Shuffle dancing firefighters. Shuffle Lessons for Beginners: Free Self-Study Videos


Shuffle (Shuffle) is a dance style originally from Australia, it’s rather difficult to say exactly when it appeared, but traditionally its appearance is associated with the Rave party of the late 80s, when acid house and techno played in the clubs of Melbourne for the first time, then dancing to acid, club music they didn’t know how and people began to mix hard step with such styles as: popping, breaking, mining, etc. As a result, a new dance direction appeared - Melbourne shuffle (Melbourne shuffle).

It was danced, as a rule, only in clubs, in which talcum powder was often sprinkled on the floor specifically for this purpose to increase slip. But the spectacle itself, when the talcum powder from hundreds of kicks rose above the dance floor and people literally slid waist-deep in smoke is impossible to put into words, it was a rave, and people felt it when they came to Australia.

Yes, it was a rave direction in dance, it was not created for the streets and competitions, but in order to blow up the dance floors and dissolve in the dance, everything from clothes and hairstyles to dance styles literally screams about it.

But still, let's try to highlight the main styles that professional shufflers usually talk about:

Australia Style (AUS) - the main, very first direction of the Shuffle, popular even today, there are such types as Hard style (most popular, the body is slightly inclined), Soft (the body is straight, sliding prevails over blows), New School (the body is straight, a lot slips, hand work), Old School (soft style, hands and body are almost not used), Pure (Instead of Running Men, only Teshka is used).

Malaysia Style (MAS) - Appeared later in Malaysia and quickly began to develop. They are also divided into SOFT (soft, only hands work, without body), HARD (hard, body and hands work constantly), STOMP (body is tilted), PURE (T is used instead of RM, jumps and spins are used), OLDSCHOOL (RM is done on the heels, T is not done 3-4 times, as in other styles, but 7 or more)

Today, shuffle is promoted by DJs of various clubs, as well as party-goers from various countries. Shuffle is a rather diverse dance, and each dancer can bring in his own elements, which makes it very bright, inimitable and unique.

Shuffle dance is a modern dance style that has spread thanks to Instagram and Youtube. The nature of the shuffle is similar to other club dances: locking, popping, break, house, hip-hop. It is based on simple movements that anyone can learn in a matter of minutes.

ALL ONLINE COURSES have selected free video lessons for practicing at home, which will help beginners master the shuffle dance on their own, and advanced learn new movements.


Shuffle originated in the 80s in Australia based on jazz music. Initially, acid house appeared on the underground scene, which marked the beginning of two offshoots: shuffling and back-step. Thanks to the party-goers, the first one immediately became popular in nightclubs and rave parties, discos and concerts. First they performed under techno, then under house and trance. With the advent of the internet, style is taking over the world. Schools appear, annual competitions are held. Each dancer brings his own style to the direction.

Distinctive features

Translated from English, shuffle means to shuffle on the floor. From the outside, it looks like a set of vigorous leg movements (hops), interspersed with sliding slots, reminiscent of Michael Jackson's "moonwalk". Thanks to the last technique, the impression of soaring and weightlessness is created. Often dancers add intense arm action, spins, jumps and tricks. The key to the uniqueness of each performance is improvisation and your own style, which are developed in the process of training.


The dance has acquired a variety of interpretations depending on the geography, gender of the performer and the nature of body movements. The main substyles are Australian (Melburn style, Aus) and Malaysian (Mas). The female performance implies greater softness and smoothness, while the male performance implies sharpness and rigidity. Hard style is dominated by kicks, forward body tilt and arm work, while soft style is dominated by straight body slides without involving the upper body. Cutting shapes is a currently popular subspecies with free step elements.


In fact, you can dance to any rhythmic fast music with a distinct, understandable beat: funk, rap, pop, reggae, dubstep, hip-hop. The main feature is the ability to fit into any phonogram with a club or street character. Traditionally, it is customary to use electro music as an accompaniment: deep house, trance, hard techno, tribal. That is why the dance is often called hard stile or hard dance.

Where to begin

Before any dance class, it is customary to do a warm-up - a set of lead-in steps or regular exercises with the development of the main joints and warming up the muscles. The warm-up is usually carried out from top to bottom, starting with the neck and arms (circular rotations), working through the body (turns and tilts) and ending with the lower limbs (jumps and swings). The correct start of training will protect against microtraumas and smoothly prepare the body for intense stress.

how to dance

Training can be conditionally divided into two parts: mastering the basic hops and improvisation. The dance link is a combination of five basic steps in a random order. Over time, you can add arms and the whole body. The main thing is to learn the slides that fill the gaps between hops and gain speed and agility. Ideally, the viewer should not have time to distinguish between individual movements. You can start at a slow pace, exactly repeating the links for the online instructor. Over time, the ability to make your own productions and flash mobs will appear.

Running man element

The most popular pas is "running man", originally taken from hip-hop. Simulates running in place and decomposes into four stages.
1) Starting position - right foot in front, left behind.
2) In a low jump, connect the feet together, raising the left knee.
3) In the same jump, return to the starting position, swapping everything (left in front).
4) Repeat step 2, raising the right knee.
Movements alternate, gradually accelerating. When you start to get a confident "run", start experimenting: add movements in different directions and in a circle.


The step is based on alternating movements of the feet, resembling the shape of the letter T. Schaffler constantly moves along a t-shaped path, performing the following:
one foot constantly moves left and right, like a pendulum, back and forth in the same rhythm;
the other limb moves up and down.
When moving in different directions, the legs can be interchanged, as well as add turns around its axis.

Characteristic chips

In addition to the main hops, the dance is diluted with spectacular chips. Slide - movement on the surface in the form of slides with the effect of the absence of gravity. Spin - scrolling and turning the body clockwise and counterclockwise in random order. Kick - alternating kicks on the floor and air. Many pas are taken and stylized from other popular genres: twisting, mimeing, liquiding, locking. Experienced shufflers invent their own jumps and rebounds.

Double shuffle

An interesting way of execution is paired. The interaction of partners is based on the synchronization of hops. Everyone has the right to spontaneity, but must adhere to a common rhythm and symmetry. Steps are interspersed with touching each other's feet. Shuffle in pairs involves preliminary joint training and the development of universal schemes for subsequent synchronous performance.

Shuffle exercises develop endurance, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, train the muscles of the thighs, calves and buttocks. The effect of self-training is similar to fitness classes.

Shuffle (shuffle) is a dance style that was formed in the eighties of the last century in Austria, namely in the underground scene located in the city of Melbourne.

Basic movements performed in the shuffle dance

At this stage of time, there are five main movements of this dance style, including the following:

  1. Man while running- is basic and lies in the fact that a person moves, remaining in the original position. The first foot from the "waiting" position moves forward, and the second foot at the same time performs a sliding backward movement. These actions are performed under musical accompaniment.
  2. Teshka. The dancer moves the left foot to the right and then to the left. In turn, the right foot moves up, and then down. The movement resembles the letter "T" and is the most popular among dancers of this style.
  3. slip. Ordinary sliding movements.
  4. Scrolls. There are two types: ordinary and inverted. In the first case, the dancer spins clockwise, in the second case - in the other direction.
  5. Kicks with legs. The movement includes kicks that affect the floor and air. When performing this movement, one foot of the musician is in front, and the second beats the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor or the air where the foot that is now in front was previously located.

Varieties of the shuffle dance style

There are two main styles of dance shuffle:

  1. Australia Style. A dance style that is the progenitor of modern shuffle. Includes several types:
  • Hard style (the most popular type shuffle, when performed, the dancer's body leans slightly);
  • Soft (the body is in a straight position, sliding movements predominate);
  • New School (the body is in a straight position, a lot of sliding type movements, hand movements are performed);
  • Old School (the use of hands and body is minimized);
  • Pure (the most requested element is the movement in the form of the letter "t").
  1. Malaysia style. It developed on the territory of Malaysia and in a fairly short time won the hearts of dancers. Includes several varieties: SOFT (a lot of hand movements, the body does not work at all), HARD (hand and body movements are constantly performed), STOMP (there is an inclined body), PURE, OLDSCHOOL.

Dance schools and dance studios to learn shuffle

Since 2002 on the territory of our country, shuffle began to gain great popularity, many studios were opened that were devoted to the study of this dance style.

Today, the number of these institutions has decreased slightly, but those who wish to study shuffle can still find a studio to their liking.

There is hardly a person who can name the number of dances that exist in the world. New styles are constantly emerging. They are formed in parallel with the emergence of new styles in music, borrowing movements from each other. Dances are filled with original movements and spread from continent to continent.

“Learning to dance in the style of shuffle is a video material that will help you effectively learn this notorious style. Such training videos help beginners to start learning dance at home, look at the performance by professionals.

Video lesson "Learning to dance in the style of" shuffle "

What is a shuffle?

Shuffle is a style of dance that originated in the 1980s. Its homeland is Melbourne in Australia. Shuffle combines jazz dance moves (step) with electronic music.

There are several main types of steps:

  • running man (running man);
  • teshka (movement in the form of the letter "T");
  • slide (sliding);
  • spin (scroll);
  • kick (kick).

By creating bundles from the listed elements, the dancer performs a dynamic dance. There are many more movements in shuffle borrowed from other styles.

Learning the basic movements

In the presented video material, the dancer Andrey Zakharov will perform the basic shuffle dance movements training: running man and "teshka". The author will demonstrate each stage of the study of each movement. Tells about the correct position of the body. A. Zakharov will show the performance of short ligaments with learned movements to the music.

This video lesson will be of interest to beginners who want to master the basic elements of the shuffle dance.

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