The property of perception, when a person perceives the surrounding reality as the impact of its specific objects. The psyche and consciousness of man


The surrounding world is one, but for any of the 6 billion people currently living on the planet, this world is individual. Because each of these people perception of the environment happens in its own way. For some, the world seems aggressive and hostile, while for others it seems calm and friendly. Someone is looking for any opportunity to develop their own business, but it seems to someone that all the chances have long been exhausted. Some troubles in the life of one person may be incommensurable with the problems in the life of another, etc. But what kind of world is it really, and what is life in it in general, in any person must be present sense of reality?

There are many different answers to this question, and they are bound to contradict each other. This is quite natural, because how many people - so many opinions. And there will be no absolutely right or wrong belief. Whatever a person believes and no matter how he perceives the reality around him, it will be right. But how, then, to find the only true statement? To do this, you need to try to look at reality in a completely different way, discarding everything that seems and is visible, important and insignificant, and try to abandon your view of life events.

Life is changeable and dynamic. Sometimes, its manifestations are so mysterious that one could not even suspect about them. It is as diverse as the views of people. But life does not exist by itself. It is entirely dependent on he human being, who is his own creative law. His inner convictions are the "magnet" that attracts a huge number of life's trials. And whether they will be difficult or easily overcome depends only on what perception of the environment in a person.

It is inherent in every person to be sure that he sees life as it actually is, i.e. from an objective point of view. In fact, things are somewhat different. A person perceives the surrounding reality through the "lens" of his own experience, views and beliefs. It is impossible to talk about an objective perception of life, since everyone's view is colored only by their expectations and personal opinion. It is impossible to force a person to completely neglect his beliefs, putting aside the accumulated experience. The only thing that can help you perceive the world around you correctly is to try sometimes to change the “lenses” to consider the same problem from different angles before making a final decision.

This process is somewhat similar to an eye examination by an ophthalmologist (oculist). If it happens that vision begins to deteriorate, and the outlines of objects become poorly visible, no one will blame the outside world for this, but will begin to try to correct their vision. The specialist will select lenses until one is found that is ideal for fixing the problem.

The same thing happens in life. A person himself is a source of troubles and obstacles that arise in his way. If he looks at them using only one "lens", which may not fit at all, then they
seem irresistible. But it is worth trying another, as the solution appears by itself. There is a way out of any situation - you just need to see it.

In order to always succeed and believe in the future with optimism, you need to be able to look around and evaluate reality from different points of view. Man himself is a powerful energy emitter that attracts various events in life. And what they will be - successful or not - depends only on him. Life is changeable, and you need to be able to change with it so that luck always goes along.

Yesterday, June 6, the Synod of the Orthodox Church of Constantinople held an extraordinary meeting dedicated to the preparation of the “convened and already approaching” Pan-Orthodox Council, at which it called on all Local Orthodox Churches to participate in the Council, since “no institutional structure can revise the conciliar process that has already begun” , according to RIA Novosti.

“The Holy Synod, after an unexpected and surprising expression of the positions and views of the fraternal Orthodox Churches, and after their assessment, confirms that no institutional structure can revise the conciliar process that has already begun,” the statement says.

“Thus, it is expected that the primates of the Holy Orthodox Churches, in accordance with the Rules for the Organization and Operation of the Pan-Orthodox Council, will have to provide any “proposals for amendments, corrections or additions to the unanimously adopted texts within the framework of the Pre-Council Pan-Orthodox Conference and the gathering of primates on agenda items "(see Article 11), for their final formulation and decisions in the course of the work of the Pan-Orthodox Council," the statement says.

The Patriarchate of Constantinople, “as the leading Church in maintaining the unity of Orthodoxy”, calls to be at the height of the situation and to take part, within the already determined time frame, in the work of the Pan-Orthodox Council, as was decided by all the Orthodox and signed by both the Primates and their authorized representatives, and in accordance With this decision, there was a lengthy procedure for preparing the Council.

Cleric of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk diocese, church publicist, missionary, author of numerous books Hieromonk Macarius (Markish) believes that the Orthodox Church of Constantinople is trying to impose the papacy on the Orthodox world, showing dictatorial habits in the organization of the Pan-Orthodox Council. He expressed this opinion in an interview with TASS.

“The question is very simple. This is the difference between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, which, for one reason or another, is formed around the First Hierarch in Rome - this is what we call the papacy,” said the cleric. He stressed that "Papacy is alien to Orthodoxy." “The papacy is one of the principles that separates us from Roman Catholicism, this principle will not work in Orthodoxy,” Hieromonk Macarius noted.

“In no case do we want to quarrel with the Catholics, but we also do not want to identify ourselves with them,” the cleric emphasized. “The Pan-Orthodox Council is a good thing, and no one is against this Council, but this is an external thing in relation to the Church,” he noted.

“This is a kind of statement that Orthodox people want to make to the whole planet Earth about what Orthodoxy is, how Orthodoxy looks at external problems and misfortunes that befall planet Earth. But the planet Earth is not the Church,” said the hieromonk.

He recalled that throughout the history of the Church, councils have met to resolve urgent, urgent internal church problems.

Hieromonk Macarius believes that "Patriarch (of Constantinople) Bartholomew does not want a common Orthodox witness." “Of course, we are upset by this, but this is not a tragedy. The Russian Orthodox and other Churches, Orthodox leaders of the whole world still have this opportunity - to declare to the whole world around us what Orthodoxy is, to preach the word of God,” he noted.

The executive director of the Human Rights Center of the World Russian People's Council, religious scholar Roman Silantiev believes that the Patriarchate of Constantinople, being in Turkey, depends on the policy of its authorities, which complicates dialogue between the Local Orthodox Churches; his decisions testify to the desire to hold a Pan-Orthodox Council at any cost and on his own terms.

“There is a feeling that Constantinople wants to hold the Council on its own terms at any cost. Not everyone else is happy about it. Many issues are not settled before him. This was openly spoken of by the Russian Orthodox Church and other Churches. In general, this Council is being held in a very tense and nervous atmosphere, and if measures are not taken, it will not take place, ”Roman Silantyev told RIA Novosti.

If the Council is canceled, then, according to the religious scholar, it should be held by the Russian Church "on its own territory", since the Patriarchate of Constantinople depends on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. This circumstance alone, as he noted, “already greatly complicates a normal conversation.”

“It seems to me that the Russian Orthodox Church, which unites the Orthodox more than all the rest put together, is the church of the country that conducts politics completely independently. And in the case of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, there is no need to talk about this,” the expert explained, adding that the Orthodox Church of Constantinople “had priority” in the Orthodox world during the time of the Byzantine Emperors, however, “the presence of an ISIS ally there (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation - RIA Novosti ) Erdogan allows you to reconsider this kind of thing.”

In turn, the chairman of the Byzantine club "Katekhon" at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church, political scientist Arkady Mahler believes that the Patriarchate of Constantinople has the opportunity to postpone the holding of the Pan-Orthodox Council in order to solve the problems associated with it, however, positions itself, contrary to the canons, above the rest of the Local Churches.

“He (the Patriarchate of Constantinople - RIA Novosti) refused without explanation. Their motivation is: "We do not want to delay this meeting, as it will be inconvenient in front of the outside world." But it is worth noting that the outside world is following this in detail and there is nothing to hide. He just ignored the demands of the Moscow Patriarchate, the demands of the Bulgarian Patriarchate. In this sense, if you call a spade a spade, this is rudeness. This is not done anywhere, especially in the Church,” Mahler told RIA Novosti.

Patriarch Bartholomew, as the expert believes, “sees himself not just as the first among equals, but as a kind of Eastern Pope.” Although Constantinople, he assured, has the opportunity to postpone the Council and "talk all issues with each Local Church" in various formats.

The position of the Russian Church in this situation is seen by him as "very constructive", although the Russian Church is not against holding the Council. But without taking into account the opinion of at least one Local Church, the Pan-Orthodox Council in this sense will be incomplete and even unnecessary.”

“The fact that Patriarch Bartholomew frankly drives the horses and demands that everyone gather regardless of any questions and claims indicates that he does not quite adequately perceive the surrounding reality and does not understand that he is not the head of the entire Orthodox Church. He heads the hierarchy of one of the Local Orthodox Churches, which has been in a difficult, deplorable state for a very long time - both politically and historically,” the political scientist noted.

In addition, the Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, which took place last week in Sofia under the chairmanship of Patriarch Neophyte, stated the impossibility of holding the Council on the announced dates (since June 16) due to the unresolved meeting with the delegation of the Bulgarian Church.

The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church proposed to convene an "emergency Pan-Orthodox pre-Council meeting" in connection with the "state of emergency" that developed during the preparation of the Pan-Orthodox Council. It is proposed to convene the meeting no later than June 10, and it is also proposed to hold it in Crete.

This last section of our course is devoted to the study of how we perceive the reality around us and how this affects our trading. Each person has a unique worldview, which makes his behavior somewhat different from the rest. Someone likes to spend their time in nature, and someone will prefer the city. But with all these differences, we have a lot in common. And if you follow the principles of probability theory, which postulates that the behavior of seemingly separate elements, in their large number, can give one naturally built movement (structure), then you can find a lot in common in the behavior of the crowd. You have probably seen more than once that when you go outside late, there are no passers-by walking along the sidewalks, the streets are empty and only occasionally a person appears. What makes millions of people behave in this way? The system in which each of us lives generates in us a certain set of beliefs that are not visible to us, but control us and which, perhaps, form a certain structure that is not visible to the eye. It is these beliefs that will be discussed in this section of the course.

In the title of the course “How to change your view of Forex”, the word “view” plays an important role. When a person's views and beliefs change, he begins to form a completely different understanding and perception of the surrounding reality. The goal of fractals is not to find 10 entry points to the market in a day, they have a much more important and significant goal, namely to change you internally. Fractal theory is a system that opens your mind to understand and perceive the market. There is a very good saying: "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times."

Let's look at examples that will immediately let you understand what the fractal theory gives in the market.

Your first glance at the images below will be consistent with your understanding of the Forex market today, when you see what was hidden in the images - this can be compared to the application of fractal theory in the foreign exchange market. If a person knows what to look for, sooner or later he finds it.

naked couple

Most of us (simply because we are the majority) will see lovers, a woman and a man hugging her from behind. This is how we are, our consciousness is already distorted by what we see in life or in a photograph. Children are another matter, they are still pure and completely innocent, for them there is nothing more beautiful than cartoons and films about nature ... Therefore, it is the children who will first of all see dolphins on this bowl (there are 8-9 of them here). And now, having this information, the brain of an adult will also be able to adapt and see dolphins... What happens to a trader who enters the market? He is stuffed with various kinds of information and it is very difficult to see the truth behind all this array of data. A person who perceives the market differently than 90% of traders is quite capable of seeing much more in it...

Rice. 225

Using the models proposed in our course, you can change your understanding of the price and the market as a whole. It took Mandelbrot 50 years to discover and implement the theory of fractals. You, in order to trade successfully, now only need to see the structures that result from this formula and which are described in sufficient detail in the course.

Look at fig. while seeming obvious, they hide amazing combinations of elements hidden in them.

What do you see here minivan or sports car?

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Many quickly notice that a sports car is painted on a mini vein. However, even after that, one never ceases to be surprised at the illusion of human perception.

I wonder who you saw an old man or a cowboy?

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After these examples, it should become more clear to you what is at stake. You can also peer into the market, but see nothing until someone tells you what to find!

Why couldn't you find regularly arranged structures yourself? Because in your head the market is chaos, erratic price movements. As long as you accept this statement, you will never be able to find order in it. All chapters of this course were devoted to only one goal, to find order in a frightening chaos and show you that structure invisible to your understanding. With the program that was used to generate all the patterns, you will be able to discover a truly amazing world of complex structures, by studying them you will understand how the market moves and what you can expect from it.

Let's look at another example so that it becomes clear to you what exactly prevents you from seeing the essence of the process, and not its distorted hologram.

If we consider the process of training an artist from a novice to a professional, it becomes clear that this transition is carried out through the discovery of new beliefs and perception of the surrounding reality. While practicing, the beginner at first does not pay attention to the details that increase the realism of the object, the longer he practices, the more detailed his drawings become.

By changing your beliefs about price action and structure, you can increase the accuracy of your forecast, improving it more and more every time.

The process of improving your perception is shown in Figure 228:

Rice. 228

Here are 3 stages of the formation of your perception. The first corresponds to your first understanding of the market. The second is when you understand that the market can be represented as a structure, but because you do not know it well, you cannot make a forecast all the time, but only selectively find similar situations. The third stage is the stage of a professional, when the question does not arise: what's next? And there is always a ready answer, thanks to the presence of detailed structures.

What do you think is the difference between a professional and a beginner? No, not by the size of the deposit, since this will not save a beginner, but by a set of beliefs. A professional has a well-formed strategy of behavior in the market; he looks at the market in a DIFFERENT way. When a beginner begins to get acquainted with Forex, he has only one thing in his head, that he will be successful, that he only needs to go through what has already been written by smart people and everything will open before him, but this is far from being the case. When he begins to face the first loss, disappointment sets in, because it did not correspond to his beliefs about this type of activity.

But how to change your views so that there are no disappointments as you reach a professional level, but there is harmony in development. It's simple, it turns out that those trading strategies that are offered to beginners today do not have further development and represent a rigidly formed set of rules and beliefs. For example: let's take the standard RSI indicator, a good indicator that has its own signals for entering the market and, accordingly, exiting it. We have a complete system. When these signals do not work, we come into a state of aggression from HOPPER. We begin to rush to books, hoping to find at least some tool for Forex analysis, but everywhere we will fail, because all books are based on systems that are not able to be flexible in the course of analysis. We get the worst thing to eat for a trader - a dead end.

Fractals is a theory in which there are no complete ways to solve a problem, it is aimed at constantly improving your internal development, and the application of this theory with indicators and fundamental analysis makes it flexible and not a closed system, and we already know very well what in order to the system has evolved and managed to survive; it must be open and non-linear.

Fractal theory is open to any kind of analysis, which means that you can use it in parallel with them without distorting its main idea and essence of construction.

Standard indicators, with their inherent signals, can be compared as if we were playing the guitar, knowing a limited number of chords. A musician who plays the guitar with chords is usually self-taught (also called street musicians), but a musician who has studied a wide variety of note combinations is more likely to become a professional. The thing is that if we know only a few chords, we won’t be able to play the guitar at 100%, something will work, but something won’t (it’s familiar isn’t it), knowing the notes we can pick up any melody, come up with our own , since all musical compositions are mainly written and presented in the form of notes, and for people there are simpler chords.

When I opened the staff, without understanding the notes and the STRUCTURE of their notation, one is simply amazed how a person can not only understand them, but also read such a complex variety of individual elements from ONE LOOK. The same thing happens with a beginner who opens a price chart for the first time. At first, the graphs are discarded, then they become more friendly, but as a rule, it doesn’t come to studying them, since all books are full of indicators (chords) in order to alleviate the fate of the beginner - the poor fellow, and bring him up to date as FAST as possible so that he started trading, and everything will follow by itself. But having studied the indicators (chords), the beginner forgets that there is also the price itself (notes) and does not understand why he cannot achieve professional forecasting in any way. Believe me, the structure of the market is no more complex than notes. The myth that the market is unpredictable and is a random behavior is widespread only because studying it requires a completely different approach, clearly not beneficial to those who want you, my dear reader, not to study it for a certain period of time, they need to now and immediately, and this happens only when we make a mistake. By learning the notes, you can play any melody. By studying the structure, you will be able to predict any kind of market and for this you will need only a few minutes.

(Materials are based on: A. Almazov. Fractal theory. How to change your view of the markets)

Image copyright Thinkstock

Anxiety tendencies can greatly influence how we perceive the world. The columnist wondered if a new treatment would help get rid of constant anxiety.

All sorts of disturbing thoughts rush through your head, your pulse quickens and your breathing gets out of hand. Anxiety gives way to fear, and then you suddenly panic.

You feel confused and overexcited. If these symptoms are familiar to you, then know that you are not alone.

Actresses Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone, musician Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys and singer Taylor Swift, artist Vincent van Gogh and poet Emily Dickinson suffered from paralyzing anxiety attacks.

Everyone knows that anxiety affects the emotional state of a person and prevents him from interacting with the outside world.

Anxiety can shape a person's worldview and value system in a certain and predictable way.

However, few people know about the impact that anxiety has on our attention in everyday life. Because of it, the priorities of attention are shifted, which entails a change in the information entering the brain and, consequently, our perception of reality.

This can have far reaching consequences. By influencing attention, anxiety can shape a person's worldview and value system in a certain and predictable way. It can also affect our beliefs without our knowledge.

To avoid the distortion of reality caused by anxiety, you first need to understand the mechanisms that regulate attention and how to control them.

In a metaphor inspired by the work of the talented and progressive 19th-century American psychologist William James, our visual attention system is much like a searchlight "scanning" the world around us.

This "spotlight of attention" is a limited area of ​​space that is in the center of attention at a certain moment. What gets into it, the brain consciously processes, but what remains outside it does not.

Looking at the world around, a person focuses on the subject that he would like to consider better. Our brain is not able to process in detail an object, text or environment if they are not in the center of attention.

Image copyright iStock Image caption Our consciousness works like a searchlight, helping us to notice important details.

To understand how this works, you can use the example of a person reading a book in a crowded train car. His eyes move across the page from left to right, line by line. At the same time, the "spotlight of attention" moves from word to word.

The word on which a person focuses attention is clearly perceived by his consciousness, while the words that lie outside the "spotlight of attention" seem blurry and mostly illegible.

Such localization is necessary because the simultaneous perception of all visual information about the environment would lead to "overload" of the brain, which is a system with limited resources, like a computer.

"Spotlight" allows the brain to concentrate only on the important, ignoring all unnecessary information. Thanks to this, we are able to perceive the reality around us.

In most cases, we consciously choose where to focus our attention, but this process is not always under our voluntary control.

At the same time, not all objects and phenomena around us are perceived by us in the same way. So, for example, a bright flash of light or a sharp movement where it should not be, automatically attracts our attention, and it moves to the point where they arose.

Few people like it when something sharply distracts their attention, but this does not happen by chance. The involuntary switching of attention is necessary in order to immediately notify a person about what is vital for his survival.

For an ancient person, the reason for the automatic switching of attention could be a prey running by, or, if less lucky, an approaching danger - a predator or a dangerous enemy, for example.

Image copyright iStock Image caption Without the "attention spotlight" we would not be able to read, because thanks to it we concentrate on a few words, ignoring the rest.

Thanks to evolution, our visual attention system automatically responds to various types of dangers.

Snakes, spiders, angry or frightening faces, threatening postures, and weapon-like objects are all capable of drawing our attention. We can say that visual attention prioritizes threats in the interests of self-defense.

Undoubtedly, this function helps a person to survive, but anxiety can make the system of fast and effective detection of threats hypersensitive, as a result of which the "spotlight of attention" begins to work to the detriment of a person.

So, for example, you can lose some control over your own attention, because it focuses too quickly on what the brain perceives as a danger, regardless of whether it really is or not.

And when a person focuses only on danger, negative information takes over his consciousness.

To understand exactly how anxiety can completely change a person's worldview, changing the priorities of attention, think about what it is like for a person with a high level of anxiety to travel by train through a densely populated metropolitan area.

Imagine that you are standing on a crowded subway platform, looking out into the crowd around you. Your attention is automatically attracted to people with an unfriendly expression, while cheerful faces you simply ignore.

As a result, it seems to you that everyone around you is a little upset, and your mood deteriorates.

As you return home on the train, you are waiting for your stop when you suddenly notice that a large man in a hooded sweatshirt, sitting next to you, abruptly puts his hand in his pocket, as if trying to get a weapon.

Luckily, he pulls out a cell phone from his pocket, but this whole situation makes you wonder what would happen if it was a gun.

As a result, you are further strengthened in the opinion that the subway is a dangerous place, full of dubious characters and annoyed people.

Image copyright iStock Image caption In the process of evolution, we have developed the ability to notice potentially dangerous objects in the environment - for example, spiders, which can be poisonous.

Now imagine that this happens all the time. Due to the fact that the threat is a priority, we filter out all the good and perceive only the bad. The cognitive system is overwhelmed with excitement and fear.

This leads to the fact that anxiety begins to have an overly strong influence on how we evaluate the environment. In fact, to anxious people, the world literally seems to be a frightening and dysfunctional place.

These radical changes in perception can shape a person's worldview, including their political and ideological beliefs.

For example, a 2009 study showed that anxiety can affect a person's attention in such a way that all people from the Middle East begin to seem dangerous to him. This undoubtedly influences his political views regarding immigration.

As part of the experiment, the researchers asked participants from Western countries with different levels of anxiety to take a computer test. It consisted of pressing a key in response to visual stimuli appearing on the screen.

First, the subjects saw a word flashed on the screen, and then two faces - an Arab and a European, on each of which a dot from the sight could appear.

The results showed that people with high anxiety responded more quickly to dots that appeared on the faces of people with an Arab appearance if they were previously shown a terrorism-related word - for example, "bomb".

This means that when an anxious person was made to think about terrorism, the faces of people from the Middle East were at the center of his visual attention, which indicates the expectation of danger.

The scientists' findings explain why people with high levels of anxiety often take the side of politicians who promise to protect the country by banning immigration and imposing tough national security measures.

This is confirmed by the results of another study conducted in 2012 by a group of scientists from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.

They found that people who paid more attention to negative images tended to lean politically to the right.

In one experiment, researchers showed liberal and conservative participants computer-generated collages of pictures with positive and negative connotations.

At the same time, they tracked the movements of the subjects' eyes to understand what they were paying attention to.

Image copyright iStock Image caption If a person is prone to anxiety, the whole world may seem dangerous to him.

They found that those whose attention was immediately and permanently attracted to unpleasant and repulsive images - such as traffic accidents, dead bodies, and open wounds - were more likely to identify themselves as conservatives.

The authors of the study find it logical that people who are more attentive and susceptible to threats often support center-right politicians who promise to protect society from external threats by strengthening military power and national security, introducing tougher penalties for criminals and discouraging immigration.

In its extreme manifestations, anxiety can have a serious negative impact on human health, but you can change the situation by training your attention.

Moreover, today this can be done with the help of convenient computer programs and even applications for smartphones.

The most popular form of training is Attention Bias Modification Training (ABMT for short), also commonly known as Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM for short).

It may include different tasks, united by one goal. In standard training, patients see pictures with positive and negative images on the computer screen. As a rule, these are happy and gloomy faces, replacing each other hundreds of times.

Since anxiety is associated with focusing on negative stimuli, patients are asked to select positive images by pressing a key or a screen.

By doing this over and over, and ideally for several days or weeks in a row, they get into the habit of paying attention not to the threat and negative information, but to what is positive.

Image copyright iStock Image caption Can we find a way to correct this distorted threat perception and get rid of the anxiety?

Dozens of studies have confirmed the effectiveness of this method. Of particular interest is one published in the Journal of the Association for Psychological Sciences, Clinical Psychological Science.

It showed that a 25-45 minute session of ABMT therapy played on a mobile phone reduced threat alertness, subjective anxiety, and observed stress sensitivity.

Now, patients suffering from anxiety disorders who are unable to receive treatment at the clinic can also receive psychological help with just a few minutes of an exciting mobile game on the way to work.

However, some scientists are skeptical about ABMT. In some recent studies, the effectiveness of this type of therapy has been called into question.

Scientists have proven that single sessions of ABMT are no more beneficial than other cognitive-based treatments for anxiety disorders, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, and in some cases even placebos.

Scientist, professor, and licensed psychologist Per Karlbring of Stockholm University acknowledges that these criticisms are valid, but notes that mindfulness training should not be abandoned entirely.

He explains that, according to the meta-analysis, attention-prioritization intervention works very well for patients under 37 years of age, especially when it is done in a clinic or laboratory rather than remotely.

Carlbring noticed that the only time ABMT did not reduce anxiety levels was if it failed to adjust the attentional priorities associated with danger.

Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of this treatment method, he suggested using more dynamic tasks with realistic stimuli.

Karlbring set out to improve the reliability of this treatment and received a grant to develop and test a new method of attention training using virtual reality. This method works in a more natural way and provides a sense of presence.

“It seems to me that moving training into conditions close to real can help us reach a whole new level,” says Carlbring. “I would not be surprised if attention training becomes commonplace by 2020.”

By doing exercises that help us get rid of the constant search for threats and being aware of the impact of anxiety on our attention, we can avoid the consequences of anxiety, such as distorting reality, constantly feeling fear, and changing the belief system.

A person's life is his activity. In the process of activity, a person must constantly orient himself in the environment. This orientation is largely based on the sensory reflection of the surrounding reality, carried out by our sense organs - analyzers.

In the sensory reflection of the situation, the activity of the visual analyzer is of paramount importance; they have an overview of the environment. At every given moment of life, our eyes receive from the surrounding reality a complex set of diverse influences, the result of which is a visual reflection of a more or less extensive area of ​​reality: part of the room in one case, a piece of the street stretching in front of us - in another, part of the city square - in the third. . Usually we are not satisfied with the perception of that part of reality that is currently in front of our eyes and affects them. Viewing only a small part of the environment often entails negative consequences. By turning the eyes, the head, the whole body, we get acquainted with all the surrounding reality available to the gaze.

In the sensory reflection of the situation, in addition to visual impressions, indications of the organs of smell, touch, as well as indications of the organ of hearing are involved. It is rightly emphasized that the main function of the hearing organ in humans is the perception of speech. Added to this is the perception of music. The importance of hearing in other respects is often downplayed and sometimes completely ignored. Such a view of the role of hearing has no serious grounds.

We will dwell in more detail on the role of hearing in the perception of the surrounding reality, so that it is more clear how much people lose if their hearing is affected. The perception of the environment through hearing, “listening”, gives a solid replenishment to the visually carried out familiarization with the environment.

There is never absolute peace in nature. But if there is movement, sounds inevitably arise. Sound waves arise and propagate in the air when any body vibrates.

Depending on the features of the objects, the sounds they make differ to a greater or lesser extent from one another, which makes it possible to recognize the object by sound.

We find out if a book or a knife has fallen off the table in the next room. Individual properties of objects are also reflected in the sound, for example, size: we recognize whether the fallen book was large or small, dropped a table or penknife. In addition to size, the material from which objects are made is recognized by sound, namely: cardboard, wood, metal, glass, etc. Important features of the internal structure appear in the sound, for example, the presence of cavities in an opaque object, the thickness of the walls. Defects in the object are detected in the sound (for example, a crack in a glass). Thus, the sound has a subject-cognitive value.

The sound emitted by an object turns out to be different depending on the distance separating us from the sound source. This allows not only to recognize the sounding object, but also to determine how far it is. Thanks to the special device of the auditory analyzer, namely the spatial separation of both auditory receptors located on two opposite sides of the head, we are able to perceive the direction of the sound source. Therefore, by hearing it is possible to determine the location of an object, in other words, to localize it in space.

Not only objects are known by ear, but also processes, phenomena and events: the operation of machines, the activities of people, the movement and movement of objects. It is wrong to think that we know only the peculiar sounds inherent in individual objects, processes, phenomena. We perceive the characteristic complex, diverse sound of the overall environment, for example: forest, field, seashore, factory, big city, etc.; we are able to analyze it and determine the presence of individual objects, their location, movement, and also recognize what kind of processes are taking place in the environment. Hearing can perceive many invisible objects. So, for example, not a single bird is visible in the forest during the day, but the spring hubbub not only testifies to their presence: it is a choir, where each voice sings its own special song, by which you can find out which bird it belongs to, which means which the birds are here.

So, the reality around us is reflected thanks to the sounds emanating from it much more fully than when perceived through sight alone. Sounds signal the presence of invisible objects and processes in the currently visually perceived area of ​​the environment.

The presence of sounds weakens the significance of the inevitable "fragmentation" of the review, which consists in the fact that each time the gaze captures only a part of the total environment that is in the so-called field of vision. Review is always carried out in parts and sequentially. Sounds can be perceived simultaneously. The visible piece of reality is replenished by objects located in currently invisible areas of the environment, but perceived by hearing. Thus, hearing contributes to a more complete, broad and integral reflection of the surrounding reality.

The significance of hearing is revealed when it is necessary to quickly respond to a sudden change in the environment, which is known first of all by sound. Without the perception of sound, a change in the surrounding world is sometimes not perceived until the last second, as a result of which difficult and even dangerous situations are created.

Not only sounds that arise independently of us, but also sounds generated by our activities, coming from objects with which we come into contact, are used by us to regulate our behavior.

Hearing consciously controls the work of a machine tool, a car, an airplane, a combine, since the nature of the sounds emitted by the mechanisms and their changes signal the processes taking place inside them.

Hearing eliminates the need to frequently survey the environment to determine if significant changes are occurring in parts that are not visible. When we are busy working in a quiet room, the auditory analyzer turns out to be like a "watchdog" analyzer. It reflects the changes taking place in a fairly wide environment, visually imperceptible at that time. These changes are recognized and taken into account, which makes it possible to respond immediately only to strictly special changes, to others - later, during a working pause, to others - much later, after the end of all work.

In a deaf person, hearing loss is compensated to some extent by the activity of intact analyzers: visual, tactile-vibrational, kinesthetic, etc. But in order for compensation to occur, special development of the corresponding types of perceptions is necessary.

(Printed according to the book: Psychology of deaf children / Under the editorship of I. M. Solovyov and others - M., 1971. - S. 36-38.)

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