Seeing an unexpected meeting in a dream. Why dream of a meeting


Sleep is not just a harbinger of the future. These are the experiences of the past day, released thoughts and feelings. A dream is the result of the subconscious mind set free. And here it becomes very interesting for women, what did this subconscious mind want to say with its pictures drawn on the canvas of dreams? For example, the question arises: why is the beloved man dreaming?

A dream is the result of a subconscious mind set free

If he (the one and only) calls you by name, then his thoughts are entirely devoted to you, and his warm feelings are sincere - nothing threatens to shake them in the near future.

  • If a young man confesses his love to the dreamer, then it makes sense to take a step forward - to “give acceleration” so that this recognition becomes real. There are times when, without an additional impulse, men do not dare to open their feelings.
  • Sex with a loved one in a dream suggests that the relationship between you will be strong and long-lasting if you do not spoil it yourself. Presents from a man, presented on the other side of reality, must necessarily appear in real life.
  • If the dreamer runs away from his boyfriend, apparently you are overwhelmed by some heavy thoughts and worries about your relationship. Some doubts make you move away from your loved one. What exactly is hard to say. In such a situation, it may be worth taking a breather, taking a time out in the relationship in order to give yourself time to finally decide for yourself whether to move on with this person in life or not.

A photo sent from a loved one speaks of complete indifference towards you on his part.

What is the dream of a loved one (video)

Seeing in a dream a meeting with a loved one

For a girl, a rendezvous with her beloved, as the dream book says, does not bring anything but frustration. The guy, most likely, has cooled off towards you. But for older people, on the contrary - to see such a dream means that on the horizon there is a prospect of strengthening the relationship that exists at the moment. For women, such a dream also promises well-being, as a result of success in business. For a man, a date with a lady he has long liked in a dream suggests that this meeting will be in reality. A date with an ex you once broke up with is interpreted as regret about that expense, and that it would be nice to return everything back.

For a girl, a rendezvous with her beloved, as the dream book says, does not bring anything but frustration

If a former young man asks you for forgiveness, it is safe to say that in reality he regrets that very break in relations. In general, the picture emerges as follows:

  • dreams with a beloved man in the title role usually do not carry anything critically bad, but they do not promise magical changes in the near future either;
  • the vast majority of dreams in this category are visions about one or another side of your relationship;
  • Only you can check the veracity of these dreams - try it, such a situation is worth the risk.

What is the dream of the beloved man with whom they broke up

The main interpretation is regret about parting. As a result - the desire to return the past.

For what? The image of a former lover, with whom it was once so good, pops up in the subconscious of women with enviable constancy. This is normal, because everything good, kind, positive at the level of the subcortex of the human brain is postponed forever. And, periodically pops up in memory.

I want to see a loved one in a dream: what should I do for this?

It will not be news that many females very often want to see their beloved precious "knight on a white horse" in their dreams. And they expect this every time they go to bed. And they wake up in tears because they didn’t dream of a good fellow. Is it possible to do something in this situation, is there a way to help such “grief”. Nothing is impossible for mankind.

It will not be news that many females very often want to see their beloved in their dreams.

Try to stick to these simple rules, and don't lose hope:

  1. It is necessary to take a walk before going to bed - half an hour will be enough.
  2. A few hours before bedtime, exclude coffee, tobacco, other pathogens from drinking, do not eat fatty foods at night.
  3. Do not litter your brains with watching horror films, thrillers at night, do not listen to heavy negative music.
  4. Try to fall asleep in complete peace, without worries, quarrels and any showdowns within the family.
  5. Tune in to HIS image and close your eyes.

These simple methods, of course, do not guarantee the desired result by 100%, but will bring the fulfillment of your desire as close as possible.

  • talk to your loved one and ask him to think about you before going to bed. Agree to go to bed at the same time;
  • invent for yourself a place where you will have to meet in a dream;
  • for the success of the event, it is necessary that both actors sleep;
  • they say that scientists have proven the ability of water to store information - charge water to fulfill a dream: speak your desire into a glass of water and put it at your head. If you wake up at night, take a sip of this water.

Seeing in a dream how the beloved man leaves

It is painful and insulting in reality and in a dream to see how a loved one leaves you. This dream can be interpreted in different ways. To do this, you need to know whether the lady is married or not. If a woman is married and she dreams of parting with her husband, this is a mirror image of her fears and complexes. It cannot be otherwise, since in real life she values ​​\u200b\u200bher feelings and relationships with her husband.

If the separation occurs without insults, reproaches and mutual accusations of all mortal sins, this means errors in the relationship, the fault of which is the woman. She needs to conduct an objective analysis of her behavior and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments.

I dreamed that my beloved was waiting

If a dream of this kind came from Thursday to Friday, the dreamer will meet with a person whom he cannot stand. When you dream that your loved one is waiting and calling, while performing some actions: waving his arms, calling with his voice - such a dream speaks of an upcoming long separation from him. He will have a long trip far from home and from you, of course.

If a dream of this kind came from Thursday to Friday, the dreamer is waiting for a meeting with a person whom he cannot stand

If the beloved does not take any action - stands, sits, but does nothing - this indicates that somewhere close separation is for good, and that some steps need to be taken to save the relationship, otherwise everything will end badly.

Why dream of the arrival of a beloved man

An event such as the arrival of a loved one predicts the dreamer's imminent illness. The beloved seems to be in a hurry to prevent something bad and is in a hurry to help.

If the person you love and cherish is dreaming at the station, and you see that he wants to approach you, but cannot do this, then the dream warns that a rival has appeared on the horizon, who does not let him come to you and does everything so that indifference settles in his heart, instead of love.

When you dream of the unexpected return of a loved one from a long trip, such a dream suggests that your chosen one does not fully trust you and is waiting for the dreamer to somehow dispel his suspicions.

Seeing in a dream the return of a beloved man who left forever

Unforgotten experiences that live inside the dreamer and do not want to leave him alone indicate that the person who abandoned the dreamer is still loved and no less strongly than before. This problem is much bigger than it seems. You have to get rid of it somehow, but… how? It makes no sense to wait for him to return after all - in such an expectation, many go crazy.

The person who abandoned the dreamer is still loved and no less strongly than before.

If a man returns with flowers, this is a sign that he would not mind returning, but not on a “permanent basis”, but just easy meetings and no one owes anything to anyone.

Talk in a dream with a loved one

Talking with your loved one during sleep does not bring any upheavals and cataclysms in relationships for the sleeping person. Neither good nor bad. If one of the two cries during a conversation, then in the foreseeable future everything will be fine and nothing threatens the idyll in the relationship.

Often dreams that a loved one gets up during a conversation and leaves. By this, he seems to be trying to say: I want to be and will be with you, but I will often have to leave, and you will have to wait for me. This may apply to work, business trips, business trips. And it's up to you to decide whether you can live with your loved one at this pace or not.

Why is a man dreaming (video)

Appreciate your loved ones, take care of them. Let them be close in reality, and not only come in a dream. If you truly love, sacrifice yourself, learn to give up principles and opinion - sometimes this is necessary so that the building erected with such difficulty, called Love, does not collapse. But also listen to dreams. They, of course, are useful, at least as a reminder that a loved one can be very easily lost forever.

Attention, only TODAY!

Dream interpretation meeting

Did you dream of a chance meeting with people you haven’t seen for so long, or was everything planned long before the memorable event? Why dream of a meeting in this case? According to the dream book, a meeting is a sign that needs detailed study.

Distinctive features

To understand a dream, you need to pay attention to the characteristic features, and they are not so easy to remember after waking up. To solve this problem, dream books were written, which helped many to find out the interpretation of their dreams.

Friends saw each other in a dream

If you dreamed of meeting with friends, most likely, in real life, a similar event awaits a person. At least the dream book focuses on this. To meet a close friend in a dream - to fresh gossip and unexpected news. You never know that randomly spoken news will play a big role.

It is believed that meeting a man is more auspicious because it predicts success:

  • in work or service;
  • in dealing with people, you will become an authority for someone.

The main thing is to learn how to properly manage the opportunity provided. There are times when the spiritual connection between people is so strong that a surprise after a long separation will seem like a miracle.

Sleeping people often see prophetic dreams, and in real life they can meet the desired person.

There is another interpretation. If a pleasant acquaintance came to the meeting, then everything will go well. If a person causes antipathy, then no one will get pleasure from communication. As the dream book describes, meeting with a friend makes sense, which will definitely manifest itself in real life.

Dreamed of school mates

A person may dream of a difficult conversation that leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. The dreamer must evaluate his plans and begin to implement them. All the promises that were made before must be fulfilled. The dreaming image will clearly demonstrate a tortured conscience that is trying to convey a message to a sleeping person.

When you had a meeting with school friends, it means that your judgments are so naive and infantile that they do not correspond to age. As a rule, value judgments can be heard in the communication of old friends, and the decisions made will turn out to be useless.

Dream interpreters advise thinking about every word, because only an old friend knows and sees the real essence. Trying to hide it, you can run into big trouble. As the dream book says, meeting with friends from school is a possible test. Unconscious childhood mistakes will have to be eliminated already in adulthood.

formal conversation

If the conversation with classmates is purely formal, then in real life the dreamer will be able to solve an unsolvable problem. In any case, one should focus not on why this or that situation occurred, but on how it can be solved. A dreamed unfriendly reception - to a difficult life stage, having lived through which, the dreamer will receive decent compensation.

Joking conversation

To meet friends who are in a good mood - to public recognition.

Most likely, a stage has come in your life when achievements and dreams began to come true. As the dream book predicts, going to a meeting with a quick step - to anxiety and dissatisfaction with your life.

In the pursuit of money, you stop doing what you loved to do before.

Had a heartfelt conversation

If you dreamed of meeting with a former classmate, then in real life there is a place for memories of the carefree years lived. Probably everyone would like to return to those times and enjoy them. To agree on evening gatherings - to increase at work and meet new people. In this case, one can follow from the other. The higher the dreamer moves up the career ladder, the more influential people will begin to surround him.

Romantic date

A meeting with a girl for representatives of the strong half of humanity promises a cooling of feelings and subsequent grief. Meeting with a loved one for many women is associated with romantic fantasies. In real life, the dreamer feels the need to receive attention from her lover.

The interpretation of dreams in which adults and elderly people appear has a slightly different meaning.

By arranging a rendezvous with your lover, you can prepare for the fact that good luck will accompany all your endeavors. A man knows that a meeting with a friend can turn into something more.

His invitation will be taken seriously. To meet a previously loved one is to regret parting. Negative emotions must be constantly driven away from oneself, since they only interfere with a normal life.


If the ex-boyfriend crosses the road - regret about the breakup. The problem is that any attempt at reconciliation will backfire. Rejection will mean complete acceptance of the present and a willingness to start a new relationship.

ex girlfriend

When an ex-girlfriend appears on the appointed day of the meeting, it means that the dreamer still continues to have warm feelings for her. He will try by all means to correct the current situation, but the probability of success is extremely small. When an unfamiliar guy appears on the way, it is impossible to agree with the lady of the heart.

Atypical situations

Each dream is a date with your inner essence, and therefore there is no need to be afraid of nightmares. A meeting with a famous person will tell you that the path to fame will be long and winding. Not everyone will reach the end, but those who have enough strength will rest on their laurels.

To see the president is to become a famous and popular person. If an unscheduled meeting took place on the train, one should expect news that is prophetic in nature. When the dreamer runs into someone on the stairs, career success can await him.

Your mark:

A former young man or ex-husband who appeared in a dream symbolizes your excessive passion for the past.

This is what keeps you from moving forward, from developing as a person; former love does not want to give way to real love a place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time has come for a change of priorities, the collapse of former ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, and in all areas of life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

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Dream Interpretation - Meeting

A fleeting meeting with someone - to minor domestic troubles.

Meeting with friends (even if these people are no longer alive) - to mutual understanding, help, friendship from people close to you and your benefactors.

Meeting with enemies - to trouble from your ill-wishers.

Business meeting - to worries and anxieties in business.

A date in a dream for young people - to mutual cooling in reality.

Interrupted meeting - wrong steps, wrong solution to some issue.

Interpretation of dreams from

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to dreams, trying to understand and interpret them on their own. To date, for these purposes, there are numerous dream books that offer various interpretations of dreams that are suitable in a given life situation.

Let's find out what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of and what such a dream can symbolize. It is believed that if a former lover comes to you in a dream, then you are mired in the past and these already completed relationships prevent you from moving forward and building a new life. According to Miller's dream book, if in a dream you met with a former loved one, had a close relationship with him, or experienced previous warm feelings, this may mean that the time has come for the consequences of what you did in the gap.

If in a dream you see a kiss with an ex-boyfriend - soon there will be a reason for surprise in your life, sexual intercourse with him - perhaps the conflict that took place in the past will aggravate, a quarrel with a former lover - to favorable changes in your personal life, parting with him - to a new meeting, which may end in failure. If you had a fight with a former young man, such a dream can symbolize the appearance of your real partner in the manners of the owner or the emergence of a new authoritarian partner.

According to Vanga's dream book, dreams in which you see people or from the past may mean that these relationships have not gone unnoticed for you. Perhaps you are waiting and hoping for a resumption of relations with a former companion.

Freud's dream book assures that a meeting with a former gentleman in a dream may portend a quarrel with his real lover in the coming days. This can be explained by the fact that a woman involuntarily compares the merits of her companions: the former and the present. If she shares with her lover information about the dreamed former gentleman, such a conversation can also provoke a quarrel. The reason for the cooling of the attitude towards her companion can also be the longing of a woman for past relationships.

Loff's dream book says that a wedding with an ex in a dream is a big nuisance, the death of a former lover may signal that you will soon get married and possibly give birth to a child. If in a dream a former loved one shows his feelings for you, burns with love for you again - expect unexpected surprises and not necessarily pleasant ones.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, a meeting in a dream with a former lover portends a frivolous act in a woman's life, leading to bad consequences. A married or divorced woman, having seen a meeting with a former companion in a dream, can expect trips in real life, unpleasant chores associated with property, the education of children, the wealth and illness of her current husband.

Dream Interpretation Hasse assures that breaking up with an ex-boyfriend in a dream symbolizes that a new important period has begun in your life, in which your ideals and ideas will change.

When in a dream you communicate with an ex-boyfriend, Meneghetti's dream book says that in real life you should be wary of the illness of a real life partner or other loved ones. If you dreamed of someone from the family of a former passion, then in reality you will have a great pastime with your family. When a former companion smiles at you in a dream, perhaps in real life you are questioning the dignity of your current loved one.

Most dream books reduce the interpretation of a dream with an ex-boyfriend to the fact that your passion for a past life prevents you from developing and moving into new life stages. Consider the messages encrypted in dreams, but rely more on reality.

In our time, meeting other people is a very important place in life. The meetings are completely different, are of a different nature, have a variety of consequences. It is not surprising that you dreamed of a meeting in a dream, because dreams are a reflection of reality. That is why the topic of various meetings occupies an important place in all dream books. The meaning of the dream in which you happened to meet someone can vary greatly depending on who you met.

Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Meeting someone in a dream is a surprise in real life.

Dream Interpretation Enigma

What does a meeting in a dream mean, you can find out with the help of this dream book:

  • Dream Interpretation: a meeting with old friends symbolizes that in real life you will also meet. You should be prepared to welcome guests. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: meeting with a girlfriend - you will find out some gossip. But think about whether you need it. Is it even worth spreading gossip about someone.
  • Dream Interpretation: meeting with an old friend - good news awaits you, good news, this phenomenon is a good dream. (Cm. )
  • Meeting a man in general is a much more favorable dream than if you met a girl. Such a dream most often indicates that success in your career awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: rejoice at a meeting with a close friend - such a dream usually portends your meeting in reality, because due to the strong spiritual connection between you, you can foresee an imminent meeting. (Cm. )
  • It is quite possible that in reality even conversations will be similar to those that took place in your dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: meeting with a friend - the interpretation of this dream varies depending on what you felt from this event.
  • If the conversation was pleasant for you, then this indicates that everything will be fine at home - your household members will reconcile if they are now in a quarrel; the house will be filled with happiness, joy and harmony.
  • If after the conversation you have a bad impression, then this suggests that you should reconsider your plans, because otherwise you will face adverse consequences.
  • Why dream of meeting classmates (former)? This speaks of infantilism, your naivety in any of your judgments or actions. This does not decorate an adult at all. That is why you should be more careful in your judgments and conclusions. It is necessary to do everything deliberately so that later you do not have to regret anything.
  • A meeting with classmates suggests that trials await you in the future, and soon you will have to pay for your mistakes.
  • And why dream of a meeting with classmates, which took place in a formal setting and at the same time had an unfriendly context? Do not be afraid of this dream, because it means that in reality you will be able to get out of a difficult situation. But if the meeting went well, then this suggests that the dreamer is in for problems.
  • Why dream of meeting graduates at school? This dream suggests that at the moment your life is going well. You are happy with everything and the only thing you can want is public recognition.
  • Meeting classmates is a dream - it’s worth considering - do you really need someone outside to know about your achievements and merits? Wouldn't it be better to share happiness with your family and loved ones?
  • It is worth noting that in the event that a student had a meeting with classmates, then this is not any kind of prophecy and you should not pay special attention to this dream.
  • Why dream of meeting with classmates? Such a dream suggests that soon you will be promoted and / or acquainted with important, necessary, interesting people.
  • Why dream of meeting with a loved one? A date with a lover in a dream speaks of chagrin. However, for more mature people, such a dream speaks of well-being in a relationship.
  • Why dream of meeting a girl? For a young man, a date with a girl in a dream suggests that in reality she will also accept a meeting offer from him.
  • Why dream of meeting with an ex-girlfriend? / What is the dream of meeting with an ex-boyfriend? - such a dream suggests that you regret parting, you want to return the past. One in reality, only you and him / her think about whether it is really worth doing. In any case, the image of a former lover speaks of surprises and the fact that you will also meet in reality - even if by chance.
  • What is the dream of meeting with a former lover asking for forgiveness? In reality, this person also regrets the breakup. But if at a meeting he tries to return you, then this is a bad sign. And not because he can return in reality - just such a dream suggests that troubles will soon begin in your life. But if you managed to refuse him, then this indicates that you let him go in your heart.
  • Why dream of meeting with the dead? Meeting in a dream with the deceased is a bad sign, you will soon experience deterioration in health and problems in life. If, when meeting in a dream, you are talking with one of the deceased relatives, then this indicates that you miss this person. Perhaps he wants to protect you from the other world. In this case, you should pay attention to his words in a dream.
  • Why dream of meeting a celebrity? You want new experiences, perhaps fame. But the path to the stars will be very long and difficult for you.
  • Why dream of meeting with the president? You will meet a famous and influential person. This acquaintance will give you new opportunities, open doors for you.
  • If a man had a meeting with God in a dream, this is a dream-warning. Soon you run the risk of being dominated by a strong and cruel woman. You don't need it and will only bring you trouble. You should be careful and immediately leave her, not allowing her to get too close to you.
  • If in a dream you had an unexpected meeting on a plane / train, then you will receive news that can turn everything upside down. This event can radically change your movement in life.
  • If an unexpected meeting took place on the stairs, career growth awaits you.
  • But in the case when the person you encountered interferes with passing, you should consider him as a competitor in life and especially not trust him.
  • Meeting on the bridge symbolizes success in business.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

A meeting in a dream for people in love portends an early separation and a break in relations.

New family dream book

  • A business meeting in a dream is a bad omen, a sign of a downturn in your affairs, a recession and problems.
  • If you dreamed of a meeting with your loved one, then this suggests that soon your feelings for each other will cool down.
  • Interrupted meeting - beware of hasty decisions.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanova

Interpretation of dreams according to the latest dream book of G. Ivanova:

  • Meeting with a close relative symbolizes good luck in your endeavors. (cm. )
  • The dream "meeting with a girl" (girlfriend or friend) says that you will have a waking conversation, during which rumors about someone will be shared with you.
  • In a dream, a girl runs to a meeting? This is a good sign that good news awaits you.
  • A meeting with a priest or a monk indicates that problems await you in business. (Cm.

Dream interpretation bitch

  • A meeting in a dream speaks of a cooling of feelings for the person with whom you are now in a relationship, as well as a possible separation, which you yourself will initiate.
  • If your meeting in a dream did not take place, although it was planned, then this suggests that you should carefully consider and weigh your decisions. Otherwise, you will have troubles that you will earn yourself by taking rash actions.

A large universal dream book by O. Smurova for the whole family

  • An unexpected meeting in a dream symbolizes a sincere and pleasant conversation in the near future.
  • If you dreamed of meeting with friends, then this indicates that a pleasant surprise awaits you in the very near future. It will be something that you have been waiting for, but that you no longer hoped for. (Cm. )
  • Meeting with an unpleasant and evil person or an enemy (imaginary or real) is a bad sign, portending grief, sadness and grief. Disappointment and failure await you. But do not despair - everything will pass very quickly.
  • If in a dream you make an appointment, then this indicates that your secret will be revealed.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

  • Dream Interpretation: the joy of meeting the New Year - soon a new profitable business awaits you.
  • Meeting classmates in a dream suggests that you will again have to go through a poorly learned lesson.

Islamic dream book

  • The dream "meeting your favorite actor" or the dream "meeting a celebrity" suggests that soon you will experience stormy and very vivid emotions, but they will end only with grief, bitter tears and future loneliness.
  • Business meetings in dreams speak of empty worries in reality.
  • If in a dream you had a date, then this suggests that all your efforts will not give any results.
  • A meeting with an old acquaintance dear to you suggests that you should better think about your actions and carefully weigh each next step.

Dream Interpretation of Irina Udilova

Why dream of meeting an idol? Dreams in which you had a meeting with your idol or any of the celebrities in general portends acquaintance and communication with superior people. If during the meeting you played the role of a fan, then this indicates a future increase.

  • The dream of "meeting a Rock Star" is a dream in order to warn you: you pay little attention to yourself, waste your talents in vain, while you should develop them.
  • The dream "meeting with scientists" symbolizes an important event in your life. It is worth remembering what they say to you in a dream - it is quite possible that thanks to this you will be able to solve some problems in reality.
  • You should not worry if you had a dream about "meeting a dead celebrity". This suggests that soon your life will begin to change. Also, this dream gives signs of in which area it is better to develop. If the main feature of the person you met in a dream is intelligence, appearance or some kind of talent, then in your life you should pay special attention to this quality.

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: meeting an old friend and having a pleasant conversation with him is a favorable sign that your business will go uphill. At work, success awaits you, and a possible increase, in communication with loved ones - the absence of quarrels and complete well-being. (Cm. )
  • However, if you have a bad aftertaste from the meeting, then this suggests that soon your unseemly (and, possibly, not entirely legal) actions will be revealed to the general public.
  • Dream Interpretation: a meeting with relatives, namely a grandfather or grandmother, is evidence that you can overcome the troubles that stand in your way. But for this you should be more circumspect, more careful and listen to the advice of older generations or simply more knowledgeable people in certain matters.
  • Dream Interpretation: meeting with a stranger - in this case, the interpretation of sleep depends on your impression of the person you met, his clothes, behavior, manner of speaking and behaving.
  • If all of the above in the meeting is positive (the stranger's appearance is pleasant, his clothes are neat, he has good manners) - this is good to know, otherwise, trouble awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: waiting for a meeting with someone at the airport or at, waiting for someone to return is a sign that unexpected news awaits you in reality. However, what they will be - favorable or bad - you have yet to find out.
  • Dream Interpretation: a joyful meeting - to pleasant chores.
  • What does New Year's Eve mean in a dream - this is one of the best signs that speaks of renewal, entering a new stage of life, success in household chores and business.
  • Meeting related to business or any affairs - You are worried, worried and insecure associated with your work. You should stop achieving your goals with the help of other people and start acting on your own / yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • The dream "meeting an old friend" suggests that you should expect guests in your house soon. (Cm. )
  • Meeting with the former - the dream book interprets such a dream as a holiday in your house.

Dream Interpretation of Khamidova

Dream Interpretation: meeting with a loved one - this dream suggests that you will soon part with your loved one.

Eastern female dream book

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

  • A business-related meeting indicates that worries and worries await you in the future. A lot of things and problems await you.
  • Meeting with a friend speaks of a pleasant pastime. (Cm. )
  • A date in a dream signals a cooling of feelings. It's worth being more careful.
  • If the meeting in a dream is abruptly interrupted or ends unsuccessfully, then this indicates that you will suffer from your hasty and ill-considered steps, which can have very serious consequences.
  • The dream of "meeting an ex-boyfriend and his apology" says that you have let go of past relationships and are ready to meet your love.

Dream Interpretation House of Dreams

Interpretation of dreams about a meeting, according to the "House of Dreams":

  • Unexpected meeting: the dream book says that a sudden meeting that you did not expect at all indicates that you will have a kind, good conversation with a benevolent person who wishes you only the best.
  • Dream Interpretation: meeting with friends - a pleasant surprise awaits you, which cannot but please you. At the same time, if you met your enemy in a dream, then this is a bad omen, indicating that sadness, disappointment and bad luck await you in your planned affairs. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: make an appointment - the disclosure of your secrets.

Universal dream book
Dream Interpretation: make an appointment - you want to establish closer contact with some person (perhaps even with the one you dreamed about). It is worth tempering your ardor. If in a dream someone himself makes a reservation about meeting with you, then this indicates that this person wants to be associated with you.
Dream Interpretation: to go to a meeting with a famous person - you are bored with your life, you want new emotions, impressions, you want your life to change. However, in reality it is worth doing it yourself, and not waiting for someone to appear and change the usual order of things for you.
Dream Interpretation: a meeting of classmates is a reunion, a celebration, you are the master of the situation.
Dream Interpretation: a meeting of graduates - the experience of past years will be repeated.

Dream Interpretation Astroscope
Interpretation of dreams according to the "Astroscope":

Dream interpretation of Rommel

  • The dream "meeting with a girlfriend or friend" says that mutual understanding awaits you in your personal and family life, help from loved ones, support from people dear to you and the onset of a wonderful period of time. (Cm. )
  • However, meeting a guy in a dream is a better sign than meeting a girl, because in the latter case, minor troubles await you.
  • An unexpected, fleeting or "hatted" meeting with someone speaks of minor everyday troubles that can ruin your mood, although they are trifling.
  • Meeting with enemies suggests that ill-wishers want to harm you. It is worth being wary and looking for support from both friends and family.
  • A failed or interrupted meeting suggests that you risk making a mistake by rushing to a decision.
  • A business meeting indicates that worries and anxieties await you.
  • Why dream of meeting a guy? If in a dream you had a meeting with your lover or your beloved, then this indicates an imminent cooling of your feelings.

General dream book
Why dream of meeting old friends? Expect guests to arrive soon. (Cm. )
Dream "meeting with an ex-girlfriend or ex-lover" - soon a holiday will take place at your home.
Dream "meeting with a deceased grandmother", it is worth remembering what exactly she told you, because this can help you cope with future problems.

Dream Interpretation of David Loff
Dream interpretation according to David Loff:

  • Dream Interpretation: being late for a meeting. If in a dream you dreamed that you were late, missed a meeting - this is a symbol of your fear, and also indicates a possible loss of any opportunities.
  • If in a dream you received an invitation to a meeting, then this indicates two points in real life.
  • First, this person really wants to meet you.
  • And, secondly, an invitation to a meeting is a promise to turn your life for the better. These changes can happen in your personal life or at work. Perhaps - your financial situation will improve or you will make peace with those with whom you have quarreled for a long time. In any case, you will be satisfied with what happens.

Dream Interpretation Semenova

  • If you dreamed of a business meeting, then this indicates that your business will now slowly move forward and is at the stage of stagnation, decline.
  • If your meeting was interrupted in a dream, troubles await you, which can only arise if you are not reasonable and start to commit rash acts, act in a hurry.
  • For lovers, sleep means coolness in feelings.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

  • Meeting with parents in a dream warns that you should be more careful.
  • If in a dream you met an unfamiliar, but pleasant person for you, then this indicates that only good things await you in the future.
  • If the stranger was unpleasant for you, then this dream symbolizes troubles and the appearance of various problems.
  • If you dreamed of a date or just a meeting with your chosen one, then this indicates that your feelings will lose their former ardor, up to the imminent separation from your beloved.
  • Business negotiations in a dream are problems in business.
  • If in a dream you receive guests at your home, then this indicates that someone is angry with you and wants to harm you.

The latest dream book

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  • In a dream, look for a meeting with someone - you want to meet this person in reality.
  • To be on a date with someone - you will have a stable relationship with this person. Of course, there will be unpleasant moments (and the dream book warns that they will appear very soon), but you will be able to survive all this and stay together.
  • To be at a business meeting in a dream - there is a lull in your life at the moment, which is primarily associated with your work.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • The dream "meeting with an old friend" symbolizes hope, the emergence of a new business that will be very beneficial for you. (Cm. )
  • If in a dream you saw off your friend or your girlfriend, then for a girl this is a symbol of the fact that you will soon be offered a marriage proposal. (Cm. )
  • For a young man, this dream means an increase in the career ladder without negative consequences.

Complete dream book of the New Era

This interpreter interprets dreams about meetings as a projection of your worries about doing any business. You should remember your own egoism, otherwise you will face problems caused by it. The situation that you yourself will cause with your unseemly behavior will be very dangerous, and its resolution will be rather complicated and problematic.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

Miller's dream interpretation: interpretation of sleep meeting:

  • A dream about a business meeting is negative. He does not say that you will have serious problems, but it also does not bode well.
  • Dream Interpretation: business meeting - most likely, in the near future you will experience a temporary stagnation in business. You will have a lot of trouble, confusion and throwing, you will have to worry a lot, worry and worry, but at the same time all this will not lead to any consequences, and the business will go sluggishly. However, do not worry - this period will eventually pass.
  • Interpretation of sleep: a meeting - and yet, while the time of stagnation has come, you should not worry and worry too much, you should not spend too much effort and energy, but you should go with the flow for now. The river of life itself will eventually emerge from a stagnant channel.
  • Meeting with a loved one in a dream indicates an imminent mutual cooling towards each other. Do not despair and take it too seriously. Use this time to think carefully about everything, devote more time to yourself, your family and friends.
  • If the meeting from your dream is suddenly interrupted, this portends trouble. You should think carefully about your actions in reality, because any unforeseen expenses may arise from your rash decisions, there will be troubles that have arisen from you and your hasty actions.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

  • If in a dream you had a meeting with someone, then this indicates that in reality you will have a pleasant, unhurried, sincere conversation with a person dear to you or an adviser, spiritual mentor.
  • Meeting a friend is a good symbol, indicating that good news or some kind of surprise awaits you in the future.
  • Meeting with the enemy speaks of future problems in your life.
  • If you had a meeting with a former lover, then expect a dirty trick from a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • In a dream, arrange a meeting with a person - a chance meeting with him awaits you in reality.
  • An unexpected meeting in a dream - You can interpret this dream depending on how this meeting went.
  • In a dream, going to a meeting that is planned in reality - this dream only says that you are too worried about what is about to happen. Don't worry too much. This dream does not portend anything bad and is only a projection of your thoughts.

Dream interpretation of the 20th century

  • An unexpected, chance meeting in a dream should be taken as help, a hint about what will soon happen to you in reality. First of all, you should pay attention to your impressions of this area.
  • It is possible that in order to interpret a dream, you need to pay attention to individual images from your dream. For example, where the meeting took place, under what circumstances.
  • So, if in reality you have any business plans for the near future, and in a dream there was a meeting with a business partner, the outcome of which was positive, then this should be interpreted as a sign that success awaits you in reality too. You should move according to the already chosen strategy.

Dream Interpretation of the East

  • Why dream of meeting old friends? In life, everything will go well for you - the house will be a full cup, at work - success and career advancement, with friends - excellent relationships.
  • However, if you have bad memories from the meeting and you feel worse, then this indicates problems in life. It is possible that you have done some unseemly act and now your conscience is tormenting you. You should repent of your act yourself, otherwise your act will become known to the general public, and you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation, lose the respect of people, and possibly friends.
  • Meeting with the ancestors suggests that difficulties await you. This is a warning dream in which you can be given advice on how to behave in order to avoid worsening your situation.
  • Why dream of meeting a person (stranger)? In this case, it all depends on how the meeting takes place, how the stranger looks and behaves, and what the outcome of the meeting was. It will be easy for you to decipher the message that a stranger has prepared for you from a dream - after all, it was said directly, without any tricks.
  • A dream in which you had a meeting with a company representative or business partner speaks of your uncertainty that the steps you want to take in the work area are correct. In addition, this situation indicates that you are trying to achieve your goals not by your own efforts, but at the expense of others.

Dream Interpretation from "A" to "Z"

  • An official meeting in a dream suggests that you are very tired and are simply unable to notice what is happening around you. You should rest, relax. Otherwise, fatigue will only increase, and as a result, you will make many serious mistakes that will have detrimental consequences, affecting primarily your family and you.
  • Seeing a meeting with your loved one in a dream - your couple is waiting for tests, after passing which you will strengthen your union. However, if your feelings are not deep enough, then the feelings will soon cool down and you will part. Moreover, the brighter, richer and faster your relationship began, the sharper and harder your break will be.
  • Meeting an enemy in a dream means that soon you will have to fiercely defend your interests. If you cannot stand up for yourself, then respect for you will decrease, I expect you to lose, worsen relations with people.
  • If in your dream you are meeting with good friends and having a good time, then this is a favorable symbol.
  • Dream: meeting with friends in your house / meeting guests - you will meet with people who will be hostile to you, will not trust you to the end at first. (Cm. )
  • If in a dream you wandered through the forest and encountered a beast that was afraid of you, then this indicates that you will take a hasty and thoughtless step, which will have many negative consequences.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation of dreams about the meeting with Simon Canaanite:

  • The dream "meeting with a friend" speaks of a pleasant surprise in the future. (Cm. )
  • Meeting with an enemy or just an unpleasant person portends trouble.

Old Russian dream book

  • Meeting a man in a dream symbolizes success in a planned enterprise, while meeting a woman indicates the appearance of obstacles in your path.
  • To meet in your dream a person who has already died is a disease.

Modern women's dream book

  • Discussing business at a meeting in a dream - to stagnation in work.
  • Seeing in a dream a meeting with a loved one - in love, cooling awaits you.
  • A meeting that went badly or was interrupted - you should take wise steps in the future, as your rash actions can have serious consequences.
  • The dream "meeting with the deceased father" says that you lack the support from loved ones.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: meeting with a friend - to the joy of the future. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a meeting of old acquaintances - intrigues are woven against you, they want to do something bad to you.
  • However, if in a dream the two treated each other coolly, not experiencing great joy from this meeting, then this is a good sign, indicating that you will soon achieve great respect.
  • If in a dream you had a meeting with a person you do not know, unexpected news awaits you in reality.

Dream Interpretation Sonarium

  • Dream Interpretation: a long-awaited meeting - if in a dream you had a meeting that is already planned in reality, then this is just a reflection of your thoughts. Do not take seriously what happened in your dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: meeting with the deceased - you should remember the deceased who came to you, go to his grave, or put a candle for him in the church.
  • The dream "meeting with relatives (parents)" warns you that you will need protection soon.
  • At the same time, if the meeting took place in your house, then this indicates that someone wants to take revenge / harm you. This person dislikes you and will still show his true face. You should be more careful and stock up on allies to counter him.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer
Meeting with a friend in a dream portends good news, joy and success.
Family dream book

  • A business meeting of people in a dream is evidence of a decline in business, the appearance of anxieties and worries associated with your work. Unforeseen troubles will arise that can seriously upset you and prevent you from fulfilling your plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: meeting with a loved one - cooling in love awaits you.
  • If your meeting in a dream was interrupted, this suggests that you should be wiser in your actions, beware of rash actions and hastily spoken words.
  • Sleep: the joy of meeting. If you had to rejoice at a meeting in a dream, then this suggests that soon you will have good news, happiness and a pleasant meeting with a close friend.
  • Meeting with an ex-husband in a dream - You are tired, you don’t know what to do. You should seek help from a more experienced person.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud

Interpretation of dreams about a meeting according to Freud:
Dream Interpretation: meeting with an ex-girlfriend - you want to restore a close relationship with her, because you still have feelings for her.
Dream Interpreter

  • Dream Interpretation: meeting with a man - good luck and success in the planned affairs await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: meeting with a girl / woman - this dream, on the contrary, portends problems in your affairs, complications and various troubles.
  • Sleep: meeting with the dead - You are in danger, illness, serious illness, and possibly death.
  • If you had a dream about meeting guys, then this indicates that good times will come in your life.
  • If you dreamed of a meeting of graduates, then this indicates that you yearned for the past. Seeing a meeting of classmates in a dream is a desire to show what success you have achieved.
  • In a dream, run to a meeting - hurry up to be in time everywhere in your life.

Gypsy dream book
Interpretation of dreams - a meeting with ... - depending on who the meeting took place in a dream, the gypsy's dream book gives different interpretations:

  • I had a meeting with a lawyer - in a dream it is a sign that soon you will receive a wedding invitation from one of your friends.
  • Had a meeting with a gardener in a dream speaks of your pride.
  • Had a meeting with doggystyle - you are a man of honor. You are always honest with yourself and the people around you. (Cm. )
  • Meeting a gnome in a dream portends danger awaiting you in the future.
  • If in a dream you met the father of one of your parents, then soon you will receive an inheritance.
  • The dream of meeting with a lumberjack suggests that the work that you are currently doing is in vain. If you put in a lot of effort, you won't achieve much.
  • Had a meeting with d poisons - soon you will receive incomparable advantages in any business.
  • Meeting a disabled person in a dream is a bad sign that portends trouble in your career or business.
  • Did you meet the cardinal in a dream? Well, in this case, you can start forging your suitcases - moving ahead of you.
  • In a dream, a meeting with the queen speaks of your future prosperity.
  • Had a meeting with lackey - a symbol of enemies and dangerous trips.
  • Had a meeting with Lady or lords - a sign of humiliation.
  • You had a meeting with a nurse in a dream - this is for a long life.
  • Your meeting in a dream with a millionaire suggests that you will be repaid a debt that you have already forgotten about.
  • News from the sea in real life will be brought by a sailor from your dream.
  • Had a meeting with mayor - someone harbored a grudge or anger against you.
  • Meeting a hermit in a dream is a betrayal of one of your friends.
  • I had a meeting with o a police officer is a gloomy dream that speaks of a bad feeling.
  • Had a meeting with waiter - such a dream speaks of suspicion.
  • Had a meeting with servant - someone abuses your trust. Although, it is possible that the opposite is true - you are abusing someone else's. In this case, you should remember that everything will return.
  • Meeting in a dream with an executioner suggests that you will face an untimely death.
  • In a dream, did you encounter a pilgrim? Expect well-deserved praise and rewards.
  • Had a meeting with p astuhom - no matter how you avoid responsibility, you still have to take it upon yourself.
  • Meeting with a tailor in a dream is a symbol of the infidelity of a lover.
  • Had a meeting with p ringet - a dream portends great profits and honor in the future.
  • Meeting with a worker in a dream - you are lucky. In marriage, happiness awaits you, and in work - an increase in your profits.
  • But meeting with children in a dream is a harbinger of future difficulties in work.
  • Had a meeting with banker or moneylender - future persecution.
  • Had a meeting with priest - to scandal.
  • Meeting with the secretariat in a dream indicates that you will be helped, and pretty soon.
  • The blindness of a person you meet in a dream speaks of the infidelity of your friends.
  • Had a meeting with lumberjack - a symbol of robbery.
  • Meeting a soldier in a dream warns that everything you do should be done well, because nitpicking will soon await you.
  • Meeting with an opponent in a dream (it doesn’t matter - on the love front or at work) - to quarrels in the house.
  • A meeting with an old, elderly person suggests that you will soon need to demonstrate your knowledge.
  • Had a meeting with judge - a dream portends punishment.
  • Had a meeting with t terrorist - fear lives inside you.
  • Had a meeting with artist - to a long and happy life.

Women's dream book

  • I dreamed of a meeting with an ex-boyfriend - you just can’t forget him and let him go. If in a dream he himself insisted on a meeting and asked for forgiveness, your feelings are mutual.
  • Why dream of meeting with an ex-husband. To see him in a dream - you have not completely forgotten him.
  • However, if you didn’t part in a dream, everything is fine with you - this indicates that you let him go, everything has passed and you should not think about him anymore.
  • A familiar man in a dream offers a meeting - he misses you and wants to meet in reality. If in a dream you see your friend drunk, this indicates an unpleasant meeting in life.
  • The dream "I was late for a meeting" suggests that you are too worried, in a hurry to do everything, although you should stop, calm down and look around.

Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Interpretation of dreams about a meeting with a dream master:

Interpretation of dreams according to the months in which the dreamer was born

  • January, February, March and April birthdays - warning, cold in relationships, possible illnesses
  • Birthdays of May, June, July, August - Your years have already passed, lonely old age awaits you.
  • Birthdays of September, October, December - all your hopes for an early meeting of your betrothed are in vain.

Russian dream book

Dream: an unexpected meeting - this dream indicates that soon you will meet with an unpleasant, unloved person who causes you negative emotions.

Dream Interpretation of Lucky Omens

The interpretation of dreams is a meeting: to meet a fool, a madman or a holy fool in a dream is a good sign, good.

dream interpreter

  • Dream Interpretation: meeting with a guy or a man - you will be successful in accomplishing your plans.
  • Meeting with a woman - obstacles, mistakes and all kinds of problems await you on your way. You should be more careful, it is better to think about your actions so as not to make mistakes.
  • Meeting in a dream with the deceased is a warning about possible illnesses, as well as death.

Small dream book of Veles

  • Dream Interpretation: a chance meeting in a dream predicts the presence of some kind of surprise, something that will soon change your life.
  • Dream: a meeting of graduates - you crave recognition - and well-deserved. You have done a lot in your life.
  • Dream interpretation: avoid meeting. Avoid meeting in a dream - you want to hide, run away, close your eyes to the problems that already exist in your life.

Interpreter of hints received in a dream

Why dream of an unexpected meeting with someone you know? This dream is an indirect hint of what may happen in the near future. You should pay attention to what impressions you had at the meeting, what words were spoken at it, as well as to any features, eye-catching details and something that stood out sharply from the general background. All these are tips that you should take into account in further actions in real life.

The most complete dream book of true dreams

Dream Interpretation by Seasons
Interpretation of dreams about a meeting according to the seasons:

  • Winter dream book. Meeting with a future husband or future wife in a dream suggests that you will soon meet your soul mate.
  • Spring dream book. Meeting with the groom suggests that separation awaits you, meeting with your mother or father is a warning about possible problems.
  • Summer dream book. Meeting with the bride or groom suggests that you have a lonely old age ahead of you. (cm. )
  • Autumn dream book. A meeting with a beloved groom suggests that at this time you are not expected to meet with that same loved one.


Dreams in which you dream of meeting someone can be of a different nature, depending on who you saw in a dream. In addition, you should pay special attention to how the person you met was located in relation to you, how the meeting went.
In addition, it is worth remembering the words that will be said to you, as well as everything that stands out in your dream. Then you can easily interpret your dream with the help of our most complete collection of dream books on the topic "meeting".

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