Scenario of the theatrical program “Magic Museum of Art. Scenario of the museum lesson “History of antiques Scene life in the museum


Sounds track number 1 ( theatrical sketch "Night at the Museum": all participants of the program are lively works of art, they move plastically to the musical composition; a museum security guard with a flashlight in his hands comes to the noise and the participants freeze; the guard looks at the works of art, lighting them with a flashlight, after he is convinced that everything is in order and there is no noise, he sits on a chair and falls asleep)

Dear visitors, good morning! Our "Magic Museum of Art" has opened new expositions, the exhibits of which are bit by bit collected from all over the world. Already today you can get acquainted with the work of masters of different genres, and plunge into the bright and unforgettable atmosphere of the art world. Please do not touch the exhibits with your hands! We wish you a pleasant viewing!

Track number 2 sounds (a guide with a group of tourists appears on the stage)


Hello, we are starting our exciting tour of the museum. Follow me (pass forward) ... Pay attention to the exhibit on the left. This is the sculpture "Grace" (two 7th grade students froze in a beautiful plastic pose) - it embodies grace, beauty and charm. An important accent of this sculpture is the plasticity of forms and the depth of emotions.

Let's move on to the next exhibit of our exhibition (she pointed to the backstage). Maybe you have questions? Don't fall behind! Our expositions are constantly updated ... (leave)

A student of the 7th grade ............... with a dance composition ...............

Track number 3 sounds (the sculpture comes to life: the first girl is dancing, the second quickly goes backstage)

A student of the 7th grade .............. with a song ................

Track number 4 sounds (the second girl who participated in the sculpture "Grace" sings a song)

Track No. 5 sounds (the scene “The Thief at the Museum”) Two students of the 8th grade froze in a baguette frame - they personify the picture, then the thief appears on the stage ... He moves plastically to the music track (examines the picture, measures it, etc. ). Suddenly, the music cuts off and the voice-over scares the thief away.

Pupils of the 8th grade ............. and ............. with a dance composition ...............

Track number 6 sounds (the picture comes to life, both girls dance)

Pupils of grade 9a with a dance composition ...............

Track number 7 sounds (dance composition)

Track number 8 sounds (a guide appears on the stage with a group of tourists)


We continue our tour and get to the most touching exposition, which has collected the first sketches and sketches of the great creators of their time. Here you can see the first attempts of talented masters and their search for themselves in creativity ... (the group leaves, grades 1-2 run out)

Choir of the 1st and 2nd classes

Track number 9 sounds (choir of 1-2 grades)

Track number 10 sounds (choir of 1-2 grades)

A student of grade 4a .............. with a song ................

Sounds track number 11 (musical composition)

Dear visitors, do not pass by the exposition of Western art. They were brought to us from abroad and are a great asset of our museum!

Dance group .............. with composition ................

Sounds track number 12 (dance composition)

Track number 13 sounds (two pairs of dancers quickly run out onto the stage and freeze in beautiful poses; then a guide with a group of tourists appears on the stage)


The next hall is called the Walk of Fame. As you can see, wax figures of the world's most famous dancers are presented here.

Masters of Sports of Russia in the category "Latin American Dance" (shows 1 pair) and Masters of Sports of Russia in the category "Modern Dance" (shows 2 pairs). Each of them made great progress in their own direction! These are the brightest characters in the history of dance, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to outshine them! (go backstage)

Track #14 plays (couples come to life and start arguing)

2 pair (boy):

You heard - the guide said that we are the brightest! She certainly understands art (proudly).

1 pair (girl):

Yes, yes ... no one will ever outshine us!

2 pair (girl):

What's wrong with your ears? Didn't you hear what they were saying about us?

1 pair (boy):

Well, well ... we'll see about that!

2 pair (boy):

And here we'll see! Get ready to swallow the dust, baby!

A 7th grade student............. and her partner............ with ballroom dancing............. .

Track number 15 sounds (ballroom dance)

2 pair (girl):

And it's all??? Now we will show you the real class!

A student of grade 8a .............. and a student of grade 11a ............... with a dance composition .......... .....

Track number 16 sounds (ballroom dance)

1 pair (girl):

Is this a dance? So dancers...

2 pair (boy):

This is modern dance, step forward! (everyone goes backstage)

Track number 17 sounds (a frightened guard runs out, rushes around the stage, grabs his head)

Security guard:

My God, what a nightmare... I will be fired... Catastrophe... loss of the century!!! The world's most famous collection of paintings in the original Gzhel style "Magic Blue Flowers" has disappeared. No, they will definitely fire me ... What should I do? (starts looking around) Where to look?

Track number 18 sounds (the school theater of fashion comes out, the guard exhales)

Security guard:

Thank God, I found a collection of paintings! (runs around the school team as if it were a masterpiece, touches them and calms down) Everything is in place, safe and sound! Phew! (takes off his cap, wipes his forehead with a handkerchief and goes backstage)

Theater of fashion.............. with a dance composition...............

Track number 19 sounds (performance of the school theater of fashion)

Track #20 plays (school fashion theater quickly leaves, and the cheerleading team runs out and freezes in a pose; then a tour guide appears on stage with a group of tourists)


The last hall that we will visit today is the brightest and most unusual in our museum. Here is the so-called Installation. This is a type of visual art of the second half of the 20th century, in which the artist creates a three-dimensional composition or three-dimensional environment created from various elements and representing an artistic whole (go behind the scenes).

Sports and dance group ...............................

Track number 21 sounds (performance of the Cheerleading team)

Dear visitors, the most talented craftsmen are being awarded in the ceremonial hall! Hurry to this solemn event!

Sounds track number 22 (deputy director for BP)


Track No. 23 sounds (theatrical sketch "Night at the Museum": all participants in the theatrical program run out onto the stage and freeze in "poses"; then the guard comes out, corrects a couple of "compositions", sits down on a chair and falls asleep)

Dear visitors, The Magic Museum of Art is closing! Don't leave your things and don't forget the kids! Thank you very much for visiting us, we are waiting for you again!

- Every year on May 18, we celebrate a professional holiday employees of all museums in the world . This tradition has been going on since 1978. And today we dedicate our event to those keepers of national memory who love and honor the history of their native land.

- How did it all start? The first attempts at collecting were carried out in the temples of Ancient Greece, when special temples were built for folding gifts. These temples were called "treasuries". Huge collections were gathered in the ancient Greek treasuries and the pyramids of ancient Egypt. They are considered to be prototypes. contemporary museums .

- Since ancient times, people have observed the need for collecting, but initially the circle of collectors involved in the demonstration, storage and collection of cultural heritage included the most educated and intellectually developed representatives of their time.

- In Europe, the first institution of the museum type was the "Kunstkamera". A little later - in the XVI-XVII centuries - such concepts as galleries, "offices", "cameras" began to appear.

- At the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries, many European collections became available for visits, this was most clearly observed in Germany, Italy, and France. The first modern museum was formed on July 26, 1791. It is on this day that the door Louvre opened to the general public.

- In the history of formation Russian museums Peter I and Catherine II played an important role. They stood at the origins of the creation of the most unique collections, which later became museums of national importance - the Hermitage and the Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg.

- Today, a modern museum is a kind of symbol of culture, which has its own points of view, positions, opinions. Before us, the museum appears with numerous facets: in the form of a “treasury”, a creative “laboratory”, a “cathedral of persons”, a “time machine”, a “repository”, a “living organism”. This versatility defines the outline of what we used to call a museum.

- Traveling across continents and countries, we will see the treasures of the Dresden Gallery, the Louvre, the Prado, the National Gallery in London and many other museums, which also include the museums of our country - the Russian Museum and the Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery and the Moscow Kremlin. .

- And very soon it will be possible to visit the unique museums of the city of Voronezh - these are the literary museum named after A. Koltsov, the regional museum of local lore, the museum of M. Mordasova, the museum-estate of Venevitinov. (Slide show in progress).

- Walking along the school corridor, with many doors, we will definitely stumble upon one cherished one with the inscription "school museum". On the other side of this door is not just a classroom, not just a room, behind it is the history of our country, our native land.

- Keepers of time
Work in museums
They faithfully serve the Fatherland.
The memory of history
long, eternal
Passed into the hands of centuries.

- The head and first organizer of the school museum is invited to the stage.

(The leader briefly tells the history of the creation of the museum).

- The following composition sounds in your honor.

- Years pass, generations change, young tour guides become adults. As the experience of several years has shown, after graduating from school, former guides enter military schools, pedagogical universities, and choose historical specialties.

- The first guides and the first council of the museum are invited to the stage. (Children are speaking - the first employees of the school museum).

- These wonderful verses sound in your honor.

Our holiday has come to an end. We congratulate the keepers of memory, the keepers of time, as well as all those present on this wonderful holiday - Museum Day. Good luck in your difficult, but very interesting and useful work!

Scenario for the regional review competition of museums

In a huge country, among many schools,

There is one in which I came to study,

There is one in which we work, friends,

There is one, such, without which it is impossible,

There is one, but by the way, we can’t take everything into account,

School 12 is like that!

Good afternoon dear friends! You are welcomed by the team of the asset of the historical and art museum "Meeting" of school No. 12 of the city of Bratsk.

Children should live in a world of beauty, fairy tales, music and creativity, said the famous Russian teacher Vasily Sukhomlinsky. This is how the students of our school live, which is the only one in the city of Bratsk included in the international project of UNESCO Associated Schools.

The history of our school dates back to 1988, when the builders presented the headmaster with a symbolic key to the new building.

At that time, it was a unique project not only for the city of Bratsk, but also for the region as a whole. In addition to the main building, the designers have provided a block for six-year-old preschoolers. It is in this block that our school museum is located.

Every school has pride

She has been hard-earned.

And in Bratsk there are 12 schools

Famous for the museum.

Though not big, but it is expensive

For every child.

Cloths of former banners,

Tool on the side...

How many photos are there

on stands and showcases.

And there are countless pictures on the walls

and lots of old stuff.

When it's spring outside

and the sun looks brighter

We celebrate every year

The birth of the museum

He is 10 years old coming up.

He's not older than us.

But we are wiser.

He will tell you how to be in life.

Tell us how to become stronger.

We are proud and take care

His traditions are sacred.

And by the birthday we will collect

Things are precious to remember.

May it grow from year to year

There is no such thing anywhere else.

He is the honor and glory of our school.

The Museum of History and Art "Vstrecha" began its activity in June 2003. I received my passport and certificate on December 17, 2007.

The initiator of the creation of the museum was the director of the school Proskuryakova Natalya Ilyinichna. The museum began its work with maintaining a school chronicle, the guys were collecting material about important and interesting facts and events from the life of the school.

What is it interesting for elementary school students to learn when they come to the museum today ...

exposition "School Planet", which meets from the first step of the museum ...

You can see photos of our students and teachers at various events in the photo chronicle of the last academic year.

"Good luck, school!" - it was under this name that on September 1, 1988, an article was published in the Krasnoye Znamya newspaper about the opening of a new school in the 23rd microdistrict of the city of Bratsk. On September 1, 1988, the first students came to the school for the first time. The children line up in front of the school porch. And here everything is ready for the meeting. A scarlet banner above the doors: "Welcome!", an orchestra, a bell tied with a red ribbon. The ceremonial rally dedicated to the opening of a new, 12th secondary school opens the director of the school Proskuryakova Natalya Ilyinichna. 25 years have passed since that day.

25 years…

How many events happened during this period! Something was forgotten, but much remained in the memory and became history. School Planet”, one of the expositions, which reveals the activities of the pioneer organization. The attributes of pioneer life are collected by the hands of students and teachers: a bugle, a drum, a pioneer tie, badges, school uniforms, photographs. Exhibits of the last century, symbolizing school life. There is also a stand "Shine of the Medal", the pride of our school, the gold and silver medalists of the school.

"The teacher is the creator"- this is what our students think, and this was the name of our first museum project. The exposition about the teachers of the school, who were awarded high industry awards, which brought together the materials of this project, occupies a central place in our museum.

It contains not only photographs and milestones of the labor path, but also a statement of teachers about happiness: “All people strive for happiness - there are no exceptions to this rule. Happiness lies in loving to do what I do”, “If you choose your work well and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you.” The creation of the museum became possible thanks to the great help of school veterans who shared their memories, photographic documents, educational supplies from different years. Educational - research and search - local history work of the museum often relies on the support of veterans of the school.

A teacher is a person who leads through life to the knowledge of a small citizen of the country from the age of seven to adulthood, and then his children, and sometimes even grandchildren. Teacher is a great word.

Next, we will introduce you to the exposition called "Art Gallery". The gallery presents changing exhibitions of artists and applied art of the people of our city. Over the years, the museum has organized about 100 exhibitions of creative, talented, interesting people, implemented 7 social projects, including the joint project “Different epochs, but one Motherland” with the Irkutsk Museum of the Decembrists to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the Decembrist P.A. Mukhanov. As part of the continuity, we hold exhibitions of creative works of pupils and parents of kindergarten No. 134.

An exhibition of reproductions of paintings by Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich "The Light of Art" was timed to coincide with the opening of the autumn Assembly "And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us", dedicated to the Year of Russian History. This collection belongs to the Cultural and Exhibition Center, which is located in the village. Old Angasolka on the shore of Lake Baikal.

Meetings and musical drawing rooms, lessons of courage, classes in the subjects of the humanitarian cycle (history, civics ...) are held in our museum. The museum is a traditional meeting place for veterans; meetings, meetings of veterans with students, their parents, and representatives of public organizations are held on its basis. The museum's assets are involved in the preparation and holding of military-patriotic events. As part of the celebration of Victory Day, the following are held: a traditional school competition of drawings and essays, lessons for elementary school about the Great Patriotic War, quizzes for high school students, students of our school and guests of the city greet veterans with musical concerts at creative living rooms. In our museum, drawing rooms are held regularly, for example: “The war has long ended”, “Let's bow to those great years”, “For the glory of the Fatherland”, etc. It is already 2013 in the yard. It is 68 years since the end of the Great Patriotic War. Thank God, the witnesses of those terrible days are alive - war veterans. We treat them with deep gratitude and care. Students of our school are frequent guests of veterans. They help them in cleaning the house, buying food and medicines, and congratulating them on the holidays. So it turns out that time takes away the heroes who gave us the freedom of our country, providing a happy childhood. The war is in the past. Every museum should have a corner of military glory. Our museum is no exception. We have collected material about veterans living in our neighborhood. The exposition "Gallery of Veterans" was designed. On the occasion of the 110th anniversary of Afanasy Pavlantievich Beloborodov, the exhibition "Always in Battle" was framed. This is our legendary countryman, who went through the entire Great Patriotic War, the troops under his command distinguished themselves in the war against imperialist Japan. Afanasy Pavlantievich was buried near the Snegiri station, next to those who, under his command, stopped the enemy on the outskirts of Moscow. In the city of Irkutsk, a street in the Village of Energetikov is named after him.

exposition "First Builders of the Neighborhood"dedicated to the people who built a mighty hydroelectric power station and our hometown of Bratsk. The district committees of the Komsomol sent their best representatives on Komsomol vouchers. According to their desire, young men and women went to the taiga, felled the forest, fought the midges ... They lived in large army tents, so the tent city was called "green". The model of the tent camp, made by the students of our school, is one of the central exhibits of the exposition. The showcases contain photographs, materials about the outstanding builder Naimushin Ivan Ivanovich, information booklets and books about the history of the city, published in different years, kindly donated by veterans who, unfortunately, did not survive to this day. This exposition helps to introduce the younger generation of brothers how our city was born. And now we live in a modern city, albeit not quite big, but developing. In a city famous for its achievements even outside of Russia...

The exposition of the Museum "Life and Life of the Inhabitants of the Angara Region" presents household utensils, irons, sewing machines, napkins, valances, as well as tools that people could not do without during planting and harvesting, such as a sickle and so on.

More than 200 exhibits for museum lessons on history, physics, technology, mathematics, literature, art and other subjects are collected in the museum's expositions. They can be touched, actuated, used in productions.

We love our school museum and, together with the head of the museum, we do our best to maintain order in it and replenish it with new exhibits.

The school lives and develops, confidently goes into the future, into tomorrow. But she also has a wonderful past, which is carefully kept in the school museum and is the property of every student and teacher, a source of pride and admiration.

Thank you for your attention!


Introduce antiquities, their purpose in the past and value now;

Develop ingenuity and figurative thinking;

To cultivate love for the small Motherland, respect for antiquities.

Equipment: Exposition of the school museum, multimedia

Event progress

Guests enter the museum to the music of "On the Mountain, Viburnum".

We welcome dear guests
round, lush loaf.
We bring you a loaf
bowing, we ask you to taste.

The guests, having tasted the loaf, take their seats.

Museum manager: Hello, guys, guests!
We are glad to welcome you to our school museum. Today we want to invite you on an unusual journey - a journey into the distant past of our village and its people, along the way we will look into the house of a Russian peasant, get acquainted with many old things, learn their history and many more new and interesting things.

Museum manager: A long time ago it was when dense bushes grew on the site of today's village of Kulagino, the Bashkir tribes hunted ...


(3 women, 3 men, 1 boy come out with bundles, with objects)

1st woman - Lord! Yes, where did we come? Steppes and hills all around! Oh gods!

2nd woman - We must turn back! To the Ryazan province

3rd woman - Oh, mother of God, how are we going to live here?

1st woman - (Wailing) Lord! Gods!

I spoke to you. If it were not for hunger and poverty, we would never have gone to these wild unknown places.

2nd man - And herbs, herbs! Above you and me. What peace all around!

1st man - And the sky, what a blue sky ...

2nd man - Everything smells of smoke. And what smell does wormwood emit.

1st man - And how much land - look, but what a good one ...

Perhaps the Lord will help us, have mercy on settling down on this earth.

3rd man - Look, guys, the river is wide and clean nearby!

And such a calm silence.

1st man - Well, relatives, we will live, we will build a village.

(takes her son's hand)

1st man - Look, son, your open spaces, this is your land. You live here. Be the master of everything.

(line up in a line)

1st man - They cut down the huts, uprooted the jungle, mastered the land - the distance was calling.

1st woman - They named their village Kulagino, by the name of the Ryazan leader.

Museum manager: Among the first settlers were the families of Ledenevs, Kulagins, Solovs. In our museum we have a photograph of the descendants of the first settlers Kulagin Sazon Osipovich with his family.

The first winter, the pioneers spent the winter in dugouts at the foot of Mount Svyatikova, did not have time to build a hut. But in the spring of 1784, they began to uproot the jungle and cut down the huts, and stretched a long ribbon in one street in the meadows near the river under the hill, the village of Kulagino. Our ancestors built solid wooden huts with carved platbands.

Let's take a quiet look at an old peasant hut.

(The light goes out. Quiet music sounds. A candle or a lamp burns)

In a low room with a casement window

A lamp glows in the dusk of the night

A weak light will completely freeze,

It will pour over the walls with a trembling light.

The new lamp is cleanly tidied up;

In the darkness the curtain of the window turns white;

The floor is planed smoothly, the ceiling is even,

The breakup stove has become in a corner,

On the walls - laying with grandfather's good,

A narrow bench covered with a carpet,

Painted hoop with a sliding chair ...

And the bed is carved with a colored canopy.

Cramped living conditions made it necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house in order to avoid an epidemic. The tidy hostess almost daily scrubbed the table, benches and the floor white.

Any peasant hut began with a red corner. It was a place of honor. Here, on a special shelf, there were icons, sacred books were kept, a lamp was burning. Every guest entering the hut, at the threshold, first of all found a red corner with his eyes, took off his hat, made the sign of the cross three times and bowed low to the images, and only then greeted the hosts. The most dear guests were put in the red corner. During the wedding, young people sat here.

In our red corner (shows) we see the icon of John the Baptist, donated by a resident of the village Petina Vera Sergeevna. The icon was decorated with embroidery, and a lamp was hung up, which was lit during prayer. Under the icons usually lay sacred prayer books, which were very carefully passed down from generation to generation. This prayer book shows) was found in a dilapidated house and transferred to the museum by Natalya Pavlovna Kubyshkina, by the way, it weighs almost 3 kg.

As for the furniture, there was not much of it in the hut, and it did not differ in variety.

Table, benches, benches, chests, crockery shelves - that's probably all.

The nearest corner to the door was a stove. ( shows)

Glad to see you at the stove.

Without her, the house is empty,

In it and fry, in it and soar,

And in winter with her as in spring.

In the old days they said:

“Bake us mother dear to all,

At the stove all red summer,

I sleep and eat by the stove.”

The stove was an integral part of the peasant hut.

Guys, what do you think the oven was for? (children's answers)

That's right, the guys cooked food in the oven: they baked pies and bread, cooked porridge, cabbage soup. And everything turned out amazingly tasty and nutritious,

but there are two more exotic features of the Russian stove that you have hardly heard of.

In the oven, the peasants, who did not have a bath, ... took a steam bath. This procedure was considered therapeutic in Rus'. To do this, after the firebox, coals were removed from the furnace. The inside was thoroughly swept and covered with straw. A lover of steam climbed feet first and lay down on the straw. The shutter was closed behind him. If it was necessary to give steam, they sprinkled water on the red-hot vault. Steaming, they whipped themselves with a birch broom. True, I had to wash myself with water already in the hallway.

I will tell you about one more function of the furnace - the mother. From the childhood memories of G.R. Derzhavin. The great poet was born weak, premature. And for several months the baby lay in the Russian oven, wrapped in dough. The temperature was regulated, the dough was changed, and the oven carried a baby in its womb for up to nine months. Since then, he has lived a long and glorious life. That's the mother oven!

An oven is indispensable for a Russian person; its reliability can compete even with a modern microwave oven. Here, listen to one story.

In our village Kulagino, a lot of things happened, you just can’t remember, they say, there was also such a case!

Once upon a time, my grandfather and grandmother lived in our village. They had a large Russian stove in their hut, a beauty and an assistant! Grandfather once built this stove himself! I chose the best brick for her! It turned out to be a good stove, large and well-functioning, you could even sleep on it!

Every morning, the grandmother kindled the stove with dry firewood and put cast iron in the stove, in one she heated water, in the other she cooked delicious thick rich cabbage soup, in the third she cooked crumbly porridge with butter! And on holidays, grandma baked sweet rolls, lush pies with berries, shangas with potatoes, kulebyaki with fish! In the cold season, grandfather and grandmother climbed onto the stove and warmed their old bones!

Grandfather and grandmother loved their stove, looked after it! Grandfather repaired it every summer, cleaned it of soot, and grandma always whitewashed it, changed the curtains. The stove paid them the same - it was regularly heated and warmed the hut.

Once grandchildren from the city came to visit their grandfather and grandmother. They gave the old people a beautiful miracle oven. This stove did not have to be heated with firewood, just connect it to electricity, and press the buttons. This beautiful miracle oven was called a microwave!

The grandchildren have left, and the grandmother cannot get enough of it! Passion, how it got tired of cooking cabbage soup and porridge in such a miracle stove! She bakes pies, shangi, kulebyaki! Yes, he praises this oven so much that the microwave is really proud here, it stands on the table, and it boasts in front of the Russian oven: “Here, I’m so beautiful, useful, clean, smart! I don’t need to heat firewood, I don’t smoke, I don’t smoke, I don’t need to clean me of soot! As soon as the food is ready, I immediately give a signal to the hostess! I have a door with a window, you can see everything through it, nothing burns in me! I take up little space, not like you - I cluttered the whole kitchen! And the Russian stove is in the kitchen, but it sighs so sadly: “Yes, my grandmother and grandfather completely forgot about me, they don’t take care of me like they used to! My grandfather does not repair me - the bricks began to fall out of me, my grandmother had not whitewashed me for a long time, she did not change the curtains! And after all, how many years I served them faithfully! Grandfather caught a bad cold last winter, I cured him with my warmth! Their grandchildren, when they were little, came in winter to their grandparents for the holidays! After walking on the street, they came home, climbed on top of me and warmed themselves, and I dried their clothes, mittens, socks, felt boots! Granny treated them to steamed, in me, milk! Yes, now, apparently, they don’t need it!” There is a stove, she is worried, and the bricks from it from these experiences began to fall out even more!

Here the old people were also provided with heating, heating batteries were installed in the kitchen, in the rooms! They were delighted, looked at the Russian stove, but decided to dismantle it! The stove took offense at them and left the house at night! Grandfather and grandmother did not grieve much, and then they completely forgot about their kind assistant! They didn’t remember for a long time, but then I still had to remember!

Bad days have arrived! There were frequent power cuts in the village! It was very bad for the old people! There is no electricity, the batteries do not heat, the miracle oven does not work! It became cold in the hut, the old man and the old woman were hungry! They fell ill, they burned! That's when they remembered their little dove stove! They began to look for their breadwinner and assistant and call her back: “Come to us, the stove, come! We are bad without you! Nowhere to warm up, nowhere to cook cabbage soup and porridge for us, nowhere to bake pies! Forgive us, come to us, we will treat you and repair you! We’ll whiten it, hang beautiful curtains, you will become even better and more beautiful with us than before!

The stove took pity on the old people, returned to the hut! Grandfather repaired the Russian stove, put new bricks in some places, granny whitewashed it, hung new curtains! The Russian stove has become better than ever! Grandma can’t get enough of the Russian stove anymore, cabbage soup and porridge are even tastier, pies have begun to turn out even more magnificent, and now grandfather is sleeping on the stove, warming his old bones! The old men will heat their stove in the morning and the whole day in the hut it will be warm and cozy! And the Russian stove is in the kitchen and rejoices that it was also useful to grandma and grandpa!

They put the microwave on the chest of drawers, covered it with a napkin so that it would not get dusty and dirty, a gift after all! A good thing, but when there is no electricity - useless! I can neither cook nor heat food in it! So she stands with her grandmother and grandfather idle! It’s not in vain that people say that it’s impossible to think of anything better than a Russian stove! It doesn’t matter to her whether there is electricity in the house or not, you heat it with firewood, she will feed you, and give you drink, and warm you, and cure you!

For more than one century, the Russian stove has served people, and for more than one century it will serve!

From distant antiquity

These things have come to us.

If you take them in your hands

And look, you'll understand

What are they needed for,

How useful and important

Man used to be

What a service they did.

An old pair - a poker and a tong. But they are the most needed "baking" residents.

poker they raked the ashes out of the furnace and stirred up the coals. (shows)

grip (shows) the hostess deftly hooked pot-bellied pots or cast-iron pots and sent them to the oven or took them out of the oven. IN cast iron food was served on the table - it did not cool for a long time.

They stand by the stove so important

Like tenacious soldiers.

Pots of porridge from the oven

Pull iron grips.

It is not an easy task to put a cast iron in the oven. Wanna try it guys? ( 1-2 people try music)

A towel hung next to the stove (shows) and a washstand is a clay or iron vessel with two drain spouts on the sides. (shows).

Washed with spring water,

wiped themselves towel.

Woven from linen,

Decorate with embroidery later.

More than once during the day, the hostess rinsed her soiled hands and wiped them with a towel.

(Stupa, pestle and pomelo) ( shows)

Baba Yaga sits in a mortar, drives with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom.

And why are they a peasant?

Grain was crushed in a mortar with a pestle, cleaning it from the husk. With a broom they swept inside the oven, and then with a shovel they planted the dough of the future loaf there.

Which of you wants to make flour for a loaf? (2 people come out crushing grain to the music)

Guess what the subject is?

I was dug, I was trampled,

I was at the circle, I was at the fire, I was at the market,

How much strength he had, he fed the whole family,

He endured - did not eat anything.

He became old - he began to swaddle.

Clay is first dug, then kneaded: crushed or trampled underfoot, then made on a potter's wheel - kruzhal, then sold at the market. For the family, the pot was an essential item, they cooked cabbage soup, porridge, and any other tasty dish in it. Right in the pot, the dish was served on the table. When the pot became old, gave the first cracks, it was wrapped with birch bark strips, and it continued to serve people further, however, it was not put into the oven. Well, if it fell and broke, then it became unusable and the shards were thrown out the window.

Chernets - well done, climbed into red gold.

Laughs to laughter, wants to jump out.

Guess what it is? This is a cast iron shows ) he, like the pot, was indispensable in the household, but in terms of weight it is heavier, as it is made of cast iron, a special type of metal that could withstand any fire and never broke.

Our ancestors wore homespun clothes - linen or wool, which were woven on home looms. And the threads first had to be strained. Girls from the age of 5 began to spin yarn and became skilled craftswomen. The nicknames "non-spun" and "netkaha" were considered very offensive.

It sounds like a Russian folk song.

Girl ( Solovieva O) in a suit, he sits down and begins to spin,

In a low light

The flame is on fire.

young spinner

Sitting by the window.

then the music stops.

Spinner: Gilded spinning wheel,

I spin, and the thread stretches,

I spin, and the thread stretches,

I like my work.

Maybe some of you know what I'm doing?

Children: You are spinning a thread.

Spinner: Right. What am I spinning it on?

Children: On a spinning wheel.

Spinner: Spinning wheel so called because it is spun. And it works like this: I pull the wool with my fingers and twist the thread. I start spinning, and I wind the threads here. How does is called?

Children: Spindle.

Spinner: Correct spindle. That's because it spins, it was called that - a spindle. Threads are wound on it. I dance around the hut, I circle the thread,

The more I spin, the more fat I get. Here's how many threads I pulled. (Shows a basket with different balls. My grandmother Solovieva Valentina Mikhailovna taught me how to spin, do you want me to teach you? Do you want to try? (1 person tries to folk music)

2nd tour guide:
Everyday life began with work. Women had to wash and iron clothes. And how was it done? Here we have authentic items designed just for this. Rubel (flat stick, 10-12 cm wide with a handle; roll.) Rolling pin (from "skat" - thinly roll out, stretch).

Here is the rubel - in the name is wonderful,

He is easy to use.

Ironed linen with ease,

Chopped from wood (shows ruble)

(It is supposed to show the children how the linen was washed and ironed.)

iron in front of you

He basked at that time on the coals,

Anna Penkova

The script for the anniversary of the kindergarten "Time Travel" can be viewed Today I invite you to get acquainted with the scenes from this script, which can also be used as an independent number at any holiday.

Appendix No. 1. Scene "Stone Age"

Primitive children sit on the floor: comb their hair, sew, make fire, make weapons. Each phrase in the “primitive” language is translated by a “voice-over” (host).

1st: Horrible life. (At the end of the Ice Age, life became unbearable.)

2nd: Terrible cold. (The temperature keeps dropping.)

3rd: Vampire biter. (There is no escape from mosquitoes.)

1st: Mamaka and papaka rugaka. (Parents do not understand our problems.)

2nd: And the upbringing - wow ... animal! (But the teachers are so kind and attentive.)

3rd: It would not be bad for a meal. (I'm so hungry.) At least a mammoth. (I would eat an elephant now.)

1st: Poterpika. (Don't rush.) Quick snack. (Let's go hunting soon.)

The roar of an elephant is heard. Primitive educator runs in

Educator: Okhlomon lazy! (Hello children. I am very glad to see you.)

Why talker?

Collector's man? Raised checker. (Tell me what you do)

1st: (pulls out a stone axe) Hammer stone! (I made a heavy-duty tool) Ludyaka striker. (You can fight with them) Kamenyaka zabivaka (Perform various repairs) Exercise lifter. (And also train certain muscle groups)

Educator: Well done! (Well done) (claps hand on shoulder)

2nd: (pulls out stone comb) Universal comb. (I made a universal tool.) Edaka pomogaka (You can use it to dine without getting your hands dirty.) Countryman rykhlyak (Perform various garden work) Hairy hairstyle (And also quickly and accurately do your hair.)

Teacher: Excellent! (Great idea) Who else is zhelaka? (There are others who want)

3rd: Bicycle mechanic (This mechanical vehicle is called a bicycle). Mammoth catcher (It is convenient to hunt wild animals on it.) Countryman opener (Explore new territories.) Kataka is just like that. (Also take outdoor walks.)

Educator: (interested) Allow the tester! (You can also try)

Tries to ride a bike, but suddenly falls.

Educator: Sick hitter! (How painful) The backbone is broken! (I probably broke all the bones) Kid! Bicycle- byaka! (Children! Never reinvent the wheel)

Davaka mammoth catch up! (Now let's go hunting)

They run away with loud screams.

Appendix No. 2. Scene "Governess"

(A strict French governess in pince-nez teaches dance techniques to a girl who is dressed in a fluffy dress and pantaloons. The teacher walks from corner to corner and monotonously commands, and the girl, not paying attention to her, plays)

Teacher: Every mamzel should be able to dance! Batman pli e! Batman pli e! Sharman! Sharman! (Ved. translates: "Charming") (Suddenly turns around and sees that the student is not doing the task, but is standing, bending over and playing on the floor, the teacher quickly, semen, runs up to the student and looks into her face between her legs. The student, suddenly seeing a strict teacher, gets scared, gets up and starts to perform exercise)

Teacher: Oh! Mon Cher! (Ved. translates: “My friend”) Every girl should beat beautifully and soul, and clothes, and ... (shows with a fan at his heart, hits his protruding ass, then points to his face, as if he can’t find the words)

The student prompts: Mug!

The teacher nods in agreement: Batman pli e! Batman pli e! Sharman! Sharman!

(He turns suddenly again and sees that the student is making faces, grimacing and sticking out her tongue)

Teacher indignantly: Oh! Mon Ami! (Ved. translates: “My God”) Madam, you have a bad ear! I'll talk to your dad and your mom!

(Proudly moves away, the student runs after her, capriciously stomping, whimpering and pulling the teacher's cape)

Appendix No. 3. Scene "Kindergarten in the future"

Office of the head of the kindergarten. The manager sits at the table, the equipment is on the table, she is talking on the video phone.


Yes Yes. Come, we are waiting for you!

He presses the button of the equipment and says:

Head: Svetlana Sergeevna, come to me.

The secretary enters with a notebook and a pen.


Yes, Tatyana Petrovna, I am listening to you.

Manager: Has the car with educational games arrived?

Secretary: Yes.

Manager: Have them unload as soon as possible.

Secretary: Where to put? The groups are already full of games, all the pantries are littered with games and toys.

Manager: Find a place! And make an application to the store for new physical education equipment, new filters for the pool and equipment for the physio room.

Secretary: (writing the order in a notebook) Tatyana Petrovna, there is an unprecedented harvest of pineapples in the winter greenhouse. We need to do something with them!

Manager: Okay, I will solve this issue today. (the secretary leaves, a melodious call is heard; the manager speaks on the video phone)

Manager: Yes, yes. What? Minister of Education will speak? Fine. Hello, Sergey Alexandrovich! Yes, old computers have been replaced with new ones. Thank you! What are you saying! Was a dacha for our children built on the Black Sea? Thank you very much for this! Yes, I will for sure. Goodbye, Sergei Alexandrovich! (presses button)


Svetlana Sergeevna, come to me urgently! (secretary enters)

Head: Announce to everyone that tomorrow there will be an extended teachers' council. Invite educators, sports director, music director, doctor, nutritionist, massage therapist, ecologist, speech therapist, sociologist, psychologist, parent committee. The theme of the teachers' council: "Summer holidays for the children of our kindergarten on the Black Sea"


All right, Tatyana Petrovna!

Appendix No. 4 "Tour of the Wax Museum"

The light comes on. Employees of the kindergarten are sitting on the stage, standing in specific poses. These are museum pieces. In their hands they have attributes that help to understand what profession they belong to. There are signs nearby.

The tour guide comes out with a pointer in his hands.

Guide: Madam, monsieur, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests of our city. You are in a wax museum. In the distant past, there was an area called "Old Kirovsk", and in this place there was a kindergarten "Karusel", people who were passionate about their profession, children worked in it. The city authorities decided to create a museum about this kindergarten and the people who worked here.

We invite you to the museum.

In it, having visited only once, remember

You can that hour

about unusual people

Worthy and decent.

The guide approaches the first exhibit.

Guide: Pay attention to this figure.

Here is the main exhibit.

They talk about him with love

Used to be a manager.

In the affairs of preschool endless

She spent the whole day.

I didn't know what laziness was.

And fussed about the wards.

It happened if someone was angry

Her bad deeds.

Togo will scold a little

And yet, she loved everyone in her heart.

Let's move on to the next figure.

Everywhere comfort and cleanliness is the nanny's business.

Soaps, rubbed, cleaned, so that everything sparkled in the morning. !

Here is the third item.

Of course, everyone is happy with her.

Aunt Nadia busied herself, cooking cabbage soup and baking.

I spent many hours at the stove and at the table.

Pay attention to this figure.

So that the kids can run, never get tired.

Walk barefoot in the snow, jump, play balls.

There was a best friend for the kids - our kindergarten teacher.

You can't miss this figure.

So that the children have potatoes, and so that the driver brings bread,

Carrots, cookies and condensed milk - the supply manager was responsible for everything.

Take a look at this exhibit.

Our janitor with a broom and a shovel, in frost, leaf fall and snowstorm.

She raked, sprinkled the paths with sand, taught the children to work.

And here is the last wax figure of our museum.

In her garden, from morning to night, she replaced mothers for the kids.

Hearty, smart, very kind, look closely

He knows you!

Who's on edge every day?

Who took care of the children, so as not to lose weight?

Who conducted the classes, read books to them?

Well, of course, the teacher. Everyone knew this!

Tour guide: Madam, monsieur, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen! Our tour has come to an end. Thank you.

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