"The Secret of the Open": the meaning of phraseology, what does this phrase mean? "open secret" - what does this expression mean See what "Open secret" is in other dictionaries.


Polichinelle is a comic character of the French folk theater.

Polichinelle is a stupid servant, jester and talker. He constantly tells the public well-known things under the guise of a secret. And he does it with the appearance of a conspirator.

Moreover, he constantly warns listeners not to reveal his secrets to anyone.

The open secret is called the well-known things that are presented in the form of an unknown secret. In other words, it is an imaginary secret or an imaginary secret.

It often happens that on television some upstart tries to look smart, and cites the “open secret” as an argument. Sometimes the presenter cannot help but play a joke on such a "pioneer".

F.M. Dostoevsky in one work the main character says:

“You surprise me, prince, and I don’t recognize you. You fall into an open tone; these unexpected revelations ... ".

In general, Openchinelle, as a result of folk art, had many funny stories. One of the most popular was next.

His wife Columbine cheated on him with Harlequin. All the actors have known about this for a long time, and only the hunchbacked jester Openchinelle has no idea about anything.

In the end, it is only worth adding that in our time this phraseological unit is very common due to the extreme politicization of people. Many things that are known to everyone are often not declared by officials. That is why they are actively “called names” as open secrets.

Just think, an open secret! This means that there is no secret. The imaginary secret, which everyone knows, is what we call the "open secret". The word "secret" does not require clarification, but who is Polichinel?

The name Polichinelle came to us from the French language (Polichinelle), and in French it is from Italian (Pulcinella - Pulcinella). Polichinelle - a character of the French folk theater, first appeared on fairgrounds at the end of the 16th century, is believed to have been close to the mask of Pulcinella from the Italian commedia dell'arte. Dahl's dictionary describes Polichinelle as a harlequin, a motley jester, sometimes two-humped, big-nosed, bow-legged, shrill. Dahl compares this character with our Petrushka. He acted as the host of the puppet show, informing the audience in a loud whisper about the characters of the play or about how events would develop. It is clear that this was no longer a secret to the audience. Hence the "open secret". Hence the capital letter in the word "Open".

Step siblings

"Who is she to him?" - "Step sister". This can be said about children who appeared during remarriages, from a common father or common mother. We use this word without thinking about its exact meaning. But in vain! There is a precise meaning, and it is important when you need to settle legal issues.

Consolidated relatives is a state of kinship that occurs when two parents enter into a second marriage for each of them. But this is the state of kinship between their children from previous marriages! In other words, stepbrothers do not have common parents. They are connected by family relationships, not biological kinship. They are "reduced" into one family - even if they do not actually live in the same family.

How to call brothers and sisters who have a common father or mother? If the children have a common father, they are consanguineous; if the same mother, they are consanguineous. It is possible that these names seem too "physiological", which is why they prefer to talk about half-brothers and sisters. Error!

Polichinelle is a character of the old French folk puppet theater, a mocker, a jester and a talker. Polichinelle, like the Russian Petrushka, often acted as the leading puppet show, informing the audience gathered on the square “under the big ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

Adverb, number of synonyms: 2 known (49) imaginary secret (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

open secret- joke. A secret that has long been known to everyone; imaginary secret. His name is an open secret... Dictionary of many expressions

Open secret- Book. Iron. What is considered a secret, but in reality is known to everyone; imaginary secret. State secrets… Open secret. As soon as the embassy learned that Herfer was going to Japan, he, Sorge, immediately realized: they were resuming ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

Open secret- a secret that everyone knows about; in relation to party dogmas, the prohibition to reflect and speak on certain topics ... Theoretical aspects and foundations of the ecological problem: interpreter of words and idiomatic expressions

open secret- a secret that everyone knows, an imaginary secret. Polichinelle (French Polichinelle, from Italian Pulcinella Pulcinella) is a character in the French folk theater, a hunchback, a cheerful bully and a mocker. The open secret reported things known to everyone in secret. ... ... Phraseology Handbook

Book. Shuttle. An imaginary secret, a secret known to all. BTS, 903. /i> Polichinelle - a comic character of the French folk theater - a cheerful, frank mocker, jester. BMS 1998, 521 … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

Open secret. They also know in Kazan what people said. Wed When more than two people know a secret, it is no longer a secret. N. Makarov. Memories. 7, 13, 7. Cf. One Russian Siberian merchant arrived in London on his trading business (his name is ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

- (fr. secret, from lat. secretus separate, hidden). 1) a secret, little known what is being hidden. 2) the most difficult, essential part of art or science. 3) a secret box. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

secret- The open secret is a secret that has long been known to everyone. One Russian Siberian merchant arrived on his trading business in London (his name is an open secret). Leskov ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


  • Podlyanka, San Antonio. The third volume of the three-volume collection of selected early crime works of San Antonio (Frederic Dar) includes the novels: "An Open Secret", "Nowhere Further!", "San Antonio of Scotland" and ...
  • Save and Save, Ivan Kozlov. Ivan Trofimovich Kozlov was born in 1949 in the village of Divnoy, in the Stavropol Territory. Graduated from the Gorky Literary Institute. He served in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, was a military journalist. His…

Sometimes we use them without thinking, without understanding their meaning and without looking into the history of these expressions.

For example, there is such a catchphrase - "Open secret", which is used quite often. But few people know exactly what it means.

In order to understand this, you must first determine who the Open is. Most researchers are inclined to believe that this is a folk theatrical puppet hero, something akin to our Russian Petrushka. He is the same joker, mocker and bully, only hunchbacked and pot-bellied.

Like Petrushka, Polichinelle, speaking from behind her screen, shouts out to the people things that are known to everyone and everyone. But for a variety of reasons, they try not to talk about them out loud. This is the very "open secret" known to all.

Speaking about the "pedigree" of the puppet hero, it is worth noting that he did not come from Petrushka, but, most likely, from the Italian Pulcinello. Actually, both the Czech Kašparek and the English Punch are, to some extent, related to Polichinel.

Since ancient times, his excessive talkativeness has been considered the main and characteristic feature of this jester. And he loves secrets, but he does not know how to keep them. Polichinelle immediately tells everyone everything, while warning that such secrets should not be told to anyone. As a result, the secret very soon becomes known to everyone. That is, the "open secret" is a well-known truth that someone is trying to present as a discovery.

Another feature of this French puppet folk hero is frivolity, buffoonery. According to the plots of the scenes with the participation of the Polichinelle, he deliberately exposes himself as a fool, pursuing one goal or another. However, the definitions of "jester" and "laughing" have stuck with him.

And when in France, afterward, young people appeared on the streets of cities, who followed an unimaginable, ridiculous fashion, the word “open” immediately stuck to them, that is, ridiculous, clownish, who made himself a laughing stock. And what else to call guys with huge bouffants on their heads, reminiscent of dog ears, and cropped coats?

And yet, the hunchback-satirist, joking and grimacing, did his main thing: he, as if into a mouthpiece, shouted to the people about the lawlessness that was happening around. And today his name is not forgotten. Everyone knows the Open Secret, they talk about it everywhere, but it seems to be unknown to anyone.

For example, the existence in Russia of "white" and "black" wages. Unless for someone No, of course, but no one is going to hold the leaders accountable for these machinations. Moreover, when accepting documents for calculating pensions, specialists take into account only documented figures, pretending that this secret of Polichenel (salary in envelopes) is unknown to them.

Or such an interesting fact as renting out housing. Everyone knows that the owners rent apartments without registration, they don’t pay taxes, but they tear three skins from the tenants. What is not an open secret?

The meaning of an expression that has come down to our times from the distant past is to report long-known facts. But the second hidden meaning of the phrase is to skillfully pretend that this hackneyed truth was heard for the first time.

The modern Russian language is full of funny phraseological phrases. But there are those who came to our culture from outside - the statements of foreign politicians, journalists, cultural figures and philosophers are always "on hearing". The article will discuss such an idiomatic expression as "The Open Secret". The meaning of the phraseological unit, which is associated with the jester of the puppet theaters of France in the 16th century, remains a mystery to many until now.

Phraseologisms: meaning, classification

Speaking of phraseological units, domestic linguistics for this term leads two definitions:

  1. Verbal turns that have firmly entered the structure of the Russian language;
  2. A language unit that is characterized by metaphorical synonymy to other phrases.

The main feature for idiomatic expressions is that the well-known verbal structure is pronounced in finished form, without changes. For example " Nick down», « far away», « comradeship". During a conversation, a person does not come up with pronounced phraseological units, but inserts them into the structure of the conversation in its original form.

According to the fusion of phraseological phrases, three subclasses can be distinguished:

  1. Union. The presence in the expressions of archaisms (eye, mouth, forehead) gives the phraseological unit a semantic load that is incomprehensible to young people: beats the forehead, headlong;
  2. unity. There is syntactic disorder in phrases: seven Fridays a week, blood with milk;
  3. Combinations. Phraseologism contains words, both in the literal sense and figuratively: grin, frowned.

Phraseologisms belong to the active vocabulary, and are characterized by the constancy of their composition. A change in the idiomatic turnover of at least one word leads to a complete change in semantic load, and the expression becomes incomprehensible to the interlocutor.

Who is Polichinel?

Most art historians associate Openchinel with doll of theatrical performances of the early 16th century. The French public liked the funny hero who shares with the viewer things known to everyone.

Personality of the character:

  • Origin. A rude peasant, a room servant, or an illiterate commoner;
  • Appearance. A long hooked nose, stooped, has a huge "belly";
  • Cloth. White robes, a cap on the head;
  • Peculiarities. Always fooling around and amusing the audience. The squeaky voice is similar to the cry of a seagull;
  • Character. Very chatty. He cannot keep secrets and secrets that he shares with everyone who meets on his path;
  • Favorite joke. Saying the phrase “bun in the oven”, Polichinelle subtly hints that this woman is pregnant.

The well-known classic Molière included the hero of Openchinel in his comedy "Imaginary Sick". In the play, in order to achieve his goal, the character deliberately exposes himself as an idiot and a fool.

Hero of the Open in other countries

According to historians of other states, the "French Open" is nothing more than a copy of similar heroes of other powers. The people love to have fun, and it is natural that such jesters arose in different countries:

  • Pulcinella(Italy) - a village glutton and a loafer who moves to live in the city. Simple clothes made of coarse linen, a piercing voice, a mask on his face and vulgar jokes are the most basic features of this character;
  • Kashparek(Czech Republic) - a peasant dressed in a red caftan. He was famous for his political satire. The main feature is a long nose, the tip of which was red;
  • Parsley(Russia) - Russian street theater puppet of the 17th century. Initially, the character has a negative reputation - he fights and steals. In the middle of the 20th century, the image of Petrushka changed dramatically, and now he is a mischievous and positive hero, a frequent guest in kindergartens.

The above characters entertained the common people, and often ridiculed the wealthy nobility and power. Until the middle of the 19th century, puppeteers were persecuted in many European countries, and the artists caught were imprisoned or executed. But the love of the viewer made the masters of their craft return to the stage again and again.

What does this phrase mean?

The catchphrase is interpreted in two ways:

  1. A well-known secret which everyone knows except one fool;
  2. Everyone knows the secret, but for one reason or another they don't talk about him aloud.

How it all started during the puppet shows - the character of Openchinel asked the audience simple questions, and then said his answer, which everyone knew, but for some reason no one said out loud.

For example:

Polichinelle: Dear audience, can you tell me who our king is?

Viewer (with a misunderstanding): Our King Louis...

Polichinelle (laughing): No, our king is stupid!

We hope the logic is clear. Of course, centuries have passed since then, and the modern perception of the phrase has changed a bit:

  1. The facts that have been uttered have long been known to all;
  2. Pretend that a known fact was previously unknown.

Now the open secret is used in cases where the disclosed information must be presented in the form of an absurd fact.

Open secret: application examples

Now about the secrets of the Open in the examples of our modern reality:

  • Salary. Everyone knows that in addition to the "white" salary, there is a "black" accounting. But for the state (there are simply no effective laws that prevent this phenomenon), as well as for private business (less taxes), this fact is acceptable;
  • Rental of property. The relationship between the owner of the apartment and the tenant is not documented. Taxes do not go to the treasury, but, as in the first case, everything suits everyone.

Folklore fairground performances of France era Renaissance, characterized by the emergence of a new genre - comedy plays. One of the most famous was the production of "The Imaginary Sick". The author of the work introduces the expression "The Secret of the Open". The meaning of phraseologism, which has come down to our times, means: the secret everyone knows . This, so to speak, "secret" is known to all those present, except for one person.

Video: an example of the use of phraseology

In this video, Anatoly Sharov will tell you how the secrets of the Open Chinese are applied in life and in politics:

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