Is literature important in life? The role of literature in human life


Each person comes into contact with the world of fiction even in early childhood. Without reading skills, we listened to fairy tales from the mouths of our parents. It is the fairy tale that plays the role of the first step on the way of becoming a reader. Then, having familiarized himself with the alphabet, the child independently begins to reproduce the text of his favorite works, remembered from early childhood.

Becoming a reader

As a person grows older, the fiction that he reads also becomes more “adult”. Once, having plunged into the world of works of art, a person becomes its hostage for life. And there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, reading literary works elevates a person, opens the way to the world of wisdom and knowledge.

Literature and the reader have gone through a long period on the way of their formation. Originating in ancient times, literature was able to withstand competition from new trends in art - television and cinema, and today is the most important art form.

Literature, fiction and non-fiction

Fiction is one of the varieties of art. It is closely interconnected with other types of art - theater, cinema, music, fine arts. It is works of art that are the basis for the development of these arts.

Fiction covers such genre types as epic, lyrics, drama, lyrical epic.

As we have already understood, next to fiction there is also non-fiction. What is non-fiction? To do this, it is enough to remember the first book you read on your own - a primer. It is the primer that is the first representative of non-fiction literature in human life.

Non-fiction is educational literature, with the help of which we learn the basics of science. At school age - these are textbooks of mathematics, grammar, biology, physics, at a more adult age - scientific articles, works of famous scientists, based on which we acquire a profession.

The role of fiction in human life

It is thanks to works of art that a person, first of all, begins his formation as a person: we begin to understand what the difference between good and evil is, how relationships occur in society, what is the inner world of people.

Thanks to such works of art as epics, epics and myths, we get acquainted with the historical past of the people, their age-old traditions. The touching world of poetic lyrics teaches us to fully reveal our feelings, not to be afraid to express love for our Motherland.

Reading works with the motives of mysticism, we go on an exciting journey together with mysterious heroes, in which together with them we reveal the mysteries of the world around us.

But one should not assume that fiction loses its relevance for a mature personality. On the path of life, a person encounters many obstacles, the overcoming of which often occurs due to the guidance of the truths that are laid down by the authors in fiction. Such works accompany a person all his life - from infancy to old age.

Supervisor: Gerasimova VF, teacher of Russian language and literature.


The role of literature in human life

I want to answer these questions that I have posed with the wordsV.A. Sukhomlinsky that hTension is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.

I think that it is reading fiction that helps us to live in this world. If we do not read, then we will simply be "savages".

Writers and poets put their whole soul into writing their works. They tried to convey to us the whole reality in every era of life.

M.Yu. Lermontov wrote wonderful works that make you think about the life of people of that time, causing deep sadness and empathy for the heroes. It sometimes seems to me that in any poem by Lermontov about the Motherland, or about a lonely sail in the middle of the sea, about the death of a poet or about the first of January, there are sad motives, some kind of sadness, or even resentment for everything that happened around the author himself.

Many poets, writing poems about the Motherland, write about it with admiration and open joy, while Lermontov writes about his deep love for the Motherland, the people; about autocratic power, calling on the people to fight for freedom, for liberation from serfdom:

Farewell, unwashed Russia,

Country of slaves, country of masters!

Yes, Lermontov's life was instantaneous, but dazzling, like a flash of lightning in a stormy sky. He wrote about everything he saw, felt, what he lived. His poems are a reflection of his great soul and immeasurable talent. They teach us to be honest, fair, not to be sold, but to be true to ourselves and the people. His works are still a model of morality.

If there weren’t such a bright phenomenon in human life as works of literature, then I don’t know where we would learn about the life of our people, the whole world, where would we draw all the beautiful things we need for ourselves?

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's tale "The Little Prince" opened my eyes to some eternal truths. In his philosophical tale, there is a desire to make people think again about what is really important in human life. The protagonist reminds us what should be the most important thing in it: understanding, harmony with the outside world, the ability to enjoy such simple things that you can’t buy for any money: dawn, the scent of a flower, the shining of stars. And most importantly - love and friendship. It is these simple truths that enable the soul to become purer, to take responsibility for life and care for another person. In the words of the Fox, one of the truths sounds: "You are forever responsible for everyone you tamed." Only true friendship can open a person's eyes and help them accept the truth. Touching, but at the same time, deep in meaning, this tale makes us readers look at ourselves from the outside, listen to our hearts and understand how unique the human soul is, and how important it is to keep it pure and bright, like a child.

The great French writer accurately noted the role of reading in the life of every reader.Victor Marie Hugo, he said that inany kind of rudeness melts, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books.Yes, I agree with the words of the master that the role of books and reading is immeasurable, which really teach us life, right, honest, fair.

Thus, works of literature give us a lot for life, because, as Nestor the chronicler said, whatIf you look attentively in the books of wisdom, you will find great benefit for your soul.

Personally, I find for myself in the works of fiction a lot of instructive, intelligent, wise for life.

No, one cannot bypass the creativity of such classic writers as A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, I. S. Turgenev and many others. We need to know about them and remember them. After all, they wrote for us, they teach us about life!

Books are something that surrounds us almost from birth. While we are tiny babies, lullabies are read to us, when we grow up, parents read bedtime stories, and after that each of us is ready to pick up a book and plunge into the wonderful world of adventure and magic.

Coming out of childhood, a boy or girl takes their favorite books with them. Literature surrounds a person all his life. Even if we are not avid book fanatics, we often hear popular quotes from some books, the names of characters that have become common nouns in our everyday life. Even many films are based on this or that book.

Literature is a part of us and our existence in the world, no matter what anyone says. Of course, it plays a big role in people's lives. Based on the scale of the whole humanity, works of literature are a very valuable and indispensable assistant in development and evolution. It is thanks to the written monuments that we learned about life in Ancient Rus' or, for example, about the philosophers of the Antiquity era. The books of all times contain amazing facts that we still use to this day. Geographical discoveries, knowledge of all scientific disciplines, the history of a particular nation - all this is known to us precisely thanks to the works of writing.

It is also not difficult to assess the role of literature for each individual person. For a child, a book is the first source of knowledge and an impetus to development, not counting, of course, his parents. Thanks to children's literature, the baby learns to dream, fantasize and create amazing images in his head, develops communication skills and mental activity. All this is very important in the process of socialization of the child.

Children cannot learn at school without books and textbooks. Each time the child needs to independently refer to textbooks in history, biology, physics and chemistry. Only there he can find valuable information and expand the circle of his knowledge.

For an adult, the book serves as a source of inspiration and answers to many vital questions. Someone is looking for the meaning of life and comes to philosophical literature. Someone dreams of developing a business from scratch and chooses a book by a famous businessman with his stories about achieving success as an assistant. Some people read books on psychology with great passion, and with the help of them they reveal the secrets of successful job interviews and learn about ways of harmonious relationships with others. Books with recipes for famous dishes, reviews of countries, with the names of prominent world figures - all this is used by a person all the time. What can we say about fiction? A person turns to her during a period of mental anguish or loneliness and just to relax and have a good time.

Literature is indeed a very valuable product created by man for man. Its role in our life is huge, because we so closely intertwine any of our activities with the book.

Option 2

Despite the fact that literature is any written texts, most often, this word means works of art, a kind of art. It is present in the life of every person and leaves its mark there. So what effect does literature have on us?

Acquaintance of most people with fiction began in early childhood. Everyone knows that parents read fairy tales to their children before bed. Thus, the child is instilled with positive character traits, an understanding of what is good and what is bad.

Later, the literature that a person copes with becomes more serious, instructive. The role of such literature is to educate the reader. We receive lessons through the knowledge of the author, his views on various things, his values. With the help of works of art, a person can adopt a life experience that he has not yet had. However, it is not always necessary to take lessons from other people's works as an axiom. Literature often requires us to reflect, analyze, provokes disagreement. This is another way books and stories influence readers. They develop critical thinking, the ability to disagree and provoke them to find their own solutions.

In addition to development, literature can also evoke a range of strong emotions. A good story is able to hold the reader's attention for hours, give a lot of pleasure from immersion in a book. Who among us did not empathize with the heroes of the books, rooted for their victory, admired their willpower and high moral principles, was indignant at injustice, and so on. All those emotions that are smeared in everyday life, literature gives people in all their glory.

Literature also helps to realize the human craving for creativity. We can express a huge life experience or our view on some issue through a story or a book. Creating your own works is a difficult task, but in the end people get great pleasure from the process. Hundreds of people will also read their story. Thus, the author will influence completely unfamiliar readers.

Summing up, we can say that the main role of literature in human life is teaching, education, exchange of experience and ideas. But do not forget about the possibility of self-realization with its help, even if not many become authors of stories or world-famous writers. Also, with the right choice of literature. It can also bring moral pleasure from reading.

Final. December.

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The reformatting of culture also leads to the fact that literature goes into the background, and we can hardly predict how distant it is. Undoubtedly, they read less - and I think that the proportion of literature as such will change. Just like literature itself. Something is happening to her too: I remember how 30 years ago I first saw a comic book, a luxurious novel about mice. I looked at it in bewilderment, and my artist friend called it the books of the future. I snorted, but she was right. Our channels of perception are expanding, they are changing the direction of their work. Human creativity, of course, will remain, only a person will not write books. But in the drawings, as we know, a whole culture has grown.

Where there is contact between several arts, something new grows. When we saw the first films of Fellini, we realized that this is not cinema, but something else. Apparently, everything will be different. Wildly interesting! Please note that if 40 years ago science fiction was the main genre and we read Bradbury, now science fiction is of little interest: we live in the time that science fiction writers of the 20th century projected for us.

So I really want to record what is happening. I have been writing notebooks all my life. In recent years, these self-reports have become more interesting to me. I don't remember much anymore and can hardly remember what happened last week. Life is so intense and fast that there is not enough memory: I am not Dima Bykov. It even feels like I can't catch up with my own life.

Background: as a student of the philological faculty, I conducted a survey among classmates regarding literature: their preferences and volumes of what they read over the past year. In 80% of cases, they blatantly lied to me in order to seem smarter, more educated, etc.

Today, reading has become a trend, which means things are bad. It is very difficult to choose a worthy book, because second-rate novels lie on the shelves with bestsellers, ratings are filled with rubbish, acquaintances are read out as dummies.

The book becomes something of an accessory. Readers for some reason think that they are doing something out of the ordinary.

In fact, reading has never been an indicator of the mind. Mind cannot be acquired, it is developed. If there is nothing to develop, you just need to be a good person.

If we separate the wheat from the chaff, then everything is simple - the book, as at all times, can serve as a source of information, but the information is so hidden by the plot and metaphors that not everyone can figure out what the salt is. Fiction shows us the history of mankind in all its splendor.

Why not a movie? There are a huge number of books that are more exciting than the newest films (especially cinematography has been more upsetting lately).

And finally: all archetypes, plots, conflicts, compositions were born in world literature, therefore, knowledge of this literature makes you an educated person: both a director and an astrophysicist should quote Milton, Bocaccio and Chekhov.

Reading is an important part of human life. This is an easy way to keep your mind clear for years to come. A person who is familiar with a large amount of literature of various genres has a broader outlook, develops his brain. Often schoolchildren receive homework - to write an essay in which to give arguments in favor of this lesson.

Essay goals

Why do Russian language teachers include this kind of homework for students? In the process of writing, the student must give strong arguments to each thesis. The role of literature in human life is a vast topic that allows us to once again refresh in memory the evidence that confirms the importance of reading in modern life. It is much easier for people of the 21st century to come home, sit down at a computer or TV than to start reading a book.

Everyone understands that such an attitude contributes to mental degradation. However, for some reason, many still prefer other activities to books. A student can try to write an essay that will convince the reader of the importance of the role of literature in human life. The arguments that the student will use, he can take from a variety of sources: everyday life, cases with old acquaintances, his own experience. The main thing is that this or that thought must be proved or explained. And of course, do not forget about such important points as spelling, punctuation, and writing style.

Understand yourself

Reading various literature, watching how the plot of the book develops, people willy-nilly begin to think about the serious issues of our existence. After all, it is for this purpose that great works were written - they help the reader to focus on a specific problem that a person may encounter. By observing how the characters behave, the reader learns to identify and in everyday life to some extent predict their actions.

It often happens that the writer himself at some stage of his life experienced certain difficulties and decided to pass on his experience to subsequent generations through a novel, play, short story or short story. The role of poetry is no less important - when reading poems, a person can feel the mood of the poet, his worldview at a certain point in time. And sometimes poetry has a healing power. For example, when reading poems about difficult times, a person feels that he is not alone in his problems, that once before him people faced similar difficulties.

The role of literature in human life: arguments

So, why is it so important to remember the importance of reading in our time? Many will like this thesis: reading books can relieve stress. It takes the reader to another world, where he can escape from everyday problems, plunge into a new atmosphere for a while. Today, a very large number of people suffer from constant stress. And this plus of reading will be appreciated by those who are already tired of thinking about endless problems every day.

Psychological benefits

Another argument to the role of fiction in human life is also interesting. Scientists have proven that we age when our brain ages. That is why reading can even slow down time a little and "postpone old age." After all, devoting time to literature, a person is forced to think, draw conclusions, understand the meaning of what is described in the book. And the additional load on the brain favorably affects the functioning of the whole organism.

Arguments to the problem of "the role of literature in human life" do not end there. Scientists have found that reading can promote good sleep. If a person regularly reads a book at night, his brain will soon perceive this activity as a signal - it's time to sleep soon. Through reading, in this way, people can feel more alert in the morning.

Cons of Reading

However, in describing the role of literature in human life, arguments do not necessarily have to prove its usefulness. The student may hold the opposite opinion. For example, you can indicate that those who are too fond of reading can use this activity to ignore the difficulties of real life. Behind tons of literature in this case is the usual fear of reality. Of course, a person always learns something new from books. But it is impossible to know everything with the help of literature. Most of the experience people get when interacting with reality. Here you need to follow the principle - "everything should be in moderation."

The role of the teacher

The role of the teacher of literature in human life is also great. Arguments here, most likely, each student will bring from their own experience. After all, a teacher of literature is one who introduces the class to the works of the great classics, helps to better understand the meaning that writers and poets wanted to convey to posterity through their creations. In a sense, a literature teacher is the first psychotherapist that a person encounters in his life. After all, it is he who introduces schoolchildren to the world of people and the whole variety of relationships between them.

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