Composition. Moral problems in the novel "Crime and Punishment"


Raskolnikov's act did not occur spontaneously. The young man had been sewing on this idea for several weeks. The murder is Raskolnikov's rebellion against the existing order at that time. The protagonist is convinced that a person "in such a society cannot but be criminal. Therefore, he prefers to play by the rules of this world. The young man divides everyone into "the right of those who have" and "louse." Of course, he tries to prove, and, above all, himself himself, which belongs precisely to the first category. Therefore, when preparing the murder of an old woman-interest-bearer, he is sure that this will only bring benefit to others. However, in life it does not happen at all as planned. Raskolnikov has to kill not only the old woman, but also her accidentally appeared sister and unborn child. The protagonist leaves the scene of the crime almost unnoticed, but is unable to use the stolen things. Raskolnikov scolds himself for cowardice, but comes to the police with a confession. The protagonist's rebellion completely "cuts off" him from the past. Awareness of his act leads to distancing from people so much that Rodion does not even dare to hug his sister and mother when they meet.

Sonya Marmeladopa is opposed to Rodion. Dostoevsky's idea of ​​"physical dirt" and "moral dirt" was embodied in her image. A young girl is forced to trade her body in order to feed her stepsisters and brother. Despite the "physical dirt" in which the main character has to exist, she managed to maintain her moral purity. Sonya resigns herself to her share. Suffering only strengthens her faith. However, she believes that God will not allow her sisters to repeat her life. Sonya sacrifices herself for the sake of her family. However, this girl's heart does not harden.

Sonya loves and pities her unlucky drunken father and sometimes even gives him money. She pities her father's wife, Katerina Ivanovna, and her children.

The moral purity of the girl cannot be overlooked by the surrounding people. The stepmother is the first to stand up for Sonya when she accuses her of stealing. She says that he is not even worth her little finger. Katerina Ivanovna understands what a sacrifice the stepdaughter made for the sake of other people's children and how hard it is for her to put up with the surrounding reality. Sonya was loved by Li-Zaveta, who was accidentally killed by Raskolnikov. Subsequently, in prison, the prisoners will treat this girl with sympathy and understanding. When the girl finds out about Rodion's act, she begs him to go to the crossroads and repent of his deed. She completely disagrees with Raskolnikov's theory. "Is this man a louse?" Sonya is perplexed. For her, man is a creation of God, and only God has the right to control his fate. The girl perceives the unfair rules of this world only as tests that temper the soul and make a person only better, cleaner. Sonya does not repel the main character, on the contrary, she feels pity for him: “What did you do to yourself?” The girl feels that in the depths of her soul Raskolnikov is a completely different person than it seems to others. She believes that Rodion is essentially not an evil person: he gave the last money to Katerina Ivanovna, saved two children during a fire, and kept a sick classmate for about a year. But he got confused. His idea seems to her like a disease that will surely pass. Sonya fell in love with Raskolnikov and waited with all her heart for his recovery. That is why the girl insisted on the voluntary recognition of Rodion. In her opinion, such a sin cannot be carried in the soul. Only by repentance can forgiveness be expected.

In the epilogue, the author briefly tells about the later life of the main characters. However, the main attention is paid to Raskolnikov and Sonya, who went after him to hard labor. For a long time, the hero does not feel guilty for what he did, on the contrary, he reproaches himself only for being weak and turning himself in. The turning point was the illness of the protagonist. Even in delirium in Raskolnikov there was a mental struggle. It seemed to him that the whole world was inhabited by microbes or spirits that infect people. It is these creatures that make those around you crazy and demon-possessed. People simply do not understand that they are sick, considering their opinion to be the most correct. It seemed to Rodion that, becoming infected, a person himself begins to kill, devour those around him. Having overcome the disease, Raskolnikov already feels his renewal. His feelings are sharpened by the news that Sonya is sick. He wants to see her. During a date with a girl, Rodion suddenly realizes that he loves her. He realizes how much suffering he brought to her, so he throws himself at her feet and cries. Raskolnikov finally fully repents of his deed. This brings him spiritual relief and allows him to turn his face to a new life. Of course, Sonya played an important role in the "recovery" of the protagonist.

If Rodion Raskolnikov is the bearer of a protesting principle, the creator of a theory that justifies crime and the domination of a “strong personality”, then the opposite pole to him, the opposite pole of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment, is Sonya Marmeladova, the daughter of a poor official, “humiliated and insulted” in a bourgeois society.

Sonya is a kind of limit to meekness and suffering. In the name of saving her stepmother's children from starvation and her drunken father, who has sunk to the point of losing his human form, she goes out into the street and becomes a prostitute. This is a painful humiliation, the apotheosis of suffering and self-sacrifice. Meek, religiously exalted

Sonya sacrifices everything that is especially dear to her, goes to the gravest sufferings in the name of the happiness of her neighbors. Sonya professes moral precepts, which, from the point of view of Dostoevsky, are closest to the people - the precepts of humility, forgiveness, sacrificial love. She does not judge Raskolnikov for his sin, but painfully sympathizes with him and calls on him to "suffer", to atone for his guilt before God and before people.

Sonechka Marmeladova is destined to share the depth of Raskolnikov's mental anguish, it is to her that the hero decides to tell his terrible, painful secret. In the person of Sonya, Raskolnikov meets a man who awakens in himself and whom he still pursues as a weak and helpless “trembling creature”: “He suddenly raised his head and looked intently at her; but he met her restless and painfully solicitous gaze on him; there was; his hatred vanished like a ghost. "Nature" requires the hero to share with Sonya the suffering from his crime, and not the manifestation that causes it. The Christian-compassionate Sonechkina calls Raskolnikov to this version of recognition.

Contrasting Raskolnikov's individualistic self-rule and rebelliousness with Sonya's humility and Christian forgiveness, Dostoevsky in his novel leaves the victory not for the strong and intelligent Raskolnikov, but for the meek sufferer Sonya, seeing in her the highest truth. Raskolnikov is unable to endure the torments of conscience, the violation of the moral law: "crime" leads him to "punishment", which he suffers not from judicial punishment, but from the consciousness of his guilt, violation of the ethical basis for the existence of society. In Christian humility, Sonya Raskolnikov sees the path to salvation and atonement for this guilt.

In Raskolnikov's eyes, Sonya is brought closer to him by the fact that she "also crossed the line", and he does not yet understand how different is what each of them was able to cross, or rather, why each of them did it. Sonya Marmeladova embodies a bright beginning in the novel. She feels guilty and aware of her own sinfulness, but she sinned to save the lives of her little brothers and sisters. "Sonechka, eternal Sonechka Marmeladova!" - exclaimed Raskolnikov, having learned about the proposed wedding of his sister and Luzhin.

He perfectly feels and understands the similarity of motives that guide the actions of these women. From the very beginning, Sonya personifies the victim in the novel, so it is to her that Raskolnikov tells about his crime. And Sonya, who justified and pitied Katerina Ivanovna, her drunken father, is ready to forgive and understand Raskolnikov - Sonya saw a man in the killer. “What have you done to yourself!” she says in response to his confession. For Sonya, Raskolnikov, having made an attempt on the life of another person, raised his hand to the person in himself, to the person in general. Raskolnikov wanted to find an ally in crime in Sonya, but he found an ally in punishment.

Only Sonechka Marmeladova can judge Raskolnikov in conscience, and her trial is profoundly different from that of Porfiry Petrovich. This is a court of love, compassion and human sensitivity - that higher light that keeps humanity even in the darkness of being humiliated and offended people. Dostoevsky's great idea is connected with the image of Sonechka that fraternal unity between people in the name of Christ will save and that the basis of this unity must be sought not in the society of the "powerful of this world", but in the depths of people's Russia.

Sonechki completely refutes the short-sighted view of Raskolnikov the theorist on the surrounding life. In front of him is by no means a “trembling creature” and far from a humble victim of circumstances, which is why the “dirt of a miserable situation” does not stick to Sonechka. In conditions that, it would seem, completely exclude humanity, the heroine finds a light and a way out worthy of the moral being of a person and has nothing to do with Raskolnikov's individualistic rebellion. The hero is deeply mistaken, trying to identify his crime with Sonechka's ascetic self-denial: "You also crossed, you ruined your life."

There is a qualitative difference between the striving for good through the admission of evil in relation to others and voluntary, natural self-sacrifice in the name of compassionate love for one's neighbors. “After all, it’s more fair,” exclaims Raskolnikov, “it would be a thousand times more fair and reasonable and it would be right with your head in the water and do it all at once!” - "And what will happen to them?" asked Sonya feebly, looking at him with pain, but at the same time not at all surprised at his proposal... Katerina Ivanovna ... "

Sonya's selflessness is far from humility, she has a socially active character and is aimed at saving the perishing, and in the Christian faith of the heroine, it is not the ritual side that is in the foreground, but practical, effective care for others. In the person of Sonya, Dostoevsky portrays a popular, democratic version of the religious worldview, taking the Christian aphorism to heart: "Faith without deed is dead." In popular religiosity, Dostoevsky finds a fruitful seed for his idea of ​​Christian socialism.

Sonya Marmeladova cured Raskolnikov, who did not repent after the murder, from his obsession, turned him to Christianity. She possessed an unusually whole inner world, believed in God and therefore lived in harmony with herself. Her faith was not passive, which Sonya proved by her actions - she agreed to go on a “yellow ticket” to help her family, and did not commit suicide. Sonya's faith helped her survive all the vicissitudes of life, humiliation and resentment. Having fallen in love with Sonya, Raskolnikov tries to accept her views. Drawing a wonderful portrait of Sonya, Dostoevsky says whose side he is on, speaks of the effective power of good, of the power that faith in God, passed through the heart, gives the human soul.

In his novel "Crime and Punishment" Dostoevsky put a humanistic idea. In this work, the deep moral problems that worried the writer are particularly disturbing. Dostoevsky touched upon important social issues of that time. However, it cannot be argued that our current society does not have the same acute social problems. The author is concerned about the immorality that prevails in all sectors of society, the influence of money on the formation of inequality between people. And this leads subsequently to the expressed right of power

One over the other.

Therefore, for Dostoevsky, a society in which money is the highest value is destructive.

Society played an important role in the fate of Rodion Raskolnikov. Not everyone can decide to kill, but only those who are undoubtedly sure of the necessity and infallibility of this atrocity. And Raskolnikov was really sure of this.

The thought that he could help those like himself - “humiliated and offended” - not only motivated him and gave him strength, but also affirmed him as a person, made him feel his significance. But Raskolnikov's theories,

According to which some, that is, extraordinary, have the right over others, that is, ordinary people, was not destined to become a reality, since this contradicts the logic of life. It is for this reason that Rodion Raskolnikov suffers and suffers. He realized that his theory had failed, that he was a nonentity, that's why he calls himself a scoundrel. Dostoevsky was more concerned with crimes against moral laws than legal ones. Raskolnikov's indifference to people, enmity, lack of love and suicide of a person are characterized by the writer as "murder" of himself, the destruction of his moral principles, and the sin of killing the old pawnbroker and Lizaveta is secondary for Dostoevsky. The murders committed by Raskolnikov led to the complete devastation of his soul. Dostoevsky understands that only a person who knows how to suffer and whose morality is higher than his own is capable of “saving” Raskolnikov. In the novel "Crime and Punishment" such a guide - the savior of the human soul - is Sonechka Marmeladova. She was the only one who was able to fill the void in which Raskolnikov lived after the murder. In the novel, she appears before us as a pure, innocent girl: “She was a modestly and even poorly dressed girl, very young, almost like a girl, with a modest and decent manner, with a clear, but as if somewhat intimidated face.” Sonya was not particularly beautiful. And for Dostoevsky it does not matter. But Sonya's eyes, meek and sweet, said a lot of beautiful things about her soul: “. her blue eyes were so clear, and when they revived, her expression became so kind and simple-hearted that it involuntarily attracted to her. The resigned, defenseless Sonechka Marmeladova took on her shoulders overwhelming work. Hunger and poverty forced Sonya to go to shameful humiliation. Seeing how Katerina Ivanovna was suffering, Sonya could not remain indifferent. Without greed, Sonechka gave all her money to her father and her stepmother, Katerina Ivanovna. She treated her like her own mother, loved her, did not contradict her in anything. In Sonya, Dostoevsky embodied the best traits of a human character: sincerity, purity of feelings, tenderness, kindness, understanding, constancy. Sonya is “a humbled creature”, and therefore she is unbearably sorry. Others, more powerful than she, allowed themselves to mock, mock and humiliate her, seeing all the innocence and immaculate purity. Sonechka became “humiliated” because of the society in which she lives, because of the people who constantly offended her, blamed her without shame or conscience. Among all the characters in the novel, there is no more sincere and kind soul than Sonya. Only contempt can be felt for such as Luzhin, who dared to innocently accuse an innocent being of nothing. But most of all in Sona, her desire to help everyone, her willingness to suffer for others, is wonderful. Deeper than all she understands Raskolnikov when she learns about his crime. She suffers for him, worries. This rich soul, rich in love and understanding, helped Raskolnikov. It seemed that Raskolnikov was about to “die” in the darkness of darkness, troubles and suffering, but then Sonya appeared. This strong (in her faith) girl turned out to be able to help, support more than anyone else. When Raskolnikov goes to confess his crime, Sonechka puts on her green scarf - a symbol of suffering. She is ready to suffer even for the crime of Raskolnikov. One can only admire such a person! When we first meet Sonya, we see so much intimidation in her face that it seems impossible to imagine this girl differently. And this turns out to be possible. Dostoevsky paid attention not to her (seemingly weak) appearance, but to her strong-willed, strong soul. This girl saved with her love, her kindness and devotion from the “destruction” of our hero. Sonechka is like a “beam of light” in a world of darkness and disappointment, hope for a better future, this is faith, hope and love. Sonechka Marmeladova has gone a long, suffering path: from humiliation to respect. She certainly deserves to be happy. After the conclusion of Raskolnikov, Sonya did not indulge in the fear of separation from him. She must go through to the end with Raskolnikov all his trials, hardships, joys, and together with him must achieve happiness. This is the meaning of love. In prison, indifferent to everything, Raskolnikov's soul gradually got used to Sonya's care, love and affection. The callous heart gradually, day by day, opened and softened. Sonya fulfilled her mission: a new, unknown feeling arose in Raskolnikov's soul - a feeling of love. Finally, they both found happiness. The awakened love in Raskolnikov's soul led him to repentance for the crime he had committed, to the emergence of morality.

F. M. Dostoevsky, introducing the image of Sonya Marmeladova, wanted to say that morality must live in the soul of every person, as it lives in Sonya. It is necessary to preserve it, despite all the troubles and hardships, which Raskolnikov did not do. A person who has not preserved morality has no right to call himself a person. Therefore, it is fair to say that Sonya Marmeladova is “the pure light of a high moral idea.”

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It didn't happen spontaneously. The young you sewed this idea for several weeks. The murder is Raskolnikov's rebellion against the existing order at that time. The protagonist is convinced that a person in such a society cannot but be criminal. Therefore, he prefers to play by the rules of this world. The young man divides everyone into “the right of those who have” and “louse”. Of course, he tries to prove, and, above all, to himself, that he belongs precisely to the first category. Therefore, preparing the murder of the old pawnbroker, he is sure that this will only bring benefit to others. However, life doesn't go as planned. Raskolnikov has to kill not only the old woman, but also her sister who accidentally appeared and the unborn child. The protagonist leaves the crime scene almost unnoticed, but is unable to use the stolen items. scolds himself for cowardice, but comes to the police with a confession. The rebellion of the chief completely “cuts off” him from the past. Awareness of his act leads to distancing from people so much that Rodion does not even dare to hug his sister and mother when they meet.

Sonya Marmeladopa is opposed to Rodion. Dostoevsky's idea of ​​"physical dirt" and "moral dirt" was embodied in her image. A young girl is forced to trade her body in order to feed her stepsisters and brother. Despite the "physical dirt" in which the main character has to exist, she managed to maintain her moral purity. Sonya resigns herself to her share. Suffering only strengthens her faith. However, she believes that God will not allow her sisters to repeat her. Sonya sacrifices herself for the sake of her family. However, this girl's heart does not harden.

Sonya loves and pities her unlucky drunken father and sometimes even gives him money. She pities her father's wife, Katerina Ivanovna, and her children.

The moral purity of the girl cannot be overlooked by the surrounding people. The stepmother is the first to stand up for Sonya when Luzhin accuses her of stealing. She says that he is not even worth her little finger. Ivanovna understands what a sacrifice the stepdaughter made for the sake of other people's children and how hard it is for her to put up with the surrounding reality. Sonya was loved by Li-Zaveta, who was accidentally killed by Raskolnikov. Subsequently, in prison, the prisoners will treat this girl with sympathy and understanding. When the girl finds out about Rodion's act, she begs him to go to the crossroads and repent of his deed. She completely disagrees with Raskolnikov's theory. "Is this man a louse?" Sonya is perplexed. For her, man is a creation of God, and only God has the right to control his fate. The girl perceives the unfair rules of this world only as tests that temper the soul and make a person only better, cleaner. Sonya does not repel the main character, on the contrary, she feels pity for him: “What did you do to yourself?” The girl feels that in the depths of her soul Raskolnikov is a completely different person than it seems to others. She believes that Rodion is essentially not an evil person: he gave the last money to Katerina Ivanovna, saved two children during a fire, and kept a sick classmate for about a year. But he got confused. His idea seems to her like a disease that will surely pass. Sonya fell in love with Raskolnikov and waited with all her heart for his recovery. That is why the girl insisted on the voluntary recognition of Rodion. In her opinion, such a sin cannot be carried in the soul. Only by repentance can forgiveness be expected.

The epilogue briefly tells about the later life of the main characters. However, the main attention is paid to Raskolnikov and Sonya, who went after him to hard labor. For a long time, the hero does not feel guilty for what he did, on the contrary, he reproaches himself only for being weak and turning himself in. The turning point was the illness of the protagonist. Even in delirium in Raskolnikov there was a mental struggle. It seemed to him that the whole world was inhabited by microbes or spirits that infect people. It is these creatures that make those around you crazy and demon-possessed. People simply do not understand that they are sick, considering their opinion to be the most correct. It seemed to Rodion that, becoming infected, a person himself begins to kill, devour those around him. Having overcome the disease, Raskolnikov already feels his renewal. His feelings are sharpened by the news that Sonya is sick. He wants to see her. During a date with a girl, Rodion suddenly realizes that he loves her. He realizes how much suffering he brought to her, so he throws himself at her feet and cries. Raskolnikov finally fully repents of his deed. This brings him spiritual relief and allows him to turn his face to a new life. Of course, Sonya played an important role in the "recovery" of the protagonist.

The novel Crime and Punishment was written in 1866. This is a socio-psychological novel, the main character of which is an intelligent, kind young man. He developed a theory according to which all people are divided into "higher" and "lower". But he did not understand that this theory was wrong. If a person can break the law and do what ordinary people do not, then he belongs to the "higher", and that's how to rule the world. Raskolnikov broke the law, but this did not make him feel better. Rodion’s soul was torn to pieces: on the one hand, he killed the money-lender grandmother, and what if some other “extraordinary” person decides to trust himself and kill either his sister or mother, but on the other hand, (according to theory) it means that Dunya, mother, Razumikhin are all ordinary people. He does not understand what happened, and thinks that he did something wrong, but he does not doubt the correctness of the theory.

And here comes to the aid of Raskolnikov. For the first time, the hero learns about her from the lips of Sonya's father. The poor Marme-ladov family vegetates in poverty. Marmeladov is constantly drinking, Ivanovna is ill with consumption, and two small children are almost dying of hunger. To save her family, Sonya goes to extreme lengths - she becomes a prostitute. But no one dissuades her, everyone is used to it: she gives her father money for vodka, her stepmother and children for food. Sonya is not offended by this, for the sake of people she is ready for anything, even to sacrifice the most important thing. She cannot believe that there are evil, unkind people on earth. In every person she sees only good qualities. Having learned about Raskolnikov's theory, she cannot come to terms with her conclusions: “This man is a louse! .. Kill? Do you have the right to kill?" She sends Rodion to the crossroads to bow and pray to the earth and tell everyone “I killed!” so that people forgive. Having learned about the murder of grandmother and Lizaveta by Rodion, Sonya does not turn away from him: “She suddenly held both hands and bowed her head to her shoulder. This short gesture even struck Raskolnikov with bewilderment; it was even strange: how? not the slightest disgust, not the slightest disgust for him, not the slightest shudder in her hand. Sonya is a very religious person, she constantly goes to church, reads the Bible. She believes in the resurrection of people, in their only good qualities. We can say that the image of Sonya is ideal, she is, as it were, the embodiment of Christ in a female form. All her actions are aimed at the benefit of people. She follows the commandments of Christ: do not kill, do not steal ... Sonya rejects the right to personal judgment, only God in heaven has the right to give and take life: “KaN< может случиться, чтоб от моего решения зависело? И кто меня тут судьей поставил: кому жить, кому не жить?» Соня спасает Раскольникова, но он и сам шел навстречу этому. Она не может устоять перед Лужиным, пытаясь защитить себя кротостью, робостью, покорностью. И Раскольников преклоняется перед этими ее качествами. Соня с новой силой пробуждает в Родионе стремление к жизни, любви, милосердию. Она не оставляет его после отправки на каторгу. Она следует за ним неотступно, как бы оберегая его от плохого. Она отдает ему Библию, чтобы он научился следовать заповедям, которые написаны там. Даже в Сибири, где нет родных и близких, Соня помогает каторжным: «Она у них не заискивала... Денег она им не давала, особенных услуг не оказывала. Раз только, на рождество, принесла на весь острог подаяние: пирогов и калачей... она писала им письма к их родным и отправляла их на почту. Их родственники и родственницы, приезжавшие в город, оставляли, по указанию их, в руках Сони вещи для них и деньги. Жены их и любовницы знали ее и ходили к ней. И когда она являлась на работах, приходя к Раскольникову, или встречалась с партией арестантов, идущих на работы, - все снимали шапки, все кланялись: «Матушка, Софья Семеновна, мать ты наша, нежная, болезная!» Соня вывела Раскольникова на путь истинный. «Их воскресила любовь: сердце одного заключало бесконечные источники жизни для сердца другого».

The author put his attitude to life into the image of Sonya. Both Sonya and the author believe that it is impossible to build a good life in society on blood, a person must live according to the laws, but not violate them in any way, life should be built on respect and mercy to each other.

This novel is still relevant today. Especially now, when crime is on the rise all over the world. We must know and remember what Sonya called for.

The problem of morality is one of the eternal unsolvable problems facing humanity throughout the entire period of its history. From time immemorial, such actions have been committed in the world that are unacceptable in a civilized society. Every day we hear about murder, violence, theft taking place. Particularly terrible in moral terms are wars and terrorist attacks that take thousands of lives of civilians. Many writers and poets spoke about the problem of morality and decency, trying to solve it on the pages of their works. One of the writers who deeply felt this problem was the famous Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky. As a very sensitive person, subtly understanding the negative features of society, he was strongly affected by the issue of morality, which he was able to skillfully highlight in his novel Crime and Punishment. Let's try to consider the moral idea that the author showed in his work.

In "Crime and Punishment" Dostoevsky was able to clearly describe the life of the poor strata of society, their way of life, to reveal to the reader their problems. Living in conditions of extreme poverty, huddling in small rooms, it was very difficult to preserve the good qualities of the soul, not to become embittered, not to harden the heart. One of these images, shown by Dostoevsky, is the image of Sonya Marmeladova.

Sonya is the daughter of an alcoholic petty official who is unable to provide for his family: his wife, suffering from consumption, and her three children. Therefore, Sonya was forced to earn money by working as a "girl of easy virtue."

But, despite the environment in which she found herself, Sonya was able to remain a person with a clear conscience and an unstained soul. A rare person is capable of such a test of life. In order to better see the image of Sonya Marmeladova, in my opinion, it is necessary to pay attention to the situation surrounding her.

Sonya is all the more surprising the more the reader gets to know her. Reading the pages of the novel, we are more and more surprised at Sonya's spiritual integrity. The environment in which she lives can hardly be conducive to this: an irregularly shaped room (cold, uncomfortable), in which only a bed, a table, a chair and a chest of drawers are furniture. The people surrounding Sonya are striking in their inconsistency with her: this is also the father, who subtly feels the situation of his daughter, but cannot help her. This is the stepmother - an unbalanced, terminally ill woman, for whom Sonya is a saving straw. For the entire Marmeladov family, Sonya is the only person who sincerely and disinterestedly helps them. She takes care of Katerina Ivanovna and the children. She worries about their future. “And what will happen to them?” she says to Raskolnikov. This, of course, speaks in favor of the rare kindness of the heroine.

Being in conditions in which another person would long ago be morally; sank, Sonya amazes with her purity, sincerity.

So, for example, Sonya is not vulgar, shy, trusting. This is evidenced by the scenes described by the author in the novel in Raskolnikov's house, at the funeral of Marmeladov (the scene with Luzhin). “It was evident that she herself did not understand how she could sit next to them. Realizing this, she was so frightened that she got up again and, in complete embarrassment, turned to Raskolnikov, ”the author writes. Or when Luzhin offered her ten rubles: “Sonya took it, flushed, jumped up, muttered something and quickly began to take her leave.”

In addition to those positive character traits that have already been mentioned, I am struck by the depth of her faith in Sona. She is so strong that it helps her to maintain her dignity, the beauty of her soul. Here is what Dostoevsky writes about this: “All this shame, obviously, touched her only mechanically, real depravity has not yet penetrated a single drop into her heart ...” And later, with her faith, she helps Raskolnikov see the beauty of the world, repent: “He thought about her. He remembered how he constantly tormented her and tormented her heart ... but he was almost not tormented by these memories: he knew with what infinite love he would now atone for all her suffering.

Sonya sees her salvation in religion, in God, which Dostoevsky was able to describe in the lines when, to the question of Raskolnikov (whether she prays to God), Sonya replies: “What would I be without God?”

Dostoevsky was very close to the topic of religion, in it he saw the salvation of all mankind, in faith he saw the solution to all moral problems.

Thus, Sonya is a kind of source of purity and light, a conductor of high morality in her environment. A rare person can develop such a rare beauty of his soul (in conditions similar to those in which Sonya lived), without changing his principles and high morality. Her love for her neighbor arouses deep respect in the reader. And for this she truly deserves our sincere admiration.

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