Have you tried this potato? It's easy and simple to prepare, and it turns out great! To love a groom is easy and simple, but to love a husband - you need to learn them easily and simply.


18.03.2016 12:00:00

When falling in love comes, the girl thinks that this is the same love that will last forever in her life.

Then she marries her lover, and ... a year later (someone earlier, some later) her love passes. And, of course, because the love has passed, and the tomatoes have withered, the girl considers her husband guilty. Say, I was not lucky, my husband, unworthy of my love, got caught.

Is this really the case? Let's figure it out, and as an example, I will give a correspondence with one of our cadets. (Names and some personal details have naturally been changed).

"Hello, Oksana!
Thank you so much for your course, which helped me rethink a lot. I want to take the opportunity to ask a question for individual counseling.

Before I entered the course, my husband and I were on the verge of a divorce, almost did not communicate and lived separately. I didn't have love for him. In the process of my studying at the course, we began to get closer, began to talk about what we had not dared to say to each other for many years, there was a kind of confession to each other.

... I try to think a lot of good things about him and create his beautiful image. Relations have become much better, but I have no sexual attraction to him. Tell me, Oksana, how to create an attraction to her husband and how to win his trust now.

With gratitude and respect, Olesya.

Olesya, you need to identify the reasons that you are not attracted to your husband. To do this, answer yourself the question: for what reasons do you not consider your husband the best for yourself. There can be many reasons, describe each reason in one short sentence. There should be a sort of column of reasons.

"I do not consider my husband the best for me for the following reasons:
1. He is not manly enough.
2. He is not attractive enough in appearance.
3. He doesn't earn enough.
4. He devotes little time to our son and does not have a close trusting relationship with him.
5. He often takes offense at me, criticizes and recalls previous grievances. He is often pessimistic, like "everything is bad."

Those are the main reasons."

Yes, this is your husband.

Now think and write a list of its positive aspects.

After this work, sit down in front of these two lists and think about whether you can find a better husband for yourself. Really think about it. Weigh everything. Write two or three sentences about your thoughts. Write about the essence of the matter.

"I completed your task and realized that my husband has more positive qualities than negative ones. I am 35 years old, my son is 12 years old, and I can hardly find a better husband. My pride (ego) interferes with me. I perceive my husband worse, than he really is. I constantly dig into him, look for flaws in him, I think that I am such a "star" and deserve better. I used to think that this happens because of my lack of Love for him. I thought that when you love a person, you like everything about him. But after analyzing my life, I realized that this can be traced in all my relationships with men. When a man is unavailable, he is ideal for me. As soon as a man falls in love with me, I start digging into him and find flaws. Advise, Oksana, how to work on yourself."

This is a fairly common cause in women. In fact, this reason is just a delusion.

As long as a man is unavailable, he will certainly excite the thinking and, consequently, the feelings of a woman. And when he fell in love and cannot live without you, he immediately becomes available, and does not cause any excitement in thoughts and feelings, since there is no reason to worry. After all, he is near, at the foot, like a faithful dog, like a shadow. Right?

No, not right. It is important to simply remember that the cocktail of love will soon cease to be produced by the body, and this man from a faithful dog will become ordinary, again inaccessible. This is what needs to be taken care of, AS A MAN CAN NEVER BE FULLY AVAILABLE TO A WOMAN.

After all, there is always a chance that he will fall in love with another, which means there is a conflict, and there is something to think about. And also take care to create such a relationship with this man that he will value much more than casual relationships, which means he himself will not want to fall in love with some kind of flirtatious.

In fact, everything is fine with you, and it’s a sin to complain. You just need to understand that you are an adult woman, and not a little girl who was slipped an uninteresting toy, and now she is frustrated and does not know what to do.

To love the groom is easy and simple, but to love the husband - you need to learn.

"5. He often takes offense at me, criticizes and recalls previous grievances. He is often pessimistic, like "everything is bad"..."

Get a notebook in which you write down every evening all the good qualities of your husband. Praise him in writing. Do not show your notebook to your husband.

Make it a rule to give your husband a nice compliment at least once a day. You are a smart woman, and you can find a decent compliment that your husband will appreciate.

"... He devotes little time to our son and does not have a close trusting relationship with him ..."

Does he at least do something with your son sometimes?

Find it and praise your husband for being a good father. Believe me, many women do not have such opportunities and treasures in life that your husband gives you. Therefore, you are able to sincerely praise your husband for being a good father. You need to do this at least three times in half a month.

"3. He doesn't earn enough..."

For other women, the husbands do not bring wages at all, or even take something out of the house and drink it on drink. So rejoice! You are really lucky. Yes, many women will sob sincerely, seeing your success in life.

"1. He is not manly enough.
2. He is not attractive enough in appearance ... "

Talk to him sincerely, and tell him this:
"I like you, I need you, and I would like to be more excited at the sight of you. Therefore, please wear this" at home - I will be so happy! Well, at least once for me! Otherwise, this look of yours does not excite me so ..."

Believe me, a man also wants to look masculine and sexy for his wife. He just often does not know how this is done, or does not attach any importance to it, because, again, he does not know whether this is significant for his wife or not. So you need to give him the idea that his appearance matters to you, and your relationship will only benefit from this. And pick up a deodorant for him, etc. Well, you understand me :). The main thing - to find the right approach to her husband.

And the task:
Go with him, for example, to the cinema, and before the session, standing in line, look through the eyes of women who would dream of taking your husband into their arms, as he would satisfy them and excite them in all respects. After this operation, you will begin to look at your husband with different eyes.

Just treat this task with a little humor! It is important, but it must be performed without fanaticism, otherwise some women may develop a phobia from the fear of losing their missus :).

In two weeks, send a full report on the work done and the results obtained.

"Good afternoon, Oksana!
I completed your task and got positive results.

1. Every day I write down in my diary the good qualities of my husband and make compliments. Result: the relationship became much warmer, I discovered many positive qualities in my husband that I had not noticed before. My husband had a desire to become even better.

Sometimes the habit of focusing on shortcomings and being an unhappy wife works, but in time I notice this behind me and change my mood.

2. I tell my husband that he is a good father. Result: I began to spend much more time with my son and stopped picking on him over trifles.

3. She began to throw ideas about her business to her husband, stopped putting pressure on him and considering him a loser. Result: he began to look for additional income, the blues and depression passed, he began to make gifts, make joint plans. I tell him about my problems - and he immediately solves them.

4. I bought myself erotic lingerie, perfume with pheromones for my husband, began to show creativity and fantasy in sex - as a result, attraction increased. I realized that I myself create an atmosphere of intimate relationships. We are going on vacation together, and I want to arrange something like a honeymoon.

She completed tasks longer than necessary, because. my husband and I do not live together yet (he is with his parents, I am with mine), we have a so-called guest marriage, we go to visit each other for the weekend. We lived with his parents for 12 years, after which my son and I moved in with my mother (it came to a divorce), we have been living separately for 3 years, but now we plan to live together in a rented apartment.

Oksana, thank you so much for your wisdom. Sincerely, Olesya.

Olesya, I'm happy for you! But, of course, it is important for you to remember that this is only the first step on the way to a strong and eternal relationship with your husband. There is still no end to the work.

Why did it happen that you first lived with your husband's parents, and then left him?

Yes, of course you did not know that your husband can start earning more and provide for your family in a decent way. But now you know it, and you know that there are thousands of options in the world to increase your husband's income. It is enough even just to ask Yandex about them.

In addition, it is important to understand that the husband is the main protection of the family, and there is nothing wrong with the wife complaining to him about her problems in life and asking how these problems can be solved.

After all, you can sit quietly and peacefully and discuss your pressing problems without offense, and at the same time believe in your husband, understand that he can find a worthy solution to problems, and do and achieve results. Even if the husband does not speak smart thoughts and solutions the first time, it is important to simply believe in your husband that he will find the right source, read something, get advice from someone, and achieve the same result!

If a wife believes in her husband, he will certainly strive to justify this trust. The main thing here is the sincerity of the wife, her desire to believe, support ... Her ability to cooperate with her husband, and not demand from him what you don’t even believe in.

It is important for a woman to remember that in any conversation with her husband, he must understand that he is smart and strong, that they believe in him, that he is needed. And everything else doesn't matter. And what contradicts these truths is not true at all in family life.

Loving the groom is easy and simple, as the situation itself contributes to this. But to love her husband - here you need to be a really smart woman.

It is important to remember that falling in love and Love are two different things. Falling in love is given for a while, and, as a rule, lasts no more than a year. But Love is everyday work, this is the right tactic and strategy of family life.

If a wife consciously does something every day to strengthen Love in her family, Love will live in this family and will not leave it. And the husband will appreciate this relationship, and your union will be eternal.

If you just live and hope that love will never leave you and your union, because you are both so white and fluffy - one day you will inevitably find yourself with nothing.

After all, to love a husband is really necessary to manage. After all, the family is life, it is responsibility, it is an everyday routine, and here the husband still does not shave, then he has grown his stomach, then he said rudeness in a misunderstanding and male insensitivity ... Well, how can you love him? How is it possible to manage while maintaining bright feelings for your chosen one?

And the husband, like a mirror, reflects all the feelings of thought, and most importantly, the INTENTIONS of the wife. If a woman seeks to create the right Intentions for living together with her husband, they will manifest themselves in the husband himself. What goes around comes around...

Incredibly delicious and easy potato recipe for the holiday table!

Cooking is easy and simple, but it turns out great - hearty, fragrant, tasty, delicious.

I don’t need meat for such a dish - it turns out to be somehow self-sufficient, since the obligatory sauce of sour cream with herbs and garlic goes well with potatoes.

If desired, the sauce can be served separately, or you can immediately pour the potatoes - this way they are better saturated and do not come off at all - we ate that way, agreeing that the potatoes came out wonderful without much time spent :) I am sure that a beautifully decorated dish will become a favorite delicacy and at a cozy family dinner, and at a fun festive feast!


  • about 800 g of potatoes (or as many as fit in the pan);
  • 1-2 tbsp. l vegetable oil for frying.
  • 220 g of sour cream with a fat content of 25%;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 dec. l. topless salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. chopped fresh dill.

Have you tried this potato? Cooking is easy and simple, but it turns out great: a step by step recipe

  1. We cut the potatoes in half, and then cut them across into thin slices, but not completely, otherwise the potatoes will fall apart in the pan (I tried, but this does not affect the taste). As I already wrote, we take as many potatoes as the diameter of your pan allows (I have 26 cm and it was enough for two of us).
  2. Heat the pan along with the oil over medium heat (I have 6 out of 12). We put our potatoes cut down, wait about 1-2 minutes, then reduce the heat (I have 3-4) and cover with a lid. We are waiting for about 25-30 minutes. - do not open the lid! Yes, and you don’t need to salt it - the sauce will give us everything.
  3. The finished potato, when I removed the lid, looked like this - it was ruddy on the bottom, and on top it was either steamed, or stewed, or some other :)
  4. 4. While the potatoes were fried, prepare the sauce. Mix sour cream with salt, chopped dill, ground black pepper and squeezed garlic. Mix thoroughly and you're done.

Bon appetit!

On this page you will find the simplest recipes for dishes that are prepared, so to speak, in haste, very quickly, almost on the run. They are suitable for busy housewives, students who need a quick snack before lectures or bachelors, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Like, for example, this one is incredibly tasty, and it is prepared very simply and quickly!

The recipes are simple, easy to perform, even a beginner can handle them, novice housewives will also find the simplest recipes that I once started with very young and young, when I didn’t even know how to cook potatoes and scrambled eggs. Are we getting started?

Who does not know that beetroot is very beneficial for the body? But not many people know how to cook delicious salads with it. So, we combine, as they say, pleasant with useful, and feed the household with healthy, tasty food. Recipes, useful and simple,

Bright, tasty, simple, fast - this is how you can characterize this yummy. It is easy to prepare, eaten quickly, and the kids and husband will like it, and eat it yourself with pleasure. We recommend trying to bake this wonderful cake, you can pick up any berries.

Not only simple and tasty, but also very healthy salads with wild garlic you will definitely like it! A bunch of vitamins, freshness and lightness - what else does a body tired after winter need? I recommend to stop by and see how to cook them - everything is simple!

If you want to have a quick snack with a glass of tea or milk, or give your child a meal for school, you can make such airy sugar buns from yeast dough. It is very simple and fast, the recipe is easy and everyone can do it.

This soup, thick and hearty, Italians cook everywhere and in each province it has its own, even every Italian cook will cook it in his own way. But there are unchanging secrets of a real minestrone - find out now.

Let this cake look unattractive - but what a delicious one it is! And given that it is prepared very quickly and simply, and it turns out just wonderful, I strongly recommend that you cook it for breakfast for your household or for dinner. The simplest products, 19 minutes - and your cake is baked, another 20 minutes - and you are already eating it!

The slow cooker itself is a great helper and helps to save a lot of time in the kitchen and your work. Therefore, cooking in it is pleasant and easy, you can quickly, without bothering, cook a wonderful hearty breakfast in the morning or quickly feed your family in the afternoon. Meat with potatoes is just as easy to prepare - a minimum of effort, a piece of meat, carrots, potatoes, peppers - and you have an excellent tasty dish that will appeal to both children and adults.

These little cupcakes, called muffins (derived from an American dish), are delicious! They are prepared very simply, tasty, tender, for tea or a glass of milk for breakfast - a nice thing. Your kids will be happy to accept such simple pastries, and you can take them to work or school with you.

The easiest breakfast imaginable. Literally 10 minutes of time to cook croutons, brew tea - and that's it, you can have a hearty breakfast before a working day. All you need is a few pieces of bread, a piece of cheese and sausages, and a couple of eggs. And if there is no sausage and cheese, you still get a quick breakfast.

These apple pancakes with milk and sour cream, with the addition of cinnamon are delicious and tender, they are easy to prepare and eaten instantly! A great dish for breakfast, for a children's menu or for a snack with a cup of tea or a glass of milk. Recipe to watch

Many of us love delicious spicy crackers for beer, and kids generally carry this store-bought muck stuffed with harmful additives all the time. To avoid the harmful effects of all kinds of additives, you can easily cook crackers with any seasonings at home. Children can eat them. men will like them with beer, they can be used for pea soup. see the recipe

Do you love pasta like the Italians do? It is unlikely, however, that you can easily cook delicious homemade noodles or real Italian pasta with shrimp according to our recipes. tomatoes, zucchini and cheese. Don't believe?

We offer to consider 4 types of sandwiches - with sprat, grated potatoes, liver and bean pate. Simple, satisfying, tasty and not expensive, a great option for breakfast or dinner. Also, by adding a salad, you can successfully have a snack at lunch.

Smoothie recipes are quite easy to prepare, tasty and healthy. You just need to choose the right products, a couple of minutes - and a wonderful drink is ready! Kids will drink it with pleasure, and adults are unlikely to refuse such a delicacy.

The recipe for a simple pizza, tasty, quick to prepare, with inexpensive products. Cook for your household, they will be grateful to you, especially the kids love such dishes, please them. The dough recipe is not complicated, it is prepared quickly, very tasty, we recommend.

The preparation of such borscht is simple and does not take much time. The main thing is that the chicken does not turn out to be a pensioner, otherwise you will wait a long time for the borscht to be ready. In principle, if you don’t know how old you got the chicken, just boil it in advance so that you already have ready-made broth and almost ready-made meat for cooking borscht, then you will have time to feed your household for dinner.

Very tasty and quite simple preparation of chicken fillet, it turns out tender, juicy and tasty. Suitable for any side dish, be it mashed potatoes, buckwheat or rice porridge. Both kids and adults will love it.

The simplest of salads, with fresh cabbage, chopped greens, will suit any dish. healthy, juicy and tasty, will decorate any side dish. meat or fish.

This soup will immediately replace both the first and the second course. It is very easy to prepare, hearty and tasty, a great option for lunch. At the same time, it is not at all expensive and quickly prepared -

This dish is prepared quickly, very satisfying and tasty, you can feed your household with it for breakfast and lunch, and as a dinner it is also very suitable food. The products are the simplest, cooking does not take much time, and the result will certainly please.

The dish is quite simple, prepared quickly, takes little time, hearty and tasty. As a snack and even lunch, it is quite possible to apply and feed your household.

A wonderful quick breakfast when you need to run to work and need a bite to eat. It is prepared quickly, nutritious and healthy, I recommend trying such a simple breakfast option, you will definitely like it, and the kids will eat it with pleasure. The delicate taste of cheese, combined with fresh tomato and zucchini melting in your mouth, will not leave you indifferent!

Who doesn't love fragrant, fresh, tender and delicious pizza? Not many such people will be found! And when it is still cooked quickly, simply and easily, but it turns out very tasty - this suits us just right, right? Stock up on ready-made dough, and you can always whip up such a delicious pizza and please your loved ones with a wonderful dish. Shall we start?

This is a very simple chicken fillet recipe, it turns out delicious, juicy and fragrant, as Italian herbs are added (they are bought in bags in the store, ready-made). You can cook such a fillet as an independent dish, add a quick tomato salad or mashed potatoes, pasta, porridge of your choice to it, and a great dinner is ready - quickly and easily! Ready?

Such the simplest salad can be prepared in 5 minutes, and hearty feed the household. and the children will eat it with pleasure for breakfast, and the husband will not refuse. Quick, simple and satisfying - when there is no time and nothing essential at hand, it will certainly help you out! Simple and hearty salad recipe

Eggplants are tasty and healthy, dishes from them are excellent. I recommend cooking wonderful fried eggplants with garlic - quick, simple, not expensive and tasty. It doesn't take long at all, the recipe is simple, and the taste is excellent. .

Easy and simple about Magic Easy and Simple

True Magic is the miracles that flow from you. Like breathing.
Magic is the breath of Truth, the breath of the Real.
Simply and easily. Easier than easy, easier than ever.
Everything else is not Magic, not the Essence - sorcery, fragments, fragments of the Essence.

True Magic is not what you do to get something, but what you don't do to make things happen.
True Magic happens when you do nothing to make it happen.

True Magic is what happens when you do nothing to make it happen.
You don't make any effort.
Everything flows by itself, flows out of you like a breath.

Easy and Simple, I am the Space of Miracle, in which Miracles happen...

Alan League Easy and Simple

Magic Easy and Simple
Page 1

Tell about Magic?

Easily. If you are interested in such games.
I just warn you right away, I'll tell you Easy and Simple. Easier than easy, easier than ever. In fact.
Without howls, and other difficulties and eccentricities.

I'll tell you a secret, only you to anyone, okay: magicians perform complex rituals and other rubbish with one goal.
To hide from you that everything is Easy and Simple. Easier than easy, easier than ever.
Otherwise, there will be nothing to pay for.

It's like when I was a construction worker, we worked measuredly, without forcing events. Firstly, they were cheerful and cheerful, and secondly, which is not unimportant, the customer did not get the impression that he was being ripped off. They, with rare exceptions, are very sensitive to the fact that builders are also people and can earn real money.
- I wanted to become a millionaire in half an hour.
In such cases, I offered to change into a robe and earn the same amount. But as you understand, such remarks do not add friends, employers are not amused.

And one more introduction before we start.
PERCEIVE EVERYTHING YOU DO, incl. magic, AS A GAME. Aware of its boundlessness, the originality in which the game takes place, magic is created.
The game is for you, not the other way around.
So, Magic. Ma Gi Ya.
Literally: my energy, the energy of my "I".
Similarly, Ki Day is the energy for the day.

So, we're done with the theory.


I must say right away that right now you are using magic (your energy). Otherwise, there would be a gaping void around you, and you would be it. And she is you.
Everyone would be happy, because there would be no one.
But you are also the world around you, created by you and with the help of you. And also with your consent to accept it, described by someone in the way. (The word is, what a capacious “described” world, it’s good at least not ... but, okay).

Do not believe that you are an active participant in the process? Somehow you don’t really want to sign under what is happening, with your own name?
Don't worry, it's already been done for you. When you dare to put your signature, the world will suddenly be yours.

Where is the practice in what has been said? Here she is, dove:
The first and last thing a mage needs to know is:
MAGIC FOR HIM. Not vice versa.
First, everywhere, first you, then everything else.
Everything else follows you and is designed to focus your attention.

On what?
On target?

No. On you. Purpose helps to direct the focus of your attention to you.
All these magical passes, words, chants, inscriptions, lights and candles for the same.
If something distracts you from you, it's not magic, it's just mind wandering.

"Until the morning under the moon,
We wandered with you
Because with you, we are yeast.

The goal limits the space, and we redirect it to ourselves - to the living space. Focus on the unimaginable.

Conjuring little things is like picking up crumbs. It's awkward, dirty, time-consuming and shameful. Get dirty inside and out.
The universe looks at the beating dumbfounded.

If the universe has names, one of them is Abundance. Arrange your dwelling radically. Take YOUR.

So, you first.
And now the rest.

Now the magic stuff.
The technique that I present below is simple, accessible and understandable. And, most importantly, it is basic and will take you to a space where everything is easy and simple.
And most importantly, it is safe to use. By practicing it, you will be able to master the space favorable for magic, plus your even most deeply hidden behavioral motives will float to the surface and dissolve. And they, so you know, can really spoil the picture of what is shown by the magician, distort the intention and change the direction of the flow of energy.

Why am I saying all this? To make you feel relaxed and at ease.
Be easy. Nothing special happens.

On the left palm, write in large letters: I WANT. On the right: CAN.
Clap your hands, bringing them together. Lock in the castle.
And when I say fix it, it doesn't mean clutch it so that the knuckles turn white and the veins on the forehead swell. This means that everything connects, merges and easily touches one another, pleasantly and peacefully. Merging and touching in the unity of sensations.
Fingers between fingers. Large without cross, next to each other. Everything is easy, relaxed, peaceful.
Close your eyes. You will feel how Left and Right merge, I want and I can,
The hemispheres have merged into one, the focus of attention itself shifts to the level of the occipital cavity. No need to push, force. Everything will happen by itself. The focus of attention itself will begin to move, as soon as you feel how the hemispheres merge.
Stay in this state while it is easy and simple, comfortable and fun for you.

By the way, are you smiling? No!!!
Well, everything is gone, everything is ruined!!!

Relax. Everything that could be “spoiled”, we spoiled. It was worth it to be broken. To make it disappear, evaporate.
And I repeat. Do not be loaded with techniques, do not bother yourself. Remember: they are for you, not vice versa.
Let everything flow easily and simply.

For fans of justifications. He himself was like that. Or maybe he stayed. To get to the bottom of it.
I explain what is happening. Step by step. Boring and detailed.

The left hand corresponds to the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for creativity, revelation, the unknown. A kind of untapped potential. A clean slate that knows nothing about restrictions.
The right hand corresponds to the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the accumulation, storage and logical (linear) use of information. Manifested and fixed. Completed Installation. This is a kind of hard disk with a database, software. All kinds of programs, incl. office, security, anti-virus, multimedia, test. Programs responsible for communicating outside (in the Internet space). All sorts of utilities, drivers, codecs, archivers. Archive and library, managers (managers), catalog of links, codes, tolerances and prohibitions. There are a lot of things that help (how effectively, the question is another) to play all our games in the world.
On the left palm (a clean sheet of unmanifested potential), we write with the right hand (responsible for the manifested, we establish): “I WANT” (the usual term of logic).
On the right palm (program sheet), with the left hand (responsible for the unmanifested, indisputable) we enter the command: “I CAN” (the usual term for potential).

What have we done? Designated, adjusted, cleared passages, ways, confluence channels.
With cotton, like a starter, we give a spark, we light it.
The energy of the sides begins to move and merge together when we easily and relaxedly join our hands in a lock. Fingers between fingers. Large parallel to each other.
When you close your eyes, the outside world disappears. The focus of attention shifts inward, to the hemispheres of the brain, then merging them into one, to the region of the occipital notch. And behind him, as if following a pointer, the energy immediately moves.
Being in the permission of what is happening, you do not interfere, out of habit of the separated mind,
Natural Manifestation of the Primordial.
You are in this comfortable state as long as it is comfortable and easy for you. Until you are naturally swept away by the current.
Now you can often enter this state where everything is Easy and Simple. Easier than easy, easier than ever. This is the natural state.
Now that the commands are written in the mind, writing on the palms is not necessary, as well as clapping. It is enough to put your fingers in the lock and watch relaxed. Staying in comfort, ease and simplicity of yourself.
The focus of attention can shift below the occipital notch and go deep into the abdomen. Everything is fine. It will happen on its own. You don't have to push. The key is in allowing. Not in the place of stay, but in the stay itself, relaxed and natural.

By the way, in the course of practice, you will develop the ability to feel your own imagination, as already existing and manifesting right now. You can, if necessary, mentally do Ho - Mo.

Merging fingers into a lock or palm to palm, and to this day, religions are practiced without explaining what is happening. They simply recommend turning to God, begging for handouts. Let's not rush to give instructions to strangers. It's small and doesn't work right now.
More than enough joining hands. In a prayer gesture, the chakras (energy windows) located in the middle of the palms touch, merge into a common energy field.
In the light of the new energies, this magical technique is very powerful. Its effectiveness is shocking.
In general, trust your palms. You can cover your eyes or ears with them, or apply to the place where the pain is. Their energy is yours. It flows freely through the channels of your body, cleansing them and rejuvenating. She creates light and simple things that are considered miracles.

Magic Easy and Simple Page 2

Why do we need all this?

Yes, in general, and why not.

Why do we need to do something when EVERYTHING ALREADY IS in the world?!
Why play your favorite game when everything is available, any games? When the variety is limitless.
Probably because she is loved.
And not why, but because ... Then, that you like to play it, that's all.

For example, I draw strength from the Primordial. I, as if, the Origin is. But the image is the one that everyone calls and knows as Alan League, lives, plays, speaks. And it's me who lives and plays it. And this is what I tell them.
I support and feed. So that he could live, play and speak.
And, in fact, it's fine without it. But it's so cool and real with him.
He himself is like a Child's Dream.
And, if the world doesn't need She, then it's time for the world to remember that it was started by the Dream.
And if the world is suddenly bleak to dream, there is no Life left in it.
Time to die.

Untying knots.
What you are chasing is running away from you. What you run from - catches up.
We, by the habit of the mind, divide everything into miracles and the ordinary.
"Yes, it's cool!" "And this is routine, sucks."
One is running us, the other is chasing us.
And what I'm talking about is not philosophy, not cleverness, not posturing, and not even a desire to show off literary talents.

Practice. Clean, naked, efficient.

The moment you accept everything as a miracle, the ordinary disappears.
And in the absence of everyday life, miracles disappear as opposites of each other.
As complementaries, the magical and the ordinary merge into one, presence and absence, at the same time.
And what is considered to be miracles ceases to be something transcendent and distant. And it becomes easy and simple.

What is needed for this?

That's where you got it.
The scheme of manipulation is the oldest: "Get interested and put forward conditions."
Do you think I secretly expect something from you, and gradually quietly extort.
Good same you about me opinion!

Okay, morning stingy tear and answer.
Suns, right now what surrounds you is created by you and with your help.
When you feel this in your gut, you will begin to live like a Magician. Also teach me something.
And, perhaps, you will laugh: - Everything is so easy and simple, but here he piled up - heaped up, weaved lace ...

If you do I want - Moguha, and it suits you, the clarity of awareness flows into your light and without any words everything becomes clear.
Simply and easily.

Time for new tricks.

Every game has rules.
Even if you are playing a game without rules.
This one mention becomes the rule.
Rules are eaten away, become a habit. They leave their mark.

What am I trying to achieve by slow presentation of the material?

I assist you in clearing your living space. Right now it is cluttered with all sorts of programs, stereotypes, restrictions.

Believe me, I will not delay you for a minute in your quest to master magic.
By doing this earlier, you quickly get rid of the excess.
In free, empty space, everything is in the subject, everything is original.

And then you are ready for any games.
And the rules are no longer restrictions.
They will become for you the railing of the bridge leading to yours.

New trick. Curtain exit.

Getting out of the bubble. We open the curtain.

You may have come across this word "veil" before.
Say, there is a certain veil that separates us from hell knows what, but something fucking, compared to the hell we are in.
And all mystics and seekers do not sleep at night - everyone is looking for a way out of it. They sleep and see how to make a hole in it and break free.
Mystics do not sleep and seek. And seekers sleep and see. Or vice versa.

The notorious mystical veil is an ordinary “bubble” of thought forms surrounding everyone. Thought forms are constantly created by the restless mind.
It was programmed that way, there's nothing you can do about it. Yes, and you don't have to. We have already made clear that we are not. We are not this computer.

If the child is carefully placed with toys so that it is not visible, it is quite possible that it will not be visible.
Although the child is still among teddy bears, cars and baby books. In the very middle.
Let's take it out of there.

With the help of Ho - Mo, we clear the space, those very toys fly in different directions - freedom for children!
Now plus to this, from time to time, we will exit the bubble.
Do not be afraid to get out of it for good and find yourself in a vacuum.

It is quite possible that when you go beyond its limits, you will not want to return.
But then, out of habit, thoughts will again surround you and weave around in a veil - a bubble.
It doesn't matter, now you will have something priceless.
You have known, remembered the taste of Reality. And now, you are a Mage.
Everything else is a matter of practice.

Now it will be easier and easier to get out into the Real.

So let's go?!

Let's do Ho-Mo...
… Now open your arms. Let, for example, lie on your knees.

Being at rest and balance, we feel our presence inside the abdomen.
We feel the whole body as a whole and separately, at the same time.

Now we feel a slight heaviness in the index fingers. It's like they are pulsing with energy.

And now one of them begins smooth rotational movements clockwise. You clearly feel that he is in something pleasant and alive, as if in a woman's womb.

Here you can stop reading and neigh in unison, that the horses.
Well, I don't know any other comparison, for that lively and embracing feeling that a finger experiences.
If I were a poet with a capital "P", I would say that this is the Bosom of the Primordial, the Cradle of all manifestations.

And so, I will easily and simply express myself: Nothing more alive simply does not exist. This is Life itself.

We continue.
The finger rotates. Easily increase the radius of rotation, now the whole arm is involved. You can help another by fixing the edge of the expanding hole with it, as if preventing it from narrowing.
When you feel that the passage is large enough to exit the bubble, "put on" the hole on yourself.
If through the head - easily and simply stepping over, go beyond its edges.
If through the legs - it is easy and simple, releasing the bubble itself from the hands.

It was easy, of course, to leave him.

What you feel is beyond words.

Now, at the first opportunity, you will go outside, into the Real, staying in it longer and filled with the Unexplored.

Now that the exit principle is clear, you can come up with your own method that is more acceptable to you.

For example, this exit to the Real can be put on the head like a crown. The crown is a symbol of the openness of its owner in front of Heaven, Cosmos, Reality.

The main thing is that from now on you are not reachable for this world. You are not under it, not above it.
You are outside of it. He is part of you. Not vice versa.

See you next time.
Good luck to you, Happiness and Love!

Magic Easy and Simple Page 3

If everything is as easy and simple as you say, why did it take so long to learn magic? ... Any training is laborious. All history confirms this.

Okay, let's have a Brief History Review.
History of Magic.

To see clearly in the fog of thoughts
Enough to stop your mind for a moment...

What will it give you if I say that for the manifestation of the Inmost, it is enough for the mind to shut up for a moment?

All Esotericism, all kinds of schools, religions and directions, Masters, teachers, gurus, seekers, ages, ages, ages - all just to allow, to allow oneself the only gesture - to see Something beyond the mind.
And this is all, in principle, for those who are tired of the world. For those who decide to leave it, say goodbye to it.
For those who fearlessly rejected the canons. For those who are ready to die in order to LIVE, beyond birth and death.

So much time and effort with clarity of purpose and complete dedication. Without distraction to anything else, full concentration, bordering on fanaticism.

People who were in love with the World went to Magic, who wanted to play it and receive all the benefits and pleasures. Ready to play boldly, not by the rules. Drawn by the thirst for the World and enchanted by the brilliance of its toys.

And it was extremely difficult for them to explain what the seekers spent their whole lives on.
Yes, and they would not have listened to any ranting—those who were impatiently hankering for results. Those who, like a horse, hoofed in anticipation of easy and simple, in their opinion, ways to get what they want.

The task of the Teachers - Mages was simple:
Captivate, demonstrating their power, again.
To divert the student's mind from the everyday perception of the world - a perception that is far from the boundless, all-permissive perception of the world of the Magician. - Two.

For this, the mind was loaded, like a camel, with all sorts of near-magical things:
- candles, spells, pentagrams, balls, stars, recipes, rituals...

Magicians Saw the Real, were Real, created in the Real. Like brilliant artists and musicians, they manifested in Emptiness and Silence, Strokes and Pictures, consonant with the Primordial, Images emphasizing Its Originality.

The disciple, enthusiastically carrying out all the orders of the Magician, directed his mind to the exact, scrupulous fulfillment of the prescribed magical requirements.
Over and over again, allegedly making mistakes, in unsuccessful attempts, he repeated the ritual more and more insistently.

At some point, the mind faltered, lost control, captured by all the attention on the action being performed.
Staying in the here and now, the student suddenly found himself an observer.

I saw, from the outside, a fussy, concentrated creature, which he used to consider himself to be.
I saw a mental stream flowing as a separate manifestation - the mind, and realized that it was not it.
I saw a haze of emotions over the creature, tightly enveloping it like fog.
Impenetrable before and so funny now.

Laughter was reflected in flasks and retorts, vibrated the walls, carried away the remnants of illusions.
Laughter of the Primordial.
This Moment became a turning point in the history of the Manifested Magician.
The impossible ceased to exist.

The Teacher hugged the Awakened One and probably shed happy tears.
Now the Mage had to learn about His boundless Possibilities.

He was surprised to learn that it was possible to make rain, and he called it.
Before that, the idea had simply never occurred to him.
- What else can you try? So, grow a pear tree. Good idea. Pears will come in handy ...

The same students who failed after failure decided on an act, from which they were strictly warned by the Magicians - they turned for protection to various manifestations, the so-called. forces.

That was the end of the magic for them. Because something else was about to begin.
Miracles on loan.

When they create for you, using Your Power. When they allow, they do not interfere with the fulfillment of desires imposed on you.
And then not immediately.
After you humiliate Your Originality.
Recognize dependency and weakness.

Those forces, whose conductors the retreated became, rigidly dictated their conditions.
Now those who turned were losing their freedom, becoming dependent, and doing the will of others.

They opened their schools in order to taste fame, honor and wealth.
And they did not forgive the Mages their Freedom and Happiness.

Magicians were in no hurry to indulge the delusional whims - the desires of the crowd.
Followers - those who dressed themselves up as Mages, pretended to be them, willingly took up any proposals - orders that promised profit, profit and glory.
They gained fame, power and weight.
In the world they grew, spreading the power of their leading egregors - phantoms, and filled the world with dependence on phantoms.
And the world, like them, became more and more weighty and more and more difficult.

The followers were understandable and accessible to the crowd.
And the Magicians frightened corrupted minds with their transcendence. And whims were not fulfilled.

Thus, the knowledge and directions of the Winged were expanding, and Magic lived in the shadows.
Out of the world, out of the mind, out of words and explanations.

The Middle Ages crippled the witchcraft of the Slaves. Sensing the change, many have changed the "roof".
The former idols were replaced by other forces and phantoms. They were sworn allegiance by a considerable number of the Followers.

And Christianity flourished with bonfires of torture.
Everything that was alive was expelled from the planet in a hurry. The priceless was lost, forgotten.
All Childish, Living, Easy, Simple.

Pieces and pieces have come down to us.
Teachings of the schools of the Slaves.

And before, even full ones, they were ridiculous, heavy.
Now it's all rubbish.
Now all the old techniques and sorcery, empty pampering.
They don't have drinks.

All in a rustle are old sorcerers.
They do everything too.
Something ugly comes out.
With a powerful return and a reaction to evil deeds.

It's all about the News of Energies.
Such New They.

Today's Energies are like water. Playful, joyful, light and simple.
Having typed water in your palms, you will quench your thirst, give water to drink and wash the world.
Spray playfully, or douse like a bucket.

Before the energies were like stones, then pebbles, then sand.
They could do some damage.
Hit, injure, powder the eyes.

The pressure of water can be knocked down, but it will not hurt.
Wrong composition of energy.
Lightweight and lively.
Clean and Cheerful.

Why were the energies of a heavy and complex plan earlier, and now they are so light and simple, after all, the Energy is One?!!

This can be clearly seen from the standpoint of the change in the magnetic grid of the planet, which scientists are talking about.
Imagine small windows of the lattice, through which thin streams of Energy break through.
Passing through the energy layers inherent in the planet and its inhabitants, the Energy becomes colored and loses its original transparency.
As if water passing through dry gypsum hardens and becomes heavier.

The prison is now destroyed.
Now the windows are wide open. All the doors are not even open, literally torn off their hinges.
And the walls are all in holes, breaches.

Yes, the Children do not be stingy and do not joke, when She wants to joke and rejoice!

And in the light of newly discovered events, the evil aspiration and witchcraft manifestation are irrelevant. The payoff is too great.
And actually everything is Easy, Simple.
Everything Childish and Naughty.


Well, okay, not yet. Here is the practice.

Erase - dissolve faces, surfaces - boundaries
We merge everything together, inside - outside.

I'm not saying relax. It is worth saying this, everyone is tense together.

Rest in peace.

Now the impossible remains a little.

Go through walls, for example.
Through any seemingly insurmountable, from the usual point of view, obstacles.

What, did not melt?!

Then they will melt for sure, on the next page.

Magic Easy and Simple Page 4

The hands feel separate because they have been trained to be extensions of the mind. And the mind soars in transcendental heights or crawls along the bottom, and it doesn’t care about the body.

He is a social fosterling, not Life, but a series of ideas about Life.
Not the best.
One of them is about isolation of you from Life.
As if you are not Life, but something on the side.

The idea that you are isolated from Life creates a kind of virtual bubble, which you begin to consider yourself to be. A bubble limited in its possibilities and vulnerable to the Whole, which is now perceived as a hostile environment.

Now you are busy with how to evade the energies of Life, calling them blows of fate. Now you are cut off from the universal nourishment, ubiquitous and natural. You are in a vacuum tank, greedily crouched to the crack.

Now, you're preoccupied solely with self-defense - saving the bubble. Instead of receiving easily, you are forced, with all the ensuing difficulties and energy costs, to run away.

Instead of merging with the supply streams, embedding into them and allowing them to embed into you, you are forced to tear out pieces and digest hard.

What you have been taught, the doctrine of the agony of the body. Agony as a result of purposeful actions, called: tradition.

So, Erase - dissolve faces, surfaces, boundaries.
We merge everything together: inside - outside.

It is more convenient to do this while lying on your back.

Rest in peace.
Place your palms on your chest, stomach, so that you are comfortable and comfortable.

Let your palms, easily and simply, go inside the body. Get into the body.
Don't push.
Watch relaxed.
Slightly, in between.
Allowing everything to happen.
Simply and easily.

The first thing you will notice when you come to a balanced, peaceful state is the separateness of manifestations.
Hands apart, body apart.
Like a chest with a stomach, and hands are separate, as if they are not united, as if they are different creatures.
It seems that the borders they face do not let in.

Why is the body, as if not united, scattered?
Who cares.
We continue to watch.
The answer is simple: surfaces collide, touch.
Unity in the Deep.

Consciously relax your hands, release them.
You will notice that they are fluid. Spread over the surface of the abdomen, chest.
Now the rest of the chest, stomach.
Like water, elastic and pliable, at the same time.

The observed weakening, but still present resistance is a conflict, a collision of your Energy Image with the Energy Image of the World, the General Energy Picture.
That notorious "This is separate - I, mine" and "This is separate - everything else, someone else's."

Enjoy this resistance and continue to float in peace and tranquility.
It is so funny, so funny, this resistance to the world. As if it could save, protect.

Observe how, as you inhale, the hands seem to slip into the body, and as you exhale, slightly out. No need to visualize, invent, escalate.

Slightly, in between.
Allowing everything to happen.
Simply and easily.

Relaxed and serene.
And suddenly, you will find: Your hands are inside your body.
There are no boundaries or barriers.
You are permeable and penetrating.

You are fluid and powerful.
Now the impossible remains a little. Exactly as much as you want.

You try penetration wherever you want. Head, legs, back... Now the hands are penetrating all over your body.
You try with what is outside the body and penetrate easily and simply.
You try, try, try...

Now you can easily and simply heal yourself, animals and people.
Pass through any seemingly insurmountable, from the usual point of view, obstacles and freely pass through any things. Pass through walls, for example, meet with emptiness or absorb the force of an impact.
Move to any distance.
You can easily change your appearance-image due to the fluidity of manifestation forms.

And, importantly, your invented edges and boundaries have melted away.
Disappeared separateness, separation of images. Yours, Mirsky.
All images disappear as a basis.

Reality opens up. You.
And being this Reality, you see all the images as manifestations of Yourself, the Primordial.
Questions of faith are ridiculous and absurd.
You see.
You know.
You are this Vision and Knowledge of Yourself.
You are yourself.
Now, You and Your Power, the One Essence,

You are both Mage and Magic.

The Possible – The Impossible has disappeared.
You are Everything That Can Be.
And that from where everything comes and goes.

Good luck to us all, happiness and love!

Magic Easy and Simple Page 5

Magic tongue twisters, chants and sayings Easy and Simple

As an introduction, my response to a poem with a clear magical focus.
Here I quote it, because of the brightness of the description of the subsequent material.

… Sunny, what you have done is also called magical writing.
When the first line is equal to the extreme, the edges are erased and the movement of the verse does not stop from the moment it is started.
Likewise, event generation is possible.
Willingly or unconsciously, you triggered this mechanism.

Also dedicated to a friend.
If in awareness and with a clear goal, you have made this masterpiece, then everything is in order.
You are strong, play by strength.
By your will - your games
And it's not for me to choose games for you.

(In his poems)
You both slip and hit mirrors while playing. You turn into a snowstorm, and obstacles are being repaired for you. Everything is just a game, when you are aware of the game, it is beautiful.
Otherwise, those obsessions of the mind appear obstinately in the world. And the mirrors of the World fill us with an incomprehensible reflection.
The tired rhythm of the twitching of the mind.

And we are at a loss and in doubt, we wander through life, humiliating ourselves and mourning.

I hope you are playing as a joke and not involved in the creation of a ghost.
And, by the way, why creation is not a game?!
Good luck and Happy Flying!

Alan League. Simply and easily

I don't use spells.
Expensive this pleasure and already inefficient. fraught.
If you're interested, I'll let you know.
But no, without the vague, we can easily and simply manage.

In short, I will say: by uttering a spell, you jam, figuratively speaking, the Universal mechanism, stand in the way of the world order.
For fans of extreme sports, it’s hard to think of a cooler one.
Here we will not zkstrimalyatsya.

And let's do joyful pranks of Magic Easy and Simple.
So, let's begin.

Little advice and wishes.
Don't be discouraged if your rhymes are awkward at first. What matters is what they give you.
A little roughness in the subject.

What is the point of mantras, all kinds of religious chants - they are smooth as silk.
It is so wonderful to touch their caressing forms. They are attractive, like soft toys, all sorts of plush animals.

What is the return? They lull, lull the mind.
It would seem that this is what we are looking for.
Something so that the mind does not interfere, advance the intention.

So it is.

Yes, no matter how.

After falling asleep, the mind is in a blackout, in the mode of recording any information that comes uncontrollably from your gurus. No one is standing in their way.

Good or bad, decide for yourself.
From myself I will say: teddy bears are soft at first, and your kisses are so funny, and the tears shed on their fluffy bodies are so touching.
Until you start to feel sick from the rotten plush.

The magic of tunes - sayings pacifies the mind, and their slight roughness, like the rustle of sand on sand in a river stream, maintains your vigilance easily and simply.
It's just on topic.

Then you are a peaceful, hushed and conscious Kid. Mag, basically.


1. Consider affirmative, favorable chants

It is better to write them yourself. So you can once again express your innermost.
Although, if the lines fit, what does authorship matter?! Ultimately, it is one: the Primordial.

Ask a question:
What do the lines you write awaken in you?
If there is peace, joy, warmth, feelings of happiness, delight, a surge of strength, then they suit you.
They are yours.

What else?
Presence assertion with tongue twisters, like quotation marks. We highlight what is now the focus of our attention.

The world is like a novel. The quotation marks in it are a selection pointer, a quote.
Now you say it over and over again. Now this is your home, temporary shelter, your favorite playground.

The statement is made in a positive way. Without "not", "no".
Better not to use them here. Or, let's say: "dispense without negation." For practice.
Avoid negative words. Without antonyms - words that contradict each other in logic and notorious meaning.
Examples of erroneous spelling:
Bad, back off. Ugly, go away, etc.

When verbalizing (in pronouncing the deed), what was said literally appears.
Examples of short phrases:
I dance and sing. I live very happily.

The start and end lines are the same.
Like the Primordial, where the beginning and the end are one. Present and absent at the same time.

In practical application, you will feel as if, having finished reading or singing the last line, you are already reading or singing the second.
Do not quit in the middle, read up. And then, even after reading - having sung to the end, it suddenly turns out - you end with the beginning.
Thus, the Living Lives in the Magic without ending.
It now moves in circular channels marked by the focus of our attention.

Everything is easy for me
I'm having fun, having fun
Get rich and laugh.
Everything is easy for me...

Everything is easy for me
I fly, I want
I have fun how I want
Everything is easy for me

Everything is easy for me
I laugh, I want
Because I want to.
Everything is easy for me

How good is my life
I'm slowly walking around the world
And rejoices, the soul laughs
How good is my life...

Countless kisses to us!!!
Life shines from passionate kisses.
And there is no moment more beautiful
When there is no place for thoughts and words.
Countless kisses to us!!!

2. Chants, tongue twisters - question questions
Everything is clear here, we do everything, as above, only in the form of a question.

Oh why am I like this
Young - Naughty
Strong - Mighty?!

Oh why am I like this
Young - Naughty?!
Bold - Skillful
Like a ripe cherry?!

Oh why am I like this
Young - Naughty?!...

3. Chants - sayings of farewell and greetings

These are repression tongue twisters. In the course of repression, there is a background acceptance of the fact of hostility and its release.

Bad off. Happiness manifest.

Hurry go away. Find me fun.

Go away dirt - water, go away and trouble. Fresh water erodes the banks (do not leave, for example, the first line. The second is desirable).

Go away, tight - sadness. I don't feel sorry for you at all. Come Joy and Laughter, Abundance, Success.
- I will say goodbye with sadness and send a parcel post. And, from now on, I am filled with Delight and Love.
- I let go of the confusion and importunity of desire. Happiness I meet - welcome. I'm surprised, I shake my head

4. Now about the chants and sayings of the exception
At first, it is advisable not to write them yourself, to use only those from which, as if everything comes to life inside you. Once you get the taste, you will be fine.

Let me give you a chant, so it will be easier to understand.

Will I love?
Magic song - reading room - reading room

Oh, lyuli lyuli
Oh, do I love
Will I love?

Without estates
Without calculation

Without hints
No reproaches
No report.

No questions
No answers

Without interrogations
Without advice
Wounds of the heart

Without a doubt
without suffering

No worries

Oh, lyuli lyuli
Oh, do I love
Will I love?

Without vows
Without exercises
without supervision

Without prohibitions
No torment
No shame

No offense
No punishment
No goodbyes

Without prayers
No instructions

And without nonsense
without contention
without suffering

Without a doubt

Oh, lyuli lyuli
Oh, do I love
Will I love?

We noticed that everything flows in the form of a question. Once.
Used "without". Two.

And there are plenty of things that you would like to do without.
There are so many unpleasant things for you that, singing all this, one could more than collect this “good” for years to come, if it weren’t for ... Your question: “Will I fall in love?”.

There is simply no contradiction.
Love is Primordial and means the absence of all these things.
And each "without ..." you indicate this.

You seem to be expanding your own horizons. You accept everything as it is and, looking at the Seeking One, bypass the rest easily and simply. Naturally.

Imagine, you saw a person close in spirit.
What's happening?
You only see him. Everything else is out of focus, merges with the background, does not distract, is not perceived as an obstacle. You are looking forward to your loved one.
Like a stream, going around and around.
You glow and everything around seems to part favorably.
Natural and natural.

5. Chants - amulets for your pets

I'll pinch your belly and paws
So that no one nasty sticks to you.
I will spit on the ears so that the flies do not bite.
I squeeze, I tickle
And whisper good luck.

Now I have aquarium fish. They also got from my poetic cornucopia:
I'll pinch your fins
For the tail, dorsal and babies.

Of course, no one is going to pinch anyone. Just saying these rhymes is fun and funny for some reason. They instantly refocus attention on funny sectors.
Hens and roosters
I will pinch your feathers and combs.

6. Chants, tongue twisters, sayings in the form of blessings to others

Joking adds power to what is said.
Opens you and the one to whom the appeal.
Streams will easily and simply pour into this open window, following the message of the wish.

Good luck to you, smiles of the world
Plus a comfortable apartment.

7. Here I will give the technique of Merging and Dissolving. Presence and Absence, Instantaneous and Transient. Farewell Technique

Use it effectively when you have already played enough to stupefy, to the point of nausea.
If you are passionate about earthly games, this will not work for you.

This is how you would gamble, say, in football. And here is your mother. He calls you: "Son, it's time to go home."

You are annoyed that you have been torn away from your favorite game. You are embarrassed by this "son", this "it's time". YOU WANT TO PLAY!!!

And mother to you: "It's just a stupid game, son." And she begins to explain how stupid, in her opinion, this football is fun: - You are all dirty, your knees are broken ...
And you are ready to scream from injustice and despair.

So this is your mom. You will forgive her a lot.
She's an adult, it's almost sick ...
But, after all, MOM!!!

And now, imagine: not my mother, but I draw myself like that.
I call you home.
I'm starting...
Can you imagine your reaction?!

This technique is combined with eye magic.
Those. each line accompanies certain eye movements. It is given in full in the Eye Magic chapter. Here I am citing only the verbal part.

I am the height.
I am the bottom, the depth.

I am right, right.
I'm left, laughter.

I am far.
I am near.
I am a stone.
I am slime.

I am in front.
I am the back.
I am sinful.
I am holy.

I am silence.
I am sound.
I'm wolf.
I am a shepherd

I am will.
I am a prisoner.
I am alive.
I am rot.

I am darkness.
I am the light.
I am everything.
I'm gone.

Did you notice the word "no"? It is allowed, after all, we are talking about the Whole, where presence and absence are the essence of one.
Here we do not assert anything, we observe the merger of the so-called. opposites.

We remove ourselves as an obstacle.
I will remain.
Unhindered, Boundless, Boundless.

While everything…

And finally, one wish:
Don't try to harm anyone with this technique.
This is a tricky business, and the consequences are unpredictable.

Good luck to you, suns, Magic Fun!!!

Alan League Easy and Simple

Choose your meat carefully!
Since today it is difficult to find quality meat in which you can be 100% sure, it is recommended to use salted or fried meat. Raw meat can only be used if its quality and origin are known for certain.

Beef, pulp - 1 kg
Dry garlic - 4 tsp (20 gr.)
Salt - 4 tsp
Coriander - 4 tsp
A mixture of ground pepper - 2 tsp.
Paprika - 5 tsp (25 gr.)
Ground cayenne pepper - 2 tsp (sharper??? - put 4 tsp)
A mixture of "Italian herbs" - 2 tsp.
Sugar - 2 tsp


1. First you need to prepare a marinade mixture by combining salt, sugar, dry garlic coriander, a mixture of black pepper, paprika, cayenne pepper, herbs of Provence (basil and oregano). Coriander is better to mash a little, for a greater transfer of taste to the meat.

2. Cut the meat into long strips 5 cm wide and no more than 3 cm thick.

3. The meat must be dumped in spices and left under pressure for 4 hours no more.

4. String each piece on a thread (wire) and hang to dry for 3 days in the refrigerator. Install forced ventilation (for example, a USB fan). To remove excess moisture, place a bowl with 2 kg of salt in the refrigerator (if you have NOFROST? you can do without salt).

Serve with foam.

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