Rock monasteries in Greece. Where is the monastery complex located? Monasteries of Meteora on the map


The largest monastic complex in Greece, consisting of six Orthodox monasteries, was formed in the tenth century on the tops of six hundred meter cliffs located on the Thessalian plain. Formed more than sixty million years ago, the stone pillars gave it not only a unique look, but also the name - "Meteors", that is, "floating in the air."

The first mountains of Thessaly were mastered by lonely hermits. They huddled in caves and rock cavities and prayed in small areas called "prayer places". Over time, monasteries began to appear here and there, allowing monks to perform both private prayers and public services, as well as church sacraments necessary for any Orthodox person - and, above all, the sacrament of Communion.

The heyday of the monastery complex came in the 16th century. By this time, there were twenty-four Orthodox monasteries in the mountains of Thessaly. Over time, many of them fell into decay: some of them turned into ruins, some completely disappeared from the face of the earth. Today in the north of Greece there are only six "meteors": four - male and two - female.

In the twenties of the last century, stone roads and steps were laid to them. Until that time, it was possible to get into the “floating in the air” monasteries either through hinged wooden structures, or with the help of monks who lift their visitors up with special nets.

In 1988, the Meteors were listed. Today they are a popular tourist attraction.

Monasteries of Meteora - PHOTO

Founded in 1340 by Athanasius of Meteora, the monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord is the largest and most highly located of all the Greek "meteors". The Transfiguration Monastery contains a significant number of valuable icons and ancient manuscripts. Its main cathedral reproduces the cruciform shape of Athos temples. The monastery complex consists of residential buildings, a house for old monks, a kitchen, a refectory and a hospital. In the rock adjacent to the entrance, there is a small chapel and a crypt.

The Monastery of Varlaam, also known as the Monastery of All Saints, was formed at the beginning of the 16th century on the basis of a small temple built by the monk Varlaam and dedicated to the Three Hierarchs of the Orthodox Church. The founders of the monastery - the brothers Nektary and Theophan - today rest in the southeastern part of the main building. Built of tuff, the Cathedral of All Saints has a cruciform nave and a unique fresco wall painting, divided into four zones and belonging to the pen of the hermit Ephraim the Syrian and the painter Franco Catelano.

The exact time of the appearance of the monastery of St. Barbara and the origin of its name is unknown. It is believed that the complex was founded at the end of the 13th century by a certain Rusanos, but there is no exact confirmation of this fact. The monastic katholikon (main temple) that has survived to this day was restored in the Byzantine style already in the 16th century. The Cathedral of St. Barbara is decorated with frescoes from the heyday of the "Cretan School". It has a wooden carved iconostasis generously covered with gilding. The monastery is open for visits every day except Wednesdays (in winter).

The first written evidence about the monastery of St. Nicholas Anapavsas dates back to the end of the 14th century. Its founder is the monk Nikanor, who bore the surname Anapavsas, that is, the “Pacifier”. The main temple of the complex, which has a rectangular shape and is completely devoid of windows, is dedicated to St. Nicholas. Below it is a small church of St. Anthony. Above the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, on the third level of the rock there is a small church of John the Baptist, monastic cells, an old refectory and a crypt with the skulls of monks.

The richest of the "Meteors" - the monastery of St. Stephen - rises above the city of Kalambaka. The majestic building grew out of a small chapel of the same name, built on a rock by the hermit Jeremiah and his associates at the end of the 12th century. Today the monastery of St. Stephen has two main cathedrals - the Old, decorated with earthy-red pictorial compositions, and the New, dedicated to St. Charalampia. The monastery contains a rich collection of portable icons, conducts educational activities in the field of Byzantine music and the art of iconography.

The Monastery of the Holy Trinity stands on a four-hundred-meter cliff, towering above the Pinhos River, against the backdrop of mountains covered with forests. Founded in the middle of the 15th century, the complex consists of the church of John the Baptist carved into the rock and the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, made in the Byzantine style. The monastery katholikon is decorated with frescoes depicting Old Testament prophets, evangelists, sacred scenes from the New Testament, the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, angels and archangels. The main monastic value is the ancient Venetian "Gospel" of the 16th century.

The wide Thessalian plain is the grain bins of Greece. Where the valley originates at the foot of the mountains, one can see a unique geological phenomenon. Stone cliffs up to 600 meters high. Meteor rocks, bizarre stone columns, the shape of which was created by water and wind. Forest of stone pillars.

River deposits for millions of years, compressed into rocks, washed by rains, polished by winds, remained standing as if contrary to all the laws of existence. The cherished dream of many climbers. Loneliness.

Weathering processes have left caves in the rocks - shelters for animals and people. From the 9th century, according to the assumption, they were also used as a place of residence. At the dawn of Christianity, some men and women left the worldly life to completely surrender to the faith, to seek God in seclusion, giving up any worldly pleasures.

Meteora in Greece is a complex of Orthodox monasteries built on the hard-to-reach peaks of sheer cliffs on the Thessalian plain. Losing their religious significance, monasteries are becoming an increasingly popular tourist attraction. How to get to Meteor by car or public transport, and what their work schedule is - read on.

Despite the fact that Meteora in Greece is still Orthodox monasteries, this does not mean that a trip here will be interesting for purely religious people. The whole unusualness of this place is that monasteries on the tops of the pillars began to be built as early as the 14th century, despite the fact that the steps along the sheer cliffs were laid no more than 100 years ago - before people climbed here either by hinged stairs or by steep steps carved right into rock. Building materials, as far as historians know, were completely lifted up in wicker nets.

The rocks themselves are of great interest from a geological point of view - they were formed tens of millions of years ago, when the entire territory of today's plain was the bottom of the sea. In the Paleogene era (about 60 million years ago), after a series of earthquakes, the rocks were "squeezed out" outward, after which all this time to the present day they were destroyed due to water and wind erosion, which is due to their impressive appearance today.

The place for the construction of monasteries was not chosen by chance: as early as the 10-11th century, religious hermits began to settle in numerous rocks in the walls of the caves. True, why in these rocks is not entirely clear. Nevertheless, this is how small communities, sketes, and later large monasteries began to form.

Monasteries today

In total, during the heyday of the monastic commune, 24 monasteries operated, but over time, many were abandoned, plundered and destroyed. Some of them didn't even have ruins left, at least slightly reminiscent of former buildings. The matter was also aggravated by the fact that, due to the paved roads and stone steps, the tops of the rocks were no longer so inaccessible.

Today, only 6 monasteries operate from the entire complex - 2 for women and 4 for men. But the number of monks here, despite the fact that this is one of the largest centers of Orthodox monasticism in Greece, is ridiculously small: in the once largest monastery - Megala Meteora - in 2016 only 3 (!) people lived.

That is why the entire monastery complex is irrevocably losing its religious value, and is increasingly becoming a tourist attraction.

Order of visiting monasteries

Anyone can visit the monasteries and look at the old architecture, frescoes, icons and other creations that the inhabitants of the monasteries left behind. Admission is free for Greeks, €3 for citizens of other countries.

It is worth knowing that each monastery has its own work schedule, and in winter (from November 1 to March 31) and in summer (from April 1 to October 31) the schedule is different:

  • Transfiguration Monastery (Great Meteor or Megala Meteora) - from 9 to 16 in winter, from 9 to 17 in summer, closed on Tuesday and Wednesday in winter, in summer - on Wednesday;
  • Varlaam Monastery - from 9 to 16 all year, closed on Thursday and Friday in winter, only on Friday in summer;
  • Monastery of the Holy Trinity - from 10 to 16 in winter and from 9 to 17 in summer, closed on Wednesday and Thursday in winter, on Thursday in summer;
  • Rusanu Monastery (Saint Barbara) - in winter from 9 to 14, in summer from 9 to 16, closed all year on Wednesdays;
  • Monastery of St. Stephen - in winter from 9:30 to 13 and from 15 to 17, in summer from 9 to 13 and from 15 to 17, closed all year on Mondays;
  • Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapavsas - in winter from 9 to 14, in summer from 9 to 15:30, closed all year on Fridays.

That is, you can go here any day - at least something will be open. The main thing is to be in time before 5 pm.

Meteora in Greece - how to get there

To the city of Kalambaka

Let's start with the fact that the closest city to Meteora is Kalambaka, it is located right at the foot of the rocks. 11 thousand people live in the city, the tourist infrastructure is quite well developed there - there are hostels, hotels, restaurants and cafes. There is a railway station in the center.

  • Train Athens - Kalambaka - 350 km, you can get there by train in 5 hours and 14-23 €. There is only one direct train - in the morning at 08:30, all other options during the day - with a transfer;
  • Train Thessaloniki - Kalambaka - 250 km, the train travels from 3 hours, the ticket costs from 11 to 19 €. Direct train only runs in the evenings at 16:15. This is the most convenient option if you are relaxing in any resort of Halkidiki - in any case, you will first have to go to the nearest major city - Thessaloniki.

If you are traveling around Greece in a rental car, then this city can be easily reached using a navigator - there is no need to describe the entire route here.

To the monasteries

The most interesting part is how to get from the city of Kalambaka to the monasteries themselves.

  1. Bus. From Kalambaka, according to the summer schedule (from the beginning of April to the end of October), buses run daily at 9:00, 11:00, 13:00 and 16:00 (back - an hour later), passing by the village of Kastraki. A one-way ticket costs about 2€. Detailed bus schedule.
  2. Taxi. Taxi drivers are ready to drive tourists to the monasteries, the cost of a trip from Kalambaki is about 10 €, from the village of Kastraki it will be a little cheaper.
  3. On your car. Each monastery has a small parking lot, although there is a risk that the parking lots will be occupied by the clumsy buses mentioned above. In any case, before traveling to the monasteries, get a good navigator, as many tourists complain about the lack of clear signs to the monasteries on the roads.
  4. On foot. Walking 5 km from Kalambaka to the first monastery is not much, but given that the road goes uphill, the walk will bring little pleasure to an unprepared person. It would be a good idea to stay overnight in the village of Kastraki - it is a little closer to the monasteries, and the nearest one can be reached on foot in just 10-15 minutes.
Quote from MarinaAleks

Monasteries of Meteora, Greece

Meteora is not only a beautiful place and a geological phenomenon, it is also a complex of monasteries located on the tops of the cliffs of Thessaly in northern Greece.

The rocks of Meteora were formed about 60 million years ago, when instead of a plain in this area there was a prehistoric sea. Under the influence of water, wind and temperature changes, massive stone pillars gradually formed here, as if suspended in the air. Translated from the Greek language "meteora" means "soaring in the air".

These stone sculptures are located near the city of Kalambaka, which is 300 km from Athens. The average height of the rock formations is 300 meters, but some of them reach 600 meters in height.

Many modern climbers do not dare to climb the round, almost sheer walls of unusual rocks. But, looking up at the tops of the pillars, you can see that there is a temple on almost every one of them.

Winding mountain paths lead you to the tops of many pillars, from where you can enjoy a picturesque view of the valley of the Piños River. According to legend, the first hermit monks appeared in these impregnable and stony rocks cut off from the world as early as the 9th century. They lived in rocky depressions and natural caves, and nearby they created small platforms for joint study of spiritual texts and prayers. Later, the constant raids of robbers forced the monks to leave their caves and build monasteries on the tops of the rocks.

It is difficult to even imagine how much work it took to build these monasteries in such extreme conditions. Until 1920, the temples were closed to outsiders - the monks led a very secluded lifestyle, and residents of neighboring cities delivered food to them. Transportation of parcels to the tops of the rocks was carried out using ropes and baskets.

At the foot of the cliff, each temple had at its disposal a plot of land that the monks cultivated and grew vegetables and fruits there. They climbed and descended with the help of a complex system of nets, baskets, ropes and carts. If danger arose below, the inhabitants of the monastery cut off all contacts with the outside world - they raised ropes and nets, then no one could disturb their peace and harmony.

No matter how hard the hermits tried to protect their territory with various tricks and traps, the temples were still destroyed and devastated. Only 6 of the 24 monasteries that once crowned the tops of the rocks have survived to this day. They store priceless riches: unique frescoes, icons, medieval manuscripts and other ancient shrines. The monasteries of St. Nicholas Anapavsas, Varlaam, Rusanu, Great Meteor, Holy Trinity and St. Stephen are currently active.

The monastery of St. Nicholas Anapavsas was founded at the beginning of the 14th century by the Metropolitan of the city of Larissa Dionysius. This is a small monastery, to which a relatively comfortable staircase leads. It has a unique design - a small area of ​​rock on which the monastery was built forced the monks to build cells, temples and other buildings on several levels.

On the first level of the monastery there is a small chapel of St. Anthony and a crypt in which relics and manuscripts were kept, on the second there is the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, on the third - the restored chapel of St. John the Baptist, a dining room decorated with frescoes, as well as a crypt for storing relics.

View from the other side:

The main temple of the monastery of St. Nicholas is decorated with magnificent frescoes of the 16th century, made by the famous Cretan icon painter Theophanes Strelidzas.

Adam names the animals:

The monastery of Varlaam was founded in 1517 by monks-priests Theophanes and Nektarios. It got its name in honor of the monk who, in 1350, first settled on the top of the rock and built there a church dedicated to the Three Hierarchs, a water tank and a cell for himself. No one else followed the example of Varlaam, and after his death, this place was abandoned for a long time, until the two rich brothers Theophanes and Nektarios founded a monastery there.

The frescoes decorating the main temple were made by the famous artist Franck Catalano in 1548. The monastery also houses a valuable collection of icons, rare manuscripts, reliquaries, carved wooden crosses, shrouds embroidered with gold.

Currently, 7 monks live in Varlaam's monastery, who are happy to meet guests and kindly talk to them.

Rusanu Monastery is a nunnery founded in 1545 by the brothers Maxim and Joasaph. It is located on a low rock, covers the entire area of ​​its surface and consists of three levels. On the first level there are cells and a church, while the other two levels are occupied by living quarters, an exhibition and reception hall, as well as additional cells. The interior of the monastery is decorated with beautiful paintings, precious lecterns, icons and a wooden altar with gilding and carvings. The nuns who live here have a reputation for being very friendly and hospitable women, often treating their guests to candies and sweets.

The Great Meteor (Preobrazhensky Monastery) is the largest and oldest Meteor monastery, founded at the beginning of the 14th century by St. Athanasius of Meteor. He was the first to climb this high mountain and built a church and modest cells for monks here. His successor was St. Joseph, the Serbian king, who in 1373 renounced secular power to become a monk. During his stay in the monastery, he rebuilt the Church of the Transfiguration, built a hospital and a reservoir.

In the 16th century, the Transfiguration Monastery received a significant portion of royal and imperial donations. Then the monastery complex was rebuilt and expanded. A new kitchen, a nursing home, a tower, and several chapels were built.

In 1552, the famous artist Feofan worked on the creation of frescoes in the monastery. These frescoes are one of the best examples of post-Byzantine monumental painting. The temple has a rich collection of valuable icons, manuscripts and holy relics.

The Monastery of the Holy Trinity is a male monastery located on top of one of the most slender and picturesque rocks of Meteora. You can get to the monastery by climbing 140 steps carved into the rock in 1925, which makes it the most ascetic and peaceful monastery, since not everyone can overcome such a difficult path.

According to history, the monks settled here at the beginning of the XIV century, but the real monastery was erected in the period 1458-1476. Today, only a few monks live in the monastery of the Holy Trinity, which creates a special atmosphere of solitude and tranquility.

During the Second World War, it was badly damaged and almost all of its treasures were looted.

View of Kalambaka from Holy Trinity Monastery:

St. Stephen's Monastery is an active women's monastery, which houses an important relic - the relics of St. Charalambius, which protects against diseases and ailments. The foundation of the monastery dates back to the 14th century, but the first hermits appeared here in the 12th century. It is located on a high cliff that rises above the city of Kalambaka. It is very easy to get to this monastery - a stone pedestrian bridge leads to it, the length of which is 8 meters.

The monastery was founded by priests Anthony Katakuzin and Philotheus. In 1350, a small chapel of St. Stephen was built. The Church of St. Charalambius was erected in 1798 according to the Athos type and decorated with a gilded cross and wood carvings. During the Second World War, the monastery was regularly bombarded, as a result of which a large number of frescoes were damaged. The artist Vlasi Tsotsoni was engaged in their restoration.

Currently, the monastery refectory houses a museum that exhibits valuable monastery relics: Byzantine icons of the 17th-18th centuries, a diskos with a chalice, as well as a manuscript of the Divine Liturgy, which was written by one of the founders of the monastery.

The monasteries of Meteora, located in Greece, have been known since the 10th century. They have a unique location, towering on the tops of the rocks and as if growing out of the rock. From the Greek language, their name is translated as “soaring in the air”, which is the best fit for these buildings. Find out how to visit this distinctive place.

This monastery complex has long been considered one of the most sacred places of Orthodox Christianity.

Where are they located in Greece

The monasteries of Meteora are located very close to the city of Kalambaka (2 km) with a population of 8.6 thousand people. The rocks of Meteora, where these ancient abodes were created, are part of the mountains of Thessaly, the northeastern historical region of Greece. These rocks are already 60 million years old and once they were the bottom of the sea. At their foot is the Thessalian plain.

Did you know? The city of Kalambaka is located on the Thessalian plain at the foot of the Meteor rocks. It houses the temple of the Assumption of the Virgin, known from the X-XI century. It was built on the ruins of an early Christian church from the 6th century. The main attractions are the unique marble pulpit in the central part and the frescoes of the 12th and 16th centuries.

History of the monastery complex

Historians believe that the very first hermit in Meteora was a certain Barnabas, who built in 950-970. the first skete of the Holy Spirit. A little later, the Preobrazhensky skete and Stagi skete were built, which became the basis for the monastic community.

In 1334, the monk Athanasius arrived here from Athos, who fled from the Catalan corsairs, and began to build the first monastery, which he called the Great Meteor (Preobrazhensky). In 1371, Meteora was visited by the ruler of Thessaly, John Uresh, who, after meeting Athanasius of Meteora, renounced the kingdom and took the vows under the name Joasaph.

After the death of Saint Athanasius, he became abbot of the monastery and contributed a lot to the prosperity of Meteora. Their development was also facilitated by the fact that the location made the monasteries inaccessible to conquerors and robbers. In the 16th century, the complex already included 24 monasteries, but many of them gradually fell into disrepair.

The monasteries were badly damaged during the Second World War and the subsequent Greek Civil War (1946-1949).

How to get there

There are regular flights to Greece from the airports of Ukraine and Russia. It is best to choose a flight to the mainland of Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki).

Important! Excursions should be carried out in good sunny weather, rainy and foggy weather can prevent you from seeing beautiful rock landscapes and a magnificent panorama of the valley.

The distance to Kalambaki from the Greek capital of Athens is 355 km, from the second largest settlement in Greece, Thessaloniki - 230 km.

From Athens, you can get to Kalambaka by three modes of transport:

  1. Rented car. This is the most convenient form of transport for a tour, which will take you to Kalambaka in 4 hours 17 minutes. Car rental at the Athens airport will be from 25.18 euros per day, one-way gasoline consumption will be 28 liters (40-65 euros). There are practically no signs along the way, so you should take care of navigation or find an escort.
  2. Railway transport. The most inexpensive travel option is the cost of a one-way ticket 18–24 euros. Trains run daily. Direct flight to Kalambaka at number 884 at 8:30, return flight - 885. There are options with transfers.
  3. A one-way bus ride takes 6 hours and 15 minutes and costs 40 euros. But buses run several times a day (from 7:30 to 15:30).

From Thessaloniki, you can get to Kalambaka as follows:

  1. Rented car. Renting a car at the airport will cost at least 26.48 euros per day. One way will take 18 liters of gasoline in the amount of 27–40 euros, and the travel time one way will be 2 hours 34 minutes.
  2. Railway transport. Trains run daily and the cost of a one-way trip will be 14-19 euros. Travel time 3 hours 8 minutes. The direct train number 591 leaves at 16:15 and runs once a day, the return train number 590 leaves at 8:19.
  3. Buses run 4 times a week and reach the place in 3 hours and 15 minutes. The cost of a one-way ticket is about 20 euros.

In these major cities, you can buy yourself a tourist trip to Meteora.

In one day, you are unlikely to be able to see all the sights of the rock monasteries, so it makes sense to stay at least one or two nights in local hotels. If you are traveling by train or bus, then it is better to immediately decide how far you are going there and buy round-trip tickets - it will cost you less.

From Kalambaka itself, the monasteries can be reached in the following ways:

  1. They go from 9:00 to 16:00 almost every two hours. They go back an hour later.
  2. . In this case, you need to have a navigator.
  3. Taxi. It will cost 10 euros one way.
  4. On foot. The road to the first monastery will be about 5 km, and it will go up, which can quickly weaken tourists, and exploring the monastery territories will also take time and effort. It makes sense for lovers of hiking to stop in the village of Kastraki - it takes 10-15 minutes to walk from it to the monasteries.

Monasteries today

During the prosperity of the monastic state, there were more than twenty monasteries on Meteora, but now there are only six working ones - four for men and two for women.

Did you know? The monasteries of Meteora have been on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1988 at number 455. They are recognized as a masterpiece of human genius, and at the same time - a natural phenomenon of exceptional beauty and aesthetic importance. In addition to them, in Greece there are 17 more such monuments under the protection of UNESCO.

The second largest rock monastery is named after the first monk who settled there in the first half of the 14th century. Varlaam built the Temple of the Three Hierarchs during the construction of the Transfiguration Church by the monk Athanasius.

The functioning of this monastery is associated with the brothers Nektariy and Theophan Apsar, who came from a rich family, who took tonsure and lived first on the island of Yanina, and then on Mount Athos.

They settled on Meteora in 1510 and set about rebuilding the monastery, and in 1541 they built the Cathedral of All Saints. Buried here. The frescoes of the 16th century are well preserved to this day; they recognize the hand of the famous master of painting Franco Catelano and the Kodar brothers from Thebes.

The painting of the temple is considered an example of the “school of Northwestern Greece”.

On the territory of the complex there is an altar, a balcony castle, a hospital and the chapel of the Three Hierarchs, now closed to tourists

Getting into this convent is the easiest, as a bridge and an access road are laid to it. The monks settled on it in the 12th century, but the monastery itself was founded in the 14th century by the monk Anthony from the Kadakuzinos family.

The second life of the monastery was given by the monk Filatheus, who restored the old St. Stephen's Cathedral. At the end of the 18th century, the Cathedral of St. Charalambius was built, which is now closed to outsiders.

W Ato tourists can admire the restored frescoes of the old cathedral and the altar, which now houses the museum. Among the buildings on the territory there are also cells and a kitchen.

The closest monastery to the village of Kastraki with a steep climb. Named after its founder monk Nikanor Anapavsas. 143 steps lead to the foot of its cliff, and 85 steps lead to its territory. The area of ​​the rock formation on which it is built is small, so the structure has several levels.

The first level is occupied by a small chapel, the altar of which is only 4 square meters. m. On the second level is the Church of St. Nicholas, painted by the famous icon painter Theophanes of Crete in 1527. The third level is occupied by: a small church of John the Baptist, vaults with relics, cells and a refectory.

There are several opinions about the formation and name of this convent. According to one hypothesis, it was founded by the monks Nicodemus and Benedict in 1388. Another suggests that the founder was a resident of the town of Rosana Rusanos.

For a long time the monastery was empty, until it was revived by the brothers Joasaph and Maxim, who built the Church of the Transfiguration of Christ.

The monastery fell into disrepair several times. After reconstruction, a convent was formed here, named after St. Barbara. The heads of the Holy Great Martyrs Barbara and Kirik, fragments of the relics of Tryphon, Panteleimon, Procopius and Charalambius are kept in the temple.

The monastery is located on a low rock and is a 3-level structure. On the first level are the cells of the nuns and the temple, while the other two levels are occupied by living quarters, halls for visitors, as well as additional cells.

Inside the rooms there are many beautiful paintings, lecterns decorated with jewels, icons and a wooden altar with beautiful carvings. The nuns are hospitable and often hand out sweets to visitors.

The Great Meteor (Transfiguration Monastery) was built the very first and is the main temple. Its abbot directs the entire monastery complex on the rocks. It is located on the highest rock - 413 m above the ground, 613 m above sea level.

Now 154 steps have been cut to it, but once it could only be reached by rope ladders or nets, which are still used to lift loads.

At the entrance to the monastery, the skete of St. Athanasius has been preserved. This small dilapidated building is located in the rock. The main temple of the monastery - the Transfiguration Cathedral, built in 1388 following the example of the temples of the Holy Mountain (Athos), has a cruciform layout and a dome with twelve faces 24 meters high.

It contains the burial of its founders, Saints Athanasius and Joasaph, valuable icons and manuscripts, and ancient frescoes. The only painting that has survived from the 14th century is on the outer northern wall and consists of images of Christ Pantocrator with a pair of angels, the Mother of God and John the Baptist, the apostles, scenes of hell and paradise.

On the territory there are also two chapels (John the Baptist, Saints Constantine and Helena), an altar, a refectory (now a museum), a hospital.

The Monastery of the Holy Trinity is picturesquely located on a high cliff. 140 steps cut through the rock lead to this place. Historically, this monastery is the third oldest.

Historians claim that the main temple of Katholikon was erected in 1476. This is evidenced by the external masonry of the walls, inscriptions and other facts. Another temple, Narthex, was built later - in 1692. The monk Dometius is considered its first founder (data not confirmed).

The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity is painted in two stages. The most ancient frescoes are in the nave, and the painting of the rest of the temple belongs to a later period and was applied on top of the old images.

There is a wonderful view from the balcony complex. From the east is the monastery of St. Stephen, and from the west the monasteries of Varlaam and the Great Meteor are clearly visible, from the south you can clearly see the small town of Kalambaka.

The top of the rock occupies about 10 hectares. In addition to the temples, there are cells of monks and a small plot of land for agriculture on the territory.

Rules and schedule for visiting monasteries

Meteora is quite a popular tourist destination. People come here both on organized excursions and on their own. But it will be a shame to travel a long distance to admire this historical monument, and find the entrance closed for tourists, since now the day off or the working day has already ended.

These holy places for visitors are not open around the clock, but on certain days and hours. In addition, there are summer and winter visiting schedules.

With an overnight stay, you can stay nearby in the small town of Kalambaka, as well as in the village of Kastraki.

The seasonality of Meteor is as follows:

  • winter period - 01.11–31.03;
  • summer period - 01.04–31.10.

The opening hours of the monasteries are as follows:

Name winter period Summer period Weekend
Big Meteor from 9:00 to 16:00 from 9:00 to 17:00 winter time - Tue, Wed

summer time - Tue

St. Varlaam from 9:00 to 15:00 from 9:00 to 16:00 winter time - Thu, Fri

summer time - Fri

St. Stephen from 9:00 to 17:00

break from 13:00 to 15:00

from 9:00 to 17:30

break from 13:30 to 15:30

St. Nicholas from 9:00 to 14:00 from 9:00 to 17:00 Friday
Holy Trinity from 9:00 to 14:00 from 9:00 to 17:00 winter time - Thu, Wed

summer time - Thu

from 9:00 to 14:00 from 9:00 to 18:00 Wednesday

You can check the opening hours of the monasteries by calling the following numbers:

  • Big Meteor - tel. 2432–022278;
  • St. Varlaam - tel. 2432–022277;
  • St. Stephen - tel. 2432–022279;
  • St. Nicholas - tel. 2432–022375;
  • Holy Trinity - tel. 2432–022220;
  • Rusanu - tel. 2432–022649.

Phone calls are available from 11:00 to 13:00. The rest of the time, an answering machine is turned on, which reports the opening hours of the cloisters.

Important! When visiting Christian shrines, you should dress appropriately. Women should wear long skirts and cover their heads. Men should wear trousers, not shorts, and take off their hats in temples. Inside the temples, photography is prohibited, no need to speak loudly and laugh.

The combination of Christian shrines, architecture and paintings of ancient churches, picturesque mountainous terrain - all this is admired by tourists from all over the world. If you want to get acquainted with all the sights in detail, you should take into account that it is impossible to see all the monasteries in one day.

Tourists who have visited these places speak of them with enthusiasm and recommend having a small picnic on the viewing platforms, meeting the sunset or sunrise on them.

Formed more than 60 million years ago, the stone pillars, whose height reaches 600 m, offer a unique, bewitching view of the surroundings of the Thessalian plain. It is not surprising that these hills are called Meteora, because in Greek the word means “soaring in the air”. Six monasteries are comfortably located on the tops of the rocks - this is the largest and most important monastic complex of the state. The attraction is impressive and looks exciting, which is why it is popular not only among Orthodox tourists. What monasteries are located on the peaks of Meteora in Greece, why are they attractive, and is it possible to visit them?

What are Meteors?

The monastery complex is a mysterious, bewitching and spectacular phenomenon. Meteors are huge masses of sandstone and conglomerate. This is a residual phenomenon, a consequence of river erosion and earthquakes.

When looking at the monasteries, only one question arises: how were they built? Indeed, the construction of temples on top of cylindrical stone pillars was carried out in terrible conditions. The lack of roads and any construction equipment forced the workers to do everything manually. There weren't even horses. Materials were first brought to Meteora in Greece, then they were already lifted up through nets and baskets. All this was done by hand. Even the monks climbed in nets, because there were no other options.

Where is the monastery complex located?

Meteora is located in the Thessalian valley, not far from the Greek city of Kalambaka, which, in turn, is 300 km away from Athens. In order to more accurately find out the location of the attraction, just look at the map.

How to get to Meteora in Greece?

It is most convenient to plan a trip from major cities such as Athens or Thessaloniki. Let's consider each option. So, you can get from Athens as follows:

  1. By bus. Transport runs from terminal B from 7:30 to 15:30 daily. The interval between departures is a couple of hours. Travel time - 4.5 hours.
  2. By train. You should depart from the Larissis railway station. You will need train No. 884, and back - No. 885. Travel time will be 5 hours.
  3. By car. This option is the most difficult, since there are practically no signs along the road, and the path is long - 400 km. It will be necessary to pass cities such as Lamia, Domokos, Karditsa and Trikala.

It is much easier and cheaper to get to Meteora in Greece from Thessaloniki. The train journey takes 3 hours and the ticket costs less than 20 euros. From the railway station, you should go to Kalambaka, then you will have to walk a little to the Plateia Dimathiou fountain - and you can see the bus station. From there twice a day (at 7:30 am and 1:30 pm on weekdays, and at 8:20 am and 1:20 pm on weekends) a bus leaves for the village of Kastraki. There you need to transfer to another bus, which will take you directly to the monastery of the Transfiguration of Christ.

Do not forget that from Athens, and from Thessaloniki, and even from the village of Kastraki can be reached as part of an excursion group. The journey will be more informative and interesting, accompanied by the stories of the guide. You can buy a ticket for an excursion to Meteora in Greece at any tourist office.

From the history of the creation of Meteor

It is impossible even at the level of conjecture to imagine how much effort was spent on the construction of monasteries. People have done the unreal. The legend says that the very first construction of the complex was the Great Meteor. It was laid by St. Athanasius, who flew to the top on the back of an eagle. But this is just a legend.

There is also a second tradition that seems more real. The inhabitants of the village of Staya (now Kalambaka) had good dexterity, and therefore had the opportunity to help the monks equip the cloisters by climbing the rocks. By the way, the rocks are structurally very complex and dangerous, so not even every climber dares to climb them.

It is historically believed that Meteora in Greece was first settled at the end of the 10th century. The territory was subordinated to religious communities. The hermits settled in groups and singly in natural caves formed in the rocks. In 1336, the Athos monks Gregory and his disciple Athanasius arrived here. Soon the first one returned home. Athanasius was left on Meteora with a sacred mandate - to found a monastery. In fact, ten years later, this is exactly what happened. With or without magical powers, the monastery was built.

At the same time, Athanasius drew up a code of laws. All monks had to obey these rules. Asceticism began to flourish, as ideal conditions were organized on Meteora for a life of prayer and solitude. Therefore, the newly acquired monks arrived here very soon. Among them was, for example, John Uros Paleolog, who abdicated the Serbian throne, as well as many other personalities in whose veins royal blood flowed. This, in turn, contributed to good funding, that is, the monastery was generously "rewarded" with donations for the shelter. This allowed more and more new temples to be erected on empty rock tops, both easily accessible and those that were difficult to reach. Decades later, a whole monastic complex Meteor in Greece was formed here.

The heyday of monasticism in the rocks falls on the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Reigning over the territory in the period from 1520 to 1566, he helped in the construction of temples, and therefore, by the end of the reign of the Sultan, there were only 24 of them, together with monastic sketes. The largest were sponsored by offerings and other incomes, as a result of which they became rich.

Only 6 monasteries remain today. Looking at them, one can feel the sadness and decline that the temples are now experiencing. The eternal and bitter disputes over the power over Meteora led to the fact that the monasteries ceased to receive proper care. Lack of funding did not allow timely restoration of buildings, they began to deteriorate and collapse. Moreover, many large monasteries remained empty. By the end of the 50s of the last century, only 4 churches remained in operation; to date, only 2 of them have a true religious goal. The rest of the monasteries became objects of tourism, an attraction that earned fame thanks to cinema and literature.

Great Meteor (Preobrazhensky Monastery)

The very first temple founded by Athanasius of Meteor. The Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord is the largest religious object in the Meteor complex in Greece, the photo of which can be seen above. It is also the highest. The Transfiguration Monastery holds the largest number of ancient manuscripts and valuable icons. The main cathedral has a cruciform shape. This is a whole complex consisting of residential buildings, houses for old monks, kitchens, a dining room and a hospital. There is also a crypt and a tiny chapel.

Monastery of Varlaam

In 1350, a monk settled on the top of one of the rocks and built a church here, a cell for himself, and also made a reservoir for water. His name was Varlaam, and he dedicated the temple to the Three Hierarchs. Much later, in 1517, a temple in honor of Varlaam was erected on this site by the monk-priests Theophanes and Nektarios. The interior of the monastery is decorated with frescoes, it houses a collection of valuable icons, rare manuscripts, carved wooden crosses, shrouds and shrouds embroidered with gold. Today, 7 very hospitable monks live here, who are always glad to see visitors.

Monastery of Saint Stephen

This temple is considered the richest on Meteora in Greece. From the photo of the map you can find out the location of the monastery - right above the city of Kalambaka. Once there was a tiny chapel, which also bore the name of St. Stephen. It was built by hermits in the 12th century. Subsequently, a large monastery grew up on the site of the chapel, consisting of two main cathedrals - the Old and the New. The first is decorated with earthy-red art compositions, and the second is dedicated to St. Charalambius. There is a large collection of icons here, educational events are regularly held aimed at studying Byzantine music and iconography.

Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapavsas

Of all the temples, this one is the most unusual and smallest. The area of ​​the Meteor rock in Greece, where the monastery is located, is small, so the monks were forced to build the necessary buildings at different levels. The result was a temple with a unique design. It was erected in the early 1300s by Metropolitan Dionysius of Larisa. On the first level, there is a small chapel dedicated to St. Anthony, as well as a crypt where manuscripts and various relics are kept. On the second is the Cathedral of St. Nicholas. The third level consists of the chapel of St. John the Baptist, a frescoed dining room, and a crypt for storing relics. Today, a relatively comfortable staircase leads to the monastery.

Rusanu Monastery

No one knows the exact date of the appearance of the temple and the history of its origin. So among all the Meteora monasteries in Greece, this one can be called the most mysterious. There is an assumption that the temple was founded in the late 1200s by Rusanos, but no evidence has been found for this. It is also called the monastery of St. Barbara, because on the territory of the preserved complex there is a temple of the same name, decorated with an amazingly beautiful fresco, as well as having a wooden carved iconostasis covered with gilding. The main monastery was restored in the Byzantine style already in the 16th century.

Monastery of the Holy Trinity

The temple is located on top of one of the most picturesque rocks. This is a male monastery, to which 140 steps lead, carved right into the rock, so the climb is difficult, not everyone can do it. This feature makes the monastery the most peaceful, since there are very few people here, and therefore asceticism has the opportunity to flourish in full.

What do tourists say about Meteora monasteries in Greece?

The oldest religious Greek landmark will forever remain in the memories of those who managed to visit this unique and mysterious place, which gives an amazingly beautiful view, a feeling of calm and lightness. Each of the tourists is trying in his own way to describe the delight that can only be experienced here. Peace and tranquility - that's what is provided to a person who has visited Meteora. In addition to peace of mind, tourists manage to capture unique picturesque pictures in the pictures.

Travelers recommend coming here at any time of the year. Even in winter, when the peaks of Meteora are covered with snow and are in the grip of a misty haze, the area has its own charm. Some emphasize that in the cold season the impressions are much stronger than in the summer. You just need to dress warmer.

Tourists write extremely positive reviews about Meteor monasteries in Greece. Even a person far from a religious theme will appreciate the beauty of the most ancient monasteries of the country. However, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Each temple is closed to the public one day a week. All monasteries have their own day for this. Some of them are also not available for visiting at lunchtime - from 13:00 to 15:00. The Monastery of the Transfiguration is open from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 15:15 to 18:00, except Tuesday. The Church of St. Varlaam is open at the same hours, except Friday. The monastery of St. Stephen also works, and it is closed on Monday. From 9 am to 6 pm the churches of the Holy Trinity, St. Rusanu and St. Nicholas Anapavs are open.
  2. Given the mode of operation of the monasteries and their location, it is worth noting that it is unrealistic to visit all 6 temples in one day, you should not even try. It's very hard physically. If there is a desire to visit all the monasteries, the visits should be divided into 2-3 days.
  3. Be sure to take into account the type of clothing in which you plan to visit the monasteries. Men and women must cover their shoulders and legs (shirts with sleeves, long skirts and trousers, closed shoes). The heads of the fairer sex are covered with scarves.
  4. You should behave properly, do not talk loudly and do not laugh.

In the video above, you can admire the beauties of Meteora and view the monasteries from different angles.

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