Dreams from Friday to Saturday are an omen of future events. What do dreams mean from Friday to Saturday


After the end of the work week, you can afford not to get up too early. On Saturday morning, try to watch the dreams to the end, remember as many details as possible. Dreams from Friday to Saturday can predict significant changes in your life. Treat the message of the night with due attention.

Interpretation of dreams from Friday to Saturday

Dreams during this period are under the double influence of the departing Venus and the patron saint of Saturday Saturn. Often associated with love, romance. They give clues about the development of further events: not only in the life of the sleeping person, but also in his relatives and friends. The more detailed you remember the dream, the more accurately you will be able to interpret, and therefore prepare for the future.

Saturn gives Saturday a certain energy

Luck will smile at you only if you are patient and careful. Think of a plan of action ahead of time.

Do not make spontaneous, reckless actions.

If a bright, colorful dream appeared on a Friday night or Saturday morning, then this is a wonderful omen. Whatever you take, the matter will be argued. Success awaits you. Gray, gloomy visions, in which walls, locked doors, cliffs, crosses (symbols of obstacles on the way) appeared, predict a difficult road to the chosen goal. There is a lot of work ahead, including on yourself.

The uncomfortable feeling left after waking up suggests that the dream alarmed or even frightened you. Probably big troubles, difficulties, collapse of hopes are coming. Or find out that a dear person needs your help.

Astrology believes that each day of the week is ruled by one of the seven planets. So, Saturn rules on Saturday. He does not like new things, empty talk, a condescending attitude to his own weaknesses.

Do not give up ahead of time - a dream is given so that you have time to correct the current situation. Carefully think over all further moves, consult with a wise person, expand the circle of useful acquaintances, become more sensitive to others. The main thing is to smile and charge others with positive, then all problems will disappear with time.

Bad sleep is not a reason to be sad

Dreams from Friday to Saturday help you pay attention to your behavior in society, how to look at yourself from the outside and, if you don’t like something, correct it. They teach to value existing relationships, to fight addictions. Dreamed tests are a sign: it's time to change the way of life. Try to understand what caused the losing streak, why you constantly quarrel with someone.

When I dreamed: at night or in the morning

The time period in which you had a dream is of no small importance:

  • In the morning, until seven o'clock, memorable and vivid dreams show the immediate prospects, contain advice. If a loved one dreamed, pay attention to his behavior and correlate with reality.
  • From seven to ten in the morning, night vision events indicate misconduct and mistakes. They need to be corrected urgently. The dream gives clues about what needs to be done to save the relationship.
  • At midday, the main role is played by the atmosphere. Dark or bright, it will set the tone for the coming week.
  • The nightmare that appeared on Saturday morning has the opposite interpretation: in reality everything will work out in the best way.
  • The most difficult thing is to get rid of the negativity predicted by gloomy midnight dreams.
  • A dream seen before midnight, when Saturn has not yet come into its own, contains, as a rule, love signs. If a girl at this time dreams of her boyfriend, then soon he will talk about the wedding.

Emotions and images

Dreams are not simple and understandable instructions, they must be able to decipher. This must be done promptly, as they come true within a few days.


First of all, concentrate on the emotions experienced in a dream. Mood reflects relationships with significant people for you, future victories and defeats. Feelings can show your inner world, sides of character, inclinations, carefully concealed not only from others, but also from yourself.

Saturn advises to trust in everyday experience, to limit momentary impulses.


I dreamed of a loved one (albeit not mutually) - your fate will be intertwined in one way or another. Even if you are together for a short time, you will still be able to leave a deep mark in each other's hearts.

Romantic, intimate dreams from Friday to Saturday will determine your fate

We saw a betrayal or an unseemly act of a person sunk into the soul - it’s better to break off relations with him, otherwise in the future they will become a source of grief, scandals and tears for you. Maybe he's dating someone else.

Caught among love dreams and "shifters": for example, a kiss with a loved one can dream of infidelity. The guy offers to marry him - in reality this night vision will turn into separation. A terrible quarrel portends a pleasant surprise.

Video: why dream of love


When in a dream from Friday to Saturday you are given a certain diagnosis, then the chances of getting sick with this very thing in reality are very high. If you have not been feeling well lately, you should pay due attention to your health. Don't ignore warning signs by referring to being busy. It is advisable to organize your day so that it has time for sports (at least walking).

Improve your diet, do not disturb your sleep pattern.

A dreaming illness can be interpreted as a symbol. Sore throat in a dream - spend a lot of time on empty talk, gossip. Legs and hands ached - you feel out of place, do not like your job.

dead people

I dreamed of a dead man on the day of Saturn, calling for him - in reality there is danger. Be extremely careful: there is a traumatic period ahead. Avoid risk and rush on the road.

Dreams of coffins, graves, funerals - including your own - also promise misfortune.

Pay attention to the mood in which the deceased person was in a dream. The mood was cheerful, joyful - trouble will pass by.

They returned the dead to life at night - a person dear to you can get into trouble, but you will save him. It is unlikely that we are talking about life and death: most likely, a relative or friend will need your support when they find themselves in a difficult situation.

If the dead man said something, remember his words exactly. This is advice or a warning.

If you dreamed of the death of someone who is actually alive, or you were informed of his death, then try to spend as much time as possible with your loved ones after waking up. Have a family dinner. The family has missed your attention.


Favorable dreams about work portend a cloudless, peaceful period. Your merits are appreciated, your career is going uphill.

Negative visions regarding everyday duties hint that in reality there will be problems at work, up to and including dismissal. In a dream, they quarreled with one of the colleagues or the boss - conflicts await in reality. For a businessman, such dreams predict big losses or bankruptcy.

Keep your eyes open with colleagues, business partners - they are plotting against you.

Try to understand what may have contributed to the tense situation at work. Perhaps you should be more responsible for the tasks assigned to you. Do not shift the tasks entrusted to you to others: the patience of your workmates is not eternal.

For the most accurate reading of the dream, remember all the nuances of the plot and your feelings. They, like bread crumbs, will eventually lead to the truth.

Returned in a dream to student or school time - you should think about changing jobs or getting additional education. Do not forget to develop culturally and spiritually, read more, find an exciting hobby. As they say, knowledge is power. You will have more roads leading to the desired goal.

Entertainment, recreation

Indulged in a dream of bliss, rested - in reality you are characterized by such character traits as carelessness and frivolity. The dream recommends approaching business, your life with more responsibility and prudence.

Only in this case it is possible to reach heights in a career, realize desires, build a reliable marriage.

A similar interpretation of dreams, where the sleeper has fun and has fun, without thinking about tomorrow. There is a possibility that you went down a crooked path, contacted the wrong people. Perhaps you should change your social circle, think about the meaning of your own life, your actions, about where they can lead you.

After such a Saturday dream, it is better to postpone the planned rest, since it will not give you pleasure.

If on the night from Friday to Saturday you dreamed of a pleasant journey, then in reality you can safely go on the road: it will be favorable


According to gypsy beliefs, spiders dream of sudden enrichment. For example, you will receive an unscheduled bonus, an inheritance from a relative, the existence of which you did not even suspect, you will win the lottery. The source of income will be a real surprise for you.

We saw not only an insect, but also a web - get ready to bathe in luxury.

A white spider in a woman's dream portends good luck. A lonely young lady will meet the man of her dreams or receive a marriage proposal. A married woman will please her husband with the news of the replenishment in the family.

For a free man, an albino spider promises erotic adventures, for a married man - the conception of a child by his wife.

If an insect scared you in a dream, you can forget about money

Sleep colors

When starting to decipher a dream, pay attention not only to its plot, but also to the color shades that prevail in it:

  • Red, scarlet, crimson - there is a threat to your health. It is better to be examined in the hospital, even if you do not notice any serious symptoms yet.
  • Blue, blue, green - the path to the dream is cleared. Don't waste your time, luck favors you.
  • Dark gamma is a warning about difficulties, obstacles that prevent plans from being realized. Gather your courage to emerge from the coming trials as a winner.
  • Pastel, delicate colors (pink, peach, light green) - a miracle is coming: what you have been dreaming about for so long will fall into your hands by itself.

What does the dream book say about the sleeping field

Some images for men and women have different meanings.

Men's dreams

If a man on Saturday dreams of a choice between several women, then in reality he is trying to solve all the problems at once. Better deal with them as they come.

An ex-girlfriend in a dream betrays doubt about feelings for a new lover.

A stranger predicts a romantic acquaintance. Gypsy is a deception on the part of dear people. A dark-haired woman prepares for trials and anxieties. With fiery curls - to changes in personal life. The pregnant woman symbolizes the readiness to “give birth” to something new: an idea, a construction or creative project, etc. And such a dream hints to a man that he has not gone on dates for a long time. It's time to start a new relationship.

What do girls', women's dreams mean

I had a pleasant conversation with a man - expect good news from loved ones. He helped you - you are lucky with friends: they are a reliable support.

All the dreams of a married woman that night have a literal meaning. A favorable plot involving close people promises good times, and gloomy events are a sign that you should behave tactfully and prudently. This is the only way to avoid quarrels, reach mutual understanding with friends and family.


A Saturday dream involving a stranger has different readings:

  • Were close to him - ahead of the complexity, failure.
  • Kissed him - beware of spontaneous decisions, actions.
  • They ran after him - soon you will start a new romance.
  • The meeting with him alerted you, frightened you - next week it is better not to get acquainted with anyone.
  • Made a good impression - to the news, which will be a pleasant surprise for you.
  • Chased you - to vain worries, vanity.
  • Beat - meet great love.
  • Asked you for something - get a gift.
  • A handsome man predicts success in any business.
  • Drunk - problems with other people.
  • Elderly - good luck.
    Clown - beware of your inner circle.
  • The stranger had a physical defect - a dream promises happiness.

To a woman in a relationship, a stranger in a dream speaks of a cooling of feelings. Until love burns out, try to keep it.

For a free lady, such a vision portends an interesting acquaintance, a date.

Several representatives of the stronger sex are a symbol of choice: a future profession or place of work. You are already at a crossroads, or you will be there soon.

A young man in a dream of a future mother is a sign of the birth of a boy. The colorful or light-colored clothes of the night guest indicate an easy birth and a happy fate for the baby.

Familiar guy

The guy who dreamed of the girl on Saturday night has a serious passion for her. If he dreams at the end of the week again and again, pay special attention to him: he will become a faithful, reliable life partner.

If the former appeared in a dream, then this does not mean that you will converge again. It’s just that your connection has not been completely broken: you are still united by common friends, children or work, hobbies. Or even karma. Often such a dream predicts a new serious relationship. But if you cherish the hope of restoring the old union, the dream advises you to leave it: it prevents you from trusting a new feeling.

We had sex in a vision with our partner and woke up in a great mood - a wish will come true. The next week will be decisive for your relationship.

The chosen one was in a dream with another - focus on strengthening relationships, take care of your love. Not only a person who wants to separate you, but also family disagreements can threaten her. Don't let problem solving go by itself.

A big quarrel with a lover warns of a deterioration in the well-being of one of the relatives. Or something bad will happen to him.


Expect the birth of a girl in a dream - in real life, this represents good news or a wonderful surprise. A boy should be born - be vigilant on the road: you can get into an accident.

If a non-pregnant girl dreams that she will become a mother, then she probably dreams about it or will really soon carry a child under her heart.

Get pregnant in a dream - get ready to become a mother in reality

Another woman

The woman or girl who dreamed that night personifies youth, memories of youth.

The reflection of a stranger seen in the mirror warns of a secret ill-wisher or rival in love. Remember the features of the dreaming face.

The ex-wife or girlfriend of the chosen one, dreaming, betrays your insecurity in him. Not everything is going smoothly in your union.

If on Saturday night you dreamed of a loved one doing something incomprehensible to you, be sure to tell him about it after waking up. Perhaps this message is meant for him.

We admired a beautiful girl in a dream - expect good news. The same meaning if you were talking to a friend or neighbor.

Touched a woman - you will understand that the one who takes care of you for a long time, without concealing his feelings, is your soulmate.

When such dreams definitely come true and are considered prophetic

Dreams from Friday to Saturday rarely carry any semantic load. However, people often forget or ignore them.

Such dreams are prophetic for those born on Saturday. Pay close attention to what has been seen since Friday the 13th and during the Easter week. Sadly, good omens come true less often. Unlike dreaming ailments and accidents.

Why is Friday the 13th considered a cursed day? One of the versions: on this day, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and left Paradise forever.

There is a high probability that the nightmare that occurred on Christmas night will be repeated in reality exactly to the smallest detail.

Don't brush aside the dreams you had on the night of Friday the 13th to Saturday the 14th

But in December, only rainbow dreams come true: about happy hours with family, having a good time with friends, meeting with lovers.

Remember that the period for translating into reality for such dreams is very short: a maximum of two weeks.

After this time, any dreamed horrors can be safely thrown out of your head. If nothing bad happened, then you did something that neutralized the predicted problems and troubles.

Video: so that a bad dream does not come true

Don't be afraid to play it safe when it comes to dreams from Friday to Saturday. Especially if reading the signs portends trouble. It is better to take preventive measures than to let the course of events take its course and end up with a bunch of problems.

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Dreams from Friday to Saturday are considered prophetic. They do not just warn, but portend important changes that will become life-changing for a sleeping person. Therefore, all dream books agree that you need to be attentive to what night dreams tell about. What is seen in a dream for young girls is of particular importance - if a guy dreams from Friday to Saturday, perhaps he is her destiny.

General interpretation

To correctly interpret any dream, you need to remember all the details. They will be the thread that will lead to the unraveling of the message encrypted in the dream. Feelings are no less important, because dreams almost never predict the future verbatim.

All dreams about a loved one tell about the subconscious feelings of the sleeping woman for her soul mate and about her secret desires. In such dreams, it is not necessary to try to see the future, it is better to analyze their connection with the present and draw conclusions. Perhaps in this way intuition tries to warn against mistakes.

If a girl sees a guy she knows on Saturday night, this means that the young man thinks about her and has serious feelings. If he regularly comes into her dreams at the end of the week, then you should take a closer look at him - most likely, he will be an excellent companion for life, which they say "behind him, like behind a stone wall."

Seeing a stranger this night is a sure sign that her feelings for her husband or boyfriend are gradually weakening in reality and you need to try to save them. Lonely young ladies can interpret the dream directly - the appearance of a pleasant stranger indicates an internal readiness for a relationship, and an interesting acquaintance will not keep you waiting.

The former lover dreams of a new romance, which has every chance of developing into marriage. Some interpreters advise to answer honestly for themselves the question: are there any feelings for the ex-boyfriend left in the soul. If this is the case, then it is worth leaving all hopes for a reunion - they only interfere with establishing a personal life.

Some Favorable Meanings of Sleep

  • To have a pleasant conversation with a representative of the strong half of humanity portends good news from loved ones. Getting help from a man in a dream means having reliable friends you can rely on in difficult times.
  • If a guy dreams of a pregnant woman from Friday to Saturday, then you should prepare for the birth of a male baby. If the clothes on the young man were bright or light, then the birth will be easy, and the baby will have a good long life.
  • A dream in which a girl makes love with her boyfriend promises the fulfillment of desires.

Main unfavorable signs

  • A difficult conversation with a guy in a raised voice warns that one of the relatives will get sick or get into an unpleasant situation. Dreams in which a stranger encroaches on the dreamer's life warn against the intrigues of enemies. Running away from a young man in a dream means spending your time in vain chores.

  • A passionate kiss with a stranger in a dream warns that in life a girl should be careful and not break firewood. Cheating on your boyfriend in a dream means getting an unexpected blow from a friend or good friend.
  • You should not rejoice when you receive a marriage proposal in night dreams. Such dreams have the opposite interpretation and dream of breaking up relationships.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday are under the dual influence of the departing Venus and the patron saint of Saturday, Saturn. They often talk about love and romantic relationships. If the dream was clear and remembered in every detail, it certainly matters and will come true quickly, usually within a week. Therefore, if a guy dreams from Friday to Saturday, you need to hurry up with conclusions so that.

Sleep takes up about a third of every person's life. And this is not empty time that we waste senselessly. In a dream, a person often finds the key to unraveling questions of interest, experiences past events and prepares for the future.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday are usually not interrupted by the alarm clock, because for most people Saturday is a day off. And this means that it is possible to watch the dream to the end, it is better to remember it and understand whether it is empty or has some meaning for you.

If you want to determine what dreams from Friday to Saturday mean, first of all, you need to consider that every day is influenced by certain planets. All dreams that occurred on the night from Friday to Saturday will be influenced by planets such as Saturn and Venus. Venus - the planet that rules Friday, is the patroness of love, beauty and is responsible for the perception of the world around us. Therefore, in part, such dreams are responsible for the sensual side of the perception of reality. If a girl sees herself next to a young man on such a night, then he may be her destiny, and in real life you need to take a closer look at him. The same is true for a young man's sleep. Perhaps the girl who walks next to him in a dream will go through life.

In general, Friday itself has long been considered a special day, since on this day, according to biblical traditions. Since then, mystical properties have been attributed to her. Saturday is ruled by the powerful planet Saturn. She is a symbol of wisdom and life experience, symbolizes power, fate and life's trials.

The meaning of dreams for the person who sees them

All dreams remembered from Friday to Saturday are usually associated with upcoming important events that will occur in the near future. They suggest how to behave correctly in the future, what is better to limit yourself, what to give up. Often dreams on such a night can warn that some kind of test is coming to a person and indicate how best to behave in order to overcome all difficulties with minimal losses.

If a person is faced with a choice, cannot make an important decision and has a dream from Friday to Saturday, then it is in this dream that one should look for a hint in which direction to move on.

If in a dream from Friday to Saturday you see bright, joyful dreams, then this is a good sign. Most likely, in this case, all your plans will successfully come true, and problems will certainly be resolved.

Well, if on such a night dreams are gloomy, black and white, if high fences, walls, crosses, mountains and other similar obstacles appear in a dream, then this may indicate that an insurmountable obstacle will also stand in the way of your desires, with which you should just put up with and look for other options for a life path. Or, in order to achieve your goal, you will have to long and hard to achieve what you want in all possible ways.

The meaning of dreams for global events

Dreams from Friday to Saturday are often fateful not only for a particular person, but also for a whole city, country or even our planet. The conducted studies confirm that on the eve of significant world events, natural disasters and natural disasters, very many people had dreams that foreshadowed trouble.

Dreaming of a boyfriend or other loved one?

On the night from Friday to Saturday, you can also learn about the fate of other people, especially about your loved ones, since on a subconscious level it is easier for you to exchange energy. If these days you dream of loved ones and the dream is not too joyful, then this may mean that you do not communicate with them enough or they thus ask you for help.

If you dreamed about a loved one on such a night in some unusual, special state, then tell him about it. Perhaps what is not clear to you in this dream - for your relative will be the key to solving the problem of interest to him or push him to make an important decision.

If you dream of a guy from Friday to Saturday, then there can be many options depending on the dream events. In general, I must say that the planet Venus is responsible for Friday, and she knows a lot about love matters. The meanings of possible situations in a dream:

  • Dreaming of the same guy it means he thinks about you
  • The guy dreams of a woman- possible pregnancy
  • stranger guy- to big changes in life
  • Your boyfriend- to marriage
  • - new love
  • Guy hits- to meet the love of a lifetime
  • drunk guy- problems with strangers
  • You and your boyfriend are in a familiar place- career success
  • The guy takes something or asks- for a gift
  • Kiss with a guy- to change
  • Boyfriend scandal- to an unexpected surprise
  • Several Guys- to a difficult choice in work or study
  • guy proposes- to parting
  • The guy calms down- to success in business

Usually the term for the fulfillment of dreams is quite short - within a week. Therefore, if you had a bad dream, be careful this period of time. If during this time nothing happens, then the dream was not prophetic. It is also believed that if a bad dream is told to a large number of people, it will not come true. But you should not tell anyone about a good dream, otherwise in real life a joyful event will pass you by. In any case, such dreams come true in no more than fifty percent.

Finally, we can say that you don’t need to try to remember every day and try to analyze your dreams if they didn’t seem significant and important to you. Your intuition is the best clue in deciphering dreams. Often, in a dream, most people simply scroll in one interpretation or another of the past events for or worries about the coming day. Many people often see in dreams just the object of their desires. It can be a person who attracts you, or some thing that you really want to buy or get.

If you really remember the dream as some bright, clear event and does not leave your thoughts, then it can be important and you need to try to unravel it. If you had a glimpse of a dream, and no special impression was left of it, you should not rack your brains trying to remember the details. It's most likely just a dream.

Dreams dreamed on different days of the week have different interpretations. So, night dreams from Friday to Saturday can only tell the sleeper what to do best, but do not come true with accuracy. Visions can be both a favorable omen for the dreamer and serve as a warning. In order to correctly determine the meaning of sleep, you need to restore its plot and details in memory, and then turn to the dream book for an interpretation.

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From Friday to Saturday, special dreams are dreamed. They can tell a lot not only about the future of the dreamer, but also about what awaits his close relatives and friends. Most often, the visions that come at this time contain advice on how the sleeper should act in a given situation.

Dreams on Saturday night are dreamed under the influence of Saturn. He sends important dreams with deep meaning. At this time, many prophetic visions are dreamed, which come true with great accuracy.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday come true for about 2 weeks. Therefore, you need to interpret night vision in time to avoid troubles and problems.

Dream interpreters claim that prophetic dreams are dreamed:

  • On the dreamer's birthday.
  • Friday the 13th.
  • On Good Friday.
  • December.
  • Under Christmas.

What affects the meaning of sleep?

It is of great importance not only the plot and circumstances of the dream, but also when he dreamed, at what time.

Moon phases

The phases of the moon affect the meaning of a dream that occurs from Friday to Saturday. The book of dreams offers the following interpretations depending on the different phases of the moon.

Exact time

Of great importance in the interpretation of night visions is the exact time when they dreamed. Dream Interpretations offer the following interpretations for sleep, depending on this factor.

Color palette

In a dream, sometimes it is not possible to highlight the plot. In this case, the colors and shades that prevailed will help interpret their meaning.

By personal mood, one can characterize relationships with loved ones, future failures or achievements.

Dream script

The decisive factor in determining the meaning of the message contained in a dream is its plot. To find out what the future promises, you need to remember the plot of the dream and its details.


Dreams that are associated with love experiences can predict how the dreamer's future relationship with the chosen one will develop. Depending on what happened in night vision, such interpretations can be found in the dream book.

Plot Meaning
Favorite person, guy (girl) who likesA dreamer in which a chosen one / chosen one kisses or hugs a sleeping person means that he will have a strong and sincere relationship with this person, based on love and trust.
First kissPromises sincere and bright feelings, love
bad boy actThe dream serves as a warning that her chosen one is not entirely honest with the sleeping woman and in the future may upset her with her behavior
Ex-boyfriend, girlfriend, girlfriendIndicates that the dreamer still has feelings for a former partner
TreasonHe says that the sleeper is trying to dictate to the chosen one / chosen one how to behave. The dream interpretation advises the dreamer to be more tender and affectionate to a loved one and give him more freedom
New acquaintance, recent acquaintanceForeshadows a meeting with a person who will play an important role in the life of a sleeping person.
WeddingSleep is a happy omen for the sleeper. He promises a happy and long marriage


Dreams from Friday to Saturday can tell you what to expect the dreamer in the business field. In order to correctly interpret night vision, its details and nuances should be recalled.

Dreams about the dead

Dreams about the dead people on the night from Friday to Saturday are very important. They are a warning to the sleeper. To avoid trouble in the future, the interpretation of these dreams must be taken seriously:

  1. 1. Seeing the death of a person or trying to revive him means that the dreamer should spend more time with loved ones.
  2. 2. Dying in a dream or watching a funeral portends danger, serious problems. The dreamer needs to be careful in the near future and not expose himself to unnecessary risk.

What do the dreams that you see from Friday to Saturday mean? How to influence the Sabbath dream and see the future?

Dreams from Friday to Saturday can be not only prophetic, but also fateful. It is on Saturday night that you dream of details that can indicate how you should act in a given life situation.

What do dreams say from Friday to Saturday? Prophetic dreams from Friday to Saturday

Saturday is under the influence of Saturn, the planet that governs human destinies. That is why Saturday dreams tell about turning points on the path of life. It can be both good and bad and even scary events. But do not despair in advance. A dream on Saturday is only an omen, which, if interpreted correctly, can be turned to your advantage.

IMPORTANT: Every detail is important in Saturday dreams, so try to remember and interpret all the nuances, down to the colors and mood of sleep.

It is also important at what time of the night or day the dream occurred. The closer to morning you dream, the more likely it is that you see prophetic signs. A Friday night dream is full of mysteries, it is very symbolic, so it is important to recognize these symbols in order to interpret them in the future. If you lie down to rest on Saturday afternoon, then pay attention to the atmosphere of sleep. If events take place in bright and sunny colors, then in the near future everything in your life will happen in such colors. If, on the contrary, the dream was sad, dreary, dark, gray, it means that in the very near future you will find the same mood.

Friday-Saturday dreams can tell about the past and the future, as well as link together a chain of past and future events. Saturn generously sends signs to a sleeping person, giving answers to exciting questions, indicating how to act correctly in a given situation. If you correctly interpret the omens, you can solve long-boring problems, as well as take steps towards success.

Saturn tells in a dream not only about you personally. You can get important information about the closest people, so do not miss a single little thing - it can become decisive.

IMPORTANT: With a correct and timely interpretation, the signs of Saturday dreams will help prevent the troubles that you saw in a dream.

Saturn is the patron of Saturday prophetic dreams

Fortune-telling from Friday to Saturday

There are ways of special tuning to a prophetic dream. With the help of divination, you can see the past, the future, look at the signs that indicate the solution of complex issues, find the right answers - and do all this through a night's sleep.

IMPORTANT: In her book "Self-Tutorial on the Interpretation of Dreams", Galina Vrublevskaya says that every dream is more or less prophetic. In absolutely every night vision, you are given warnings, knowledge, prophecies, which are sometimes shown explicitly, but more often encrypted in symbols.

And here are a few fortune-telling for the narrowed for the night from Friday to Saturday.

It will be even more effective if you spend it during the growing moon. Dress up in a white shirt, let your hair down and sit in front of a mirror so that your waist-length silhouette is reflected in it. Start combing your hair with a brush and say:

Betrothed mummer, I dress up for you, good for you. You come into my dream and start a conversation. Tell me your name, tell me when we meet. I will wait for you and be together. I conjure you with almighty forces: appear in my dream. Amen.

Before going to bed, place and light a candle bought in the church near the pillow. For this fortune-telling, it is important to fall asleep before 12 at night, since the mystical forces that should show you the image of your future husband are most active just at midnight.

For divination with paper You will need a few items that are best prepared in advance:

  • 2 sheets of blank paper
  • curl of your hair
  • a candle bought in a church
  • red ribbon (better to use satin)

Perform the ceremony until 23.00 to fall asleep before midnight. This is an important condition.

Tear one sheet of paper into small pieces, on each of which write a male name. “Stranger” should be written on one piece of paper, because your betrothed may be called by a name that you do not use for fortune telling. Place a whole sheet of paper under the pillow, distribute pieces with names on it. After rubbing the needle with alcohol, make a small puncture in the ring finger of the hand and moisten the satin ribbon with a drop of blood. Place the ribbon over the names, immediately put your curl and throw a pinch of salt on the sheet. Before going to bed, say the following:

My blood is hot, my spirit is strong. My desire to see you and know your name is great. Come into my dream and show me your face. Fate foretold us to be together, so tell me how to get to know you. Let it be my way, let it be! Amen.

As soon as you wake up, without looking, pull out from under the pillow one piece of paper with the name. So you will know the name of your future husband.

Interpretation of sleep from Friday to Saturday

If a dream from Friday to Saturday was colorful, sunny, joyful, this is a positive sign, regardless of the plot of the dream itself. The coming weeks promise you good luck, your wishes will come true, and a pleasant, albeit fateful upheaval will take place in life.

A sad, gray, heavy dream on Saturday night portends difficulties, trials, dangers, as well as vicissitudes of fate. Since Saturday is under the auspices of Saturn, any Saturday dream tells about changes in life. If you saw a bad dream, it means that difficulties await you on the path of life. But this does not mean that the dream will come true to the smallest detail. Any Friday-Saturday dream is just a warning. Explain the details of dreams and draw conclusions on how to avoid trouble.

IMPORTANT: Do not miss the details of the dream that you dreamed of in the morning. Such a dream usually indicates opportunities in real life that you do not notice.

Dream from Friday to Saturday about treason

The dream of betrayal can be interpreted in different ways, depending on whose infidelity you dreamed about.

For example, betrayal of your half indicates that your betrothed is actually devoted to you.

And here is your own infidelity- a sign of imminent loss. Be prepared for a brief period of setbacks and loneliness. How long the black streak will be in life is entirely up to you. Saturday's dream about your betrayal invites you to reconsider your values ​​and views, pay attention to your attitude towards other people.

If you saw cheating on my father, get ready for the difficulties that you will have to overcome for a long time and with effort. In reality, listen to the opinions of loved ones. Soon you will receive randomly spoken but wise advice that will help you cope with difficulties.

If in a dream you become a witness betrayal of a stranger, expect not the most pleasant situation from which you will have to get out with the help of lies and betrayal.

If in a dream changed the deceased, this is a sign that you feel loneliness and experience the pain of losing a deceased loved one. Be attentive to your health, because on the basis of experiences you may develop depression, and with it other diseases.

I dreamed of pregnancy from Friday to Saturday: meaning

IMPORTANT: Pregnancy is a frequent symbol in a dream; it can appear not only to a woman, but also to a man.

If pregnancy is dreaming non-pregnant girl, this may be a direct indication of the desire to have a child or an imminent real conception. The symbolic meaning of this dream may be centered around the troubles that are expected in your family.

Pregnancy that a man dreams about, most often means a willingness to produce something new - an idea, a project, some other creative product, etc. It also indicates your readiness for a new relationship.

If you dream pregnancy girl, this means soon good news or a surprise. Pregnancy with a boy talks about the possibility of a traffic accident in which you will become a participant.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday: ex-boyfriend

See in a dream former lover- a sign that you still have not let go of the past. Past grievances do not allow you to realize yourself in the present. It is not only about new relationships, but also career and personal growth.

If you saw kiss with ex man, get ready for something very amazing soon.

Sex with an ex means the resumption and aggravation of a long-standing quarrel with someone close.

If you see again parting with a person with whom you have already broken off relations, it means that the door to new opportunities and new acquaintances opens before you.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday - spider: meaning

IMPORTANT: In reality, a spider among different peoples acts as a symbol of prosperity and good luck.

Gypsies believe that spider dreams of unexpected wealth. You can count on cash replenishment, and if you saw in a dream spider and web- then expect real luxury. Income will come from the most unexpected places. Even if you are sure that you do not have a wealthy relative who can leave you an inheritance, things can change dramatically. But you can count on wealth only if the spider in your dreams did not scare you.

If a woman dreamed white spider, it also promises good luck. For a free lady, this is a sign of an early acquaintance with a young man or a wedding; for a married lady, it is a symbol of replenishing the family with a child. For a man, a white spider promises sexual joys, for married representatives of the strong half - the pregnancy of their wives.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday - man: meaning

If you dream familiar man under normal circumstances, most likely, this person is awake thinking about you.

If you dreamed unknown man, expect any changes in any area. It can be good and bad changes in relationships, money, work - notice any little things that indicate imminent changes in reality.

Ex-boyfriend dream of new opportunities. But your current man in a dream can become a sign of imminent marriage.

Often bad dreams are interpreted the other way around, so do not rush to get upset if you see something negative. For example, a quarrel and even fight with a man promises you an acquaintance with your soulmate. If a man has something steal or take away which means that in reality a gift awaits you. big quarrel with tears and even beatings - a symbol of an unexpected surprise.

If you dream of more than one man, but several, this may indicate a choice in a career or study that is already in front of you in reality or will soon arise.

I dreamed of a woman from Friday to Saturday: meaning

IMPORTANT: A woman or a girl for the fairer sex is a symbol of her youth, the past years. For a man to see a woman in a dream means to look into his own feminine essence, to consider his refinement and tenderness.

If a woman dreams ex-female partner, which means that she is not sure of her chosen one, which in turn may indicate some problems that exist between the two.

If you dream girl, beauty which you noted in a dream, expect good news. Izvestia also promises a conversation with any woman you know in a dream.

If you touched a woman, which means that in reality you will consider in a person close to you the love of your life. As a rule, this person in reality has been seeking you for a long time, openly or secretly.

If a man dreams choice between several girls, which means that in reality he is overcome by problems. Saturday's dream about many women says not to solve problems all together, but it is better to tackle them one by one.

See in a dream brunette- to serious trials and anxieties. redhead a woman signals some changes that will occur in relation to your partner.

How to understand sleep from Friday to Saturday: tips

A few rules will help you turn an ordinary dream from Friday to Saturday into a prophetic one:

  • When you wake up, write down the events that happened in your dream in as much detail as possible. In the future, you will be able to explain with the help of dream books those details that may be forgotten during the day. You will be able to trace some patterns between different dreams, which can also be interpreted
  • Trying to explain certain signs, be guided by several sources. Compare interpretations from different dream books, and also pay attention to how each meaning applies to you personally.
  • Do not be afraid of nightmares, it is better to immediately try to explain their meaning. Often scary things signify something positive. For example, tears almost always dream of joy, and spiders dream of reward or victory.
  • If you are still afraid of the prospect that a terrible dream will come true, just share its details with as many people as possible. The power of dreams fades when they are told

Video: Dream Interpretation - What do dreams mean from Friday to Saturday?

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