Scene for the year of literature for the child. Extra-curricular activities in literature


Scenario of extra-curricular activities "Let's look into grandmother's chest"

Author: Elena Vladimirovna Nikolaeva, teacher of mathematics
Place of work: MBOU secondary school No. 2, Pochinok, Smolensk region
Description: The proposed development will be useful to teachers, educators, students of pedagogical educational institutions. The event can be held with students in grades 4-6 after school hours, as a classroom hour, during the subject week, during holidays. Like any theatrical event, it is of great interest to all schoolchildren and their parents, accompanied by a presentation.
Target: Attracting the attention of students to the study of their native language as a carrier of the cultural and historical traditions of the people.
educational: learning how to work with various sources of information in order to search for the meanings of unfamiliar words (including on the Internet), teaching practical skills in working on a PC.
educational: education of patriotism, love for the native language and the history of the country, rallying the class team in the process of preparing a speech, the formation of communicative competencies.
developing: expansion of vocabulary and horizons, development of interest in the history of one's family, identification and development of creative potential.
preliminary work: Together with schoolchildren, find the meanings of words (mainly the names of items of clothing and shoes), find out their meaning, compile a glossary (in the form of a presentation), prepare a theatrical performance.
Equipment: computer, projector, screen, glossary presentation.

From the author: Remember, Sergei Yesenin in the poem "Letter to Mother":
... So forget about your anxiety,
Don't be so sad about me.
Don't go on the road so often
In an old-fashioned dilapidated shushun.

Ask a modern student to explain what shushun is. Don't even try! And what is zipun, doha, sheepskin coat, arkhaluk, jacket? Yes, these and many other words are already outdated, they are practically not used in our speech, but we meet them in books, at school literature and history lessons. Maybe because today's schoolchildren and young people do not like to read the classics, because they too often come across incomprehensible words that do not carry any semantic load for them, but they themselves cannot or do not want to find an explanation, they are not used to using explanatory dictionaries either in text or in electronic form.
The teacher has a new problem: to translate a text from Russian into Russian for a student, and this is done not only by a historian, writer, but also by a mathematician, because even in the conditions of tasks there are unfamiliar terms.
Now the teacher is faced with the task of not only teaching the student to work independently with various sources of information, using modern search capabilities, and most importantly, to show the richness and diversity of the native language, to interest and love it, and through it to become interested in the history and literature of their homeland and love them. Extracurricular activities provide certain opportunities to solve this problem. Events of a similar orientation are relevant not only because the year of literature is now passing, but also due to the fact that there has been an interest in patriotic education in society and it is in demand.

Event progress:

1 student (father):
Tili-bom, tili-knock!
We had a chest in our family,
The edges are carved, the sides are painted,
And around the roses - cart,
On four sides - the lawn!

Little son came to his father
And he suddenly asked:
2 student (son):
Why don't you open grandma's chest?
Why don't you show me her legacy
Maybe my childhood would be completely different?

Let's take a look at Grandma's chest!
What will we see?
1 student (father):
A well-worn mac -
Looks like an old grandfather
Shattered by wind and rain.

2 student (son):
Sell ​​them or something?
Let's wait!
1 student (father):
There is also a gray vest,
There are no older things in the house!

Monisto dim shines

And grandfather's cap lies.

Sheepskin coat, boots and beret -
All echoes of yesteryear!

Let's open Grandma's chest!
And suddenly we understand: there is a Russian spirit!
Girl's strict sundress
And grandfathers wedding caftan -
Not the dust of centuries and not rags,
And our Russian inside!
In the family's old chest
Keeping the memory...
Students (in order):
About war,
About good days and bad days,
About generous and holy people.
Keeps a chest of sadness-anxiety,
And the way life called on the road,
Keeps dust particles
And triangles from the war.
Wonderful grandmother's chest!
Don't sell off your wealth!
For grandchildren to save
You are the aroma of native fields,
Oak forest coolness and winds,
And the songs of Russian nightingales!

Together: Save majestic Russia
Power, dignity and glory!

Thank you for your attention.

Presentation on the topic: Let's look into grandmother's chest!

Opening script for the Year of Literature

Start 12.00 pm, 28.01.2015

Location: assembly hallMBOU secondary school №9

Nikolay Zabolotsky « Reading poetry"
Curious, funny and subtle:
A verse almost like a verse.
The muttering of a cricket and a child
The writer has comprehended perfectly.
And in the nonsense of crumpled speech
There is a certain sophistication.
But is it possible human dreams
To sacrifice these amusements?
And is it possible the Russian word
Turn into a chirping carduelis,
To make sense a living foundation
Couldn't you sound through it?
No! Poetry puts up barriers
Our inventions, for she
Not for those who, playing charades,
Puts on a sorcerer's cap.
The one who lives the real life
Who has been accustomed to poetry since childhood,
Forever believes in the life-giving,
Full of reason Russian language.

The song “Oh, this evening ...” sounds (M. Dunaevsky - L. Derbenev).
IN 1: Good afternoon dear friends!
AT 2: Good afternoon, dear book lovers!
IN 1: We invite you to a magical, beautiful, unique, refined and fragrant with all the aromas of the world, saturated with all the sounds of the earth ...
AT 2: Carrying the light of the authors' souls, the wisdom of the people, the beauty and richness of the Russian language - the world of great Russian literature!
IN 1: We will start the ball and open the curtain, And here we will bring to your attention the Parade of heroes known to all. They sparkle with a unique charm.
AT 2: And in this unusual combination - In a mixture of faces, and authors, and styles - You will find your charm, And your knowledge will become fuller and wider!

IN 1: 2015 has been declared the Year of Literature in Russia. We hope that the names of the heroes we will meet today will not only remind you of your favorite pages, but will also sound in a new way in our restless 21st century.

AT 2: Agree, because no mechanical thing can replace what has been created by mankind for a long time of its existence on Earth.

IN 1: Let's not talk anymore, but let's start imagining, you will see everything for yourself.

AT 2: Indeed, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times!

The song "Little Country" sounds. Speech 3a class. "Thumbelina".

The song "Pinocchio" sounds. Speech 2b cells.

AT 2: The importance of Russian classical literature cannot be overestimated. Writers from A. Pushkin to M. Gorky created highly artistic works of world significance.

IN 1: This is explained by the ideological and artistic level to which Russian classics had risen by that time. In its highest achievements, literature reflected the progressive ideas of the age.

AT 2: The work of Russian writers and poets is animated by patriotism and the greatest humanism. They fought passionately against social injustice and asserted the ideals of freedom. Under the conditions of the autocratic state, the social role of literature especially increased.

IN 1: The girl boldly wrote a letter, In it she first said about her love. The young rake did not heed the confession, He only read the notation to her. Years later they met, He wrote letters to her, and he was in sorrow. In response to the confession, she said:

AT 2:“... I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever.

Speech 9b cells. "Eugene Onegin" A. Pushkin

Speech 9a class. "Demon", "Angel" M. Lermontov.

IN 1: Modern literature also does not stand still, it develops.

AT 2: Young writers and poets appear. Modern children compose their fairy tales ...

IN 1: or give new life to well-known works.

Speech 3a class. "Flower-seven-flower".

AT 2: In 2015, our country celebrates the significant date of 70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

IN 1: The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is one of the most terrible ordeals that befell the Russian people. Its severity and bloodshed left a huge imprint on the consciousness of people and had grave consequences.

AT 2: But in the war people continued to live, work, love, sing...

Speech 5a class. "Vasily Terkin"

Teacher: The fate of any civilized society depends on the younger generation, which is regarded as its strategic potential, a guarantee of security and prosperity. And the future of the country largely depends on what the value priorities of today's schoolchildren will be. Preserving the memory of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, inculcating respect for the war veterans living nearby, getting acquainted with the best works of military subjects - these are the criteria for the work of the School of Humanities for teachers of the humanities cycle in heroic-patriotic education as the most important form of civic education for schoolchildren.

Today we start working on the program "Military prowess in the inheritance of the young"

Program goals:

        preservation of the memory of the participants of the Great Patriotic War;

        popularization of heroic-patriotic literature.

Now each class will receive information about this program and activities that will be implemented within 2 years.

Delivery of sheets.

Final poem "Still ahead"

1. People, we can not reach the limit -
The best word and the best deed

2. The most sonorous song is not sung,
The brightest joy is somewhere.
Still ahead, still ahead. Go!
3. And because all life is waiting,
Bread is sown and buildings are erected,
Still ahead, still ahead. Go!
4. And because all life is a foretaste,
Created the best creations in the world.
Still ahead, still ahead. Go!
5. Woe will be forgotten, a miracle will happen,
What is only a dream will come true.
Still ahead, still ahead. Go!
6. Do not sum up yet,
The brightest road in the world
Still ahead, still ahead. Go!

Song "

All participants leave.

IN 1: Love literature, theater and art in general!

AT 2: Appreciate everything that is created by mankind!

IN 1: In our 21st century, one should not forget that in addition to the virtual world, there is also the real world.

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Oleinikova Alena Viktorovna

Scenario for the Year of Literature

Q1 .: Good afternoon, dear book lovers! 2015 was declared the Year of Literature by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

AT 2. And we congratulate you all on the holiday in honor of the Year of Literature.(Fanfare)

B.1 Literature is the consciousness of the people, the color and fruit of its spiritual life.

B 2. Literature is a language that expresses everything that a country thinks, wants, knows, wants and needs to know. (I. A. Goncharov)

B 1. The book is a great adviser, educator, life partner.

B 2. Literature is of great importance in the history of the development of society. Man has always sought to transfer knowledge and share his feelings with other people. The appearance of writing can be considered the first step on the path to literature.

Watching the video “History of the Book. Dedicated to the Year of Literature" (6 minutes)

В 1. For the opening of the holiday, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………….

musical number

В 1. Those who love the book have gathered today in our hall. We are glad to meet you, our dear colleagues, dear readers, kind and faithful friends of the library.

At 2. We invite to the stage the well-known poets of the Dzhidinsky district Lyudmila Kupriyanovna Semenova, Anatoly Fedorovich Oshchepkov, Natasha Koryakina ... You have the floor. (read poetry)

musical number

В 1. Every year in Russia the best people receive the highest prizes and awards. And today we honor the participants of the republican contests of 2014:

"Chronicle of my family in the mirror of the war" -

""a monument of my nature" -

"Children's interactive encyclopedia of Buryatia" -

В 2: as well as the best readers of 2014 of the Central Inter-Settlement and Peter and Paul Children's Libraries:

1. Mitina Olga Konstantinovna in the nomination "Lady of Ladies' Romance"

2. Dampilova Marina Munkotsyrenovna - "the most active reader"

3. Dantsev Konstantin, student of DMT "fan of fantasy"

4. Sergei Leontievich Lapin - "knight of the historical novel"

5. Violetta Borisova, 4th grade student of the Petropavlovsk Secondary School No. 1 - nomination "young classic"

6.Egor Osipov, student of the 4th "a" class of the PWG - "Young Historian"

7. Munkuev Rinchin, 4th grade student of PSSH No. 3 (BSOSh) - "Young local historian"

8. Simonenko Anastasia, a 7th grade student of the PWG in the nomination "Fantasy"

Musical number (children's dance "Children of the Sun" / "Barbie")

AT 2. Today they came to our holidayour favorite and well-known literary heroes

Mom: I owe you an amazing story that happened in England. A wonderful nanny, Mary Poppins, flew into an English family on an umbrella. She told children interesting stories, played with them, taught them to dance.

D: It would be great to meet her.

M: It's impossible, it's fiction, a fairy tale!Sounds like wind noise.

Mary Poppins: Hello!

M: Who are you?

M.P. ; I am Mary Poppins

D: It seemed to me that you had arrived?

MP: So it is! And what is happening to you?

M: And we have an evening in honor of the opening of the Year of Literature.

MP: And I have a present for you. Together with me my friends came to congratulate you

M: How can we, see them, they are fictitious.

M.P. Why fictional, the most real. And we will see them with the help of a magic umbrella. And so on!

(little scene with Little Red Riding Hood)

K.Sh: Hello everyone! I came to congratulate you on such a wonderful event and I want to read a poem:

(Oh, how good sometimes, ...)

Twisting an umbrella in front of him, mom and girl. Sounds like wind noise. Music sounds.

(sketch with Pinocchio and Malvina)

B: I am a cheerful Pinocchio. My nose is sharp, my nose is long. Who will answer why everything is beautiful here? And wherever we look: on the left is a friend and on the right is a friend!

M: Very festive today, loud speeches sound. Because we are opening the Year of Literature!

M: To open the Year of Literature, you need to pick up the key. This key is not simple. This key is golden. And we need to hand it over (full name).

B: The word is given to the IO, please come on stage.

M: we handed you this key, please ......

MP: And now it's time to say goodbye!

M: Read, boys!

Girls, read!

Favorite books

Search the site!

B: In the subway, in the train

And the car

Away or at home

At the cottage, at the villa -

K.Sh. Read on girls!

Read on boys!

They don't teach bad things

Favorite books!

D: Not everything in this world

It's easy for us

And yet stubborn

And the wise will achieve

M: For what is good

The heart strives:

He will open the cage

Where the bird languishes!

MP: And each of us

Take a breath of relief

Believing what is wise

Time will come!

And wise, new

Time will come!


Q1: dear guests, today you met with the heroes of your favorite books, and we all hope that you will definitely be frequent guests in the library and we will say together more than once: Hello, beloved book!

B:2 Long live d hello to the person who reads.

With a book going on a long journey!

Q1: Our evening has come to an end. Thank you for your attention.

Scenario of an extra-curricular event dedicated to the Discovery

Years of Literature in Russia

Purpose: to introduce students to the Year of Literature in Russia in 2015

Tasks: 1. To acquaint students with an important project of the Russian Federation - holding the Year of Literature in Russia.

2. Talk about the role of literature and books in modern society.

3. Cultivate love for literature, books, reading, patriotism.

Event progress:

The hall is festively decorated. On the wall there is a model of a huge open book, flowers, balloons, on which portraits of writers are attached. Music sounds. Leaders take the stage.

1 presenter . Seven wonders of the world were created by people in antiquity: the majestic Egyptian pyramids, the beautiful statue of Zeus in Olympia, the hanging gardens of the Assyrian queen Semiramis in Babylon, the temple of Artemis of Ephesus, the gigantic copper statue of the god Helios in the harbor of Rhodes, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus and the lighthouse in Alexandria.

2 leading . There is another wonder of the world, no less amazing. It is familiar to each of us, but we are so accustomed to this creation of mankind that we rarely think about its value. And this miracle is always at hand and, like a true friend, is ready at any moment to come to the rescue, teach, advise, encourage, tell. This is a book.

(a group of people reading books with music, students of grades 6-7 enter the stage)

3 leading . From the moment of birth, a person begins to learn. He learns to walk, talk, understand the world and people. He is taught by a sunbeam and a butterfly flying by, a funny picture and a kind song, a fun game and a favorite book.

4 leading. Book! It comes into life from early childhood, and we get used to it, as we get used to the air we breathe, to the sun that illuminates everything around.

1 presenter . Nothing in power can compare with a book patiently waiting for its reader. You are still getting acquainted with the alphabet, learning the letters, putting words out of them, and the book already knows that the day and the hour will come when you yourself will open it.

2 leader. Reach out your hand and the book will speak of what you have to learn.

Reader 1 . Good book, my companion, my friend,

Leisure is more interesting with you.

You teach to be truthful and valiant,

Nature, people to understand and love.

I cherish you, I protect you.

I can't live without a good book.

Reader 2 . After all, without a book, as without light,

As without good advice,

Without a book we are without hands,

The book is the first friend.

Reader 3. Who walks through life with a book,

Who knows how to be friends with her,

That's why this book helps:

Learn, work and live.

3 leading . On June 13, 2014, President R.F. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a decree on holding the Year of Literature in Russia in 2015.

“I hope that the Year of Literature will also become a bright, society-unifying project, a decree on holding it in 2015 has been signed,” he said at the state awards ceremony for 2013 in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

The Russian emblem of this significant event is three profiles: A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol and A. Akhmatova in the colors of the tricolor.

4 leading "Literature is a language that expresses everything that a country thinks, wants, knows and wants and should know," said the great classic Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov. With familiarization with the book, intellectual, spiritual development and the formation of a person and a nation begin.

1 presenter Literature is of great importance in the history of the development of society. Man has always sought to transfer knowledge and share his feelings with other people. The appearance of writing can be considered the first step on the path to literature.

Watching the video “History of writing. Dedicated to the Year of Literature"

2 leader. In Rus', books appeared with the adoption of Christianity. Chroniclers wrote them. A handwritten book was written over the course of a year or even several years. Each book was a true masterpiece. There were no two completely identical books, and there could not be. The texts were written on expensive and rare parchment, the bindings were made of morocco leather, the salaries were decorated with gold and silver.

3 leading The oldest books that appeared in Rus' and have come down to us date back to the 11th century. These are the Ostromir Gospel and the Izbornik of the Grand Duke Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.

4 leading The beginning of Russian book printing is considered to be March 1, 1564, when Ivan Fedorov and his assistant Pyotr Mstislavets released the first book, "The Apostle", in the state printing house established by decree of Ivan 4.

1 presenter The first Russian libraries appeared during the time of Kievan Rus. The word “library” itself was hardly used in those days, and the premises for books were called differently: “book depository”, “book stand”, “book chamber”.

(A recording of the poem "The Word" by Bunin sounds)

2 leading At about the same time, librarians also appeared - people who read everything in the world, know everything in the world. Today, the librarian of the Ichalkovskaya Central District Hospital came to us for the holiday __________________________________________

3 leading The artistic value of the best examples of Russian literature is recognized all over the world and has remained unchanged for centuries. F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov are read on all continents.

Our country has always been the most reading country and this is how it should be in the future and remain in the present. The leitmotif of the Year of Literature should be fair words: "The book has become a value, and reading has become a favorite and fashionable pastime."

4 leading. Guys, I would like to ask you to answer the question: what does reading books give you personally?

One of the presenters descends into the hall with a microphone and invites the guys to answer the question.

1 presenter

There was that vague time, When Russia was young, In the struggles of force, dressing up, Mature with the genius of Peter

(music of the Russian baroque of the 18th century sounds)

(against the background of music)

2 leading The 18th century is a century of change, dominated by the ideology of the Enlightenment. The grandiose transformations of Peter I could not but affect the sphere of literature. Western European scientific and literary works penetrate into Russia, which are translated into Russian, civil script is introduced, the first newspapers and magazines appear. For a hundred years, Russian literature has mastered the path from classicism to sentimentalism.

3 leading The large-scale transformations of Peter I, who changed the title of Tsar of Moscow to Emperor of All Russia and placed Rus' among modern European states, opened a new era in the development of Russian literature. It is turning into an important element of the state ideology and is designed to correspond to the new position of Russia as a great power. Literature finally becomes secular, the institution of authorship is fixed.

4 leading In 1731, Mikhailo Lomonosov, the son of a Pomeranian fisherman, arrived in Moscow from the far northern outskirts from near Arkhangelsk to receive an education, who was destined to play a colossal role in the development of domestic science and literature. He laid the foundations of the Russian literary language, and completed the transformation of our versification begun by Trediakovsky. In the work of Lomonosov, our literature for the first time began to become fiction.

1 presenter The highest achievement of Russian dramaturgy of the XVIII century. was the work of D.I. Fonvizin, in whose plays the most pressing moral and social issues appeared before the audience. In his comedies, the writer deviates from the norms of classicism, goes to a true depiction of life. Fonvizin's characters are not conditional comic masks, whose behavior is determined by some one vice, as in Sumarokov's comedies. These are more complex characters, living types of time.

2 leading Romanovich Derzhavinmade a real literary revolution in Russian poetry. Contemporary writers admired the author of Felitsa. "The first living verb of young Russian poetry" was called by V. G. Belinsky.

3 leading “Radishchev is the enemy of slavery” - Pushkin later defined the main pathos of Radishchev's work in such a concise and precise way. The question of all issues of the then Russian life - serfdom - is at the center of "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" and the ode "Liberty". Radishchev was ready to overthrow the structure of the great empire to the ground, to destroy to the ground the order, if it is based on slavery, "sorrow, despair."

leading The largest Russian writer of the late XVIII century. was the most prominent representative of sentimentalism, Nikolai Karamzin. A deep historical thinker and a bold artistic innovator, he gave examples in many genres of poetry and prose, and reformed the literary language. An active conductor of European culture and an admirer of Russian "antiquities".

1 presenter No matter how much time passes, the 18th century will remain in the memory of generations of one of the most remarkable cultural and literary eras.

The song of the group "White Eagle" "How delightful evenings in Russia" sounds.

2 leading XIX century - one of the most interesting centuries of history! Griboedov, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Ostrovsky, Tolstoy, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Turgenev, Dostoevsky and many other names are associated with the age called "golden".

3 leading From the darkness of centuries, brightening faces ...

How many of them, carrying reality and light,

How many of them, beautiful and great,

Left a deep imprint in the soul.

4 leading The 19th century is the time when music is on a par with literature for the first time, the age of duels, balls, dresses, curls, hussars, ladies and gentlemen, gossip, intrigues...

Scene: "Two Ladies"

Oh! Hello Sashenka! Girlfriend!
What a wonderful ball today!

Here, Captain Vasiliev - darling -

Danced the mazurka with me!

Oh! Masha! My dear!
Gulyaeva Countess son

I don't care, I know!

He is here without his mother, alone!

Look to the right, dear!
A handsome officer is standing.

He looks at us without blinking.

Well, just a miracle cavalier.

A! Prince Mironov! From Paris
Returned yesterday, they say.

Now come closer to us.

By the way, he is fabulously rich.

ABOUT! The daughter of the merchant Petrov - Glasha.
Krivlyak! Look, you turned up your nose!

The goods were successfully sold dad,

He brought a bunch of gifts to her.

And what kind of lady is there, listen ?!
Is it a widow for an adviser ?!

- Yes, Agrafena, in the past - Pear.

An old owl has come!

The hunt for men is open.
Do not do good to them today.

And we, with you, are not born with a bast.

We will not let ourselves be offended.

Look, what a starry sky!
Let's throw away all sorrows!

River French wine!

And we'll dance all night!

Dance to the music of the waltz "The first ball of Natasha Rostova"

1 presenter You, of course, recognized the melody of the first ball of Natasha Rostova, Leo Tolstoy's favorite heroine from the epic novel "War and Peace". Listening to this music you see how in a whirlwind of dance....

Reader 1. Young ladies are circling

They don't feel themselves

They have precious stones

Headdresses are burning;

On their shoulders half-naked

Golden curls fly;

Clothes light as smoke

Their light camp is designated.

Reader 2. Around the captivating Charit

And bustles and boils

A crowd of jealous fans;

Interprets, catches every glance.

Joking, unhappy and happy

Turntables are doing cute things.

Reader 3. Everything is in motion. Woe to achieve

Attention flattering beauty,

The hussar twists his mustache,

The writer stiffly sharpens

And both are right; They say,

What at the same time can ladies

Changing from left to look,

Laugh right epigrams.

Reader 4: Monotonous and insane

Like a whirlwind of young life,

The waltz whirl is whirling noisily;

The couple flickers after the couple ...

2 leading The lessons of Russian classical literature have not yet been learned. We are making our way to their comprehension, even after going through the bitter experience of the historical upheavals of the 20th century. We all have something to think about. We need literature lessons - life lessons ...

monologue of Anokhina Marina

3 leadingXX century... Every year it is further and further away from us. It was an amazing age - the age of space, the atom, cars, computers and rockets, but at the same time the age of world catastrophes, cruel rulers. Behind every major event of the 20th century there are personalities - symbols of their time, talented actors and composers, poets and writers, artists, famous scientists, famous military leaders.

4 leading. I would like to quote the famous poet Rasul Gamzatov. “In order to know yourself, you need a book. To know others, you need a book. A people without a book is like a man without a mirror: he cannot see his own face. A people without a book is like a man blindfolded: he does not see the world."

1 presenter . The year 2015 is significant for an important, memorable and mournful event of the 20th century. This year the whole country is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Presentation about WWII (to the music "About that spring")

1 presenter Yes, indeed, war is pain, suffering, tears. A huge number of books have been written about the war, about how the Russian people withstood everything and won. And this Victory is 70 years old. And we remember! We are proud!

3 leading Everyone chooses for himself...

Chooses good or evil, loyalty or betrayal, callousness of the soul or compassion, love or hate. Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are.

It is about this poem by Vladimir Vysotsky, a poet - a bard, an actor, which is called "The Ballad of the Struggle"

The song sounds

Among the swollen candles and evening prayers,

Among war trophies and peaceful bonfires

Lived book children who did not know the battles,

Exhausted from their petty disasters.

Children are always annoyed by their age and way of life, -

And we fought to bruises, to mortal insults.

But our mothers patched our clothes on time,

We swallowed books, getting drunk from the lines.

Hair stuck to our sweaty foreheads,

And sucked sweetly from phrases in the spoon,

And the smell of struggle circled our heads,

From the yellowed pages flowing down on us.

And we tried to comprehend, who did not know wars,

For a mysterious cry, taking a howl,

The secret of the word "order", the appointment of boundaries,

The meaning of the attack and the clanging of war chariots.

And in the boiling cauldrons of the old slaughterhouses and troubles

How much food for our little brains!

We are on the role of traitors, cowards, Judas

In children's games, they appointed their enemies.

And the villain's traces were not allowed to cool,

And they promised to love the most beautiful ladies,

And calming friends, and loving neighbors,

We put ourselves in the role of heroes.

Only in dreams you can’t run away for good:

A short age of fun - so much pain around!

Try to unclench the palms of the dead

And take weapons from hard-working hands.

Test it with a still warm sword

And putting on armor, what how much, what how much!

Figure out who you are - a coward or a chosen one of fate,

And taste the real fight.

And when a wounded friend collapses nearby,

And over the first loss you will howl, grieving,

And when you suddenly remain without skin

Because they killed him - not you -

You will understand that you have learned, distinguished, found

He took it by the grin: this is the grin of death!

Lies and evil - look how rude their faces are!

And always behind crows and coffins.

If, cutting through the path with his father's sword,

You wound salty tears on your mustache,

If in a hot battle I experienced what is how much, -

So, you read the necessary books as a child!

If you have not eaten a single piece of meat from a knife,

If arms folded watched from above

And he did not enter into a fight with a scoundrel, with an executioner -

So in life you had nothing to do with it, nothing to do with it!

All presenters leave

4 leading The Year of Literature is open! We wish everyone to read more, learn new things, have more interesting meetings with classics, poets and writers.

1 presenter Read! And may there not be a single day in your life when you would not read at least one page from the new book.

2 leading "The whole life of mankind consistently settled in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the book remained." A.I. Herzen

3 leading “Study and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest." Dostoevsky F. M.

A presentation on the theme “Literature today.
art platform - "Bless, jubilant muse"
art exhibitions.
Drawings and paintings are placed in the foyer on exhibition light racks.
scientist's cat corner
Drawings and handicrafts of young masters are placed on a screen and a small rack.
third - information and playground book exhibitions
literary game "On a visit to Pushkin"
quiz "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it .."

Fifth - poetic platform
Fragments of the works of A.S. Pushkin performed by the winners and laureates of the regional competition of readers "Live Classics", library readers, participants of the holiday are heard at the open microphone.
The sixth is the research site “What is in my name to you?”
conducting a test of a survey of reader preferences (the cat scientist invites those who come to write the name of their favorite literary work and lower it into a large cylinder).
Participants sit on the steps to the auditorium and read books, when a large number of spectators are gathered, they stand up, holding books above their heads and say together:

1. Reading is fashionable, modern, prestigious!
2. You read - you are the best!
3. A person who reads is a successful person!
4. Reading youth is the hope of the new Russia!
5. News in the computer - life in the book!
6. The cure for stupidity already exists... Read books!
7. Read! Know! Explore! Take action!
8. Reading is a feast for the soul. Have a holiday - read on!
9. Whatever one may say, there is no way to education without books!
10. Reading is stylish, reading is fashionable!
All: Time to read!

Video presentation "Poet" on the screen
On the stage there is a small table with an inkwell and a pen, a bench. Grieg's music "Heart of a Poet" sounds. The poet enters the stage with a parchment in his hands, reads thoughtfully, and then tears it into small pieces.

Poet: Already the tenth in a row!
I'm here without sleep on all sorts of bumps
And on the sheet - alas! - not a line...
So strange is the holy zeal,
But do not go without inspiration
I feel like I'm numb in places!
I haven't drank, I haven't eaten for a day,
Worked as if possessed
I tore the paper with the pressure of the pen ...
I'm so physically tired
But he didn't write anything!
Yes ... you finished me,
My wonderful poem:
What a plot! What colors!
But here's the final twist
Doesn't work for me:
Well, at least I would dream in a dream,
…. (yawns)
She falls on the bench and falls asleep.
Muse appears
Muse: I fell asleep .. The Poet was tired ...
The poet scribbled his creation,
Puffed, worked and suffered ...
And as a result, everything broke!
O poor, poor draft!
Forgive me my student
For this I will call you my Poet!
And giving you the title - Heavenly -
I give you this wonderful gift:
Your magic pen! (puts a pen in the Poet's hand)
There is a dance of the Muses in the performance of x / ans. "Kaleidoscope"

From now on, you are marked by the Muse!
You will surprise the whole wide world
Sophistication of Russian speech!
Get up Poet!
The music is removed. The poet wakes up

Poet: That was a dream!
The Queen of Inspiration
She flashed her pen to me
And disappeared behind the air door ...
(throws the papers up and looks at the sky)
But everything is different...
As if someone changed!
Feather! Paper for me! Ink!
Oh, how I want to write!
(writes with inspiration with a pen. The Muse appears)
Muse: (to the audience) The poet sat down to rhyme
How excited he is! How cheerful he is!
So happy I didn't notice
As the golden pen writes...
Poet: .. And here is the great river
She opened her arms to them...
Light, airy, in a white dress -
... "Come, beloved, to me!"
... The movement of the hands and in-e-di-but
Records at the same time pronouncing and stretching the word
End! final picture
Already written almost
Muse: And you are our viewer, do not count
For work! Don't be lazy
And partake of the eternal mystery,
Let your nerves calm down
Literary masterpieces!
And let them hear again on the Kama banks
A beautifully spoken word!
The muse and the poet leave. Leaders take the stage.

1B: Good evening, dear Campolians and guests of our city!
2B: We are glad to see you in this room. Today we will go on a journey into the world of literature together.
1B: To pay tribute to her beauty, perfection...
2V: And the most important thing is necessity, because everything starts with literature..
1B: And it is no coincidence that 2015 was declared the Year of Literature by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. We hope that the events held as part of the Year of Literature will draw more attention to reading and books.
We invite the Head of the municipality of Kamskiye Polyany A.A. Pavlov to the microphone
There is a speech of the Head of the Moscow Region

1B: And now attention! We are announcing a contest called “Persons of “Reading Nationality”, the results of the contest will be summed up on the Day of the City Day.
2B: So: to participate in the competition, you need to create a photo collage with photos of yourself, your family and their favorite books, or favorite literary characters.
1B: You can bring your works to the organizational department of the Chulman-Su cultural center, then all works will be considered by a competent jury. The creators of the best works will be awarded valuable prizes and a photo exhibition will be organized in the lobby of our center. Dare!

1B: But what is meant by the word - Literature?
2B: Literature is confession.
Under the guise of confession - a sermon.
1B: A book is that miracle that accompanies us all our lives. It gives man access to the secrets of nature, to the mysteries of the universe. The book has only one way - to the heart of the reader.
2B: Oral folk art, fiction, technical literature.
to embody inventions on paper for future descendants and for themselves.
1B: Scrolls, books… were inherited as the most valuable, worth their weight in gold. But as time went on, more and more people strove for knowledge, trying to touch the beautiful, getting to know literary heroes, real and fictional.
2B: And there are more books. And the first libraries opened. We invite to the stage the Writer, deputy, member of the Presidium of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan and Chairman of the Committee on Culture, Science, Education and National Affairs, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan named after. G. Tukay, laureate of the M. Jalil Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan. Razil Ismagilovich Valeev
R. Valeev is speaking

1V: They say that if you want to know the soul of the people, listen to their songs. True words. But songs are not born by themselves, they are composed by people, authors, talented and sincere. And the more talented the author, the wider his soul, the brighter the song turns out, the more beloved and durable it is among the people. These are the songs of Razil Valeev - They express the soul of the Tatar people, characterize our Motherland, culture, customs, mores of the people. These songs allow us to say: the soul of the poet has become a true particle of the soul of the people.
2B: For you, Razil Ismagilovich, a song sounds on your poems “Tuganavylym” performed by Fauzia Kashapova and Raif Minigaleev
The number is being executed

1B: Everything has its beginning: a river flows from a spring, bread grows from a grain... The Word is born on the clusters of the soul.
2B: What is the miracle hidden in the word, what are the mysteries? From what it is created - from the whisper of Heaven, the breath of the Earth?
1B: What is a word? This is an expression of our thoughts, and the muses sanctify it with their sincerity and purity, clothing our thoughts in words. This is how oral folk art appeared - folklore. Epics, fairy tales, songs, stories and sayings - this is the beginning of literature, its source, its life, its foundation. On the stage, the choir of the Russian song "Ivushki" with Russian folk song _________________________________
The number is being executed

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet "The Nutcracker" sounds.
2B: The golden age of Russian literature is a galaxy of geniuses of the art of the word, prose writers and poets, who, thanks to their exquisite and unsurpassed creative skills, determined the further development of Russian and foreign culture.
In their works, they not only reflected life, but also looked for ways to transform it. And we cannot forget these names: D. Davydov, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, Gogol, L. Tolstoy, I. Turgenev, A. Chekhov, Nekrasov

Girl: Here comes the rumor true:
There is a princess beyond the sea,
That you can't take your eyes off.
In the daytime, the light of God covers
Lights up the earth at night.
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns.
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava ...
(art. "Kaleidoscope" performs the dance "Geese - Swans")

1B: The works created at that time by brilliant poets to this day remain unsurpassed masterpieces of the classics, examples of the highest poetic skill, magnificent standards of the greatness of the Russian word and the Russian language. Many poems were set to music and became romances.
A romance performed by A. Shtokalo sounds

The music of J. Sibelius sounds (Finland. Symphonic poem in A flat major. Op.26.N7).
Video "Night. Street.Lantern»
1B: The Silver Age is one of the most difficult and interesting periods in the history of Russia. This is a time of great social cataclysms and grandiose revolutionary battles. There is a feeling of anxiety in the air, a foretaste of a storm. A surge of innovations and the development of traditions in painting, music, literature, this is a mass of new names, trends, trends, associations. At that time, such artists and musicians as M. Vrubel, R. Falk, A. Skryabin, S. Rakhmaninov, D. Shostakovich lived and worked.

2V: But perhaps the most striking and rich page in the culture of this period was poetry. Symbolism, mysticism, the chaos of the Universe. Futurists with their “Slap in the face of public taste”, with their shocking society. Let us remember: “Let fate be only a pitiful mockery, the soul is a tavern, and the sky is a tear ...” (Burliuk).
2B: The work of the poets of the Silver Age is complex and ambiguous. Perhaps, they all have in common the desire to transform an imperfect life, to give it a different meaning, and an underlined passion for the external form of the verse.

1B: Before us is a long series of names and tragic destinies.
Alexander Blok, Marina Tsvetaeva, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Konstantin Balmont, Valery Bryusov, Nikolai Gumilyov, Anna Akhmatova, Osip Mandelstam, Igor Severyanin, Boris Pasternak, Velimir Khlebnikov, Ivan Bunin - it is impossible to list them all now, and, perhaps, it is not necessary.
The poetry of the Silver Age has come a long way. Undoubtedly, in its development it has enriched Russian culture and cast its seeds into the future.

2B: I am your voice, the heat of your breath,
I am a reflection of your face.
Vain wings flutter in vain
After all, I'm with you to the end.
A song sounds to the words of M. Tsvetaeva, performed by _______________ “I like that you ...”
Song in progress
1B: The talented composer Borodin was so carried away by The Tale of Igor's Host that he wrote not only the music, but also the libretto and poetry for the famous opera Prince Igor. Literary works have had and still have a great influence on various types of art: painting, music, choreography.
As an example of such a symbiosis, we invite the choreographic ensemble "Kaleidoscope" to the stage, artistic director of the ensemble Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Nadezhda Kochurova Dance "On the Wings of the Wind"
The number is being executed

1B: This year our country celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War. They say when the cannons rumble, the muses are silent. But from the first to the last day of the war, the voice of poets and writers did not stop. And cannon cannonade could not drown it out. Readers have never listened to the voice of poets so much.
(Holy War music plays in the background.)
2B: Poetry, giving a quick emotional response, in the very first months and even days of the war created works that were destined to become epoch-making.
1B: Already on June 24, 1941, a poem by V.I. Lebedev-Kumach "Holy War".
2B: Soon the composer Alexandrov wrote music for these verses. And on June 27, the ensemble of the Red Army performed the song for the first time at the Belorussky railway station of the capital in front of the soldiers going to the front.

Sounds "March of the Slav", newsreel footage.

1B: From the first days of the war, Soviet writers and poets, together with the whole people, stood up to fight the Nazis. Their weapons were a rifle, a machine gun, and a word: poems, stories, songs, lines of military correspondence.
2B: Poets - warriors froze in the trenches, went on the attack and wrote, talked about the war. Their poems resurrect the tense atmosphere of those years, soldiers' fires, the tragedy of Russian cities and villages, the bitterness of retreat and the joy of the first victories.
1B: Konstantin Simonov, Bulat Okudzhava, Yulia Drunina, Anna Akhmatova, Eduard Bagritsky, Marina Tsvetaeva, Tvardovsky, Eduard Asadov
2B: “The pen in our country is equated with a bayonet. We will direct its edge against the enemy, glorifying our sacred land. And if necessary, our lives will be given in the battle for the Motherland.”
1B: The poem _____________________ is read by Tatyana Rantovna Krasnova
The number is being executed
Violin solo "Auschwitz"
1 Q: According to the encyclopedia "The Great Patriotic War", over a thousand writers served in the army - 1215. Of the eight hundred members of the Moscow writers' organization, 250 went to the front in the first days of the war. 475 writers did not return from the war.
Host: Many Tatar writers died in the war. Among them are Musa Jalil, Fatykh Karim, Adel Kutuy, Abdulla Alish. Their soldierly and poetic feat is known throughout the world.
2B: Musa Jalil, executed by the Nazis in the Maobit prison before the war, was already a well-known poet, head of the Union of Writers of Tatarstan.
“To a friend who can read Tatar and will read this notebook.” This was written by the poet Musa Jalil, who experienced all the horrors of the Nazi concentration camp, did not submit to the fear of forty deaths, he was brought to Berlin. Here he was accused of participating in an underground organization and imprisoned.
1B: He was sentenced to death. He died. But he still had 115 poems written in captivity. He was worried about them…” If this book falls into your hands, carefully, carefully rewrite it cleanly, save it. These are the poems of the deceased Tatar poet. This is my testament.
reads the poem “Barbarism” (video)
2B: In memory of those who did not come from the war, this song sounds.
The number is being executed

Tatar folk music sounds. Video presentation.
1B: The richness of the language is a fertile heritage that passes from generation to generation as a constellation of living words written in the heart of the people.
Native language is the property of the people,
He is familiar to each of us from childhood,
Poems and prose, fairy tales and legends,
Everything is nice to us in our native language!
1B: Kayum Nasyri
Buynnanbuyngakaderlәptapshyrylatorgan, zamanҗillәrenәdәbireshmi, kyymmәtegasyrlarүtkәchtәyugalmyytorgankhәzinә – nәrsәul, disemze? Yuk, asyltashlar yes, altyn-komeshtugel. Bubailyk is a kitap.
2B: Gabdulla Tukay
How proud I am, beautiful people,
What do you own!
I want to be your poet
Be a wall for you.

1B: Musa Jalil
Min kabyzdymҗyrdayalkynitep
Aldyyalmas mine tүbәnlәzzāt,
Shigyremdәgechynlyk, utһәmsoyu-
2B: Language lives a full-blooded life only when it is in constant circulation and movement. “A Tatar who cannot read and write is despised by his countrymen and, as a citizen, does not enjoy the respect of others.” This is how the Kazan doctor and ethnographer Karl Fuchs wrote in 1844 in his book.
1B: The dawn of Tatar literature came in the 19th century. The awakening of a cheerful spirit among the people gave rise to a whole galaxy of talents: Poet and scientist-encyclopedist GabdrahimBulgari-UtyzImyani, a public figure who took the first steps in creating popular science books in the Tatar language and in collecting folklore - KayumNasyri, a learned historian and philologist - ShigabutdinMarjani, a talented poet MiftakhetdinAkmulla , which had a beneficial effect on the work of the largest Tatar poets of the twentieth century Derdmend and Mazhit Gafuri,
2B: The ideological leader of the literary process of the early twentieth century, of course, was GayazIskhaki, and the true ruler of thoughts was Tukay. A poet who remains for the Tatars the standard of poetic perfection.
1B: Tatar literature is rich in famous masters: Galimjan Ibragimov, FatykhAmirkhan, Galiaskar Kamal, Mazhit Gafuri, Karim Tinchurin, prose writers Kavi Najmi, Gumer Bashirov, Amirkhan Eniki, Abdurakhman Absalyamov,
2B: Famous poets SibgatHakim and NuriArslan rose to a new qualitative height - together with the patriarch of Tatar poetry Hassan Tufan they made up the top three great Tatar poets.

1B: Yellarutep, bara torgachkartaisam yes,
Bөkremchygypbetsәdә, khaldәntaysam yes, -
Kүnlem minem yap-yashkalyr, hichkartaimas;
Җanymkөchlebulypkalyr, khaldәntaymas.
Kүkrәgemdә minem shigyryutymsaums?!
Kүtәrәm min, kart bulsam yes, avyrtauny;
Kүңlemdәkөnһamanayaz - һaman yes yaz,
Shagiyrkүңlendә kysh bulmy and kar yaumy.
2B: We invite _________________________ to the stage, who will perform the song _________ on verses ___________________________________
The number is being executed

1V: The 21st computer age is the era of the Internet, and, unfortunately, it is slowly replacing the book.
But domestic poetry is on the rise again. How many “good and different poets” are published on the Internet on literary sites, read poetry to each other and know each other by sight, although they live in different parts of the globe! A million-strong army of young gifted authors has appeared all over the country and the world, whose pages on the Internet are visited day and night by unknown readers.

2B: Kampolian land is also rich in talents. These are amateur singers and dancers, as well as poets and writers. Their works were published in our newspaper Posinform, Leninskaya Pravda and Tugan Yak, and our libraries constantly organized meetings with our poets and writers
2B: One of the first librarians in our village was Mikhail Kalenov, well known to the older generation. A poetic word that not only glorified the beauty of nature and village life, but also ridiculed the shortcomings of those around him with human-eating epigrams in the satirical newspaper Krapiva, which he himself published.
1B: Vladimir Zolin is a favorite of teenagers, who knows how to speak their language, understands their problem, a person who is fond of and knows how to captivate others. Many remember his magnificent voice, the decoration of any concert. Although his book "Jiva" was published in a small edition, it became a real event in the social life of Kamsky Polyany.
1B: Yuri Zuykov is a public favorite singer, musician and poet. His performances on the stage of our cultural center were striking in their sincerity, goodwill, capacity of artistic meaning, subtle humor.
2V: Today these people are no longer with us, but their work lives on, they are remembered and will be remembered for a long time to come. We invite Yury Zuykov's daughter Yulia to the stage to read her father's poem for us
There is a performance.

1B: our countrywomen Alsu Khusnutdinova and Alsu Smakova are not far behind the men. These two lovely women write wonderful poems and are published in our newspaper "Posinform"
2B: What makes these people, including builders, chemists, teachers and doctors, spend sleepless nights with a pencil in their hand after a hard day's work? Probably this happens at the behest of their restless hearts full of romance.
2V: We invite our fellow countrywoman, a modest worker, but at the same time a creative person, a poetess who published her first collection of poems, Alsu Khusnutdinova, to the stage_
There is a performance and a poem

1B: But the most famous Kampolian writer, despite his age, is Marcel Khuzhaev. At the age of 12, he wrote his first fantasy book "Magic Book" and in 2011 it was published by the Moscow publishing house "Era", then the book had a sequel, as well as other works of prose and poetry.
2V: For him, life is so multifaceted and interesting, and so short that he wants to do everything - to look at others, to show himself. He loves life in all its manifestations, good or bad, successful or not. Good things make us happy, and bad things teach us, make us think.
1B: Nominee from the ER publishing house for the literary award named after V.P. Astafiev in the nomination “Early Debut” in 2011, Krasnoyarsk
Nominee for the National Literary Prize “Poet of the Year 2013”, Moscow
Nominee for the National Literary Award “Writer of 2013”, Moscow
2B: Nominee for the All-Russian Literary Prize “Heritage of 2014”, Moscow
Nominee of the II National Literary Prize “Writer of 2014”, Moscow
Nominee of the II National Literary Prize “Poet of 2014”, Moscow
That's what he is. A young writer and poet from the provinces. Do Marcel! We are proud of you!
1B: Attention! World book action "What I'll read next". We call on you all to join!
2B: The European Booksellers Federation has announced a worldwide promotion.
As part of this promotion, you need to take a picture with a book that is relevant to you and post the photo on any social network. Two tips: don't forget the hashtag and post it. Details of the action on the Internet on the site "Bibliographer". Join now!
2B: Why a word that does not penetrate the soul and does not make it more beautiful, kinder, wiser, more independent? After all, you can change the world for the better only if people's thinking changes. That's why creative people, poets, writers exist to heal spiritual ailments, and not to lead people into depression, trance, disappointment and despondency.
1V: No wonder they say that a book read in time is a huge success that can change your life!
the final
A BOOK enters the stage
Book. Please don't touch me with dirty hands. Do not write on me with a pen or a pencil - it is not so beautiful. Also, your reading ended at a certain place, put a bookmark between the pages so that I can relax comfortably and calmly.
In wet weather, wrap me in paper, because wet weather is bad for me. Help me stay fresh and clean, and I'll help you be happy and smart. And most importantly, "Read me!"

Sounds music Song "Read!".
To the music, small children run out onto the stage with children's books in their hands, make 2-3 movements and shout:
Read the best books!
Read smart books!
Read good books!

Middle children run out onto the stage with encyclopedias in their hands, I also make 2 movements and shout:
Without a book we are without hands,
The book is the first friend!

Older children run out onto the stage with fiction in their hands, I also make 2 movements and shout:
You read - you are the best!
Reading youth is the hope of the new Russia!

All three groups make up a figure from book A and shout together:
Read fashionable, modern, prestigious!
The new generation chooses reading!

1V: Well, we say goodbye to you and say ...
2B: Read, read and read!
Together: Goodbye!

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