The essence of ethics. ethical standards and principles of business communication


The Golden Rule of Ethics It says do unto others as you would be done unto yourself. In different eras, this principle was reflected in religious and philosophical teachings, such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam. At its core, this golden rule is the result that crowns the moral laws defined for a person living in society.

The "Golden Rule" is universal in nature and forms the moral basis for the formation of all other human qualities. From this rule follow all the commands concerning both the love of a person for a person, and a person for the Almighty. In fact, the biblical commandments of love come from this rule.

Biblical love prescribes to a person a respectful and merciful attitude not only to his neighbors, but also to enemies. How to apply the "Golden Rule" if a person has already harmed you with their actions. Isn't it better to use the Old Testament principle "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" in such a situation? However, even in the Old Testament, punishment was not limited to lynching, it was the prerogative of judges. Thus, if there is no way to solve the problem yourself, you need to turn to society for help.

The "Golden Rule" in the early historical times of the development of mankind was determined by philosophical and ethical prerequisites, to this day it continues to be supplemented, analyzed and refined. In early childhood, a person begins to understand his "I", but through him he begins to understand the feelings and desires of another person: it is worth pinching yourself, how it becomes clear how painful it is for another person. In the life of a person, the “Golden Rule” begins to operate, which is fixed by proverbs and sayings among different peoples. “Do not dig a hole for another - you will not fall into it yourself”, “as it comes around, it will respond.”

The "Golden Rule" in different religions is a teaching given to man by God. Only in the implementation of this rule, he sees a way to harmonize relations between people who differ in their moral qualities, attitudes, abilities, cultural level.

The "Golden Rule" is a universal human world value, without which it is doomed to extinction. This is confirmed by the entire history of the development of human society, when empires that violated this rule fell. Its formation as a moral value and ideal of each individual is the main task of ethical education.

(Question 10-12 taken together)

  1. Ethics options -1: ethics of love; ethics of success; ethics of valor

  2. Variants of ethics -2: ethics of "reasonable egoism"; hedonistic ethics.

  3. Ethics options -3: environmental ethics; religious ethics.

Types of ethics (life for the sake of..):

    Ethics of Valor or ethics of honor

To the prince - glory, and to the squad - amen.

A warrior voluntarily accepts death.

    Ethics of love

Mother Teresa, relationships between people, love for the motherland.

    Ethics of Success

    Ethics of survival (well-being)

    Ethics of creativity

Ethics is seen as an action that we take, thinking about how to do it ( for example, to attract attention or not by entering the audience)

Hedonism(ancient Greek ἡδονή - “pleasure”, “pleasure”) is an ethical doctrine according to which pleasure is the highest good and the goal of life.

Ethics of "reasonable" egoism (opposite to the ethics of love) - the desire to satisfy interest (interest - simple and understandable needs that every person has). There is a perception that all people need the same thing.

The egoist thinks only about himself, and the reasonable one lives among other people and understands that he has the same interests as others, as a result, conflicts can arise between them, and there is a desire to coordinate their relations to satisfy their interests ( altruism is the opposite of selfishness). The law reconciles the weak and the strong.

Reasonable egoism - as a form of individualism ( a person starts with himself, does it himself, he does not demand action from others and does not impose his own actions). The opposite of individualism is the collective ethic (the whole part, the fulfillment of the law, the ethic of socialism). Extreme ethics of egoism - individualism, collectivism - ethics of ecology ( why we kill animals and eat them, but we don’t do this with people).

Act in the interests of all living things. That is, it must be assumed that I am a life that wants to live and that is in the midst of another life that wants to live; one must live in such a way that this life is not built at the expense of another life. (book - Don't Let Me Go by Kashio Ishiguro)

Ethics of Religious Faith - faith in God (actions described in the sacred text i.e. how to live: Koran, Bible). Based on the understanding of the religious text.

You can put the principle: “Do something for the sake of it”, here there can be life as a whole, love, well-being, in short, there is some value.

Freedom is the cause of one's own actions. In the history of European culture, much attention was paid to freedom, in contrast to the Eastern one. Kant paid great attention to freedom. There is a difference between external lack of coercion) from the inner ( freedom of consciousness, freedom to decide, reflection gives a person to decide). Varlam Shalamov believed that it was possible to turn off decision making in a person.

Ethics is a phenomenon that exists in the environment of people. A person is responsible for his actions, and ethics is born here. Pursuing his values, a person performs an action - an act - responsibility. People in any conditions have the choice to do things for which they are then responsible.

normativity- a property of morality and law that allows you to regulate people's behavior, and at the same time the result of the action of traditions and norms of relationships between people and the social environment. For a correct understanding, it is necessary to distinguish between traditions and norms, not to identify their social functions.

Traditions- a specific, creative way of functioning of norms and stereotypes of behavior. Stereotypes help to remove uncertainty, eliminate ambiguity and thereby facilitate the process of organizing one's own behavior for a person.

All social and legal norms(from lat. - rule, pattern) are determined to influence the volitional behavior of people, and the subject of this regulation is the relationship between the individual and society.

Code of Conduct-common patterns of behavior. Depending on the type of social control, the norms of behavior are habitual cultural patterns of activity and customs accepted in society or a social group and not valid outside it.

Ethical norm of behavior- one of the simplest forms of moral requirements for the individual. On the one hand, this is an element of moral relations (custom), constantly reproduced by the power of mass habit, example, supported by public opinion, and on the other hand, it is a form of moral consciousness, taking shape in the form of a command to oneself, requiring mandatory implementation based on one's own ideas about good and evil, duty, conscience, justice.

Formation of ethical standards behavior goes in the course of the evolutionary development of mankind, taking the form of universal moral values, developed by each society in its concrete historical originality, as well as by individual social groups and each individual individually. By belonging to the carriers of value, one can distinguish universal, general, group and personal ethical norms.

Universal Ethics- express the universal moral requirements of the hostel. They are formulated in the "golden" rule of ethics: act towards others as you would like to be treated towards you.

The general ethical norms of morality prevailing in a society extend their requirements to all members of a given society, acting as a means of regulating and evaluating relations and interactions between people.

In the course of expanding social experience, a person is included in various social groups, being, as a rule, simultaneously a member of several groups. So, entering the service, he enters the team, which is a complex system of formal and informal groups, groupings, each of which establishes its own system of values ​​and develops its own ethical rules based on them. Between these rules there is always some degree of inconsistency, and sometimes contradictions.

Group ethics ensure the inclusion of the individual in the group, in the processes and mechanisms of group interaction, influence all types of behavior, including when he becomes a member of another group. Occupying a certain position in the team, a person assimilates the given and develops personal norms, prescribes his own position and forms of behavior in which the process of his existence as a person is realized.

Personal ethical standards - characterization of the subjective "inner" world of man. They are related to his idea of ​​himself and for this reason do not need to be "assimilated" and "accepted". Following personal ethical standards is primarily associated with a sense of self-respect, high self-esteem, confidence in one's actions. Departure from these norms is always associated with a sense of guilt (conscience), self-condemnation and even a violation of the integrity of the individual.

So, the behavior of a person performing professional service activities is difficult to determine. It is controlled by external ethical regulators (general human values, morality prevailing in society, group norms) and internal mechanisms of self-regulation (self-consciousness, self-esteem, motivational sphere, attitudes on the basis of which personal norms are formed). These regulators are in a complex dynamic contradictory interaction with each other. At every moment, they give a person the right to make a moral choice based on the external requirements placed on him.

It’s easier to do something well right away than to explain later why it’s done poorly.

(Longfellow (1807-1882), American poet)

Currently, close attention is paid to the study of the ethics of business relations in order to increase the level of culture of these relations. Ethics covers a wide range of issues, it must be taken into account in relations within the same organization and between organizations. Without compliance with business ethics and a culture of behavior, most people in the team feel uncomfortable and unprotected.

The most important aspect of professional behavior is business etiquette, which ascribes norms of behavior at work, on the street, at a party, in transport, etc. Speech etiquette, the art of conducting telephone conversations, the rules of correspondence and appearance are signs of your upbringing, respectability and self-confidence.

Remember that there are no small things in a business relationship.

General information about ethical culture. As you know, a person enters into business relations with other people during his life. One of the regulators of these relations is morality, which expresses our ideas about good and evil, about justice and injustice. Morality gives a person the opportunity to evaluate the actions of others, to understand and comprehend whether he lives correctly and what he should strive for. A person can make communication effective, achieve certain goals, if he correctly understands moral norms and relies on them in business relations. If he does not take into account moral norms in communication or distorts their content, then communication becomes impossible or causes difficulties.

Who created the rules of human behavior? Why is one behavior approved by society, while another is condemned? Ethics answers these questions.

Ethics is one of the oldest branches of philosophy, the science of morality (morality). The term "ethics" comes from the Greek word "ethos" ("ethos") - custom, temper. The term "ethics" was introduced by Aristotle (384-322 BC) to denote the doctrine of morality, and ethics was considered a "practical philosophy", which should answer the question: "What should we do in order to do what is right, moral deeds?

Initially, the terms "ethics" and "morality" coincided. But later, with the development of science and social consciousness, different content was assigned to them.

Morality (from lat. moralis- moral) is a system of ethical values ​​that are recognized by a person. It regulates human behavior in all spheres of public life - at work, at home, in personal, family and international relations.

The most important categories of ethics are "good", "evil", "responsibility", "justice", "duty". "Good" and "evil" are indicators of moral behavior, it is through their prism that an assessment of a person's actions, all his activities takes place. Ethics considers "good" as the objective moral meaning of an act. It combines a set of positive norms and requirements of morality and acts as an ideal, a role model. "Good" can act as a virtue, i.e. be a moral quality of the individual. "Good" is opposed by "evil", between these categories since the foundation of the world there has been a struggle. Morality is often identified with goodness, with positive behavior, while evil is seen as immorality and immorality. Good and evil are opposites that cannot exist without each other, just as light cannot exist without darkness, top without bottom, day without night, but they are nonetheless unequal.

To act in accordance with morality means to choose between good and evil. A person strives to build his life in such a way as to reduce evil and increase good. Other most important categories of morality - duty and responsibility - cannot be correctly understood and, moreover, cannot become important principles in human behavior if he does not realize the complexity and difficulty of the struggle for good.

Moral norms receive their ideological expression in commandments and principles on how one should behave. One of the first rules of morality in history is formulated as follows: "act towards others as you would like them to act towards you." This rule appeared in the VI-V centuries. BC. simultaneously and independently of each other in different cultural regions - Babylon, China, India, Europe. Subsequently, it began to be called "golden", since great importance was attached to it. Today, this rule also remains relevant, and one must always remember that a person becomes a person only when he affirms the human in other people. The need to treat others as oneself, to exalt oneself through the exaltation of others, is the basis of morality and morality.

The Gospel of Matthew says: “Therefore, in everything you want people to do to you, so do you to them” (ch. 7, v. 12).

The moral life of a person and society is divided into two levels: on the one hand, what is: being, mores, actual everyday behavior; on the other hand, what should be: due, ideal pattern of behavior. Often in business relations we encounter contradictions between what is and what should be. On the one hand, a person seeks to behave morally, as they say, properly, on the other hand, he wants to satisfy his needs, the realization of which is often associated with a violation of moral standards. This struggle between ideal and practical calculation creates a conflict within a person, which is most acutely manifested in the ethics of business relations, in business communication. Since the ethics of business communication is a special case of ethics in general and contains its main characteristics, the ethics of business communication is understood as a set of moral norms and rules that regulate the behavior and attitudes of people in professional activities.

The norms and rules of behavior in force in society require a person to serve society, to coordinate personal and public interests. Moral norms are based on traditions and customs, and morality teaches us to do every thing in such a way that it does not hurt the people who are nearby.

One of the main elements of the culture of business communication is the moral behavior of people. It is based on universal moral principles and norms - respect for human dignity, honor, nobility, conscience, sense of duty and others.

Conscience is a person's moral awareness of their actions, thanks to which they control their actions and evaluate their actions. Conscience is closely connected with duty.

Duty is the awareness of conscientious performance of one's duties (civil and official). For example, in violation of duty, thanks to conscience, a person is responsible not only to others, but also to himself.

For the moral image of a person, honor is of great importance, which is expressed in the recognition of the moral merits of a person, in reputation. The honor of an officer, the honor of a businessman, the honor of chivalry - it is this that requires a person to maintain the reputation of the social or professional group to which he belongs. Honor obliges a person to work conscientiously, to be truthful, fair, to admit his mistakes, to be demanding of himself.

Dignity is expressed in self-respect, in awareness of the significance of one's personality; it does not allow a person to humiliate, flatter and please for his own benefit. However, excessive self-esteem does not decorate a person very much. The ability of a person to be restrained in revealing his merits is called modesty. A person who is worth something does not need to flaunt his merits, inflate his own worth, inspire others with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis own indispensability. An integral part of the culture of business communication is nobility. A noble person is true to his word, even if it is given to the enemy. He will not allow rudeness towards people unpleasant for him, he will not slander about them in their absence. Nobility does not require publicity and gratitude for help and sympathy.

In the East and Western Europe, since ancient times, great importance has been attached to the need to take into account ethical norms and values ​​in business communication. Their influence on the efficiency of doing business was especially emphasized.

Professional moral standards were and remain politeness, courtesy, tact, diligence.

Politeness is an expression of respect for other people, their dignity. Politeness is based on goodwill, which is manifested in greetings and wishes. For example, we wish good night, good morning, success, health, and so on. The words of the Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes (1547-1616) are widely known that nothing costs us so cheaply and is not valued as dearly as politeness. A polite person is a helpful person, he seeks to be the first to show courtesy, to be the first to give up his seat in transport, to hold the door.

Akin to politeness, the moral norm is correctness, which means the ability to keep oneself within the bounds of decency in any situation, especially in conflict situations. Correct behavior is manifested in the ability to listen to a partner, in an effort to understand his point of view. Politeness is determined by tact and a sense of proportion. To be tactful means to skillfully make a remark, without humiliating the dignity of a person, to give him the opportunity to get out of the difficulty with honor.

The set of moral norms that determine the attitude of a person to his professional duty is included in the concept of professional ethics. Society imposes increased moral requirements on certain types of professional activity, requires highly qualified employees in the performance of their professional duties. This applies to those working in the service sector, in transport, in healthcare, in the field of management, education and the like, since the objects of activity of these professional groups are people.

Each type of professional ethics is determined by the peculiarity of professional activity and has its own specific requirements in the field of morality. For example, the professional ethics of military service requires a clear performance of duty, courage, discipline, devotion to the Motherland. The peculiarity of medical ethics is focused on human health, its improvement and preservation. However, any specificity of professional ethics is impossible without taking into account universal human values ​​and ethical norms. Let's take professional ethics as an example.

Regardless of social status and age, we are all buyers. What does the buyer want from sellers? First, the acquisition of high-quality, fashionable, comfortable goods at an affordable price. Secondly, competence, attentive and polite attitude towards yourself when choosing a purchase. Therefore, the task of the seller is to satisfy the needs and desires of the consumer. Therefore, the most important requirements of the professional ethics of a trade worker in relation to the buyer are attentiveness, courtesy, and goodwill.

The business relationship between the seller and the buyer begins with a greeting, which must be accompanied by a smile. The greetings are followed by the words: “Please, what are you interested in?” or "I'm listening to you." If the seller is already serving the customer, he should apologize and ask to wait, and not say: "Don't you see that I'm busy." Having freed himself, the seller finds out which product the client is interested in and at what price, after which he reports the characteristics of the available goods. A professional seller must take into account the gender, age of the buyer and strive to determine his psychological characteristics (aggressiveness, poise, determination-indecision, gullibility-distrust). It has been established that the behavior of young and old people, men and women differs in the store. For example, men visit the store purposefully, they know what they need to buy, and if there is a product, they buy it. They are more than women, are influenced by the seller and often expect advice from him, guided by his opinion. Women rely on themselves in their choice; they examine the product for a long time, and therefore it is not recommended to rush them.

The seller's professionalism is enhanced by his ethical upbringing, which is manifested in speech, facial expressions, gestures; rudeness, vulgarity and irritability are unacceptable. The seller is obliged to be restrained in various situations, for example, when the buyer examines the product for a long time, asks and is interested in details, although he is not going to buy this product. He must be restrained even with an ill-mannered and aggressive buyer, since the answer with rudeness for rudeness does not have a positive effect. On the contrary, the atmosphere becomes tense, a conflict is brewing, which often entails the intervention of the administration. The end of communication between sellers and us, buyers, is the acceptance of payment for the selected product and its packaging, after which the seller must thank for the purchase.

In turn, we, the buyers, should not forget about politeness, about the restraint of our negative emotions and bad mood.

So, if the scope of your activity is people, then, despite the specifics of the profession, you always need to pay attention to the rules and norms of behavior, to duties in relation to the client, to colleagues; be able to control oneself, be patient, listen carefully to the visitor, and also have a proper appearance and own a culture of speech.

In conditions when statehood based on strict centralization is being replaced by management based on the principles of serving the state to Russian society, the requirements for the norms of official behavior are increasing due to their significant impact on the effectiveness of the professional activities of lawyers.

Service behavior is a kind of social behavior of a person and includes a system of behavioral expectations and patterns of social interaction that exist in the professional sphere.

Service behavior is regulated by the principle of eligibility and incompetence of actions and deeds. At the intersection of the eligibility and incompetence of official activities, three types of official behavior of officials arise:

  • 1) mandatory (under duress in accordance with the law).
  • 2) due (under the contract and in accordance with the distribution of duties)
  • 3) desirable (of one's own free will).

Real official behavior develops as a result of a rational choice of a model of behavior and professional activity.

An important factor that determines behavioral specificity is the service itself as an aggregate social subject.

It is in the interaction of collective, group and personal behavior that a matrix of norms of service behavior arises, which is then constantly reproduced.

Professional activity acts as a collective (generalized) subject of service behavior, since it develops values, norms and rules of behavior that are fundamentally different from other organizations. Professional activity connects both the collective and the group, and the individual employee as its personalized basis. It has the structure of a pyramidal system of administrative and managerial relations and a set of ethical norms.

The group level of service behavior includes, as a dominant system, norms, values, mechanisms of cohesion and activity developed by group associations of people.

The personal level of service behavior includes value orientations and attitudes of the individual, which are a reflection of life (social) experience, the result of an individual's adaptation to the social environment and a factor of identification with a certain professional group.

The morality of a lawyer is based on their personal moral attitudes, and on social needs. Consequently, ethical standards in the performance of official duties require special procedures and methods of control, which depend on many circumstances and are established separately. Service behavior is, by definition, controlled.

As a means of regulating the official behavior of a lawyer, external control (laws, rules, codes, regulations, instructions) and internal control (beliefs, values ​​and norms) are used.

It should be noted that motivation is a need that prompts a person to act with a specific goal. The need is the internal aspect of motivation, and the goal is its external aspect.

There are four types of motivational preferences for service behavior:

  • 1) the desire for creative self-realization (gaining satisfaction from work and professional growth);
  • 2) official duty (professional activity is equipped for the implementation of public and official interests).
  • 3) pragmatic orientation (the desire to ensure individual material and monetary wealth);
  • 4) career interest (work for promotion).

Of particular importance in understanding the essence of service behavior is the concept of "behavior style". The style of service behavior reflects the properties of the personality traits of a lawyer, the level of his competence, ability and will to optimally use personality traits to perform professional tasks. The style of service behavior is formed on the basis of efficiency. The business approach allows you to resist the conservatism of thinking, active and hidden forms of bureaucracy, formalism, technocracy. To master efficiency, competence is necessary. A professionally competent lawyer performs the functions of the position in essence, not in form, achieving the results of work, and not imitating the process of official activity.

Ethical standards of conduct

Normativity is a property of morality and law that allows you to regulate people's behavior, and at the same time the result of the operation of traditions and norms of relationships between people and the social environment.

For a correct understanding, it is necessary to distinguish between traditions and norms, not to identify their social functions. Traditions are a specific, creative way of functioning of norms and stereotypes of behavior. Stereotypes help to remove uncertainty, eliminate ambiguity and thereby facilitate the process of organizing one's own behavior for a person.

Any social and legal norms (from lat. norma - a rule, a model) are generally intended to influence the volitional behavior of people, and the relationship between the individual and society is the subject of this regulation.

Codes of conduct are generally accepted patterns of behavior. Depending on the type of social control, the norms of behavior are habitual cultural patterns of activity and customs accepted in society or a social group and not valid outside it. The content side of the norms of behavior is to keep the individual from committing actions and deeds that are incompatible with accepted laws and moral customs, through the threat of punishment or the expression of public contempt.

The ethical norm of behavior is one of the simplest forms of moral requirements for a person, acting, on the one hand, as an element of moral relations (custom), constantly reproduced by the power of mass habit, example, supported by public opinion, and on the other hand, as a form of moral consciousness, formulated as a command to oneself, requiring strict implementation based on one's own ideas about good and evil, duty, conscience, justice.

Ethical norms of behavior are formed in the process of the evolutionary development of mankind, taking the form of universal moral values, developed by each society in its concrete historical originality, as well as by individual social groups and each individual separately.

By belonging to the carriers of value, one can distinguish general, general, group and personal ethical norms.

Universal ethical norms express the universal moral requirements of the hostel. They are formulated in the "golden" rule of ethics: act towards others as you would like them to act towards you.

The general ethical norms of morality prevailing in a society extend their requirements to all members of a given society without exception, acting as a means of regulating and evaluating relations and interactions between people. In the process of expansion; social experience, each person is included in various social groups, being, as a rule, simultaneously a member of several groups.

Group ethical norms ensure the inclusion of the individual in the group, the processes and mechanisms of group interaction affect all types of behavior, including when he becomes a member of another group. Occupying a certain position in the team, a person assimilates the given and develops personal norms, prescribes his own position and forms of behavior in which the process of his existence as a person is realized.

Personal ethical norms act as a characteristic of the subjective "inner" world of a person. They are related to his idea of ​​himself and for this reason do not need to be "assimilated" and "accepted". Following personal ethical standards is primarily associated with a sense of self-respect, high self-esteem, confidence in one's actions. Departure from these norms is always associated with a sense of guilt (conscience) - self-condemnation and even a violation of the integrity of the individual.

Thus, the behavior of a person carrying out professional service activities is difficult to determine.

It is controlled by both external ethical regulators (universal values, morality prevailing in society, group norms) and internal mechanisms of self-regulation (self-consciousness, self-esteem, motivational sphere, attitudes on the basis of which personal norms are formed). External and internal regulators are in a complex dynamic contradictory interaction.

At every moment, they give a person the right to make a moral choice based on the external requirements placed on him.

The ethical norms of service relations are based on universal human values, norms and rules of conduct, but have some peculiarities.
Business ethics in a broad sense is a set of ethical principles and norms that should guide the activities of an organization in the field of management and entrepreneurship.

It includes elements of a different order: an ethical assessment of both the internal and external policies of the organization as a whole; moral principles of members of the organization: professional morality; moral climate in the team; norms of business ethics are ritual external norms of behavior.
The level of moral development of both an individual and an organization as a whole is currently determined by an orientation towards the universal principles of justice, equality of human rights and respect for human dignity that were formed in the 20th century; the principle of benefit is the power of life.
Based on this, the organization is required to solve such social problems: improving the quality of life of employees, protecting the environment; charity. The general basis of professional ethics is the understanding of labor as a moral value, in contrast to the ancient idea of ​​labor as a measure of punishment, a curse.

Labor becomes a moral value if it is perceived not as a source of existence, but as a way of forming human dignity. Individual morality in the professional sphere also implies awareness of professional duty. Achieving success in any profession is associated with the definition of self-restraint, without which the professional realization of the personality is impossible and is expressed in the desire to form in oneself such qualities as discipline, organization, efficiency, accuracy, perseverance. The leaders of the organization are responsible for the realization of the professional capabilities of employees, their career, and therefore - for the social status and ethical standards of behavior.

The moral and business qualities of people for the manager of personnel management are the object of professional activity. They should contribute to the formation of the following qualities in their employees:
professional - professional level of knowledge, skills, abilities, knowledge of foreign languages;
moral and psychological as professional - purposefulness, endurance, honesty, adherence to principles, exactingness;
moral - kindness, humanity, dignity, respect for others, decency, courage, honesty, justice.

The administration needs to know what ethical standards are formed in the team. The work of the organization depends on their quality. The main task is to ensure that employees are perceived not as a labor force, but as a person, with the same rights and dignity, as leaders, and labor relations are formed as a partnership. Labor relations require from a person the tension of the mind, physical and spiritual strength. Many managers do not take into account the state of mind of their employees. In such cases, the employee cannot work for a long time and effectively. All transnational corporations of the world pay great attention to the issues of business ethics, and this is not accidental, since corporate morality makes it possible to strengthen the self-organization and self-discipline of employees.

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