Totally is a complete collapse or a tactical scheme.


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When Putin climbed into power with his St. Petersburg lads, I was 35 years old. Now I am 53 years old and I know for sure that Putin and Putinism mean a catastrophe extended over decades.
Strictly speaking, Putinism had exhausted itself by the beginning of Putin's third term, but somewhere in the middle of the 2000s, politics and the economy began to slip, and only the oil Klondike made it possible to somehow avoid a systemic crisis, while simultaneously shifting public attention from real problems to the virtual space of false and fantastic goals.
By 2018, Putin's phantasmagoria had reached its apogee. Putin managed not only to win the Sochi Olympics in 2012, having simply swelled astronomical sums there and cynically buying up athletes, but also to lose it by the end of 2017, at the same time achieving the removal of the Russian team from the Korean Olympics, a case unprecedented in the history of the Olympic movement .
I am talking about sports simply because the sporting "achievements" of the Putinists are not only a prime example technologies of Putin's power, but they are also one of the pillars of Putinism, along with the pagan cult of "victory", the ideology of pseudo-Orthodoxy, victorious reports from the zones of continuous hostilities in the Caucasus, Donbass, Syria, usually ending in another defeat; an endless series of unaddressed, muddy and deaf, terrorist acts; daily tightening and expansion of the administrative-criminal press; rabid and slanderous propaganda of hatred, malice, violence and lawlessness. All this is the technology of Putinism, and what can we oppose to all this indecency?
I will say: first of all, a clear awareness real situation affairs. It is necessary to think over and feel that the country and the people are already in a dead end, in the deepest crisis and are decomposing into atoms, like a rotting corpse. Collapse and catastrophe not only threaten to turn Russia into a heap of rubble, but we literally survive among the ruins, hunting rats so as not to die of hunger.
The games of a bunch of snickering thieves and singing along with them from the extras in the "election of President Putin" are not only ridiculous and hypocritical, but they are a state crime, because the people will not survive another six years of timelessness, anarchy, poverty and devastation. The country and the state have been gone for six years, exactly from the moment when Putin and the Putinites cast aside shame, disgrace and legitimacy, like a prostitute throws off her dress to boast of corrupt nudity. Putin crawled like a snake through even a formally illegal and unconstitutional term, and the state could not stand such abuse of law and order and crumbled to dust.
But people, people, are still alive, if you can call this half-conscious and ghostly existence life. And it's time for people to turn on their heads and start relying only on themselves.
If we don't create politics ourselves, our own politics in the name of our own interests, the Putinists will continue to load us with all sorts of garbage in order to do their personal business at our expense.
If we ourselves do not create our own political force, which the Putinists will have to reckon with, no one will reckon with us. No one in Putin's fiefdom called "RF" will ask our opinion, simply because we are not political force which forces those in power to take into account our interests.
Moreover, Putinism is based on the belief that any person and any community can be forced to think against their own and even personal interests. Propaganda, agitation, advertising and messages of the illegal president to the Federal Assembly are built on this conviction.
Only one thing will lay the foundation for national salvation: awareness of reality, understanding and readiness for real action.
Stop chasing rats through the basements, this is not normal, this is not life, and we will not have another. Immediately start political struggle and work. I am 53, and these six impending years of Putinism and the total collapse of everything and everyone I simply will not survive.
The movement needs your help more than ever, comrade!

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Oleg Petukhov, RND Political Council

In this article, we will take a closer look at what “totally” means. Of course, this is just a word, the versatility of which in different and, one might say, non-intersecting spheres of human life can be surprising. So let's find out what "totally" means. Perhaps it is the acceptance of the world with an active life position with a sense of a certain purity and success, or is it just a consequence of repression? So let's find out what it is - "totally".

The meaning and interpretation of the word

Totally is an adverb that correlates in meaning with the adjective "total". Translated from Latin totalis means "general, complete, all-encompassing, all-consuming". The word "totally" can be considered as a certain concept of accepting the world around with positive value the words "yes", that is, everything that occurs on life path a person, concerning his inner and outer world, should be accepted for what it is. In other words, it can be formulated like this: you give full consent to everything that happens around, moreover, what is happening you consider normal. This is the total acceptance of the world.

Here you can feel the secret passive fear that appears as a result of the realization of the lack of meaning in life. But it is not so. Let's do a simple experiment. For example, for ten hours, we will not take any controversial action, no matter what happens around us. But this does not mean that we have stopped thinking and feeling. This is what the total perception of the world around us consists of. But in this case, a natural question arises: how do those people who perceive the world around them as a given sometimes sink to the very bottom of life? In this case, one should be able to distinguish between two concepts that are opposite in meaning: total acceptance of the world and total suppression by the same world around us. It's like winter and summer, night and day.

Word usage, examples

Let us mention what was said above: total is an adverb, which in meaning corresponds to the adjective "total". You can find such an expression as "total football", which is a tactical scheme for the movement of a player along football field so that the initial organizational structure remains unchanged. In other words, one player can be both a defender and an attacker.

When such a phrase as “total war” is used, this can mean the conduct of hostilities throughout the country, and in such a way that all spheres of activity of the whole state are aimed at achieving victory in the course of hostilities. Total war subjugates the life of the country with the use of the most brutal means to achieve the goal. In other words, we can say that this is a kind of fights without rules, where the winners are not judged. Is it so? Is it right? Of course, the answer will be unequivocal.


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note that, of course, total is the word that has a certain meaning, but it is like zero. Since the degree of strength, meaning and depth will directly depend on the word that you put next to it. The meaning of the word "totally" can carry a peaceful message, for example, a total sale, or a completely different one - there is a total lack of money. So know and own!

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