came to visit us with their song, let's welcome them!

Komi song at the discretion of the music worker.

Child: I was born in the Komi region.

This is my homeland.

I don't know a better end

He is the most precious to me.

Child: What is the Motherland?

Komi land.

What is Motherland?

My Republic.

Trains to the north

Trains south.

Everywhere they gave light

They call me around.

Host: And the children from the group "Kerpi" will tell us poems in the Komi language, will we listen to them?

(1-2 children read poems in the Komi language.)

Presenter: Game "Fix the mistakes."

Malitsa is needed so as not to fall into the snow. (To keep warm.)

Pimas are needed so that the hands do not freeze. (To keep your feet warm.)

Deer live in the plague. (Reindeer breeders.)

Sledges are needed to sleep on. (Ride.)

Leading: We live with you in the northern region. Our region is rich in oil, coal, timber. There are many animals in the vast northern forests, fish in the rivers, deer are bred in the tundra. Strong and courageous people have lived here for a long time, they were engaged in hunting, fishing, harvesting berries and mushrooms. And after a hard, hard day, they gathered in a hut, by a warm stove, to do needlework, talk, sing songs. It seems that I already hear the song, let's listen to the song in the Komi language and watch a video clip about the Komi land, its nature, and the animal world. (Children watch the video.)

Host: Let's play some more, would you like to?

Komi game "Granny Bear"

Host: This is how we live on the Komi land

We dance, play and sing songs.

And our Komi region is the best in the world,

All our children will be talking about it!

To the music in the Komi language, the children leave the hall.

Lesson of knowledge "My small Motherland"

Objectives: to introduce schoolchildren to the spiritual and moral values ​​​​of Orthodox culture, the traditions of Russian society, to educate the younger generation in respect for the history of the Russian people, to form a feeling of love for the Motherland, to show the importance of the motherland in the life of every person. Expansion and deepening of students' knowledge about the history of their native city, village. Raising a sense of love for their small homeland and pride in it.
Tasks: Educational: to summarize the concepts: Motherland, small motherland Developing: to develop children's speech, outlook, memory, attention, develop interest in reading documentary and historical literature.
Educational: to teach children to see and feel the beauty of their native land,
to cultivate respect for the moral experience of the older generation. To form the need for the preservation of historical and cultural and Orthodox monuments of the native land.
Design: multimedia presentations, a video with the song "Rus is called holy" by Archdeacon Roman (Tamberg), a video with a song based on the verses of M. Matusovsky performed by M. Bernes "Where does the Motherland begin?", a video with the song "What could be better than Russia" , student drawings.
Form of event: hour of communication.

Course progress.
Teacher: Dear children! Our entire vast country today rejoices at the most important school holiday - the Day of Knowledge. For some, such an important event is happening for the first time, for someone for the last time, and for you, for the sixth time, the bell in our native Orthodox gymnasium "Tenderness" heralds the beginning of a new academic year.

Knowledge Day is a holiday of the whole country,
When all schools open their doors
And everywhere the laughter of happy children,
And maples in red in schools meet everyone,
I congratulate each of you
Happy autumn holiday and I wish
To become a successful start in the life of the class,
In which we begin to study in the fall.

And our today's meeting will be devoted to a topic dear to every Russian and Orthodox person. And what we are going to talk about, try to guess for yourself by listening to the poem:

Gorelov Andrei: I get out of bed early,
So that thanks to the Creator,
Look out of the fog
The dawn is dawning.
Diyanova Katya: From a blade of grass to a haystack -
Everything seems to be singing.
Everyone stands up to praise God, -
Bird people and sunrise.
Vikhlyantsev Dima: Here is a flock of birds chirping:
“How bright it is to live in Russia!”
And I, too, Holy Rus',
I will love you forever.
Lemyakina Lisa: I am with a radiant candle
I get on my knees
God with the Most Pure Mother
I will pray for Russia
Prosvirov Vadim: My Rus', my beloved Rus'! I look at you, boundless, Now leafy, now snowy, I look and do not see enough.
Davydova Polina: I magnify you again, Dear epic land, I glorify every height and span, I admire the fields and valleys.
Zhanna Ruslina: I praise every path of yours, I praise each early dawn, With relentless spiritual thirst A bright verse from daisies I twist
Teacher: So what topic will we devote our class hour to?
Pupils: Today we will talk about Russia and the small homeland.
Teacher: Right. You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spread freely from the snows and ices of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. And all this is sacred, God's gift to us Russians.
Our path - fields, forests ...
All our sweet things are here:
We are soul and eyes
We look at everything that is here.
Well, they will tell us, for a miracle
Pines, yes they ate, yes rye ...
Is it really so beautiful
Is your land really that good?
Instead of answering over rye
Blagovest suddenly sings:
"Everything here is holy, everything is God's -
Heaven, nature, people!..»
In truth stands, not in force
This prayed edge;
Marvelous expanses of Russia:
This is where paradise begins.
Teacher: From time immemorial, Rus' has been called holy. Holy Rus' is not sinless Rus', Holy Rus' is a people who feel sacred in their hearts and strive for purity and holiness in any trials.

Video with the song "Rus is called holy" by Archdeacon Roman (Tamberg).

Teacher: Russian squads went into battle for the Motherland, the soldiers of Prince Igor, the heroes of the Kulikovo field. The great word "Motherland" beat in their hearts, it made painters take up the brush, it sounds in the music of composers, in the words of poets.
Since ancient times, the theme of the Motherland has become the main theme of Russian literature. Pushkin and Lermontov, Nekrasov and Tyutchev, Prokofiev and Yesenin dedicated inspired lines to her.
What is RODINA for a person? What does he consider his homeland? Vadim Prosvirov will tell us about this.
What do we call motherland?
The house where you and I grow up
And a birch by the road
Which we are walking.
What do we call motherland?
Sun in the blue sky
And fragrant, golden bread
At the festive table.
What do we call motherland?
The land where we live!
Teacher: Where does the Motherland begin? A person will not immediately answer this
question. For everyone, probably with something of their own, personal
Video with a song on the verses of M. Matusovsky performed by M. Bernes
“Where does the Motherland begin?”
Teacher: Homeland begins on the threshold of your home. She is huge and beautiful. And everyone has one, like a mother. Motherland is the mother of its people. She is proud of her sons and daughters, takes care of them, comes to the rescue, gives strength. We love the Motherland. And to love the Motherland means to live one life with it.
If they say the word Motherland,
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.
By the river birch - shy
And chamomile mound
And others will probably remember
Your Moscow home yard.
In the puddles the first boats
Above the rope, the stomping of feet,
And a big neighboring factory
A loud joyful horn.
Or the steppe is red from poppies.
Golden Virgin
Homeland is different
But everyone has one! (read by Polina Davydova and Violetta Kapranova)
Teacher: Motherland is the land, the state where a person is born.
The word "Motherland" comes from the ancient word "Rod", which denotes a group of people united by blood relationship (Kin).

Competition "Relatives" (you can involve parents).
It is proposed to name as many words as possible with the root "genus".

(Options: give birth, parents, relative, relatives, relatives, pedigree, people, nationality, spring, native, etc.)
PARENTS are the father and mother to whom children are born.
RELATIVE - a relative, a member of the genus.
RELATIVES - relatives.
PEDIGREE - a list of generations of the same genus. People are proud of their pedigree, study it.
MOTHERLAND is both the Fatherland, and the country, and the place of birth of a person.
PEOPLE - a nation, the inhabitants of a country.

Teacher: Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, sea. My family, my home, a small homeland begins with this.
A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work or study, service to God and the Fatherland. Your own mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games, nature - such simple, warm, human values ​​become the basis of true love for the Motherland. They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.

About how carefully the Russian people have always treated their homeland and the Orthodox faith, it is said in proverbs.

Game "Make a proverb" (compose together with parents)
Motherland - mother, serve the motherland.
To live - be able to stand up for it.
A man without a homeland is all under God.
The Russian land is like a nightingale without a song.

Teacher: The concept of "Motherland" is broad and capacious. The vast expanses of Russia immediately arise in my thoughts with the breadth of its fields, rivers and lakes, forests and arable lands. And among all this diversity there is land, there is a point, there is the sweetest place for the heart and soul: this is your small homeland.

Small Motherland -
An island of earth.
Currant under the window
The cherries have blossomed.
curly apple tree,
And under it is a bench -
Affectionate little
My motherland! (read by Andrei Gorelov)

Teacher: And now the guys themselves will tell us about their small homeland.
Diyanova Katya - Volzhsky,
Kozmina Vika - p. Zaplavnoe.
(Creative individual task - a story with a presentation) - Why is this place dear to you, besides the fact that you were born there and your relatives live with you?
- Do you know famous countrymen? - What can you tell about the history of your region?
- What Orthodox churches are there in your city or village?

Teacher: Our Motherland - Russia is famous for the abundance of Orthodox temples and churches. Throughout the country (even in the smallest town) you can find an Orthodox church or a small temple. The city of Volzhsky, Volgograd and the village of Zaplavnoye were no exception.

Miraculous miracle, wonderful miracle:
Let the time be difficult for the Motherland,
But not a fairy tale, not epics
The White Temple rises above the ruins.
God's temple rises to the will of the free,
He sings a song - a bell! ..
A smooth song floats to heaven -
Orthodox Rus' comes to life!
My village Zaplavnoye
glorious in the rays of dawn,
Silence, the invisible
My village Zaplavnoe,
Nothing compares to you.
Embraced by the blue of heaven
Yes, the sun is so scorching
rich in history
In the past and in the present.
There has always been kindness
By succession is holy,
Became a village tradition
And the village is rich in them.
Rich in exuberant beauty
And floodplain expanse,
Brilliant Akhtuba River -
Don't overlook everything.
Healing herbs can not be counted here
And clay by the road.
There is an original source
As it pleases God.
The village of Zaplavnoye stands
As a symbol of our life
glorious in the rays of dawn,
More beautiful over the years.
L.N. Zinevich
(read by Dima Vikhlyantsev and Zhanna Ruslina)

Teacher: Centuries, decades have passed, but even today, to protect our native land, to endure the harsh tests of time, not to flinch, helps us
the power of the Orthodox faith

Love Russia like a mother - Love in illness, in health And Orthodoxy in your heart Try to understand and accept.
We are in the center of spiritual warfare A hard time and nervous And only by one faith We can still be strong.
Let these loud words, But I really want to repeat them! Believe me, Russia will not end, As long as faith is alive.
As long as the temples stand - Tall and golden-domed! Let the time change. The main thing - Love Russia like a mother! (N. Tananko.)

Teacher: Our class hour is coming to an end. Russia, motherland, small motherland. Such painfully native words. Life scatters people to many corners of the Earth. But wherever we are, our native land will always be for us that bright light that will call us to our native lands with its bright light. The history of our country and its kind should know any self-respecting person, any citizen of Russia.

About the motherland - I say quietly: After all, there is no need to shout about great love. She is my joy and reward, I will say about her - I will make a prayer: without further ado, I won’t drop myself before you!” (read by Katya Diyanova)

Video with the song "What could be better than Russia."
Presentation of memorable gifts (Icon of the Mother of God "Increase of mind", lesson schedule).

NOU "PEC Gymnasium "Tenderness"

Lesson of knowledge "My small Motherland"
for 6th grade students

classroom teacher
6th grade
Prokhorova T. D.

With. Zaplavnoe
year 2014

13PAGE 14815

Heading 1Heading 315

Holiday script

(dedicated to the birthday

city ​​of Pavlovsky Posad).

“For Russia, our city is a particle,
And for us it is the parental home.
And we're glad we can be proud
Small Motherland where we live”.


1. Expansion and deepening of students' knowledge about the history of their native city.

2. Raising a sense of love and

pride in their small homeland.


1. Teach children to see and feel the beauty of their native land.

2. To cultivate respect for the moral experience of the older generation.

3. Form the need for the preservation of historical and cultural monuments of the native land.

4. Develop interest in reading documentary and historical literature.

5. Promote the moral development of children.

Event progress

Host: 06/06/15, Pavlovsky Posad turned 171 years old, and we dedicate this holiday to our beloved city.

The guys sing the song:

Music by P. Aedonitsky
Words by A. Cross

Along the banks of our Klyazma river
The grasses bloom and the winds rustle.
Because of the forests, as if in a Russian fairy tale,
The city floats towards you.

Pavlovsky Posad,
Pavlovsky Posad,
The town is thoughtful, old.
Quiet palisade, someone's gentle look
And such a native fire of mountain ash.

If you asked me about it,
I would say that the city is mine
Near Moscow, in the middle of Russia,
As if illuminated by Moscow itself.

The colors of the earth and its patterns
They will flare up in your painted scarves.
The craftswomen have the light of lightning in their eyes,
You just can't help but fall in love with them!

Here he stands over the Klyazma River,
The city I'm so in love with.
How well it was named in Russian,
It was named Pavlovsky Posad.



Motherland is the land, the state where a person is born.
The word "Motherland" comes from the ancient word "Rod", which denotes a group of people united by blood relationship (Kin).

1 Competition "Kin" .
It is proposed to name as many words as possible with the root "genus".
(Options: give birth, parents, relative, relatives, relatives, pedigree, people, nationality, spring, native, etc.) (slide 4)
PARENTS are the father and mother to whom children are born.
RELATIVE - a relative, a member of the genus.
RELATIVES - relatives.
PEDIGREE - a list of generations of the same genus. People are proud of their pedigree, study it
MOTHERLAND is both the Fatherland, the country, and the place of birth of a person.
PEOPLE - a nation, the inhabitants of a country.

Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, river. My family, my home, a small homeland begins with this. And what is your “small homeland” for you?

The participant of the holiday reads a poem:

Small Motherland, Small Motherland,
Our spring and love
The bitterness of rowan and the sweetness of currant,
Autumn frown...
No matter how much was read - passed
Years, kilometers and lines,
Our small Motherland is always with us -
Our blessed source.

Competition "Compose proverbs".

Motherland, like parents

own side

Love to motherland

and sweet in a handful

On the other side of the Motherland

that and the hero

One person's own mother

maybe, somehow

Everyone is sweet

someone else's opposite

Over the sea is warmer

more precious than any wealth

Who is for the Motherland

stick to that custom

own land

than our country

Bored Afonyushka

and spring is not red

Where the pine has grown

stronger than death

Russian is strong on three piles

and wormwood does not grow

Its side strokes the fur

stone walls

On the home side

eyes do not eat their smoke


which does not like its nest

What nation do you live in

be the son of your people

National Friendship and Brotherhood

that there is no nest

Our strength

and a pebble sign

From home side

doubly mile

There is no more beautiful land

family is united

On the other side

there she is red

without root

and we are brighter

Your burden does not pull

you will not find in a foreign land

Consent is stronger

serve the motherland

About that cuckoo and cuckoo

and cute crow

That bird is stupid

on the other side

Be more than just your father's son

he has one homeland

Competition "Duel".The guys are divided into 2 teams and say proverbs about the Motherland.

You will not find a homeland, like parents, in a foreign land.

· Love for Motherland is stronger than death.

· On the foreign side, the Motherland is doubly mile.

· A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

· There are no relatives, but the heart aches on the native side.

· Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother.

Everyone has their own side.

· Where to live, so be known.

· Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.

· Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.

· If the people are united, they are invincible.

· Who is a mountain for the motherland, he is a hero.

· A goose flew to Rus' - stay and fly away.

Thin is the bird that soils its nest.

· Own land and in a handful is sweet.

· To visit someone else's house - to see in your own rotten log.

· What you don't know is drawn there.

· Afonyushka is bored on someone else's side.

· In one place, even the stone is overgrown with moss.

· The whole Russian land is under God.

· And the forest makes more noise when there are a lot of trees.

Your own sadness is more precious than someone else's joy.

· Russian is strong on three piles: maybe, I suppose, yes somehow.

Woe to the tongueless in a foreign land.

· Alien side will add mind.

· His side strokes the fur, someone else's opposite.

· On the home side and a pebble sign.

· Where the pine has grown, there it is red.

· Russian neither with a sword, nor with a kalach does not joke.

· If you breathe the whole world - the wind will be.

· To live - to serve the Motherland.

· In what nation you live, keep that custom.

· Look for good on the side, and love the house in the old days.

· People's friendship and brotherhood are dearer than any wealth.

· On the native side and gossips sign.

· Our strength is family united.

· What is great for a Russian is death for a German.

· Why is it far away and it's good here.

· From the native side and the crow is sweet.

· Alien side dense forest.

· There is no land more beautiful than our country.

· On the foreign side and the spring is not red.

· Wormwood does not grow without a root.

· In what people you live, keep that custom.

· Rus' is holy, Orthodox, heroic, Mother Holy Russian land.

· He doesn't carry his burden, he doesn't eat his smoke.

· That the cuckoo crows that there is no nest of its own.

· Consent is stronger than stone walls.

· From your native land - die, don't leave.

· Once upon a time there was a fellow; in his village he did not see fun, he went out into a foreign land - he cried.

· In Rus', not all carp - there are ruffs.

· Overseas is warmer, but here it is lighter.

The other side is the stepmother.

· Until you visit someone else's roof, you won't know where it flows.

· Silly is the bird that dislikes its nest.

· Geese flew over the sea, not swans flew either.

· Be not only the son of your father - be the son of your people.

Overseas fun, but someone else's, but we have grief, but our own.

Presentation Competition

"Sights of Pavlovsky Posad".

Museum "History of the Russian headscarf and shawl".

It is worth noting that the city has a museum "History of the Russian headscarf and shawl". Here are collected the best scarves from different manufactories of the Moscow region, according to which you can safely study the history of the development of the Russian textile industry. The exposition is especially proud of shawls embroidered with gold, printed wool shawls and all kinds of shawls.

Intercession-Vasilyevsky Monastery

The Intercession-Vasilyevsky Monastery was a female monastery until 1917. It was built on the initiative of Yakov Labzin, one of the founders of the kerchief factory, in honor of his companion, Vasily Gryaznov, a very devout man who atoned for the sins of his youth with numerous good deeds all his life. Initially, Labzin initiated the construction of a two-story church on the site where the Gryaznovs were buried. After the consecration of all three limits of this temple, a women's almshouse was organized under it, which in the future was to become a monastery.

During the revolutionary years, the monastery complex was badly damaged, but in the 90s of the last century, work began on its restoration, which was successfully completed by 2002. During this time, many unique frescoes and icons were restored, particles of the relics of saints were brought from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and Mount Athos, another church was built and a rather rich subsidiary farm was restored. Now the monastery is buried in the greenery of orchards and flowers.

Resurrection Cathedral

One of the most ancient architectural sights of Pavlovsky Posad is the Resurrection Cathedral, which was erected in the early 18th century on the site of one of the first wooden Orthodox churches in this region in honor of George the Victorious. A hundred years after its construction, the temple complex was supplemented with a bell tower and a refectory. Unfortunately, only the 58-meter bell tower has survived to this day. At the beginning of the 21st century, it was completely restored and is now one of the main decorations of the city, towering on a green hill.

Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

An important place in the architectural ensemble of the city is also occupied by the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, built at the dawn of the 20th century at the expense of the merchant-philanthropist Fyodor Manaev. The building of this temple has two floors, and it seems to be inconspicuous, but its appearance is very peculiar.

House of the merchant of the first guild Dmitry Shirkov

Another interesting monument in Pavlovsky Posad is the house where Dmitry Shirkov, a merchant of the first guild, once lived. Shirkov bequeathed this very beautiful building with a generously decorated facade and no less rich interior decoration to the city, now there is a kind of gallery with exhibits dedicated to the city.

Competition of wall newspapers "From the history of Pavlovsky Posad" and drawings "My city".

Competition "Famous people of our city".

The host shows photos, the guys talk about the famous people of Pavlovsky Posad.

Tikhonov Vyacheslav Vasilievich

(b. February 8, 1928, Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region), Soviet film actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1974). In 1950 he graduated from the acting department of VGIK. He made his debut in the film "Young Guard" (1948, according to A. A. Fadeev, the role of Volodya Osmukhin). Gained fame in the sharp character roles of Matvey Morozov ("It was in Penkovo", 1958) and Viktor Raysky ("Emergency", 1959). Created a number of lyrical and heroic images; the most significant: Alexei ("Optimistic Tragedy", 1963), Prince Andrei ("War and Peace", 1966-67), Melnikov ("We'll Live Until Monday", 1968). The largest work of Tikhonov was the image of the Soviet intelligence officer Colonel Isaev (Stirlitz) in the serial television film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" (1972). In the best roles, the actor deeply reveals the inner life of the hero - his psychological, emotional, intellectual essence. State Prize of the USSR (1970).

Bykovsky Valery Fyodorovich

(b. 2.8.1934, Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow region), USSR pilot-cosmonaut, colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union (1963). Member of the CPSU since 1963. He graduated from the school of the Moscow flying club, in 1955 - Kachinskoye military aviation school of pilots. Was a military pilot. In 1968 he graduated from the Air Force Engineering Academy. N. E. Zhukovsky (Moscow). On June 14-19, 1963, on the Vostok-5 spacecraft, he made an orbit around the Earth in 119 hours and 81, flying over 3.3 million km. From June 16, Bykovsky's flight took place simultaneously with the flight of the Vostok-6 spacecraft piloted by V. V. Nikolaeva-Tereshkova. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Star, medals and foreign orders.

Kurin Gerasim Matveevich

Organizer and leader of a large peasant partisan detachment during the Patriotic War of 1812; serf peasant. After the capture of the city of Bogorodsk by Napoleonic troops (September 23), he created a detachment from the peasants of the Vokhnovskaya volost (5300 foot and 500 horsemen), attracted the head of E. S. Stulov and the centurion I. Ya. Prince B. A. Golitsyn. From September 23 to October 2, the detachment had seven clashes with the Napoleonic troops, it had a large number of prisoners and 3 French guns. Kurin was awarded the badge of the Military Order (the soldier's St. George's Cross). Used materials of the book: Shikman A.P. Figures of national history. Biographical guide. Moscow, 1997

Leading: And so our holiday came to an end.The concept of "Motherland" is broad and capacious. The vast expanses of Russia immediately arise in my thoughts with the breadth of its fields, rivers and lakes, forests and arable lands. And among all this diversity there is land, there is a point, there is the sweetest place for the heart and soul - this is our small Motherland.
This is the place in our country where we were born and grow up - this is our hometown.

Dance of girls in Pavlovo-Posad shawls.

Summing up the results of competitions. Congratulations and awards to the winners.

The main prize for all participants is an excursion to the local history museum.



elementary grades

Class leader: Pchelintseva Irina Vyacheslavovna


to promote the formation of an active civic position of students, the education of Russian civic identity, respect for their small homeland, for the Fatherland, past and present of the multinational people of Russia.


    To teach children to see and feel the beauty of their native land.

    To cultivate respect for the moral experience of the older generation.

    To form the need for the preservation of historical and cultural monuments of the native land.

    Develop an interest in reading documentary and historical literature.

    Promote the moral development of children.


What do we call motherland? The house we live in!

Dear Guys! You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spread freely from the snows and ices of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. Russia is located immediately in Europe and Asia.


We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its hardworking and talented people. But each of us has our own Little Motherland - that corner of the earth where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located. For some, a small homeland is a small village or village, for others it is a city street and a cozy green courtyard with a swing, a sandbox and a wooden slide.
In a word, everyone has their own small Motherland!


Small Motherland -
An island of earth.
Currant under the window
The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,
And under it is a bench -
Affectionate little
My motherland!


Walk along the Penza region,
When he is all dressed in green,
When the bird cherry bathes
Sura has its own fragrant color.

Gardens in snow-white clothes,
Earth in green velvet.
No wonder Lermontov is so tender
Loved native fields...

(this is how our poetess Matryona Smirnova wrote about the Penza region)

The city anthem sounds...



Penza land... It has its own history, its glory, its present and future.

It was in the seventeenth century. A man has come here. Went to a steep cliff. And got up enchanted by beauty. In front of him, beyond the winding ribbon of the river, stretched a green valley. In a businesslike way, the man examined the area, figured it out and said:

- Here stand the fortress of the state of Moscow.

Thus, in 1663, Penza arose on the southeastern border of the Moscow state. For more than three hundred years it has stood here on the banks of the Sura. And around for hundreds of kilometers - its land. And her people.


The sound of axes from the darkness of centuries

I often hear in my dreams

How were these walls built?

A city was born on Sura.

They cut down the forest, it smelled of resin,

Resin rolled like a tear.

Burned young prowess

City planners eyes.

From afar they rode

To fulfill the king's command.

A place was chosen for the city

And they met a high hill -

He is the tallest in our region.

And they liked the place

By two beautiful quiet rivers.

Bird cherry blossomed - the bride,

As if the first snow was falling.

And a hill with a wooded crown

Noisy under the spring breeze.

And the nightingale argued with the cuckoo

About something close, dear.

Here we will build a new city, -

The warriors decided then.


Was many, many years ago

A city is founded on this earth,

Surrounded by a high wall.

That city was called Penza.


Here above the sura wave

The native city has grown,

And people

And beautiful in deeds.

We are all born here

In the middle of the country

Near the very heart of Russia.


The Penza land has seen a lot in its history! From mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, people pass it on, the Penza Territory was glorious.

What are they about? One tells how a detachment of the Don Cossack Kharitonov came here from Simbirsk from Stepan Razin, how the townspeople and service people, seeing in him their deliverer, opened the fortress gates of Penza for him in 1670.

The other is about how Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev set up his camp seven kilometers from Penza in the small village of Ukhtinka. He spent three days in August 1774 here. Here the Penza peasants brought their tormentors, the landowners, to him for trial.


And how many glorious names the land of Penza is proud of! World-famous scientists: the creator of the "Russian sun" - an electric candle - P. N. Yablochkov, botanist A. N. Beketov and his brother - a pioneer of physical chemistry - N. N. Beketov, an outstanding surgeon N. N. Burdenko, historian V O. Klyuchevsky. Writers: the founder of the Russian historical novel M. N. Ogaryov, A. I. Kuprin, Alexander Malyshkin, Fyodor Gladkov. Artists: academician of painting K. A. Gorbunov, I. S. Goryushkin - Sorokopudov; prominent military leaders: commissar of the Volga flotilla during the civil war N. G. Markin, marshals of the Soviet Union M. N. Tukhachevsky and N. I. Krylov, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General V. A. Glazunov.

And two more great names: Belinsky and Lermontov ... They left us an unquenchable light of reason and talent.


And if somehow for a moment I succeed

To be forgotten - a memory of recent antiquity

I fly free, free bird;


Native all places: high manor house

And a garden with a destroyed greenhouse;

A sleeping pond is covered with a green net of herbs,

And behind the pond the village smokes - and they get up

In the distance fog over the fields.

I enter the dark alley; through the bushes

The evening beam looks, and yellow sheets

Noisy under timid steps.

(So ​​wrote M.Yu. Lermontov about the small Motherland)


Penza land is the land of hardworking, courageous people. There were years of five-year plans, there was the Great Patriotic War. Penza did not stand at the crossroads of front-line roads, was not subjected to shelling and enemy air raids, but being a rear city, it also brought Victory Day closer on collective farm and state farm fields, in the workshops of plants and factories. The Penza land sent its best sons and daughters to the front, who courageously fought near Moscow and Leningrad, Stalingrad and Warsaw, stormed Berlin, leaving the inscription on the column of the smoky defeated Reichstag: “And we are from Penza!”

These are the lines written by the Penza poetess Larisa Yashiny about the harsh war years.


And harsh times

The city stood up,

Although it was a rear town.

And shells - to the front,

And "Katyusha" - to the front,

And to the front for the fathers of the boy.

Oh, native land!

Wounds, hospitals...

People learned grief in abundance.

Here's another plane

The tank will go to Berlin,

Rebelled against the enemy with peace!

And the fireworks!

They are so similar

To the courage that burns in the heart.

And as a sign of eternity

Drawn by our countryman:

"We are from Penza!" - on the walls of the Reichstag.


At any time of the year, the Penza land enchants us with its unique, primordially Russian beauty. In spring, like a bride, she is decorated with flowers. Wherever you look, everywhere is the white boiling of gardens. And the blue ribbon of rivers at this time especially suits her. In summer, it dresses in a sultry haze, calls, beckons under the shady crowns of oaks, on the picturesque banks of the rivers. In autumn, it rustles with a crimson blizzard, rings with chased gold foliage. And in winter - it suddenly turns white from frost, sparkles with hoarfrost.


In native places, the wind smells like chamomile
And to the blade of grass the whole earth is its own,
In native places and the sun shines brighter,
And a silvery voice by the stream.
In native places the sky is blue,
In native places, meadows are more spacious,
Birch trunks are straighter and slimmer
And a multi-colored rainbow-arc.
In native places everything is better and more beautiful,
From the stars of the night to the dawn,
In native places on droplets of dew
The dawn of cheerful lights are burning.

The song is performed by Ans. "Domisolki" (My native city)


Today Penza is home to almost half a million people...

The peaceful sky turns blue over the city. Here they play merry weddings and give beautiful names to children, listen to their laughter, give flowers to loved ones ... This is the youth of the city sung in songs on the Sura. It is in its people who create a wonderful new, build a bright future, increase the glory of their fathers and grandfathers, decorate and transform their native land. Grateful descendants named the streets of the city and villages of the region after glorious countrymen, erected monuments.

V. Ogaryov's song "About Penza" sounds

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