Types of savings. Savings and personal budget Personal savings formula


People are not always able to make a large purchase in one go. Lack of salary, lack of desire to get a loan, all this affects the impossibility of some acquisitions.

The concepts of "savings" and "personal budget"

Savings is the accumulation of money by a person in order to fulfill his desires.

A personal budget is a plan of a person's income and expenses.

For modern man, this topic is relevant. We are living in an era of enormous shortage of funds. There are many reasons:

  • Too low wages are the main reason for the inability to accumulate the amount;
  • Products, housing company services, transportation costs: all of this interferes with savings. People live and work in order to survive! And it's not a joke;
  • Few people like this way of "survival". Someone prefers to “get lost” in alcohol, someone leaves the country in search of a better life, someone can’t stand it and ends his life.

There are two types of savings:

  • forced, involving the mandatory withdrawal of part of the funds for paying taxes;
  • personal savings, involving the free regulation of the flow of personal funds.

Personal savings remain with a person after payment of mandatory taxes and fees.

There are also long-term, aimed at accumulating funds over a long period, and short-term, savings for a short period.

In order for a person to have the opportunity to at least occasionally please himself, fulfill his desires and not feel low-income, it has long been thought of leaving part of the funds untouched. There are many ways to save money. Below are the most common.

You can use the 75-20-5 scheme. This is a percentage chart. A person can try to divide monthly income into three groups:

  • 75 percent for basic purchases, such as food, utility bills, and the like;
  • 20 percent for personal expenses (cell phone bills, clothes, entertainment);
  • 5 percent must be put aside in the far corner.

Following this scheme, part of the funds will definitely be able to remain in the budget. The percentage may vary. It is important to strictly follow the prescribed numbers and not go beyond.

Another way to save money is to invest. A person can leave a small amount of income in the bank, and besides, he will still make a profit.

You can limit yourself to the use of optional products, visit the grocery store with a list, follow it.

Get on stocks, buy with a margin. Stocks make it possible to eliminate frequent visits to stores, which also contributes to savings.

The role of personal finance in a person's life

The role of savings in human life is limitless. Savings allow you to make a purchase at the right time without banking products, using only your own strength. Personal finances allow a person to feel confident, he wanted equipment - he bought it, he wanted clothes - he bought it. However, don't starve yourself to save money.

Savings is the best thing that people have been able to come up with for the entire existence of planet Earth.

Anything can happen in life. Many are accustomed to rely only on their own strength, and they cannot be condemned. To have at least some opportunity to please yourself, it is important to have financial support. It is savings that can help out at any time. The main thing is to save wisely!

types of products or services. The fundamental difference between such investments is the optionality of their return. The initial source of venture capital is the founders' personal savings and loans. The main incentive for financing is the receipt by the contributor of founding income, a share of the profit from the implementation of an idea or project. The goal of venture capital owners is often reduced to funding a stage in the operation of a venture capital organization, at which it is possible to issue and sell shares, the value of which slightly exceeds the amount of capital invested.

Imagine that you decide to go into business and for this you need a capital of $ 100,000. Since you do not have personal savings, you are considered a scarce economic unit. Now suppose that you manage to convince some private investor (an economic unit with free funds) to provide you with capital in the form of buying your shares in the amount of $70,000. In return, you agree to pay him 75% of the profits of the enterprise. In addition, you secured a $30,000 bank loan at 6% per annum. On fig. 2.1 this total flow of $100,000 would be depicted as financial flows going out towards you. But who will bear the risk if your venture fails?

When conducting privatization, various are used, they depend primarily on who acts as the buyer of state or municipal property - members of the labor collective, legal entities, individuals. The composition includes funds from economic incentive funds at enterprises, part of which is subject to distribution among employees personal savings of citizens nominal privatization deposits in specially opened privatization accounts (in 1992, funds will be transferred to these accounts in the fourth quarter) own funds of legal entities, in the authorized fund of which the share of the state and local councils of people's deputies, public organizations and other funds does not exceed 25% borrowed (credit) funds. In 1993-1994 registered privatization accounts and privatization funds of enterprises should be subject to privatization. The state program stipulates that commercial banks in Russia and foreign banks can lend to privatization transactions without restrictions.

There are different and sometimes conflicting ideas about the relationship between economic and other factors, on the one hand, and the supply of credit funds, on the other. In particular, there is no agreement on whether a high interest rate stimulates savings or reduces it. Moreover, although there is a lot of theoretical discussion about the propensity of consumers to consume and save, smart researchers have not yet been able to find a quantitative explanation for the level of personal savings (the ratio of savings to income) that was characteristic of the US population some time ago. For example, in the USA in 1965-1984. the share of personal savings was 6.8% of income. At the same time, the values ​​of this coefficient at the indicated time fluctuated between 5.0 and 8.6%9.

The movement of the savings level. The expected level of personal savings depends primarily on the level of income, which, in turn, depends on 1) an ever-increasing proportion of families with more than one 2) the number of earners aged 25 to 34 who receive an increasing share of income 3) growth per capita income, which is caused by the involvement of an increasing part of the population in the composition of the employed.

The proliferation of equity ownership through mutual funds has introduced two potential sources of instability, especially in the US. One of them is the so-called wealth effect. 38% of family wealth and 56% of pension funds are invested in stocks. Shareholders receive large returns on securities, they feel rich, and their propensity to save has dropped to almost zero, as can be seen from Fig. 6.1. It shows that the share of personal savings in household disposable income has now fallen to 0.1% from a peak of 13% in 1975. In the event of a sustained deterioration in the stock market, shareholder sentiment will shift sharply, which will contribute to a recession and further deterioration in the stock market.

Sometimes governments fix the interest rate and thereby block the market's ability to funnel personal savings into projects that promise to increase wealth. Even worse, when the interest rate ceiling is combined with an inflationary monetary policy in this situation, the inflation-adjusted interest rate—what economists call the "real interest rate"—often becomes negative. If the government-set interest rate is below the rate of inflation, real saving shrinks.

Personal savings rate

Disposable income (DI) is income that can be used for personal consumption and personal savings. Disposable income is less than nominal income by the amount of taxes and obligatory payments.

Savings are important for understanding the state of the national economy and the prospects for its development. Gross savings are divided into three categories of personal savings, the source of which is the net income of households, the income of firms, government revenues as the excess of income over expenditure. National saving is always equal to national investment. The flows of relevant funds intended for the purchase of investment goods are shown in Figure 1.2.

Thus, within two years and without any securities market, the largest redistribution of property rights in world history was carried out. By 1949, 69% of the shares were in the personal ownership of citizens - and this is in a country where, unlike the United States, the population has never had a tradition of investing personal savings in shares. A new business environment was created and a new type of open corporation for Japan, controlled by shareholders and the securities market. At the same time, in 1949, the law on transactions with securities was passed, which established the standards for the operations of stock exchanges and brokerage firms, the rules for issuing, accounting and auditing corporations. The founding was enormously facilitated.

But, if this method of securing and stimulating personnel with price stabilization has been revived, then another, which has been in service for many years - pension payments, gradually and inexorably began to recede into the past. Previously, pension payments, along with personal savings and child support, were the main source of livelihood in old age. The amount of payments depended on wages and was not in proportion, but in progression to the length of service. For example, when a person changed his place of work, he was paid a certain amount of pension, but due to the fact that he lost a progressive coefficient, "tumbleweed" with the same total length of service in the end with someone who was tied to one company for life and did not cheated on her, received a much smaller total amount. 1/1 more - not only the number of salaries that the pension compensation would be expressed in, but also the salary itself depended on the duration of continuous work experience in the company, that is, it turned out that it was a dependence, as it were, squared. However, lump-sum pension payments only made sense if prices were stable, otherwise they would no longer serve their intended purpose of providing long-term livelihoods. The undermining of this system was associated both with rising prices and with the layoffs that began during the crisis of the mid-1970s at the initiative of the administrative

To increase the revenues of local budgets, a tax on buildings was introduced as obligatory payments,

    Private savings (Sp), i.e. private sector savings, consisting of the sum of household savings (S= HRS - C) and firm savings (Sb) (including depreciation and corporate retained earnings):

Sp= S+ Sb.

Private saving can be defined by the following macroeconomic identity:

Sp = YT + TR + NC,

where Y is income;

T - taxes;

TR - transfers;

N - interest on government bonds;

C is household consumption.

    Government savings (Sg), which take place in case of a surplus (surplus) of the state budget, when budget revenues exceed expenditures:

Sg = TGN - TR.

    National savings (Sn), which is the sum of private savings and public savings:

Sn = Sp + Sg.

    Foreign sector savings (Sf) take place in the event of a deficit (negative balance) of the country's trade balance, when imports exceed exports, i.e. net exports are negative:

Sf= Im - Ex > 0

The sum of savings of all sectors (private, public and foreign) is equal to the value of total investment:

I \u003d Sp + Sg + Sf \u003d Sp + (T - G) + (Im - Ex).

Nominal and real GDP. Price indices.

Real GDP =

The general price level is determined using price indices, which include the consumer price index (CPI) and the GDP deflator (def).

(Consumer goods are taken into account).

where - the price of goods in the current year;

The price of the commodity in the base year;

The volume of production of goods in the base year

(All goods produced in the current year in the country are taken into account).

Where - the price of goods in the current year;

The price of the commodity in the base year;

The volume of production of goods in the current year;

i – produced goods/service;

n is the number of goods and services produced.

Fisher index:

Examples of problem solving:

1. The country's consumer spending amounted to $2,500 billion, government purchases of goods and services - $750 billion, exports - $55 billion, imports - $20 billion, indirect taxes - $300 billion, gross private investment in fixed capital - 450 billion dollars, investment in housing construction - 200 billion dollars, change in stocks is 50 billion dollars, the cost of consumed fixed capital - 350 billion dollars. Determine the value of net domestic product.

Let's use the formula for calculating NNP by flow of expenses:

NNP by expenditures = С + In + G + Xn;

NNP=2500 +750+ (450 +200+50) – 350 + (55-20) = 3635 (billion dollars)

2. If a country's economy has $2,200 billion in national income, $43 billion in social security contributions, $56 billion in corporate profits, $18 billion in transfer payments, and $25 billion in dividends ., income from the sale of shares on the stock exchange - $ 15 billion, personal taxes - $ 45 billion, unemployment benefits - $ 10 billion. Find the value of personal income.

LD = ND - social security contributions - corporate profits + dividends + transfers + interest on government bonds

LD = 2200 - 43 - 56 +25 +18 = 2144 (billion dollars)

3. The country's economy is characterized by macroeconomic indicators presented in the table. Determine the indicators marked in the table with the sign?

Indicators, billion dollars

Consumer spending

Expenses: for current consumption

for durable goods

Service costs

Net investment

Cost of capital consumed

Equipment depreciation

Building depreciation

Gross investment

Investments in fixed assets

Investments in housing construction

Change in inventory

Public procurement of goods and services

Net export

Income of citizens abroad

Income of foreigners in this country

Net factor income from abroad



Notional rent

Interest payments by private firms

Owner's income

corporate profits

Corporate income tax


Corporate retained earnings

Indirect business taxes

Individual taxes

Social security contributions

Transfer payments

unemployment benefits

Proceeds from the sale of shares

Interest on government bonds

personal savings

State budget balance

GDP by expenditure = C + Ig + G + Xn = 532 + (85 + 73) + 124 + (26 - 43) = 797;

GDP by income = wages + rent + interest payments + owner income + corporate profits + indirect taxes + cost of capital consumed - net factor income from abroad = 365 + 28 + 51 + 84 + 157 + 47 + 73 - (31 - 23) = 797;

NFD = income received by citizens of the country abroad - income of foreigners in this country = 31 - 23 = 8;

GNP = GDP + NFD = 797 + 8 = 805;

NVP \u003d GDP - A (cost of capital consumed) \u003d 797 - 73 \u003d 724;

NNP \u003d GNP - A \u003d 805 - 73 \u003d 732;

NI = NNP - indirect taxes = 732 - 47 = 685 or NI = wages + rent + interest + owner income + corporate profits = 365 + 28 + 51 + 84 + 157 = 685;

LD = ND - social security contributions - corporate profits + dividends + transfers + interest on government bonds = 685 - 35 - 157 + 63 + 52 + 9 = 617;

RLD \u003d LD - individual taxes \u003d 617 - 25 \u003d 592;

personal savings = Sper = RLD - C = 592 - 532 = 60;

gross investment = net investment + cost of capital consumed (depreciation) = Ig = In + A = 85 + 73 = 158;

Xn \u003d Ex - Im \u003d 26 - 43 \u003d - 17.

Corporate income tax = corporate income - dividends - corporate retained earnings = 157 - 63 - 27 = 67;

Budget balance = budget revenues - budget expenditures = (individual taxes + corporate income tax + indirect taxes + social security contributions) - (government purchases + transfers + interest on government bonds) = (25 + 67 + 47 + 35) - ( 124 + 52 + 9) = 174 - 185 = -11 (deficit).

4. The nominal GDP of the country in 2009 was equal to 2400 billion dollars, and in 2010 - 3200 billion dollars. The GDP deflator (2009 - base) is 125%. Determine what real GDP is in 2010.

Real GDP in 2010 (this year is considered the current year) can be found as the ratio of the nominal GDP of the current year (GDP tnom) to the deflator of the current year:

GDP t real = GDP t nom /def;

GDP t real =3200/1.25=2560 billion dollars

5. It is known that during the year the nominal GDP increased by 5%, and the price level increased by 7%, determine what the change in real GDP is equal to:

a) 12%; b) 7%; at 5%; d) 2%; D 2%

Let us denote the real GDP of the base year as x, i.e. GDP 0 p. \u003d x, as you know, in the base year, real and nominal GDP are the same: GDP 0 p. = GDP 0 N.S. =x. In the base year, the price index is equal to 100% (or 1) CPI 0 =1.

It follows from the condition of the problem that in the current year, nominal GDP increased by 5%, i.e., GDP t n. \u003d 1.05x, and the price index by 7%, i.e.: CPI t \u003d 1.07.

Let's find an expression for the real GDP of the current year:

GDP t r. = GDP t n. / CPI t =1.05x/1.07=0.98x.

In the base period, nominal GDP was equal to x, in the current period it was 0.98x, which means that the change in nominal GDP in the current period will be:

∆GDP t n. \u003d (GDP t n. - GDP 0 n.) / GDP 0 n. \u003d (0.98x-x) / x \u003d -0.02 or -2%.

This means that nominal GDP has decreased by 2%.

6. Suppose that only three goods are produced in the country - hamburgers, books and bicycles:

Price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.



If 2009 is the base year, determine:

a) 2009 nominal and real GDP;

b) nominal and real GDP in 2010;

c) consumer price index, GDP deflator and Fisher index 2010;

d) inflation rate in 2010, calculated using the GDP deflator;

e) the rate of change in the cost of living in 2010, calculated using the consumer price index.

a) 2009 GDP = GDP 2010 p. \u003d 2 × 30 + 8 × 12 + 70 × 5 \u003d 506 rubles;

b) GDP 2010 n = 4×25 + 9×11 + 65×7 = 654 rubles;

GDP 2010 \u003d 2 × 25 + 8 × 11 + 70 × 7 \u003d 628 rubles;

c) CPI 2010 = [(4 × 30 + 9 × 12 + 65 × 5)/506] × 100% = (553/506) × 100% = 109%;

def 2010 = (GDP 2010 n./GDP 2010 r.) × 100% = (654/628) × 100% = 104%;

Fisher index == 106%;

d) inflation rate = 104% - 100% = 4%;

e) rate of change in the cost of living = 109% - 100% = 9%.

7. The economy is described by the following indicators:

Consumer spending (С)=2300 billion rubles;

Investments (I)=700 billion rubles;

Government spending (G) = 800 billion rubles;

Government transfers (TR) = 100 billion rubles;

Interest payments on public debt (N) = 100 billion rubles;

Taxes (T)=800 billion rubles

It is assumed that GDP = GNI.


a) private savings;

b) government savings;

c) the value of government bonds and the additional amount of money issued to cover the state budget deficit, if it is known that 80% of the deficit is financed by issuing bonds.

a) Private savings is calculated using the formula

Sp \u003d (Y + TR + N-T) - C;

Y = 2300 + 700 + 800 = 3800;

Sp \u003d (3800 + 100 + 100 800) - 2300 \u003d 900 billion rubles.

b) Government savings are equal to:

Sg \u003d T - TR - N - G;

Sg \u003d 800 - 100 - 100 - 800 \u003d -200 billion rubles.

c) The negative value of public savings means the presence of a state budget deficit:

BD=-Sg=200 billion rubles

The deficit is financed by issuing bonds by 80%, i.e.

∆B=0.8×200=160 billion rubles

The remainder of the deficit is financed by issuing more money:

∆M=200-160=40 billion rubles


Two-thirds of Russian families - 65% - do not have any savings, follows from the results of a survey by the Levada Center Levada Lab, conducted in April 2019.

The proportion of families unable to save has remained virtually unchanged since 2012, sociologists note.

“This figure has remained more or less stable since 2012. In 2008-2011, we recorded indicators typical of the economic crisis: the share of savers was significantly lower,” Levada Center sociologist Stepan Goncharov told RBC.
Savings can mainly be afforded by high-income families. Whereas overall only 35% of households are able to save, in the top quintile (the one-fifth of all households with the highest income) 53% reported saving. In the segment of the poorest, only two out of ten families (23%) have any savings, sociologists pointed out.

Most of the families who save money live in large cities: in Moscow, more than half of them - 54%. In rural areas, on the contrary, there are noticeably fewer resources for savings: only 29% of respondents reported that they can save money.

A third of Russians (32%) believe that now is a bad time to save money. 38% of respondents could not name this time as good or bad for savings, and 21% of survey participants consider the present moment to be good for saving money.

The savings behavior of Russians has changed: two years ago, citizens were saving money, and now they are spending everything on current needs. This is evidenced by the results of an all-Russian survey conducted by the NAFI Analytical Center.

In two years, the savings behavior of the population has undergone dramatic changes: in 2015, 47% of respondents tried to first save money, and then spend the rest. And today 46% spend all their money on current needs and save nothing (two years ago there were 15% of them). The proportion of those who first spend and then save the rest remains unchanged (36%). It is indicative that economically active citizens aged 35-44 (51%) are most inclined to choose the strategy of “spend all their money and not make savings”.

Today, a third of Russians have savings (32%). Over the past few years, the share of savings population fluctuates between 27% -32%. It should be noted that young people aged 18-24 and representatives of the older generation 55+ are most inclined to save.

Most often, people save money just in case (53%). The second most popular goal of savings is rest or treatment (26%), and this article has become relevant recently (in 2012 it occupied only the fifth line and only 17% noted it). The third place in the ranking of the most common savings goals is the renovation of an apartment or house (18%). Another 16% save "for old age", and the share of those in five years has decreased from 24%. 13% prefer to save money to buy expensive things. One in ten saves to buy property (9%), and this item has become less popular compared to 2012 (22%). 7% save up for education (their own or loved ones) (half as compared to 2012 - 13%), and 4% - for the purchase of a car (three times less than 5 years ago - 15%).

Almost half of those who have savings (46%) note that their volume has not changed over the past year. About a quarter reported an increase in savings (23%), and almost the same number said that savings decreased (27%).

Services for personal accounting have long become a familiar financial management tool. But even for those who still do not know how to consciously handle finances, solutions have been invented that allow you to spend wisely. We present a selection of services that will help you stop making spontaneous purchases and turn savings into child's play.

The main financial trend of 2017 is the stabilization of the Russian economy and, as a result, the reduction of the Central Bank rate, and hence the interest on bank deposits. In addition, money is now becoming the main asset and value. The population of the Russian Federation, judging by numerous studies, prefers not to spend, but rather to save.

The volume of issuance and repayment of loans is influenced by the economic situation in the country, the assessment of the population's own well-being, general moods and expectations. Zaim.com prepared a review of consumer expectations based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service (FSGS).

At the beginning of the year, the interest of Russians in the stock market increases. Someone wants to profitably invest the bonus received at the end of the year, someone simply decides to start a new life with the help of investments. Unfortunately, many beginners act impulsively, make many mistakes, and therefore quickly become disillusioned with the stock market.

There are more and more Russians saving in rubles, and interest in dollar exchange rate fluctuations is declining, according to the results of a survey by VTsIOM.

Thus, the share of respondents who have ruble savings reached a maximum for the year - 60%, while the share of Russians who do not have savings fell to 36%.

Those who keep money in currencies of other states are in the minority: two percent - in dollars, one percent - in euros and one percent - in other currencies.

Sociologists note that the volume of savings in dollars among the population has halved over the year from seven percent last July. At the same time, the interest of the population in information about the situation on the foreign exchange market is declining: now 55% of Russians do not follow the state of the dollar exchange rate against 37% in January (in July 2015 - 47%).

Currently, only 13% of Russians regularly find out the value of the exchange rate, another 32% apply for such information from time to time, showed a survey conducted on July 16-17 among 1600 people in 130 settlements in 46 regions of the Russian Federation.

According to the average forecasts given by VTsIOM, in three months the dollar will cost 70 rubles. (according to informative answers of 49% of respondents), which is higher than the actual value at the time of the survey (66 rubles). According to the fixed expectations, 37% of the respondents believe that in a year the exchange rate will not change much and will be 69 rubles. per dollar.

Every tenth believes that now is a good time to save money (11%), and more often it is expressed by those who already have savings (17%). In 2010, 17% of Russians answered this way. Every third, on the contrary, believes that now is not the time for savings (35%), and 42% cannot unambiguously say whether the current period is good or bad for this.

The share of Russians who have savings continues to decline. This is evidenced by the results of a survey of the research holding "Romir".

The survey revealed that 61% of Russians did not and do not have savings, which has not been observed for more than ten years. In 2015, the figure was 52%.

Only 17% of respondents reported having savings.

The fact that there are savings, but they have been partially spent recently, was stated by 10% of Russians. Another 12% of respondents admitted that they had savings until recently, but were spent in recent months.

“In order to avoid losses due to jumping rates, more and more Russians prefer to keep their savings in rubles. The share of fans of foreign currency savings for the year remained unchanged (within the statistical error) amounted to 5%," the press release of the Romir holding says.

Savings of 40 percent of Russians are enough for them only for a month, said Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak.

“40 percent of the country’s population say that their savings are only enough for a month, or even less, while every tenth citizen surveyed said that he was dissatisfied with cooperation with financial organizations for various reasons,” said the Deputy Minister at a seminar in Kazan on the launch regional program "Improving the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2016-2018".
In surveys, 38% of Russians report that representatives of financial institutions impose financial services on citizens. At the same time, every tenth Russian signs a banking agreement without reading it, Sergey Storchak noted.

He stressed that this is a global trend. According to Sergei Storchak, at present, most of the population of developed countries "has a level of financial knowledge that is difficult to assess as sufficient," Nezavisimaya Gazeta informs.

Earlier it was reported that more than 60% of Russians for their financial decisions and possible losses in the financial markets.

Note, according to VTsIOM, during the February survey, 39% of Russians reported that. In December 2015, 43% of our fellow citizens did not have savings.


Lesson Planning

On the topic: "Personal savings"


Puzikov D.N.

2012-2013 academic year

Lesson topic: personal savings

Subject: Technology

The purpose of the lesson: To form an idea in students about personal savings

Lesson objectives:

    To expand and deepen students' understanding of the operations of planning and accounting for a personal budget.

    Learn to multiply personal savings.

Visual aids and equipment:

Interactive whiteboard, Internet connection, a brochure on the use of cards in electronic form on the Sberbank website, the game "Using an ATM".

Lesson type: Assimilation of new material.

During the classes

    Organizing time. (Greeting, checking absentees, reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson)

    Checking homework. (if available)

    Presentation of new material

An economy is a country that lives according to certain laws and norms. Before we buy anything, we must do two things. First, earn money to buy the right product. Secondly, decide how to spend the money earned.

Let's remember what income you know?

Our parents earn most of the money - this will be wages, and there may also be pensions, benefits, scholarships.

Now let's define the concept - savings

Definition of the concept of "savings" and the main type of savings

Savings - part of the population's income that is not used for the purpose of current consumption, but is set aside for the purpose of accumulation. Numerically equal to the difference between personal disposable income and personal consumption income. The basic principle of saving is this: a person saves a certain part of income if and only if the expected utility of consuming this amount in the future is higher than the utility of consuming it in the present. Savings are formed mainly in cash. The very share of income that the population is willing to save is called the savings quota. Savings often serve as one of the sources of the formation of loan capital, that is, the accumulating cash receipts for the subsequent provision of a loan.

There are three types of use of money: consumption (instant purchase of goods and services); investment (long-term investment in enterprises, firms) and savings.

Purpose of savings. Advantages and disadvantages of savings

Savings has quite a few purposes. Here are the main ones:

    money is saved for purchases, the cost of which exceeds the amount of earnings (i.e. there is no opportunity to immediately spend the money);

    savings are needed for the sake of convenience: for the possibility of spending money on unforeseen expenses;

    people have savings to meet future needs (for example, to educate children);

    savings serve as a kind of precautionary measure (protection against possible future unemployment);

    as ways to profitably invest part of the income;

    in order to create money for a rainy day.

Savings have positive and negative sides.

They represent pent-up demand that needs to be regulated. Otherwise, under the influence of external factors (for example, the exchange of old banknotes for new ones), the demand caused by savings will increase for consumer goods and services, which will become an incentive to increase production and may cause an overproduction crisis. Also, savings in the form of cash is dangerous when monetary depreciation. However, those who have savings can profitably make them liquid, namely, at any time turn them into cash and make purchases of goods and services, invest in enterprises or save for future financial problems.

propensity to save

The general propensity of the population to save is the share of funds allocated for the current saving of the population's income. To understand the propensity to save, you need to look at the intended use of a large sum of money. People can spend it in four ways - consumption, savings, insurance, development.

Most people spend money on consumption, and many savers save money for a future purchase. Judging by the small percentage of savers and based on the above theories, we can say that, on average, citizens are not very wealthy people. Funds not consumed in the current period have acquired three main forms: deposits in commercial banks and securities, foreign exchange savings and cash balances on hand.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a place to store savings:


Loan interest;

Liquidity measures how easily you can turn your savings into cash, the easier it is to withdraw money from the account, the greater the liquidity. ( ) - show different types of deposits


Savings is one of the hardest topics in economics. This topic is relevant because the savings activity on the market is now very unstable, and therefore interesting. If we look at the statistics, we can conclude that our economy is on the mend, people began to trust savings, but unlike Western countries, we still do not trust financial instruments and are afraid of depreciation of money. Now the economy of our country is becoming more stable, and after a detailed study of this topic, I think that in the future our propensity to save will increase. In economics, there are no exact decisions, as in mathematics, when making economic decisions, you need to take into account all the pros and cons of the existing solutions and make a choice in favor of the option in which there are more pluses than minuses. Managing your finances requires constant calculations and you cannot rely on chance.

    Fixing new material:

This option: You have 1000 rubles, you need to save this amount, and if possible increase it. What is the best way to do it?

ATM game

V. Homework: It is necessary to draw up a student's personal budget and calculate how best to increase it if it is in surplus.


Stock- securities, indicating the contribution of a certain part to the fund of a joint-stock company and giving its owner the right to receive profit in the form of dividends.

Banks - financial and credit institutions that accumulate money, spend money and lend by providing loans.

Business- a business that generates income or provides other benefits.

Currency - banknotes of foreign states and credit means of circulation and payment, expressed in foreign monetary units.

Income- the amount of money received for a certain period. The income left after paying taxes is called disposable income.

Investment- a long-term investment of money in an enterprise, firm, business in order to generate income.

Credit - a loan in cash or commodity form on terms of repayment and, usually, with the payment of interest. There are guaranteed, blank, long and short-term, consumer loans.

Accumulation- the process of capital investment, increase in fixed capital.

The consequence of savings is the expansion of production, economic growth.

Consumption- household spending on goods and services. The structure of consumption depends on the size of income.

Profit- a general indicator of the activity of the enterprise. Profit is equal to the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products and production costs.

Securities - commercial documents that generate income for their owner, as well as certifying the ownership of assets. The main types of securities are stocks, bonds, mortgages.

Surplus - When income exceeds expenses.

deficit When expenses exceed income.

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