How many professions are there in the world? How to choose a profession: tips and advice for schoolchildren and adults.


Target: activation of the process of professional self-determination, expansion of ideas about various areas of work, the world of professions.


  • to expand students' knowledge about the concept of a profession, to update the process of professional self-determination;
  • to raise awareness about the forms of vocational training and the various educational institutions in the region.

“If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness will find you itself.”

K.D. Ushinsky


1. Introduction

Today we will go to the wonderful world of professions. What do you think, how many different professions are there in the world. In the 17th century, there were only 200 different professions in Rus'.

Experts say that now in the world there are more than 50 thousand different professions and specialties, and annually, according to some data, about 500 new ones appear. And of course, it is not at all easy to understand this diversity, weigh your options, and make the right choice.

The world of professions is not something frozen. He is changeable, the creative thought of people does not allow him to "petrify". Some professions die off, others appear, unite, separate. They change in such a way that a person practically changes his profession several times. Here everyone should be a scout himself.

The elimination of illiteracy in the field of professions will be dealt with today (First Name Last Name). She will talk about different types of professions. ( Annex 1 )
Host: They say that there are about 50 thousand professions in the world. In order not to get confused in them, experts combine them into large classes, types. In Russia, all professions are combined into five large groups, types.

The first type: man-nature. People of these professions deal with animate and inanimate nature (veterinarian, agronomist, hydrologist, sheep breeder, machine operator, tractor driver). They are characterized by a common object of labor - animals and plants, soil and air.

The second type: man-technique. These can be pilots, drivers, sailors, turners, mechanics and other professions using technical devices.

The third type: man-man. The subject of labor in this profession is another person, and a characteristic feature of the activity is the impact on other people. This type of profession includes a teacher, doctor, journalist, salesman.

The fourth type: a person-sign system. Specialists of this type use various signs in their work: oral and written speech, numbers, chemical and physical symbols, notes, diagrams, maps, graphs, drawings, road signs, etc. These are accountants, scientists, people working in laboratories, scientific centers.

Fifth type: man-artistic image. People of this type are distinguished by the presence of vivid imaginative thinking, artistic fantasy, and talent. These are musicians, artists, actors, designers, etc.

3. Career guidance game “The most - the most”

Now you will be offered some unusual characteristics of professions, and you must name those professions that, in your opinion, best correspond to this characteristic. For each profession, the student receives a circle. For example, the characteristic is the most money profession. What occupations are the most profitable? Answer: banker So listen to the following specs:

  • the greenest profession gardener, forester)
  • the sweetest ( beekeeper, confectioner, taster, cook)
  • the hairiest hairdresser)
  • the most childish teacher, teacher assistant)
  • the funniest clown)
  • the most sociable teacher, journalist)
  • the most serious atomist)
  • the smartest scientist, professor)
  • the whitest ( doctor)
  • the most toothy dentist)

4. Career guidance game "Chain of professions"

The exercise is used to develop the ability to highlight the common in various types of work. This skill can be useful in cases where a person, focusing on specific characteristics of work, severely limits himself in his choice (as if "obsessed" with one or two professions with these characteristics), but the same characteristics can be found in many professions.

It is better to do the exercise in a circle. The number of private traders is from 6-8 to 15-20. The duration is from 7-10 to 15 minutes. The main steps are:

Instruction: Now we will build a "chain of professions" in a circle. I will name the first profession, for example, a metallurgist, the next one will name a profession that is somewhat close to a metallurgist, for example, a cook. The next one names a profession close to a cook, and so on. It is important that everyone be able to explain what the similarities of these professions are, for example, both a metallurgist and a cook deal with fire, high temperatures, and furnaces. Determining the similarity between different professions, one can recall the scheme for analyzing the profession, for example, similarity in terms of working conditions, means, etc.

When discussing the game, it is important to draw the attention of the participants to the fact that very interesting common lines of similarity can sometimes be found between the most diverse professions. For example, if professions related to metalworking are named at the beginning of the chain (as in our example), in the middle - with vehicles, and at the end - with ballet (to confirm what has been said, we give an example of a similar chain: metallurgist - cook - butcher - locksmith (also - cuts, but metal) - car mechanic - taxi driver - pop satirist (also "talks teeth") - drama theater artist - ballet dancer, etc.). Such unexpected connections between very different professions indicate that you should not limit yourself to only one professional choice, because very often what you are looking for in one (only one!?) profession may turn out to be in other, more accessible professions...
To correctly, consciously choose a profession, you need to evaluate its positive and negative sides. Then you will not be disappointed, and the choice will be truly conscious.

5. When a person chooses a profession, he makes an important decision, the success of which depends on a significant number of factors. But the most important factor is your desire and desire to take responsibility for yourself.

If you agree with the statement, circle the answer “yes”, if not, the answer is “no”. At the end of the test, count the number of positive and negative answers.

  1. The profession is chosen once and for all (yes / no).
  2. The choice of profession depends on the "thickness" of the wallet (yes / no).
  3. You need to find the profession in which you will be the best (yes / no).
  4. The profession is intended for a person from birth (yes / no).
  5. By the name of the university, you can judge who it trains (yes / no).
  6. You can choose a profession based on the knowledge of parents and friends (yes / no).
  7. You should choose a profession when you are already an adult (yes / no).
  8. To get a good education, you need to go to a prestigious university (yes / no).
  9. If you have money, then career guidance is not needed (yes / no).

In fact, all ten statements refer to common misconceptions that often prevent a person from choosing a profession.

Count how many delusions you agreed with

0-2 - you are doing an excellent job with the problem of choosing a profession, your level of knowledge about the world of professions and how to choose one is almost equal to the competence of specialists.
3-5 - you lack information and confidence in choosing a profession. Perhaps you are faced with difficulties that seem almost insurmountable to you. Think about where you can turn for help - to special services (for orientation and employment services), to a school psychologist?
6 or more - you agree with many stereotypes, try to honestly answer yourself the question: “Why is it so difficult for me to take responsibility for myself?” Perhaps by answering it, you can understand how to become more independent.

6. The word of a psychologist

Every year, 25 million people change their jobs, 12% of them come back... Does this mean that you can choose a profession through trial and error? Or maybe you need to consciously prepare yourself for future professional activities? How to find that one, your profession, so that it suits you completely, so that its election will allow you to benefit people, society?

According to the results of a survey of last year's graduates, it turned out that the professions of the 21st century are: a computer engineer - 50%; businessman - 25%; banker - 12%; sociologist - 12%; governesses - 10%; ecologist - 5%; hacker - 21%. Professions can be described as:

  • obsolete - a collective farmer, a servant, a milliner, a cab driver, a chimney sweep, a blacksmith, a stove-maker;
  • mass or through - locksmith, welder, accountant, engineer;
  • rare - oceanologist, orientalist;
  • free - artist, artist, writer. Such people do not have a clear work schedule. These specialists work by inspiration, live on fees;
  • profitable ( with a high salary) - banker, economist, designer, fashion model;
  • demanded ( currently and in the near future, are in demand) - sales representative, sales manager, programmer, marketer, advertising specialist, system administrator, auditor, art director;
  • new ones - auditor, radiologist, gerontologist.

Read in the dictionary of professions what they mean.

Dictionary of new professions(Annex 1 )

Auditor. A person who controls not the business, but the accounts, profitability, income and expenses of the company. In all countries, companies must keep balance sheets, make money transactions through accounts, pay taxes, and so on. The correctness of maintaining financial, accounting and reporting documentation is controlled by a public auditor. This profession requires high qualification, responsibility and is very prestigious.

Gerontologist. Improving medical care, improving living conditions and a growing awareness of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle are helping people in many countries live long and fulfilling lives. At present, the situation in Russia is somewhat different, but it should improve soon. It should be noted that society is aging rather quickly. The number of elderly people who can only rely on themselves is increasing. The handicapped also need help. Unfortunately, there are few places for such people in state hospitals. Private hospitals and health-improving establishments are still few and very expensive. Inviting a babysitter for a while is a real way out in many cases. And so the profession of sister-gerontologist is increasingly receiving a calling in society.

Radiologist. This profession is also related to medicine. A radiologist identifies the internal symptoms of a disease through a specialized examination of various parts of the human body. Such an examination is carried out with the help of high-tech equipment, X-ray, ultrasound, computer, tomograph, etc. These tools are becoming more and more advanced, allowing you to receive and instantly process a huge amount of information about the state of the main internal organs of a person. As a rule, patients are referred to a radiologist by doctors who need some additional information. Based on his conclusion, a more accurate diagnosis is established and more effective treatment is carried out.

7. Group peer review with elements of the game “Who is who?”

A person wants to know the opinion of the people around him. What do other people think of him? How do they perceive it, including in the professional sphere.

Now you have the opportunity to find out how the members of the group see your professional future. We will conduct a survey within the group. Everyone present has a certain opinion about your abilities and the profession that suits you best. To do this, we will use a questionnaire. Write your last name, first name, at the top of the sheet, below: “What is my vocation, what is the best thing for me to do in life?

After filling out the sheets, they are returned to the one whose last name is written at the top of the sheet. Next, it is proposed to determine which vocations were to your liking, and which ones you didn’t like at all. To do this, in the survey form, mark the first ones with a “+” sign and the second ones with a “-” sign. Now thank those who understood your calling well, and tell me whose opinion you disagree with.

Final word

Today you got acquainted with many professions, tried to find out which one of them each of you is inclined to. You should think about whether you like the group of professions for which you have determined inclinations. Let everyone evaluate themselves and their capabilities. I wish everyone not to make a mistake in choosing a profession. And how to get the desired profession?

  • set a goal and strive to achieve it;
  • you need to get good knowledge;
  • enter and successfully graduate from a technical school, institute;
  • first try yourself in your chosen profession;
  • you have to love this job.

And in conclusion - the Russian proverb says: "Every blacksmith of his own happiness." Let's remember the words of Thomas Carlyle: "The most miserable of people is the one for whom there is no work in the world."


  • I found out that my future profession...
  • I think after today's conversation...

I hope that in the future...

Every person, of course, needs a profession. From childhood, he begins to think about who he wants to become. Someone wants to be like dad or mom, someone relies on their own interests. But now it's time to make your choice. The professions of the whole world are open before you. The main thing is not to make a mistake.

Professions around the world. Where to stop?

So, in more detail. Professions around the world give everyone the opportunity to choose their own path in life. Often, this is not so easy to do. After all, I want the profession to be in demand and highly paid. True, we should not forget that there is nothing eternal in this world. The labor market is constantly changing. Once prestigious professions become irrelevant. They are replaced by more ambitious specialties - like marketers, advertising specialists, sales managers, etc. So what professions are the most in demand today? Let's try to figure it out.

genetic engineers

Describing the professions of the whole world, of course, it is impossible not to mention them. These people receive today about 98 thousand dollars a year. Constant population growth can lead to a serious problem - hunger on the planet. Even now in many underdeveloped countries there is a shortage of food. And the ability of the Earth to grow the right amount of food is not so great.

advertising managers

The ranking of professions includes these guys in the top ten. The number of different services on the market and a variety of products is also growing very rapidly. Ways to promote them need the most original and bright. Today, simply producing a quality product is not enough. He needs a unique image, a positive image. The buyer should not want to buy it, but definitely do it. And so this specialty appeared.

IT specialists

The salary of some "IT people" is 100 thousand dollars a year. It's no secret that computer technology controls everything today. IT-specialists protect systems from hacking, develop software. In short, this specialty is our technological future.


Professions all over the world include this specialty in the first places in the ranking in terms of demand. It is lawyers who deal with the settlement of all kinds of legal conflicts. In today's world, without their intervention, not a single contract is drawn up, not a single document is signed, and not a single major deal is turned over.

Market Analysts

Let's look further at the rating of professions. Market analysts receive today about 112 thousand dollars a year. They help answer questions about whether it is worth releasing your product into circulation and when it is better to do it. Specialists collect the necessary information, conduct analysis, predict potential future sales, customer availability and business success.


In the coming years - this is apparently in the field of medicine. For example, the demand for dental services is four times greater than the supply. New dental offices open regularly, but they still cannot completely fill this niche.

Anesthesiologists also earn a lot. This position is especially popular abroad. This is not just a doctor who chooses the dose of anesthesia during the operation. This is a professional who ensures the safety of the patient both during the operation and after its completion.

Surgeons receive about 350 thousand dollars a year. In addition to performing operations, their duties include a lot of "paperwork" and constant examinations of patients. Accordingly, such a high level of wages is well deserved.


Remember the nursery rhyme that "all professions are needed." Pilots are in demand today no less than doctors. Air transport is the fastest and most popular in the world. Therefore, the profession of a pilot is one of the most prestigious and highly paid. But there are a lot of requirements for it: precise skills, training, psychological stress, responsibility for people's lives. Today, of course, unmanned aircraft are already appearing. However, they will not be able to completely displace living people for sure not soon.

Senior managers

The directory of working professions, as a rule, does not include such specialties. In fact, these positions are very much in demand. These include both the president of the company and the CEO. In essence, they are one and the same. The top manager is the main figure in the functioning of the enterprise. He needs to make important decisions, choose the course of the company, be responsible for the final result of the work. This position requires a lot of responsibility, therefore it often leads a person to stressful conditions.

social professions

Next item. Social professions have a lot of advantages. They provide an opportunity to engage in a variety of interesting activities, broaden horizons, provide self-realization of the individual.

Social and humanitarian professions include: coach, psychologist, sociologist, social worker, social teacher, ethnographer, archaeologist, blogger, copywriter, media employee, political scientist, educator, teacher, recruiter, tour guide, graphic designer, PR specialist, linguist, translator, speech therapist, culturologist, museum worker, librarian. Social and economic specialties include: accountant, marketer, manager, economist.

Rare Professions

So, the positions in demand are considered. Now you should turn your attention to the rarest professions in the world. This group includes the position of a sign language interpreter. The professions of a stylist (a person who makes wigs, beards, eyelashes, sideburns, mustaches and braids to order), a machine operator at a match factory (osierator), a kavist (a specialist in alcoholic beverages offering a specific wine for a specific dish), teatester (tea taster), greenkeeper (specialist responsible for the condition of green lawns for football, baseball, rugby, golf, etc.), oenologist (specialist who selects grape varieties for making wine) and speechwriter (writer for politicians and businessmen ).

Rare male professions

And now more specifically. The rarest professions in the world among men are sometimes simply striking in their originality. Among them: a dergal (a specialist who collects seaweed for three months a year), an organ builder, a climbing equipment tester, an airplane washer, a monsterologist (a specialist in the study of monsters), a cow shearer, an observer at the work of strippers. The latter watch the girls dance for two months, take notes and receive a salary of 10 thousand dollars a month.

Rare female professions

Recently, the line between men and began to blur more and more. Nevertheless, there are such professions where meeting a woman is a rarity. For example, there is only one single female gondolier in the world. To master this profession, the Venetian had to undergo six months of training and pass exams.

Infrequently, you can also meet women truckers. However, such cases do occur. Women are driving huge trucks. At the same time, they build a family life, raise children.

Women are also known to cope with the work of glassblowers no worse than men. Moreover, they can create masterpieces thanks to their subtle feminine taste.

The rarest profession in the world

The rarest profession in the world is considered to be the caretaker of a paradise island. It arose when a person was needed who could promote holidays on one of the Australian islands. One of the travel companies was looking for such a person. For six months, the man had to live in a villa on the island, swim in the pool, scuba dive, take pictures, play golf and blog. For six months spent on Hamilton Island, the happy owner of this profession was able to earn 110 thousand dollars.

Summing up, it is worth saying: "To each his own!". Do not forget about the above quote - "All professions are needed!".

What is the "profession" of cereals in an ecosystem? In our article, we will try to consider this issue from the point of view of the structural features and physiology of representatives of the class Monocots.

Cereals: plants of the planet's herbaceous cover

Rye, barley, wheat, corn... Perhaps this list can be continued indefinitely. After all, cereal plants have about 10 thousand species. They are the plant basis of steppe and grassland ecosystems, and are also found in savannahs and pampas. They are distinguished from all other representatives of the class Monocots by their special economic importance and wide distribution area. What features of the structure allowed them to achieve such importance?

Features of the structure of cereal plants

The grass family, or bluegrass, like all monocots, have one cotyledon in the bud, simple linear leaves without a petiole. In their stems there is no lateral - cambium. Therefore, most cereals are represented by herbaceous forms. A distinctive feature of these plants is a hollow cylindrical stem, which is called a culm. Grasses in the ecosystem of the tropics sometimes reach up to 50 cm in height. In general, it is a giant, growing up to 4-5 m. The flowers of all cereals are small and inconspicuous. Their perianth is reduced and is represented by translucent films. Pollinated cereals with the help of wind. Small flowers are always collected in inflorescences, such as a complex ear, cob, plume, panicle, brush. As a result of their flowering, a dry, indehiscent caryopsis is formed.

What is the "profession" of cereals in an ecosystem?

It is difficult to imagine a clearing in a meadow, steppe expanses or a coastal river zone without cereal plants. And most of the malicious weeds are also a representative of this family. What is the "profession" of cereals in the ecosystem of these biogeocenoses? First of all, they are a supplier of additional water for all plants. This is possible due to the structural features of their root system. Grasses always grow in large groups. Their numerous thin roots are tightly intertwined, covering the ground and thus crowding out other plants. In this case, a special layer is formed in the surface layer - turf. It helps retain extra moisture with the nutrients it provides to all plants.

When the roots of cereals die, they become the basis of soils that are highly fertile, since they are rich in a large amount of organic residues. The fruits and shoots of these plants are used as food by various types of animals in natural and artificial ecosystems. All cereal plants are producers. This means that in food chains they are producers of organic substances and oxygen, which are formed during photosynthesis.

The most important cereal plants

What is the "profession" of cereals in an ecosystem that is natural, we have already figured out. But one cannot fail to say that a person has long used these plants for their own purposes. Of particular importance among them are wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Important food crops are rice, corn, sorghum. Many among cereals and weeds. These are wheatgrass, spicy, bonfire, barnyard, wild oats. Foxtail and timothy are grown as forage grasses. One of the most amazing cereals is bamboo, the straws of which grow to a height of more than a meter per day. And cane is the source of more than 50% of the world's sugar.

As you have seen, cereals play an important role in natural and artificial ecosystems, being the basis for soils, a source of nutrition and moisture, and also valuable food crops.

Of the 450 professions that exist today in the Russian economy, only 28 are mass. It is in them that 36 million Russians are employed - exactly 50 percent of all working citizens of the country. This is the conclusion reached by the authors of the analytical report from the Center for Labor Studies of the Higher School of Economics, Vladimir Gimpelson and Nina Vishnevskaya. They found that most Russians - about 14 percent - are employed in only two professions, for mastering which it is enough to finish school and special courses. Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes about it.

Moreover, the first profession - the driver - remains the most popular in Russia over the past 15 years. Today, seven percent of Russians, or five million people, travel on the roads every day, carrying goods or passengers.

There are slightly fewer sellers - 6.8 percent. As the authors of the study note, since 2000 their number has increased significantly, as the trade industry itself has grown rapidly and developed. Now the main staff is concentrated in supermarkets and shopping centers. In third place in terms of mass is the profession of a school teacher. Two million Russians (2.8 percent of the working population) bring good and eternal youth.

One of the largest groups is unskilled workers. Combining several types of employment into it (loaders, auxiliary workers, cleaners, watchmen, watchmen, elevator operators, cloakroom attendants, packers), the researchers received an "army" of almost five million people (6.8 percent of the total number of employees).

940,000 people in Russia work as doctors, with 65 percent of them over the age of 40. Over 2.6 million Russians (3.6 percent) specialize in finance. These are accountants, economists, specialists in finance and credit. More than 970 thousand people work as lawyers.

The list of the most common professions also includes medical personnel, cooks, kindergarten workers, architects, engineers, civil servants, welders, assemblers and repairmen of industrial equipment, carpenters, carpenters, electricians, machinists, heads of production and operational units.

But the profession of a doctor was already in 18th place. The researchers counted only about 940 thousand of its representatives (or 1.3 percent of all employees). Over the past 15 years, she has gained only 0.1 percent in weight.

The IT industry, which is developing the digital economy of the future, also employs very few people - 720,000. Mostly young people work as programmers, developers and analysts of computer systems. Eight out of ten workers in this industry are under 40 years old. This is explained by the fact that the mass dissemination of computer technologies, as well as interest in them when choosing a future profession, began relatively recently.

A profession is a kind of labor activity of a person who owns a complex of theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in the course of special training.

Specialization is the process of concentrating the release of certain types of products in certain industries, at separate enterprises and their divisions, i.e. This is the process of producing homogeneous products or performing individual technological operations.

Specialization of production is one of the forms of division of social labor and organization of production. In industry, a particular division of labor means the division of industry into branches and their further differentiation, on the one hand, and the specialization of enterprises, on the other.

The unit division of labor represents specialization within the enterprise. The specialization of enterprises and workshops occurs as a result of the isolation of the production of homogeneous finished products, as well as the production of individual components of the product and individual operations of the technological process for their manufacture.

1. Specialty (from lat. species - genus, type) - type of occupation within the same profession

2. The concept of "profession" has many interpretations in the literature:

A profession is an occupation requiring special training, which a person practices regularly and which serves him as a source of livelihood;

The profession unites a group of people engaged in the same type of activity, within which certain connections and norms of behavior are established;

The profession acts as a special form of social organization of able-bodied members of society, united by a common type of activity and professional consciousness;

Several definitions are given in his works by E.A. Klimov. The most complete is the following: "A profession is necessary for society, socially valuable and limited due to the division of labor, the area of ​​application of the physical and spiritual forces of a person, giving him the opportunity to receive the necessary means of his existence and development in return for the labor expended." Refining this voluminous definition, E.A. Klimov characterizes the profession as a community, activity, area of ​​personality manifestation and as a historically developing system.

Here is another definition of it: "From the point of view of society, a profession is a system of professional tasks, forms and types of professional activity, professional characteristics of an individual that can ensure the satisfaction of society's needs in achieving a significant result or product that society needs." A narrower definition of the profession from the point of view of a particular person is given by V.G. Makushin: a profession is an activity through which a given person participates in the life of society and which serves him as the main source of material livelihood.

A generalization of the available interpretations allows us to give the following definition. A profession is a historically emerged form of labor activity, for the performance of which a person must have certain knowledge and skills, have special abilities and developed professionally important qualities. In the English-speaking environment, the concepts of "profession" (rgofession) and "occupation" (ocsupation) are distinguished. The term "profession" is applied only to a small circle of high-status types of professional activity. All other activities are related to specialties or types of work, occupations.

In domestic literature, it is customary to separate the concepts of "profession" and "specialty". A profession is a broader concept than a specialty, its distinguishing features: in addition to professional competence, there are also social and professional competence, professional autonomy, self-control, group norms and values. A profession, as a rule, unites a group of related specialties. For example, a profession is a doctor, specialties are a therapist, pediatrician, oculist, urologist, etc.; profession - engineer, specialties - designer, technologist, metallurgist, etc.; profession - locksmith, specialties - plumber, electrician, toolmaker, etc.

A specialty is a set of special knowledge, skills and abilities acquired through vocational education, training and in the process of work that are necessary to perform a certain type of activity within a particular profession. Thus, a specialty is one of the types of professional activity within a profession, aimed at achieving more particular or intermediate results, or at achieving general results by specific means.

In the history of the development of civilization, the division of labor into professional activities is observed already before our era in Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and other developed countries. A significant differentiation of labor occurred during the era of the industrial revolution. Subsequent scientific and technological progress has led to a significant renewal and increase in the range of professions. In the official directory of the United States in 1965, the characteristics of 21,741 professions and about 40,000 specialties were listed in alphabetical order.

In the International Standard for the Classification of Occupations in 1988, 9333 professions were listed. The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory unites about 7,000 professions and specialties. These special documents reflect the professional situation at the time of their compilation. Published guides, however, need to be corrected at the time of their publication, since the world of professions is very dynamic. New professions are constantly emerging, the content of the labor of existing professions is being updated, low-skilled professions are dying off, and combined and integrated professions and specialties are emerging.

For many professions and specialties, training is carried out at enterprises and institutions for training, retraining and advanced training. For training in the most popular professions that require high qualifications, there is a system of primary, secondary and higher vocational education. For this system, the concept of "educational profession" is basic.

An educational profession is a level of qualification that reflects the volume and quality of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for further development and performance of activities in a particular professional field. The concept of "professiography" includes the process of studying, psychological characteristics and design of the profession. When professionalizing, the signs of objects that are the central components of any labor process are always studied: the subject of labor, subject, tasks, tools and working conditions.

One of the fundamental principles of professiography has become the principle of a differentiated approach to the study of professional activity. The essence of this principle is the subordination of professiography to the solution of specific practical problems. For example, for the purposes of professional consultation and professional selection, it is necessary to single out those professionally important features that allow the differentiation of the subjects according to their professional suitability. To determine the level of qualification, the characteristics of labor functions, professional knowledge, skills and abilities are of great importance. For vocational education, the characteristics of the types of activities, the composition of typical production tasks, the list of necessary knowledge, skills, qualities and properties of a specialist are important.

It is obvious that vocational education cannot be conducted in all professions, and the conditions, means, content, and levels of complexity of various types of professional activity are very different. We need a scientifically based selection of educational professions according to certain characteristics, criteria, their classification and the establishment of qualification levels. The result should be a list of educational professions, on the basis of which the forms of training specialists are determined. This may be short-term training at enterprises, training in vocational schools or universities.

The list of educational professions is also affected by the prevalence of professions, contraindications for work with difficult and harmful working conditions, as well as age restrictions. Drawing up a list of training professions for vocational education will always be relevant. And of course, this list should have scientifically substantiated grouping and be not numerous.

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