Dream interpretation of holey socks to see. Why do Socks dream in a dream? Color: red, white, blue, black and others


Leaky socks in a dream warn of gossip, quarrels, deteriorating financial situation and other unpleasant problems. The dream interpretation will explain what exactly this image is dreaming of.

According to Miller

If a man dreamed of torn socks, then he would fall into the company of dissolute friends. The same plot promises a girl a well-deserved accusation of frivolity and even licentiousness.


Why, in general, dream of holey socks? The dream book advises to immediately collect your thoughts and sort things out. Seeing a worn pair of socks can be a short-lived happiness.

Had a dream that you were left without shoes in torn socks? A series of disappointments and troubles is approaching. But it is they who will temper your character. If in a dream your shoes were stolen and you were left in old socks, then get ready for serious losses due to the fault of a third party.

If a woman dreamed of holey stockings, then she should hide something from her chosen one in order to protect herself from suspicion and jealousy.

Specific values

The dream interpretation insists: first of all, when interpreting a dream, pay attention to the color and quality of the products.

  • White - separation.
  • Black - sadness, illness.
  • Reds are a threat.
  • Orange - joy with sad consequences.
  • Blue - unknown danger.
  • Striped - spoiled vacation, vacation.
  • Silk - short-term success.
  • Cotton - modest wealth.
  • Woolen - a disease.

Hold on!

Had a dream about wearing holey socks? The dream book prophesies a period of bad luck and poverty. But if you managed to sew them up, then the situation will improve soon. Sometimes wearing worn hosiery indicates a disease of the lower extremities.

Did you have to wear old socks with holes in a dream? The road will be problematic, the offer is unprofitable, and quarrels and conflicts will constantly arise around.

Stop playing!

What does it mean if the holey socks were on someone else? The dream interpretation promises a loss in a game of chance, a risky venture or a lottery. Dreamed of torn things on someone? Misunderstandings will arise in relationships with others.

Seeing worn and torn stockings on another character in a dream is possible to communicate with a person who makes claims and condemns, but he himself would be happy to be in your place.

Moderate the heat!

Why dream of socks with holes on a man? The dream interpretation calls for moderation in everything, otherwise you will suffer a severe disappointment.

Dreamed of worn socks on a man? In reality, you will encounter sudden difficulties. The same plot promises in a dream rumors from enemies and envious people.

Life will get better!

Did you happen to see yourself in torn stockings? Your expectations will not be fulfilled. Why dream if you are lucky to take off holey socks? This means that in reality you will say goodbye to erroneous illusions and avoid serious troubles.

Not all dreams are full of any unusual plots, sometimes we see quite ordinary things. But their appearance in a dream also has its own. For example, why dream of socks? Below is the interpretation given by the most popular dream books.

What does the symbol mean?

Appearance, color, condition

The interpretation of the dream largely depends on how the socks looked. If they are clean and beautiful - your environment approves of you and is ready to support you in any situation. For a family person, such a dream promises a strengthening of relationships, for someone who builds - success in promotion, promotion.

On the contrary, torn socks dreamed by a woman mean discord in the family, which will occur due to the fact that she hides something important from her husband. If a man sees torn socks in a dream, then empty chores await him, which will take a lot of effort, but will not bring the desired result.

When the socks are different - this is a warning against the wrong step that you are about to take. It is also possible that the decision you recently made was wrong. It should be carefully weighed again and, perhaps, act differently. Striped socks dream of pleasant entertainment and generally fun.

Wearing knitted socks says that you stand firmly on your feet. Children's socks dream of new plans.

Dirty socks with an unpleasant smell - this is a signal that you are leading the wrong lifestyle. If it is not changed, some losses, unpleasant events, illnesses are possible.

Red socks dream of strong emotions and vivid sensations, but it is not clear whether they will be positive or negative. Black socks speak of your authoritarianism. White - to the quick profit.

Your actions

What exactly did you do with the socks? If you just put on and went - this is for a trip, a trip.

But when you dream of buying them or they were presented to you, this is an unkind sign. You are in for a serious disappointment in something that used to be of great importance in .

Perhaps a person whom you have known for a long time, love and respect, will show himself from a new, unexpected and unpleasant side. Or your profession will cause negative emotions, and you will realize that this is not at all what you would like to do. In any case, your outlook on life will undergo strong changes.

If a woman had a dream about buying socks, then it may mean that deep down she really wants some global changes in her life, and most likely they will not keep you waiting. And when a young girl dreams about how she washes her socks, this is a sign of imminent marriage.

Sewing, knitting socks in a dream is a good omen. It means that, despite the fact that things are not going well at the moment, in the near future you will find financial success and further material well-being.

Wash your socks with your hands in a dream - the dream says that soon you will meet your soul mate.

If you see not one pair, but many socks, especially for children - vanity, chores and many small problems await you. They will not cause tangible harm to your life, but they will take a lot of time and effort. You need to tune in and try to go through this life strip with the least damage to yourself.

Take off your socks in a dream - to separation. It will make you worry, but, fortunately, will be short-lived. If you remove them from another person, then you are experiencing negative feelings towards him. Perhaps in reality you are not aware of this, but in a dream, subconscious emotions appear in the form of such a plot.

Look for socks in a dream - find yourself in a difficult situation from which you will need to quickly find a way out. Well, if the search was successful, the problem will be quickly resolved. If not, then you need to prepare to overcome difficulties.

When in a dream you see yourself in socks where it is customary to be in shoes - for example, on the street - be careful: some secret of yours may become available to a large number of people.

Torn shoes in a dream show the collapse of hopes, plans, the deepest disappointment or inability to perform elementary functions. If a person treats himself well, he certainly takes care of good shoes. A teenager who dreams of traveling will walk around his hometown in tourist boots.

A girl who aspires to climb higher on the social ladder will put on stilettos even for a picnic. An adult reasonable person has comfortable shoes for every occasion. T-shirts for morning jogs, oxfords or fords for business meetings, comfortable slippers for walking around your own home. Let's figure out what torn shoes dream of and what it means to see torn shoes from dream books.

The inconsistency of shoes to the moment betrays confusion, disorientation of a person. This is true equally for reality and for dreams. The ball gown and sneaker combination reveals little ball gown experience, or a model for whom trying on luxury clothes is part of a tedious job and now dreams of resting her weary legs. Beach flip-flops in a good restaurant show not a high degree of ease, but poverty, the absence of good shoes. Incorrectly selected shoes in a dream show the wrong place that a person occupies, from your subjective point of view. Maybe such a person is not who he claims to be or who he wants to appear to be.

The rougher the shoes in a dream, the more difficult, rougher and more unpleasant the character of a person from your point of view. Impractical shoes, for example, torn shoes made of rose petals, mean inability to live, a conflict of a tender soul, lofty and refined aspirations and cruel reality. For example, the most tender fairy is forced to work and earn her bread.

The main meanings of torn shoes in a dream

  • Torn shoes in a dream are even more categorical than the wrong ones. A gardener in torn shoes in a dream means a bad gardener. A child in torn sandals is a child from a dysfunctional family. In a dream, mercy is alien to us and we know for sure that we need to stay away from such people, and not show kindness and tolerance.
  • When deciphering dreams, forget about tolerance. Torn shoes in a dream are not a reason to give new shoes or give away your old ones. Especially if you are asked to. Old shoes or your old position, recommend to your old friends, hire through an acquaintance, provide assistance, lend money. Ripped shoes clearly indicate - stay away and do not believe a single word. Do not count on gratitude if you decide to help. Rather, you will receive dirty gossip behind your back, from a person who will assure that he knows you well, enjoys your trust, which means he will not lie. Your own position may be in jeopardy.
  • Broken shoe straps mean the loss of functionality, the unreliability of a person. If the straps are torn on your own shoes, you are afraid of losing support at the most crucial moment and take the risk. Be careful, have a fallback, and don't rely too much on your surroundings.
  • Worn soles mean not only old-fashionedness, but also hidden vices, unsightly secrets. In its most striking form, this refers to shiny patent leather shoes with holes in the soles.
  • Leaky, torn sneakers mean poverty, inattention to oneself, lack of hopes and plans. Holding them in your hands means indulging in memories. To put on and wear is to admit defeat in advance.
  • Sewing up, sticking up damaged shoes means lying, trying to wishful thinking, hypocrisy.

What does torn shoes mean according to authoritative sources

  • The female dream book claims that torn shoes mean danger. Seeing someone in torn shoes is recognizing a liar.
  • Vanga's dream book warns that if you dream of a groom in rags, but in decent shoes, you can safely get married. But if torn slippers or completely bare feet stick out from under a decent suit, it’s better to postpone the wedding for a year in order to get to know the person better. Bare feet in a dream means a tendency to tyranny, despotism, increased demands on the world. Many believe that walking barefoot is a sign of unpretentiousness and asceticism. But in reality, it's quite the opposite.
  • Freud's dream book associates torn shoes in a dream with disappointment, fatigue, a desire to change the situation. Perhaps a divorce is approaching and it’s good if it’s peaceful. It is impossible to believe the person whom you saw in torn shoes, even in small things.
  • Rough, worn and cracked shoes without laces mean inconstancy, negligence, cruelty. Such a person can be incredibly charming when he needs something. Having received what he wants, he becomes cold, detached, you yourself rejoice at parting and getting rid of the burden.


Seeing torn shoes in a dream means learning secrets about a person. Perhaps you will see even more than you planned and will inevitably experience disappointment. The reality of a dream, reinforced by your powers of observation, is often cruel. You will also learn a lot about yourself.

Do not seek to show pity for the destitute orphans and barefoot poor things. It is quite possible that these hungry demons have come for your soul. It is impossible to feed all the hungry and suffering, especially those with excellent appetite and greed. They will never be enough. If you feed them - having had enough and leaving you in poverty, they will leave to tell the world about your stinginess and cruelty.

Socks- identify hidden intentions in business. Gather your thoughts so you can take action.

See torn, dirty socks- to quarrels and gossip.

Clean, nice socks- your plans will be approved and supported by someone.

Freud's dream book

socks are- a symbol of a condom.

Putting on socks- symbolizes your desire for safe sex.

Modern combined dream book

Wear socks in a dream- to the road.

If you dreamed that you were buying socks- Your well-being will noticeably improve.

Dream about holey socks- to poverty and failure.

But if you sew up your socks- this means that your financial affairs will not always be in such a disastrous state.

Eastern female dream book

A young woman has a dream in which she darns her socks- portends a poor life.

If you find that you are not wearing socks You are in danger of a serious illness.

Children's dream book

Socks- you have to get into an unpleasant situation, but you can get out of it with dignity.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Socks- journey.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing socks in a dream- means that you may soon receive an invitation to travel. put on socks- save some amount needed to buy a personal item.

Ripped socks- hide from your husband what could lead him to excessive suspicion and jealousy. Striped socks- pleasantly entertain, relax and get a lot of pleasure during your next vacation. Buy socks in a dream- you will be disappointed in the person from whom you were crazy.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing socks or stockings in a dream- to the road, travel.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why do socks dream? The interpretation, as in many cases, will depend on the details of the dream. What were they like? Whole or torn? Men's, women's, or maybe children's? Did you buy them, try them on, give them away? It is these moments that will reveal the true meaning of sleep. You just need to turn to the dream book.

What were the socks like?

Did you see socks in a dream, completely covered with holes? In reality, you are dissatisfied with yourself, but do not let anyone notice this. According to the dream book, you are too demanding of yourself.

If you dreamed of white socks, this indicates that your intentions are pure. You are a sincere person, but do not forget that you should adhere to the measure in everything, even in altruism. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming a victim of not very decent personalities.

And what can woolen socks dream of? The dream interpretation explains - you want to surround your life with comfort and prosperity, and reminds you: if you really want to, as well as work hard, you can achieve a lot. In addition, the likelihood of a favorable outcome is very high.

The dream in which you are going to put on dirty socks warns of impending difficulties. Do not think that opponents are weaker than you and will easily give up. To win, you will have to make a lot of effort.

But if in a dream you had a chance to buy socks, you are a person who does not stop after reaching the goal. You strive to bring any business to a state of ideal, and do not like to sit idly by. Many look up to you, the dream book is encouraging, keep up the good work.

Dreamed of brand new socks? According to the dream book, life will soon change for the better. You will not only rise in the eyes of friends and acquaintances, but will also find a patron who will not only support you in everything, but will also be able to help you out financially.

Dreamed men's socks indicate that it's time to pack your bags. You have to travel for work or a short business trip. But during the trip, you will be busy not only with business affairs, the dream book promises, you will also be able to have a great rest.

Why dream if you walk around in socks without shoes? Be careful - conceived plans that you did not inform anyone about may well become public. Efforts will have to be made to prevent this from happening.

In a dream, put on holey socks? In reality, you often step on the throat of your own song. Such a dream suggests that you need to listen to yourself, understand what you want exactly, and then act based on your own aspirations and desires.

A few more interpretations

What can dream of washing socks? If the socks were yours, the dream book explains, you are a self-sufficient person. But if you happen to wash someone else's socks, there is a high probability of meeting a person who will become much more than just a friend.

Did you find yourself knitting socks while sleeping? Work will fall on you, which will turn out to be very boring and tedious. But do not leave her, the dream book advises - the result of torment will pleasantly surprise and delight you.

Why can you dream if they give you socks? According to the dream book, you trust your friends and loved ones in everything and count on their support. In addition, they are ready to help them on demand.

In a dream, different socks flaunted on your feet? As the dream book explains, at the moment you are confused about something, and you just can’t make the right decision.

Are you going to buy socks? Dream Interpretation believes that you do not have enough people who share your views. Those who surround you are not satisfied with something, which makes you look for new friends, colleagues and partners with whom you will be able to do business in the future.

Small parts

Listen to the dream book and try to remember what the dreamed socks looked like.

  • Were they made of thin fabric? Your desires are superficial.
  • But thick warm socks indicate that you can follow your dreams - and they will certainly become a reality.
  • Black socks indicate that you are a confident person, and also very authoritarian. It's great that you believe in yourself so much, but try to be less hard on those around you - there may come a time when you need their help.
  • If you saw knitted socks in a dream, you stand firmly and confidently on your own feet. You do not entertain yourself with dreams and illusions, and all your plans are thought out to the smallest detail. That is why they are destined to come true, the dream book promises.

  • What can tiny baby socks dream of? Someone will appear in your life that requires your increased attention. It is not at all necessary that it will be a child or a loved one, the dream book interprets. Even a brilliant idea may require you to give it all your time and energy. And it may also happen that the one you have to take care of is yourself.
  • Dreamed of red socks indicate that you are planning an act or a deed that will greatly surprise not only your surroundings, but also you, including. You are one hundred percent sure of the success of what you have planned, and therefore the plans will be able to be implemented. Such inspiration alone is very often the key to success.
  • And why dream of taking off your socks? The dream interpretation does not give an unambiguous interpretation. On the one hand, you risk losing something, but on the other hand, get rid of something that has been a burden for a long time. One may be closely related to the second, so think carefully about what exactly this or that event in your life means. Maybe the loss is not such, and will only change life for the better?

Miller's interpretation

Gustav Miller lived in those days when socks were not yet an everyday thing. His dream book also uses another concept - footcloths. They served as an excellent alternative to socks many years ago. If a military man had such a dream, in the near future he was expected to have hard training.

Did you have a dream in which you had a chance to wear socks? According to the interpreter, you are full of confidence and energy that can move mountains. The dream interpretation encourages such an attitude, but warns - when starting new business or projects, do not do anything in a hot head.

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