Tyumen Regional Scientific Library named after Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. Sergiev Posad and Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin When the bells rang...


To the 140th anniversary of the famous Russian writer and ethnographer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954) in the Department of Local History Documents of the Oryol Regional Scientific Universal Public Library. I. A. Bunin opened an exhibition: "A great and real Russian man."

Prishvin was born in the village of Khrushchevo, Yelets district, Oryol province. Here at home, the future writer developed a special love for nature, the earth and the world around him. Expelled for "free-thinking" from the Yelets gymnasium, he studied at the Tyumen real school, then at the Riga Polytechnic Institute. After graduating from the University of Leipzig, Mikhail Mikhailovich worked as an agronomist and contributed to journals. Literary activity began with the publication of the story "Sashok" (1906). After traveling through the Russian North, his first book was born - "In the land of fearless birds." This was followed by the works “Behind the Magic Kolobok”, “At the Walls of the Invisible City”, “Black Arab”, which were characterized by a poetic worldview, scientific inquisitiveness, and interest in the smallest details of life.

During the First World War, Prishvin was a front-line correspondent. After the revolution, he lived for some time in the Orel region. He was engaged in local history, organized the protection of ancient monuments, worked in a rural library, taught at the Yelets gymnasium.
The beginning of a new stage in the writer's work was laid by the book "Springs of Berendey", where the focus is on the Earth itself and its spring changes. The first chapters of the autobiographical novel "Kashcheev's chain" appear. Based on the materials of his travels in the Far East, the Caucasus and the Urals, Prishvin creates a number of books: "Berende's Thicket", "Undressed Spring", "Forest Drop", "Phacelia", "Ginseng".

A special place in the writer's work is occupied by works for children. His collections received wide recognition: "The Beast Chipmunk", "Golden Meadow", the fairy tale story "Pantry of the Sun". The name of the writer is the regional children's library, she is the organizer of Prishvin's readings. One of the sections of the Museum of Orel Writers is dedicated to the life and work of our countryman.

The most famous books of M. M. Prishvin are presented at the anniversary exposition: the autobiographical novel "Kashcheev's Chain", poetic essays "In the Land of Fearless Birds", sets of miniatures "Eyes of the Earth", "Forget-Me-Nots", "Calendar of Nature", the short story "Golden Meadow" , "Fox bread", the collection "Springs of Berendey", as well as children's stories. The story of our time is dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War.

Scientific publications about the work of Prishvin are placed in the collections "Historical and Cultural Heritage" (2010, No. 4) and Scientific Notes of the Oryol State University (2005, Volume II). Readers are offered the monograph by Associate Professor of the Oryol State Institute of Arts and Culture N. A. Merkurieva - “Mikhail Prishvin: Ontology of Unity” and “Central Russia: Russian Classics”.

The exhibition displays the books of the wife and researcher of the writer's work - Valeria Dmitrievna - "Our House", "The Way to the Word". They contain different stages of Prishvin's creative biography, unique photographs associated with the Oryol period of the writer's life.

The exhibition is intended for students of philology, local history and everyone who is interested in the work of M. M. Prishvin. Will last until the end of February.

Information Department of the Library. I.A. Bunin

“The image appears on the film, and often it happens as if the eyes are opening wider and wider ... Wonder! It didn't turn out the way it was filmed. Where did it come from? Since I myself didn’t notice when I was shooting, it means that it exists in itself in the “nature of things” ... and it seems then that if it were possible to open some kind of veil, then it would be seen that there is beauty on earth, and in it makes sense"- Mikhail Prishvin wrote in his diaries.

Prishvin became interested in photography while traveling to the North in 1906. He took the first pictures with a camera borrowed from a random fellow traveler. The book “In the land of fearless birds” published after the trip, Prishvin illustrated with his own photographs. Subsequently, he recalled how the publisher, considering these pictures, asked if he was an artist. In 1925, Prishvin bought himself a camera, and since then photography has become an integral part of his life, it captures the writer - nowhere else and never does he part with the camera.

Today, some of these photographs, taken between 1929 and 1936, are on display at the Multimedia Art Museum. 01 Below the signature photographs are excerpts from the writer's diary, which he kept from 1905 until his death, for half a century. Initially, the entries were not intended for publication, the diaries contained frank reflections on what they saw and experienced, assessments of political events, and portrait sketches.

The exposition is divided into several thematic groups - these are the shooting of the removal of bells in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the construction of the Uralmash plant and the White Sea-Baltic Canal, portraits and nature shots are presented separately. Prishvin, as a photographer, was interested in everything - events, people, dogs, ethnographic photography, cobwebs, sunlight, the hunting dog Zhulka. Prishvin did not consider himself a photographer, but he was sure that he, a non-professional, was open to something that a professional photographer would never see:

“Of course, a real photographer would take everything better than me, but it would never occur to a real specialist to look at what I shoot: he will never see it.”

The uniqueness of the exhibition is not only that it presents photos printed from recently discovered negatives, but also that visitors get acquainted with still unpublished excerpts from a secret writer's diary, that a separate place in the exposition is occupied by audio recordings of fragments of stories and Prishvin's stories performed by him: “My Notebooks”, “Spring Frost”, “Cuckoo”, “Birches”, “Blue Shadows”, “First Flower”, “Late Spring”, “Flowering Herbs”, “Bird”, “ Ruby Eye”, “Woodpecker Workshop” and “Color of Droplets”. The writer's diary entries are read by Honored Artist of Russia Sergei Chonishvili. In addition, guests of the exhibition will be able to access the interactive guide "YOUR MAMM" and get acquainted with the audio accompaniment of the exposition, which conveys the mood and enhances emotional perception.

1930 Sergiev Posad. January 8. The thaw continues. Yesterday the tongues from Godunov and Karnaukhy were dropped. Karnaukhy on jacks. On Friday, he will be thrown at the Tsar with the aim of crushing him. They say that the old ringer came here, kissed the bell, said goodbye to him: "Farewell, my friend!" and left like a drunk. There was some other old man, as he saw, he didn’t look at anyone, he said: “Bastards!” Everywhere the authorized GPU is snooping around. His dispassion. And in general, a type of such a purely statesman is outlined: he has nothing to do with you, as a person. A cold unforgiving creature.

January 9. At the bell tower, work is underway to remove the Karnaukhy, it gives in very badly, sways, tears the ropes, crushed two jacks, the work is dangerous and it was a little risky to shoot. Children took possession of the big bell, cables, winches. Inside the bell is full of children, from morning to night the bell rings.

January 19. All day I was finishing pictures of the bell. “Destroy this temple…” For some 30 versts, and my bell will ring all over the earth in all languages. But ... this “but” lures you into the topic: what should my word be to sound like bronze!

All this time, the tongue of the big bell was lifted high with a winch and thrown into pieces of Karnahoy and Bolshoi, crushed and loaded. And continuously from morning to night people came and repeated: it is difficult to lower, but how was it to raise

February 3rd. Frost and wind. Sitting at home. The tragedy with the bell is a tragedy because everything is very close to the person himself: it’s true that the bell, even Godunov, was like a personal phenomenon of copper, it was just copper, a mass, otherwise this mass is represented by the form of a sounding, frankly speaking, personality, the only bell in the world by Godunov, now returned to natural alloy. And even then it would be nothing - it is in the world, sometimes even civilized peoples are fused. What is terrible in this is a kind of fundamental indifference to the form of personal existence: copper served as a bell, and now it has been required - and will be a bearing. And the worst thing is when you translate it into yourself: “You, they will say, the writer Prishvin, are engaged in fairy tales, we order you to write about collective farms.”

March 1. Uralmashstroy. Only in the Urals did I understand through a deep feeling that the new construction is significant precisely because this construction is not a thing in the sense that this concept was given to me, that the truly iron people who became at the head of this construction are standing up for that alone, which completely negate the old "deed".

Leaving the first men behind, we moved closer to the positions and soon heard the sound of machine guns responding in war: countless pneumatic hammers were working. Soon we got used to these sounds to the point that they became like grasshoppers to us. The vast majority of them were near the metal (riveting) workshop, and what was surprising to us: here both women and men were beating with a hammer, as if these were the very first people we had seen switched to riveting. The women stood at the millstone and gave the workers a riveting with tongs, and they ... They explained to us that the “first man” started with this, but he was no longer a peasant, like the first, but a worker. From the second people, we moved on to the third and fourth, looked at the entire metal riveting workshop from the point of view of working consciousness ...

From workshop to workshop, in this way, we reached the building of the combine, in which each "first person", devoting two hours a day, must become an engineer. This is how this gigantic plant is being built, with the expectation of becoming a plant-high school.

Far East. July 24th. By noon, a sunny day broke out. So while in the morning everything is very hard to come out of the fog. And the plants grow luxuriantly. It is strange that both grass and gardens ripen at the same time as ours. Photographed in Semyonovskaya Harbor. The women were squatting by the sea, the Chinese women with the guys tied behind them, all were waiting for the ships, wasashi 60 kopecks, and the poor are waiting to buy. You can fry iwashi without oil, it is so greasy.

In the evening, we moved from the Golden Horn to the other end of the city to Rotten Corner to live ...

There is a legend that God, when sowing, forgot about the Far East and, seeing it empty, sowed the remnants of all kinds of seeds.

1933 Solovki. July 27th. Meeting of the chief, Vladimir Petrovich Solodukhin ... On the barge (“Clara”) sits “Naval”: they managed to steal from each other, and among them a woman (KR) makes peace, and at that time they stole from her. Bulk: 1) 58 KR - counter-revolutionaries, 2) 35 - thirty Fridays (1st step urki, 2nd highest urkagans), 59-3 - bandits. Blatny tongue: fight against it: to block, to idle, etc.

Mikhailov Sergei Vasilyevich, assistant to the head of the EHF department (cultural and educational department), shows us. Religious objectors...

Seagulls left not only because of the fire (they made dolls in the church), but evil people: they left people.

Conveyor - underpants, padded jackets, shirts ... write a name on the fabric, and it will go next to you, and underpants will come with you (taken from Ford: car). Wagon system. Why is it not attracted to human flesh ... you will watch with interest how they scoop up herring in a closed lip, and the wagon system ... because a herring is a herring, and a person here is in the position of a herring, and this is not good. Type of new escort: develops with Mikhailov: there are probably very few who can get along with a person: two or three Dovgan, Kichin, Umerov - and that's all: the intelligentsia from the employees of the GPU.

Lock No. 10 of the Channel is the most remarkable link of the BB channel, because this lock is connected with a dam that closes the Vyg River so that a significant part of the water of the Vyg Lake, not finding the usual exit, rushes to the sides, from this shore of the lake expands, the islands sink, in general a new geography is being created, and even the railway track has to be moved. This remarkable dam is accompanied by another special spillway dam designed to carry the lake's excess water through.

Question: Whose power created the channel? Answer: first, the peasants, then the people of the city, more like leaders, and, finally, the engineers who worked as specialists - this is the main work, and therefore brilliant brigades of former social wreckers are already coming, who have justified in practice their social closeness to the proletariat.

Question: why is all the glory given to these latter?

Answer: because there was very little fuss with the peasants, they each individually, easily joined the work, and the names of these workers disappeared in a spray in the bulk of construction.

1935 Kola Peninsula. And because there was nothing in the past and everything had to be re-created, it was absolutely necessary to do everything on a grand scale, according to great human truth... truth.


June 22, 1929. It can be said, as a rule that characterizes our time, that every creative worker who is gifted with success is surrounded by a network of envious spies. This leads to reflection on the lack of socialist construction; the main mistake is a theoretical overestimation of the importance of the masses, which in practice can be controlled by a small organized group, hence the contempt for personal construction, without which a creative team is also impossible.

1936 Kabarda. Yes, it is the same with mountains, as with people, very often the small ones cover the highest ones, and one must personally make a great effort, personally make a difficult path in order to see the peaks in their free and unobscured beauty. The Kabardians have always been the advanced people of the North Caucasus, and at the same time they did not have a written language: they are all illiterate and advanced! ...

1st of May. Soviet Easter! A demonstration of the coercive power of the state, meanwhile, in the concept of a holiday, freedom is in the first place: they let the dog off the chain, he jumps: this is a holiday for him. The sweetness of resentment: how many people live this!

Overcast, cold mga sits on the wide naked thighs of athletes, and the body is covered with goose bumps

September 5, 1929 Painting in comparison with literature is approximately as unfree as photography is in relation to painting, but in this lack of freedom of painting lies its significance, just as the value of photography lies in the accurate transfer of the image of the world, as a result of which we get the conviction of its existence, as it were, completely independently. from our perception. But all the same, people do not remember the human origin of the world from creativity and think that the apparatus gives us the world by itself.

September 1, 1930. The spider is an artist of labor, but, of course, he does not think about beauty, for some reason the sun and dew agreed to decorate his work. And most likely, both the sun and the dew did not think about beauty either, yes ... everyone works and no one thinks about beauty, but who works best of all arouses joy in a human artist and this rejoicing, similar to recognizing oneself as a member of a creative a vast kindred environment—here is the beginning of that great rejoicing in the creativeness of life which we call art.

Exhibition “Mikhail Prishvin. Photographs and diaries. 1929-1936”, organized by the State Literary Museum and the Museum “Moscow House of Photography”, will run until January 31, 2016.

Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow and the State Literary Museum present an exhibition of photographs of the outstanding Russian writer and publicist - Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954). The exhibition will open on December 9, 2015 and run until January 31, 2016. Entrance for Russian Photo club members is free.

“If my pictures survive until people start living “for themselves”, then my photos will be published, and everyone will be surprised how much joy and love for life this artist had in his soul.” (M.M. Prishvin)

From 1905, for half a century, until his death, Mikhail Prishvin, widely known as the author of hunting and children's stories, secretly kept a diary. When the first fragments of the writer's diaries began to be published, for most literary critics and readers, the very fact of their existence was a complete surprise. Initially, the entries were not intended for publication, the diaries contained frank reflections on what they saw and experienced, assessments of political events, and portrait sketches. There were ups and downs in the life of the writer, his hobbies for hunting and photography, his relationships with relatives and friends naturally intertwine on the pages of the diary, one thing was unchanged - Prishvin always managed to remain himself, both in the years of his youthful passion for Marxist ideas, and in the royal prison, and while studying in Germany, and at home, after the October Revolution.

Mikhail Prishvin. Belomorkanal. 1933. From the collection of the State Literary Museum.

The exhibition, consisting of photographs printed from the recently discovered negatives of Prishvin, accompanied by previously unpublished diary entries, will allow you to take a fresh look at the work of the “singer of Russian nature,” as Konstantin Paustovsky called him, to feel the extraordinary beauty and poetry of the writer’s language, combined with observation , restraint and simplicity, lyricism and imagery inherent in Prishvin the photographer.

A separate place in the exposition is occupied by audio recordings of fragments of Prishvin's stories and stories: “My Notebooks”, “Spring Frost”, “Cuckoo”, “Birches”, “Blue Shadows”, “First Flower”, “Late Spring”, “Blossoming Herbs ”, “Bird”, “Ruby Eye”, “Woodpecker Workshop” and “Color of Droplets”. Visitors to the exhibition will have a unique opportunity to hear them performed by the author himself. The diary entries of the writer will be read by a magnificent actor, Honored Artist of Russia Sergei Chonishvili. Now, thanks to the seamless integration of ALCATEL ONETOUCH mobile solutions, visitors will be able to access the interactive guide "YOUR MAMM" and get acquainted with the audio accompaniment of the exposition, which conveys mood and enhances emotional perception.

Prishvin became interested in photography while traveling to the North in 1906. He took the first pictures with a camera borrowed from a random fellow traveler. The book “In the land of fearless birds” published after the trip, Prishvin illustrated with his own photographs. Subsequently, he recalled how the publisher, considering these pictures, asked if he was an artist. In 1925, Prishvin bought himself a camera, and since then photography has become an integral part of his life, it captures the writer - nowhere else and never does he part with the camera.

Prishvin always emphasized that photography for him is not just an illustration. It exists independently, in parallel with diary entries, and thus, sometimes unexpectedly for the author himself, creates new meanings. He noted: “The image appears on the film, and often it happens, as if the eyes are opening wider and wider ... Wonder! It didn't come out the way it was filmed. Where did it come from? Since I didn’t notice it myself when I was filming, it means that it exists in itself in the “nature of things” ... ”

For three decades, Prishvin took thousands of pictures, the writer was engaged in photography, as well as a diary, until the last days of his life. More than 2,000 author's negatives by Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin were carefully preserved after his death, as were his diary notebooks. Exhibition “Mikhail Prishvin. Photographs and diaries. 1929-1936" includes both individual photographs and entire series created by the writer at the construction of Uralmash and the White Sea Canal, during trips to the northern regions of Russia, the Far East and Solovki. And of course, the author of a huge number of stories about nature could not ignore landscapes and wildlife.

Prishvin's favorite hunting dogs, including the famous Giselle or Zhulka, as he called her, will be devoted to New Year's classes for children, held annually by MAMM. Until January 31, during the opening hours of the exhibition on weekends, it is planned to read the works of the writer, with the participation of specially invited guests and visitors to the museum.

MAMM strategic partner: RENAULT


Contact Information

Address: Ostozhenka, 16.

Ticket price: adults: 500 rubles, full-time students of the Russian Federation: 250 rubles, pensioners and schoolchildren: 50 rubles, disabled people of groups I and II: free of charge.

Entrance is free for members of the Russian Photo Club.

Opening hours and days: 12:00 - 21:00, every day except Monday.

I have not met any of the Russian writers, I have not felt such a harmonious combination of love for the Earth and knowledge about it, as I see and feel it with you ... you know very well forests and swamps, fish and birds, grasses and animals, dogs and insects, surprisingly rich and wide world known by you

From Gorky's letter to Prishvin

February 4 marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954). He was one of the writers who was born and lived on Yelets land, Prishvin created many outstanding works about Russian nature, native land and its people.

M. M. Prishvin left us many stories, novels, essays about nature. All these works are united by the view of the writer, a man with an open and proud soul. Prishvin's books are unique, simple and informative. Getting acquainted with them, one never ceases to be surprised by his talent and poetics of speech. It's amazing - how you can convey in a word the smells, the noise of forests and fields, the colors of the earth and sky. Prishvin was gifted with the ability to hear the singing of birds, the rustle of grass, the conversation of animals, and skillfully described all this in his works. Books by M. M. Prishvin are intended for readers of different ages: for preschool children and schoolchildren, for young people and readers of the older generation.

Each phrase, even each word of Prishvin, as in poetry, carries a great semantic load. This is such wise poetry in prose. There are no edifications in it, but there is kindred, chaste attention to everything, and to the person above all.

The municipal libraries of Yelets will host events dedicated to the anniversary of M.M. Prishvin.


events MBUK "CBS of Yelets"

to the 140th anniversary of the birth of M.M. Prishvin

Exhibition "Local historian, sage, philosopher"

Exhibition "Singer of native nature"

Exhibition "Generosity of soul - generosity of talent"

Exhibition-portrait "Our Mazay"

Det. b-ka №1

Exhibition "About the land where Prishvin lived ..."

Det. b-ka №1

Conversation “Heart thoughts of M.M. Prishvin"

Presentation of the photo exhibition "Welcome to the world of M. Prishvin"

Exhibition "The pages are saturated with goodness"

Exhibition-anniversary "Journey to the world of Prishvin"

Exhibition "Artist of Light and Joy"

Writer's Day "Discovering the wealth of Prishvin"

Literary and musical evening "He breathed life with nature alone" (Eletsk Roots club)

Day of Loud Reading "The Living World in Prishvin's Stories"

Evening-portrait "Our countryman, writer, local historian"

Lesson-acquaintance with the works of the writer "Columbus of native nature"

Literary hour "Pantry of the Sun"

B-ka-f. No. 9

Literary Lounge "Memory of the Heart"

Det.b-ka №1

Literary and ecological evening "Researcher and Traveler"

Literary hour based on the work of M.M. Prishvin "Joy of Light"

Det.b-ka №2






On December 9, a joint exhibition of the Multimedia Art Museum and the State Literary Museum “Mikhail Prishvin. Photographs and diaries. 1929-1936". The exhibition will be held at the MAMM site until January 31.

“If my pictures survive until people start living “for themselves”, then my photos will be published, and everyone will be surprised how much joy and love for life this artist had in his soul.” (M.M. Prishvin)

From 1905, for half a century, until his death, Mikhail Prishvin, widely known as the author of hunting and children's stories, secretly kept a diary. When the first fragments of the writer's diaries began to be published, for most literary critics and readers, the very fact of their existence was a complete surprise. Initially, the entries were not intended for publication, the diaries contained frank reflections on what they saw and experienced, assessments of political events, and portrait sketches. There were ups and downs in the life of the writer, his hobbies for hunting and photography, his relationships with relatives and friends naturally intertwine on the pages of the diary, one thing was unchanged - Prishvin always managed to remain himself, both during the years of youthful passion for Marxist ideas, and in the royal prison, and while studying in Germany, and at home, after the October Revolution.

The exhibition, consisting of photographs printed from the recently discovered negatives of Prishvin, accompanied by previously unpublished diary entries, will allow you to take a fresh look at the work of the “singer of Russian nature,” as Konstantin Paustovsky called him, to feel the extraordinary beauty and poetry of the writer’s language, combined with observation , restraint and simplicity, lyricism and imagery inherent in Prishvin the photographer.

A separate place in the exposition is occupied by audio recordings of fragments of Prishvin's stories and stories: “My Notebooks”, “Spring Frost”, “Cuckoo”, “Birches”, “Blue Shadows”, “First Flower”, “Late Spring”, “Blossoming Herbs ”, “Bird”, “Ruby Eye”, “Woodpecker Workshop” and “Color of Droplets”. Visitors to the exhibition will have a unique opportunity to hear them performed by the author himself. The diary entries of the writer will be read by a magnificent actor, Honored Artist of Russia Sergei Chonishvili. Now, thanks to the seamless integration of ALCATEL ONETOUCH mobile solutions, visitors will be able to access the interactive guide "YOUR MAMM" and get acquainted with the audio accompaniment of the exposition, which conveys the mood and enhances the emotional effect.

Prishvin became interested in photography while traveling to the North in 1906. He took the first pictures with a camera borrowed from a random fellow traveler. The book “In the land of fearless birds” published after the trip, Prishvin illustrated with his own photographs. Subsequently, he recalled how the publisher, considering these pictures, asked if he was an artist. In 1925, Prishvin bought himself a camera, and since then photography has become an integral part of his life, it captures the writer - nowhere else and he never parted with the camera.

Prishvin always emphasized that photography for him is not just an illustration. It exists independently, in parallel with diary entries, and thus, sometimes unexpectedly for the author himself, creates new meanings. He noted: “The image appears on the film, and often it happens, as if the eyes are opening wider and wider ... Wonder! It didn't come out the way it was filmed. Where did it come from? Since I didn’t notice it myself when I was filming, it means that it exists in itself in the “nature of things” ... ”.

For three decades, Prishvin took thousands of pictures, the writer was engaged in photography, as well as a diary, until the last days of his life. More than 2,000 author's negatives by Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin were carefully preserved after his death, as were his diary notebooks. Exhibition “Mikhail Prishvin. Photographs and diaries. 1929-1936" includes both individual photographs and entire series created by the writer at the construction of Uralmash and the White Sea Canal, during trips to the northern regions of Russia, the Far East and Solovki. And of course, the author of a huge number of stories about nature could not ignore landscapes and wildlife.

Prishvin's favorite hunting dogs, including the famous Giselle or Zhulka, as he called her, will be devoted to New Year's classes for children, held annually by MAMM. Until January 31, during the opening hours of the exhibition on weekends, it is planned to read the works of the writer, with the participation of specially invited guests and visitors to the museum.

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