Sports kvn. Sports KVN "A healthy mind in a healthy body"


Krasnodar region, Krasnoarmeisky district, farm Trudobelikovsky,

municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 39

Physical education teacher

Streletsky Artyom Yurievich

Kryukova Vera Vasilievna

Purpose: development of cognitive interest in the field of physical culture and sports.

Systematize students' knowledge on the topic "Sports";

Develop physical qualities in students;

Develop the ability to work in a group;

Teach healthy lifestyle habits.

Participants: 4th grade students 5 girls and 5 boys from each grade.


    4 sheets of paper, 4 pencils;

    20 balls, threads, 4 racks;

    4 sheets of paper, 4 pencils;

    riddle cards;

    12 volleyballs, 12 pins;

    4 crosswords, 4 pencils;

    10 basketballs, stopwatch;

    task cards;

  1. 4 puzzles;

    riddle cards;

12. 4 basketballs, 4 clubs, 4 small balls, 4 volleyballs;

13. Multimedia installation, screen.

Refereeing: primary school teachers

Event plan:

Construction of KVN participants.


1 competition - "Name, motto, greeting"

2 competition - "Ball"

3rd competition - "Connoisseurs"

4 competition - Competition with fans

5 competition - "Shootout"

6 competition - "Guess the crossword puzzle"

7th competition - "Basketball player"

8 competition - "Competition of captains"

9th contest - "Think"

10Competition with fans

11 Mixed Relay

12 Summing up.

The course of extracurricular activities:

Building teams.

1. Team greeting

Come up with a name, team motto; greetings to the opposing team. (Assessed: subject matter, originality, humor).

2. "Ball"

Boys inflate balloons, girls tie.

(Estimated speed, quality, size).

3. "Connoisseurs"

Write 10 sports within 2 minutes

(The correctness in the name of sports is assessed).

4. Competition with fans (Answer riddles of sports topics).

5. "Shootout"

Players stand opposite each other at a distance of 10 meters, there are pins between them, hit the pin with a whistle. The competition is held separately between boys and girls.

(Hit counts).

6. "Guess the crossword"

Each team has 2 minutes to guess a crossword puzzle on a sports theme. (The correctness of the answers is assessed, speed)

7. "Basketball player"

Within 2 minutes, who will hit the hoop with basketballs more. Boys and girls compete separately.

(The number of goals scored is estimated).

8. "Competition of captains"

The captains take turns drawing cards with the type of sport written on them. The task of the captains is to portray this sport. The team guesses. (The artistry of the captains is assessed, the correctness of the answers)

9. "Think"

The volleyball ball pattern is cut into several parts. The task of the team is to solve the puzzle. (Estimated correctness, speed)

10. Competition with fans (Answer riddles of sports topics).

11. "Mixed Relay"

1 - dribbling a basketball with a snake,

2 - dribbling a small ball with a stick,

3 - passing and catching from the wall of a volleyball (3 times),

4 - dribbling a small ball in the opposite direction,

5 - dribbling a basketball.

12. Summing up.

The team with the most points in all competitions wins.

13. Awarding of winners and prize-winners.

Used Books:

    A.I. Maltsev "Scenarios for sports holidays at school" "Phoenix" 2005.

2. O. V. Belonozhkina, G. V. Egunova, V. G. Smirnova, T. F. Romanova, A. S. Suchkova, M. K. Kolesnichenko, A. A. Kruchinin, L. A. Demeshchenko

"Sports and recreation activities at school" "Teacher" 2007

"Sports KVN"

Purpose: development of cognitive interest in the field of physical culture and sports.

To systematize the knowledge of students on the topic "Sports";

Develop physical qualities in students;

Develop the ability to work in a group;

Teach healthy lifestyle habits.

Participants: 5 girls + 5 boys

    team 5A

    team 5B


    2 sheets of paper, 2 pencils;

    10 balls, threads, 2 racks;

    2 sheets of paper, 2 pencils;

    5 volleyballs, 10 small balls;

    2 crosswords, 2 pencils;

    10 basketballs, stopwatch;

    task cards;

  1. 2 puzzles;

10.2 basketballs, 2 clubs, 2 small balls, 2 volleyballs;

11. Multimedia installation, screen.

10th grade students

Event plan:

Construction of KVN participants. Greeting.

1 competition - "Name, motto, greeting"

2 competition - "Ball"

3rd competition - "Connoisseurs"

4 competition - "Shootout"

5 competition - "Guess the crossword puzzle"

6th competition - "Basketball player"

7 competition - Competition of captains

8 competition - "Strongman"

9 competition - "Puzzle"

10 competition - Mixed relay

11. Summing up

12. Awarding of winners and prize-winners

The course of extracurricular activities:

Building teams.

1.First competition.

Come up with a name, team motto; greetings to the opposing team. (Assessed: subject matter, originality, humor).

2. Second competition.

Boys inflate balloons, girls tie. (Estimated speed, quality, size).

3. Third competition

Within 2 minutes write 10 sports (correctness in the name of sports, speed is assessed).

4. Competition with fans (Answer riddles of sports topics).

5. Fourth competition.

Players stand opposite each other at a distance of 10 meters, there are pins between them, hit the pin with a whistle. The competition is held separately between boys and girls. (Hit counts).

6. Fifth competition

Each team has 2 minutes to guess a crossword puzzle on a sports theme. (The correctness of the answers is assessed, speed)

7. Sixth competition.

Within 2 minutes, who will hit the hoop with basketballs more. Boys and girls compete separately. (The number of goals scored is estimated).

8. The seventh competition.

The captains take turns drawing cards with the type of sport written on them. The task of the captains is to portray this sport. The team guesses. Pantomime. (The artistry of the captains is assessed, the correctness of the answers) 9. Eighth competition.

Rope pulling. Boys and girls compete separately.

10.Ninth competition.

The volleyball ball pattern is cut into several parts. The task of the team is to solve the puzzle. (Estimated correctness, speed)

11. Competition with fans (Answer riddles of sports topics).

12. Tenth competition.

Mixed relay: 1 - dribbling a basketball with a snake, 2 - dribbling a small ball with a club, 3 - passing and catching from the wall of a volleyball (3 times), 4 - dribbling a small ball in the opposite direction, 5 - dribbling a basketball, 6 - passing a relay . 13. Summing up. The team with the most points in all competitions wins.

14. Awarding of winners and prize-winners.

Used Books:

1. Gurevich I.A. 300 competitive - gaming tasks in physical education. - Minsk: 2010.

2. Kiselev P.A. Handbook of the teacher of physical culture. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

3. Kuzin V.V., Polievsky S.A. 500 games and relays. - M: 2000.

4. Mityaeva A.M. Health-saving pedagogical technologies. - M: 2008.

Vera Komalutdinova
Sports KVN. Scenario of the holiday in the senior group with the participation of parents

Sports KVN senior group with parents

Target: create in children and parents cheerful, cheerful mood, let you feel the joy of movement; develop motor abilities - strength, speed, endurance; cultivate friendliness, the desire for mutual assistance. Engage in a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: a magnetic board with magnets, signboards with the names of teams, a tape recorder, split pictures depicting the attributes of the Olympiad (Olympic flag, torch, 2 hoops, bags according to the number of children, 2 baskets, 2 balls, landmarks, circles-bumps 4 pcs.

Rewarding: diplomas, chocolate medals.

Holiday progress:

Children and parents in sports form, they enter the hall to the music in a column of 1.

Leading: hello children and parents! Today we have not ordinary competitions, but sports KVN, which will two teams participate. A jury will evaluate the results.

So, we start KVN:

1 Presentation of the team.

Name, motto, salutation.

1 Team Zdorovyachok

motto: “We are always healthy, friendly with exercises,

us sport with physical education like air is needed.

2 Team "Neboliki"

Motto: “We will all be tempered with our health

to do, the Sun, air and water will always help us in this.

2. Warm up

Teams take turns naming winter sports sports.

Biathlon, ski sport, dog sled racing

Curling, speed skating sport, Nordic Combined, Freestyle, Luge sport, hockey.

Each team receives split pictures with the attributes of the Olympiad

olympic flag

It is necessary to collect the picture as soon as possible.

3. Homework

“In the morning, do exercises, you will be strong,

Be brave."

A warm-up is carried out in an interesting form duration

2-3 minutes.

4. Getting ready to become Olympic champions. Relays.

1. "Right on Target". An adult and a child run together. A child to a hoop with bags, an adult to a basket that stands further. An adult picks up a basket, a child throws 1 soft ball into the basket, an adult trying to catch, puts the basket in place, return to the team.

2. "Big races". A child on the back of an adult crawls on all fours to the landmark and back.

3. Who butts better. It is necessary to dribble the ball, butting the head between the landmarks to the last landmark,

Run back.

4. "Crossing". The child must move to the landmark "bumps", bumps are shifted by an adult. (2 pcs)

5. "Blitz question-answer". "What do I know about sports» blitz poll

Questions are asked in turn to each team.

1. zd In what form sports There are 11 players on the team. (football).

2. sky In any form sports need skates, stick puck. (hockey).

3. building Name the items that are needed for tennis (racquets, shuttlecock, net,

4. sky In any form sports descend the mountain on one board. (snowboard).

5. building What does a skier need? (skis, poles, ski track).

6. sky In any form sports ice skating to the music. (figure skating).

Questions for team captains

A) First you fly on them from the mountain, and then you pull them uphill.

B) Two snub-nosed girlfriends did not lag behind each other.

Both run in the snow, both songs sing. Both tapes on the snow are left on the run.

C) The river is flowing - we are lying, the ice on the river we are running.

D) You knock on the wall, and I will bounce, you will throw it on the ground, and I will jump under. I'm flying from palm to palm, I can't lie still

6. To become dexterous and strong, you can play a game.

mobile game "Brook", "Trap with tails"

Evaluation criteria, results, awards.

7. After the awards, they perform the final song. Teams go around the hall to the music.

Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 32

Sports and entertainment event

"Sports KVN"

For 6 classes

Developer Vinogradova Irina Viktorovna

Physical education teacher of school No. 32

year 2013

    Target: Involving students in physical education and sports


1. To develop interest in physical culture, sports;

2. Cultivate feelings of collectivism and mutual assistance;

3. To consolidate theoretical knowledge in physical culture and sports.

    The event is designed for students in grades 6 (12-13 years old) and lasts 45 minutes. The class should be divided into teams. Form of work - group, methods - sports quiz, KVN.

    Venue: gym


  • Gymnastic sticks


    Tennis balls

  • cardboard boxes

Hall decoration: various pictures and posters on the topic "Healthy lifestyle", photos of famous athletes, letters on adhesive tape. The jury evaluates the game with medals of different colors (since there are 4 teams, then red is 1st place, yellow is 2nd, green is 3rd and blue is 4th place)

    Event progress:

Sounds music "We start KVN"

Leading: Hello guys, athletes and amateurs, fans and spectators! Today we have an unusual event "Sports KVN". First you need to name the team and come up with a motto.

Sport is very important for life.

He gives health to everyone.
In gym class
We learn about him.
We play basketball
Both football and volleyball.
We are charging
We squat, we run.
Sports are very important for everyone.
He is health and success.
We do exercises in the morning -
We will always be healthy.

Leading: The first competition "Greetings". Teams greet each other, showing sketches on the theme of sports, address the jury and fans.

While the jury sums up the greetings, the fans guess riddles:

Riddles about sports and health.
1) They beat him, but he does not cry,
More fun just jumps.
2) Two wheels in a row,
They twist their legs.
3) Mikhail played football
And scored into the goal ... (goal).

4) Smooth, fragrant, washes clean,

Everyone needs to have.
What it is? (Soap)
5) Wouldn't you interfere with the game,
You'd better leave
We play ... (volleyball).

Leading: The first results are shown, and the second competition "Warm-up". It proposes questions that the teams must answer in a joking manner.

Representatives of the teams come out and take pieces of paper with questions from opponents, the time for answering is 1 minute.

Leading: The jury sums up the results and we are waiting for the sports competition "Fizkultminutka"

To be completely healthy
Everyone needs exercise.
To start in order -

Let's recharge now!

Participants line up in teams and warm up to the music. The following competitions are held:
1. "The most jumping" long jump from a place (3 people from the team). Participants stand at the edge. The first one jumps, a line is drawn on his heels and the second one jumps from this line, then a line is drawn in the same way, the third one jumps from the line of the second participant. Whose team jumps the farthest wins.

2. "The most accurate" throws the ball into the hoop (5 people each). There is a hoop at a distance of 3m. The participant stands with his back to him and, without looking, throws the ball up over his head. The ball must hit the hoop immediately, then the attempt is counted. The team with the most points wins (maximum 5).

3. "The strongest" pulling the opponent to his side (3 people from the team). Participants of different teams are opposite each other and hold on to a gymnastic stick, there is a line between them. On command, they begin to pull and try to drag the opponent to their side.

Leading: Well done! We ask the jury to sum up the results of this competition. The next competition of captains. The music is "Captains, captains ...". You have to answer the questions, whoever does it quickly and correctly will win this competition.

The captains answer questions in turn, if someone finds it difficult to answer, then the right passes to the opponents.

Quiz (1 point per answer)

1. Participants in this sport all the time travel over rough terrain, overcoming sands, descents, ascents, ditches. (Car cross.)

2. These athletes masterfully do handstands, flips - forward, backward and to the side. (Acrobats.)

3. The children played by throwing the shuttlecock over the net with rackets. Name the game. (Badminton.)

4. Previously, this game was called "Basket-ball". What kind of game is it? (Basketball.)

5. Approaching the firing line, the skier slows down in advance, calms down so that the hand does not tremble. Name the sport. (Biathlon.)

6. These athletes need great dexterity, the ability to swim quickly, jump out of the water for a high-flying ball. (Water polo)

7. What sports use music? (Figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming).

8. What is the motto of the Olympic Games? (faster, higher, stronger!)

9. What is the lightest ball? (for ping pong)

10. What is the name of both the gymnastic apparatus and the top of the football goal? (Crossbar.)

Leading: Great, the jury, please evaluate the answers of our captains. The next competition is "Collect the Word".

Letters hang on the wall, 3 people come out of the team, they must collect the words on the table

as soon as possible and explain their meaning. (bobsleigh, water polo, short track, knockdown)

Summing up the results of the competition.

Leading: Something our teams have been sitting too long, the next competition is sports.

5 people from a team participate.

1 . “Cuttlefish” the participant becomes in a position on 4 limbs and on his stomach carries the ball from the line to the cone, passes it to the next player of his team.

2. "Crossing" each first player is given two cartons, he helps each member of his team to cross to the other side, rearranging them one by one.

3. "Penalty" in front of the team put a gate with a width of 1m. The first player dribbles the tennis ball with his foot and runs up to the line, stands with his back and tries to hit the ball with his heel. Then he picks up the ball and runs, passing the baton to the next.

Host: the sports competition is over, the jury is summing up. The last contest is "Homework".

I grow up as a worthy replacement
To all famous athletes.
I am strong and healthy
My answer: always ready!

I'm ready to push
Squat and roll.
I can pull up
Outrun everyone on the run.

And play football and hockey.
And fly on the uneven bars.
Sport is my best friend
Surprise everyone around

I am my energy.
There is no cheerfulness around me!

Teams must prepare a performance on the theme “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. Where they give advice to everyone on how to play sports well and monitor their health.

Leading: Well, and the last competition is over, the jury sums up the game and expresses its opinion and impression of today's event.

Be healthy, take care of yourself!

6. References

For the teacher:

    Internet resource

    Internet resource

For a student:

7. Planned results:

The student will learn:

    Understand some terms of physical culture;

    Perform tasks for ingenuity and speed;

    Analyze your activities and summarize;

    Collaborate with classmates and develop a sense of mutual help.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

    Characterize and explain the terms of physical culture and apply them in life;

    Establish a connection between concepts in the subject "physical culture";

    Use physical education, terminology to strengthen the body and broaden horizons.

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