Allied and non-union subordinating relationship in a complex sentence. What is a coordinating and subordinating type of communication


In Russian, there are two types of syntactic relations - coordinating and subordinating connection. It is the connection, together with, that is the basis for everything.

The composition implies a combination of words or parts that are almost equal from a syntactic point of view (Clouds quickly ran across the sky, birds frightened by the wind swept. She read the poem loudly, confidently, expressively. Smart and handsome, he was always an enviable groom). Submission, on the contrary, indicates the dependent position of one word (or part of a sentence) from another (Put on the table. I left the room because it became stuffy).

The writing relationship is heterogeneous. There are adversative, connecting, dividing varieties. The indicator is the union. At the same time, some Russian scholars call them “formless words”, since they have neither their own form nor their own meaning. Their task is to establish equal relations of various types (meanings) between words and parts of a sentence.

The coordinative adversative connection is expressed with the help of (but, however, nevertheless, ah, yes (meaning “but”) (It was very cold in the morning, but the sun was shining brightly. I doubted my success, but no one listened to me).

The coordinative connection is present in sentences that take place at one moment. It is expressed by connecting unions (and, yes and, also, neither ... nor, also, not only ... but also, yes (in the meaning of “and”) (I was very afraid to ride the carousel, and my friends were pretty cowardly. Not only the kids loved the last episode, but the adults tried not to miss a single episode either).

Coordinating separating unions (or, then ... then, or, not that ... not that) are an indicator that only one action is possible from all of the listed ones, or these actions take place in turn (Either you leave us a receipt, or we will not give you the required amount Now snow is falling from a cloudy sky, now a fine cold rain is falling, either tears of pain rolled down his face, or just raindrops flowed down).

A writing connection in a simple sentence is needed in order to push its boundaries, to show that several subordinate members are in the same relationship with the main one (Guests and a preacher came. He was angry, but not angry. See you today or in a couple of days. This was not seen only children, but also adults).

Such equal relations may include:

  • clarifying and qualifying words. (We saw each other later in the evening. She was waiting in the park, in the gazebo).
  • Explanatory members of the sentence with explained words, to which they are attached either with the help of unions or without them (The prefix, or prefix, serves to form new words).
  • Attaching members with the words they are attached to. (Some of the guests, especially the younger ones, were surprised by the magnificence of the celebration.)

Some philologists believe that words combined with the help of a composing connection form composing phrases. Usually all the words in them are expressed in one part of speech (wild and free; bold but cautious). However, there are other constructions in which parts of the coordinating phrase are expressed by different parts of speech (Brave (adj.), But excited (adj.)).

Such constructions in the sentence are one member, forming homogeneous series. (A passionate but chaotic monologue did not convince the listeners).

Both coordinating phrases and sentences with a coordinating connection are accompanied by enumeration intonation during pronunciation.

The writing connection in testifies to the equality of the parts (I arrived on time, but the library was closed. We tried, but the glider never took off).

Complex sentences with different types of connection- This complex sentences , which consist of at least of three simple sentences , interconnected by a coordinating, subordinating and non-union connection.

To understand the meaning of such complex structures, it is important to understand how the simple sentences included in them are grouped together.

Often complex sentences with different types of connection are divided into two or more parts (blocks), connected with the help of coordinating unions or union-free; and each part in structure is either a complex sentence or a simple one.

For example:

1) [Sad I]: [No friend with me], (with whom I would wash down a long parting), (to whom I could shake hands from the heart and wish many merry years)(A. Pushkin).

This is a complex sentence with different types of connection: non-union and subordinating, it consists of two parts (blocks) that are non-unionly connected; the second part reveals the reason for what is said in the first; The first part of the structure is a simple sentence; Part II is a complex sentence with two subordinate clauses, with homogeneous subordination.

2) [lane was all in the gardens], and [the fences grew lindens throwing now, by the moon, a wide shadow], (so that fences And gates on one side completely drowned in darkness)(A. Chekhov).

This is a complex sentence with different types of communication: coordinating and subordinating, consists of two parts connected by a coordinating connecting union and, the relations between the parts are enumerative; The first part of the structure is a simple sentence; Part II - a complex sentence with a subordinate clause; the subordinate clause depends on everything main, joins it with a union so.

In a complex sentence, there may be sentences with various types of allied and allied connection.

These include:

1) composition and submission.

For example: The sun set, and night followed day without interval, as is usually the case in the south.(Lermontov).

(And - a coordinating union, as - a subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

2) composition and non-union communication.

For example: The sun had long since set, but the forest had not yet had time to subside: the doves murmured near, the cuckoo cuckooed in the distance.(Bunin).

(But - a coordinating conjunction.)

Schematic of this offer:

3) subordination and non-union communication.

For example: When he awoke, the sun was already rising; the barrow obscured him(Chekhov).

(When - subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

4) composition, subordination and non-union connection.

For example: The garden was spacious and grew only oaks; they had only recently begun to blossom, so that now through the young leaves one could see the whole garden with its stage, tables and swings.

(And is a coordinating conjunction, so a subordinating conjunction.)

Schematic of this offer:

In complex sentences with a coordinating and subordinating connection, coordinating and subordinating unions may be nearby.

For example: The weather was fine all day, but when we sailed to Odessa, it began to rain heavily.

(But - a coordinating union, when - a subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

Punctuation marks in sentences with different types of connection

In order to correctly punctuate complex sentences with different types of connection, it is necessary to single out simple sentences, determine the type of connection between them and select the appropriate punctuation mark.

As a rule, a comma is placed between simple sentences as part of a complex one with different types of connection.

For example: [In the morning, in the sun, the trees were covered with luxurious hoarfrost] , and [this went on for two hours] , [then the frost disappears] , [sun closed] , and [the day passed quietly, thoughtfully , with a drop in the middle of the day and anomalous lunar twilight in the evening].

Sometimes two, three or more simple offers most closely related to each other in meaning and can be separated from other parts of a complex sentence semicolon . Most often, a semicolon occurs in place of an allied connection.

For example: (When he woke up) [the sun was already rising] ; [the barrow obscured him].(The proposal is complex, with different types of connection: with allied and allied connection.)

In the place of an allied bond between simple sentences in complex possible Also comma , dash And colon , which are placed according to the rules for punctuation in a non-union complex sentence.

For example: [The sun has long since set] , But[the forest hasn't died down yet] : [doves murmured near] , [Cuckoo calls in the distance]. (The proposal is complex, with different types of connection: with allied and allied connection.)

[Leo Tolstoy saw a broken burdock] and [lightning flashes] : [there was an idea for an amazing story about Hadji Murad](Paust.). (The sentence is complex, with different types of connection: coordinative and non-union.)

In complex syntactic constructions that break up into large logical-syntactic blocks, which themselves are complex sentences or in which one of the blocks turns out to be a complex sentence, punctuation marks are placed at the junction of the blocks indicating the relationship of the blocks, while maintaining the internal signs placed on their own. own syntactic basis.

For example: [Bushes, trees, even stumps are so familiar to me here], (that wild clearing has become like a garden to me) : [every bush, every pine, fir-tree caressed], and [they all became mine], and [it's like I planted them], [this is my own garden](Prishv.) - at the junction of blocks there is a colon; [Yesterday a woodcock stuck its nose into this foliage] (to get a worm out from under it) ; [at this time we approached], and [he was forced to take off without throwing off the worn layer of old aspen leaves from his beak](Shv.) - at the junction of blocks there is a semicolon.

Particularly difficult is punctuation at the junction of the writing And subordinating unions (or a coordinating union and an allied word). Their punctuation is subject to the laws of the design of sentences with a coordinating, subordinating and non-union connection. However, at the same time, proposals in which several unions are nearby stand out and require special attention.

In such cases, a comma is placed between unions if the second part of the double union does not follow. then yes, but(in this case, the subordinate clause can be omitted). In other cases, a comma is not placed between the two unions.

For example: Winter was coming and , when the first frosts hit, it became hard to live in the forest. - Winter was approaching, and when the first frosts hit, it became hard to live in the forest.

You can call me but , If you don't call today, we'll leave tomorrow. You can call me, but if you don't call today, we'll leave tomorrow.

I think that , if you try hard, you will succeed. “I think that if you try hard, you will succeed.

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with different types of connection

Scheme for parsing a complex sentence with different types of connection

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Indicate the type of sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

3. Determine (by grammatical foundations) the number of simple sentences, find their boundaries.

4. Determine the semantic parts (blocks) and the type of connection between them (associative or coordinative).

5. Give a description of each part (block) in terms of structure (simple or complex sentence).

6. Draw up a proposal scheme.


[Suddenly a thick fog], [as if separated by a wall He me from the rest of the world], and, (so as not to get lost), [ I decided

writing connection

Means of expressing syntactic links in phrases

III. Adverbial phrases

1. Phrases with an adverb (for example: very well, still good).

2. Phrases with nouns (for example: far from home, alone with my son, shortly before exams).

Syntactic connection - formal constructional relations between the components of syntactic units, revealing semantic connections (syntactic relations) and expressed by means of the language.

Means of expressing syntactic links in phrases and simple sentences:

1) word forms:

the case form of nouns;

number, gender, case of adjectives;

person, number, gender of conjugated forms of verbs.

2) prepositions;

3) word order;

4) intonation (in written speech it is expressed with the help of punctuation marks).

Syntactic links are divided into coordinating and subordinating, which oppose each other on the basis of the presence / absence of the relationship of "master" and "servant" in the syntactic construction.

At composition single function components. This connection is characterized by the number of combined structural components, i.e. sign of openness/closedness.

At closed coordinative communication only two of its components can be connected ( brother not sister; you love sadly and hard, and a woman's heart is joking). Necessarily expressed by opposing unions ( A, But), gradation ( not only but; yes and), explanatory ( namely, that is).

With an open coordinative connection, an indefinite number of components can be connected at once. It can be expressed without conjunctions or with the help of connectives ( And, Yes) and separating ( or, or, Also etc.) unions.

At subordination the role of the components in the creation of the structure is different, they are multifunctional. The Russian language has different formal means of expressing the subordinating relationship. These funds are grouped into three main types.

First view the formal expression of dependence is likening the form of the dependent word to the forms of the dominant word; such assimilation is carried out in cases where the dependent word changes in cases, numbers and gender (this is an adjective, including pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers and participles), in cases and numbers (this is a noun) or in cases, except for them. n. and, for some. excl., wine n. (numerals); eg: new house (new home, new home...), late passengers, my brother, first flight; tower house, giant plant; three tables, four tables, several athletes. The condition for the formation of such a connection is the possibility that the connecting words of the case, number and gender coincide - with the dependence of the adjective, or the case and the number, or only the case - with the dependence of the noun ( tower house, in the tower house..., nursery-new building, V manger-new building...).

Second view formal expression of dependence - setting a dependent word in the form of an indirect case without a preposition or with a preposition (attaching a case form of a name to a word); the main word in such a connection can be a word of any part of speech, and a noun can be a dependent one (including a pronoun-noun, a quantitative and a collective numeral): read a book, get angry at a student, enter the yard, marry the groom, watch the instruments, be in the city, work for seven, father's arrival, buying a house, award to the winners, math exam, city ​​on the Volga, capable of science, alone with myself, stronger than death, someone in a mask, first on the edge.

Third view formal expression of dependence - the addition to the dominant word of a word that does not have forms of change: an adverb, an invariable adjective, as well as an infinitive or gerund, which syntactically behave like independent words. In this case, the main word can be a verb, a noun, an adjective, a quantitative numeral, and also, when combined with an adverb, a pronoun-noun. With this type of connection, the immutability of the dependent word itself serves as a formal indicator of dependence, and the resulting relationship serves as an internal, semantic indicator: run fast, right turn, beige, overcoat saddle, golden side, sixth from left, three upstairs, order to advance, decide to leave, act smarter, older people, someone more experienced.

In modern Russian, three types of subordination are traditionally distinguished: agreement, control and adjunction. When distinguishing and defining these connections, not only strictly formal types of connection should be taken into account, but also the significant side of the connection that is inseparable from these types, i.e., the relations arising on its basis.

Coordination- this is a subordinating relationship, which is expressed by likening the form of the dependent word to the form of the dominant word in gender, number and case, or in number and case, or only in case, and means proper attributive relations: new house, someone else, tower house, nursery-new building. The main word in agreement can be a noun, a pronoun-noun and a cardinal numeral in the form im.-vin. n. With informatively insufficient words, agreement combines a definitive meaning with a complementary meaning and thus acquires signs of a strong connection: funny business, incomprehensible things.

Control- this is a subordinating relationship, which is expressed by attaching a noun to the dominant word in the form of an indirect case (without a preposition or with a preposition) and means a relationship that is complementary or object or contaminated: object-supplementing or object-defining. The main word in control can be a word of any part of speech: become a scientist, be ignorant, master of fiction, contemplative, two students, alone with myself; read a book, buying a house, angry at everyone; run into rudeness; get home, drive off the mountain..

adjoining- this is a subordinating relationship that exists in two forms, of which each receives an independent definition. A distinction is made between adjacency in the narrow sense of the word (or adjunction itself) and adjunction in the broad sense of the word (case adjunction). Adjacency proper - this is a connection in which invariable words act as a dependent word: an adverb, an invariable adjective, as well as an infinitive, or a participle. In this case, various relations may arise: when adjoining the infinitive - complementary (), object ( learn to draw, agree to go), or adverbial adjectives ( come talk); adjoining adverbs, gerunds - definitive ( To talk slowly, read faster, extremely interesting, city ​​at night, second from left) or defining complementary ( be nearby, get expensive, be listed here, get smarter); when adjoining an invariable adjective - proper definitives ( indigo, tsunami waves, mini skirt, older boy). The word of any part of speech can dominate in this connection.

case junction- this is an attachment to the main word (any part of speech) of a case (without a preposition or with a preposition) form of a name with a definitive meaning: come May 5th, come in the evening, wooden spoon, city ​​on the Volga, house with two windows, gray checkered, handsome face, teapot lid, one step ahead, someone in blue, first in line. With case adjacency, there are attributive, subject-determinative relations, or - with informatively insufficient words that require a circumstantial distributor, - adverbial-replenishing ( be on the coast, be in the factory, cost a hundred rubles, long before dawn).

Basic syntactic units (word form, phrase, sentence, complex syntactic whole), their functions and structural characteristics.

Syntactic units- these are constructions, the elements (components) of which are united by syntactic links and relations.

word forms- minimal syntactic constructions serving the semantic side of syntactic constructions; the elements of word forms are endings and prepositions. Word forms are building elements of syntactic units: phrases, simple sentences, complex sentences, complex syntactic wholes, which are the main syntactic units.

phrase- this is a form of grammatical association of two or more significant words that has historically developed in the language, devoid of the main features of a sentence, but creating a dissected designation of a single concept. Phrases: 1) are not communicative units of the language, they enter speech only as part of a sentence; 2) do not have predicative meanings, intonation of the message; 3) act as nominative means of language, naming objects, their signs, actions; 4) have a paradigm change. A phrase is a syntactic unit consisting of 2 or more significant words, united by a subordinating link.

Simple phrases consist of two full-valued words. Simple phrases also include those that include analytical forms of the word: I will speak frankly, the bluest sea; and those in which the dependent component is a syntactic or phraseological unity: a person of short stature (= undersized).

Complex phrases consist of three or more full-valued words and represent various combinations of simple phrases or words and phrases. 1. A simple phrase and a separate word form dependent on it: a beautiful dress with polka dots. 2. The core word and a simple phrase dependent on it: a building with white columns.3. A core word and two (or more) dependent word forms that do not form phrases (not related to each other). These are some verb phrases in which the verb can be extended by two nouns: put the boards in a row, involve friends in the work.

main feature offers as a syntactic unit is predicativity, which includes the values ​​of objective modality and syntactic time (the main grammatical meanings of the sentence). Each offer has a specific intonation. The central grammatical unit of syntax is the simple sentence. This is determined by the fact that a simple sentence is an elementary unit designed to convey relatively complete information.

Complex syntactic whole, or superphrasal unity, is a combination of several sentences in the text, characterized by the relative completeness of the topic (micro-theme), semantic and syntactic cohesion of the components. Complex syntactic integers are a means of expressing semantic and logical unities.
Separate sentences as part of complex syntactic wholes are united by interphrase links, which are carried out with the help of lexical continuity, as well as by special syntactic means. Structural means of organizing independent sentences as part of complex syntactic wholes are conjunctions in the connecting meaning, anaphorically used pronouns, adverbs, adverbial combinations, modal words, word order, correlation of aspectual-temporal forms of verbs, possible incompleteness of individual sentences.
Throw up a heavy, like a crowbar, single-barreled shotgun and shoot with a flurry. A crimson flame with a deafening crackle will flash towards the sky, blind for a moment and extinguish the stars, and a cheerful echo will ring out and roll across the horizon, fading far, far away in the clear air. - Sentences as part of a complex syntactic whole are connected by the designation of the action (the first sentence) and its result (the second sentence), the commonality of aspect-temporal forms of verbs-predicates and the unity of intonation.

2. The system of syntactic relations and syntactic relations in the Russian language and grammatical means of their expression.

Syntactic relations in a sentence and a phrase:

1. Predicative (coordination - both words have grammatical characteristics

(I am sitting), juxtaposition - no grammatical correspondences (I am in despair. Are you at home?), gravitation - the connection between the subject and the predicate is carried out through the third component (The lecture turned out to be boring))

2. Subordinate (this is a direct and one-way directed connection, a connection between a subordinate and a subordinate. Such a connection is implemented in three main ways: coordination, control and adjacency.)

3. Writing

4. Semi-predicative (between the defined word and the isolated member)

5. Attachments (for ultimate actualization. I'll kiss you later. If you want. (if you want - parcel))

The determinants are the free distributor of the proposal. Usually located at the beginning of a sentence.

The syntactic links in a phrase are as follows:

-Attribute(other parts of speech are subordinate to the noun): desire to learn, first home.

-Object(obedience to a verb or noun, adj. in a meaning close to a verb): to fire a gun, meritorious (= win an award).

-subjective(subordination to the suffering verb): given by people.

-circumstantial: run through the forest, say jokingly.

-Replenishing(there is a lack of meaning in both words): be known as a klutz.

3. The phrase as a syntactic unit. Phrases are free and not free. Typology of phrases.

A phrase is a semantic and grammatical union of two (or several) significant words or word forms, showing their subordinating properties. The components of a phrase are: 1) the main word (or core) and 2) the dependent word. The main word is a grammatically independent word. A dependent word is a word that formally obeys the requirements coming from the main word. The phrase is always built on the principle of subordination - subordinating and subordinate. This is a non-predicative compound of words. However, in some phrases, the connection between the core and dependent word can be strengthened, as a result of which both separately lose part of the meaning: these are phraseological units, or complementary (replenishing) connections - four houses, become a teacher.

Phrases are not: subject and predicate; words connected by a coordinative connection; the word and the isolation related to it; analytical forms (I will read); comparative and superlative forms (more interesting).

Types phrases:

*by structure: simple ( beat the buckets) and complex (more than two significant words: always ready to beat half to death old bucks), spoke in a loud voice - cannot be decomposed into two phrases, therefore a simple

*according to key word: verbal ( shoot accurately), nominal ( Dinner time) and adverbs ( funny to tears),

* by syntactic relationship: 1. Agreement: the dependent word adjusts its form in accordance with the main (full agreement: our A cat; incomplete (in number, case): on this And winds). 2. Control: the dependent word changes form under the built-in control of the main one (strong control (the form of the dependent always changes): break the silence at ; weak (optional change): water from a lake And or water the color s ) 3. Adjacency: "attached" words do not change form, because this property is not included in them: shoot at random, I will be treated.

* within the meaning of: definitive, objective, circumstantial.

*By freedom: free (sleep on your back) And not free (sleep without legs, tall girl). Free phrases consist of words that retain their lexical meaning, the components of a free phrase can be replaced by words of the corresponding category: late autumn - early autumn - cold autumn, love science - love work - love children, speak softly - speak affectionately - speak excitedly. However, free phrases can be lexically limited: eavesdrop on a conversation is lexically limited, since the semantics of the word eavesdrop does not allow wide compatibility (it is impossible: eavesdrop on a lecture).

Not free phrases consist of words that are lexically dependent, i.e. words with a weakened or lost lexical meaning. Non-free phrases are divided into non-free syntactically and non-free phraseologically. Syntactically non-free phrases are phrases that are lexically related and inseparable in this context: for example, A tall girl came up to me - a non-free phrase of high stature, it performs a single definitive function. And in the sentence: High growth singled out this girl in the group - both words are lexically complete.

Phraseologically non-free phrases are phrases that reveal the lexical non-independence of the components in relation to any context. They are constant and inseparable for such a context: upside down, carelessly, beat the buckets.

4. Sentence as a constructive unit of syntax. The concept of the structural scheme of the proposal. General characteristics of two-part and one-part sentences.

A sentence is a grammatically designed according to the laws of a given language, an integral unit of speech, which is the main means of forming, shaping and expressing thoughts. The concept of grammatical organization includes the idea of ​​the main feature of a sentence as a syntactic unit - predicativity. Predicativity is a meaningful feature of a sentence. It is the relationship between the content of the sentence and reality. Distinguishes the offer from other units. Predicativity includes modality, syntactic tense, and person.

Structural scheme- that abstract pattern on which the proposal is built. The block diagram is built from the subject and the predicate. Structural diagrams underlie different proposals - one-component and two-component. For example, sentences Winter has come; The student draws; The buds on the trees have blossomed, built according to the verb-nominal pattern; sentences Brother is a teacher; Rainbow - an atmospheric phenomenon has a two-name scheme; offers It's getting dark; Colds are built according to the verb pattern. The paradigm of the proposal - possible modifications of the structural scheme. The full paradigm is seven-membered: present, past, future, subjunctive, conditional action, desirability of action, imperative.

Actual division is the division of a sentence into two parts, predetermined by a communicative connection. The topic is included in the question, and the rheme is the answer to the question to the sentence. Word order and intonation is a mechanism.

Offers are considered two-part, if its predicative core is represented by two positions - subject and predicate, and one-piece if the structure of the sentence involves only one position of the main member.

The subject together with its distributors is usually called the composition of the subject, and the predicate with its distributors is called the composition of the predicate. For example, in the sentence Troekurov's constant occupations consisted of traveling around his extensive domains - two compositions: Troekurov's perennial occupations - the composition of the subject, consisted of traveling around his extensive domains - the composition of the predicate. In the sentence I felt sad somehow in the monotonous steppe one grammatical composition.

With syntactic characterization In one-part and two-part sentences, intonation plays an important role, which is determined by the communicative task of the sentence. Broom at the threshold - one composition. Broom - at the threshold - two compositions, through a pause, a structural ellipsis is indicated.

5. The main grammatical features of the sentence: objective modality, syntactic tense and person. subjective modality. The concept of predicativity.

A sentence is a grammatically designed according to the laws of a given language, an integral unit of speech, which is the main means of forming, shaping and expressing thoughts. The concept of grammatical organization includes the idea of ​​the main feature of a sentence as a syntactic unit - predicativity. Predicativity is a meaningful feature of a sentence. It is the relationship between the content of the sentence and reality. Distinguishes the offer from other units. Predicativity includes modality, syntactic tense (the flow of what is reported within a certain time), and person.

Modality- application of the category of mood of the verb to the sentence. The expresser is the predicate. The real modality is the indicative mood, the irreal modality is the subjunctive and imperative. In addition to the general meaning of modality as the relationship of the reported to reality, the sentence can also contain the meaning of the relationship of the speaker to the reported. The modality of the first plan is called objective, modality of the second plan - subjective. Objective modality is necessarily expressed, subjective modality may or may not be expressed. Subjective modality is the presence of the author. There is a whole category of words that expresses the attitude of the author - introductory words.

Each sentence has a certain intonation formality and completeness.

6. Types of subordination in the phrase (coordination is complete and incomplete, control is strong and weak, adjacency).

The connection between the components of the phrase is always subordinating, because there is always a grammatically independent and grammatically subordinate component. (dependence, I remind you, is when the dependent word obeys the requirements of the main one (gender, case or number changes because the dominant word says so)

3 ways:

1. Coordination- forms gender, number and case of the dependent word are predetermined by the gender, number and case forms of the subordinate word.

The agreement is complete (i.e. in gender, number and case): green grass, little boy, wooden product or incomplete: our doctor, former secretary (coordination in number and case); Lake Baikal, on Lake Baikal (coordination in number); on seven winds, nine boys (agreement in case).

2. Management - the subordinate word accepts form of a particular case depending on the grammatical possibilities of the dominant word and the meaning it expresses.

Controlled word form- noun or equivalent: approached to a neighbor, came up to the departing. Dominant- verb, noun and adverb.

Control strong(transitive verbs + something that precisely controls the case form of dependent words: send a letter, break the silence; nine days, a lot of time;, true to duty) and weak(the case does not necessarily change: knock on the table, give thanks for a gift, smile at a friend, supply shortages, supply shortages, poor in spirit, deep in thought).

3. adjoining- the subordinate word, being an invariable part of speech or a word form isolated from the system of cases, expresses its dependence on the dominant word only by location and meaning.

Adverbs (or word forms functionally close to them), gerunds, infinitive adjoin. For example: read aloud, arrive late, walk during the day,; go faster; want to learn; very good; very close, the opportunity to relax.

7. Predicative syntactic links in a sentence (coordination, juxtaposition, gravitation).

The sentence is characterized by special syntactic links that are different from the links in the phrase. Between subject and predicate- the main members of a two-part sentence arise reciprocal syntactic relationship, which is called coordination: I write, they came

Coordination is a mutually directed relationship, since, on the one hand, the form of the singular or plural pronoun predetermines the form of the verb-predicate, on the other hand, the form of the predicate is likened to the subject-pronoun. In addition, agreement is carried out in the entire paradigm (warm weather, warm weather, warm weather ...), and in coordination only two word forms are combined (I write, she speaks), in agreement, attributive syntactic relations are noted, and in coordination, always predicative syntactic relations .

Connection between subject and predicate may not be formally expressed: predicative relationships are revealed based on their relative position. Such a connection is called juxtaposition. For example: Mountain garden. Trees in bloom. Forest nearby. He is an employee.

In the above sentences, the connection is established on the basis of a logical sequence, a juxtaposition of word forms relative to each other - the concept of an object always precedes the concept of a feature.

Some two-part sentences with a special structure of the predicate are characterized by a syntactic connection called gravity, Where the nominal part of the compound predicate correlates with the subject through the third component, For example: He came tired. The night was cold.

8. Typology of simple sentences (declarative, interrogative, incentive, affirmative and negative, common and non-common, one-part and two-part, complete and incomplete).

Sentences as a syntactic unit have different levels of organization: grammatical structure represents the predicative basis of the sentence; semantic structure– components expressing the meanings of the subject and its predicate, action; bussubject state, etc.; communication structure- components denoting theme and rheme.

Therefore, the typology of sentences in the Russian language is built on the basis of taking into account various features - meaningful, functional, structural.

According to the correlation of the components of thought (the subject of thought and its attribute), sentences are divided into affirmative(what is said about the subject of thought is affirmed) and negative(what is said about the subject of thought is denied).

According to the communicative purposefulness and the corresponding intonation of the sentence - narrative, interrogative, motivating. Each of these types of sentences can become exclamatory with an appropriate emotional coloring, conveyed by a special exclamatory intonation.

Offers are divided into one- And two-part depending on whether they have one or two main members (subject and predicate) as organizing centers of the sentence.

By the presence or absence of secondary members of the proposal are divided into common And uncommon.

IN full sentences verbally present all the necessary formal links of a given structure (all syntactic positions), and in incomplete- not all, i.e. one or more syntactic positions of a given sentence structure are not replaced by the conditions of the context or situation.

Coordinating and subordinating connections in a sentence.

There are two types of word connection: composition and submission.

Composition- this is a combination of syntactically equal, independent parts (words in a sentence, predicative parts of a complex sentence). Relationships between elements in a coordinative connection are reversible; compare: newspapers and magazines - magazines and newspapers; It was raining and a cold wind was blowing. - A cold wind was blowing and it was raining.

Subordination- this is a combination of syntactically unequal elements (words, parts of a complex sentence): read a book, watch the sunset; When it got dark, the lights were turned on in the room.

In the sentence, both types of communication are used - composition and subordination, in the phrase - only the subordinating connection.

In modern Russian, especially in writing, complex sentences are often used. Complex in Russian are of two types: allied and non-union. Unionless - which consists of several parts, but unions are not used to connect these parts to each other. Here is a classic example of an allied sentence: "It was snowing, the weather was frosty." Or, for example: "It was cold, the birds flew south."

Allied, in turn, have a different feature. They are also of two or more parts, and unions are used for communication. Unions are of two types - coordinating and subordinating. If subordinating conjunctions are used, the sentence is called complex. If composing conjunctions are used, it is called compound.

Subordinating relationship in a complex sentence

If the parts of a complex sentence are interconnected by means of a subordinate connection, it is called a complex sentence. It consists of two parts: main and subordinate clauses. The main thing is always only one, and there can be several subordinate clauses. From the main part to the subordinate one can raise a question. There are different types of subordination.

adnexa can serve as a circumstance, for example: "I left school when the bell rang." It can also perform the function of an addition: "I told him what I wanted to say for a long time." And, finally, it can serve as a circumstance, for example: “Grandma told her grandson to go where he forgot his briefcase”, “I didn’t come because my grandmother got sick”, « “My mother arrived when the snow melted outside.”

Here are classic examples of variants with different types of subordination. In all examples, the first part will be the main part, and the second - subordinate, respectively, the question is asked from the first part to the second:

  • "I love when spring comes";
  • "I was reading a book about the house that Jack built";
  • “Mom was upset because her son got a deuce”;
  • "The boy decided to find out where Santa Claus comes from."

Composition in a complex sentence

We can talk about a coordinating connection in those cases when the simple parts that make up the complex are equal in rights, and none of them can be called the main or dependent. Accordingly, the question cannot be posed from one part to another. The most common coordinating conjunctions are conjunctions "a", "but", "and".

Examples of a compositional connection:

  • “Mom came home, and the son at that time went for a walk.”
  • "I felt bad, but my friends were able to cheer me up."
  • "The sun has set and the heads of the dandelions in the meadow have closed."
  • "Winter came, and everything around was plunged into white silence."

The coordinative connection in variants with the union "a" is often used in Russian folk proverbs and sayings based on the opposition of any signs, for example: "Hair is expensive, but the mind is short." In the old Russian language, for example, in folklore works (fairy tales, epics, sayings, fables), the union “a” is often replaced by its Old Russian synonym “yes”, for example: “Grandfather came to pull a turnip, but the turnip grew big. The grandfather pulled and pulled the turnip, but called the grandmother for help.

Compound sentences are especially often used in descriptions of nature, when the author of the work wants to give the most complete picture of a summer day, a winter night, or a bright, beautiful landscape. Here is an example of such a descriptive text with a coordinative link in complex sentences: “It was snowing and people were running home with their collars up. It was still light outside, but the birds had long since ceased. Only the crunch of the snow underfoot was heard, but there was no wind. The sun was slowly setting below the horizon, and two lovers on a park bench were admiring the short winter sunset.

Also, compound sentences, especially sentences with the conjunctions “a” and “but”, are actively used in the scientific style of written speech, in reasoning texts. Here is an example of such reasoning: “The human body is hardy, but the immune system is easily destroyed by the uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Antibiotics as drugs have many advantages, but they cause dysbiosis and have a negative effect on the immune system.

Punctuation Features

Two parts of a subordinating clause connected with each other by subordinating unions. The parts of the compositional type, in turn, are interconnected by compositional conjunctions. A conjunction is a small particle that visually resembles a preposition, but performs a completely different function: connects or two sentences that are inside one.

In both complex and complex sentences, unions must be preceded by a comma. While reading aloud, you need to pause before this comma. The omission of a comma before conjunctions using a coordinating and subordinating connection is considered a gross syntactic error. However, elementary and even secondary school students often make such mistakes in dictations, in independent and test works in the Russian language, in essays and written works in literature. In this regard, the school curriculum for studying the Russian language includes a separate section devoted to working out the rules of punctuation.

In complex non-union sentences to connect two parts, you can use not only a comma, but also other punctuation marks, for example:

  • "The sun rose, the birds woke up with the usual morning song."
  • "I warned you: playing with fire is very dangerous!"
  • “The full moon lit up, illuminating the earth with its radiance; sensing the approach of night, the wolf howled in the distant forest; somewhere in the distance, on a tree, an owl hooted.

Complex sentences help to make written and spoken speech especially expressive. They are actively used in texts of various contents. Their correct spelling in compliance with all punctuation rules indicates that a person knows Russian well and knows how to clearly express his thoughts in writing. Disregard for existing punctuation rules, on the contrary, indicates a low level of human speech culture. Teachers of the Russian language and literature should pay special attention to the correct spelling of complex sentences when checking students' written work.

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