Essay based on the painting by E.N. Shirokova "Friends"


1.A word about the picture

2. Main characters

3.Own perception

Painting by E.N. Shirokova’s “Friends” was not named so by chance, because it depicts sincere friendship. In our case, only the dog and the man became friends, although this is quite realistic.

There is a blanket on the floor, a boy is sitting on it, and a dog is at his feet. The guy is wearing a dark blue T-shirt, gray trousers, and sandals of the same color. On my feet are blue socks. The boy sadly looks at the dog and strokes its back. His four-legged friend rests his head on his front paws and looks forward. It seems to me that his gaze is also downcast. Perhaps the dog is sick.

The dog has black fur and white paws. His body is completely relaxed, one ear is raised up, perhaps he is listening to what the boy is telling him. The boy is now supporting him, paying as much attention as possible. It is worth noting that the owner is also concerned about the sadness of his four-legged friend, because his face also does not express joy. This is what true friendship is all about, support in times of difficulty and illness.

Looking at this painting, I felt sorry for both the dog and the boy. I wanted to help them both so that they could become happy. I hope everything goes well for them.

Essay based on the painting Friends of Shirokov, grade 7

1.What are they like, real friends?

2.Who is on the canvas

3.Assessment of what you see

Dogs are often the most loyal of all animals. They will never run away from you in a difficult situation, they will not exchange your care, they, like people, need our attention. The friendship between a person and a dog is described in many literary, musical and cinematic works. And the loyalty of this animal is always amazing. It is this kind of true friendship that is depicted in the reproduction of the painting “Friends” by Shirokov.

The main part of the canvas is occupied by the figures of the main characters: a boy and his four-legged friend. There is a brown blanket in the middle of the room. It is all in folds, perhaps before this a child and an animal played on it. Now our heroes are depicted as thoughtful. The young man is dressed in a blue T-shirt, gray trousers, sandals and socks, one can assume that it is the last days of summer outside. The boy's eyes are lowered and fixed on the animal.

The dog, peacefully clasping its paws, lies at the feet of the owner. One of his ears is lowered, the other is raised, in order to hear what the boy is talking about. The child rests on the floor with one hand and strokes the dog’s back with the other. The puppy's black coat shines in daylight, which indicates that the boy is taking good care of him. The dog’s eyes are open and looking into the distance, his gaze is sad, perhaps this is due to the owner’s story.

I really liked this picture. I have long dreamed of the same faithful comrade with whom I will share sorrows and joys, who will meet me from school. It's great that this boy has such a wonderful friend.

Essay based on the painting Friends of Shirokov from the perspective of a boy

1. Returning home

2. Something happened

3.Dog melancholy

Today I came home from school earlier than usual. The last literature lesson was cancelled. I hurried home to quickly do my homework and go outside. Moreover, I definitely needed to walk the dog. Usually, when I approach the apartment door, I can already hear Jack's joyful bark, but now it was quiet.

I quickly opened the door, the dog was nowhere to be seen. I didn’t take off my sandals, I just threw off my backpack and jacket, went to my room, Jack wasn’t there. I found him in my brother’s room, the dog managed to pull the red blanket off the bed, and was now peacefully lying on it in the middle of the room. But something was wrong...

Jack was absolutely healthy, shiny black fur, a wet nose, only his eyes were especially sad. I sat down next to him, leaning one hand on the floor. He called him quietly: “Hey, Buddy!” Jack did not turn his head, only raised one ear. He heard perfectly well what I was saying to him, I am sure that he understood me, because dogs are smart animals. But something was bothering him at that moment. Then I began to stroke his back, slowly running my fingers through his fur, feeling the protruding shoulder blades and vertebrae.

The dog continued to lie the same way. His huge golden eyes looked intently out the window, for a minute it seemed to me that his gaze was literally frozen. At such moments a person usually cries, this is what I expected from Jack, and also for him to tell me about what worries him so much. The sun was shining outside the window, the voices of birds were heard, and he was sad about something. I also began to feel sad along with him. Perhaps Jack had already begun to miss the past summer, or maybe he was upset that in the morning I got ready for school so quickly that I did not have time to play with him. After all, it’s usually Jack who brings my backpack and boots to my doorstep when I leave, but today I was in a hurry because I overslept. And now I felt doubly ashamed both in front of the teacher, to whom I was late for class, and in front of my best friend, who was so waiting for my attention.

Below are several essay options. Choose which one you like best

Essay description of Shirokov's painting Friends 7th grade

They say that money cannot buy true friendship. An exception to this rule is a puppy that was bought by a new owner. A dog is perhaps the only living creature that will not betray its owner. This friendship was depicted by Evgeny Nikolaevich Shirokov in his painting “Friends”.

On it, a young guy with a sad face strokes his dog, which also looks sad, which is symbolic and conveys that special connection between every dog ​​and its owner. The teenager apparently has some problems and he shares them with his faithful friend. The dog, in turn, keeps one ear raised, as if he understands what the boy is telling him about and listens to his every word. The background in the picture is not drawn clearly, as if emphasizing that everything else is not important and focuses on friendship.

In general, “Friends” produces contradictory emotions: on the one hand, the viewer takes on sadness from the boy and his dog, but on the other hand, joy that the characters in the picture have each other and can take care of one another.

Essay on a story based on Shirokov's painting Friends on behalf of a boy, 7th grade. option 1

Friendship between a dog and a person is an eternal theme; it is raised in many works, for example “Moo-moo” or in the collection “A Man Should Have a Dog.” There is so much noise around the attachment of dogs to their owners and vice versa for a reason; probably everyone can remember from their life experience a couple of examples related to such beautiful animals as dogs. Each of us needs a friend, and not just a friend, but a real, loyal, understanding and reliable one. Unfortunately, true friendship is extremely rare among people, and with this need we turn to our smaller brothers - dogs.

The painting by Evgeny Nikolaevich Shirokov depicts a young guy looking at his dog, gently stroking his black fur. The friends sat on the floor covered with some kind of red cloth, which serves as a kind of symbol, red is a warm tone, and all warm colors symbolize comfort and homeliness. The dog’s posture also says a lot, the dog lies calmly and relaxed, enjoying the company of a person, because between their hearts there is a special connection, affection, friendship. I think that these guys can stand up for each other and they have a lot of interesting, and maybe brave, stories behind them. The picture reminds us of the importance of communicating with animals, that everyone can be friends. I wish there were more such wonderful friends in the world, finding comfort in each other.

Essay description based on the painting Friends 5th grade

Evgeny Nikolaevich Shirokov is one of the Russian artists. He is famous for his portraits. One of his successful works is the painting “Friends”. It depicts a boy and his dog in the middle of the room.

A dark-haired, thin boy wears a dark blue T-shirt tucked into gray pants. He has blue socks and light sandals on his feet. His eyes are downcast and his expression is very sad. He sits on a red blanket and strokes the dog lying next to him, as if sharing his grief.

And the dog obediently listens to its owner, raising one ear. She is black in color with short and shiny fur. And she has white “socks” on her paws. Her yellow eyes are wide open. Just like the boy, the dog has a dejected look. Apparently she is worried about the boy.

Nothing is visible in the background, everything is blurry. Yes, it doesn't matter. The artist wants to draw attention to the tender feelings between friends, to the care they show towards each other. Therefore, the colors in the picture are not bright, so as not to distract from real friendly relations. Looking at the picture, it immediately becomes clear what friendship is. This is support, help, understanding and sympathy in difficult times. The picture is filled with sadness, although it evokes completely different emotions. The dog personifies loyalty and devotion; it will never leave the boy, as it feels goodwill towards itself.

On the other hand, the painter speaks not only about true friendship, but also about the problem of modern people. In pursuit of money and fame, people have become selfish, indifferent and cruel. That is why Shirokov chooses a pet as a friend, which needs nothing but attention. Alas, among human relationships it is sometimes very difficult to find generous, compassionate, noble and reliable people.

Essay based on Shirokov's painting Friends

Not everyone knows how to make friends. Human friendship is subject to many external factors. The same cannot be said about the friendship between an animal and a person. Dogs, especially, are champions of devotion, loyalty and true friendship.

E. Shirokov's painting "Friends" takes us to a small room with a wooden floor and a place for a dog. A boy and his dog are on the floor. The dog lies calmly and looks a little sadly into the distance. The boy sits next to his friend and strokes his black soft fur. The boy's pose speaks of his sad mood, sadness. He strokes the dog and it calms him down a little. The dog lies calmly, afraid to disturb or upset his friend. The dog doesn’t know how else he can help the boy, so his look is also sad.

The artist does not use complex techniques, bright colors, and the tones of the painting are restrained. But the feeling is that you are standing in the same room and looking at your friends. Perhaps they just returned from a walk and are simply tired. Or maybe the boy is just in a sad mood and only a dog can support him.

There is so much excitement in the dog's eyes for his owner. But the dog does not show his concern; he wants to help his friend. He even raised his ear to listen to the boy's experiences. Dogs sense the mood and always try to help to the best of their ability.

The boy, without raising his eyes, strokes the dog, but his thoughts are far away. Touching the soft fur of your best friend calms you down and puts you in a good mood.

Does such friendship exist between people? Can a person sense another person's mood just by looking or touching? And can he help another without further ado?

I want to believe that people are capable of making friends and being loyal. Dogs are wonderful animals, without them the world might not have known about boundless loyalty. They are tied to their owner with an invisible thread and sincere love.
I really want to learn from a dog how to make friends. After all, a dog never expects reciprocal feelings from a person. She just loves him.

Essay option for 7th grade.

The main characters of Shirokov's film “Friends” are a boy and a dog. They are on the sofa covered with a crimson blanket, it is wrinkled, but no one cares about it. A dull wall of gray tones...

It is clear that the dog is sad for some reason, this can be seen from the sad eyes, and the guy timidly sits next to her and strokes her, as if calming or comforting her. The dog, black as earth, has only four white spots on its paws, as if it were wearing socks. One ear is pressed to his head, and the other stands and listens to something, as if he is waiting for someone, the sound, the knocking voice, is so important to him.

This canvas depicts a warm relationship between a boy and an animal, which fully justifies the title of the painting. Friends share all their joys and problems, and here the boy shares the stamp of his beloved dog and, simply sitting next to him, supports him, because his four-legged friend cannot say anything. Their concern for each other and excitement are clearly visible, which is very rare in this day and age.

The artist painted the picture with darker colors, probably to emphasize the pain that is in the hearts of the heroes and to draw the audience’s attention to the fact that not only a person can feel bad.

I believe that this picture was created in order to convey to humanity how important four-legged friends are in our lives. They won’t give in, they won’t leave, they won’t hurt.

Description essay based on the painting by Shirokov Friends

Evgeny Nikolaevich Shirokov is one of the most outstanding artists of the Soviet era. His talent was recognized by both art critics and ordinary working people. Many of his works have found a home in famous art galleries and museums. For his contribution to art, E. N. Shirokov received many prestigious state awards.

E. Shirokov’s painting “Friends” is perhaps his most famous work. She is cited as an example when they tell young artists about such a movement of Soviet painting as the “severe style.” In the film, Shirokov glorified such an extremely important, but unfortunately very rare phenomenon in our time as friendship.

In this painting we see an example of what can be called true friendship. In this case, the boy and his dog share bonds of camaraderie.

The painting is made with sharp strokes in accordance with the canons of a harsh style. The artist drew only the boy’s face, as well as his four-legged friend, with smooth, rounded lines. With this, Shirokov singled out the two main characters from the general situation.

It’s hard to say what’s in the souls of the boy and dog depicted in the picture. Some see sadness and sadness in their eyes. It seems to me that they were simply thinking about something of their own, known only to them.

The dog's ear is raised. She must have heard someone approaching. Now the boy's father or mother will enter the room, and he will come out of his thoughts. The dog and its owner will become cheerful again and go for a walk in the fresh air.

Shirokov's painting teaches us two very important things. Firstly, the fact that a true friend is always ready to help, no matter what trouble happens to you. A faithful comrade will give you the necessary advice, listen or help you at your first call. Secondly, Shirokov makes it very clear that friendship is indifferent to appearance, status - it can unite two completely different people, and even a person and a dog.

Essay for 7th grade.

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We can say with confidence that most people know the kind and open film “Friend” by Evgeny Shirokov. The artist produced many paintings, but for some reason this one, with the image of a sad boy and his dog, is considered the most popular.

I would like to outline the image in more detail so as not to miss the slightest detail. So, in the center of the canvas sits a little boy, he looks about ten years old. The boy is dressed in gray pants, a deep cornflower blue T-shirt, dark blue socks and grayish sandals. He sat on a red rug next to a small but incredibly sad dog. With one hand the boy strokes her shiny fur, as if making it clear that he is nearby and shares her sadness and longing.

It is noticeable from the picture that there is a very tender, reverent and warm relationship between the dog and his friend.

The dog, in some ways it resembles a Great Dane, settled down next to the boy on the mat. Its coal-black fur shimmers, most likely a sign of good care and care for the four-legged tail. The dog's paws are unusual - snow-white, it feels like someone put white socks on them to keep warm.

The dog's cute face occupies the foreground in the picture. She has kind but sad eyes, and her right ear is raised. You might think that the dog listens attentively to the owner, tries not to miss a single important detail, not a single word.

On the canvas, both characters are sad. In the eyes of a child you can read understanding and empathy for the problems of your beloved, shaggy friend. Even without looking closely, it is noticeable that the main idea that the artist is trying to convey is a person’s ability to have empathy, understanding and sincere care.

It seems that a little more and the boy will cry, because his eyes are slightly lowered, and his lips are slightly pouting, as if offended. Most likely, this is a resentment at one’s own powerlessness, that the dog is sad, but it is not possible to cheer it up. The whole picture is designed in dark, gloomy shades, it conveys to the viewer a general atmosphere of sadness and frustration.

The floor, on which the red blanket is spread, has a faded brownish tint. The walls are also dull and lifeless. Shirokov wanted to create an oppressive, tense atmosphere around his friends, focusing specifically on the two main characters, as if not distracting attention from them, but, on the contrary, attracting it to them. Which he did very well.

The canvas realistically shows the essence of true, sincere, devoted friendship. After all, only she knows what sympathy and sadness are when everything is bad or joy and fun when everything is good.

Unfortunately, true, devoted friendship has become a rarity these days, and, looking at the picture “Friends,” you involuntarily understand how lucky the boy and the dog are, that each of them has what many lack, namely a big, honest, selfless friendship.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Author of the presentation: Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU “Lyceum No. 1”, rural settlement Chamzinka, Republic of Mordovia Preparation for an essay based on the painting by E.N. Shirokov “Friends” RUSSIAN LANGUAGE LESSON IN 7TH GRADE

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Purpose of the lesson: to develop students’ artistic speech; learn to describe what is shown in the picture; activate students' vocabulary on this topic; broaden the horizons of students - introduce them to the life and work of E.N. Shirokov

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A word about the artist Evgeny Nikolaevich Shirokov (1931 - 2017) - Russian artist-painter, People's Artist of the USSR (1986)

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A word about the artist Evgeny Nikolaevich Shirokov was born in the Ural village of Kasli (now a city) in 1931. He studied at the Sverdlovsk Art School, graduating in 1952. In 1958 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Art and Industrial School named after V.I. Mukhina and settled in Perm. Since then, the artist’s entire life has been connected with the city of Perm. In 1986 he received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. E.N. Shirokov is one of the leading artists of the Urals, a brilliant master of Russian realistic art of the 20th century. He was awarded the orders “Badge of Honor” (1981) and “Peter the Great”, a diploma from the Academy of Arts (1979), medals and diplomas from the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and the RSFSR, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1973). Shirokov's works are kept in more than 15 museums in Russia, including the main treasury of national art - the State Tretyakov Gallery. His works are also in private collections in Russia and abroad.

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A word about the artist The artist reflected time in his canvases both broadly and versatilely, with ups and downs, insights, misconceptions and silence. But he said his unique word precisely in the portrait. Shirokov’s portrait concept was formed under the influence of the ideas and artistic language of the so-called “severe style”, one of the most noticeable areas of artistic search at the beginning of the “Khrushchev Thaw”, which actively contrasted its work with official phenomena of art. For some time, the type of monumental portrait becomes the leading one. It is distinguished by a large format, a generalized style of writing, and wide color plans. This nature of painting brought the image out of “natural” coordinates, enlarged it, and gave it a symbolic sound. The images became a sign of large-scale achievements of the time.

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The creative credo of the artist Real art is the creative ability to understand life and people. E.N. Shirokov

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Portraits by E.N. Shirokov Portrait of V.P. Astafiev Portrait of E.Z. Kopelyan Portrait of Yu.V. Drunina Portrait of D.B. Kabalevsky Portrait of V.V. Mayakovsky

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The theme of childhood in the artist’s work “Young hockey player” “Portrait of a son” “Young ballerina”

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In the morning we go into the trees, We go into the heat, we go into the cold. An old dog is tied to me with a twisted rope of trust. His eyes, not the eyes of an animal, understand everything at random. He believes in what I believe in, And is happy about what I am happy about. How infinitely much this is - Walk slowly through the square. One destiny, one road And one soul for two. E.N. Shirokov “Friends” A. Ivantsov

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Among the master’s most recognizable works is his work “Friends,” written in 1979. There is an opinion that Evgeniy Nikolaevich depicted his son on the canvas with a four-legged pet, the favorite of the whole family. The history of the creation of the painting “Friends”, therefore, has vital roots. After all, sincere and warm relationships between humans and animals are not so rare. The history of E.N. Shirokov’s painting “Friends” Until 1986, the painting was in the painter’s family collection, then the author donated it to the Perm Art Gallery.

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E.N. Shirokov “Friends” Look at the reproduction of the painting. Where does the action take place? When? What is shown in the foreground? What is shown in the background? What are the main colors (paints) of the painting? Why did the artist choose them? What is the plot of the picture? What is she talking about? What mood does this picture convey?

Slide 14

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E.N. Shirokov “Friends” Look at the reproduction of the painting. Why did the author call his painting “Friends”? Who are the heroes of this artistic canvas? What mood are the characters in? What gestures, facial expression, and posture of the boy indicate that he is upset? What could have happened before the moment depicted in the picture? From the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov: Friend - 1) one who is connected with someone by friendship; 2) supporter, defender of someone or something. Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.

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E.N. Shirokov “Friends” Look at the reproduction of the painting. Why did the author call his painting “Friends”? Who are the heroes of this artistic canvas? What mood are the characters in? What gestures, facial expression, and posture of the boy indicate that he is upset? What could have happened before the moment depicted in the picture?

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Let's look at the picture: sad, sad, upset, open, kind, dark, thin... thoughtful, looking down, looking with love, sad... sitting, free, relaxed, with his left leg tucked under him... calm tones, blue-gray, blue T-shirt, gray trousers and sandals... loneliness, sadness, trusts secrets, treats with love... A BOY gently strokes his friend's soft fur, as if asking for help... Face Eyes Pose Clothes Feelings Gestures

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Let's look at the picture: smooth-haired, short-haired, purebred, medium-sized, well-groomed... black color, white paw pads... lying calmly, with his head on his paws, one ear raised and listening attentively to his friend... sad, sorrowful, devoted, kind... the dog has conveyed the mood of a teenager, comforts its owner as best he can, sincerely sympathizes with him... DOG Breed Color Posture Eyes Feelings

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On the canvas, the painter depicted not just an upset boy and his dog. He masterfully was able to convey everything that lies in the concept of “friendship.” An unselfish and loyal dog doesn’t care who its owner is. He is not interested in the well-being and position in society of this person. All the animal needs is affection and care. Feeling a good attitude towards itself, the dog will never betray its owner. I would like to see such sincerity, honesty and selflessness in relationships between people. E.N. Shirokov “Friends”

Slide 19

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Vocabulary work G..roy paintings; (bright) red on...lay; relaxed..relaxed pose; sits cross...legs; lowered eyes...behind; sad mood; affectionate... petting the dog; as if asking for help..; well-groomed dog; black color; lying ear; devoted look..; comforting..t..his master, sincerely..sympathizes..with him; h..two-legged friend..; real friendship.

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Test yourself Heroes of the picture; bright red litter; relaxed posture; sits cross-legged; drooping eyes; sad mood; affectionately pet the dog; as if asking for help; well-groomed dog; black color; lies with one ear raised; devoted look; consoles his owner, sincerely sympathizes with him; four-legged friend; real friendship.

  • Plan:
  • 1. E.N. Shirokov and his paintings.
  • 2. My first impressions of the film “Friends”.
  • 3. Composition of the canvas.
  • 4. The boy and the dog are true friends!
  • 5. Conclusions.

Evgeny Nikolaevich Shirokov is a famous Russian artist whose paintings depict the life of ordinary people. One of the master’s most famous works is the painting “Friends,” in which he depicted his son.

The description of the painting “Friends” by Shirokov does not coincide with my initial idea of ​​it. When I heard the name of this canvas, I decided that several boys would be painted on it. And what was my surprise when I saw a boy and a dog in the reproduction! I really liked that the artist showed friendship in his work from such an unusual angle, because a dog really can be a true friend.

The figures of a boy and a large black dog in the painting are placed in the foreground. The composition is structured so that both characters are in the middle of the canvas and look equal. The background is not described at all - the viewer sees only the blurry gray walls of the room and the plain red bedspread on which the friends sat. Thanks to this, all attention is focused on the main characters. The colors of the canvas, dull and stingy (mostly red, blue, gray and black) are also not able to attract attention. The emphasis is on the inner feelings of the characters, on their relationships.

The dog listens carefully to his owner. He even raised one ear, and his eyes shone with sympathy and a desire to share the misfortune. And it seems to me that after the boy speaks out, he will really feel better. After all, the overall mood of the picture is not sad, but rather calm and confident. Yes, friends are not happy now. But the most important thing is that they can always support and cheer each other up.

I would like to finish my essay on the painting “Friends” by Shirokov with this conclusion: you should always value your friends. After all, if you have a real friend, you are not afraid of anything.

The most popular February materials for 7th grade.

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