School uniform in England. School uniform came to us from England


October 22, 2015

The school uniform appeared in ancient times and was the privilege of only the upper strata of society, or castes. Today, almost every country has its own unique school attire, not only different from its neighbors, but also different from school to school within the country itself.

Our article presents the most famous world schools, and the uniform in them.

Schools in England.

The school uniform of England is a role model in schools around the world. School clothes are not just a business suit, but a complete set of clothes, which includes shoes, outerwear, even socks and stockings. The appearance of the form as such in England dates back to the 16th century, but it was finally and universally established only by 1870.

Eton College (Eton College)

- a private British school for boys, founded in the 15th century.

To date, the uniform of Eton College, although it has undergone some changes, has basically remained the same: black tailcoat, vest and striped trousers, white cotton shirt with a detachable collar, black coat, black shoes. Additional elements are: gloves, dark blue or black scarf, umbrella. The set also includes underwear: black or gray socks, shorts, handkerchiefs. Most students wear a white tie, but some high school students are allowed a white bow tie or Italian collar.

All students, of course, are proud of their uniforms, which once again emphasizes their high position in society.

Harrow School (Harrow School- a public school for boys, founded in the 16th century. The uniform is as discreet as at Eton College: white shirt, black silk tie, light gray trousers, black boots, blue jumper (sweater), navy blue woolen tunic, blue or white scarf, blue woolen coat. There is an additional set of Sunday clothes, with a slight difference in colors, however, all the same gray and black tones. There is one detail at Harrow School that distinguishes its students from others - this is a straw hat, symbolizing belonging to a higher caste. This belonging here is felt at every step and in every look.

US schools

School uniforms in the US are different for private and public schools. In private schools, girls rarely wear a sundress or a plaid skirt, and boys wear blazers, it is not permissible to wear shoes such as sneakers or sneakers, which is massive in public schools. The most common type of clothing for all schools is a T-shirt or jumper of a certain color with the logo of the school - this is an honor for the institution itself, but students consider it fashionable.

St. Bernard's School

- a private school for boys and girls, founded in 1904.

The clothes are dominated by classic tones: dark blue jackets, trousers, skirts, gray vests, white cotton shirts, dark blue striped ties, black shoes. For girls, the set includes dark blue stockings. Dark blue and gray tones are refreshed with bright scarlet splashes on ties, golfs, the school's monogram.

Swiss schools.

The tradition of wearing a school uniform, as such, does not yet exist in the country. Many schools are still coming to their individual style. However, in a number of privileged educational institutions, the school uniform is already part of the school.

Boarding school Institut Le Rosey

boarding school founded in 1880.

The traditional classic dark blue color of the uniform is refreshed with light blue and golden yellow tones. Clothing set includes: jacket, trousers or skirt, shirt (white or blue), tie for boys and neckerchief for girls. The output version of the suit includes white jackets and skirts.

According to the students themselves, they feel quite comfortable in such clothes, perceiving it as part of their student life.

School uniforms are not just clothes for students. It serves as a reflection of the cultural traditions of the country. Therefore, it is not surprising that the clothes of schoolchildren in different countries are so different.

1. School uniforms in Thailand are the sexiest

All students in Thailand are required to wear a school uniform from elementary school to college. As a rule, this is a classic "light top - dark bottom".

But students in an effort to look mature and sexy often choose tight blouses and extremely short miniskirts with deep slits.

2. School uniforms in England are the most orthodox

The style of British school uniforms is classic. It's simple and prim: secondary school students are required to wear orthodox western-style school uniforms. The boys are dressed in classic suits, leather boots and must wear a tie. The girls also wear Western-style clothing and dress shoes. Psychologists believe that this classic style of clothing subconsciously affects the temperament of students in England. School uniform colors may vary from school to school.

3. School uniforms in Korea are the most gentlemanly

Those who have seen the film "Mean Girl" probably remember the school uniform that the heroine was wearing. It is this type of clothing that is the most common type of school uniform in Korea. Boys wear white shirts and western style trousers. Girls wear white shirts, dark skirts and jackets and ties.

4. School uniforms in Japan are the most nautical

For students in Japan, the school uniform is not only a symbol of the school, but also a symbol of modern fashion trends, and even more - a decisive factor in choosing a school. The Japanese school uniform for girls uses nautical motifs. Therefore, it is also often called a sailor suit or sailor uniform. Anime elements are also used in the form. The Japanese school uniform for boys is classic dark in color with a stand-up collar and is similar to Chinese tunics.

5. School uniforms in Malaysia are the most conservative.

All students in Malaysia are subject to fairly strict rules. Dresses for girls should be long enough to cover the knees, and shirt sleeves should cover the elbows. Compared to Thai students, Malay students are much more conservative.

6. School uniforms in Australia are the most unified

Pupils in Australia (both boys and girls) are required to wear black leather shoes and white socks. They wear school uniforms all the time, except for physical education classes, for which they are required to wear sports uniforms.

7. School uniforms in Oman are the most ethnic

School uniforms in Oman are believed to have the most pronounced ethnic characteristics in the world. Pupils and students wear traditional clothes, and female students wear veils.

8. School uniforms in Bhutan are the most practical

School uniforms in most schools in China differ only in size. Moreover, there are almost no differences between the form of boys and girls - they wear loose tracksuits.

Since September 1, 2013, a single school uniform has reappeared in Russian schools. In some regions, schools follow the recommendations of local authorities, in others they set the requirements for students' clothing themselves.

From the history of school uniforms

Few people know that the fashion for school uniforms came to Russia from England in 1834!!! First for boys, and then, when women's gymnasiums began to appear, and for girls. The boys flaunted in caps with the emblem of the gymnasium, tunics, overcoats, jackets, trousers, black boots and with an indispensable satchel behind their backs. The girls' uniform was also strict: brown dresses with aprons, however, made of high quality fabric and with an elegant cut that made the girl's silhouette slim.

However, already in those days, high school students were ambivalent about the form. On the one hand, they were proud, because the children of wealthy parents studied in the gymnasiums, and the uniform emphasized their belonging to the upper class. On the other hand, they did not like it, because they were obliged to wear uniforms after school. If high school students in uniform were met in the wrong places: in the theater, at the hippodrome, in a cafe, they had a hard time. On the days of Russian celebrations, high school students dressed in a festive uniform close to the clothes of adults: a military-style suit for a boy and a dark dress with a pleated knee-length skirt for a girl.

After the revolution, they did not think about the form until 1949. In 1962, the boys were dressed in gray woolen suits, and in 1973, in suits made of blue wool blend, with an emblem and aluminum buttons. In 1976, girls also began to dress in a new uniform. Since then, girls began to walk in dark brown dresses, and boys in blue suits. In the mid-80s, the last uniform reform took place: blue jackets were sewn for boys and girls.

And only in 1992, the school uniform was canceled, excluding the corresponding line from the law “On Education”. Brown dresses and blue suits have replaced “boiled jeans”, flared trousers and girlish outfits in the spirit of “whoever is in what much”. In modern Russia there was no single school uniform, as it was in the USSR, but many lyceums and gymnasiums, especially the most prestigious ones, as well as some schools, had their own uniform, emphasizing the belonging of students to one or another educational institution.

School uniforms in different countries (some facts)

Modern students of conservative England still love the school uniform, which is part of the history of their school. For example, in one of the old English schools for boys, students from the 17th century to this day wear uniform ties and vests and, by the way, are proud that the clothes emphasize their corporate affiliation. The largest European country in which there is a school uniform is Great Britain. In many of its former colonies, the uniform was not abolished after independence, for example, in India, Ireland, Australia, Singapore and South Africa.

In France, a single school uniform existed in 1927-1968. In Poland - until 1988.

There is no uniform school uniform in Germany, although there is debate about its introduction. Some schools have introduced uniform school clothing that is not a uniform, as students can participate in its development. Tellingly, even during the Third Reich, schoolchildren did not have a single uniform - they came to classes in everyday clothes, in the form of the Hitler Youth (or other children's public organizations).

In Japan, school uniforms are compulsory for most middle and high schools. Each school has its own, but in reality there are not so many options. Usually it is a white shirt and dark jacket and trousers for boys, and a white shirt and dark jacket and skirt for girls, or sailor fuku - “sailor suit”. A large bag or briefcase is usually given to the form. Primary school students, as a rule, dress in ordinary children's clothes.

In India, the school uniform is compulsory and consists of a light shirt and dark blue trousers for boys, white blouses with dark skirts for girls. In some schools, the school uniform may also be a sari of the same color and cut.

School uniforms in Africa are striking in their variety and color schemes. In Africa, you can meet schoolchildren not only in blue or blue clothes, but also in yellow, pink, purple, orange and green.

In Jamaica, uniforms are compulsory for school students. This rule applies in most Caribbean countries. Many schools have set the mandatory color of shoes and socks, the allowable height of heels. Jewelry (other than stud earrings) is usually prohibited, and some schools have their own requirements for students' hairstyles. School uniforms for boys in Jamaica are most commonly khaki and consist of a short sleeve shirt and trousers. School uniforms for girls vary greatly from school to school. A common option is a light-colored shirt with short sleeves and a skirt or sundress below the knees. The uniform is often supplemented with stripes, emblems, epaulettes in order to distinguish between schools.

In ordinary schools in Cyprus, boys wear gray trousers with a white shirt, and girls wear a gray skirt or trousers also with a white shirt. Some schools may have different student uniforms. For example, the color of trousers and skirts is changed to blue. Or a special shape color is added for the holidays.

In Turkey, school uniforms vary at different levels of education. So, for example, in elementary school, students wear blue uniforms. In middle and high school, boys wear charcoal trousers, white or blue shirts, jackets, and ties. Girls wear skirts and shirts of the same color as boys, as well as ties. Most private schools have their own school uniforms.
In schools in Muslim countries, a scarf is an obligatory attribute of a female school uniform. When girls turn 12, they wear a hijab. However, even up to the age of 12, starting from the first grade, they wear a school uniform, which is also Muslim clothing and is in many ways similar to the hijab.
In Myanmar, younger boys wear pants and older boys wear long skirts.
The women's school uniform of Laos is distinguished by a beautiful long wrap skirt and an original ornament.
In Japan, school uniforms are compulsory for most middle and high schools. Most often it is a white shirt and dark jacket and trousers for boys, the uniform is called "gakuran", and a white blouse, dark jacket and skirt for girls, or "sailor fuku" - "sailor suit", with a distinctively bright tie. Detail of the wardrobe of a Japanese schoolgirl - stockings or socks. A large bag or briefcase is usually attached to the form. Primary school students, as a rule, dress in ordinary children's clothes.

In the US and Canada, there are school uniforms in many private schools. There is no uniform uniform in public schools, although some schools have introduced rules for wearing clothes (dress code).

"Dress code" - the word is relatively new, but has already become fashionable, at least for those who work in the office. Literally means “code of clothing”, that is, a system of identification marks, color combinations and forms that indicate a person’s belonging to a particular corporation. The employer can set their own rules: for example, women are not allowed to come to work in trousers, or - only business suits are allowed, or skirts must be knee-length - neither shorter nor longer, free form on Fridays, etc. and so on. Many adult Russians have already joined the corporate spirit, but their children still go to school “in whatever way”.

“- Children should be familiar with the fact that a costume is something more than just clothes from childhood. It is a means of communication. It depends on how you look, how others will communicate with you, - says fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Perhaps a school dress code can be of great service to boost one's self-esteem, because it allows one to dress stylishly, albeit strictly.

1 Schoolgirls Great Britain

2 New uniform on the first day of the school year, London, Burlington Danes School.

3 Another school in London— Elizabeth Garrett Andersen. Here, the students wear uniforms that they have designed themselves. Teachers say that this way the children will not feel discomfort and will be happy to go to classes in it.

4 College students Eton I welcome Queen Elizabeth II during her visit to this educational institution.

5 The uniform of school students Harrow distinguished by straw hats, otherwise it is a regular jacket and trousers.

6 Traditional school uniform in England on first graders.

7 School at Hospital of Christ and her students, dressed in a uniform that has not changed for 450 years.

8 Schoolchildren New Zealand and their school uniform

I also bring to your attention a selection of photographs of school students from around the world in school uniforms.
9 Schoolgirls from Colombia, who rush home after class.

10 Students from India also appear to be heading home.

11 Students from China discussing a school project

12 Students from Jamaica

13 Very conservative school uniforms of students from Malaysia

14 Shape in Brazilian school.

15 School in Burundi, her students and teacher.

16 Several students and their teacher from Ghana

17 Indonesian schoolboy

18 Nigerian students at recess

19 Schoolboy from Pakistan in beautiful shape

20 The bright uniform of school students in Sari

21 Japanese schoolgirls

22 And another photo of schoolgirls from Japan

23 Schoolgirls in Vietnam. Specially tailored uniform for the holidays.

24 Pupils of one of the schools Nepal

25 School students in South Africa

26 Little students from Burmese

27 A little more India

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On the question of whether a single school uniform is needed, one can argue to the point of hoarseness. Proponents of the dress code believe that it maintains discipline in the classroom, encourages cohesion and equality. Yes, and parents do not have a headache, what to dress the child in. Opponents argue that this approach to clothing kills individuality and has little effect on the learning process.

website offers not to argue, but simply to see what children in different countries of the world go to school in. Many options look quite stylish and practical, evaluate for yourself.


Japanese school uniform for girls "sera-fuku" occupies a special place in anime cartoons and manga comics and is known throughout the world. A navy-style blouse plus a pleated skirt that gets shorter in high school. Low-heeled shoes and stockings are required, which are worn even in winter. So that they do not slip, schoolgirls glue them to their feet with special glue.

Great Britain

In England everything is strict with the school dress code. The very first uniform was blue. It was believed that this color teaches children to be organized and humble, but it was also the cheapest fabric. Now each institution has its own form and symbolism. Until now, in some schools, everything is so severe that even in the heat it is forbidden to wear shorts. This summer, schoolboys went on strike and came in skirts. Many schools have since introduced gender-neutral school uniforms.


The Australian education system has borrowed a lot from the UK. The school uniform is very reminiscent of the British, only lighter and more open. Due to the hot climate and the active sun, many educational institutions include hats or panamas in the uniform.


In Cuba, the school uniform is presented in several variations: white top - yellow bottom, blue top - blue bottom. As well as white shirts and burgundy sundresses or trousers with an obligatory element - a pioneer tie well known to Soviet schoolchildren. True, it can be not only red, but also blue.


In Indonesia, students' uniforms differ in color at each stage of training. The white top remains unchanged, but the bottom can be burgundy, dark blue or gray. But the most interesting is saved for last. After passing national exams, schoolchildren celebrate their freedom and paint the shape with the help of felt-tip pens and spray cans. Goodbye, school!


Chinese students have several sets of uniforms: for holidays and ordinary days, for winter and summer. The school uniform for everyday wear is almost the same for boys and girls and often resembles a regular tracksuit.


All children in the state must wear a school uniform. At the same time, Ghana, like most African countries, is characterized by low incomes and high levels of poverty. Buying a school uniform is one of the barriers to getting an education. In 2010, as part of its educational policy, the government distributed the form free of charge to communities.


The dress code for elementary and middle school is quite common. But high school students in Vietnam have the right to wear snow-white national costume ao dai. In some educational institutions, it is welcomed only for important events or ceremonies, but in some it is also required for everyday wear.


School uniforms in Syria even before the start of a protracted military conflict for political reasons has been changed from boring khaki to vibrant colors of blue, gray and pink. And it symbolized the desire to establish peace in the Middle East, which is a little sad to hear now.


Another country where students go to school wear traditional national costume,- Bhutan. For girls, the clothes are called "kira", and for boys - "gho" and resembles a robe. Previously, children carried all textbooks and school supplies right in it. Briefcases are now common, but if you wish, you can hide something on your chest.

South Korea

Children in South Korea study from morning until late at night. It is not surprising that many of them consider school the most romantic place, because they spend most of their lives there. A school dress code is required and regulated by the administration of the educational institution. But the form is popular and just on the streets of the city, and even among celebrities.

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