Creative improvisation games. Material (grade 11) on the topic: Show improvisation "It's good that you came!" th version of cards

TNT is one of the most popular entertainment TV channels in Russia. It was established in 1997 and is currently the leading channel of the Gazprom-Media Entertainment Television sub-holding. Dancing on tnt online and other programs can be watched for free on our website.

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This methodological development may be of interest to specialists related to the organization of children's and youth leisure: teachers-organizers, teachers of additional education, deputy directors for VR, class teachers, educators, counselors, etc. Designed for children over 14 years old. The event was created on the basis of the TV show "Thank God you have come" and consists in the fact that a group of organizers prepares several improvisations for each participant. The participant is not familiar with them and, getting into improvisation, tries to navigate it. The goal is to raise the emotional background of vacationers / pupils / students. Tasks: development of creative abilities, improvisation skills, resourcefulness, sense of humor. This is a unique event, the preparation of which takes a minimum of effort, resources and time, and the result exceeds all expectations.



Name: "It's good that you came!"

Genre: show improvisation.

Target: raising the emotional background of vacationers / pupils / students.

Tasks: development of creative abilities, improvisation skills, resourcefulness, sense of humor.

Age of participants: from the age of 14.

Number of participants:1 person from each squad / class / team, etc.

Number of viewers:unlimited (the more the better)

Organizers: counselors or a creative group of at least 10 people.

Location:camp, school, art house, etc.

Event start:perfect evening.

Time spending: 30-40 min.

Area: any, including stage, summer stage, area in front of the club / building, meadow, etc.

Site layout:not required, if desired - any.

Equipment: musical equipment, microphones, KVN screen on wheels or working scenes.

Props: balloons, a prize (moreover, the most ordinary, for example, school chalk, a pointer, a 1st grade textbook, etc.), a football pipe, pillows, medical scales or a medical height ruler, luggage bag, idol.

Suits/Elements:pioneers, counselor (cap, tie ...), children (shorts, skirts, bows ...), nurse (white coat, hat with a red cross), mother, friend (fashionable things that cause rejection in adults), Indians, leader, ballet packs, leggings, mafiosi.

Uniqueness: This is a unique event, the preparation of which takes a minimum of effort, resources and time, and the result exceeds all expectations.

  • as a participant, you must choose a resourceful, artistic and well-mannered child;
  • each participant must be warned against undesirable actions on stage (obscene expressions, indecent gestures, images of drunk, smoking people, hints of an erotic nature, swagger, vulgarity, etc.)
  • tell the jury when to blow the horn for each improvisation;
  • the team of organizers is recommended to be divided into 2 groups, one works in the first presentation, the other changes clothes; the second one works in the second presentation, the first one changes clothes, and so on.
  • improvisations with the organizers must be carefully rehearsed (especially pass / speak into the microphone), participants must improvise.

This event was held by me repeatedly at the training camps of leaders' detachments, in asset shifts, and schools. A specific script is written for the evening meeting with the graduates.

The auditorium fills up. The wings are closed.


MUSIC: dynamic, modern, background.

No light.

BEAM backstage.


Young girls and guys (counselors, organizers of the event) with balloons abruptly jump out from under the wings, sing the song “Thank God you came”, dance on the proscenium, run out into the auditorium on the last chords and throw balloons to the audience. One of them (the presenter) stays upstage and starts the show.

LEADING: It's good that you've come, dear friends. And as always, on the FIRST Saturday of February, on channel 17 TV (because school 17) show-improvisation "It's good that you came!"

So, I must say that today the most resourceful graduates of different years will fight for our prize - a glass ... door, you mean? ... but no! ... that was said by those who watch our program on TNT, but today we are on channel 17 TV, so who needs these useless glass doors, it’s _____________________________________________, think this is an almost indispensable thing in the house. This is, firstly, the decoration of your interior, secondly, you can always brag to your friends - I have it, thirdly ... well, plus 3 points to the one who says how you can use it! Here! HERE! And this is all together our ………………………………….!

And we also have a striped pipe, but it’s not mine, but a member of the jury ……………………………………….,

who himself will say a few words about her.

BEAM "takes" a member of the jury, who sits in the middle of the hall.

JURY MEMBER: My favorite striped pipe is always with me! And not because she is an interior decoration, and certainly not because I can boast that I ate IT ... but because only she can stop your improvisation at the most interesting place, and that's how she will do it!(puffing)

LIGHT to the front.

LEADING: Thank you and your tune, and I introduce you to the participants of our show

(the presenter calls the name and surname of everyone, they appear)

(members of the show come out from the backstage and line up on the proscenium)

The presenter asks them questions, for example: tell us the most extraordinary way of cheating that you have mastered; if some foundation were to establish a million dollar prize, which teacher would you give it to, and so on.

LEADING: So, let's say thank you to our participants, take your seats, and you stay!

CHORUS ("Thank God you're here")

LEADING: It's time for your first improvisation!

The presenter puts on him / her an element of leader's clothing, asks questions: what do you think, who do you look like, what awaits you there, etc.)

FILLING the scene.

CHORUS ("Thank God you're here")

LEADING: So, let's check your assumption... Kindly, open the GEAR!

(the backstage opens, the LEADER remains on the edge of the proscenium, and the participant enters the stage)

1) IMPROVISATION: PILLOW PUNISHMENT(player changes into counselor)

(organizers dressed as children - junior schoolchildren run in a circle with pillows on outstretched arms)

It's good that you came! (answers)

We have been running around the dacha with pillows on outstretched arms for 2.5 hours! Maybe we have already redeemed ourselves? (answers)

Tell me, what are we to blame for, we do not understand! (answers)

Yes, but you punished us for not cleaning your bed. But aren't you supposed to clean it yourself in the morning? (answers)

And my mother said that I would not go to your detachment. Why? (answers)

And why, when she arrived at the parent's day, she looked at the two of us, said how similar we are, burst into tears and left. (answers)

And tomorrow my dad will arrive, for some reason he wants to meet you. Why? (answers)

Maybe we can agree - and I don’t run with pillows, and you will never see my dad. Deal!!! (answers)

(pipe horn)

(backstage closes)

(after each improvisation, the LEADER says words of gratitude to the participant, gives the floor to the jury, introduces the next participant into the improvisation, offering him elements of clothing, just like the first participant)

2) IMPROVISATION: MEDICAL POINT(player dresses up as a nurse)

(in front of a medical object: a table, scales, a height ruler (depending on what you can get) there is a queue of children)

It's good that you came! (answers)

Marivanna, we're here for our morning routine. (answers)

Will you paint with green? (answers)

And we have nothing to pay for your greenery ... (answers)

Yesterday you took away the rest of the forbidden products. For what? (answers)

But we saw how you ate them after lights out in the isolation room! (answers)

But you took not only pizza and pigtail cheese, but also a domestic tape recorder 2 pieces, a suede jacket - 3 jackets and a domestic cigarette case! (answers)

Did you eat it too? (answers)

And why did you come back later and said that this was not enough for you and took away our Vasya Perepyolkin and said that this was a prohibited product? (answers)

But excuse me, Vasya Perepyolkin is our counselor! (answers)

How are we without him? You took him from us, you must replace him!

(in chorus) Replace! (answers)

(pipe horn)

(Chorus "Thank God you're here!")

(backstage closes)

the participant goes to the forefront to the LEADER.

3) IMPROVISATION: DEPARTURE TO CAMP(player changes into mum/dad)

MOM (with a large luggage bag): It's good that you've come! The bus is leaving for the camp! (answers)

Did you do what I ordered? (answers)

I ask, did you catch 25 flies? (answers)

What did your mother tell you to do with them? (answers)

I said never touch that filth! (answers)

Show me what you took with you to camp? (answers)

Explain why you need THIS (takes out various ridiculous things from the bag)? (answers about each thing)

Now tell me, who did your mother tell you not to hang out with in the camp? (answers)

Who is your friend? (answers)

Did I tell you not to hang out with him? (answers)

Did you tell him about it? (answers)

What is he? (answers)

(FRIEND exits)

FRIEND: Hey buddy, your mommy is finally gone! Well, we tricked her! (answers)

MOM: Who are you fooling! (answers)

FRIEND: Well, you said that she would leave and you and I ... (answers)

MOM: What were you supposed to do with him? (answers)

FRIEND: Let's not fight! Let's do it together? Let's dance! We always dance before leaving! (answers)

(pipe horn)

(Chorus "Thank God you're here!")

(backstage closes)

the participant goes to the forefront to the LEADER.

4) IMPRO: TRIB(player changes into redskin leader)

(the tribe sits around the idol)

It's good that you came, leader. You are in trouble, leader! Your squaw hasn't risen in 6 weeks. (answers)

It's strange, leader, but you yourself made her lie down, and if she gets up, you said that you would tear off her head - she lies, leader! (answers)

Chief, where are the warriors of your tribe? (answers)

Strange, but you yourself gave them to the leader of the Red Ear. Why did you do it, chief? (answers)

But who will feed our women and children now? (answers)

We haven't been able to catch a mammoth for a month now. (answers)

You said you'd show us a spell that mammoths run like flies to. Show it, leader! (answers)

(pipe horn)

(Chorus "Thank God you're here!")

(backstage closes)

the participant goes to the forefront to the LEADER.

5) IMPROVISATION: BALLET MASTER CLASS(player dresses up as a ballerina/ballero)

(ballet group, holding on to the handrail, warms up to classical music)

It's good that you came, maestro! Maestro, you just danced solo in Swan Lake, how is it? (answers)

But, maestro, we were told that you danced the turtle solo, why are you not trusted with the MAIN roles? (answers)

Maestro, let's start the lesson! Today's first lesson is twine. Maestro, show it to us. (answers)

Everyone knows that no one does splits better than you. Please! (answers)

Maestro, I can't do the splits - you said it's not decent! (answers)

Maestro, are you really a professional? (answers)

Why do children laugh when you dance? (answers)

Maestro, is it true that you receive the biggest fees in our country? (answers)

And why then, when you receive them, your mother cries, and the children laugh? (answers)

Maestro, we have already warmed up, let's go through our stage? (answers)

(pipe horn)

(Chorus "Thank God you're here!")

(backstage closes)

the participant goes to the forefront to the LEADER.

6) IMPROVISATION: GRANDMA ZINA FROM SES(the player changes into the chief specialist of the sanitary and epidemiological station)

(a combative, impressive grandmother in a medical gown checks the premises)

It's good that you came. I am grandmother Zina - the chief specialist of the SES (sanitary and epidemiological station) in the region. I've come to check on you. (answers)

You are the leader of the 1st detachment. Your name is! (answers)

Are you clean in the body? (answers)

And then what is it (takes out a “blatant ban”)? (answers)

Why is this boy sleeping on a pile of rubbish? (answers)

Let's look at the bunch. What do you see? (answers)

And I see the second boy, who sleeps under a pile of garbage. What do you say to that? (answers)

Ok do you have mosquito nets on the windows? (answers)

Yes, but why are they nailed to the entrance to the bedrooms, and not to the windows? (answers)

Shall we look into the bushes? What do you see? (answers)

And I see you unemployed soon. Well, do something that I can forgive you for. (answers)

(pipe horn)

(Chorus "Thank God you're here!")

(backstage closes)

the participant goes to the forefront to the LEADER.

7) IMPRO: THE GODFATHER(player changes into Don Corleone)

(mafia clan meeting)

It's good that you came, father! I've got everyone, let's get started! (answers)

But you promised to tell us about how you were followed in the subway. (answers)

Yes, but there is no metro in Tula. (answers)

Okay, do you remember what you asked us to do about that guy who was following you? Remind us! (answers)

Oh, so we didn't mix anything up. Now we are waiting for a generous reward. (answers)

Well, you promised us a moped. (answers)

To each! (answers)

(pipe horn)

(Chorus "Thank God you're here!")

(backstage closes)

the participant goes to the forefront to the LEADER.

FINAL IMPROVISATION(all seven players take part in it at the same time): TEAM ON THE "CARPET" (players dress up as pioneers)

(an angry counselor is waiting for the children “on the carpet”)

It's good that you came, 1 squad! Tell me, how did you come to such a life?

So, according to the shift supervisor Oleg Ivanovich, you wanted to arrange in his office ... what?

And why did you carry firewood to the director's office?

Yes, but in the principal's office we also found kerosene, matches, and a bound methodologist! What can you say in your defense?

Okay, let's analyze the incident in the shower, 1 squad!

Here you! Tell everyone why you hid behind a hose in the women's shower and scared Marvasilna?

And you, why did you pretend to be a hose?

Okay everyone else! What did you all do when Marvasilna got scared?

And Marvasilna replied that you said: do not shout, otherwise there will be no money!

Well, when Marvasilna made a remark to you, what did you show her?

You showed her Ivanov! How many times to repeat that Ivanov should not be shown to people!

(pipe horn)

(Chorus "Thank God you're here!")

(backstage closes)

participants go to the forefront to the LEADER.

LEADING: So the improvisation is over. Jury word. Who will be the lucky owner...

(Jury's word)

BEAM on the jury.

LIGHT to the front.

LEADING: So, the happy owner of ________________________ became known. And they became ____________________.

LEADING: And now, according to the good old tradition, we are finishing the show program with the final dance together with our participants. And here's how we do it!!!


PHONGRAM "Thank God you've come"

All participants and organizers of the show, together with the audience, sing and dance to the soundtrack. First on the proscenium, then in the hall itself.



Verbal and theatrical games develop associative thinking, communication skills, acting skills, and a sense of rhythm in children. They can be used in any environment, with a different number of participants and without any prior preparation.


This game develops associative thinking, increases vocabulary, develops memory, improves communication, develops reaction. It is good to play with both younger and older students.

The driver thinks of a word and calls its first letter: for example, "k". All the rest take turns asking the driver about some word with the letter “k”, but they formulate the question so that other team members guess what word is meant, but the driver does not guess. When one of the players understood the meaning of the question and the implied word, he says: "Contact."

If the driver still guesses the word given by the participants, the game continues. If not, then he calls the second letter from the word he has conceived. This may continue until the word is fully revealed. The task of the driver is to unravel as many words of the command as possible and not give out his word for as long as possible.

For example, the driver thought of the word "caramel". One of the participants asks him: “Is this not what they eat for breakfast?” Team members must guess what is being said. If the driver does not guess the word within 10 seconds, the players call their word “porridge”, and this word must match with them. If two people from the team call two different words, then the contact is not counted.

Mom and Dad

This game is aimed at developing the child's vocabulary. It is good to play it with younger and older students, you can all together, even with your parents.

Two nouns are guessed, one is feminine, the other is masculine, but such that they are related to each other. For example, a bald head and a wig, a knife and a fork. The person who guesses these words is allowed to ask questions to the whole team, and the team can only answer “yes” or “no” to the question asked by him. The player wins if he guesses correctly. Then the next player in the team becomes the guesser.

Nouns and hat

A game of cohesion, understanding, the ability to listen and explain. Develops imaginative thinking, reaction, the ability to clearly build a sentence.

Participants sit at the table, but it is important that there are an even number of players. They take a number of pieces of paper, and each writes on his sheet as many nouns as possible that come to mind. Then all the sheets are mixed, put in a hat, and it goes in a circle.

Some player takes out a piece of paper, unfolds it, and after that he must explain to his counterpart (or neighbor), without using the word written on the sheet, as well as words with the same root, which means this noun. You have two minutes for this. Words are guessed in order. The pair that manages to guess the words written on the largest number of pieces of paper wins.

The host conceives a well-known quatrain and writes out rhymes from there, and distributes the leaves to the players. Each player composes his own quatrain with the received rhymes. Then the host reads aloud all the composed quatrains, and each of the participants must guess from which poem these rhymes were taken.

A point is counted to the one who guessed at least a specific poet. The one who scores more points wins.


1. Option for older students

The game is aimed at developing vocabulary, sense of rhythm and rhyme.

All participants sit in a circle, take a large piece of paper. The first participant writes three rhyming lines on it and folds the piece of paper so that only the last of them is visible to the next participant. The next participant comes up with a rhyming line for it, and also composes another one for the next player.

The result is a joint poem. Usually it comes out very funny, because one of the participants comes up with their own plot for the line they got, and someone supports the neighbor's plot.

Another kind of game: the participants are given four rhymes, and they need to come up with their own poem.

2. Option for younger students

With young children, you can play not poetic, but drawing burim. The rules of the game are the same, but instead of rhyming lines, each participant draws a part of the body of a single creature.

literary heroes

This game develops acting skills, communication, develops a team spirit, cohesion, develops abstract thinking.

The guys are divided into teams. Each team shows some kind of scene, but preferably without words. It is best if it is a scene from a well-known book. For example, at the lesson we recently read “Mowgli” by R. Kipling. The students were divided into 3-4 teams, 4 people each, and each team presents some episode: one shows the scene on the Council Rock when Mowgli attacks Sherkhan with fire, the other team depicts how Akella missed, and the rest during the show guess , which episode they see and which of the characters the participants play.

In the same way, you can think of fairy tales, cartoons, legends, myths. For example, the theme of the game may be the exploits of Hercules. Then each team shows some feat of Hercules, and the rest guess.


The game helps to develop communication skills, acting skills, teaches you to understand the psychology of the character being portrayed.

One participant drives, and the rest come up with a word whose number of letters matches the number of people sitting. Then each player depicts some kind of human quality, the name of which begins with the letter he got (tediousness, laziness, impudence, kindness, etc.). The driver must guess which quality is being depicted.

Another kind of game: the driver goes out, and the team members agree on which of them portrays which quality. At the same time, it is allowed to represent quality not only mimicry, but also with the help of words, intonation.


The game is aimed at developing figurativeness, fine motor skills, promotes interaction skills and team building, helps to deal with psychological problems - such as stage fright, inability to speak to a large audience, answer tricky questions. It is good for shy people who find it difficult to feel free in communication.

One of the guys sits on a chair and pretends to be a senile professor. He wears a large jacket, usually backwards. Another person stands behind him and puts his hands under his arms so that they look like the hands of a seated person.

All participants, secretly from the professor, think of some fantastic invention that this scientist allegedly made. And the professor needs to give a lecture about his new invention and at the same time guess what it consists of, since he does not know this in advance. His only assistant is the hands of the second player, which move in front of him and try to depict what the professor has invented, or somehow tell him what it is.

It is important for a scientist not to lose face, because he is giving a lecture: “Dear audience, I am a famous professor, I recently invented a fundamentally new device, now I will remember what the essence of my invention is.” At the same time, everyone sees hands that explain something, and it turns out very funny.

The task of the professor is to guess what invention he made. The task of the player depicting the hands is to explain the essence of the discovery with gestures.


Warm-up, attention, transfer of initiative

This exercise is done in pairs. Take a partner and stand opposite each other. The distance between you should be about a meter. One of you is the Leader, and the second is his Reflection. The host shows any movement, and the Reflection copies it. Try to be in sync. The leader can offer everyday or abstract movements. There is no need to rush - make sure that the Reflection has time to tune in to the general wave!

The next step is a spontaneous change of Leader. At any moment, any of the partners can seize the initiative and start leading. The second partner is sure to adjust!

Lagging Mirror

warm up, attention

The principle is the same - one of the partners is the Leader, the second is the Reflection. Only the Reflection repeats the movements with a lag of one! This exercise is great for developing attention.

Mirror and associations

warm up, attention

We take a variant of the "Mirror" exercise and add a game in the Association to it!

Divide attention - body and imagination.

One of you shows the movements, the second copies it and at the same time you play simple associations.

Associations are necessarily nouns that are associated with each other (table - chair - furniture - shop - seller - glasses - look, etc.)


Warming up, spontaneity, feeling of a partner

This exercise is best done in groups of 3.

Distribute the order - the first, second and third!

The first participant takes any position of the body, the second one attaches to it so that a sculpture would be obtained, and then the third one joins them. After that, the first one dies off again and is attached to the sculpture that remains) And further in a circle!

The main thing in this exercise is the speed of thinking and reaction. When you are dying and you need to find a place and a position for yourself, then do not think - act quickly, without a pause. Be spontaneous and creative!

Variation 1: set a certain image that the sculptures will embody. For example: summer, clouds, underwater world, flower shop, etc.

In this case, you don't need to guess what other partners mean, just start from the given image and real sculptures!

Variation 2: voice each sculpture with a sound or a word. If you voice with words, then this exercise turns into a game of "Associations" with movement!

This exercise develops associative thinking, imagination and expands your repertoire of movements.

Director - actor

Warm-up, acting, liberation

The exercise is done in pairs. One of you is a director, the other is an actor. Then everything is simple: the director gives the actor various tasks, and the actor fulfills them!

Tasks can be divided into three types:

  • simple steps
  • acting games
  • creative thinking

Simple actions are tasks like: sit on a chair, go to the door, look out the window, etc. They should be as simple as possible and only real objects should be used in them.

Acting games are tasks that begin with the word Show me!

show me tiger, chair, manual sunset, inspiration, emancipation, etc. The director can come up with any images, feelings, concepts that the actor shows. The main thing here is improvisation, courage and acting skills.

If you are in the role of an actor, then feel free to let go of your imagination and rush into the game!

Creative thinking. The director gives simple tasks: bring a chair, sit on the sofa, pour a glass of water, etc. Only in this variant the actor has to perform this task not directly, but to modify it.

For example, if you need to bring a chair, then the actor will first carefully check it for stability, and only then bring it)

If you need to pour a glass of water, then the actor can put this glass on his head and fill it with water in this position! The main thing is that these actions are internally justified. For example, an actor is rehearsing a number with a glass of water, or he lost a bet to a friend.

History by word

This is both an exercise and a very fun impro game!

You need to write a bright, interesting and coherent story with your partner.

Only in this story you speak one word at a time.

For example:

But yesterday

B: Maria

A: out

B: from the hut.

And she

B: saw

A: big

B: beautiful

A: bear! etc.

The main thing here is to listen to the partner and accept everything that he gives.

We need to collaborate and write together. Don't pull the blanket over you!

Feel free to take the initiative - assign places of action, heroes, events.

Follow the story line. It is better if you have one main character with whom different events occur.

One of the good tricks here is a game with adjectives: "Big, beautiful, white, in love .. bear!"

You describe something that doesn't exist yet, and it's always interesting what will come out of it.

Good luck and practice!


(form of the game, attention, partnership)

This is a great game for developing the speed of thinking and a sense of the whole.

Start a dialogue with your partner on any topic. Only each subsequent replica must begin with the next letter of the alphabet.

For example:

A: A August ends..

B: B autumn is coming!

A: IN it's time to get the alenki)

B: G mountain skiing too!

A: D come on, let's get some skates - I've always dreamed of learning how to skate on them!

B: E skiing is more fun! Etc...

As you understand, there should be no pauses between replicas! The dialogue is fast and dynamic. Name any word that comes to mind with the right letter and weave it into the text of the conversation.

Find a logical ending to your dialogue!

Variation 1: Take one letter, and start all the remarks only with it! Try not to repeat yourself, change the starting words.

In this option, you also need to keep the momentum and find the end of the dialogue.

For example, you and your partner chose the letters "H" and "R":

A: H paint the fence!

B: R I don't want to get dirty)

A: H put on gloves!

B: R rubber?

Variation 2: Repeat each letter of the alphabet twice. In this option, you will have a longer and more detailed dialogue!

For example:

A: A Your craftsmanship is top notch!

B: A our director doesn't think so..

A: B Oris Borisovich generally rarely praises anyone, don't worry!

B: B udto he does not know - how important it is for an actor!

A: IN inspiration and play are more important than praise!

B: IN you inspired me, thank you) Etc.

There is an exit!

Number of players: any. Props: pre-prepared task cards.

Participants are offered difficult situations from which they need to find an original way out. Players randomly pull out one card at a time, read the questions written there aloud, or the host does it. They are given some time to prepare.

Situation examples:

  • You lost your employees' wages (public money) in the casino. Your actions?
  • You were accidentally locked in someone else's house (at work) late at night. Your actions?
  • Your dog ate a very important paper that you have to present in court in the morning. Your actions?

Examples of situations for women:

The player who turns out to be the most resourceful wins, and the degree of resourcefulness is determined by the applause of the audience.

Phone conversation

Props: pre-prepared task cards.

Leading: Nowadays it is difficult to imagine life without a phone. However, the assertion that talking on the phone is as easy as shelling pears is not true. For telephone conversations, the ability to listen (and hear!), clearly formulate one's thoughts, correctly ask questions, convince, etc. is very important. Let the participants now demonstrate to us the technique of telephone conversation. Fantasy and humor are valued!

So, there are two players in the competition. According to the condition of the game, one player calls the phone, and the other answers his call. The terms of the conversation are indicated in the cards:

1st version of cards

1) You need to convince your interlocutor of the need to do exercises in the morning. Continue the conversation, by all means, make the interlocutor listen to you.

2) You are a malicious rude and lazy person. You want to get rid of the interlocutor as soon as possible, but you can’t be frankly rude, you need to try to be polite. Hanging up the phone is prohibited.

2nd version of cards

1) You are bored and you call your girlfriend and chat about everything you want: tell her news about yourself and other friends, complain about your boss, share new cooking recipes, talk about fashion, etc. You are so passionate that you do not want to end the conversation in any case.

2) You are in a terribly bad mood and you are not at all interested in what your friend says. You are trying to delicately hint about it to her. You can't end the conversation first.

eloquent picture

Number of players: any. Props: task cards - printed images of famous paintings.

Pictures are always silent. But for sure, many viewers would be interested to know what the drawn characters are thinking about or talking about. Try to "voice" some pictures. In order to enter the image, take the pose in which the character is on the canvas and ... say what you think and feel!

Job options are paintings that players need to "revive":

  • "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci
  • Alyonushka Vasnetsov
  • "Judith" Giorgione
  • The Penitent Marina Magdalene by Titian
  • "Seated Demon" by Vrubel
  • "Three heroes" Vasnetsov
  • “Hunters at rest” by Perov, etc.

Players are given a certain time to invent a monologue (dialogue, conversation). The most eloquent participant wins.


Participants are divided into pairs, they are offered a choice of various items (washing powder, chocolate, kettle, watch, iron, etc.). The task of the players is to come up with a commercial for the selected item in 10-15 minutes of the allotted time. Ingenuity, humor, artistry are evaluated. The winners are determined by the audience applause.

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