I can't stand getting up at dawn. A little light


Razg. Express. The same as the light. We left a little before dawn, and returned late in the evening (Chekhov. My life) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

little light- adv. the situation time Very early. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

A little light, already on my feet, and I'm at your feet- A little light, I'm already on my feet, and I'm at your feet. Griboidov. Woe from the mind. 1, 7. Chatsky ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

a little light, already on my feet, and I'm at your feet- Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 7. Chatsky ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

LITTLE- A LITTLE. 1. adv. scarcely, scarcely, a little. "And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing." Krylov. "Slightly noticeable dewy path." I. Nikitin. “I arrived a little alive again.” Nekrasov. "My fire burns a little." Krylov. "A little timid moon shines." I. Kozlov. "Quiet… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

LIGHT Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

LIGHT- (1) LIGHT (1) light, m. 1. only units. Radiant energy, perceived by the eye and making the world around us visible, visible. Light interference. Light refraction. Streams of light. The speed of light is 300,000 km per second. Blue treatment ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

LIGHT- husband. a state contrary to darkness, darkness, gloom, darkness, which gives a way to see; some take the light for the concussion of the smallest particles of matter, others for a special, subtlest substance, poured everywhere by the sun and fire. Direct light, self-light, from ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

a little- Almost (colloquial) seems, probably, apparently. Wait a minute, this almost happened last year. Almost you yourself told me about it. Almost (it was) almost, almost, a little more and. He nearly choked on a bone... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


  • Count Saint Germain. Light in the Darkness, Irena Tetzlaf. An intriguing novel about the life of the Count of Saint-Germain, where the confirmed facts of the biography are merged with more or less plausible legends. Count Saint-Germain was not accused of anything: in ... Buy for 258 rubles
  • Count Saint Germain. Light in the Darkness, Tetzlaf Irene. An intriguing novel about the life of the Count of Saint-Germain, where the confirmed facts of the biography are merged with more or less plausible legends. The count of Saint-Germain was not accused of anything: in ...
WITCH'S KITCHEN A large cauldron stands on the fire of a low hearth. In the vapors rising above him, changing ghosts flicker. At the cauldron, the female monkey removes the foam and watches that the cauldron does not boil over. A male monkey with cubs sit side by side and bask. The walls and ceiling of the kitchen are hung with strange witchcraft. Faust I feel sick and my ears wither. Not this gibberish nonsense To distract me from sad thoughts. Not an old woman and a hysterical woman I can throw three dozen off my shoulders. And if nature itself has no means to restore peace to me, then there is no way out for my spleen And there is no hope. Mephistopheles You speak sensibly again. There is a remedy stronger than drinking, But that is a special article. You hardly like it. Faust What is this? Mephistopheles A way without cost, Without witches and attendants to survive for a long time. Cultivate a field or a garden, Undertake to dig or hoe. Close the work in a tight circle. Find satisfaction in them. All your life feed on the fruits of your hands, Following the Beast in humility. Get up with cows a little light, Sweat and don't be ashamed of manure - Metamorphosis will rejuvenate you for eighty years. Faust Live without scope? Never! I would not be addicted to the shovel, To peace, to the narrowness of concepts. Mephistopheles That, then, is the need for a witch. Faust Why should we address a woman? Could you make a drink yourself? Mephistopheles Cooking is not my forte. I build bridges over the abyss. Cooking an extract from herbs - The work of exorbitant patience. A calm disposition is needed, To wait for many years of fermentation. Here a painstaking gift is in place, The subject is feminine scrupulous. Though the devil taught to cook a decoction, But he is powerless to cook it. (Noticing the animals.) Look at the cute little animals. Here is the maid. Here is the footman. (To the animals.) The hostess, apparently, is not in the apartment? Beasts She is at the feast. Grab the view by the bracket And blow into the pipe. Mephistopheles All wandering around the assemblies? Animals While we are warming our paws. Mephistopheles How did you find the little animals? Faust The very absurdity and bad taste. Mephistopheles In vain! With them I spent Hours of most pleasant discussions. (To the animals.) What, kids, are you boiling? What smells like food? Animals Chowder for the beggar's brother. Mephistopheles Oh, so you have a wide market! Male (approaching Mephistopheles and sucking up to him) Let's play point, It's not easy On an empty stomach. And you put up a penny, You'll make money, Your mind will get stronger. Mephistopheles Still! Having won the loto, you will be happy like no one else! The cubs, playing, roll out a large ball into the middle of the room. Male That's the globe of the earth, Like clockwork Kubar quiet. Hollow inside. It is like glass, empty and brittle. Here is a spot Illuminated, And here it is dark. My son, wait, you joke with your fate and life! You will roll in vain, No head over heels, And you will not spin. Mephistopheles Why are there several sieves? Male (removing the sieve) Through their bast binding The criminal betrays himself. (He runs up to the female and forces her to look through the sieve.) The wife has already caught the thief, Yes, it's scary to name the thug aloud. Mephistopheles (approaching the fire) What is the pot for? Male and female What a fool! He is unaware of the Cauldron's use, the Pot's appointment! Mephistopheles Bad answer, And you are impudent. Male Here is a broom instead of a fan, Sit down, here is a stool for you. (Invites Mephistopheles to sit down.) Faust (who meanwhile was looking into the mirror, now approaching him, then moving away) Who is this unearthly appearance with a Magic mirror? Love, fly there with me Where does this shine come from. Who is this woman in the distance? Will the distance decrease, Or will the image at the end of the earth Always remain in the fog? And is it really not a deception, And there really is something in the world, How incomparable is this camp, And the head, and these hands? Mephistopheles Still! God, working six days And on the seventh exclaiming "bravo", Could create something for glory. For the time being, admire her, And I will get you a treasure more pure than your dreams, And the groom who will get this miracle will be happy. Faust is still looking in the mirror. Mephistopheles, reaching out and fanning himself with a broom, continues: I, like a king, look at you from the throne. Here is my scepter, and only there is no crown. Beasts (meanwhile making strange gestures, crying out to Mephistopheles, a crown split in two) Squeeze the crown, In sweat, on the blood of Scrape, like glue. (They break the crown with clumsy movements and jump with its fragments.) And so we mourn, And we cry out in prose, And we know how to rhyme. FAUST (before the mirror) Gone! I'm like crazy. Mephistopheles (pointing to the animals) I think I'm going crazy too. Animals And if between the lines There is a sense of a hint, Then we are lucky. Faust (as above) I am embraced by passion! Let's get out of here quickly! Mephistopheles (in the same position) These beasts, not hiding the truth, Though more frank than many rhymers! Due to an oversight of the female, the boiler boils over. In the flame that throws out, the witch descends into the kitchen with a wild howl. Witch Ah-ah-ah-ah! Are you yawning, you rascal? You will get a scolding! Scalded the hostess! The water from the bowl is overflowing! (Noticing Faust and Mephistopheles.) And who is this, Kopyl in your side? Who called you to our doorstep? I won't let you fix the scandal! For the noise and din I will burn with fire! (Putting a slotted spoon into the cauldron, he sprinkles everyone with a flammable liquid. The animals squeal.) Mephistopheles (beats the dishes with a broom handle) And we will produce sodom, And rightly so! Bear in mind! All to dust, all to pieces! Wow, basilisk! Raise your scream! I don't beat your dishes, - I'm dancing to your tune! The witch retreats in fury and horror. You will not know? And I can Erase, like your direct master, From the face of the earth you, hag, With your monkey clique! Forgot my red camisole? Are you standing with careless indifference Before my cock's feather? Can't you see who came to you? Witch Blind, sorry for the reception! But why can't I see a hoof? Where are the crows from your retinue? Mephistopheles I'm sorry. Your failure is guilty of a long separation. I won't say a word about that. Everything in the world has changed progress. How to be? The devil also changes. The arctic phantom is out of fashion, You won't find claws in the factory, the horns are gone, the tail is gone. A scandal would have come out with a hoof, If only I hadn’t ordered a gaiter from the rise to the knee in the form of a modern one. Witch (dancing) I'm just fascinated, seeing you, darling-Satan! Mephistopheles Find other names, And this harms me in my opinion. Witch What harm is in its meaning? Mephistopheles Although in mythology it has long been brought, But it began to express contempt. Villains - a different conversation, Those are honored, but bad with Satan. You can call me a baron, And I, like any prince and count, Having more rights for that, I am proud of my original coat of arms. (Makes an obscene gesture.) Witch (laughing loudly) Ha-ha-ha-ha! Years go by, And you are still the same fool! Mephistopheles (to Faust) All these witches cling to me. Learn how to deal with them. Witch What can I do for you? Mephistopheles We need your wine, But not the kind that is in circulation, But the old production. This works doubly. Witch Here is a little bit in the bottle, Smell, what a bouquet. Now it's completely stinky. I drink. Pour for you, neighbor? (Quietly to Mephistopheles.) It's bad for someone else if you don't drink beer; Will lay down out of habit on the spot. Mephistopheles He will not hurt and damask, Not only what's in the glass. Draw your circle, repeat the foolishness And fill the cup to the brim. The witch with strange movements draws a circle and puts various objects in it. Pots and bowls begin to chime in musical unison. The witch takes out a large book, puts the monkeys in the middle of the circle, puts the book on the back of one of them, and gives burning torches into the hands of the others. She nods to Faust to come over. Faust (to Mephistopheles) What kind of joy is the monkey? Gesticulation, antics. I know the value of this lie. Why do I need all this, tell me? Mephistopheles Professional fun of the Physician. Don't be hard on her. Let him think that without seasoning juice will not be valid. (Convinces Faust to join the circle.) Witch (pompously reciting from a book) You are from one Ten system, And hide the deuce, Do not howl about her. Give the three a move, To become even, And you are a rich man. Hide the four, Don't cry about it, And bring the five and six to the seven, And raise them up to eight. Nine - con, Ten - out. Here is the witch's multiplication table. Faust The old woman raves in a frenzy. Mephistopheles Oh, my dear, wait, All this is just flowers! More to come! I studied the book to the point, And yet, imagine, not push in the tooth. Consent of contradictions For my sheep's head Impenetrable dregs. After all, for centuries, year after year, Out of trinity and unity, They created stupid outrages And fenced the garden. And how few fanciful systems arose on such a basis? Fools are content to see meaning in every word. WITCH (continuing) Science grain Buried Under a layer of dust. Who is not wiser, The way is open Without their efforts. Faust I think I'll go crazy From these wild turns! As if a hundred idiots Bawl nonsense in unison. Mephistopheles Enough, wise sibyl! Pour a fill up for a friend. Look, he's not a sickly baby, He's strong in this part, Master of all drunken degrees. The witch, with an air of sacrament, pours the drink into a cup. When Faust brings it to his lips, it lights up. (Faust) Drink, drink from the heart of fullness, As long as the senses revive! You are with the devil himself on "you". Are you afraid of the flame? The witch breaks the circle. Faust comes out of it. On the road! Move, don't stop. Witch Help with all my heart. Mephistopheles (to the witch) On Walpurgis Night I will be able to get even with you with good. Witch Here is a song, purr in your nose, To benefit the elixir. Mephistopheles Let's go, we can't do without exercise. You have to go all the way through. The whole essence of the sweatshop liquor, So that the body gets hot. A walk will speed up the action, You will be reborn as if, When you are completely exhausted by Cupid's pleasant laziness. Faust Do not hurry me, pointer! I can't get away from the mirror. Mephistopheles Leave! You are the sample of all women You will soon see in the flesh. (Aside.) Having taken a sip of tinctures, he will certainly see Elena in everyone.

Very early, at dawn. = Neither light nor dawn. With verb. nesov. and owls. type: when? get up at dawn, leave, get up, leave ... We left at dawn, at dawn, and returned late in the evening. (A. Chekhov.) Lipat arrived at the estate early. At home, on the farm, he ... ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

little light- adv. the situation time Very early. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

A little light, already on my feet, and I'm at your feet- A little light, I'm already on my feet, and I'm at your feet. Griboidov. Woe from the mind. 1, 7. Chatsky ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

a little light, already on my feet, and I'm at your feet- Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 7. Chatsky ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

LITTLE- A LITTLE. 1. adv. scarcely, scarcely, a little. "And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing." Krylov. "Slightly noticeable dewy path." I. Nikitin. “I arrived a little alive again.” Nekrasov. "My fire burns a little." Krylov. "A little timid moon shines." I. Kozlov. "Quiet… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

LIGHT Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

LIGHT- (1) LIGHT (1) light, m. 1. only units. Radiant energy, perceived by the eye and making the world around us visible, visible. Light interference. Light refraction. Streams of light. The speed of light is 300,000 km per second. Blue treatment ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

LIGHT- husband. a state contrary to darkness, darkness, gloom, darkness, which gives a way to see; some take the light for the concussion of the smallest particles of matter, others for a special, subtlest substance, poured everywhere by the sun and fire. Direct light, self-light, from ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

a little- Almost (colloquial) seems, probably, apparently. Wait a minute, this almost happened last year. Almost you yourself told me about it. Almost (it was) almost, almost, a little more and. He nearly choked on a bone... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


  • Count Saint Germain. Light in the Darkness, Irena Tetzlaf. An intriguing novel about the life of the Count of Saint-Germain, where the confirmed facts of the biography are merged with more or less plausible legends. Count Saint-Germain was not accused of anything: in ... Buy for 258 rubles
  • Count Saint Germain. Light in the Darkness, Tetzlaf Irene. An intriguing novel about the life of the Count of Saint-Germain, where the confirmed facts of the biography are merged with more or less plausible legends. The count of Saint-Germain was not accused of anything: in ...

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