Vedic news agency midgard info. Explanations to some of the Slavic-Aryan Calendars


The following situation occurs on the VIA-Midgard website. Volunteers are accepted who can be site editors, post articles on this resource and display them in the site news. Upon admission to the "team" of the site administration, a survey takes place about political preferences, attitudes towards Jews. In order to get into the editors you need to hate Putin, and all Jews in principle. So I was told "common people we do not need." I honestly gave answers to questions and expressed a neutral position on all issues. The editor-in-chief and moderators were against taking me as the site editor, but the site owner showed common sense and appointed me as the editor, despite the negative attitude of the VIA-Midgard "team" to this appointment.

It seemed that the Chief Moderator and the Chief Editor decide from their personal thoughts whom to include in the site administration, but I will talk about each of them a little lower.

I posted materials on the topic of the past of our country, actively participated in the discussion of materials, actively commented on the materials of other authors. Immediately there was a strong trend of attributing blame for everything that happened, on-topic and off-topic, to Putin and the Jews in the comments.

It was clear that trolls work on different sites and carry out a paid policy of seeing questions, but in this case the administration pursued a policy of trolls. The impression was that VIA-Midgard is not a Vedic news agency, but a resource working on pro-Western the formation of political opinions, as well as the idea of ​​the superiority of the "white race" over others, which in the end is towards instability in our country.

I actively refuted frankly false versions of slandering the current government and the situation in the world in general. After 2 weeks, under false pretenses, one of the newly minted editors with the nickname white bull removes from the site just because I noticed the use of thieves' jargon in the main moderator's article.

However, the newly-made editor herself was kicked out of the site due to her imbalance.

The owner of the site (Vedrus) again showed common sense and returned me to the post of editor. The return to the editors turned out again only for 2 weeks, since I was deleted after 2 weeks by the Chief Moderator - 1VelikoROS1

Under the far-fetched pretext that allegedly in the 90s the Jews were to blame for the decline in the population.

But the real reason for removing me from the site's editors is as follows. I posted a video on the VIA-Midgard website in which Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov shows the Svyatodar sign given to him by the Magi, which indicates the first place in the hierarchical chain of people in charge. The article with Sveotdar stayed on the site for several hours, then was hidden in the administrator section of articles awaiting publication, with a recommendation to post it the next day, since I had already posted two materials with Nikolai Viktorovich that day. The next day, I display the material on the main page and after an hour it disappears from the main page of the site and from the admin section. A few hours later I get the message "sorry, you are not suitable for us as an editor."

The VIA-Midgard site is a large and popular resource that is controlled by a "team" of ignorant people, passing information strictly within the framework of subjective perception.


Around the end of December, the midgard site began to change a lot in its direction, new people appeared on the site, who for unknown reasons became the "new administration" of the site. Literally immediately, within a few weeks, almost the entire old team was banned on the site, those who stood at the base of the site from the very beginning, who filled it with articles, material about Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov, material about our Great Gods and our ancestors, as well as material about our real Vedic past.

However, as soon as the "new admins" appeared, namely the Chief Editor - Yarovityaz and the Chief Moderator - 1VelikoROS1, the entire old team with far-fetched reasons was simply banned and kicked out of the site, with such an excuse.

Now I want to tell you a little about each of them.

The owner of the site Vedrus is a very strange person, earlier on his site there was a continuous advertisement of all sorts of MMM pyramids and other nonsense, from which we can conclude what kind of person he is, would a real Rusich advertise MMM? Of course not, that is, the site is imprisoned solely for making money. Recently, Vedrus has unfortunately begun to lean towards "Russian fascism", which means that the person is not far off, how can one allow propaganda on his website that our grandfathers won in 41-45?

Editor-in-Chief Yarovityaz is one of the newly minted admins, a person who thinks in a purely narrow nationalist way of thinking. It was because of him, to a greater extent with his anti-Semitic articles, that the site from Vedic turned into a garbage dump full of anti-Semitic nonsense, in the course of making this article, just a couple of days ago, it was discovered on the site that he had created a whole forgery, issuing the speech of some anti-Semitic fans from Ukraine, for the performance of Russian people from Volgograd. So twisting the facts - only Goebbels can, to blow people up from the inside and it's not surprising, he's the main one on the site, who selects articles for publication on the main page, considering that about 17 thousand people(and unfortunately the number of visitors is growing), you can imagine what kind of opinion they form - such are the "chief editors".

The next person I want to say a couple of revealing words about is the main moderator - 1VelikoROS1, this person is responsible for the "contingent of the site", that is, it is he who bans all the "objectionable" and who has personal and a different opinion from the opinion of the "site administration" and their ideology. So he was banned and expelled by many good people who were at the helm of the site, long before he appeared on the site as the main moderator. He clutters up the site with articles by some clumsy "racologist" who had a narrow frontal thinking about "white supremacy" - William Pierce.

orthodox - is the moderator of the site, this is such a small rat that runs around the entire site and cleans up the comments also for those who have their own opinion, always trying to establish censorship on everything that others say. He is very much in love with national fascism, which also speaks of what a moral monster a person can be who does not put his grandfathers in anything, although I think it is clear on which side the grandfathers of such "moderators" fought.

This clumsy journalist, greedy for all sorts of sensations, clutters up the site with articles stating that supposedly the main trouble for all of Russia is Putin and the current system, while we can immediately say that the person has clearly never gone further than his apartment, because the problems are not in some kind of "Putin" ", but in themselves, that is, in people. Although not seen in love with Nazism, he is an ardent admirer of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba "world Jewish conspiracy" - an ordinary schizoid.

These two of the newly minted journalists, as well as the whole pack of the "site administration" are fans of the Gestapo regime, Ksa - fills the site with material that openly glorifies racism, either articles about Vlasov's soldiers, or articles in the style of "Hitler about Russians" and other rave. Sytnik is the same petty zhurnashlyushok, who, apparently, will go far. given that the administration of the site, such as it supports very zealously.

There are also several simple commentators on the site who have proven themselves from people who do not know and do not understand the usual foundations of being, running around the site and leaving provocative comments. Among them are Tuum and the currently banned Viking, and e.man666, and the previously banned white bull.

Why all this stuff? In addition, I want to show how today Vedic sites are captured in the literal sense of the word by raider (albeit virtual) but raider raids, and turn into a PR platform for one ideology or another, in this case an ideology harmful to the people of Russia, only ignorant and stupid people can slander something without any research. This article shows that, unfortunately, those who seek to form "public opinion" will not compromise any principles. There was a clear impression that only anti-Semites and Putinophobes were taken to the site, while those who should consider that "whites" are the main race on earth are even more suitable. Our gods would never have allowed this, because it is harmful to the Russians.

The article provides a brief overview of the initial events that are reflected in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Despite the fact that many people consider their authenticity to be doubtful, a more harmonious picture that explains megaliths and other mysteries of ancient times has not yet been created ...

Leonid Kornilov. "Veda"

Stupid from biblical delirium,
I will fall with a rotten cross
And the Slavic-Aryan Vedas,
As a prayer, I will read before going to bed.
There is not a word about temples and churches,
Not a hint of God's servants.
There - about the stars flying to the goal,
The height of human foreheads.
There - the scope of the spaceports of Siberia.
The Old Russian language lives there ...
In vain we forgot our father's sky
And turned their eyes to the mainland.

We - today's earthlings - are not the indigenous inhabitants of this planet. This is a scientifically proven fact, surprising only those who have never been interested in this issue before. We are the descendants of highly developed people of the white race who colonized the Earth more than 600 thousand years ago. Actually, in today's terminology, our distant ancestors were aliens on this planet, which they called Midgard-Earth. Their beautiful, highly developed civilization has happily lived and flourished on Earth for over 500,000 years. And then… And then the trials came.

Big Plan

To implement their plan, the White Hierarchs decided on an experiment to mix several genera of the White Race on one planet, so that their close, but still different genetic properties and qualities, merging together in a new people, would give rise to a civilization of people who would have new properties and qualities. , as the Hierarchs hoped, more perfect than before. For this unprecedented experiment, several planets were selected, one of which turned out to be Midgard-Earth, on which we live today. Planets were selected such that they met certain necessary requirements, but which, without the intervention of the White Hierarchs, would inevitably perish as a result of various cosmic catastrophes. Volunteers from different Clans of the White Race were landed on these planets, and the experiment began.

More than 600 thousand years ago, people of four clans of the White Race arrived on Midgard-Earth: the clans of the Aryans - yes`Aryans and x`Aryans, and the clans of the Slavs - Rasen and Svyatorus. Da'Aryans flew from the land of Rai, the constellation Zimun (Ursa Minor). They had a gray (silver) eye color corresponding to their sun, called Tara. The Kh'Aryans arrived from the land of Troara, the constellation Orion. They had green eyes that corresponded to their sun - Rada. Blue-eyed Svyatorus arrived from the constellation Makoshi (Ursa Major). The brown-eyed Rasen came from the land of Ingard, the constellation of the Race (beta Leo).

All these 4 clans of the White Race settled on a large mainland, which they called Daaria - the Gift of the Gods. This continent was located on the site of today's Arctic, in the Arctic Ocean. In those days, our planet was completely different, the Earth's axis of rotation did not have an inclination, the ocean was not Arctic, the North Pole was in a different place, and Daaria had a very favorable, mild climate and very suitable conditions for life. On the mainland there were large rivers Rai, Tula, Svaga and x "Arra, flowing from a large lake located in the center of the mainland, and in this lake there was a legendary mountain of the World (Meru), on which the capital of Daaria was built - the city of Asgard of Daaria.

However, Midgard-Earth was chosen by the White Hierarchs for the experiment not only and not so much because of the good living conditions. These conditions have been created for more than one hundred thousand years. At the time of colonization, Midgard-Earth already had 3 moons: Lelya, with a circulation period of 7 days, Fatta - 13 days and Month - 29.5 days. The location of our planet in space and the presence of 3 moons provided unique conditions for the evolutionary development of the people who lived here. And besides this, the White Hierarchs placed in the bowels of the planet a special generator - the "Source of Life" - which significantly accelerated the evolutionary development of earthlings.

One of the evidences of the presence of three moons near Midgard-Earth is the so-called. "Heavenly Disc" is a bronze disc found in 1999 in the vicinity of the German city of Nebra. German scientists believe that the Disc is about 3600 years old and are at a loss for a long time, trying to determine the function of this object. In the end, the Disk was credited with the function "complex, astronomical clocks combining the solar and lunar calendar". True, they warned that "The function of this watch was probably only known to a small group". Meanwhile, if you know that our planet had 3 moons not so long ago, then everything quickly falls into place. It immediately becomes clear what exactly is depicted on the Disk: it depicts Midgard-Earth, and not the Sun, and its 3 satellites - Lelya, Fatta and the Moon. And, what is even more interesting - such a picture could only be seen from the Cosmos and no later than 113,000 years ago (as of 2009).

By the way, our last moon - the Month - is an artificial object, to which there are several indisputable evidence. It is quite possible that the previously destroyed moons Lelya and Fatta were also of artificial origin. In any case, the fact that there are three moons near Midgard-Earth indicates a long period of preparation for the settlement of the planet. Preparing for this experiment took, apparently, more than one thousand, and maybe more than one million years. An ecological system was being prepared on Midgard-earth, in which there would be a niche suitable for long-term residence of the colonists. To ensure the food chain, the necessary plants and animals were imported, unnecessary terrestrial species were removed ... An indirect confirmation of this is the fact that entire groups of plant and animal species appeared on Earth suddenly, i.e. not in evolution. The paleontological record does not give any information about the origin of not only humans (Homo sapiens), but also insects, fish, birds, etc. (for more details, see the article Zhuk N.A. "The Spread of Life in the Universe" ).

The reality of this assumption becomes very probable if one becomes familiar with the real mechanism of the formation of stars and planets. Contrary to common sense, scientists still tell tales that planets are formed from gases, stones and other debris flying in space and for some reason sticking together into a large piece, which then somehow becomes a planet with a hot core and other accessories. In reality, everything happens quite differently. For those wishing to get acquainted with the real theory of the formation of stars and planets, we suggest reading about this in the books of Academician Nikolai Levashov "The Last Appeal to Humanity" or "The Inhomogeneous Universe".

And on Midgard-earth (our planet), the process of colonization went on as usual. Here is how N. Levashov describes the peaceful period of life of the colonists in the 1st chapter of the second volume of his amazing book “Russia in False Mirrors”:

“... The colony of the White Race existed on this continent for almost five hundred thousand years. At that time, this northern continent had a very mild and warm climate, the cities built by the settlers were magnificent and grandiose in size. On the islands of the Arctic Ocean remaining above the surface of the water, giant stone blocks of these buildings and fragments of columns of incredible size are still being found. One can only imagine what lies at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. But at the moment, the cold waters of this ocean continue to keep the secret of Daaria. One can only assume that the level of development of this colony of the White Race was very high, if the descendants of settlers to Midgard-Earth were able to create such gigantic structures that were found on the relief map of Western Siberia. And the map itself was created by technologies unknown to modern civilization and based on data that can only be obtained from space ... "

It is difficult for us today to understand much of what our distant ancestors wrote and did. And this is not because we “didn’t come out with our faces” or our head was “sewn” to the wrong place. No! Simply, we don’t know much, but you can’t understand what you don’t know yet! First you need to study what you want to understand, and only then you can understand what you have learned. There is simply no other way to gain understanding. True, you can believe something or someone without knowing and understanding what you believe. All religions are based on such blind faith. But for a reasonable person, this can only be an initial, temporary measure for orientation in the ocean of lies that has flooded our planet. Then you still have to learn everything and try to understand what you have learned! Such is the way of knowledge of the Reasonable Man...

In view of the foregoing, at first it is very difficult for us to understand the reasons why the Light Forces went on such an unprecedented experiment. It is unique not only in its design, but also in duration, scale, and the significance of its results for the inhabitants of all the Universes of our “Layer Pie” (for “Layer Pie”, see Chapter 32 in the 1st volume of the book by N. Levashov "Mirror of my soul"). The fact is that the Light and Dark Forces have completely different principles on which they build their lives and everything connected with it. Therefore, the Light Ones will never be able to defeat the Dark Ones if they try to act by their own methods, or, as it is now fashionable to say: "play by their rules."

This is easy to understand with a simple example: if a good person, being unjustly offended, begins to lie, rob and kill innocent people or even those who offended him, i.e. act in the same way as his offenders, then he completely imperceptibly becomes the same as them. Those. he, blazing with righteous anger, is reborn into the one with whom he began to fight! And he is reborn because he begins to act in the same way as his enemies, that is, offenders, i.e. starts to play by their rules. The Dark Ones have studied these features well and have been trying to convince us for a long time that apart from “their rules” nothing else supposedly exists in life! In fact, this is far from being the case, and if we do not know anything about it, this does not mean at all that this is not the case in reality.

It is certainly necessary to fight the Dark Forces and their deeds, but it must be done not at all in the way they would like, as all the media inspire us from early childhood to old age. We have always been told and shown that good heroes endure injustice for a long time. And when the “cup of patience” supposedly overflows, wild rage flares up, and then the “good” ones begin to kill everyone in a row, moreover, with exactly the same methods as the “bad ones”, and often even more cruelly. This is precisely the essence of the next big deception of the Dark Ones. When the "good" starts to act exactly like the "bad", the difference between them disappears, and the "good" just becomes "bad"! It doesn't matter that he was offended a little earlier! It doesn't matter why he does what he does! The action itself is important, not the reasons for this action!

Why is it so important? An exhaustive answer to this question was given by Academician N.V. Levashov in the 2nd volume of his book "Essence and Mind", in the chapter "The nature of karma and the anatomy of sin".

Our distant ancestors, who had an immeasurably higher level of development than we do today, knew about these and many other subtleties of their evolutionary development. That is why they decided to conduct the mentioned experiment, which, according to their plan, could allow a Human to reach the level of the Creator, i.e. such a level of development at which it is possible to directly influence matter and space on the scale of planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes, etc. This could and should have given the Light Forces such new opportunities that could not be stolen or copied, like all technical developments that sooner or later fell into the hands of the Dark Forces and turned against their creators...

What do the time numbers mean, for example, 10:080.1200 ?
The first digit is the Slavic-Aryan hour,
The second part,
the third is a share.
There are 16 hours in a day,
there are 144 parts in an hour,
in part - 1296 shares.

According to


Hall- This is a section of the starry sky (constellation). In the Ancient Slavic-Aryan system of chronology, which is called the Da'Aryan Krugolet Chislobog, the Svarog Circle (the vault of heaven, the ecliptic) is divided into 16 sections - Halls (in contrast to the Chinese system, where it is divided into 12 constellations). Therefore, the Halls only partially coincide with the modern Zodiac. This is due to the 16-decimal system of calculation among the Slavs and Aryans. Each Hall has a symbolic runic designation (on the Shield of the Numbers God it is the 3rd circle outside).

Chronology "From the Creation of the World in the Star Temple". This calendar is one of the ancient Slavic-Aryan calendars, which were based on some significant events. It originates from the Victory in the battle that took place 7513 years ago (as of 2004-2005) - the Great Race defeated the people of the Great Dragon (yellow-skinned, or Arim - as they were then called). As a result, after the end of the war, a peace treaty was concluded between Hanuman (the emperor of Russeniya) and Ahriman (the emperor of Arimia) (or, as they said then, “The World was Created”). The defeated Arim were forced to build a wall (with loopholes in their direction) to mark the border of Rasseniya. The wall was called Kiy-Tai, which in ancient Slovenian means Kiy - stick, fence, Tai - top, completion, that is, the final, limiting fence. The year in which this happened is called the "Star Temple" after the da`Aryan Circle of Numbers. Hence the name of the Calendar. This Calendar was canceled by Emperor Peter the 1st. Thus, by introducing the calendar from the Nativity of Christ, Peter the 1st removed more than 5 thousand years from our Heritage.

Birth hour. The Slavic hour does not coincide with the modern one, since the day is divided into 16 hours. Next comes the division into parts (144), fractions (1296), moments (72), moments (760), sigs (160), gigs (14400), etc. In the system of Krugolet Numberbog, the hour of birth is displayed on the Shield of Numberbog (on the 2nd circle outside after the Patron God of the Hall). The name of each hour of birth is inscribed in runes (from 2 to 4 runes) and has a figurative translation. Nearby is a hexagram (four lines), displaying the energy component.

Days of the week. The week consists of 9 days: Monday, Tuesday, triteynik, Thursday, Friday, sixth, week, eight, week. (Some references to this have been preserved in fairy tales, for example, about the Little Humpbacked Horse).

Element. Each of the 144 years of the Krugolet has its own name. 16 different years are repeated in 9 different elements, total - 144 combinations. The element in the form of a rune, its figurative meaning and color is displayed in the 4th circle (ring) of the Numbers God Shield (if you count outside).

Svarog Circle. This is a section of the starry sky, along which the Yarilo-Sun (the modern Zodiac, or ecliptic) moves during Summer. Svarog Circle is divided into 16 Halls. In an instant, along the course of the River of Time, in which the Svarog Circle is displayed, 53.896.011.200 individuals are born, each with its own unique destiny and its own unique character. And these individual Souls strive for manifestation on the Earths in the World of Reveal, where, in turn, the Suns, Stars, Earths and Moons will add additional properties of character to them. Each incarnated Soul is a special matrix in which there is information from the Goddess Jiva, and it is supplemented by the Patron God of the Family. In ancient times, up to 21-24 billion Souls lived on Midgard-Earth (our Earth), up to 50 billion Souls lived on the Earth of Oreya (Mars), and 30 billion on the Earth of Dei (now the asteroid belt). But two Souls born in one second from two women in the same ward, they will have different fates, since there is a difference in moments, instants, sigs. In addition, they have different Star-Lords, different Kin, dads and moms. The souls of their Ancestors belonged to different Star systems, and each Star system at the highest Divine level has its own Roots.

Special influence on the mental activity of a person Yarilo-Sun. And especially the flow of its harmonious particles, which in the modern world are called neutrinos. Man is the only living structure that has the ability to completely delay this harmonious flow in his body. A neutrino as a particle can fly through the Moon, any Earth, and when it hits a person, it stops, and the body accumulates it. This radiation is necessary for mental activity and control of the nervous system. In addition to humans, some representatives of the animal world living in different elements are also able to partially retain neutrinos. (The animal does this only partially). In the water element, these are dolphins, in the air - eagles, falcons, golden eagles, owls, owls, crows. In the earth element - coma (bears), the cat family (lions, pardy, leopard, tiger, lynx) and the wolf. Therefore, in the Ancient Slavic-Aryan legends, the above representatives of the animal world are endowed with wisdom and are considered helpers of the Gods. They were depicted on ornaments on clothes, objects, weapons. It is believed that the animals of the water element are the Wisdom of Navna (from the World of Glory). The animal world of the earth element is Wisdom Explicit (from the World of Reveal). Birds are Right Wisdom (from the World of Rule).

Explanations to some of the Slavic-Aryan Calendars

Calendar " From the Creation of the World in the Star Temple”- from the conclusion of the Peace Treaty after the victory in the war with the Great Dragon (China), held in the “Star Temple” (name of the year).

Calendar " From the Great Cold". It is said in the Santees of the Vedas of Perun: “... difficult times will be brought by the flow of the River of Time to the Holy Land of the Great Race ... And only the Priests-Keepers of the Ancient Knowledge and Hidden Wisdom will remain on this earth ... For people use the Power of the elements of Midgard-Earth and destroy the small Moon and their World beautiful ... And then the Svarog Circle will turn (the earth's axis will shift) and human Souls will be horrified ... ". This event was predicted by Perun during his 3rd visit to Midgard-Earth.

This Calendar originates from the Great Cooling, which was associated with a catastrophe - the fall of fragments of the destroyed moon Fatta on Midgard. Before falling, Fatta revolved around Midgard (in the equatorial plane) with a circulation period of 13 days. The priests of Antlany (Atlantis), experimenting with Crystals of Power (with which you can modify the torsion fields and the core of the Moons and Earths), inadvertently destroyed Fatta, the fragments of which fell in the region of the western mainland (America), and the largest of them destroyed the island of Antlan . On the wall of one of the Mayan pyramids in America there is an inscription "Small Moon crashed." As it is written in the Ancient Scriptures, the resulting wave (tsunami) circled the Earth three times, reaching the deepest parts of the continents. The population of the Earth was mostly destroyed. Ash and dust from the resulting volcanic activity and earthquakes closed the Earth's atmosphere for many years, causing climate change and cooling. From the impact of fragments, a shift of the earth's axis occurred (the earth's axis acquired a top-shaped movement along an ellipse, which modern scientists call the "period of precession"). The remnants of the surviving people of the Ants (their leaders shaved their heads and wore a “settler” on their heads) later began to live in the Black Sea region (current Ukrainians). In connection with this event, the expression "Fatal outcome" appeared, and the number 13 (Fatta's circulation period) has since been considered unlucky.

Calendar " From the 3rd Arrival of Whiteman Perun". A little over 40 thousand years ago, one of the Highest Slavic-Aryan Gods Perun descended on a large celestial chariot - Vightman to Midgard. Vightman landed in the region of Asgard (City of the Gods) in Belovodye Siberian. For 9 days, the Priests and Warriors of the Holy Race communicated with Perun. He told them the Wisdom from the World of Rule, which was written by the Magi in the santi (gold plates) of Perun. The gods live in the multidimensional Worlds of Rule. The World of Truth, for example, has 65,536 to the power of 2048 dimensions of space. But being multidimensional, they have the ability to materialize in the World of Reveal in a 4-dimensional space, i.e. in the Human World, in their usual human form. That was the third visit to Midgard-Earth by God Perun.

Calendar " From the Founding of Asgard of Iria". In the Old Slovenian language, As is God incarnated in a human body. Our Ancestors called themselves Ases, their country was called Asiya (this is also mentioned by the Old Norse epic - “The Saga of the Ynglings”). Asgard means "City of the Gods". Iry - because it stands on the river Iry the Quietest (abbreviated Irtish, or Irtysh). There were 4 Asgards in total. Asgard of Daaria, located at the North Pole, died (sank) along with the death of the Northern continent - Daaria. Later, Asgard Sagdia (area of ​​present-day Ashgabat) and Asgard Svintyodsky (Uppsala, Norway) were built. The ruins of the Ancient Asgard of Iria, destroyed by hordes of Dzungars in 1530 AD, were discovered by the cartographer of Peter the 1st Remizov, after which the Omsk fortress (now the city of Omsk) was built on this site.

Calendar " From the Great Migration from Daaria". Daaria is a continent at the North Pole of Midgard-Earth, where our Ancestors lived for a long time after the settlement of the Midgard Earth. This continent sank as a result of the flood created by the waters and fragments of the destroyed small moon Lely. The Santii of the Vedas of Perun also speak of this: “... These Kashchei, the rulers of the Grays, perished with the Moon in half an hour ... But Mid-gard paid for freedom with the Daaria, hidden by the Great Flood ... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell on Earth from Heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into parts and the army of Svarozhich descended to Midgard ... ". The image of the outlines of the continent Daariyah is preserved on the wall of one of the pyramids in Giza. In 1595, this map was published by Rudolph, the son of Gerardus Mercator. The death of the mainland and the catastrophe were predicted by a vokhv named Spas, so the Slavic-Aryan peoples began to move along the isthmus formed by the Riphean Mountains (Urals) to the region of Buyan Island (West Siberian Upland). After a 16-year transition from Daaria to Rasseniya and the flood that followed, the EASTER holiday was founded (the abbreviation of the letters is the Way of Asa Hodyash This). The emerging tradition of painting and beating eggs against each other was symbolized - a broken egg is a symbol of the dead Moon Leli, and a whole egg is Tarkha (Dazhdbog), who destroyed the Moon along with the Kashchei who were on it, who planned to destroy Midgard.

Calendar " From the Three Moon Period". This is the Period when three Moons rotated around Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and Month. Lelya is a small moon with a period of revolution of 7 days, Fatta is an average moon with a period of revolution of 13 days and Month is a large moon with a period of 29.5 days. Two of these Moons - Lelya and Month were originally the Moons of the Earth Midgard, and Fatta was dragged from the Earth by Dei after her death.

Calendar " From Assa Dei". Assa is the battle of the Gods. The period indicated in the chronology separates us from the war that took place in Svarga not only in the World of Reveal, but also in the multidimensional Worlds. Not only people, but also Gods participated in that battle. In the World of people, the grays (Kashchei) fought against the Slavs and Aryans, and on their side - black people (people with dark skin). During the battle, the Earth of Dei (or the 5th planet of the solar system of Dei) and its satellite, the Moon Lititia (Lucifer), were destroyed and split into pieces. Now it is an asteroid belt, rotating in the 5th orbit after the Earth Orey (Mars). The second Moon of Dei - Fatta (Phaeton) survived. As a result of a powerful explosion, part of the atmosphere was demolished from the then inhabited Earth of Oreya (Mars), after which the Slavic-Aryan clans left it, some of them moved to Midgard (the so-called Children of Oreya). After the end of Assa Dei, many people with skin of the color of darkness, left without their Earth, while on starships in space, asked for mercy and permission to land on Midgard. Our Ancestors allowed and allocated to them lands similar in climate to their homeland, and in order to adapt to the radiations of Midgard-Earth, they dragged their Moon Fatta from the 5th orbit and launched it around Midgard with a period of 13 days.

Calendar " From the Time of Tara". It originates from the time when the Goddess Tara visited Midgard-Earth.

Calendar " From the Time of the Three Suns". This is one of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendars of Midgard-Earth. He mentions events more than 600,000 years ago, when, due to rotation around the center of the Universe, a neighboring galaxy approached ours. As a result, the two solar systems of the neighboring galaxy approached ours so much that its two giant Suns of silver and green color were observed in the sky of Midgard-Earth and were equal in size to the visible disk of our Yarila-Sun.

Our chronology is not connected with either the Moons, or the Earths, or the Stars, or the Sun, but is connected with the Canons of the One Creator (whose name is RaOmKha). For the Moons, the Earths, the Stars and the Sun speed up and slow down their course, and the Laws of the Creator of the One are UNVIOLABLE, and their observance is observed by Chi-slobog, who is the keeper of the Rivers of Time.

2. Net By Net Holding LLC (owned by OJSC MegaFon) - Moscow, Belgorod, Stary Oskol, Voronezh, Kursk, Kurchatov, Lipetsk, Orel, Mtsensk, Cheboksary.
3. OJSC "Uralsvyazinform" (provider Utel) - Western Siberia.
4. Scartel LLC (Yota provider) - Moscow.
5. UMMC-Telecom LLC - Verkh-Neyvinsky, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Yekaterinburg, Kemerovo, Kirovgrad, Kolchugino, Krasnoturyinsk, Rubtsovsk, Serov, Sibay.
6. Siberian Networks LLC - Novosibirsk

This is not a complete list.

Midgard-INFO is not in the register of banned sites at, but on the official website of the Ministry of Justice in the federal list of extremist materials, there is an entry about a banned article, about this in the screenshot.

If your provider suddenly blocked access to the Midgard-INFO website, this is not a reason to forget about it with a sad shrug. On the contrary, this is a great chance to easily expand your capabilities and learn how to bypass any illegal prohibitions, if you don’t already know how. You can't be lazy: Roskomnadzor tends to block entire domains because of one page (see screenshot above), the innocent suffer. But even if the site owners removed suspicious content and Roskomnadzor removed them from the list, this does not mean at all that your provider will immediately do the same. You need to make sure that the "ban" does not change anything at all either in the functioning of the resource or in your life. This is within the power of anyone.

1. Mirror site Midgard-INFO

The easiest way is to go to the site mirror by clicking on the black and yellow icon in the slider:

2. Opera Turbo

Opera users have a great feature that solves the problem of censorship with a single click of the mouse - this is the "Turbo" option. Its idea is that the page is not transmitted directly to you, but through a foreign server, where it is optimized for delivery. For a foreign server, the blocked page is visible, which means you can see it too:

Everything, the page is at your disposal:

Unfortunately, the function does not always work, but today it is definitely one of the easiest ways to bypass blocking.

3. Change DNS server

Some providers do not block the IP of the sites included in the list, so it is enough to change the settings of your network connection by putting some public DNS server instead of the provider's DNS server. For those who thought the previous line was nonsense, I'll just show you what to do. Open your connection settings and enter the numbers, as in the screenshot:

The method is not suitable for computers "from work" due to the settings of local networks. Before experimenting, save the previous settings so that you can return painlessly.

4. Anonymizers

If the simplest method doesn't work, move on. The idea of ​​how anonymizers work is as follows: you connect to a site like, located outside of Russia, enter the desired address in its window, and the anonymizer sends you a banned page in response, which is not prohibited in other countries.

This text will become outdated sooner or later, some of the listed pages may disappear, but you can always get up-to-date information by searching for the word "anonymizer". Many Russian anonymizers require registration, fees or show tons of pop-ups and ads. Close such "anonymizers" immediately and look for ascetic ones.
For those who do not understand networks and do not want to know anything about it, this is more than enough - fast, simple and easy.

The program was developed by the Chinese to protect against the Great Chinese Firewall, which does not allow receiving information that differs from the party line. Now she can serve you. Download the program here -, install. When launched, it automatically opens the configured Internet Explorer, where you can enter the desired address and get the result.

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