Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams why dream of hugging. Failure of ambitious plans, quarrels


Young girls and boys dream about how they hug in a dream with a loved one, and sometimes it can be a stranger. Waking up in the morning in a great mood, do not rush to draw conclusions. A dream can also carry a hidden meaning, because hugs in a dream are very contradictory and can carry different meanings. When interpreting, it is also necessary to take into account who you hugged, who this person is for you in real life; how do you feel about it or what have you experienced before. The smallest details can give night vision a different meaning, which we get thanks to the dream book.

According to the dream book, hugging about a dream suggests that in real life you build relationships with the people around you.

In a dream, you do not feel like reciprocating the hugs of a man - there is a chance that you will feel a feeling of loneliness, even when surrounded by people.

For girls who do not currently have a relationship in real life, it speaks of the desire and readiness to find them. Long, gentle hugs of a man - indicates the appearance of happiness and love in real life, even if your heart is free for now. Your familiar world will soon change, be prepared for this!

Nevertheless, it is necessary to interpret the dream in more detail in order to answer the question: "Why dream of hugging?"

A modern dream book says that hugging a man in a dream can talk about different things. If you hug a man, then everything what you have in mind will definitely come true. if you are hugged in a dream, then this indicates a warm, trusting relationship with this person.

In some dream books, hugging a man you like speaks of your gullibility and recklessness.

Various images of a man in a dream


You dream about how you hug a stranger, then such a dream promises new acquaintances and hobbies. This acquaintance with a man can change your whole life. If you hugged a stranger with your husband or wife, this can lead to a quarrel that was motivated by jealousy, or you are suspected of infidelity. You may also be drawn into a quarrel, the causes of which may become known to third parties. The dream book recommends understanding yourself and making the right choice.

If you dream about how your lover hugs an unfamiliar girl, then this cause for jealousy. The dream interpretation claims that your partner has a girl who gives him signs of attention, be careful.


  • According to the dream book, hugging in a dream with your husband is a quarrel. If he hugged you and kissed you at the same time, then there is a possibility of betrayal. But don't jump to conclusions.
  • If you hugged your ex-husband, you cannot get rid of your past life. Too much attachment to the past keeps you from moving on.


In night dreams, you dream about how you hug your beloved guy - that's talking about happy relationships especially if you were apart before. You have a strong and sincere relationship. If the guy hugs you from the back, then most likely his intentions are not entirely pure towards you. Take a closer look at him.

In night vision, you may also dream about hugging your boss.

Hugging with your boss in a dream indicates that you need to seize the opportunity. Your boss is very supportive of you, although this may not manifest itself in any way on his part. This time for decisive action that will lead to good luck.

Hugging in a dream with a friend can have several different interpretations. This may indicate both a long-awaited meeting, if you have not seen each other for a long time, that and a ridiculous quarrel. Dream Interpretation recommends not making hasty decisions.

Do you dream about hugging your father? Do not worry, you are reliably protected from everything, but the dream book says. You have support and support. This is very important in real life. Listen to the advice of the dream book.

If in a dream you hugged your mother, you communicate little. Spend time with your family and find happiness and peace.

There will be very important changes in the near future for those who hugged a pregnant girl or wife in a dream, as they say in a new dream book.

Hugging your child in a dream indicates that in your family harmony and mutual understanding.

In a dream, did you hug the enemy? You will be the winner in disputes, conflicts that are currently in real life.

A sign that you are not giving away your tenderness and love is a hug in a dream with someone else's child. Open your heart to people, say how much you love them and you will see - the result will not be long in coming.

Hugging in a dream with a dead person who left this world in real life speaks of an imminent trip. If you are not going on vacation, then perhaps a business trip awaits. This is a fruitful journey, in which there will be an opportunity not only to work well and express yourself, but also to relax. Start packing your bags!

If a deceased person hugs you in a dream and at the same time gives some advice, then need to listen to them. Perhaps you are so passionate about something right now that you do not notice what is happening around you.

But our dreams can also be a little bizarre. For example, you may dream of hugging a deceased celebrity. This speaks of your desire to be a public person, fame and popularity.

Sometimes we dream about hugging our favorite animals in a dream. According to the dream book, it can be, like wild animals, that and pets. The appearance of a patron in real life is what a hug with a wild animal says according to the dream book.

Our night visions sometimes bring us more emotions than events in real life, but do not forget that fate has prepared many different pleasant surprises for us.

They don't come to us by chance. How do you know if our subconscious is projecting them or are they warnings from the other world about upcoming events? Most dream books agree that hugging in a dream is a change in life, most often bad. Specific situations are interpreted in well-known dream books in different ways. Let's take a look at them and compare interpretations.

Small Velesov dream book

If a girl dreams that a guy is hugging her, this is a sign of illness or something bad. If she herself hugs a stranger - this is to the road, a woman - to treason, relatives - to a quarrel.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Why dream of hugs according to this interpreter? Also to big quarrels and betrayals.

Spring dream book

Hugs promise long work in a close-knit, friendly team.

Summer dream book

Hugging someone means the emergence of new friendships.

Esoteric dream book

Hugs promise friendly support and help.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

It does not describe the meanings so unambiguously. For any event, it gives versatile assessments depending on the situation.

Hugging your husband in a dream, while feeling negative emotions (anger, guilt, longing, sadness), is a disagreement between you. Positive emotions have no unpleasant meanings.

They hugged their ex-husband - you probably hold on to the past, you can’t let him go. By doing this, you can destroy your current or future relationships, think more often about the upcoming pleasant moments, do not live in the past.

They hugged their father - those around you are insincere, they hide something from you. They hugged their mother - you are worried about her and the health of other people close to you, you want to help those in trouble. Sleeping with your mother can also promise a meeting with relatives.

They hugged their older brother - your future is bright and trouble-free, younger brother - unpleasant duties will arise, unforeseen expenses are possible.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

Why dream of hugging a friend? The interpreter sees in this success in business, the fulfillment of the planned, recognition by colleagues or an increase in salary. Hugging a friend means that she needs your help in real life.

If you are in a quarrel, it is worth reconciling, because both of you want it. Hugged a secret lover? Apparently, your connection will soon come out, which will lead to a family conflict, a showdown. In a dream, you hugged a celebrity, a show business star or a famous politician - your self-esteem goes beyond real boundaries, try to do another type of activity.

Hugging the deceased in a dream has always served as a negative prediction. This can affect both health, career and personal life. If the deceased was lying in a coffin, a protracted serious illness is likely. Get tested, many diseases can be easily cured at an early stage.

Embracing in a dream with a deceased father, most likely, was provoked by a real situation that reminded him of him. You miss him, you need protection. Put in the effort and things will get better.

Embracing in a dream with a deceased mother confirms that you still miss her, yearn for her. You need real, sincere love that your mother used to give you. Hugging a deceased grandfather in a dream - there will be minor chores and unpleasant experiences that take a lot of time, but everything will work out.

Hugging a boy in a dream - to career growth, and his son - to family quarrels over finances or raising children. Hugging a baby girl in a dream is a favorable sign, it promises good luck.

Hugging a dog - a meeting with friends will take place soon, if the dog was big, then it will be the best, true friend. Hug and stroke a horse - meet an old friend in a warm, relaxed atmosphere.

Hugging a dolphin - meet creative, interesting people; bear - you will be patronized by a successful and influential person. Hugging a cat is careful, you can fall under the influence of a selfish person who thinks only of himself.

Chinese dream book

Why dream of hugging a husband or wife according to the Chinese dream book? Definitely, this is a sign of happy events and pleasant moments. But hugging your children, son or daughter - to quarrels and squabbles.

Miller's dream book

He interprets dreams with hugs depending on the emotional coloring of the dream. If the dream was pleasant, then everything will go smoothly in life, and if sadness, anxiety and sadness were present in the dream, then this will also be reflected in the real situation.

Dreams are still one of the little-studied aspects of our consciousness. Some say that dreams are a reflection of the emotions experienced during the day, which does not carry any meaning in itself. Others - that these are "tips" from the depths of the subconscious. It is for those who believe that dreams can be prophetic and want to know why they dream of hugging someone, we will tell you the possible interpretations of such dreams.

If we take the concept of "hug or cuddle" in a general sense, then most dream books interpret it as a herald of changes in personal life. There are other interpretations of hugs in a dream. For example, the imminent acquisition of a good faithful friend or great luck in any business and undertakings. Remember, if at the same time you felt happiness and joy - hugs definitely promise you only good things. If a woman hugs in a dream, then she should expect new active actions from the opposite sex. If the sleeping person is a man, then hugs for him promise a serious relationship that can end in marriage. Hugging a loved one (husband / wife, boyfriend / girlfriend) in a dream is often interpreted as an alarm bell that misunderstandings and quarrels may arise between them. Especially if hugs are accompanied by painful, sad sensations. There is another angle to such a dream - hugs with a loved one bring happiness and harmony, and also demonstrate attachment to him and fear of losing. If relatives fall into a hug in a dream, most dream books agree on one thing - this is to quarrels, insults and a showdown. Moreover, a conflict situation can arise very unexpectedly and without much reason. And here there is not much difference who exactly you hugged in a dream - brothers, sisters, parents or other relatives.

Holding a child close to you is an outlet for your emotional unrest. If the child is a girl, then you can expect good luck, if a boy - success in work.

The presence of a stranger in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected guests who can disrupt your plans. However, this visit will not necessarily be unpleasant. According to another interpretation, if a stranger of the opposite sex fell into your arms and the sensations are pleasant, such a dream means that your current personal relationships lack love and warmth.

For those who hugged a dead person in a dream, such a dream is interpreted mostly positively. It promises longevity and prosperous old age. If this is a celebrity, you can count on the fact that your dreams of fame can come true. If this is mom - your longing for her has not yet passed or you really need understanding, grandmother usually warns of danger, grandfather - about troubles and problems, late father - about the successful completion of affairs.

There are also explanations about animals. So, if you hug a tiger in a dream, it means that you are in complete control of your life, a pig - to face troubles and difficulties, a bear - to receive powerful patronage, a cat - to meet a very selfish person. Regarding hugging with a dog, some dream books set up a strong friendship, others warn of possible material losses.

When interpreting dreams, please note that not all of them are prophetic and carry some information that is significant to you. It has long been believed that dreams that dream from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. However, some dream books have an interpretation of the significance of dreams depending on the day of the week, date, month, or lunar calendar. Today, you can learn all these nuances without leaving your home. For example, from a special mobile application, one of which we invite you to get acquainted with in the presented video.

Many lovely ladies see themselves in the arms of a loved one or just a stranger. Such dreams are often seen by young girls and married ladies, sometimes waking up in bewilderment in the morning. The dream interpretation interprets this dream in different ways. It all depends on the man you saw in a dream. An important point is the feeling after it - it gives the key to interpretation. But it is worth paying attention to the reason for the appearance of this romantic plot.

When a dream means nothing

Very often hugging a man in a dream is a reflection of the subconscious desire for love and a successful personal life. A girl can subconsciously evaluate a new acquaintance as an option. Therefore, it is not surprising that she imagines in a dream how he hugs her and kisses her. And it's completely natural.

Sometimes hugging a loved one expresses longing for him, an unquenched feeling of unrequited love and a subconscious desire for affection. Such dreams express needs and do not carry any prediction, causing disappointment and an even greater increase in longing. Therefore, hugging a desired but inaccessible person does not mean anything, it is just a desire.

Another thing is if, after some time, you see this dream again. Or hug your enemy in a friendly way. Then it’s worth watching the dream book, because the vision takes on meaning and harbors some kind of sign.

Dreams with amorous plots

Unexpectedly hugging a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time - for an unexpected meeting, news about him or a resumption of relations. This dream matters if you forgot your lover, did not think or guess, and the passion will reappear in your life or a man who is somewhat similar to past love.

Hugging with a spouse - the dream book interprets as a quarrel, misunderstanding and disagreement in family life, followed by reconciliation and guilt. Especially if you live with him and constantly endure the quirks of a male character. The dream interpretation does not name the unequivocal reason for the scandal. But in any case, an unpleasant moment will be present in your relationship.

Hugging with a stranger, especially in the presence of a lover or husband - to a quarrel based on jealousy or suspicion of infidelity. After such a dream, expect proceedings and, possibly, parting due to alleged betrayal. You may also be drawn into a quarrel or some adventures will become known to outsiders. So you should become more careful and try to understand yourself and understand who is more important to you. Dream Interpretation considers this dream unfavorable for relationships, especially married life. Sometimes he talks about her husband's betrayal and your revenge on him for it.

Hugging a man you don't know in real life has several meanings. Try to remember his face. Seeing a man of pleasant appearance in a dream speaks of an early acquaintance, friendship and friendship with a new person. Perhaps there will be an affair between you or he will become your spouse. But in any case, the dream book interprets this as a new meeting that can happen soon or after a long time.

So one girl hugged a man and remembered his face, the sparkle of beautiful blue eyes and a pleasant appearance. But she met him 6 years later visiting a teacher. And this man changed everything in her life.

But, if a man was unpleasant, then this hints that a woman does not value herself and does not believe in her abilities. Seeing this in a dream means becoming a victim of circumstances or even rape by an unpleasant person.

Friends, relatives, the dead and animals

Such dreams do not contain erotic overtones and reflect relationships with real people, except for those who are no longer alive. The dream interpretation gives an unambiguous interpretation of such visions.

Hugging a friend - to parting with him or an unexpected long-awaited meeting, especially if this person lives in another city. Pay attention to where you were in the dream. The station, hospital, cemetery or intensive care unit promise a bad change in relations with him. The same dream applies to relatives.

Hugging the enemy - to reconcile with him. You will very soon make friends again and will not be enemies, especially if such a dream is repeated several times. Dream Interpretation considers this a good sign.

Hugging a dead person - to illness or subconscious approval of your actions. The person you saw would most likely appreciate your decision and recent deed. But if in a dream the deceased was unpleasant to you, beware of illness or danger to life or health - there is nothing good in this.

hugging in a dream

If you hug your spouse (wife) in a dream, no matter what feelings (joy or sadness), expect troubles in the family, quarrels based on domestic relations.
If you hug in a dream with your relatives - quarrels, illnesses, failures.
Embracing someone else with great joy is fortunate.
Hugs with strangers are unexpected guests in the near future.

what does it mean if you hug in a dream

Hugging with family and friends, such a dream can promise trouble in the family, scandals based on treason. Warns of big quarrels with those with whom your close embrace in a dream.

hugging in a dream

Perhaps you yearn for the person with whom you embrace in a dream. Sadness and sadness for someone may portend such a dream.

hugging in a dream book

Hugging - to understanding and joy in life. If you hug - this is to success and prosperity in your affairs. If they hug you, it means you are loved, appreciated and trusted.

hugging in a dream

Cuddle with your loved one. If the feelings in the arms are joyful, then in life everything will be fine with this person, happiness and peace will accompany you. If feelings are muted, negative - the relationship will end soon, wait for parting.

why dream of hugging

If you hug people close to you, then such a dream is safe, because. tells you that in life you are trusted and supported. Hugs in a dream with a stranger - be careful, deceit, a scam are possible in life. Such a dream can warn of an unexpected and unexpected guest. Hugging with your enemies is a sign of imminent reconciliation with them. Hugs with the opposite sex (your girlfriend or boyfriend) are bad news about cheating. If the spouses hug in such a dream, expect omissions among themselves and family quarrels.
Hugging a dead person in a dream - promises death for a person who is overcome by illness. Otherwise, if the deceased is your friend or relative, such a dream indicates the dangers that the dead can stipulate in a dream or obstruct your affairs.

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