Tunguska meteorite briefly. Versions of the origin of the Tunguska phenomenon


In the early morning of June 30, 1908, an explosion was heard over the taiga near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. According to experts, its power was about 2000 times greater than the explosion of an atomic bomb.


In addition to the Tunguska, an amazing phenomenon was also called the Khatanga, Turukhansk and Filimonovsky meteorite. After the explosion, a magnetic disturbance was noted that lasted about 5 hours, and during the flight of the Tunguska fireball, a bright glow was reflected in the northern rooms of nearby villages.

According to various estimates, the TNT equivalent of the Tunguska explosion is practically equal to one or two bombs detonated over Hiroshima.

Despite the phenomenal nature of what happened, a scientific expedition led by L. A. Kulik to the site of the “meteorite fall” took place only twenty years later.

meteorite theory
The first and most mysterious version lasted until 1958, when a refutation was made public. According to this theory, the Tunguska body is a huge iron or stone meteorite.

But even now its echoes haunt contemporaries. Even in 1993, a group of American scientists conducted research, concluding that the object could be a meteorite that exploded at an altitude of about 8 km. It was the traces of a meteorite fall that Leonid Alekseevich and a team of scientists were looking for in the epicenter, although they were embarrassed by the initial absence of a crater and the forest felled by a fan from the center.

fantasy theory

Not only the inquisitive minds of scientists are occupied by the Tunguska riddle. No less interesting is the theory of science fiction writer A.P. Kazantsev, who pointed out the similarity between the events of 1908 and the explosion in Hiroshima.

In his original theory, Alexander Petrovich suggested that the fault was the accident and explosion of the nuclear reactor of an interplanetary spacecraft.

If we take into account the calculations of A. A. Sternfeld, one of the pioneers of cosmonautics, then it was on June 30, 1908 that a unique opportunity was created for a drone-probe to fly around Mars, Venus and the Earth.

nuclear theory
In 1965, Nobel Prize winners, American scientists K. Cowenney and V. Libby developed the idea of ​​their colleague L. Lapaz about the antimatter nature of the Tunguska event.

They suggested that as a result of the collision of the Earth and a certain mass of antimatter, annihilation and the release of nuclear energy occurred.

The Ural geophysicist A.V. Zolotov analyzed the motion of the fireball, the magnetogram and the nature of the explosion, and stated that only an “internal explosion” of its own energy could lead to such consequences. Despite the arguments of the opponents of the idea, nuclear theory is still the leader in terms of the number of adherents among specialists in the field of the Tunguska problem.

ice comet

One of the latest is the hypothesis of an ice comet, which was put forward by the physicist G. Bybin. The hypothesis arose on the basis of the diaries of the researcher of the Tunguska problem, Leonid Kulik.

At the site of the “fall”, the latter found a substance in the form of ice, covered with peat, but did not pay much attention to it. Bybin, on the other hand, states that this compressed ice, found 20 years later at the scene, is not a sign of permafrost, but a direct indication of an icy comet.

According to the scientist, the ice comet, consisting of water and carbon, simply scattered about the Earth, touching it at speed, like a hot frying pan.

Blame Tesla?

At the beginning of the 21st century, a curious theory appeared, pointing to the connection of Nikola Tesla with the Tunguska events. A few months before the incident, Tesla claimed that he could light the way for the traveler Robert Peary to the North Pole. Then he asked for maps of "the least populated parts of Siberia."

Allegedly on this day, June 30, 1908, Nikola Tesla conducted an experiment with the transfer of energy "through the air." According to the theory, the scientist managed to “rock” the wave filled with the impulse energy of the ether, which resulted in a discharge of incredible power, comparable to an explosion.

Other theories
At the moment, there are several dozen different theories that correspond to various criteria of what happened. Many of them are fantastic and even absurd.

For example, the disintegration of a flying saucer or the departure from the ground of a graviobolide are mentioned. A. Olkhovatov, a physicist from Moscow, is absolutely convinced that the 1908 event is a kind of earth quake, and Krasnoyarsk researcher D. Timofeev explained that the cause was an explosion of natural gas, which was set on fire by a meteorite that flew into the atmosphere.

American scientists M. Rian and M. Jackson stated that the destruction was caused by a collision with a "black hole", and physicists V. Zhuravlev and M. Dmitriev believe that the breakthrough of a solar plasma clot and the subsequent explosion of several thousand ball lightnings are to blame.

For more than 100 years since the incident, it was not possible to come to a single hypothesis. None of the proposed versions could fully meet all the proven and irrefutable criteria, such as the passage of a high-altitude body, a powerful explosion, an air wave, a burn of trees at the epicenter, atmospheric optical anomalies, magnetic disturbances, and the accumulation of isotopes in the soil.

Interesting finds

Often versions were based on unusual finds made near the study area. In 1993, a corresponding member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Yu. Lavbin, as part of a research expedition of the Tunguska Space Phenomenon public foundation (now he is its president), discovered unusual stones near Krasnoyarsk, and in 1976 they discovered in the Komi ASSR "your iron", recognized as a fragment of a cylinder or sphere with a diameter of 1.2 m.

The anomalous zone of the "devil's cemetery" with an area of ​​about 250 square meters, located in the Angara taiga of the Kezhemsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, is also often mentioned.

In the area formed by something "falling from the sky", plants and animals die, people prefer to bypass it. The consequences of the June morning of 1908 also include the unique geological object Patomsky crater, located in the Irkutsk region and discovered in 1949 by geologist V.V. Kolpakov. The height of the cone is about 40 meters, the diameter along the ridge is about 76 meters.

At about seven o'clock in the morning local time on June 30, 1908, a large fireball swept over the territory of the Yenisei River basin. The flight ended with a powerful explosion at an altitude of about 7 kilometers, which was recorded by observatories around the world. According to modern estimates, the explosion power reached 50 megatons, which is comparable to the explosion of the most powerful. Glass in houses flew out several hundred kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion.

If the Tunguska meteorite exploded while passing over Europe, the explosion would be capable of completely destroying a city like Petersburg. If this incident happened half a century later, such an explosion could well be mistaken for a nuclear attack and cause the outbreak of the Third World War. But, fortunately, the fall occurred in a sparsely populated region of Siberia.

In 2013, interest in the "Tunguska phenomenon" grew again after a meteorite fell in the Chebarkul region.

Studies of the incident in the area of ​​Podkamennaya Tunguska have been going on for more than a century, but to this day there is no unequivocal answer to the question: what exactly happened on June 30?

As of 1970, scientists have recorded 77 different theories about the nature of the "Tunguska phenomenon". Theories are subdivided into technogenic, geophysical, meteoric, associated with antimatter, religious and synthetic.

Over the past 40 years, there have not been fewer versions, and even the list of hypotheses considered to be the main ones has more than two dozen.

We have selected eight of the most interesting versions of the incident at Podkamennaya Tunguska.

1. Meteorite

According to the classical hypothesis, on June 30, 1908, a stone or iron meteorite of a large mass, or a whole swarm of meteorites, fell to Earth.

The most obvious version has one weak point - numerous expeditions to the place where the alleged meteorite fell failed to detect fragments and remnants of the meteorite substance. Moreover, the forest at the site of the cosmic catastrophe was tumbled down over a large area, but just at the place where the meteorite crater was supposed to be, the trees remained standing.

Supporters of the meteorite version say - yes, there is no solid meteorite, it completely collapsed, and numerous small fragments fell to Earth. The problem is that to this day it has not been possible to find these fragments in any serious amount.

2. Comet

The "comet" version arose after the meteorite. Its main difference lies in the nature of the substance that caused the explosion. Comets, unlike meteorites, have a loose structure, of which ice is an integral part. As a result, the substance of the comet began to rapidly collapse at the moment of its entry into the Earth's atmosphere, and the explosion completely completed what had been started. That is why, say the supporters of the version, it is not possible to detect traces of matter on Earth - they simply were not there.

Comet and meteorite theories exist in various forms, sometimes intertwined with each other. However, no one has yet been able to convincingly prove their case.

3. Alien ship

It is logical that the authorship of the version about the artificial nature of the "Tunguska phenomenon" belongs to a science fiction writer. In 1946, in the magazine "Around the World" Soviet writer Alexander Kazantsev published the story "Explosion", in which he expressed the version that an alien spaceship crashed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bPodkamennaya Tunguska. According to Kazantsev, the ship was equipped with a nuclear engine, which exploded. Comparing the explosion of the "Tunguska phenomenon" with the explosions of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the writer noted that the forest that remained at the epicenter is very similar to the residential buildings that survived at the epicenter of the explosion in Hiroshima. Kazantsev also noted the similarity of seismograms of these events.

Kazantsev's version received a lively response and found a lot of supporters who developed and transformed it.

Scientists have always been extremely skeptical about the "alien" explanation of the incident, but in fact, in this case, the main problem is still the same - there is no material evidence.

Already in the 1980s, Alexander Kazantsev corrected his version. In his opinion, the aliens in distress took the ship away from the Earth, and it exploded in space, and the Tunguska meteorite was the landing of their orbital module.

Fallen forest in the area where the Tunguska meteorite fell. Photo: RIA Novosti

4. Nikola Tesla experiment

Distinguished American Serbian-born physicist Nikola Tesla at the beginning of the 20th century was considered the "master of electricity". Among his many works were experiments related to the technology of wireless transmission of electricity over long distances.

According to this hypothesis, on June 30, 1908, Tesla from his laboratory fired an “energy super shot” into the Alaska region in order to practically test the capabilities of his equipment. However, the imperfection of technology led to the fact that the energy directed by Tesla went much further and caused huge destruction in the Podkamennaya Tunguska area.

Upon learning of the consequences of the tests, Tesla chose not to voice his involvement in the incident. The scale of destruction forced Tesla to stop such large-scale experiments.

The weak point of this theory is that there is no evidence that Nikola Tesla conducted an experiment on June 30, 1908. Moreover, the laboratory, from which the “supershot” was allegedly fired, did not belong to Tesla at that moment.

5. Collision with antimatter

In 1948 the American scientist Lincoln La Paz put forward the idea that the "Tunguska phenomenon" is explained by the collision of matter with antimatter from space. As you know, during annihilation, the mutual annihilation of matter and antimatter occurs with the release of a large amount of energy. Confirmation of the theory is the presence of radioactive isotopes in wood material from the explosion site.

Soviet physicist Boris Konstantinov in the 1960s, he stated even more clearly - a comet consisting of antimatter invaded the Earth's atmosphere. That is why the wreckage of it is simply impossible to find.

The lack of knowledge of the nature and properties of antimatter allows us to consider such a version as acceptable, but most scientists are skeptical about it.

6. Ball lightning

Back in 1908, the first researchers of the "Tunguska phenomenon" suggested that the cause of the explosion was a huge ball lightning.

To this day, the nature of such a rare natural phenomenon as ball lightning has not been fully studied. Perhaps this is the reason why the “ball and lightning” version of events gained popularity among scientists in the 1980s.

According to this version, a giant ball lightning exploded at the crash site, which arose in the Earth's atmosphere as a result of powerful energy pumping by ordinary lightning or sharp fluctuations in the atmospheric electric field.

7 Space Dust Cloud

Back in 1908 the French astronomer Felix de Roy suggested that on June 30, the Earth collided with a cloud of cosmic dust. This version was supported in 1932 by the famous Academician Vladimir Vernadsky, adding that the movement of cosmic dust through the atmosphere caused a powerful development of noctilucent clouds from June 30 to July 2, 1908. Later, in 1961, Tomsk biophysicist and enthusiast of the study of the "Tunguska phenomenon" Gennady Plekhanov proposed a more detailed scheme, according to which the Earth crossed an interstellar cloud of cosmic dust, one of the large conglomerates of which was what later became known as the "Tunguska meteorite".

The same Gennady Plekhanov put forward a humorous version, which, with some stretch, can be considered the “7-bis version”. Being bitten by a midge during one of the expeditions to the Podkamennaya Tunguska area, he proposed the idea that on June 30, 1908, a cloud of mosquitoes with a volume of at least 5 cubic kilometers gathered at this place, as a result of which a volumetric thermal explosion occurred, which resulted in the fall of the forest.

8. Launch of the spacecraft

Another original version of the "Tunguska phenomenon" is associated with science fiction writers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. It was expressed in a humorous form in their story "Monday begins on Saturday." According to her, on June 30, 1908, a spacecraft was launched in the Podkamennaya Tunguska area. Its landing happened a little later, that is, in July, since it was a ship not just of aliens, but of countermoving aliens, that is, immigrants from the Universe, where time moves in the opposite direction to ours.

But if the Strugatsky brothers' version of the counterfeit aliens was expressed in a humorous vein, then in the early 1990s the well-known ufologist, leader of the Kosmopoisk association Vadim Chernobrov, offered it as an absolutely serious explanation of the "Tunguska phenomenon".

So far, researchers have not been able to find convincing and definitive confirmation of any of the versions of the Tunguska phenomenon, each of them, despite understandable skepticism, has the right to exist.

Even the one that was expressed in relation to another, the Chebarkul meteorite, by one of the Chelyabinsk pensioners:

Yes, they are drug addicts!

The explosion of a huge fireball in the air, later estimated at 40-50 megatons (which corresponds to the energy of the most powerful hydrogen bomb), was widely known as Tunguska phenomenon.

Only a low population density helped to avoid large human losses, but a real ecological disaster occurred, albeit in miniature. Animals died within a radius of several kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion, the forest was knocked down and swept away by a powerful blast wave recorded by observatories around the world, including in the Western Hemisphere. For several days, intense sky glow and luminous clouds were observed in the territory from the Atlantic to central Siberia.

After almost a century, science could not give an unambiguous explanation for this strange phenomenon. "Evening" brings to your attention some interesting facts about the incident on Podkamennaya Tunguska.

1. In 1908, a French astronomer Felix de Roy suggested that on June 30, the Earth collided with a cloud of cosmic dust. This version was supported by the famous academician Vladimir Vernadsky in 1932, adding that the movement of cosmic dust through the atmosphere caused a powerful development of noctilucent clouds from June 30 to July 2, 1908. Later, in 1961, Gennady Plekhanov, a biophysicist from Tomsk and an enthusiast for studying the Tunguska phenomenon, proposed a more detailed scheme, according to which the Earth crossed an interstellar cloud of cosmic dust, one of the large conglomerates of which was what was later called "Tunguska meteorite". The same Plekhanov put forward a humorous version, according to which a cloud of mosquitoes with a volume of at least 5 cubic kilometers, resulting in a thermal explosion.

2. In 1930, astrophysicist Harlow Shapley discovered the main problem that plagued researchers until recently - the absence of a crater at the site of the fall of a space object. Then he put forward the idea that the Tunguska meteorite was in fact not a meteorite at all, but a comet - that is, a celestial body, mainly consisting of ice.

3. Early forties Vladimir Royansky from the American Union College in Schenectady suggested that the Tunguska meteorite consisted of antimatter. Subsequently, this idea was developed by several American scientists, including Nobel Prize winners. Willard Libby and Clyde Cowan. Libby, the creator of the famous radiocarbon method, which makes it possible to determine the age of the remains of dinosaurs with high accuracy, came to the conclusion that the cosmic body of antimatter did not reach the Earth, but annihilated from contact with the dense layers of the atmosphere. There were also arguments against this idea - the gamma-ray detectors located on the first satellites in no way indicated any cases of antimatter annihilation in near space.

4. In 1973, two physicists from the University of Texas suggested that the Tunguska meteorite was a miniature black hole that passed through the Earth. famous physicist Stephen Hawking considered such holes as one of the possible consequences of the Big Bang. A similar hypothesis was put forward in 1989 - it was about a small comet consisting of deuterium (a radioactive isotope of hydrogen), which upon contact with the Earth turned into a hydrogen bomb.

5. A simple theory about what actually happens is hugely popular with researchers. there was no meteorite, but there was a small earthquake that caused the release and explosion of a huge amount of natural gas, forming a giant luminous pillar, causing a feeling of heat for many kilometers.

6. Some scientists believe that if the Tunguska meteorite fell four hours later, then Vyborg and St. Petersburg could become its victims.

7. In 2013, the journal Planetary and Space Science published the results of a study conducted by a group of Ukrainian, German and American scientists, which reported that the presence of lonsdaleite, troilite , taenite and scheibersite - minerals characteristic of diamond-bearing meteorites. At the same time, an employee of the Australian Curtin University, Phil Blend, noticed that the studied samples showed a suspiciously low concentration of iridium (which is not typical for meteorites), and also that the peat where the samples were found was not dated to 1908, which means that the stones found could have hit Earth earlier or later than the famous explosion.

8. In a novel Stanislav Lem"Astronauts" The Tunguska phenomenon was presented as a reconnaissance ship sent by the militant inhabitants of Venus to Earth with the aim of capturing, but did not carry it out because of the global war and universal death. The Strugatsky brothers in their famous story "Monday Starts Saturday" they laughed a little at this, offering their own version, which was that the ship was not just an alien, but from another space in which time relative to ours goes backwards. Those. the ship flew in, started a fire and safely retired into the past. The Tunguska phenomenon was repeatedly mentioned by Kir Bulychev, including as a result of unsuccessful tests of the time machine. The popularity of the topic among science fiction writers led to the fact that in the 1980s, the magazine Uralsky Pathfinder, among the requirements for science fiction works proposed for publication, mentioned: “Works that reveal the mystery of the Tunguska meteorite".

9. In the band's video Metallica"All Nightmare Long" tells the story of finding alien spores at the site of a meteorite explosion, with the help of which the USSR seizes power over the world.

10. There are reports of an event similar to the Tunguska disaster that occurred in Brazil on August 13, 1930 and was called "Brazilian Tunguska". The event is practically unexplored, since it happened in an area that is difficult for expeditions to reach.

Tunguska meteorite - a hypothetical body, probably of cometary origin, which, presumably, caused an air explosion that occurred in the area of ​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska River on June 17, 1908 at 7:14.5 ± 0.8 minutes local time. The power of the explosion is estimated at 40-50 megatons, which corresponds to the energy of the most powerful hydrogen bomb.
On June 30, 1908, a giant bolide flew over the vast territory of Central Siberia between the Nizhnyaya Tunguska and Lena rivers. The flight ended with an explosion at an altitude of 7-10 km above an uninhabited region of the taiga. The blast wave was recorded by observatories around the world, including in the Western Hemisphere. As a result of the explosion, trees were knocked down over an area of ​​more than 2000 km², window panes in houses were knocked out several hundred kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion. For several days, intense sky glow and luminous clouds were observed in the territory from the Atlantic to central Siberia. A blast wave within a radius of 40 kilometers knocked down a forest, animals were destroyed, people were injured. Due to a powerful flash of light and a stream of hot gases, a forest fire broke out, which completed the devastation of the area. Over a vast area, starting from the Yenisei River and ending with the Atlantic coast of Europe, for several nights in a row, unprecedented in scale and completely unusual light phenomena were observed, which went down in history under the name “bright nights of the summer of 1908”.
Several research expeditions were sent to the disaster area, starting with the 1927 expedition led by L. A. Kulik. The substance of the hypothetical Tunguska meteorite was not found in significant quantities, but microscopic silicate and magnetite balls were found, as well as an increased content of some elements, indicating a possible cosmic origin of the substance. Scientists have put forward many hypotheses of the explosion. Now there are about 100 of them. Adherents of the first believe that a giant meteorite fell to Earth. Beginning in 1927, the first Soviet scientific expeditions searched for its traces in the area of ​​the explosion. However, the usual meteor crater was not at the scene. Subsequent expeditions noticed that the area of ​​fallen forest has a characteristic "butterfly" shape, directed from the east - southeast to the west - northwest. The study of this area showed that the explosion did not occur when the body collided with the earth's surface, but even before that in the air at an altitude of 5-10 kilometers.
Astronomer V. Fesenkov put forward a version of the collision of the Earth with a comet. According to another version, it was a body with high kinetic energy, low density, low strength and high volatility, which led to its rapid destruction and evaporation as a result of sharp deceleration in the lower dense layers of the atmosphere.
Tunguska meteorite: facts and hypotheses
In the earth's atmosphere, about once a year, a miniature Tunguska catastrophe occurs - an explosion of an asteroid or comet, with a power approximately equal to the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
June 30, 1908 at about 7 am local time over the territory of Eastern Siberia in the interfluve of the Lena and Podkamennaya Tunguska, a fiery object flared up like the sun and flew several hundred kilometers. Due to the powerful light flash of the Tunguska explosion and the flow of hot gases, a forest fire broke out, which completed the devastation of the area. On the vast expanse bounded from the east by the Yenisei, from the south by the line "Tashkent-Stavropol-Sevastopol-north of Italy-Bordeaux", from the west by the Atlantic coast of Europe, unprecedented in scale and completely unusual light phenomena unfolded, which went down in history under the name "bright nights of the summer of 1908. Clouds formed at an altitude of about 80 km intensely reflected the sun's rays, thereby creating the effect of bright nights even where they not observed before. Throughout this gigantic territory, on the evening of June 30, night practically did not fall: the entire sky shone. This phenomenon continued for several nights. A cosmic hurricane turned the rich vegetation of the taiga into a graveyard of a dead forest for many years. A study of the consequences of the disaster showed that the energy of the explosion was 10-40 megatons of TNT, which is comparable to the energy of two thousand nuclear bombs detonated simultaneously, like the one dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Later, increased tree growth was found in the center of the explosion, indicating a radiation release. In the history of mankind, in terms of the scale of observed phenomena, it is difficult to find a more grandiose and mysterious event than the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. The first studies of this phenomenon began only in the 1920s. Four expeditions organized by the USSR Academy of Sciences, headed by the mineralogist Leonid Kulik, were sent to the site of the fall of the object.
More than a hundred different hypotheses were expressed about what happened in the Tunguska taiga: from the explosion of swamp gas to the crash of an alien ship. It was also assumed that an iron or stone meteorite with the inclusion of nickel iron could fall to the Earth; the icy nucleus of a comet; unidentified flying object, starship; giant ball lightning; meteorite from Mars, hard to distinguish from terrestrial rocks. American physicists Albert Jackson and Michael Ryan declared that the Earth met with a "black hole"; some researchers suggested that it was a fantastic laser beam or a piece of plasma detached from the Sun; French astronomer Felix de Roy, a researcher of optical anomalies, suggested that on June 30, the Earth probably collided with a cloud of cosmic dust. However, most scientists are inclined to believe that it was still a meteorite that exploded above the Earth's surface.

The fall of a giant meteorite
. It was his traces, starting from 1927, that the first Soviet scientific expeditions led by Leonid Kulik were looking for in the explosion area. But the usual meteor crater was not at the scene. Expeditions found that around the site of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, the forest was felled like a fan from the center, and in the center some of the trees remained standing on the vine, but without branches. Subsequent expeditions noticed that the felled forest area had a characteristic "butterfly" shape, pointing east-southeast to west northwest. The total area of ​​fallen forest is about 2200 square kilometers. Modeling the shape of this area and computer calculations of all the circumstances of the fall showed that the explosion did not occur when the body collided with the earth's surface, but even before that in the air at a height of 5-10 km.
Earth collision with comet. Such a hypothesis was put forward by academician Vasily Fesenkov, an astronomer by profession. Even material evidence was found in peat bogs - silicate and magnetite balls, but too little. This circumstance made it difficult to accept Fesenkov's assumption as a hypothesis, since, according to reasonable calculations by the employees of the Institute of Physics, the observed the blast wave could produce a charge equivalent to 20-40 tons of TNT, in which there should have been a lot of fragments. According to another version, a body with high kinetic energy, but with low density, low strength and high volatility, collided with the Earth, which led to its rapid destruction and evaporation as a result of sharp deceleration in the lower dense layers of the atmosphere. Such a body could be a comet, consisting of frozen water and gases in the form of "snow", interspersed with refractory particles.
alien ship . In 1988, members of the research expedition of the Siberian Public Foundation "Tunguska Space Phenomenon" led by Corresponding Member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts Yuri Lavbin discovered metal rods near Vanavara. Lovebin put forward his version of what happened - a huge comet was approaching our planet from space. Some highly developed space civilization became aware of this. Aliens, in order to save the Earth from a global catastrophe, sent their sentinel spacecraft. He had to split the comet. But the attack of the most powerful cosmic body was not entirely successful for the ship. True, the nucleus of the comet crumbled into several fragments. Some of them hit the Earth, and most of them passed by our planet. The earthlings were saved, but one of the fragments damaged the attacking alien ship, and he made an emergency landing on Earth. Subsequently, the crew of the ship repaired their car and safely left our planet, leaving the failed blocks on it, the remains of which were found by the expedition to the crash site. Over the years of searching for the wreckage of a space alien, members of various expeditions have found a total of 12 wide conical holes in the disaster area. To what depth they go, no one knows, since no one even tried to study them. Recently, however, researchers for the first time thought about the origin of the holes and the picture of the felling of trees in the area of ​​the cataclysm. According to all known theories and practice itself, fallen trunks should lie in parallel rows. And here they lie clearly anti-scientific. This means that the explosion was not classical, but somehow completely unknown to science. All these facts allowed geophysicists to reasonably assume that a careful study of conical holes in the earth would shed light on the Siberian mystery. Some scientists have already begun to express the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe earthly origin of the phenomenon. In 2006, according to the President of the Tunguska Space Phenomenon Foundation Yuri Lavbin, Krasnoyarsk researchers discovered quartz cobblestones with mysterious writings in the area of ​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska River at the site of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. According to the researchers, strange signs are applied to the surface of quartz in a man-made way, presumably with the help of plasma exposure. Analyzes of quartz cobblestones, which were studied in Krasnoyarsk and Moscow, showed that quartz contains impurities of cosmic substances that cannot be obtained on Earth. Studies have confirmed that the cobblestones are artifacts: many of them are "jointed" layers of plates, each of which is marked with characters of an unknown alphabet. According to Lovebin's hypothesis, quartz cobblestones are fragments of an information container sent to our planet by an extraterrestrial civilization and exploded as a result of an unsuccessful landing.

ice comet.
The most recent hypothesis is the physicist Gennady Bybin, who has been studying the Tunguska anomaly for more than 30 years. Bybin believes that the mysterious body was not a stone meteorite, but an icy comet. He came to this conclusion based on the diaries of the first researcher of the meteorite impact site, Leonid Kulik. At the scene of the incident, Kulik found a substance in the form of ice covered with peat, but did not attach much importance to it, since he was looking for something completely different. However, this compressed ice with combustible gases frozen into it, found 20 years after the explosion, is not a sign of permafrost, as was commonly believed, but evidence that the ice comet theory is correct, the researcher believes. For a comet that shattered into many pieces from a collision with our planet, the Earth became a kind of hot frying pan. The ice on it quickly melted and exploded. Gennady Bybin hopes that his version will be the only true and last one.
Thousands of researchers are striving to understand what happened on June 30, 1908 in the Siberian taiga. In addition to Russian expeditions, international expeditions regularly go to the area of ​​the Tunguska disaster. On October 9, 1995, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Tungussky State Nature Reserve was established with a total area of ​​296,562 hectares. Its territory is unique. It stands out among other reserves and sanctuaries in the world in that it is the only area on the globe that makes it possible to directly study the environmental consequences of space disasters. In the Tunguska Reserve, due to the uniqueness of the event of 1908, limited tourist activities are allowed as an exception for the purpose of environmental education of the population, familiarization with the beautiful natural objects of the reserve, the site of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. There are three environmental education routes. Two of them are water, along the picturesque rivers Kimchu and Khushma, the third is on foot along the "Kulik trail" - the famous route of the discoverer of the site of the Tunguska meteorite disaster.

In search of the Tunguska meteorite

Many have tried to find the Tunguska meteorite. The first such attempt was made by the engineer Vyacheslav Shishkov, who later became a famous writer, the author of the famous "Gloomy River". In 1911, a geodetic expedition led by him discovered colossal forest fallouts near the Tetere River. A purposeful search for the meteorite was taken up by Leonid Kulik, who went with expeditions to the area of ​​​​fallouts three times. In 1927, he conducted a general reconnaissance, discovered many craters, and returned a year later with a large expedition. During the summer, topographic surveys of the surroundings were carried out, filming of fallen trees, and an attempt was made to pump water out of the funnels with a makeshift pump. However, no traces of the meteorite were found at the same time.
Kulik's third expedition, which took place in 1929 and 1930, was the most numerous and equipped with drilling equipment. They opened one of the largest funnels, at the bottom of which a stump was found. But he turned out to be "older" than the Tunguska catastrophe. Consequently, the funnels were not of meteorite, but of thermokarst origin. The Tunguska space body and its fragments disappeared without a trace. Kulik believed that the Tunguska meteorite was iron. He did not even deign to examine a large meteorite-like stone, which was discovered by the expedition member Konstantin Yankovsky. Attempts to find the "Jankowski stone", undertaken thirty years later, were unsuccessful.
In 1939, Kulik's last expedition took place, and again it did not bring significant results. Kulik was going to organize another trip to the area where the Tunguska meteorite fell in 1941, but the Great Patriotic War prevented him.
In 1958, a group led by geochemist Kirill Florensky set off for the Podkamennaya Tunguska area. The expedition explored a vast logging area and mapped it out. At the same time, not a single meteorite crater was discovered. One of the main tasks assigned to Florensky's group was the discovery of finely dispersed meteorite material, but the searches carried out did not give any results. But a completely new phenomenon was recorded - an abnormally rapid growth of trees. All these circumstances led some members of the expedition to conclude that the meteorite exploded not upon contact with the Earth, but at a certain height above the surface. Such a conclusion was in clear contradiction with the data of "classical" meteoritics: all previously observed meteorites either burned up in the atmosphere, or split into pieces, falling out in separate pieces, or penetrated into the thickness of the earth's crust, forming craters.
In the late 1950s, in the student city of Tomsk, CSE was formed - the Complex Amateur Expedition to study the Tunguska meteorite. The first trip of the CSE to the fallout zone took place in 1959. The main goal that the members of the expedition set themselves was to "awaken the interest of the general public in one of the world's mysteries, the solution of which can give mankind a lot." A year later, CSE-2 began work. It was unprecedented in number and consisted of more than seventy people. Interestingly, in parallel with CSE-2, a group of engineers from the design bureau of Sergei Korolev worked in the area of ​​the Tunguska disaster. In its composition, the future pilot-cosmonaut Georgy Grechko was also looking for a meteorite. The enthusiasm of the CSE members was constantly supported by the belief that the undertaken "general offensive" in the very near future would reveal the nature of the mysterious meteorite, however, even after thirty years of research, having collected colossal factual material, the members of the Complex Expedition could not unequivocally answer the essentially simple question: what exactly exploded over Podkamennaya Tunguska?
Unanimous opinion on the question "What was it?" no so far. The absence of traces of the meteorite gave rise to many exotic hypotheses. Initially, the Tunguska cosmic body was considered an ordinary, albeit very large, iron meteorite that fell to the Earth's surface in the form of one or more fragments. In the post-war years, the "comet" hypothesis gained great popularity. This version still has many supporters. In the 1950s, the American astronomer Fred Whipple showed that many of the contradictions associated with the explanation of the nature of the Tunguska meteorite are eliminated if the comet's nucleus is considered as a monolithic body consisting of ices of methane, ammonia and solid carbon dioxide mixed with snow. In 1961, geochemist Alexei Zolotov, who visited the fallout zone 12 times, put forward a hypothesis about the atomic nature of the Tunguska explosion. Despite the "crazy" component of this hypothesis, Zolotov even managed to defend his Ph.D. thesis based on it. The geochemist wrote: "The flight and explosion of the Tunguska cosmic body is an unusual, and possibly a new phenomenon of nature still unknown to man." The study of the fallout zone from the air made it possible in the late 1960s to say that the Tunguska meteorite made an inexplicable maneuver in the atmosphere during its fall, which supposedly confirms its artificial origin. Skeptics, however, point out that history has recorded numerous cases of the fall of rotating meteorites, arbitrarily changing their trajectory.
After the flight of a very large cosmic body through the Earth's air shell was recorded in 1972, a hypothesis arose that the Tunguska meteorite was the same fleeting guest. In 1977, a mathematical model was published describing the fall of the Tunguska meteorite and proving that it could well evaporate under the influence of heating in the atmosphere, but only on the condition that it consisted entirely of snow. It was shown that the main chemical elements of the Tunguska cosmic body were: sodium (up to 50%), zinc (20%), calcium (more than 10%), iron (7.5%) and potassium (5%). It is these elements, with the exception of zinc, that are most often observed in the spectra of comets. The results of the studies and the data obtained, according to the authors of the study, allow "no longer to assume, but to assert: yes, the Tunguska cosmic body was indeed the nucleus of a comet."

Photo: the site of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite (performance)

The fall of the Tunguska meteorite

Fall year

June 30, 1908 a mysterious object exploded and fell in the earth's atmosphere, later called the Tunguska meteorite.

Place of fall

The territory of Eastern Siberia between the Lena and Podkamennaya Tunguska rivers has forever remained as crash site The Tunguska meteorite, when it flared up like the sun and flew several hundred kilometers, a fiery object fell on it.

Photo: the alleged place of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite

Thunder rumbles were heard for almost a thousand kilometers around. The flight of the space alien ended with a grandiose explosion over the deserted taiga at an altitude of about 5-10 km, followed by a continuous fall of the taiga in the interfluve of Kimchu and Khushmo - tributaries of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, 65 km from the village of Vanavara (Evenkia). Living witnesses of the cosmic catastrophe were the inhabitants of Vanavara and those few Evenk nomads who were in the taiga. The place where the Tunguska meteorite fell can be viewed on Google maps


Tunguska meteorite caused a blast wave, which in a radius of about 40 km was tumbled down the forest, animals were destroyed, people were injured. Its size was 30 meters. Due to the powerful light flash of the Tunguska explosion and the flow of hot gases, a forest fire broke out, which completed the devastation of the area. On the vast expanse bounded from the east by the Yenisei, from the south by the line "Tashkent - Stavropol - Sevastopol - northern Italy - Bordeaux", from the west - by the Atlantic coast of Europe, unprecedented in scale and completely unusual light phenomena unfolded, which went down in history under the name "bright nights of the summer of 1908. Clouds formed at an altitude of about 80 km intensely reflected the sun's rays, thereby creating the effect of bright nights even where they had not been observed before. On the whole of this gigantic territory, on the evening of June 30, night practically did not fall: the entire sky shone (it was possible to read a newspaper at midnight without artificial lighting). This phenomenon continued for several nights.


According to the scattering of particles, their concentration and the estimated power of the explosion, scientists in the first approximation estimated the weight of the space alien. It turned out, The Tunguska meteorite weighed about 5 million tons.


In the history of mankind, in terms of the scale of observed phenomena, it is difficult to find a more grandiose and mysterious event than Tunguska meteorite. The first studies of this phenomenon began only in the 20s of the last century. Four expeditions organized by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, led by the mineralogist Leonid Kulik, were sent to the site of the fall of the object. However, even 100 years later, the mystery of the Tunguska phenomenon remains unsolved.

In 1988, members of the research expedition of the Siberian Public Fund " Tunguska space phenomenon"Under the guidance of Corresponding Member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (St. Petersburg) Yuri Lavbin, metal rods were discovered near Vanavara. Lavbin put forward his version of what happened - a huge comet was approaching our planet from space. Some highly developed space civilization became aware of this "Aliens, in order to save the Earth from a global catastrophe, sent their sentinel spacecraft. It was supposed to split the comet. But, unfortunately, the attack of the most powerful cosmic body was not entirely successful for the ship. True, the comet's nucleus crumbled into several fragments. Some of them hit the Earth, and most of them passed by our planet. Earthlings were saved, but one of the fragments damaged the attacking alien ship, and he made an emergency landing on Earth. Subsequently, the crew of the ship repaired their car and safely left our planet, leaving on it the blocks were out of order, the remains of which were found by the expedition to the crash site.

Photo: Fragment of the Tunguska meteorite

For many years of searching for the wreckage Tunguska meteorite members of various expeditions found a total of 12 wide conical holes in the disaster area. To what depth they go, no one knows, since no one even tried to study them. Recently, however, researchers for the first time thought about the origin of the holes and the picture of the felling of trees in the area of ​​the cataclysm. According to all known theories and practice itself, fallen trunks should lie in parallel rows. And here they lie clearly anti-scientific. This means that the explosion was not classical, but somehow completely unknown to science. All these facts allowed geophysicists to reasonably assume that a careful study of conical holes in the earth would shed light on the Siberian mystery. Some scientists have already begun to express the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe earthly origin of the phenomenon.

In 2006, according to the President of the Tunguska Space Phenomenon Foundation Yuri Lavbin, in the area of ​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska River at the site of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite Krasnoyarsk researchers discovered quartz cobblestones with mysterious inscriptions.

According to the researchers, strange signs are applied to the surface of quartz in a man-made way, presumably with the help of plasma exposure. Analyzes of quartz cobblestones, which were studied in Krasnoyarsk and Moscow, showed that quartz contains impurities of cosmic substances that cannot be obtained on Earth. Studies have confirmed that the cobblestones are artifacts: many of them are fused layers of plates, each of which is marked with characters of an unknown alphabet. According to Lovebin's hypothesis, quartz cobblestones are fragments of an information container sent to our planet by an extraterrestrial civilization and exploded as a result of an unsuccessful landing.


expressed more than a hundred different hypotheses what happened in the Tunguska taiga: from the explosion of swamp gas to the crash of an alien ship. It was also assumed that an iron or stone meteorite with the inclusion of nickel iron could fall to the Earth; the icy nucleus of a comet; unidentified flying object, starship; giant ball lightning; meteorite from Mars, hard to distinguish from terrestrial rocks. American physicists Albert Jackson and Michael Ryan declared that the Earth met with a "black hole"; some researchers suggested that it was a fantastic laser beam or a piece of plasma detached from the Sun; French astronomer Felix de Roy, a researcher of optical anomalies, suggested that on June 30, the Earth probably collided with a cloud of cosmic dust.

ice comet

The latest is ice comet hypothesis, put forward by physicist Gennady Bybin, who has been studying the Tunguska anomaly for more than 30 years. Bybin believes that the mysterious body was not a stone meteorite, but an icy comet. He came to this conclusion based on the diaries of Leonid Kulik, the first researcher of the meteorite fall site. At the scene of the incident, Kulik found a substance in the form of ice covered with peat, but did not attach much importance to it, since he was looking for something completely different. However, this compressed ice with combustible gases frozen into it, found 20 years after the explosion, is not a sign of permafrost, as was commonly believed, but evidence that the ice comet theory is correct, the researcher believes. For a comet that shattered into many pieces from a collision with our planet, the Earth became a kind of hot frying pan. The ice on it quickly melted and exploded. Gennady Bybin hopes that his version will be the only true and last one.


However, most scientists are inclined to believe that it was still meteorite exploded above the earth's surface. It was his traces, starting from 1927, that the first Soviet scientific expeditions led by Leonid Kulik were looking for in the explosion area. But the usual meteor crater was not at the scene. Expeditions found that around the site of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, the forest was felled like a fan from the center, and in the center some of the trees remained standing on the vine, but without branches.

Subsequent expeditions noticed that the area of ​​fallen forest has a characteristic butterfly shape, directed from east-southeast to west-northwest. The total area of ​​fallen forest is about 2200 square kilometers. Modeling the shape of this area and computer calculations of all the circumstances of the fall showed that the explosion did not occur when the body collided with the earth's surface, but even before that in the air at a height of 5-10 km.


At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, hypothesis about the connection of Nikola Tesla with the Tunguska meteorite. According to this hypothesis, on the day of the observation of the Tunguska phenomenon (June 30, 1908), Nikola Tesla conducted an experiment on energy transfer "through the air." A few months before the explosion, Tesla claimed that he could light the way to the North Pole for the expedition of the famous traveler Robert Peary. In addition, records have been preserved in the journal of the US Library of Congress that he requested maps of "the least populated parts of Siberia." His experiments on the creation of standing waves, when, as stated, a powerful electrical impulse concentrated tens of thousands of kilometers in the Indian Ocean, fit well into this "hypothesis". If Tesla succeeded in pumping the pulse with the energy of the so-called "ether" (a hypothetical medium, which, according to scientific ideas of past centuries, was credited with the role of a carrier of electromagnetic interactions) and the effect of resonance to "rock" the wave, then, according to the myth, a discharge with a power comparable to nuclear explosion."

Other hypotheses

Writers also gave their versions of the Tunguska phenomenon. The famous science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev described the Tunguska phenomenon as a catastrophe of a spaceship flying to us from Mars. Writers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky in the book "Monday begins on Saturday" put forward a comic hypothesis about counter-winding. In it, the events of 1908 are explained by the reverse course of time, i.e. not by the arrival of the spacecraft to Earth, but by its launch.

date Author. Hypothesis. essence of the hypothesis. Problems.
1908 ordinaryThe descent of the god Ogda. Flight of the fiery serpent. Repetition of the tragedy of Sodom and Gomorrah Beginning of the 2nd Russo-Japanese War.
1908 I. K. SoloninEnormous size aerolite
1921 L. A. KulikMeteoriticAccording to the results of a survey of eyewitnesses, it was concluded that a meteorite had fallen in the region of Podkamennaya Tunguska.
1927 L. A. KulikIron meteorite Fragments of an iron meteorite fell out associated with comet Pons-Winnicke. Problems: Why did the high-altitude explosion occur? Where are the remains of the meteorite? What caused western white nights?
1927 meteorite transformationFor the first time, they started talking about the version of the transformation of a meteorite into jets of fragments and gas.
1929 Tangential MeteoriteThe body fell at a small angle to the horizon, before reaching the Earth, it split and experienced a rebound, rising a hundred kilometers up. The fragments, having lost speed, fell out in a completely different place. She explained the absence of material evidence, white nights, etc., but the calculations did not confirm her.
1930 F. Whipple Comet ExplosionThe Earth collided with a small comet (the comet's nucleus is a "ball of dirty snow"), which completely evaporated into the atmosphere, leaving no trace. Problems: How could the comet sneak up on you? The comet could not have penetrated that deep into the atmosphere.
1932 F. de Roy. I. VernadskySpace objectsEarth collided with a compact cloud of cosmic dust.
1934 CometCollision with a comet's tail.
1946 A.P. KazantsevAlienExplosion of atomic engines of an alien ship. Problems: No traces of radiation detected.
1948 L. LapazK. Cowan. LibbyAntimatter meteoriteThe Tunguska meteorite is a piece of antimatter that has experienced annihilation in the atmosphere, i.e. completely turned into radiation due to nuclear processes. Problems: Annihilation should have occurred in the upper atmosphere. Annihilation products (neutrons and gamma quanta) were not found. “The whole Universe is material” (A.D. Sakharov)
1951 V. F. SolyanikPositively charged iron-nickel meteorite The meteorite moved with an inclination angle of 15-20 degrees, at a speed of >10 km/s. An intense mechanical interaction occurs between the Earth's surface and a flying meteorite, reaching several million tons. Approaching 15-20 km to the Earth's surface, the dark matter began to discharge, producing various mechanical damage.
1959 F. Yu. SiegelAlienThe explosion of a meteorite is similar to the destruction of the planet Phaeton, once located between the planets Mars and Jupiter. A UFO exploded at the crash site. As arguments, he cited an increased level of radioactivity at the epicenter of the explosion and the maneuver of the Tunguska body when moving in the atmosphere by almost 90 degrees. Problems: No traces of radiation detected.
1960 G.F. PlekhanovBiological (comic)A detonation explosion of a cloud of midges with a volume of more than 5 cubic kilometers.
1961 alienDisintegration of the flying saucer.
1962 Meteoritic-electro-magneticOn the electrical breakdown of the ionosphere to the Earth caused by a meteor.
1963 A. P. Nevsky Electrostat. meteorite dischargeAccording to his calculations, a body with a radius of 50-70 meters moved at a speed of 20 km / s, then, having discharged at a height of about 20 km. was almost completely destroyed.
1963 I. S. Astapovich Comet ricochetDue to the gentle trajectory (the angle of inclination is about 10 degrees) and the minimum flight height of about 10 km, a small comet, having passed through the Earth's atmosphere and causing damage during deceleration, lost its shell, and the nucleus entered the interplanetary space along a hyperbolic trajectory.
1964 G. S. Altshuller V. N. ZhuravlevaAlienThe explosion was caused by a laser signal that came to Earth from the civilization of the planetary system of the 61st star from the constellation Cygnus.
1965 A. N. StrugatskyB. N. StrugatskyAlienAlien ship with reverse time flow.
1966 MeteoriticThe fall of a superdense piece of white dwarf.
1967 V. A. EpifanovNaturalDue to a local earthquake or geological displacement of the earth's layers, a crack formed in the crust, into which dust, a fine suspension of oil and methane hydrates, mixed with "blue fuel", escaped and ignited by lightning.
1967 D. Bigby AlienHaving discovered ten small moons with strange trajectories, he concluded: in 1908 a UFO flew in, a capsule with a crew separated from it and exploded over the taiga, the ship was in Earth orbit until 1955, the crew was waiting and losing altitude, finally, “machine guns worked”, and there was an explosion.
1968 NaturalDissociation of water and explosion of explosive gas.
1969 CometThe fall of a comet from antimatter. Problems: “The whole Universe is material” (A.D. Sakharov)
1969 I. T. ZotkinMeteoriticThe radiant of the Tunguska fireball is similar to the radiant of the daytime beta-Taurid meteor shower, associated in turn with the Encke comet
1973 A. JacksonM. Ryan black holeThe Tunguska meteorite was actually a miniature "black hole" of very small mass. In their opinion, it entered the Earth in Central Siberia, passed through, and left in the North Atlantic.
1975 G. I. PetrovV. P. StulovKometnayaOnly the loose nucleus of a comet is able to penetrate so deeply into the Earth's atmosphere. Density should be no more than 0.01 g/cm.
1976 L. KresakKometnayaThe Tunguska object was actually a fragment of Comet Encke - an old and dim comet with the shortest orbit of all comets moving around the Sun - that broke away from it several thousand years ago.
80sL. A. MukharevNaturalA giant ball lightning exploded, which arose in the Earth's atmosphere as a result of powerful energy pumping by ordinary lightning, or sharp fluctuations in the atmospheric electric field.
80sB. R. HermanNaturalLightning generated by cosmic dust invading the earth's atmosphere at cosmic speed. By its nature, the Tunguska ball lightning belonged to cluster-type lightning.
80sV. N. SalnikovNaturalThe explosion is associated with the release of a powerful electromagnetic "vortex" (an underground thunderstorm) from the depths of the earth. The natural analogue of this phenomenon is ball lightning.
80sA. N. Dmitriev V. K. ZhuravlevThe Tunguska meteorite is a plasmacide erupted from the Sun.
1981 N. S. KudryavtsevaNaturalEmission of gas-mud mass from a volcanic pipe located near Vanavara.
1984 E. K. Iordanishvili MeteoriticThe celestial body flying at a small angle to the surface of our planet became hot at an altitude of 120-130 km, and its long tail was observed by hundreds of people from Baikal to Van Avara. Having touched the Earth, the meteorite "ricocheted", jumped several hundred kilometers up, and this made it possible to observe it from the middle reaches of the Angara. Then the Tunguska meteorite, having described a parabola and having lost its cosmic velocity, really fell to the Earth, now forever.
1984 D. V. Timofeev NaturalExplosion of 0.25-2.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas. The plume of gas, escaping from the bowels of the Earth in the area of ​​the Southern swamp on June 30, 1908, formed an explosive mixture. It was set on fire by lightning or a fireball.
1986 M.N. TsynbalA meteorite consisting of metallic hydrogen A block of metallic hydrogen weighing 400,000 tons, instantly dispersed, combined with oxygen created an explosive mixture of large volume.
1988 A.P. KazantsevAlienThe Tunguska meteorite is a lander that separated from the Black Prince starship, a mysterious satellite discovered in Earth orbit by Californian astronomer John Bagby in 1967.
Beginning 90sM.V.TolkachevKometnayaThe Tunguska comet could consist of gas hydrate compounds released instantly under the influence of a sharp change in temperature.
Beginning 90sV. G. Polyakov MeteoriticThe meteorite consisted of sodium of cosmic origin. Penetrating into the dense layers of the atmosphere containing water vapor, the meteorite entered into a chemical reaction with it. A chemical explosion occurred in the region of critical saturation.
Beginning 90sA. E. ZlobinKometnayaThe iron core of a long-period comet that flew to us from the Oort cloud had the properties of a superconductor due to its low temperature. This largely determined the conditions for its penetration into the Earth's atmosphere, and the unusual nature of the explosion.
1991 NaturalAn unusual earthquake, accompanied by some light phenomena.
1993 K. Chaiba P. Thomas K. ZahnleCometThe body of a cometary nature should collapse at an altitude of 22 km. And a small stone asteroid, about 30 meters in diameter, would collapse at an altitude of about 8 km.
1993 MeteoriticThe fall of an icy meteorite, which, having discharged the electric charge accumulated on its surface, again flew into space.
90sA.Yu. Olkhovatov NaturalThe Tunguska phenomenon was a kind of terrestrial earthquake that arose at the site of a geological fault in the area of ​​the Kulikovsky paleovolcano.
90sA. F. Ioffe E. M. DrobyshevskyKometnayaChemical explosion of an explosive mixture of oxygen and hydrogen released from cometary ice by electrolysis after its repeated passage around the Sun.
90sV. P. EvplukhinMeteoriticThe meteorite was an iron ball with a radius of 5 meters and a mass of 4100 tons, surrounded by a silicate shell. Due to deceleration in the dense layers of the atmosphere, a current was induced in it, then there was a sharp heating and dispersion of the substance. The subsequent airglow was caused by the release of large amounts of ionized iron.
1995 MeteoriticOn antimatter entering the Earth's atmosphere.
1995 MeteoriticAbout a special meteorite with a carbonaceous chondrid.
1995 A. F. ChernyaevThe ethereal-gravitational bolide Meteorite did not fall to the Earth, but rather flew out of its depths, turning out to be an etherograviobolide. "Ether-gravity bolide" is a super-dense stone block, like an underground meteorite, supersaturated with compressed ether.
1996 V. V. Svetsov MeteoriticA stone asteroid with a diameter of 60 meters, weighing 15 Mt entered the atmosphere at an angle of 45 degrees, penetrated deep into the atmosphere. Not slowing down enough, and in dense layers experienced huge aerodynamic loads, which completely destroyed it, turning it into a swarm of small (no more than 1 cm in diameter) fragments immersed in a high-intensity radiation field.
1996 M. Dimde EnergyAn experiment on the transmission of electric wave energy at a distance. A few months before the explosion, Tesla claimed that he could light the way to the north pole of the expedition of the famous traveler R. Pirri. When trying to do this, he made a mistake in the calculations.
1996 alienAbout the entry into the Earth's atmosphere of an extraterrestrial substance, possibly a planet with a high content of iridium.
1997 B. N. IgnatovNaturalThe Tunguska explosion was caused by "the collision and detonation of 3 fireballs with a diameter of more than one meter each."
1998 B. U. RodionovAn explosion of hypothetical linear matter contained within each thread of a magnetic flux quantum.
1998 Yu. A. Nikolaev MeteoriticEjection 200 kt. natural methane, and then an explosion of a methane-air cloud initiated by a stone or iron meteorite of three meters in diameter.
2000 V. I. Zyukov KometnyThe Tunguska meteorite could be a relic ice comet, which was a block of ice of high modification. The proposed modification of ice makes it possible to solve the issue of the strength of the HCT when it enters the Earth's atmosphere, and is in good agreement with many known observational facts.
July 2003Yu. D. Labvin Martian-comet-alienLabvin Yu. D. believes that in order to prevent a large-scale catastrophe, due to the collision of an invading comet (of Martian origin) with the Earth, it was destroyed by an alien ship that started from the Earth and died during the destruction of the comet. In 2004, on the banks of the Podkamennaya Tunguska, a scientist discovered materials belonging to a technical device of extraterrestrial origin. According to preliminary analyzes, the metal is an alloy of iron and silicon (iron silicide) with the addition of other elements, unknown in this composition on Earth and having a very high melting point.

But these are all just hypotheses, and the mystery of the Tunguska meteorite remains a mystery.

Thousands of researchers are striving to understand what happened on June 30, 1908 in the Siberian taiga. In addition to Russian expeditions, international expeditions regularly go to the area of ​​the Tunguska disaster.


Tunguska meteorite for many years he turned the taiga rich in vegetation into a dead forest cemetery. Studying consequences of the disaster showed that the energy of the explosion was 10-40 megatons of TNT equivalent, which is comparable to the energy of two thousand nuclear bombs detonated at a time, like the one dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Later, increased tree growth was found in the center of the explosion, indicating a radiation release. And this is not all the consequences of the Tunguska meteorite ...

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