How to draw a football field with a pencil step by step. How to draw a soccer field correctly


The human figure is one of the most difficult objects to depict. In deciding how to draw a football player, it will be important not only to observe the correct proportions, but also to depict the expression, the dynamics of the figure's movements. Not the last place in the creation of an artistic image is the transfer of the mood and character of the character.

How to draw a football player in motion: determine the proportions

Let's start with a basic sketch. Let's draw a circle of the head, draw a line slightly curved forward down, connect it with a circle that will be twice as large as the first. In order to correctly depict the ratio of body parts, one must take into account the canon of the figure, derived by ancient painters and sculptors.

According to this canon, the vertical line of the torso, descending from the base of the head to the figure, should be approximately two and a half sizes long, which we have determined for the head. Before drawing a football player, let's decide what movement he will perform. With us, he will run with the ball across the field.

Create the basis of the sketch

From the lower circle, draw the legs of a football player in a wide run: to the knee joint, indicated so far by a small circle, the distance will be two heights of the head of the figure, after the knees we draw the calves and lower legs of the athlete: the length of the line will also be two head sizes. The left leg of the football player is directed forward, the right leg is bent at the back at the knee. We draw the feet so that they are not too big or small. On the upper part of the line of the body, stepping back a little from the head, we draw an oval (torso), from the middle of which we draw the lines of the arms thrown back in the run. The joints are also depicted in circles. At the bottom of the circle that represents the head, draw the angle of the chin.

Finishing the Figure Sketch

Now we need to give the figure volume. Let's outline all parts of the body, without violating the correct ratios. The legs in the thigh area should be more massive than in the lower leg, and the arms at the shoulders should be wider than at the forearms. We will make the hands proportional. In our drawing, the football player took his hands back and spread them like wings - this adds a special expressiveness to the transfer of his rapid movement. Now you can dress the player in a football suit - shorts and a jersey, emphasizing the folds in the clothes where the parts of the body bend. Let's draw leggings and boots on the legs. Now we can remove the original outlines of the base with an eraser.

Working on the details of the face

How to draw a soccer player in a hot match match? We need to portray the determination and focus of a football team player. He dribbled for some time, and now he is preparing to strike at the opponent's goal. His gaze is fixed on the ball, he is all tense and resembles a compressed spring that is about to unfold. Let's draw compressed lips, a straight nose, a concentrated look of the eyes, slightly shifted eyebrows. Draw hair on the head. We will make the contours without pressing too hard on the pencil, since careful correction will probably be required in the process of drawing.

Adding Color

We figured out how to draw a football player with a pencil in stages. It's time to add color to the image. You can use pastels or paints. shade with a thicker shade of the selected color. On the sports uniform of a football player, you can depict the distinctive signs of a particular team.

Finishing the drawing

How to draw a football player in "union" with the ball? Draw a circle near the left leg of the player and under the right one preparing to strike, and in order for it not to look flat, fill it with volume with the help of a shadow on one of the sides. Let's sketch a characteristic ornament that adorns the drawing is ready!

Football is one of the most popular games on the planet. It is played by children after school, adults in their free time. And the matches of professional football players are a noisy, significant and fun event. So, let's try to figure out how to draw a football player.

We draw a young football player

Football is a very dynamic game, and team members are in constant motion during the match. Therefore, we will also portray a football player in the midst of the game. We will do everything gradually - it's easier to learn how to draw a football player in stages.

Let's start with an outline. Pay attention to the posture: the back is strongly tilted back, the supporting leg is slightly bent, the arms are spread apart.

Now let's add details: draw the outlines of a T-shirt, shorts, boots. And, of course, you need to draw the ball - after all, it was the football player who hit with such force that he leaned back.

In order for the contours to look neat, draw them with a black marker. And at the same time we will add even more details: leggings, a star on a T-shirt, facial features, hair, patterns on clothes.

To make the picture look more "alive", let's add shadows - natural and falling, and also draw lines denoting movements. And in the background there is also a mesh gate.

Let's finish with this. We have a very cheerful and funny football player, isn't it?

Learning to portray an athlete with a simple pencil

A simple pencil is the main tool of the artist, so you must definitely learn how to draw a football player with a pencil. This time we will draw an adult athlete, moreover, in a very interesting position.

As in the previous version, the first thing we do is a general sketch. First, draw the upper torso: note that the torso and arms almost form the letter "x". The right hand almost touches the ground. The football player almost lay down to reach the ball and throw it as far as possible.

Now sketch out the extended leg. It is a continuation of the diagonally located torso. Pay attention to the fact that the leg should be slightly bent, and not perfectly straight.

Add a supporting leg. Here it is bent strongly, the athlete is almost sitting on it. And no wonder: it accounts for the entire weight of the body.

When the sketch is done, we begin to direct the contours and add details. It is necessary to outline the fingers, facial features, add folds on the clothes. We start, as before, with the body.

And then move on to the legs. They also need to be depicted as detailed and accurate as possible.

And now we will finish the ball and lay the shadows. Do not be zealous - it is better not to press with all your might, but to hatch in several layers.

Everything, the drawing is ready. If you want, you can increase the shadows a little more and work on the highlights.

Color drawing of a football player - add colors

With pencil drawings, everything is more or less clear. So let's move on to color options and learn how to draw a football player with a ball using colored pencils, crayons or paints.

With a black pencil, draw the outlines to the waist. Now the tilt of the body will not be back, but forward.

Let's add legs. They will be bent and wide apart.

Now for the details: patterns on the T-shirt and shorts, spikes on the boots and, of course, the ball.

And now the most interesting moment - coloring. The socks and shorts will be white with blue and red stripes, the jersey will be light blue and the boots will be red. But, of course, you can color the athlete to your taste - for example, make the hair black and the uniform bright red.

Football player in cartoon style

Many people think that learning to draw is very difficult. However, in reality, it is within the power of everyone, including children. Now we will talk about how to draw a football player for beginners.

Let's do a general outline first. Since we are talking about children, let our football player be a boy of 10 years old.

Then carefully outline the contours with a black marker.

After we work on the face: we need to outline the eyes, nose, mouth, ears. And we will add the outlines of the ball.

And now - small details: pentagons on the ball, grass, spikes on the boots, numbers and stripes on the form, a glare on the hair. And do not forget about tightly clenched fists.

That's all - we did it. Now you have seen for yourself - there is nothing complicated in the fine arts.

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Do you want to have fun, interesting and useful time with your baby? Invite him to draw a ball together. This is a simple item that children love to draw. Especially boys. To make the task easier for you, we have prepared a step-by-step instruction of medium difficulty. Follow the steps and you will be fine. Rest assured your child will love it. In addition, in the process you have the opportunity to repeat geometric shapes. Good luck!

You will need:

Before you start drawing the football attribute itself, we advise you to draw two cross lines in the center of the sheet. We will build on them, drawing all the other details.

We depict the round shape of the ball. Be sure to use a compass. Place the compass needle at the point where the lines cross and draw a large ball.

Auxiliary lines fulfilled their purpose. Now they need to be erased with an eraser. You get the correct shape of the ball in proportion to the center of the sheet.

We draw the shapes of the pentagon. Through the round shape of the ball, pentagons throughout its entire area visually look different from different angles.

All pieces must hit the same size. To do this, use a ruler.

We add lines to fully convey the "pattern" of the soccer ball.

You can invite the child to color the ball. Show which pentagons should be colored black and which should be blue.

The drawing of a children's soccer ball is ready.

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