"The fate of man" - the story of Sholokhov. "The fate of man": analysis

1. The behavior of the protagonist as a reflection of his inner essence. 2. Moral duel. 3. My attitude to the duel between Andrei Sokolov and Muller. There are many episodes in Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" that allow us to better understand the character traits of the protagonist. One of these moments that deserves our readers' close attention is the scene of Andrei Sokolov's interrogation by Muller. Observing the behavior of the protagonist, we can appreciate the Russian national character, the hallmark of which is pride and self-respect. Prisoner of war Andrey Sokolov, exhausted by hunger and hard work, in the circle of brothers in misfortune utters a seditious phrase: "They need four cubic meters of production, and one cubic meter through the eyes is enough for each of us." This phrase became known to the Germans. And then follows the interrogation of the hero. The scene of the interrogation of Andrei Sokolov by Muller is a kind of psychological "duel". One of the participants in the duel is a weak, emaciated person. The other is well-fed, prosperous, self-satisfied. And yet, the weak and emaciated won. Andrei Sokolov surpasses the fascist Muller in the strength of his spirit. Refusal of the offer to drink for the victory of German weapons shows the inner strength of Andrei Sokolov. “So that I, a Russian soldier, should start drinking for the victory of German weapons ?!!” The very thought of this struck Andrei Sokolov as blasphemous. Andrey agrees to Muller's offer to drink for his death. “What did I have to lose? he later recalls. “I will drink to my death and deliverance from torment.” In the moral duel between Muller and Sokolov, the latter wins also because he is absolutely not afraid of anything. Andrei has nothing to lose, he has already mentally said goodbye to life. He frankly mocks those who are currently in power and have a significant advantage. “I wanted to show them, damned, that although I’m dying of hunger, I’m not going to choke on their handout, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and that they didn’t turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.” The fascists appreciated the strength of Andrey's spirit. The commandant told him: “That's it, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and I respect worthy opponents.” I think that the scene of the interrogation of Andrey Sokolov by Muller showed the Germans all the endurance, national pride, dignity and self-respect of a Russian person. For the Nazis it was a good lesson. The unbending will to live, which distinguishes the Russian people, made it possible to win the war, despite the technical superiority of the enemy.

M.A. Sholokhov wrote a story about the fate of a former prisoner of war, about the tragedy and strength of character of a man who had to endure the most difficult trials. During and immediately after the Great Patriotic War, soldiers who returned from captivity were considered traitors, they were not trusted, and a thorough check was carried out to clarify the circumstances. The story "The Fate of a Man" has become such a work that allows you to see and understand the cruel truth of the war.

The word "fate" can be interpreted as a "life story" or used in the sense of "fate, share, coincidence." In Sholokhov's story, we find both, but only the hero turned out to be not one of those who resignedly accepts the fate destined for him.

The author showed how dignified and courageous the Russians behaved in captivity. There were few traitors "shaking in their own skins". By the way, they surrendered voluntarily, at the first opportunity. The hero of the story "The Fate of a Man" during the battle was wounded, shell-shocked and in a helpless state was taken prisoner by the Germans. In the prisoner of war camp, Andrey Sokolov endured a lot of suffering: bullying, beating, hunger, death of comrades, "unhuman torment." For example, commandant Müller, bypassing the line of prisoners, beat with his fist (or rather, with a piece of lead embedded in a glove) every second person in the nose, “bleeded”. Such was his way of expressing Aryan superiority, emphasizing the insignificance of the human life of representatives of all nations (unlike the Germans).

Andrei Sokolov had a chance to personally confront Muller, and the author showed this "duel" in one of the climactic episodes of the story.
The conversation of the captured soldier with the commandant took place because someone informed the Germans about the words spoken by Andrei on the eve of the order in the concentration camp. Barely alive captives chiseled the stone by hand, and the rate per person was four cubic meters per day. Once after work, wet, exhausted, hungry, Sokolov said: "They need four cubic meters of output, but for the grave of each of us, even one cubic meter through the eyes is enough." For these words he had to answer to the commandant.

In Muller's office, all the camp authorities sat at the table. The Germans celebrated another victory at the front, drinking schnapps, eating lard and canned food. And Sokolov, when he entered, almost vomited (constant starvation affected). Muller, clarifying the words spoken by Sokolov the day before, promised that he would honor him and personally shoot him. In addition, the commandant decided to show generosity and invited the captured soldier to drink and eat before he died. Andrei had already taken a glass and a snack, but the commandant added that it was necessary to drink for the victory of the Germans. This hurt Sokolov very much: “So that I, a Russian soldier, should start drinking for the victory of German weapons ?!” Andrei was no longer afraid of death, so he put down the glass and said that he was a non-drinker. And Muller, smiling, suggested: "If you don't want to drink to our victory, then drink to your death." The soldier, who had nothing to lose, boldly declared that he would drink to get rid of torment. He overturned the glass in one gulp, and put the snack aside, although he was mortally hungry.

What willpower this man had! Not only did he not humiliate himself because of a crumb of bacon and a piece of bread, but he did not lose his dignity, his sense of humor, and this gave him a sense of superiority over the Germans. He suggested that Muller go to the yard, where the German would "sign" him, that is, sign a death sentence, shoot him. Muller allowed Sokolov to have a bite, but the soldier said that after the first one he did not have a bite. And after the second glass he announced that he did not have a snack. He himself understood: he shows this courage not so much to surprise the Germans, but for himself, so that before death he does not look like a coward. With his behavior, Sokolov made the Germans laugh, and the commandant poured him a third glass. Andrei took a bite, as if reluctantly; he really wanted to prove that he had pride, "that the fascists did not turn him into a beast."

The Germans, surprisingly, appreciated the pride, courage and humor of the Russian soldier, and Muller told him that he respected worthy opponents, and therefore would not shoot him. For courage, Sokolov was given a loaf of bread and a piece of lard. The soldier did not really believe in the generosity of the Nazis, he was waiting for a shot in the back and regretted that he would not bring the unexpectedly dropped treat to the hungry cellmates. And again the soldier was not thinking about himself, but about those who were dying of hunger. He managed to bring these "gifts" to the prisoners, and they divided everything equally.

In this episode, Sholokhov raised an ordinary person to the hero's pedestal, despite the fact that he was a prisoner of war. It was not Sokolov's fault in his captivity, he was not going to surrender. And in captivity he did not grovel, did not betray his own, did not change his beliefs. He remained a devoted citizen of his homeland and dreamed of returning to the ranks in order to fight against the Nazis again. This incident from the life of a soldier turned out to be decisive in his fate: Sokolov could have been shot, but he saved himself, because he was less afraid of death than shame. That's where he stayed alive.

And the “superman” Muller suddenly saw pride in the Russian soldier, the desire to preserve human dignity, courage and even contempt for death, since the prisoner did not want to clutch at life at the cost of humiliation and cowardice. It was one of the victories of Andrei Sokolov in the circumstances that fate presented.

What kind of character do you need to have in order not to submit to circumstances? Andrey's habits that became character traits were the most common for people of that time: diligence, generosity, perseverance, courage, the ability to love people and the Motherland, the ability to pity a person, to sympathize with him. And he was satisfied with his life, because he had a house, a job, his children grew up and studied. Only the life and destiny of people can easily be broken by politicians and militarists who need power, money, new territories and income. Can a person survive in this meat grinder? It turns out that this is sometimes possible.

Fate was merciless to Sokolov: a bomb hit his house in Voronezh, his daughters and wife died. He loses his last hope for the future (dreams of his son's marriage and grandchildren) at the very end of the war, when he learns of his son's death in Berlin.
The endless blows of fate did not destroy this man. He did not become embittered, did not hate anyone, realizing that only the Nazis, who destroyed millions of human lives all over the earth, can be cursed. Now the enemy is defeated, and we must live on. However, the memories were heavy, it is difficult to think about the future. The pain did not let go for a long time, and sometimes there was a desire to forget with the help of vodka, but he coped with this, overcame weakness.
The meeting of Andrei Sokolov with a boy, an orphan homeless, changed a lot in his life. The man's heart sank with pain when he saw someone who lives even harder and worse than himself.

The writer does not just show us the twists of fate that either break or temper a person, Sholokhov explains why his hero acts in a way that can change his life. Andrei Sokolov gives the warmth of his heart to those who need it, and thereby protests the fate that sentenced him to loneliness. Hope and the will to live were revived. He can say to himself: cast aside your weaknesses, stop feeling sorry for yourself, become a protector and support for the weaker. This is the peculiarity of the image of a person with a strong character created by M.A. Sholokhov. His hero argued with fate, managed to reshape life, directing it in the right direction.

The writer Sholokhov spoke not only about the life of a specific person, a citizen of the Soviet Union Andrei Sokolov. He called his work “The Fate of a Man”, thereby emphasizing that every person, if he is spiritually rich and strong, like his hero, is able to withstand any trials, create a new destiny, a new life, where he will have a worthy role. Apparently, this is the meaning of the title of the story.
And in the current aggravated situation, M.A. Sholokhov could remind the current Russophobes and Nazis that the Sokolovs among the Russian people have not disappeared.


M. Sholokhov - Great Russian writer, no words! "The Destiny of Man" is a prime example of this. Just a story about a simple Russian peasant, but how it is written! And S. Bondarchuk's film based on this work is also great! How he played Sokolov! This scene, when he drinks vodka with faceted glasses, is simply incomparable! And a meeting with a homeless boy brought him back to life, when it seemed that there was simply no point in living on ... Thank you, Zoya! R.R.

The work "The Fate of a Man" by Sholokhov was first published ten years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, in 1956-1957. The theme of the story is atypical for the literature of that time dedicated to the war. The author first spoke about the soldiers who were captured by the Nazis.

Then we learn the fate of this character already from his lips. Andrei is extremely frank with a random interlocutor - he does not hide personal details.

We can safely say that the life of this hero was happy. After all, he had a loving wife, children, he was doing his favorite thing. At the same time, Andrei's life is typical for that time. Sokolov is a simple Russian man, of whom there were millions in our country at that time.

Andrey's feat ("The Fate of a Man", Sholokhov)

The composition "War in the life of the protagonist" can be built on the contrast of Andrei's attitude towards it and other people who meet on his life path. In comparison with them, it seems to us even more majestic and terrible a feat, which, in fact, is his whole life.

The hero, unlike others, shows patriotism, courage. This is confirmed by the analysis of the work "The Fate of a Man" by Sholokhov. So, during the battle, he plans to accomplish the almost impossible - to deliver shells to the Russian troops, breaking through the enemy's barrier. At this moment he does not think about the impending danger, about his own life. But the plan could not be implemented - Andrei was taken prisoner by the Nazis. But even here he does not lose heart, retains his own dignity, calmness. So, when a German soldier ordered him to take off his boots, which he liked, Sokolov, as if mocking him, also takes off his footcloths.

The work reveals various problems of Sholokhov. The fate of a person, anyone, not only Andrei, was tragic at that time. However, in front of her face, different people behave differently. Sholokhov shows the horrors that take place in the captivity of the Germans. Many people lost their face in inhuman conditions: for the sake of saving their lives or a piece of bread, they were ready to go to any betrayal, humiliation, even murder. The stronger, cleaner, higher is the personality of Sokolov, his actions and thoughts. Problems of character, courage, perseverance, honor - that's what interests the writer.

Interview with Muller

And in the face of the mortal danger that threatens Andrei (a conversation with Muller), he behaves very worthily, which even commands respect from the enemy. In the end, the Germans recognize the unbending character of this warrior.

Interestingly, the "confrontation" between Muller and Sokolov took place just at the moment when the fighting was going on near Stalingrad. The moral victory of Andrei in this context becomes, as it were, a symbol of the victory of the Russian troops.

Sholokhov (The Fate of Man) also raises other problems. One of them is the problem of the meaning of life. The hero experienced the full echoes of the war: he learned that he had lost his entire family. Hopes for a happy life are gone. He remains completely alone, having lost the meaning of existence, devastated. The meeting with Vanyusha did not allow the hero to die, to go down. In this boy, the hero found a son, a new incentive to live.

Mikhail Alexandrovich believes that steadfastness, humanism, self-esteem are traits typical of the Russian character. Therefore, our people managed to win this great and terrible war, as Sholokhov ("The Fate of Man") believes. The theme of a person is revealed by the writer in some detail, it is reflected even in the title of the story. Let's turn to him.

The meaning of the title of the story

The story "The Fate of a Man" is not named so by chance. This name, on the one hand, convinces us that the character of Andrei Sokolov is typical, and on the other hand, it also emphasizes his greatness, since Sokolov has every right to be called a Man. This work gave impetus to the revival of the classical tradition in Soviet literature. It is characterized by attention to the fate of a simple, "little man" worthy of full respect.

With the help of various techniques - a story-confession, a portrait, a speech characteristic - the author reveals the character of the hero as fully as possible. This is a simple person, majestic and beautiful, possessing a sense of dignity, strong. His fate can be called tragic, since Andrei Sokolov faced serious trials, but we still involuntarily admire him. Neither the death of loved ones, nor the war could break him. "The Fate of a Man" (Sholokhov M.A.) is a very humanistic work. The main character finds the meaning of life in helping others. This, above all, was required by the harsh post-war period.

During the Great Patriotic War, Sholokhov, in military correspondence, essays, and the story “The Science of Hatred”, exposed the anti-human nature of the war unleashed by the Nazis, showing the heroism of the Soviet people, love for the Motherland. And in the novel "They Fought for the Motherland" the Russian national character was deeply revealed, which clearly manifested itself in the days of severe trials. Remembering how during the war the Nazis mockingly called the Soviet soldier “Russian Ivan”, Sholokhov wrote in one of his articles: “The symbolic Russian Ivan is this: a man dressed in a gray overcoat who, without hesitation, gave the last piece of bread and thirty grams of front-line sugar to a child orphaned in the terrible days of the war, a man who selflessly covered his comrade with his body, saving him from inevitable death, a man who, gritting his teeth, endured and will endure all the hardships and hardships, going on a feat in the name of the Motherland.

Andrey Sokolov appears before us as such a modest, ordinary warrior in the story “The Fate of a Man”. Sokolov speaks about his courageous deeds as about the most ordinary matter. He bravely fulfilled his military duty at the front. Near Lozovenki, he was instructed to bring shells to the battery. “We had to rush a lot, because the battle was approaching us ... - says Sokolov. - The commander of our unit asks: “Will you get through, Sokolov?” And there was nothing to ask. There, my comrades, maybe they are dying, but I'll sniff around here? What a conversation! - I answer him. - I have to slip through, and that's it! In this episode, Sholokhov noticed the main feature of the hero - a sense of camaraderie, the ability to think about others more than about himself. But, stunned by a shell explosion, he woke up already in captivity of the Germans. With pain, he watches as the advancing German troops go east. Having learned what enemy captivity is, Andrey says with a bitter sigh, turning to his interlocutor: “Oh, brother, it’s not easy to understand that you are not in captivity of your own free will. Whoever has not experienced this in their own skin, you will not immediately enter into the soul, so that it comes to him as a human being what this thing means. His bitter memories speak of what he had to endure in captivity: “It’s hard for me, brother, to remember, and even harder to talk about what happened in captivity. When you remember the inhuman torments that you had to endure there in Germany, when you remember all the friends and comrades who died, were tortured there in the camps, the heart is no longer in the chest, but in the throat beats, and it becomes difficult to breathe ... "

Being in captivity, Andrei Sokolov made every effort to preserve the person in himself, not to exchange for any relief of the fate of "Russian dignity and pride." One of the most striking scenes in the story is the scene of the interrogation of the captured Soviet soldier Andrei Sokolov by the professional killer and sadist Muller. When Muller was informed that Andrei had allowed his dissatisfaction with hard labor to show, he summoned him to the commandant's office for interrogation. Andrei knew that he was going to his death, but decided to "gather up his courage to look into the hole of the pistol fearlessly, as befits a soldier, so that the enemies would not see at the last minute that it was difficult for him to part with his life ..." The interrogation scene turns into spiritual duel of a captive soldier with the commandant of the camp, Müller. It would seem that the forces of superiority should be on the side of the well-fed, endowed with power and the ability to humiliate and trample on the man of Muller. Playing with a pistol, he asks Sokolov whether four cubic meters of production is really a lot, but is one enough for a grave? When Sokolov confirms his earlier words, Muller offers to drink a glass of schnapps before the execution: “Before you die, drink, Russ Ivan, for the victory of German weapons.” Sokolov initially refused to drink "for the victory of German weapons", and then agreed "for his death." After drinking the first glass, Sokolov refused to eat. Then he was given a second one. Only after the third did he bite off a small piece of bread and put the rest on the table. Talking about this, Sokolov says: “I wanted to show them, damned, that although I’m dying of hunger, I’m not going to choke on their sop, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and that they didn’t turn me into cattle, no matter how hard you try."

The courage and endurance of Sokolov struck the German commandant. He not only let him go, but finally gave him a small loaf of bread and a piece of lard: “Here you are, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and respect worthy opponents. I won't shoot you. In addition, today our valiant troops reached the Volga and completely captured Stalingrad. This is a great joy for us, and therefore I generously give you life. Go to your block..."

Considering the scene of the interrogation of Andrei Sokolov, one can say; that it is one of the compositional peaks of the story. It has its own theme - the spiritual wealth and moral nobility of the Soviet man; his own idea: there is no force in the world capable of spiritually breaking a true patriot, forcing him to humiliate himself before the enemy.

Andrey Sokolov overcame a lot on his way. The national pride and dignity of the Russian Soviet man, endurance, spiritual humanity, insubordination and indestructible faith in life, in his homeland, in his people - this is what Sholokhov typified in the truly Russian character of Andrei Sokolov. The author showed the unbending will, courage, heroism" of a simple Russian man who, in the time of the most difficult trials that befell his homeland, and irreparable personal losses, was able to rise above his personal fate filled with the deepest drama, managed to overcome death with life and for the sake of life. In this pathos of the story, its main idea.

M. Sholokhov.
"Destiny of Man"

1 What are the features of the composition and plot of this work?
Composition is a story within a story.
The plot is the story of Andrei Sokolov about his fate,
confession of a courageous man.
2 What are the main milestones in the fate of Andrei Sokolov?
1 –
2 –
What helps the hero survive? How does it manifest itself
hero in all trials? (List the personality traits,

3 In what scenes is it most fully shown
"Russian dignity and pride"?
4 What role does the meeting with Vanyushka play
in the fate of Sokolov?

Analysis of the scene in the church.
Episode location. (main, one of the main,
How do people behave? (about the position of each)
Which position is closest to Sokolov?
How did the hero himself behave?
Author's position.
The role of the episode in the story.

In the episode "In the Church" Sholokhov reveals
possible types of human behavior in
inhuman circumstances. Various characters
embody different life positions.
The Christian soldier prefers to die
rather than surrender to circumstances
from your beliefs. However, in doing so, it becomes
responsible for the deaths of four people.
Kryzhnev is trying to buy himself the right to life,
paying for it with someone else's life.
The platoon leader awaits his fate meekly.
Only the position of the doctor, “who is both in captivity and in
did his great work in the dark, ”causes
Sokolov sincere respect and admiration.

Remain yourself in any conditions - position
Sokolov. He will not accept obedience or
pitting your life against the lives of others.
Therefore, he decides to kill Kryzhnev in order to save
Murder is not easy for Sokolov, especially since
killing "one's own". But he cannot allow
The episode "In the Church" shows how cruel
character is tested.
Life sometimes puts before the need
The hero does what his conscience tells him to do.

How is the author's position expressed in the story?
Sholokhov, in the image of his hero, reveals the tragedy of all our
people, their calamities and sufferings.
The author's pain, sympathy are felt in the tone of the narration, in
choosing a hero - a simple man.
The main method of constructing a story - antithesis - also serves
expression of the author's position:
Peaceful life is a destructive war;
Goodness and justice - savagery, cruelty, inhumanity;
Loyalty is betrayal;
Light is darkness...
It is clear which side the author is on.

A soldier is unbending when he answers to
commandant Muller, who sentenced him to
shot for campaigning in a camp against
hard labor. Muller offers a drink
a glass of schnapps for the victory of German weapons,
allegedly won in Stalingrad. Sokolov
refuses. Muller suggested something else: "Don't
would you like to drink to our victory? In this case
drink to your death."

This whole scene is not only an example of Sokolov's fearlessness, but
and his challenge to those rapists who wanted to humiliate
Soviet man. After drinking a glass of schnapps, Sokolov
thanks for the treat and adds: "I'm ready, Herr
commandant, let's go and write me down."
And the fact that he refuses to eat even after the first
glass, and after the second - this is a detail, otherwise not
playing no role here emphasizes the moral
the resilience of the Russian people.
Sokolov keeps with the Nazis as expected
Soviet citizen, representative of the working class.
It is no coincidence that many researchers
parallel between this episode and that event, in honor of
whom the Germans feast so presumptuously, -
Stalingrad battle, noting that in both cases
it was the Russian soldier who turned out to be the winner.

Now he has found his joy. fell in love with him
abandoned boy, "so small
ragamuffin: face all in watermelon juice, covered
dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and little eyes -
like stars at night after the rain! - tells
Sokolov, and in the very tone of his story we feel
how indifferent he is to human destiny.
“A burning tear boiled in me here ...” - he says.
Sokolov's soul became lighter and
lighter. Life takes on
high human meaning.
There were touching worries
about clothes and food
boy waiting for his father
"At night you stroke him
sleepy, then the hairs on the whirlwinds
sniff, and the heart departs,
becomes easier, otherwise it is
I was petrified with grief ... "

Why did the writer introduce an image into the work
Allows you to give a portrait characteristic
Andrey Sokolov: 274 - 275.
And to provide an epic volume to the story.
The narrator is the mediator between
hero and reader. Andrew's point of view
refracted in the perception of the author, such
way objectivity is born from
set of views on
the reality of individuals.
Finally, the author is not opposed here
to his hero, he himself turns out to be
a man of the people, no wonder Andrei
Sokolov takes him for "his brother-

Compositionally, Sokolov's story is a series of short stories,
in each of which we are talking about some episode of his life.
The fate of Andrei Sokolov is painful. in the story
There are two contrasting pictures:
family escorts him to the front - wife Irina, son, two
By the end of the war, when Sokolov arrived at that place on vacation,
saw something else: a deep funnel filled with rusty water,
a belt of weeds ... A direct hit by a German bomb - and it was gone
home, wife, daughters. No trace.

What are the facets of the Russian national character
embodies Andrey Sokolov?
Simple man, soldier, father
acts as
life, its foundations, moral laws.
The hero of Sholokhov defends the meaning and truth of the
human existence.
Andrei Sokolov fought on the battlefield, fought as best he could, and was captured
defended human dignity, the honor of his homeland.
Each turn of his fate is simultaneously projected onto history,
on the fate of his native people, an integral part of which he

The title of the story.
"Destiny" means:
Circumstances, not
dependent on the will of man
life events
According to superstition,
"otherworldly power,
predetermining everything
happens in life.

- What is the idea of
fate is characteristic of a hero?

But man, no matter how hard it is
circumstances, may act as required
human dignity. Human can
be proactive about the situation.
"I had to hurry"
"I have to slip through, and that's it!" 282/4.
"And I don't have to run alone,"
“I had to deliver him alive” - about escaping from
“I wanted to show them, damned” - about the duel
with Mueller.

Not the "life" of a person - Sholokhov called the story, but
chose other words "fate". - The most beautiful
in life (and it is indestructible) - a person, a worker,
"Man" can also be understood as
specifically (Andrey Sokolov), and generally
(a person who is put by the war in conditions
power over him circumstances; and only strong
spirit is able to oppose these
circumstances, their will, their ideas about
debt and freedom).
The fate of Andrei Sokolov is the fate of everything
Russian people, who went through a terrible war,
fascist camps, the loss of the closest people, -
but not completely broken.

Analyze the character's speech. How
originality of Andrey Sokolov's speech
helps to get the idea
1 Sholokhov was reproached that the speech of Andrei Sokolov bears little resemblance to the speech
an ordinary driver, although it is full of chauffeur's professionalism ....
2 With the help of folk poetic inclusions, he acts as if from
the name of the entire Russian people. Because it is full of vernacular:
(“yes, my heart swayed, the piston
need to change"
"chilled like dogs"
"Tooth doesn't strike a tooth"
“but even here I got a complete


"Relatives - at least roll a ball",

For Sholokhov, it is important not that Sokolov is a driver, and
not that he is a Voronezh. character matters,
born of historical circumstances.
The poet Sholokhov does not emphasize
professional and dialectal in his speech
hero. But do without these verbal colors
the writer also cannot, since he is a realist,
he needs to create a credible image.
Sholokhov creates the image of a living person,
growing into a symbol.

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