Poetry agnia barto read. Poems of agnia barto for children


Agniya Barto is a poetess loved by everyone since childhood. Her poems are the first works that are read to kids. We love and remember them to this day and are happy to tell our children. Short poems are clear to very young children, they easily remember them. We offer you a selection of Agnia Barto's favorite poems, collected especially for kids.


Rope in hand
I am pulling a boat
On the fast river.
And the frogs jump
Behind me,
And they ask me:
— Ride it, captain!

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lie down in a box on a barrel.
Sleepy bear went to bed
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He sends a bow to the elephant.

That's the protector!

I am my sister Lida
I won't hurt anyone!
I live with her very friendly,
I love her very much.
And when I need
I'll eat it myself.


How big, Andryushka is sitting
On the carpet in front of the porch.
He has a toy in his hands -
Rattle with a bell.
The boy looks - what a miracle?
The boy is very surprised
He will not understand: well, where
Is this ringing?


No, in vain we decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
Overturned a truck.


Our Tanya is crying loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:
The ball will not sink in the river.


I have a goat
I'll feed him myself.
I am a goat in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.
He gets lost in the garden
I will find it in the grass.

Burning in the sun
As if I
Fire lit.

Sparrow in a puddle
Jumping and spinning.
He ruffled his feathers
The tail fluffed up.
Good weather!


five green frogs
In a hurry to rush into the water -
The herons are scared!
And they make me laugh:
I am this heron
Not a bit afraid!

Golden autumn

Autumn leaves scatter -
Golden flock.
Not simple, golden
I leaf through the sheets.
Flew onto the porch
Golden letter.
I sit and read...


Let's build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests
And then back to mom.

funny flower

A funny flower is placed in a vase!
It was never watered
He doesn't need moisture
It's made from paper.
Why is he so important?
Because it's paper!

Bunny in the window

The bunny is sitting in the window
He is wearing a gray plush coat.
Made a gray hare
Ears too long.

In a gray coat
He sits, clinging to the frame,
Well, how can you be brave?
With those funny ears?

Who is screaming

I guard chickens.
Ran down in the bushes.
Drink, drink, drink!
Drink water.
I'm scared of chickens.
Kra, kra, kra!
Tomorrow it will rain in the morning.
Moo, moo!
Milk to whom?

I love my horse
I will comb her hair smoothly,
I stroke the ponytail with a scallop
And I'll go on horseback to visit.


The hostess threw the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
Couldn't get off the bench
Wet to the skin.

A bull is walking, swinging,
Sighs on the go:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I will fall!

Dropped the bear on the floor
They cut off the bear's paw.
I won't throw it away anyway.
Because he's good.

That's the protector!

I am my sister Lida
I won't hurt anyone!
I live with her very friendly,
I love her very much.
And when I need
I'll eat it myself.


Miracles! - said Lyuba. -
The coat was long
There was a fur coat in the chest,
The coat was too small for me.


five green frogs
In a hurry to rush into the water -
The herons are scared!
And they make me laugh:
I am this heron
Not a bit afraid!

Early, early in the morning
Mother duck came out
Teach ducks.
She teaches them, teaches them!
You swim, ooh ooh
Okay, in line.
Although the son is not great,
Not great
Mom does not order to be cowardly,
Doesn't say.
- Swim, swim
Don't be afraid,
You won't drown.

It was winter outside the windows
It's frosty outside,
On our windowsill
Lemon green grew.
We followed the lemon
Every leaf was cherished
With every green leaf
We tinkered as best we could.
Every leaf is young
We washed with water.
Finally after a year
The first fruit has appeared.
We recently came to visit
Two tankers, two fighters.
We gave the tankers
All lemons from the tree.

Rubber Zina

Bought in the store
rubber zine,
Rubber Zina
Brought in a basket.
She was loose
Rubber Zina,
Fell out of the basket
Soaked in mud.
We'll wash in gasoline
rubber zine,
We'll wash in gasoline
And wag a finger:
Don't be so sloppy
Rubber Zina,
And then we will send Zina
Back to the store.

They dug cherries.
Sergey said: - I'm superfluous.
Five trees, five guys -
I went out into the garden in vain.
How ripe are the cherries
Sergei goes out into the garden.
- Well, no, now you're superfluous!

amateur angler

Sitting on the lake in the morning
amateur fisherman,
Sitting, humming a song
A song without words:
lake deep,
Good luck fishing.
Now catch a perch
Amateur fisherman.
Wonderful song -
And joy in it, and sadness,
And he knows this song
All fish by heart.
How the song starts
All the fish are melting...

There are such boys

We look at the boy -
He's kind of unsociable!
He frowns, he grunts,
Like drinking vinegar.
Vovochka comes out into the garden,
Gloomy, as if asleep.
- I don't want to say hello -
He hides his hand behind his back.
We are sitting on a bench
Sat on the side unsociable,
He doesn't take the ball
He's about to cry.
We thought, we thought
We thought we came up with:
We will be like Vovochka
Gloomy, gloomy.
We went out into the street -
They also began to frown.
Even little Lyuba -
She's only two years old
She pursed her lips too
And pouted like an owl.
- Look! - we shout Vova.
Okay, are we furrowing our brows?
He looked at our faces
Was about to get angry
Suddenly how to laugh.
He does not want, but laughs
Sounds like a bell.
He waved his hand at us:
- Am I like that?
- You are so! - we shout to Vova,
We furrow our brows more and more.
He asked for mercy:
- Oh, there is no strength to laugh!
He is now unrecognizable.
We sit on the bench with him
And we call it:
Vova - former unsociable.
He wants to frown
He will remember us and will want to.


We are friends - two Yashki,
They called us "twins".
- What dissimilar! -
Passersby are talking.
And I have to explain
That we are not brothers at all
We are friends - two Jacobs,
They call us the same.

Two sisters look at their brother

Two sisters look at their brother:
Small, awkward
Can't smile
Only frowns eyebrows. The younger brother sneezed awake,
Sisters rejoice:
- The child is already growing -
He sneezed like an adult!


The elder brother cradled his sister:
- Baiushki bye!
Let's get the dolls out of here
Baiushki bye.
Persuaded the girl
(She's only a year old)
- Time to sleep,
Bury yourself in a pillow
I will give you a club
Get up on the ice.
Do not Cry,
I will give
Soccer ball,
Want -
You will be the judge
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!
The elder brother cradled his sister:
- Well, let's not buy a ball,
Bring back the dolls
Just don't cry.
Well, don't cry, don't be stubborn.
It's time to sleep...
You understand - I'm mom and dad
Released to the cinema.


I have a goat
I'll feed him myself.
I am a kid in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning. He will get lost in the garden -
I will find it in the grass.

At the matinee

The clown is on stage!
He sharpens well
Will say a word -
And laughter is heard.
School explodes
Bursts of laughter:
Clown is a first grader!
Well, fun!
girls laugh
Especially the call!
But not laughing
One of the girls.
Something got ruffled
This girl:
- I don't feel like it
Choke from laughter!
The girls whisper:
- She's not laughing.
Tanya does not tolerate
someone else's success

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Agniya Barto. Poems for children

Agniya Barto began writing from childhood in elementary grades. Most of Agnia's poems Barto written for children - preschoolers or younger schoolchildren. Her poems are easy to read and memorize for children. Barto began writing poems for children when she got older. She wrote children's poems about her girlfriends. Since then, her poems for children have become popular. Humor and expression of children's feelings are characteristic of the poems of A. Barto. Poems for children Bartobring together adults and children, helping themin communication. That is why poems for children Barto so precisely fix everything characteristic of different years, which is experienced by children of several generations. Barto's poems for children are the pages of our childhood. Bartoalmost always in her poems speaks on behalf of the child, and she has the right to do so. When you read these poems, you see that the author does not live somewhere nearby, but together with our children, hears not only their conversations, but also their thoughts, knows how to read between the lines in children's letters, which she received in thousands.

The vast majority of Agnia Barto's works are designed specifically for children, both for the smallest and for older children. Possessing a rare gift, the children's writer could speak with readers in a poetic form on almost any everyday topic. Agnia Barto's poems are read by several generations of Soviet and Russian readers and are loved by them.

In our section you can read Barto's works about toys, mother, school, war, friendship. Accessible and fascinating, the poetess narrated about animals, about the norms of behavior in society, taught to take care of others. You can read these verses online, for everyone, without exception, it is free.

Everywhere, everywhere I meet girls, Shaggy beauties, Passionate about themselves. One is an angel, the other is a wolf cub. And I do not need Neither one nor the other, I have an allergy From them, Allergy! I go, and the girl hung on her elbow, And immediately questions Without any sense: - Are you so gloomy? You...

Andrei does not believe people, Of course, he is wrong! We decided to discuss His prickly temper. It became clear to us after - Donkey is to blame. There was a donkey in the window, Eared, groovy. Andryushka was six years old, a neighbor came to them: - Oh, boy! Ah, toys! Buy you a donkey? Today...

Willow, willow, willow, Willow blossomed. It means that spring has come. It means right, That winter is over. The very, very first starling flew in, whistled in the birdhouse: - Well, now I'm from here. But don't believe in spring, You can hear the whistle of the wind, Wind, wind, wind, Last year's wind is spinning along the roads...

One young girl Was willing to become a bulldozer. When there is a hunt, well, - The girl went to the baldezh. They have their own comfort and their own cosiness, They sing in a bald way, And everything is there, as it should be, Perfectly stunned. There is their own comfort and their own coziness, Various goonies scurry about, Busy with cupids On the baldezhny ...

Brother fit shoes: Not small, not large. They put them on Andryushka, But he hasn't moved yet - He mistook them for a toy, He doesn't take his eyes off his shoe. A boy with sense, With arrangement, Is engaged in a new thing: He will iron his shoes, Then he will pull the laces, Andrey sat down and raised his foot, He licked the shoe with his tongue... Well...

After being repaired, Uncle's shoes Creaked, squeaked. There was no sadness! No matter how hard he tried, On his toes he crept And stood on his heels, The shoes did not stop. The neighbor groans: - God, my peace is lost! I'm covered in goosebumps From such music! So many squeaks, so many...

Daisies are running across the field, Showing off in plain sight, And I'm standing in my tracks And I won't take my eyes off. Daisies are running across the field, Not hiding in the grass... And I'm stomping with a bouquet, With flowers in Moscow. I look - some uncle Smiled sweetly: - Good bouquet, good! How much do you pay? And pronounces...

It was raining, slush, sputum, Suddenly, near the gates, a counselor mole found: - What a beautiful mole! He's a little blind, but it's not his fault. All vote for the mole: - He was not without reason At the camp gate! Let him live in the camp! And for a living corner, He is real ...

Komsomol members stood in the guard of honor. They sighed... They fell silent. And only one girl With an intricate haircut Was too calm: Of course, sorry for the soldier who died for us, But he died once, And we live now. Apparently, it seemed to her - What does she have to do with it ?! She's not...

Pavlik is honored everywhere: Pavlik bakes pancakes. He had a conversation at school - He spoke, opening a notebook, How much soda, how much salt, How much oil to take. Proved that margarine can be used instead of butter. Resolved unanimously: He spoke beautifully. Who said such a speech, can ...

I've been walking since the morning, I'm asking everyone: - What is the fur of a beaver? What, say, fur? Is it true that beavers build mounded fortresses and hide beavers there? Is it true that they say, That they have carpets there Of fragrant herbs and bark? I asked my mother about the beaver, But for her to work ...

That chatterbox Lida, they say, Vovka invented it. And when should I talk? I don't have time to talk! Drama circle, photo circle, Horkruzhok - I want to sing, For the drawing circle Everyone also voted. And Marya Markovna said, When I walked yesterday from the hall: “Drama circle, photo circle This is too ...

Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop! The lesson is cancelled. They dance like on a holiday, Young pranksters And shout: - A good day: Botanists have a migraine! Such a cry! Such delight! All like birthdays. - Let the doctor prescribe her peace in the clinic. Let her go to be treated, We agree not to study ...

Children of different nations, little brothers, whose fathers defended their freedom, fought for the happiness of children. Like a little black brother's Hair does not lie down, Curls into rings, Like a lamb's fur. To the black yellow son, the mother began to sing a song: - Sleep, my son, My ...

Serezha is five years old in January, So far - four, the fifth, But they play with him in the yard And adult guys. And as on a sled, for example, He flies boldly from the mountains! Serezha, only the letter "P" Spoils the matter a little. The sister is angry with her brother: Her name is Marina, And he is standing in the middle of the yard, Shouting: - Where are you, & nbsp ...

When adults come, Tired of business, When adults come Into the toy department, They laugh heartily, Just like children, babies, They gasp like a child: - Toys are good! He puts a buffoon in his briefcase A funny citizen: - I myself like to laugh No less than my son. A sailor with a gray...

In Germany - a custom: Early Sunday morning Listen to the hubbub of birds Leave the townspeople. On foot they go and go, So they got used to it from an early age. Here is a granddaughter with her grandfather In a family motorcycle. Fishermen walk in wide-brimmed hats, Carrying worms for daddy White-headed son. Old ladies go to...

The eyes of a seven-year-old girl, Like two faded lights. On the child's face more noticeable Big, heavy longing. She is silent, no matter what you ask, You joke with her - she is silent in response, As if she is not seven, not eight, But many, many bitter years.

The vast majority of Agnia Barto's works are designed specifically for children, both for the smallest and for older children. Possessing a rare gift, the children's writer could speak with readers in a poetic form on almost any everyday topic. Agnia Barto's poems are read by several generations of Soviet and Russian readers and are loved by them.

In our section you can read Barto's works about toys, mother, school, war, friendship. Accessible and fascinating, the poetess narrated about animals, about the norms of behavior in society, taught to take care of others. You can read these verses online, for everyone, without exception, it is free.

Everywhere, everywhere I meet girls, Shaggy beauties, Passionate about themselves. One is an angel, the other is a wolf cub. And I do not need Neither one nor the other, I have an allergy From them, Allergy! I go, and the girl hung on her elbow, And immediately questions Without any sense: - Are you so gloomy? You...

Andrei does not believe people, Of course, he is wrong! We decided to discuss His prickly temper. It became clear to us after - Donkey is to blame. There was a donkey in the window, Eared, groovy. Andryushka was six years old, a neighbor came to them: - Oh, boy! Ah, toys! Buy you a donkey? Today...

Willow, willow, willow, Willow blossomed. It means that spring has come. It means right, That winter is over. The very, very first starling flew in, whistled in the birdhouse: - Well, now I'm from here. But don't believe in spring, You can hear the whistle of the wind, Wind, wind, wind, Last year's wind is spinning along the roads...

One young girl Was willing to become a bulldozer. When there is a hunt, well, - The girl went to the baldezh. They have their own comfort and their own cosiness, They sing in a bald way, And everything is there, as it should be, Perfectly stunned. There is their own comfort and their own coziness, Various goonies scurry about, Busy with cupids On the baldezhny ...

Brother fit shoes: Not small, not large. They put them on Andryushka, But he hasn't moved yet - He mistook them for a toy, He doesn't take his eyes off his shoe. A boy with sense, With arrangement, Is engaged in a new thing: He will iron his shoes, Then he will pull the laces, Andrey sat down and raised his foot, He licked the shoe with his tongue... Well...

After being repaired, Uncle's shoes Creaked, squeaked. There was no sadness! No matter how hard he tried, On his toes he crept And stood on his heels, The shoes did not stop. The neighbor groans: - God, my peace is lost! I'm covered in goosebumps From such music! So many squeaks, so many...

Daisies are running across the field, Showing off in plain sight, And I'm standing in my tracks And I won't take my eyes off. Daisies are running across the field, Not hiding in the grass... And I'm stomping with a bouquet, With flowers in Moscow. I look - some uncle Smiled sweetly: - Good bouquet, good! How much do you pay? And pronounces...

It was raining, slush, sputum, Suddenly, near the gates, a counselor mole found: - What a beautiful mole! He's a little blind, but it's not his fault. All vote for the mole: - He was not without reason At the camp gate! Let him live in the camp! And for a living corner, He is real ...

Komsomol members stood in the guard of honor. They sighed... They fell silent. And only one girl With an intricate haircut Was too calm: Of course, sorry for the soldier who died for us, But he died once, And we live now. Apparently, it seemed to her - What does she have to do with it ?! She's not...

Pavlik is honored everywhere: Pavlik bakes pancakes. He had a conversation at school - He spoke, opening a notebook, How much soda, how much salt, How much oil to take. Proved that margarine can be used instead of butter. Resolved unanimously: He spoke beautifully. Who said such a speech, can ...

I've been walking since the morning, I'm asking everyone: - What is the fur of a beaver? What, say, fur? Is it true that beavers build mounded fortresses and hide beavers there? Is it true that they say, That they have carpets there Of fragrant herbs and bark? I asked my mother about the beaver, But for her to work ...

That chatterbox Lida, they say, Vovka invented it. And when should I talk? I don't have time to talk! Drama circle, photo circle, Horkruzhok - I want to sing, For the drawing circle Everyone also voted. And Marya Markovna said, When I walked yesterday from the hall: “Drama circle, photo circle This is too ...

Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop! The lesson is cancelled. They dance like on a holiday, Young pranksters And shout: - A good day: Botanists have a migraine! Such a cry! Such delight! All like birthdays. - Let the doctor prescribe her peace in the clinic. Let her go to be treated, We agree not to study ...

Children of different nations, little brothers, whose fathers defended their freedom, fought for the happiness of children. Like a little black brother's Hair does not lie down, Curls into rings, Like a lamb's fur. To the black yellow son, the mother began to sing a song: - Sleep, my son, My ...

Serezha is five years old in January, So far - four, the fifth, But they play with him in the yard And adult guys. And as on a sled, for example, He flies boldly from the mountains! Serezha, only the letter "P" Spoils the matter a little. The sister is angry with her brother: Her name is Marina, And he is standing in the middle of the yard, Shouting: - Where are you, & nbsp ...

When adults come, Tired of business, When adults come Into the toy department, They laugh heartily, Just like children, babies, They gasp like a child: - Toys are good! He puts a buffoon in his briefcase A funny citizen: - I myself like to laugh No less than my son. A sailor with a gray...

In Germany - a custom: Early Sunday morning Listen to the hubbub of birds Leave the townspeople. On foot they go and go, So they got used to it from an early age. Here is a granddaughter with her grandfather In a family motorcycle. Fishermen walk in wide-brimmed hats, Carrying worms for daddy White-headed son. Old ladies go to...

The eyes of a seven-year-old girl, Like two faded lights. On the child's face more noticeable Big, heavy longing. She is silent, no matter what you ask, You joke with her - she is silent in response, As if she is not seven, not eight, But many, many bitter years.

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